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University of Technology EindhovenFinal Bachelor ReportBy: Flavia van TilburgStudent number: 0936856 / S144400Coach: Erik van der Spek E-mail: [email protected]: September 2018 - January 2019

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Executive SummaryThe current vision on mathematical education within primary schools is changing from a more traditional approach to a realistic approach (Profi-leren, 2013). However, how realistic can math be when all that is presented is 2-dimensional and in your book? Children have a hard time understanding these abstract questions posed by the methodologies. They lack the means to transform such a question to a small story which they are capable of solving.

One would reckon this ability should be taught by the methodologies themselves. But due to limited time frames and other priorities, too little attention is brought to real life situations. Through literature and field research mathematical education within primary schools was explored and opportunities were found. Via interviews with the pupils and teachers new insights were brought to light and ideas were generated. Verbindend Rekenen developed.

Verbindend Rekenen is a concept consisting of an application for pupils having trouble with math and a dynamic platform for teachers to keep track. When scanning the arithmetic book with a mobile device, the application generates an augmented reality world portraying the question posed by the book. This question is treated in two manners. Starting with a concrete variant presenting known concepts such as money and water. Thereafter, bridging the gap between concrete and abstract by a representational phase illustrating known figures such as cubes, pillars and rectangles. All of this is presented in a 3-dimensional format. Finally, collaboration between pupils is stimulated through internal help requests.

During the evaluation sessions it was found that the posed questions became more understandable once seen through the eyes of Verbindend Rekenen. Increased abilities to answer questions were noticed. Building long-lasting knowledge is a matter of time and profound use of the application. Sometimes the limited abilities of the technology caused disruptions and took away time spend on math. In order to establish the real effect Verbindend Rekenen can have on the subject of math. Verbindend Rekenen should become available for every math lesson. Long-lasting research should be conducted to investigate the contribution it has to the knowledge of pupils in primary school.


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IndexExecutive Summary 1Prologue 3Introduction 4Positioning & Research 5 Related Literature 5 Related Products 7 Related Technology 8Design Process 9 Introduction of the School 9 Observation 9 Initial Try-Out and Interview 9 Iteration One 10 Iteration Two 11Final Concept 13 A Quick Overview 13 The Application 13 The Collaborative Aspect 15 A Dynamic Teacher Platform 16Future Opportunities 17 The Technological Opportunities 17 A Business Perspective 17Discussion 20Conclusion 21References 22Appendices 25


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PrologueThe interplay between product and person is fascinating to say the least. Why and how we handle products in a specific manner, what reaction is provoked (humanly speaking and technologically speaking). However, our society is slowly losing sight of the unique sensibilities our bodies are capable of and turning into a ‘techdependent’ civilization.

I aim to create concepts that include humans and technology. Technology that absorbs users but at the same time contributes to their development. And aren’t children then the best target group? This new generation of people is growing up with technology all around them but has not developed any prejudices yet. They are moldable into a new group of society independent of technology but capable of realizing the enormous advantages it can bring.

As the focus of the squad Play and Learn is on education and children I found the freedom to implement my vision here. This XR Mathematical project was offered by the squad and provided me with the exact challenges I was willing to conquer: working on the relationship between product and person and developing myself in a relatively new area of technology.

Figure 1: Interplay between pupil and mobile.


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IntroductionThe big push of technology is found almost everywhere. Multiple new technological concepts sprout every day resulting in the rise of questions about the attributed value of technology. In education especially, two sides are created. Some doubt whether the use of technological devices improve education while others claim the benefits of technology cannot be ignored (Lucassen, 2017). To my opinion, technology can definitely bring a lot to education, if implemented properly. The dangers posed by Lucassen (2017) about distraction and individualism are two obvious and often cited threats. However, both can be overcome if dealt with adequately. Distraction is a matter of providing pupils with a limited availability to technology. Individualism is something which can be tackled through the applications made for studying and building knowledge. Some great positive effects of the technology push in education are an increase in motivation and a boost in the efficiency and quality of the delivered work (Heinrich, 2012).

In my Final Bachelor Project I worked on the proper integration of technology into education. Finding the right balance between the advantages technology can bring but ensuring it will not come at cost of the education taught. I combined the individualistic approach that mobile phones often bring with a collaborative aspect which pupils can consult to further elaborate on their knowledge. The teacher is actively stimulated to participate in the process by a generative platform advising on possible difficulties the children encounter.

This report consist out of several chapters starting with the discussion of several literature works and related products. After this the design process is described and divided into various mini chapters. In the first mini chapter the observation and interviews with teachers and pupils are considered. Thereafter, the iterations are dealt with in consecutive order. Finally, in the next chapter the full concept with all its aspects is discussed. A next chapter deals with future implementations on the side of business and technology. In the end this report is completed with a discussion and conclusion.

In all chapters I tried to compile the most important information and decisions made. Anything that is dealt with but not elaborated on can be found in the appendices which are all the way at the end.


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Positioning & ResearchVerbindend Rekenen focuses on mathematical education in primary schools. This section dives into the literature concerning all aspects of Verbindend Rekenen as well as provides an overview of some already existing products in the mathematical world for primary education.

Related LiteratureWithin this section all literature concerning the aspects of the concept is treated. First a brief introduction is given on the current vision on mathematics. Then the present view on technology within a classroom is included. Thereafter, the literature behind the elements of Verbindend Rekenen is provided.

Mathematical EducationSo far, there are two indicated approaches to mathematics. Either traditional mathematics or realistic mathematics.

Traditional mathematics is the oldest approach and is purely about answering the question. Pupils will learn a certain trick for answering each question but will not understand the magnitude of the numbers they are doing the calculations with (Profi-leren, 2013).

The realistic approach focuses on understanding the calculations a pupil is performing. It is about creating insights in making pupils capable of answering a question without the trick (Profi-leren, 2013).

Nowadays the realistic approach is used more often. However, due to time restrictions, an elaborate

concrete phase for learning is still unpresent.

Technological Learning EnvironmentA lot of research has been conducted on the functionality of mobile devices within classrooms The increased affordability and functionality of devices explains why it is so attractive to use mobile devices in education (Kinash et al., 2012). The usage of mobile devices within classrooms promotes the sharing of knowledge between pupils and creates social interactions (Suanpang, 2012). Furió et al. (2015) claim that due to mobile technology, pupils gain the opportunity to explore topics from a variety of perspectives. Furthermore, results showed that pupils are better engaged when learning through mobile devices (Lu et al, 2014) and it has been found that mobile technology can generate autonomous learning (Gerger, 2014).

