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“The Theory of

Everything”"An Exceptionally Simple

Theory of Everything" by

Anthony GarrettLisi is also

know as the E8 Theory. This

theory shows the geometry of

space and how things unfold via

gravity, particles and spin within

the coordinates of this grid.

You will see in the next few pages

how this timeless geometry code

demonstrated in numbers, angles,

shapes, forms and ratios; and they

ALL relate.

Geometric symmetries are the

foundation of whole cosmos as in

atoms, snow flakes, pine cones,

flower petals, diamond crystals,

tree branching and nautilus shells.

e8 graph of the Gosset 421 polytope as a 2-dimensional skew orthogonal projection inside Petrie polygon. It is an emulation of the hand drawn original by Peter McMullen -

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Gene Webb’s Notebook

If we add all of the infinite sets of frequencies that are represented

by this pattern we begin to see that the whole is equal to way more

than the sum of the parts. In this case we can see that the whole is

in everything, and everything is in the whole.

Gene Webb/copyright/Feb Cot 2006

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hen each of us realizes that we are bound

together by a unity of purpose, we are

bound together by a bond as powerful as

the forces in the nucleus of an atom.

When we are part of the whole we move together with

symmetry and balance–unity and precision.

We have a common energy with the universe that is

represented in the electromagnetic pulse pattern

(EMP). This pattern gives us a visual image of

something that is in harmony with all things. This

pattern when understood more fully is the form and

shape of things, as well as what makes them function.

Just as light is a medium we see through, it is also

something we see as an entity, a source. It has form

and function. The pattern of this (EMP) is what forms

us, it is present in our DNA. It gives us shape and

dimension, but it is also the energy, which is the

information that moves the shape and dimension.

Energy and matter are just different forms and

functions of the same thing, which can be

demonstrated in this electromagnetic pulse pattern.

L. Shyamal cc-by-sa-2.5


The DNA helix with its major and minor portions are the relationship of 1.618, the Fibonacci sequence.

Gene Webb/copyright/Feb 2012

A rose is a rose And will forever beBut who knows What one may see When one looks at a rose With the greatest of feelings There may be more for those Whose heart does the seeing

By Gene Webb

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If we add the infinite sets of frequencies that are represented by this pattern we

begin to see that the whole is equal to way more than the sum of the parts. In this

case we can see that the whole is in everything, and everything is in the whole.

Perhaps a new way to examine the elusive theory of everything.

The perfect pulse pattern can self replicate in both the macro and the quantum

realm. It is partially represented in mathematical form in the standard model, the

theory of relativity, string theory, and the holographic universe, in the hyperbolic

universe, and others. We have never expanded the relationship of the pulse pattern

to this extent, with radians and proper proportions, vector points with mathematical

references to the fields that are shaping all things, the lines of force which are

morphotropic phase boundaries that move in the midst creating transitions from

one form to another.

The (EMP) pattern may be telling us about portals in the universe for regeneration,

perhaps dimensions of our mind and soul that have a oneness with this universe we

are perceiving.

There is a wholeness, the ultimate oneness of the universe associated with this

pattern. When we expand this conceptual level of possibility thinking, we

allow science and philosophy to blend, allowing metaphysics and

physics to share the paradigm.

What we want is already inside each of us; it is that

part of the universe that we have found and

unfolded. When you see me you are seeing the part

of the universe that unfolds to make me who I am.

Using the EMP pattern I can explore my inner

universe as well as the outer universe in the same

way the EMP is a model for exploring science.

When I have an idea unfolded and you have an idea

unfolded and we share, we each have two ideas.

From the idea of origami, once can take the basic square and unfold many creations.

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What does it mean to be in

the fold?

How are we formed out of geometry?

This is Gene unraveling the mystery of how things unfolded

out of a square into the fold. This is the dimension where thing

begin to take form. From this single idea many patterns

unfold. This is the concept of ONEness. From this

demonstration one can see the many faces and the geometric

nature of our universe.

Origami is the real art-form.

