Download - UPCOMING EVENTSWeek 2019 7 13 March 2019 Sharing Our … · UPCOMING EVENTSWeek 2019 Term 1 2019 WEEK 7 Fri 15th Mar “Bullying No Way” Day Infants Assembly WEEK 8 Mon 18th Mar

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Term 1 2019 WEEK 7

Fri 15th Mar “Bullying No Way” Day

Infants Assembly


Mon 18th Mar Interrelate

Zone Rugby League

Tues 19th Mar Hunter AFL

Thurs 21st Mar Bookclub Due 12pm

Fri 22nd Mar Primary Assembly


Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences commence

Mon 25th Mar Stage 1- S1P, S1S, S1M & S1H

Tues 26th Mar Stage 2- S2H, S2B, S2S & S2M

Including S3J Wed 27th Mar Hunter Rugby League

Stage 3- S3G, S3B & S3M Thurs 28th Mar Early Stage 1- K/1F, KM & KN

Hunter Soccer

Fri 29th Mar Infants Assembly

Hunter Netball


Mon 1st April P&C Meeting in Library 6pm

Tues 2nd April Zone Touch

Wed 3rd April PaTCH Induction 2-3pm

Fri 5th April Tawny Assembly 9.30am

Easter Hat Parade 12pm

Pedlars Parade 1pm

Classic Shield Rugby League


Mon 8th April Parent Info Evening- Literacy 6-7pm

Tues 9th April KSPS Cross Country

Wed 10th April Whole School Easter Scripture

Fri 12th April Infants Assembly

2019 Dates to put in your Calendar:

ANZAC School Service 30th April

KSPS Cracker Night: 31st May

School Photos: 4th June

Star Struck: 12th, 13th & 14th June

S3 Goldfields Excursion: 18th-20th September

Week 7 – 13th March 2019 Sharing Our News

Our KSPS school leaders took part in the Halogen National

Leaders Conference held in Sydney on Monday. It was a

fantastic day and our leaders came back inspired from talking

with other leaders from across our region and the state. This was

a wonderful opportunity for our leaders to listen to international

speakers and sports people. A huge thanks to Mr Lindsell for

taking the time to drive our leaders to and from the conference.

All ATSI parents are invited to our Personalised Learning Plan

breakfast to be held in the hall from 8.15am on Thursday

morning. Teachers and students will bring wonderful ideas for

goals in relation to the students learning and culture. We look

forward to a great attendance.

This Friday our school will be supporting the "Bullying No Way"

day. This is a time for students to discuss the impact of bullying

and have empathy towards the victims. All students will be

provided with strategies to overcome such acts. Our school

provides our students with a number of different coping strategies

to help students deal with bullies including the Rock and Water

program and Positive Behaviour for Learning. This week's topic is

"Keeping Me to Me." All of our learning opportunities will be

placed on our Facebook page and App.

As a courtesy, it is important that parents do not park in our

neighbour’s driveways at any time during the day. The school has

had many complaints re KSPS parents parking in driveways of

our neighbours. We understand the difficulty in parking, however

our neighbours have a right to access their own driveways. It is

also important that footpaths are kept clear. We thank you in

advance for your consideration and support in this manner.

Just a reminder that school starts at 9.10am. All rolls will be

marked at this time and submitted. Any student who enters the

school after this time must be signed in by a parent at the front

office. I would like to thank you for your assistance.

Jonathan Russell Principal



Monday morning 8.30 – 9.30am

Thursday morning 8.30 – 9.30am

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Order your child’s birthday cupcakes from our

canteen for $25 per class. Please notify and pay

3 days in advance.


Re-usable Lunch Order Bags $13.50 each.

Available in Pink, Grey, Yellow and Red.


Term 1 2019

Week 7


15/3/19 Amy

Week 8

18/3/19 Lauren




22/3/19 Fiona


Monday 8.30am – 9.30am

Thursday 8.30am – 9.30am

(Please see office staff outside these hours)

King Street is an Allergy Aware School

This is a reminder for all families that some of our

students have serious reactions to products

containing nuts and fish.