A personal elaboration will follow concerning some concept decisions I have made.

Effective CollaborationCollaborative learning provides pupils with the change to engage with others on an educational level and social level simultaneously, resulting in a deeper understanding and higher motivation (Phon, Ali & Halim, 2014). They can work together towards a common goal.

Students have reported that active exchange of knowledge during collaborative learning have encouraged them to achieve higher levels of learning efficiency, engagement and enjoyment (Phon, Ali & Halim, 2014).


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Furthermore, the use of an external technological learning devices decreases the potential for learning. The notion of extraneous cognitive load occurs when activities use the resources of ones working memory. External technological devices present the instructions at another location than where the learner is supposed to direct attention to. This creates the notion of split attention: dividing the learners attention since it requires the learner to connect points from multiple sources together. This increases the cognitive load and therefore decreases the working memory capacity (Bujak et al., 2013). Studies show that cognitive load in AR environments can be less then when learning in a computer-based environment (Tang, Owen, Biocca, & Mou, 2003, p.73). As I do not want to distract the pupils too much from their initial math but want to create an aiding concept which merely uses the AR as a tool for further explanation and not as a leading system, this proves to be a very valid point for me. More assurance for this decision comes from Azuma (1997) and Martin-Gutierrez et al. (2010) which both state that AR is very different from a virtual reality as it plays a supplemental role rather than a replacement of reality.

The Concept of Concreteness FadingConcreteness fading is the concept of transition from concrete to abstract. The concept states that these transitions should be a guided process through multiple external representations and was first introduced by Bruner’s Model of Representation (Bruner, 1966). The model is also better known as the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach. Bruner postulated the sequence for an optimum learning progression in three modes: enactive (environmental interaction), iconic (visualization), and symbolic (language). In order for these three distinct modes to aid knowledge, the intermediate representational mode should explicitly link features of the concrete and abstract stages (Fyfe et al., 2014).

This underlines the importance of collaborative learning and is essential literature to the collaborative aspect of Verbindend Rekenen.

Added Value of Augmented RealityAugmented Reality (AR) holds lots of opportunities for enhancing students learning. However, many features of AR may not be unique to it and are also found in other technological systems and learning environments. But research has indicated that AR systems and environments could help learners develop skills and knowledge that can be learned in other technology-enhanced learning environments but in a more effective way (El Sayed, Zayed & Sharawy, 2011). Also, AR does have some unique affordances.

First of all, AR can be seen as the bridge between the virtual world and the real world. Some would also call it a mixed reality. By combining both physical and virtual objects in one space if can attain to the strength of both. Physical objects afford certain actions based on their shapes and offer immediate kinesthetic feedback. Virtual objects can include additional instructional information built right into them (Bujak et al., 2013). This coexistence of virtual objects and the real environments allows learners to visualize complex spatial relationships and abstract concepts (Arvanitis et al., 2007). This is the first reason why I need AR. In order to help pupils understand math without the need of a teacher, I need to create a spatial, concrete representation of an abstract question. By placing this new representation within their own world, I hope to ensure a certain level of familiarity. If a separate technological system would be used, there is nothing that relates the representation to the real world. Even though this will still explain the question in a comprehensible way, the lack of relation to the real world makes it less rememberable and help is again required in the next question. Figure 2: An overload of collaborative learning.


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Within the AR environment that is created, one might think the first enactive step might not be properly realizable. But, research suggests that pupils may not need the direct, physical interaction suggested by Bruner. Bodily gestures may influence the cognitive simulation even more than the actions they signify (Goldin-Meadow & Beilock, 2010). Next to this, pupils can spend as much time as needed to understand the different modes. Some children might need to spend longer in one stage than the other or must go back a step every once in a while.

Even though many mathematical methods make use of concrete and abstract questions. There are no explicitly designed tools for bridging the gap from concrete to abstract. Within Verbindend Rekenen, it is the use of a stepwise process which poses an abstract question stated by the method into both a concrete and pictorial/representational way. Allowing for gradual change and structured adaptation to abstract math questions.

Related ProductsNext to the greatly available literature concerning mathematical education, quite some methodologies and products have been created as well. In this section four products which are somehow related to Verbindend Rekenen are discussed.

Wereld in GetallenWereld in Getallen is a math methodology used by many primary schools in The Netherlands. It makes use of both a book as well as a digital environment. This digital environment is only available for the teacher to show to the pupils. They cannot work within this environment. Within the book it uses a structure of blocks, weeks and lessons. The method uses the teacher to determine where extra attention to the subject-matter is needed and provides children with the opportunity to work on separate tasks. These tasks can be done when a pupil is either

fast or slow with the current lesson in the book. Finally it uses the 21st century skills defined by SLO (Malmberg, n.d).

Getal en Ruimte JuniorGetal en Ruimte uses a different approach as is deals with one subject-matter per week. Pupils can deal with this on their own pace and repeat steps often. Again, this methodology tries to adhere to the 21st century skills. Specifically creativity and flexibility. Each block of subject ends with two tests, one which asks merely for math skills and the other putting it more in context. The methodology is now only available on paper but will most likely become available in a digital variant as well in the coming school year (2019/2020). This digital variant will not differ from the paper variant (Noordhoff Uitgevers, n.d.).

Alien Contact!Alien Contact! Is a mobile AR game which support pupils on multiple facets of learning. The game focuses on middle and high school math, language, arts and scientific literacy skills. Pupils all have a handheld and form groups to collaborate and investigate the alien invasion. Each group member has a different role to play in the game, being either a chemist, cryptologist, hacker or FBI agent (Dunleavy, Dede & Mitchell, 2009).

Smart BlocksSmart Blocks is an augmented mathematical manipulative. The main idea is that it allows pupils to explore and work with the ideas of volume and surface area. All of this done in 3-dimensional objects. It exists of multiple cubes which can be connected in every way. The shape that is created is recognized by a system which then calculates volume and surface area. These measurements are given as feedback to the pupil. In this way, pupils will gain a better understanding of the concepts of

Figure 4: Smart Blocks.