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As we expand our sharing and combine ideas with others the exponential growth

pattern goes beyond the limits of the mathematical constant e (Euler's number

approximately equal to 2.71828). Because ideas are not governed by this

probability theory, ideas will take us to knowing all things, where we become

complete. Ideas are often called enlightenment. This enlightenment bears a

resemblance to the Source of light, yet light is only a small portion of the

electromagnetic spectrum.

It is an infinite set with many others infinite sets to make the whole, which is more

than the sum of the parts. Using the phenomenon of predictability it gives us

evidence that we “see” to find the unseen. Each of us is a light unto the world and

we need a medium for expressing our ideas. The light on a hill that cannot be

hidden may be seen by others to enlighten them. When we add our lights together

it becomes brighter and brighter. We must remember, however, that light is only a

portion of the total EMP enlightenment.

When we understand something new it is important to understand the language in

which it is written. Galileo Galilei in his 1623 credo says, “Philosophy is

written in this grand book –I mean the universe—which stands

continuously open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood

unless one first learns to comprehend the language in which it

is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its'

characters are triangles, circles and other geometric figures,

without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single

word of it, without these, one is wandering about a dark


The EMP pattern has a language with many facets. When used as an over-lay for

the platonic solids it matches points in 2d form. In spherical form it gives direction

as an energy field would to create a shape. The key is knowing where to start and

which part of the EMP pattern to use, i.e. the numbers or the field lines or both.

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Public DomainStanwhite607/domain public

This becomes the code that is given to everything that takes form or shape.

From Gene’s Notebook

Gene Webb/copyright/Feb 2012

GNU Free Document

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Like any master plan it must have a builder and a frame in which to unfold the plan. But unlike

"An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything" I see this pattern as an Electro-Magnetic Pulse

(EMP) which pushes the gravitational field. This EMP pattern also shows the nature of spin; add

frequencies and you bring form to structure. Where two opposing forces mesh, like hot and cold

air, electric and magnetic forces converge to create spin - i.e. vortexes like tornadoes! This

intelligence is inherent in all nature which is electric and magnetic by design. This EMP pattern

forms the atoms of each new element, from the molecules, which are visible from the cells of your

body, to a pinecone, to the galaxy. Each nodal point is like a light switch illuminating a


This is where the concept of fractals, the flower of life and dimensions come in. Life unfolds rom

this single idea that self replicates. It stands to reason we will all get our light and juice from the


The Master Designer’s white light contains all colors, which

reveal its oneness, yet rich with spiraling and ascending

spectrum. We too often get fixated on one view or hue by

compartmentalizing; it is like living in only one room. Great

thinkers and innovators are divergent thinkers, as they see

the whole.

White light contains all colors in its ONEness.

8 Spirals going right 13 Spirals going left

The interaction between matter and forces is described by a trilinear map involving two spinors and one vector. This map is often drawn as a Feynman diagram/wikipedia

To me it looks like a coil with 2 antennas with which to send and receive information. Where two opposing forces mesh, like hot and cold air, electric and magnetic forces converge to create spin - i.e. vortexes like tornadoes! Also, spin is what distinguishes life from no-life!

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From a Single Idea,

that Self Replicates,

a Perfect Pattern Emerges

and Life is Formed.

Cell Division

T h e f l o w e r o f l i f e

conta ins a l l w isdom

found in the universe; all

the vibrations of matter,

light, sound, thought,

emotions, spirit and soul

lie within this geometric

structure. -Ivan Rados

In order to build an atomic structure we need to blend the atomic fields. For example, we place

55 atoms of copper, iron, and nickel, etc., in the proper order to get a pentagon crystal. By

matching the frequencies of each atom, we can begin to create other elements and be able to

sustain them by properly combining each field with the Master Field, (EMP Electric Magnetic

Pulse Pattern) which is also the basis of each atom’s field and the particles that make them.

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EMP is also the energy itself as well as the shape of the energy. Since we are a part of the

universe, and perhaps have the whole universe encapsulated, folded into us, we have a

connection to this geometric design. The proportions of the human body that match the

proportions of nature in the Golden ratio of 1.618, match the EMP as well. As we begin to

unfold the universe of who we are, we sense we have a lot in common with some designs

that are more attractive to us, and we are drawn to them.