We ask that you please do not send foods or

containers to school that contain nut or fish

products. This includes nutella and peanut

butter spread.

Wellbeing of Students Valued

Please be aware that we have two immune-

suppressed students at our school.

If your child develops a contagious disease, please

let the school know ASAP so we can act


Please Respect our Neighbours

We would like to request that all families dropping off

or picking up students from school please refrain

from parking in driveways of those houses around

our school, both in Sussex and King Streets and

adjacent roadways.

We highly value our neighbours and ask that their

ability to enter or leave their homes is not restricted

at any time.

Please be KIND and SUPPORTIVE to all, especially

those in our surrounding community.

Changes to Roll Marking Procedure

All rolls will now be marked in the quad by

classroom teachers at 9.10am when the bell sounds.

We would like to remind all parents/carers that the

starting time for school is 9.10am and students are

required to be present at this time. If they arrive after

this time this will be deemed a late arrival.

In this case, it is a requirement that a

parent/carer accompany them to the office where

they will be marked late. Students are not able to

sign themselves in.

We thank you for your support.

Jonathan Russell Principal

Literacy Evening for Parents

On Monday 8th April, we will be holding a Parent

Information Evening in our school library from 6-7pm

on literacy for Infants and Primary students.

This is an information session to help parents

understand our literacy programs within our classes

and how to help your child at home.

For more information, please contact us through the


Wendy Tan & Michele Keith

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National Young Leaders Day

On Monday, our School Captains joined thousands

of other student leaders from all over NSW at the

National Young Leaders Day at the International

Convention Centre in Darling Harbour. We heard

inspiring speakers including Tim Diamond (Cotton

On Foundation), Tamsim Janu (Author), Cate

Campbell (Olympian) and Holly Ferling (Cricketer).

Something I really liked about it was Holly Ferling's

quote - "embrace the scary, but exciting!". Abby

I was inspired by Tim Diamond's foundation raising

$90 million to help communities in Africa. Baxter

I was really impressed with Cate Campbell's

inspiring speech and all the hard work she had to

put in to achieve her Olympic gold medal. Brandon

I like hearing from the Author Tamsin, I learnt the

importance of stepping out of your comfort zone to

learn new things. Alissa


It’s not too late! There are still positions available in

our KSPS School Concert Band. You don’t have to

buy an instrument, maybe rent (for 6 months) to see

how they go? Most of the rental money paid will

come off purchase price.

If your child would like to be a part of our fabulous

Concert Band Please phone Howard Ward



[email protected]

Kindergarten 2020 Enrolments Being Taken


We would like to invite all parents with children who

will begin school next year to please contact our

office with your details. Similarly, if you have family,

friends or neighbours with children commencing in

2020 please encourage them to do the same.

A Kindergarten 2020 Information Evening will be

held on August 20th. We invite all parents/carers to


We are very happy to offer our Kindergarten

Transition Program again this year.

The 2020 Kindergarten Transition Program will run

for 8 weeks commencing on Thursday, 5th

September and conclude on Thursday 7th

November. As with previous years, children will

attend each Thursday during this time and have the

opportunity to meet our staff and the children they

will be starting school with, while becoming familiar

with our school environment.

If you have any questions about the Transition

Program, Information Evening or starting school in

general, please do not hesitate to contact our school


Old Mobile Phone Donations

Over the coming terms, we would like to start using

mobile phone apps in our Science lessons. These

apps mostly come with the phones and would be a

great addition to our investigations. We would enjoy

using the timers, protractors, taking videos or photos

of investigations to further our learning.

If anyone has an old smart phone that they would

like to donate, they would be greatly appreciated.

Phones will need to be reset or wiped back to their

basic apps (I am able to do this if need be). Please

drop them into the office and I can collect them from


Thank you for your help and support of our students


Miss Hutchinson

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Vegetable Garden Donation

Our EWOKS would like to say thank you to the

Barnett family for the generous donation of hay for

their flourishing vegetable garden.