Figure 3: Alien Contact!


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volumes and surface areas (Girouard et al., 2007).

Related TechnologyThere are quite some programs providing one with the change to create an AR game. Within this section we will discuss a few.

UnityUnity is a so called cross-platform game-engine. It can create games for pc’s, consoles, mobile devices and websites. Within Unity there are many opportunities for creating games. It is specialized for 3-dimensional games but (when combined with Vuforia) works great for AR gaming (Unity, n.d.).

Vuforia Vuforia was already mentioned above, Vuforia Engine is used within Unity to create AR apps. It offers object recognition and can detect images, models and environments. Furthermore, it is supported on mobile devices, tablets and headsets (Vuforia, n.d.).

ARKitThis is a system which can be used by any Apple user with an iOS 11. One can create augmented reality experiences for both the iPhone and iPad (G2Crowd, n.d.).

ARCoreThis is a platform for design and deployment of augmented reality. It is created by Google as a response to ARKit but supports both Android as iOS. The most important capabilities are motion tracking, environmental understanding and light estimation (ThinkMobiles, 2018).

EasyAR This is an alternative to Vuforia. It supports 3-dimensional object recognition, environment perception, cloud recognition, smart glass solution and app cloud packaging (ThinkMobiles, 2018).

After a short reflection on the possibilities for game development it was chosen to work with Unity and Vuforia. Since the integration of Vuforia is extremely easy (to the point of pushing a button), this was deemed the easiest and fastest way. Furthermore, the amount of tutorials for Unity available on the internet steered me towards the use this platform.

PositioningAll of the above combining, Verbindend Rekenen can fill the gap of the methodologies used by primary schools right now. There are many favorable arguments for the use of mobile devices, AR and concreteness fading within education. Verbindend Rekenen can be the bridging gap between the acquirement of concrete knowledge and the solving of abstract mathematical problems.

Figure 5: The Unity Platform.


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Design ProcessThis section described the design process Verbinden Rekenen has gone through. The observations, interviews and all iterations will be described to the fullest extend and design decisions will be marked. Everything here is described consecutively thus starting with the observations and ending with the final concept and the validation of this concept.

Introduction of the SchoolFor this project a collaboration with OBS De Blaak in Tilburg was established. They did not come with an initial problem statement but after being approached, they acknowledges their interest XR learning for mathematics. I had the chance to work together with the 8th grade of this school. Most of my work and decisions are based on conversations with the children in this class and the teacher of this class.

ObservationDuring the observation the focus was partly on the already established use of technology within the classroom and partly on the way of math education provided. The class already uses a smartboard for explanations and lecture materials. Apart from that, they have 3 computers in their classroom which remained unused during the course of the math lecture. For the mathlesson they used a regular book, a small booklet to write their answers in and scrap paper. All of which they had displayed on their table. Next to that they have answer booklets, a separate workbook and a special booklet for when they need some extra practice. These can all be taken out when needed. As one can imagine, when having all those booklets on your table, adding an extra device on a Figure 6: Classroom at OBS De Blaak.

table means a very crowded place.

Furthermore, each math lesson started with a group explanation for the entire class. This was the moment everybody payed attention. After this first explanation the group divided into pupils working for themselves and pupils in need of extra explanation. The final explanation was provided to the children in need of this and thereafter each pupil was set to work on his/her own.

Something quickly noticeable was the amount of hands raised to ask questions, making it impossible for the teacher to help each pupil individually. This marked my first important observation and put me in the direction of individualized help.

After the observations and literature research I felt AR could help me solve the initial problem of the big pressure on teachers to aid all pupils and assistance awaiting pupils.

Initial Try-Out and Interview (Iteration One)In order to establish the feelings towards the use of mobile devices and AR within classrooms a small iteration using Unity Engine and Vuforia was created. This iteration was merely used to briefly show the capabilities AR has with regard to education in math. Children were asked to answer a math question with the application and make remark regarding the initial idea. The teacher was interviewed in order to find his stand towards the use of (this specific) technology within education.

All of the students reacted positively on the AR, some


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named it “cool” and “gaaf”. A quick distinction between the children who had more feeling for math and who had less became apparent. Children who were better at math mostly claimed it was easy. They thought the visual feedback they received was fun but could answer the question without help. The children who had more trouble with math explicitly said the visual feedback helped them to keep on track.

Furthermore, I noticed quite some children wanting to look over the shoulder of the children working in class. I reckon this is due to the novelty effect the mobile device and app have. These children are not used to having phones within their classes. Therefore, it all seemed very interesting. However, the children performing the app were not distracted by them. The only time they were distracted was when their teacher handed out a piece of candy for them to eat during break time.

The interview with the teacher brought other interesting facts to light. The entire interview can be found in appendix 1. First of all, he remarked that everything that can aid children in their learning activities should be received with an open mind. He is of the opinion that math methodologies are too fast in the transition from concrete situations to abstract questions. Some children do not need the help of AR to understand a situation while others might benefit from it extensively. For him it is not directly about the quantity children produce, it is about the quality. He would rather find four right questions done in a similar timespan as somebody else does nine questions wrong. As long as a child progresses through the methodology, quality is most important.

With these insights in pocket I conducted more research on AR and invested a lot of time into the concept of concreteness fading.

Iteration Two - AR + Concreteness FadingConceptFor this iteration I used the AR incorporated with a variation on the concreteness fading phases presented by the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach (Bruner, 1966). The main goal of this iteration was to find out how the link between the three different phases would influence a pupilsability to answer the abstract questions posed in the book. Therefore I picked up one question from the lecture given that day. This question consisted out of multiple sub questions, all asking the pupil to do the same calculations but with different numbers. The overall question I visualized in a very concrete way with stacked money bills and in a representational way with a stack of cubes. Both AR variations were asking the pupil to do the same thing as the book asked, but helped them when they could not answer the question individually. In this iteration I used minimal text when a child did not need support. Only when support was needed, an extra screen with text appeared.

User TestingI integrated this user test within their normal math lesson. As it was focused on a specific question I waited until they got to those questions. When a pupil needed help I gave them the mobile phone and a small phone holder which they could use when they deemed necessary. I started the app for them and asked them to go through both variations carefully. After this they could continue their own questions posed by the book. Finally, I asked them to answer an adjusted version of a system usability test which focused on the mobile phone usage as well as how well the variations helped them (See Appendix 2).