I am an expression of the creation in all ways, I am life which begets

life. I am an eternity that has sprung from an eternity, and when I join

the Source of eternity I will be complete, capable of replicating all

intelligence and eternity over and over again in one eternal round.

People throughout the ages of time have each experienced

something similar, and for those who have shared their

enlightenment we will be ever grateful.

We see a completed perfect geometry that can relate to all the

numbers, all the geometric shapes and their harmonics, the vibrations

of the universe, the planets, the galaxies and me. We are the

completed spiral of life.

The EMP has a design connection to the molecular structure of water

which sustains life as we know it. The angular structure of the

hydrogen molecules on the oxygen molecule is approximately 105

degrees and is found in the EMP. When it is plotted on a frequency

chart it makes a pattern that equals the rms (.707) of electric

propagation of radiation. It is represented in the tessellation patterns of

the medieval art work.

It works with the manipulation of plasma and plasmons, with pseudospheres, equi-

potentials catinoids to great works of art.

Penrose sun, Tovrsta/GFDL

Gene Webb/copyright/Feb 2012

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Sheikh-Lotf-Allah mosque wall and ceiling CC 3.0

Penrose sun, Tovrsta/GFDL

From Gene’s Notebook

  In the language of the universe

that speaks in geometric form we

c a n s e e f r o m m e d i e v a l

tessellations that two related

triangles with a common side can

demonstrate a binary system of

infinite proportion. Each infinite set

can be morphed to reveal the

shape of the EMP pattern. The

EMP pattern, with specific vector

points will form an interferometry

pattern  ( f requencies)  of the

elements of the universe  from

micro to macro in one continuous

self-replicating pattern (fractals),

exposing a binary system of

information. This shows evidence

that "information"(intelligence) is

the  substance that creates the

universe. The universe is binary in

nature, male and female joined

together in the creation of all

things.    Gene Webb

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It also replicates what Walter Russell was trying to tell us through his geometric designs. Through

the creator of elements and the electric and magnetic stillness association it represents math of

the ages. It represents the patterns we are a part of; it represents the power of the universe, the

energy fields that hold everything together from portals to new dimensions, the folding and

unfolding as re-giving to sustain life eternally, the infinite One, the un-manifest to the manifest.


Gene Webb’s Note BookRelated Philosophy

n our quest to understand the truth and oneness of all things, we are limited by our perceptions

and we see only what we know. Like the seven blind men, each at a different location on the

elephant giving their description of the elephant from feeling the tail, the trunk, or an ear and

having rather different points of view.


You canʼt take the music box apart to find the music. And you canʼt just play the notes to have the music because the true music comes from the heart. - by Gene Webb

Gene Webb/copyright/Feb 2012

Scalar Interferometry

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Each would argue that the others view was not the correct description of an elephant. With

many cultures, religions and sciences, and many perceptions of God, we may be as the blind

men expressing our point of view from our experience and miss the wholeness of life. We are all

joined together by the elephant, we all have similar wants and needs, we are more alike than we

are different.

Yet the differences are what make us unique as individuals; the differences are what truly make

the whole a beautiful thing. This is not about making everyone the same, but is about

recognizing our oneness with others, with science, and with the Source of all things.

It is about having unity, in purpose and in love. Once we have all the parts joined we can then

see that the elephant is not what any of us thought it was. It is bigger and more powerful than

we may have expected. It is bigger than any of our parts. In fact this oneness when expressed

as a wholeness becomes far more than just equal to the sum of the parts.

You can have all the parts to make a chair, but if they are just lying there in a pile on the floor,

they are just parts and could be used for a number of purposes. When they are put together as

a chair the whole becomes more than being equal to the sum of the parts. It becomes a whole

new form that is capable of doing more than any of the parts themselves. It is held together for a


When each of us realizes that we are bound together by a unity of purpose, we are bound

together by a bond as powerful as the forces in the nucleus of an atom. When we are part of the

whole we move together with symmetry and balance. Even something as big as the elephant

moves with rhythm and precision. The universe moves with unity and precision.

You are a harmonic balance of unity and precision. How beautiful it would be to have humanity

move with such harmony and unity.