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Strategic Planning course study paper Instructor: Jarmila Husenicova


University of Zawia Strategic Plan

Dr. Wesam Rohouma e-mail: [email protected]

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1. Summery

This study paper is a document written by the guidance of Prof. Jarmila Husenicova

from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, under the UNIGOV project.

The purpose of this document is to develop long term and short term plan for the

university of Zawia in one area which is the Education area.

Further areas could be written in the future to develop complete plan for the


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Table of Contents 1. Summery ....................................................................................................... 1

2. Background ................................................................................................... 3

3. Mission.......................................................................................................... 4

4. Vision ............................................................................................................ 4

5. Strategic Objectives: ..................................................................................... 4

6. Values ........................................................................................................... 6

7. Long-term strategy ( Area 1: Education ) ....................................................... 7

7.1 General objective ..................................................................................... 7

7.2 Specific objectives ( Instruments ) ............................................................ 7

7.3 Indicators .................................................................................................. 8

8. SHORT - TERM ACTION PLAN ( Area 1: Education ) ...................................... 9

8.1 Improve the quality of the programs by accreditation. ............................. 9

8.2 Continues professional development and lifelong learning for students

and staff skills development. .......................................................................... 10

8.3 Increase the number of bilateral mobility for students and staff. ........... 11

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2. Background

University of Zawia was constructed in 1988. This university include 32 faculties

and 29 campuses spread in 9 cities and towns. ZU provides a bachelor programs

in Sports, Engineering, Arts, Science, Economics and Political Science, Education,

Medical Technology, Dental, Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursery, Law and Natural

Resources and Information Technology. ZU has (52000) undergraduate students

and (1800) postgraduate students, with (3300) faculty members and (3400) non-

academic staff, and three general educational hospitals located in three cities

(Zawia- Surman- Sabrata). ZU is a member of Arabic, Islamic and African

Universities Associations. In addition, different master programmes are provided

in Science, Art and Education, Economics, Law, Engineering.

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3. Mission

Providing quality education, and contributes to the advancement of society

through research and continuous development of human resources.

4. Vision

Excellence in delivering high quality education

5. Strategic Objectives:

Areas of Sstrategic objectives

1- Excellence in Education

2- Excellence in Research

3-knowledge transfer to the society

4 - Human Resources

5 - Finance

6 - Facilities

7 – Admin

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Areas of Strategic



Excelent Education


in Research

3-knowledge transfer to the society

4 -

Human Resources

5 -


6 -


7 –


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6. Values

Quality education


Transparency Integrity

Lifelong kearning

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7. Long-term strategy ( Area 1: Education )

7.1 General objective

To provide quality, internationally recognized education that serve local and

international labor market to contribute to the social and economic development

of the country.

7.2 Specific objectives ( Instruments )

1. Improve the quality of the programs by accreditation.

2. Establish center for continues professional development and lifelong

learning for students and staff skills development.

3. Increase the number of bilateral mobility for students and staff.

4. Enhance the culture of peace, diversity and harmony between staff members

and students.

5. Building the skills of the students to meet the 21-century job requirement and

meet local and international labor market demand.

6. To continually review and develop the curricula to improve graduate quality.

7. Create center for research excellence that provide

8. Create E-learning center that enhance the education quality and promote

lifelong learning.

9. Participate in the development of the primary and secondary education in the


10. Development the skills of the head of the departments and head of programs

in management skills to improve the operation of the departments

11. Enhance the use of IT in the education process

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12. Enhance the use of IT in departments and faculty management process.

7.3 Indicators

1. Satisfaction of students

2. No. of staff that attend traininf each year

3. No. of Acredited programs

4. No. of research peper per faculty

5. No. of E-learning courses

6. No. of activities that target basic education, primary and secondry schools.

7. No. of students and staff mobility ( in and out ).

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8. SHORT - TERM ACTION PLAN ( Area 1: Education )

8.1 Improve the quality of the programs by accreditation.

8.1.1 Establish review committee at department level to study and review the curricula

for each program

8.1.2 Host workshop with local companies at department level to define the graduate

attribute (knowledge and skills) that required by local companies

8.1.3 Review the current curricula if it is meet the graduate attribute defined by the

local companies and the international market needs.

8.1.4 Link the departments and faculties with international partners to start the

accreditation process

8.1.5 Establish committee at faculty level that has the skills and knowledge of


8.1.6 Awareness campaign that promote the prize of rector for excellence. This prize

will be given to departments that their programs are accredited.

8.1.7 Train of trainers on quality system and accreditation 3 from each department per


8.1.8 Run training courses on department level each month for staff member’s

awareness on accreditation.

8.1.9 The faculty accreditation committee sends quarterly report to vice rector as an

update of the accreditation plan.

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8.2 Continues professional development and lifelong learning for

students and staff skills development.

8.2.1 Establish a center for continues professional development and lifelong learning

8.2.2 Training of trainers from staff members to be trainers

8.2.3 Select the best trainers

8.2.4 Develop training materials in ( management and leadership, Entrepreneurs, Soft

skills, Teaching and learning, Research )

8.2.5 Develop motivation criteria to staff and student to encourage them to attend the


8.2.6 Develop training plan and disseminate it.

8.2.7 Deliver the training courses each month according to the plan

8.2.8 Evaluate the courses and participant satisfaction

8.2.9 Continusly develop and improve the process of training

8.2.10 Provide training to local institutions and support them

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8.3 Increase the number of bilateral mobility for students and


8.3.1 Develop international cooperation office plan with funds for mobility

8.3.2 Approve the plan from the university

8.3.3 Contact international partners to facilitate mobility for students and staff

8.3.4 Sign and agreements between the institutions.

8.3.5 Develop an action plan to activate the agreement

8.3.6 Advert the available mobility opportunity in the University website and other

available media.

8.3.7 Sign interinstitutional agreements for mobility (Erasmus+)

8.3.8 Advert the available oprtunity in the university website and other media

8.3.9 Arrange all the documents

8.3.10 Guide the students and staff and support them

8.3.11 Facilitate visa and travel process

8.3.12 Host internationalization awareness campaign for staff and students to

disseminate the activities of the International cooperation oofice.

8.3.13 Develop mobility guideline to help students and staff

8.3.14 Follow up the students and staff during their mobility