Validation & ReflectionAs this test was done during the time their teacher had planned for math, I only had limited time

“For once I wish I would not understand math so well!”

Figures 7 and 8: User testing.


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available and was able to let three pupils work with the phone. When they started using the phone they were all a bit apprehensive and shy, scared of using it wrong. However, as I explained them what they could do with it, they started investigating what they saw on the screen.

As this iteration only focused on the children needing help with math, another pupil which finished his questions claimed “for once I wish I would not understand math so well!”.All three children worked quite concentrated on figuring out the questions the phone posed. Two out of three did not get distracted by the other children wanting to take a look as well.

After all three pupils used the phone, I asked them to fill in the small questionnaire. As only three children filled this in and because it is an adjusted version of a real system usability scale test the answers here should be taken lightly. But, all three pupils scored a 4 or higher on the question whether they wanted to use it more often. Also, all students would like to move things around in the AR world themselves. Finally, they all thought the two variations were a

good way to set up the system.

Finally, this set the base for the next iteration. Even though the entire AR world was already in 3-dimensional visualizations, it lacked the feeling of this 3-dimensional world. The implementations of animations and clues on multiple sides were needed at least in order to accomplish the feeling of an interactive application.

Iteration Three - All about the experienceConceptFor this third iteration I investigated further on the use of concreteness fading within an AR world. This iteration focused mainly on what the contribution of animations, UI-elements and (limited) texts could do for the experience of children. The focus lay mostly on the experience perceived while using Verbindend Rekenen. I visualized a question posed by the math method in a very concrete way and a more representational way. Both questions included different numbers but held the exact same explanations. I marked both questions as level one and two in order to give them a sense of growing into the subject-matter.

The first level included the display of buckets of water slowly filling up or emptying. Two buckets were displayed next to each other and each given another dimension. In our case liters and milliliters. With animations it what shown that 1 liter was equal to 100 milliliters. The second level included many cubes which appeared and disappeared in multiple stages. This time we made use of a concept that 0.12 (cube) could be seen as 12 (cubes) in order to create an easier calculation. In both levels a button for extra help was included. With the purpose of creating a better experience, I created the help within Verbindend Rekenen as an extra layer within a scene. This ensured that no extra transition screen (and time) was needed between a question and some extra help. This extra layer showed itself only when asked for (by pushing the button) and in a dynamic and playful way.

User TestingAgain, I integrated this user test within their normal math lesson. When a pupil needed help understanding the question I gave them a mobile phone. I started the app for them and asked them to go through both levels carefully. After this they could

Figure 9: User testing at OBS De Blaak.


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continue their own questions posed by the book. Finally, I asked them to answer a minimally adjusted version of a system usability test (See Appendix 3)which focused ease of use of the mobile device and the application.

Validation & ReflectionIn total eight children got to work with three different mobile phones. Two of the three children that used the phone during the last user test tried the AR world again. It could clearly be seen that these children were familiar with the concept and knew how to work with the phone and their book. The other children all had seen the concept before but had never worked with it. This did not seem to be a problem though. None of the eight children needed extra help understanding how to deal with the phone.

Next to this there was a lot less distraction brought by the other children in the room, indicating that the novelty effect of the phone might be wearing off. Looking at the results of the system usability scale (See Appendix 4), seven children indicated (with a 4 or 5) that they would like to use the system more often. Next to this, all of them really enjoyed the two different levels and said they could answer the questions in the book better after using the phone. Furthermore, six children thought the functions of the system to be clear (for example showing that a button is a button). Finally, two children could not imagine that other children would like it as well but, contradictorily, did both indicate they would like to use it more often.

This was the final iteration before the full concept was developed. In order to develop the entire concept some extra research was conducted and evaluated. In the next chapter the final concept can be found.

Figure 10: More user testing.


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Final ConceptThis chapter described the final concept created for Verbindend Rekenen. First the two aspects which have been discussed before will be briefly cited whereafter I will get into the additional features.

A Quick OverviewExtremely concisely said Verbindend Rekenen is a tool which aid pupils in need of help on the subject of mathematics. It exists out of an application for the students in need, a dynamic teacher platform and a collaborative aspect which enables other pupils to advice the ones requiring help.

We will go through these three aspects of the final concept one by one.

The ApplicationThe application is the most important aspect of the final concept. This is the feature that has been elaborated on extensively in the first iterations. With the application a pupil can scan his/her arithmetic book. This will start the exercise related to the question posed by the book. To begin with, a child will see a screen posing a question just like the book does but with different numbers. Using the same questions of the book will give them less opportunity to practice with the issues on their own.

After this, the first concrete step begins. Through a stepwise process, children learn what steps to take in order to answer each sort of question. Within this phase only well known concepts are used. The need for familiarity is high in this phase and ensures the biggest understanding for the child. Concepts that have been tested are for example water and money.

Once they have completed the first question they are set to go to a next issue. This issue represents the pictorial bridge between concrete and abstract. In this phase objects are used to represent the concepts that they just saw. Some objects that can be thought of are cubes, columns and spheres. The steps taken within this question are exactly the same as in the first, the only difference is the animation that is presented on the book.

Both phases include a 3-dimensional animation of the situation. The need for animations is high as this gives it a more realistic view and thus will create the familiarity they need. The 3-dimensional layout works on their creativity to investigate the situation and will motivate them to find the right answer.

Finally, each step within a phase provides a child with the chance to ask for more help. This can be done in two ways. Either from a fellow classmate (which we will get back to later on), or from within the application. If aid is sought from the application itself, a button can be pressed and an extra screen will be laid (partly) over the 3-dimensional view. This information screen helps them with the step they need to take.

Once a child has finished the two phases within the application, he/she should be able to start working on the questions posed by the book again. All in all, the pupil gained a lot of new knowledge without the involvement of the teacher. The pressure on the teacher is also relieved in this way.

Figure 11: Start by posing the question.


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Figure 12 and 13: Exploring the world presented in Verbindend Rekenen.

Figure 14 and 15: Asking for extra help within the app and searching for clues within the animation.


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The Collaborative Aspect As the application is solely focussed on children having trouble performing math questions, they are the ones who get to use the AR. However, children performing well on their maths also want the chance to use the AR and the mobile devices. Not only will the children helping others improve on their own knowledge in math, collaborative learning can highly motivate children towards a more efficient and effective way of learning.