ATSI PLP Breakfast

Tomorrow’s breakfast will be held at 8.30am in the

hall for a yarn about ATSI Students PLP (Personal

Learning Plans). The School will provide breakfast.

We are keen to meet as many people as possible

and chat about the academic success and wellbeing

of your children.

Pauline Mitchell

Aboriginal Education Officer

Donations Needed for Easter & Mother’s Day

Easter Raffle

The KSPS P&C organise a monster Easter Egg

Raffle every year which is drawn at the Easter Hat

Parade. To make this a success we are asking

families for donations of Easter Eggs to add to the

prize haul. All donations however big or small are

greatly appreciated and can be left at the office.

Mother’s Day Stall

Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May which

means we will be holding our Mother’s Day Stall in

Week 2 of Term 2. Any donations (new items only)

will be greatly appreciated!

These activities cannot be a success without the

generous support of our families.

Thank you,

P&C Fundraising Committee

Parent/Teacher Interviews

This year we will be holding Parent/Teacher/Student

Interviews in Week 9. Our format is changing slightly

this year to include students in this meeting. The

meetings will be learning goal based and a great

opportunity to show students that their success at

school is indeed a team effort involving themselves,

their parents and their teacher.

Notes have been sent home to request interview

times. We encourage you to return these as quickly

as possible to secure a time that suits. Your children

will come to the library in time to join your meeting.

Stage 1 Mon, 25th March Stage 1P

Stage 1S

Stage 1M

Stage 1H

Stage 2 Tues, 26th March Stage 2H

Stage 2B

Stage 2S

Stage 2M


Stage 3 Wed, 27th March Stage 3G

Stage 3M

Stage 3B

Early Stage 1 + K/1F

Thurs, 28th March KN



Character Strengths Survey

An exciting initiative over the last 12 months at King

Street has been the implementation of Visible

Wellbeing lessons for our students. These lessons

involve exploring individual strengths. Part of these

lessons involve students undertaking a ‘character

strengths survey' in class.

You can find this survey at


Please feel free to have a look at the survey and

we invite you to do it yourself! Not only is it a useful

tool for self-awareness, it is a great way to start

communication with your child regarding the lessons

they are participating in in the classroom.

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Watch this Space !

We are inviting aspiring artists to add their art on our walls.

We at Wanderers Hub Business Centre 0265 724 162,

have now hosted our first Art Exhibition for 2019 showcasing several Artists. Our event has been

warmly welcomed into our community. The overwhelming success leads Wanderers Hub Business Centre to be on the lookout for fresh new Artists to hang their art work and

to participate in our upcoming Exhibition. If you know of anybody or maybe it is yourself, give us a call to discuss

this opportunity.

We look forward to meeting new and interesting artists willing to share in our community.

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Join us to say “Bullying. No Way! “Taken action every day”- Friday 15th March.

On Friday 15th March, 2019, our school will stand together against bullying violence to celebrate the National Day of

Action against Bullying and violence (NDA).

The NDA is Australia’s key anti-bullying event for schools. It is a positive day of action which strengthens our

everyday message here at King Street Public School that bullying and violence have no place.

At our school we have a range of programs in place to address bullying, including our Anti Bullying Policy. On Friday

15th March classes will be looking at ways to stop bullying, the impact that bullying has on people and what

strategies to use when they see bullying of others. Each student will receive a wrist band to show that they support

the day of action against bullying and violence along with a pocket card with tips for students. Parents/caregivers will

receive a pocket card to support you and your child.

The National Day of Action gives us the opportunity to teach students, staff and parents to work together as a

community ( parents, teachers, staff and students) to talk about bullying and finding workable solutions together to

address it.

Parents and carers are encouraged to visit the Bullying No Way! Website ( for advice and

useful information.

The National Day of Action is about bringing our community together and to recognise the importance of standing

together to say Bullying. No Way!

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