Therefore, as earlier said, pupils using Verbindend Rekenen are allowed to ask help from fellow pupils. What happens is that they will push a specific button. Another, randomly selected pupils screen will then light up and is asked if he/she wants to help a fellow pupil. If this child accepts to help, it can use the application to scan the classroom, The child seeking help will be marked as the person to go to and help can be provided.

However, not all pupils might be capable of helping someone on their maths. This will be further explained in the section about the teacher platform. Something else that might happen is that the pupil receiving aid is not satisfied. The explanation was unclear and unhelpful. After the pupil giving aid has left, the receiving child can indicate if the aid given was okay or not. When it was not okay, a self learning technology will remember this and will no longer match up these children when help from fellow pupils is asked.

Ik heb hulp nodig!Scan nog even door! Hier is niemand die hulp zoekt!

Hooi!Iemand heeft jouw hulp nodig! Klik op door en scan het

klaslokaal om te zien waar jij kan helpen.

DoorIk heb nu geen tijd

Figures 16 until 20: Process of collaboration.


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A Dynamic Teacher PlatformIn order to keep track of the students working with Verbindend Rekenen a dynamic platform is created. Within this platform a teacher is able to monitor multiple things. It is by means dynamic as it autonomously generates pop-ups when children perform substantially different compared to others.

First of all, to come back to the collaborative aspect. The teacher is the one who may decide whether a child is capable of providing aid to other pupils. A pupil may be good in math but is still in need of all the time available to work on his/her own material. Another child may be very fast but a terrible explainer. On this page, the teacher can also see how often pupils provide aid to others. If a pupil is allowed to provide aid but always declines, the teacher will receive a pop-up motivating him/her to investigate what is going on. The teacher can then make a new decision regarding the help this specific student may give. Chances are the pupil does not want to get distracted by from his/her own questions and therefore declines giving help. It is then better to

decline this child the opportunity to aid fellow pupils. Now he/she will not be bothered with the screen asking to help others.

Another page displays the block, week and lesson the class is on. This screen displays all pupils and keeps track of who uses Verbindend Rekenen and who does not. Furthermore, it provides a quick overview of the sort of help the pupils using Verbindend Rekenen have asked. This is done by the use of pictograms. The first portraying help within the app and the second help from a fellow pupil. Finally, it also shows who has provided help to another pupil. When the teacher wants to dive further into some of the details about one specific child, the detail option is also available. This will bring him to a new screen.

This new screen displays a specific child and some details concerning the use of Verbindend Rekenen. It may for example portray the time spend within the application. This can then be viewed either for that specific week or for the entire block. Again, if something is out of the ordinary (compared to other

pupils), the platform generates a pop-up telling what is different and motivating the teacher to take action.

An example for this can be the time spend within a certain lesson of Verbindend Rekenen. If a lot of time is spend but no help is asked, a teacher is encouraged to talk with this pupil about the benefits of asking for help.

Other details that can be displayed are the specific help that has either been given or asked, the amount of exploration done inside Verbindend Rekenen or a progression line over a longer period of time. All of this will help a teacher keep track of the development of the pupils in his/her classroom. The dynamic aspect will ensure that even though pupils can learn independently, a teacher stays up to date and motivated about the learning curve of all pupils.


Blok 2 Week 3Les 4

Naam Gebruikt DetailsHulp

Emmely Wolde

Siete Andrea

Soma Blokzijl

Josia Borg

Nadi van Manen

Jerome Tas

Zico Reintjens

Auke Nusselder

Caesar Grievink

Annick Schenk

Kai Kesselaar

Yenna Geerling

Kai KesselaarHOME

Kai Kesselaar Details

8:47 Let op: Vergeleken met andere leerlingen heeft Kai hier veel tijd nodig gehad en geen extra hulp gevraagd. Hulp van medeleerlingen kan hem helpen het beter te begrijpen.

Tijdsbesteding in Verbindend RekenenBlok 2





Les 1 Les 4Les 3Les 2

Week 3





Week 1 Week 4Week 3Week 2

Hulp in Verbindend Rekenen

Blok 2 Week






2 1


2 7



Let op: Kai geeft in een hele week maar weinig hulp aan andere kinderen. Hem stimuleren om dit wel te doen kan an-dere helpen en hem motiveren voor rekenen.


Overzicht Groep Hulp Geven

Naam Aantal keer hulp gebodenMag Helpen

Emmely Wolde

Siete Andrea

Soma Blokzijl

Josia Borg

Nadi van Manen

Jerome Tas

Zico Reintjens

Auke Nusselder

Caesar Grievink

Annick Schenk

Kai Kesselaar

Yenna Geerling













Let op: Josia drukt de hulpvraag vaak weg. Waarschi-jnlijk heeft zij al haar tijd nodig voor haar eigen opdrachten. Het kan voor haar fijner zijn om geen hulpvra-gen meer te ontvangen.

Figures 21, 22, 23: The teacher platform.


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Figures 21, 22, 23: The teacher platform.

Future OpportunitiesThis final chapter concludes with some future opportunities regarding the technology and an overview of some business aspects of Verbindend Rekenen.

The Technological Opportunities As will later be discussed in the discussion of this report, the technologies used for Verbindend Rekenen impact the experience for pupils extensively. For this concept ideation the technology satisfied. However, for a future elaboration and possible realization of the product, better technology is required.

Technology of target images within the Unity Editor must greatly improve in order for pupils to scan their books and receive immediate feedback. This is of vital importance as waiting will work on their attention span and decrease the possibilities of appropriate learning.

Furthermore, a good system should be developed for the transition between scenes (the steps within each phase of Verbindend Rekenen). Better transition can contribute to a nicer experience for the pupils.

Next to that, the network for the teacher platform should be developed. This will ideally be a single server platform where teachers can log on to. When they log in, they will be able to see the class(es) they teach and are able to track the progress of pupils. Something like this can for example be written in a PHP script. This is a server scripting language to create interactive pages (WikiHow, n.d.).

Finally, the software must be produced to enable the collaborative aspect of Verbindend Rekenen. This can for example be done through a peer-to-peer (P2P). This is a distributed architecture that distributes workload between peers. It can connect multiple devices without going through a separate server (Cope, 2002).

A Business PerspectiveEvery concept needs a business ideation, so Verbindend Rekenen is no different. In this small section three aspects of a full business plan are highlighted.

StakeholdersIn order to get Verbindend Rekenen properly introduced into the envisioned context, primary schools, quite some stakeholders are involved. All stakeholders are mentioned in figure 24 and the relationship between them is represented.

First and foremost, the focus is on children and teachers within the education of mathematics. Both of them are of great importance as they will eventually be the end-users of the concept. All of the materials will be designed to fit their wishes and needs. PABOs are also very interesting stakeholders as they will deliver the future teachers. They will need to get used to the concept during their educational program. If they are capable of working with it and see the essential need of Verbindend Rekenen, the future generation of teachers in primary schools will likely use and advocate Verbindend Rekenen.


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Furthermore, schools and umbrella organizations are the ones who choose the learning methods and theories. Methods must fit a certain vision schools/organizations established and wish to prolong. However, as Verbindend Rekenen can be fitted to any methodology, it is greatly capable of being a flexible attribute to many methodologies on the market. Finally, municipalities may also be a valuable stakeholder as they strive for their schools (and thus pupils/students) to be in the top ranks. That will namely result in an acknowledgement of proper and functioning education and a smart community.

BenchmarkIn the positioning of Verbindend Rekenen, multiple related works were studied and described. Those are now also used during this benchmark. All of them, including Verbindend Rekenen, are compared on seven different qualities (Kennisnet, n.d. & Her, 2018). These seven qualities are:

1. Autonomous Learning – personal education opportunities

2. Adaptive System – adaptivity of the digital learning material

3. Digital Environment – the digital learning and workspace area

4. Cognitive load and Split Attention – the need for split attention and over exhaustion of a pupils cognitive load

5. Concreteness Fading – the use of concreteness fading in questions

6. Learning Analytics – public cloud for education

7. Collaboration and Social Interaction – the chance or need to work together to solve a problem

First of all, it should be mentioned that a work scores best on the quality cognitive load / split attention when it is closest to the middle. Therefore, it can be





Umbrella OrganizationSchool Methodology developer


Autonomous Learning

Digital Environment

Learning Analytics

Concreteness Fading Cognitive Load /Split Attention

Collaboration / Social Interaction

Adaptive System

Smart BlocksAlien Contact!Getal en Ruimte Junior

Wereld in Getallen

Verbindend Rekenen

Figures 24: The stakeholders.

Figures 25: The benchmark.


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Figures 24: The stakeholders.

Figures 25: The benchmark.

seen in figure 25 that Verbindend Rekenen scores well on the qualities of autonomous learning, concreteness fading and cognitive load / split attention. Its scoring is however mainly unique on the last aspect. With the use of AR the need for split attention is mostly eliminated whereas Getal en Ruimte Junior and Wereld in Getallen both ask pupils to combine multiple facets of the methodology at once.

The combination of Verbindend Rekenen with Wereld in Getallen or Getal en Ruimte Junior could be interesting as it provides the methodologies with extra opportunities in the direction of autonomous learning and collaboration. Along with this, better, long-lasting knowledge may be acquired by the pupils through the concept of concreteness fading.

Value LadderAn investigation of these different values present in Verbindend Rekenen is created for children, teachers and the school. All of this is combined in a value ladder in figure 26. The different benefits and values were found during conversations with the pupils and teacher.

Within Verbindend Rekenen both individual work as well as collaboration are stimulated through the mobile device and application. This ensures that knowledge is gained extensively as well as simultaneously pushing motivation for children to investigate questions together. Furthermore, confidence grows as children are capable of working on different questions.

Next to this, the arithmetic book pupils use is still needed, thus a sense of familiarity is present for children, teachers and the school. This will bring all of them rest and confidence resulting in stability. Along with this, it provides the children with a sense of equality as it does not differentiate between pupils.

Furthermore, a big push in Verbindend Rekenen is innovation. For children this will mostly contribute to the emotional benefits of motivation and curiosity. Both resulting in the value of exploration.

The platform aiding teachers and schools in keeping track of the pupils is a dynamic variant which will mainly motivate teachers to help children investigate the possibilities of Verbindend Rekenen. The application and mobile device are still an innovative concept in primary schools and may spark curiosity to further explore them.

Functions & Functional Properties ValuesEmotional BenefitsFunctional Benefits















Arithmetic Book

Mobile Phone



Child SchoolTeacher

Figures 26: The value ladder.


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DiscussionProcess EvaluationThe process I went through could have been better established beforehand. Even though it was clear how to elaborate on the iterations for me, the final concept was only formed about four weeks before the demo day deadline. This put me in the position that I became incapable of realizing all aspects of the concept technologically.

Next to that, I would have liked it to further elaborate on my user tests. The user tests done were okay but did not leave me with a big bunch of new information. As the first user test only allowed me to try it out on three children, I believe the results were very minimal. A better extended user test could have given me deeper insights into the matter. However, due to the limited time given by the teacher of this class. I could not have done these user tests by this school. Therefore, another client/school should be found to work together with.

Next to that, figuring out how to work with Unity and Vuforia proved to be more of a challenge than expected in the earlier stages. As everything I wanted to do was so specific, finding good tutorials was difficult and I had to mix and match a lot. Therefore, there are some aspects of the application I would have loved to improve but are left undone due to other priorities for this project.

The ConceptI see a lot of potential in Verbindend Rekenen but there are some hurdles to take before it can really flourish into the concept I had in mind. First of all, as discussed earlier, the technology I needed was too

slow sometimes. I was very focused on the experience children received from Verbindend Rekenen. To optimilize this, I needed an extra QR code to scan the book. Ideally, this would of course not be necessary. Within this report, the transitions between scenes (steps) is also discussed. Again, with more knowledge and time, these transitions could have been improved. Further improving the experience.

Along with this, further research needs to be done in the field of collaboration and the teacher platform. As these aspects of the concept were only thought of later in the process, both are not tested within the classroom. In order to establish the importance of these two aspects, extensive testing should be done. One very important question that can be raised is about how extra help from fellow pupils should be provided. For now, I imagined children physically walking to a fellow pupil in need of help. However, it can also be investigated how aid through the AR influences the knowledge that is transferred. What kind of benefits and disadvantages play a role in this way of knowledge transfer?

All in all, the concept is exclusive by aiding other methods in the process of learning. The use of a mobile device in the classroom did not put a strain on the concentration of children, the concreteness fading concept processed into Verbindend Rekenen was very well received and a teacher was partly released of the many hands that are raised when performing math questions.


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ConclusionVerbindend Rekenen, where individuality and collaboration go hand in hand, teacher are motivated to keep track and new knowledge is acquired daily. All in all, it is a promising concept when elaborated on further.

More research and testing is required in order to understand the full capabilities Verbindend Rekenen has. However, initial findings show that Verbindend Rekenen helps the pupils struggling with math. It makes the concepts described by the book tangible and understandable. Questions posed by the book afterwards seem easier to answer and motivation to answer these questions increases.

The issues about technology in classroom remains and it is interesting how this will unravel. Many new technological methodologies are coming to the market. The acceptance of mobile devices within classrooms will determine the future of these technologies. For now, teachers are still a bit hesitant but on the other hand eager to find out all the possible benefits they can bring.

The conclusion may be that this project has accomplished its goal, connecting technology and humans while maintaining the level of education. Focusing on the interplay between product and person while keeping in mind the positive attributes both can bring.


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ReferencesArvanitis, T.N., Petrou, A., Knight, J.F., Savas, S., Sotiriou, S., Gargalakos, M., et al. (2007). Human factors and qualitative pedagogical evaluation of a mobile augmented reality system for science education used by learners with physical disabilities. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 13(3), 243-250.

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Bruner, J.S. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Bujak, K.R., Radu, I., Catrambone, R., MacIntyre, B., Zheng, R., & Golubski, G. (2013). A psychological perspective on augmented reality in the mathematics classroom. Computers & Education, 68, 536-544.

Cope, J. (2002). What’s a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network? Retrieved from

Dunleavy, M., Dede, C., & Mitchell, R. (2009) Affordances and limitations of immersive participatory augmented reality simulations for teaching and learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(1), 7-22.

El Sayed, N.A.M., Zayed, H.H., & Shawrawy, M.I. (2011). ARSC: augmented reality student card – an augmented reality solution for the education field. Computers & Education, 56(4), 1045-1061.

Furió, D., Juan, M. C., Seguí, I., & Vivó, R. (2015). Mobile learning vs. traditional classroom lessons: a comparative study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31(3), 189-201.

Fyfe, E.R., McNeil, N.M., Son, J.Y., & Goldstone, R.L. (2014). Concreteness fading in mathematics and science instructions: A systematic review. Educational Psychology Review, 26(1), 9-25.

G2Crowd. (n.d.). Compare AR Game Engine Software. Retrieved from

Gerger, K. (2014). 1:1 tablet technology implementation in the Manhattan Beach Unified School District: A case study. Long Beach: California State University.

Girouard, A., Solovey, E.T., Hirshfield, L., Ecott, S., Shaer, O., & Jacob, R.J.K. (2007, January). Smart Blocks: a tangible mathematical manipulative. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction. Retrieved from


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Goldin-Meadow, S., & Beilock, S.L. (2010). Action’s influence on thought: The case of gesture. Perspectives on psychological science, 5(6), 664-674. 10.1177/1745691610388764.

Heinrich, P. (2012). The iPad as a tool for education: A study of the introduction of iPads at Longfield Academy, Kent. Naace.

Her, M. (2018). Flex (Bachelor’s thesis, University of Technology Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). Retrieved from

Kinash, S., Brand, J., & Mathew, T. (2012). Challenging mobile learning discourse through research: student perceptions of blackboard mobile learn and iPads’. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(4), 639-655.

Lu, J., Meng, S., & Tam, V. (2014). Learning Chinese characters via mobile technology in a primary school classroom. Educational Media International, 51(3), 166-184.

Lucassen, M. (2017). De gevaren van technologie in de klas. Retrieved from

Malmberg. (n.d.). De Wereld in Getallen, Werken op Papier. Retrieved from

Martin-Gutierrez, J., Saorin, J.L., Contero, M., Alcaniz, M., Perez-Lopez, D.C., & Ortega, M. (2010), Design and validation of an augmented book for spatial abilities development in engineering students. Computers & Graphics, 34(1), 77-91.

Noordhoff Uitgevers. (n.d.). Getal en Ruimte Junior. Retrieved from

Phon, D.N.E., Ali, M.B., & Halim, N.D.A. (2014, April). Collaborative augmented reality in education: a review. Paper presented at International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Computing and Engineering. 78-83. 10.1109/LaTiCE.2014.23.

Profi-Leren. (2013). Rekenonderwijs: traditioneel of realistisch. Retrieved from

Suanpang, P. (2012). The integration of m-learning and social network for supporting knowledge sharing. Creative Education, 3(08), 39.

Tang, A., Owen, C., Biocca, F., & Mou, W. (2003). Comparative effectiveness of augmented reality in object assembly. Proceedings of the conference on Human factors in computing systems. p. 73. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.

ThinkMobiles. (2018). Best AR SDK for development of iOS and Android in 2018. Retrieved from

Unity. (n.d.). The world’s leading real-time creation platform. Retrieved from

Vuforia. (n.d.). The world’s most widely deployed AR. Retrieved from

WikiHow Staff. (n.d.) How to Write PHP Scripts. Retrieved from

Underneath a list of where all figures are from.

1. Self made2. Self made3. Dunleavy, M., Dede, C., & Mitchell, R. (2009)

Affordances and limitations of immersive participatory augmented reality simulations for teaching and learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(1), 7-22.

4. Girouard, A., Solovey, E.T., Hirshfield, L., Ecott, S., Shaer, O., & Jacob, R.J.K. (2007, January). Smart Blocks: a tangible mathematical manipulative. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction. Retrieved from

5. Screenshot of Unity Engine6. Self made7. Self made8. Self made9. Self made10. Self made11. Self made12. Self made13. Self made14. Self made15. Self made16. Screenshot of Verbindend Rekenen17. Self made18. Self made19. Self made20. Sceenshot of Verbindend Rekenen21. Self made22. Self made23. Self made24. Self made25. Self made26. Self made


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AcknowledgementsI would like to thank Erik van der Spek for being my coach this semester, and for his feedback during the course of this project.

Secondly, I would like to thank Harm van Essen for being my coach during my bachelor, and for his valuable knowledge throughout the bachelor.

Furthermore, I would like to thank OBS De Blaak for the partnership during this project. I would like to thank Mitchell Jacobs for his insightful workshops. I would also like to thank my fellow FBP students from the Play and Learn squad for their (almost always) constructive criticism.

Finally, I would like to thank Victor for the endless project talks he had to endure and his constant positive attitude regarding my project. And of course Renata for her critical look on the overall report.


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AppendicesAppendix 1 - Conversation with teacher at OBS De BlaakFlavia: Wat merkte u van het gebruik van de telefoons in de klas? Wat vond u ervan?

Leraar: Alles wat de kinderen helpt is goed. Net wat ik in de klas zei, het is allemaal heel abstract. Ons rekenboek gaat heel snel “dit is een plaatje nu gaan we er mee rekenen”. Het concrete wordt heel snel losgelaten. Voor aantal kinderen is het geen probleem want die vinden de getallen erg fijn. Voor een aantal is het zien en ermee kunnen werken juist heel prettig.

Flavia: Kunt u daar een voorbeeld van geven?

Leraar: Nou, bijvoorbeeld als wij vertellen dat een liter en een kubieke decimeter hetzelfde is. Dat kun je zeggen maar dat kun je ook laten zien. Haal een bak van een liter en een kubieke decimeter en giet het over. Dan kunnen ze zien dat dat hetzelfde is. En juist dat zijn de stappen die in een rekenboek heel vaak worden overgeslagen. Er wordt heel snel naar rijtjes gegaan.

Flavia: Heeft u enig idee waarom dit zo snel gebeurd? Dat formeren van rijtjes?

Leraar: Uitgeverijen maken de boeken maar de markt dicteert wat de uitgever maakt. Er zijn boeken die heel erg zitten op het realistische maar die verkopen niet. Het gaat om produceren en rijtjes. In groep 4 is het op dag 1 visueel met bijvoorbeeld een sleutelbos, op dag 2 is het dan direct een rijtje geworden.

Flavia: De overgang is daarin veel te snel.

Leraar: Klopt, klokken hebben ze ook moeite mee want dat gaat veel te snel. Voor een aantal is dat prima, maar voor een aantal niet. Die zijn veel meer visueel ingesteld. Die hebben behoefte daaraan.

Flavia: Juist op de kinderen die het visuele nog nodig hebben wil ik inspelen. Hoe kan ik die zo benaderen dat ze het wel gaan begrijpen.

Leraar: Mocht je bij een uitgever aangeven dat je wel zo’n methode wil, dan zal de uitgever zeggen dat ze het niet doen. De uitgever maakt niet voor 1 school zo’n methode. Het is net wat de markt dicteert. Dat klopt ook niet hoor, het is heel lullig. Met dit soort dingen die jij meeneemt de klas in. Dan is het fijn. Alleen de ene leert daar wel weer wat makkelijker mee omgaan dan de andere.

Leraar: Nemen geen tijd om het visueel uit te leggen. We moeten produceren en dat is jammer. Met wat jij meebrengt doe je wel bewust even pas op de plaats.

Flavia: Ja je merkt dat de leerlingen er soms wel wat langer mee bezig zijn. Heeft u daar problemen mee?

Leraar: Maakt mij niks uit dat het langer duurt. Het gaat om kwaliteit en niet om kwantiteit. Als je er 20 goed kan maken is dat goed, maar als je er 11 goed kan maken is het ook goed. Als het maar de volgende dag eentje meer is.

Flavia: Dat is ook het idee, op lange termijn moeten kinderen de stof wel gaan begrijpen.

Leraar: Ja in de bovenbouw jaren komen ze er vaak pas achter hoe iets echt werkt. Precies wat jij vandaag doet.


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Appendix 2 - Adjusted System Usability Scale 1

Hoi! Zou jij willen laten weten wat je van de rekenhulp vond? Het eerste antwoord wat in je opkomt is goed. De 1 staat voor helemaal niet mee eens. De 5 staat voor helemaal mee eens. 1. Ik zou dit graag vaker gebruiken.

1 2 3 4 5

2. Ik vond het erg onduidelijk allemaal.

1 2 3 4 5

3. Ik vond het makkelijk om te gebruiken.

1 2 3 4 5

4. Ik had hulp nodig om te begrijpen wat ik moest doen.

1 2 3 4 5

5. Ik vond de 2 verschillende varianten heel fijn.

1 2 3 4 5

6. Ik vond het werken met een mobiel erg onhandig.

1 2 3 4 5

7. Na de 2 varianten kon ik de vraag in het boek goed beantwoorden.

1 2 3 4 5

8. Ik zou het gaaf vinden als:

o Er geluid zou zijn o Ik dingen kon verplaatsen o Dingen zouden bewegen o Iets anders: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


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Appendix 3 - Adjusted System Usability Scale 2

Hoi! Zou jij willen laten weten wat je van de rekenhulp vond? Het eerste antwoord wat in je opkomt is goed. De 1 staat voor helemaal niet mee eens. De 5 staat voor helemaal mee eens. 1. Ik zou dit graag vaker gebruiken.

1 2 3 4 5

2. Ik vond het erg onduidelijk allemaal.

1 2 3 4 5

3. Ik vond het makkelijk om te gebruiken.

1 2 3 4 5

4. Ik had hulp nodig om te begrijpen wat ik moest doen.

1 2 3 4 5

5. De verschillende functies waren allemaal duidelijk.

1 2 3 4 5

6. Ik had vertrouwen in mezelf toen ik met de mobiel aan het werken was.

1 2 3 4 5

7. Ik vond de 2 verschillende levels heel fijn.

1 2 3 4 5

8. Ik vond het werken met een mobiel erg onhandig.

1 2 3 4 5

9. Na de 2 levels kon ik de vraag in het boek goed beantwoorden.

1 2 3 4 5

10. Ik kan mij voorstellen dat andere klasgenootjes dit ook handig vinden.

1 2 3 4 5

11. Er zaten stukjes in de levels die niet goed werkten.

1 2 3 4 5

12. Zijn er nog andere dingen die je graag wilt vertellen?


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Appendix 4 - Answers to System Usability Scale 2


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