Download - University of Nigeria of Effective... · 2015-08-28 · University of Nigeria Research Publications Author OKONKWO, Maureen Uzoma PG/MBA/2004/36571 Title Challenges of Effective Marketing

Page 1: University of Nigeria of Effective... · 2015-08-28 · University of Nigeria Research Publications Author OKONKWO, Maureen Uzoma PG/MBA/2004/36571 Title Challenges of Effective Marketing

University of Nigeria Research Publications

OKONKWO, Maureen Uzoma





Challenges of Effective Marketing in the Face of Increase Environmental Demands

A Study in Environmental Marketing



Business Administration







September, 2004




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PG/M BA/OZi'3651:'?






Page 3: University of Nigeria of Effective... · 2015-08-28 · University of Nigeria Research Publications Author OKONKWO, Maureen Uzoma PG/MBA/2004/36571 Title Challenges of Effective Marketing


Chalienges of Effective Marketing in !he face of Increased

Environmental Demands:

A study in Env i r~menta l Mark3ting

Okonkwo, Maureen Lfzom?

A Project Report presented t ~ t h e Department of Marketina in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Masters of Business .'*

Adr-ciinistratioii (MBA) Degree in Marketing.

Department of Markdng

Faculty of Business Administration

University of Nigeria

Enugu Campus

September, 2004

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This is to certify that this research work carried out t y Okonkwo,

Maureen Uzoma with Registration Numbzr PGIMBNO2~3G571, has

been approved as having satisfied the reqclirement for - h e award of

MBA in the Department of Marketing, University of Nigeri.3, Enugu.

Prof. I. E. Nwosu


Dr. J.O.Nnhko (Mrs)

Head of Dmartment



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This work is dedicated to:

God our Father Almighty


All People of goodwill

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My acknowledgment goes first to God our father the almighty one. "I

thank you almighty God for having seen me through in :his task nl- .!

accomplished". "Lord, this is my ultimate acknowledgerrent."

My sincere appreciation goes to my project super~isor (Pro:. '.

E. Nwosu), a man of goodwill and loving intent. "Sir, m3y God blc -s

you abundantly".

In sincere gratitude to my family and relations, I SF y, "1 am v, 'y


Special thanks to my benefactors especially ih0s.3 outside : ly

family-relations. May the good Lord reward you all abun kntly.

I wouldn't forget to express my gratitude to h!rs Chiny 3

Onyegbula (my Diamond friend) and all her family me~nbers for .I1

their loving kindness to me. I most appreciate you all.

Finally, I thank the typist Miss Bridget Ojiako and her family J r

being so nice and caring.

Okol:";wo, M. !.

Sept m b e r 2C '4

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The study has its main focus on the physical enllironment -!

marketing. It aims at examining how marketers' activities exf ' negative impacts on the physical environment and id2ntifying I'

major challenges that marketers face in this new era of e ivironrner,

consciousness that sets agenda for their marketing oper:qtions.

In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a l aqe chunk

literature was explored. The researcher relied on the qi estionnair 3

designed purposefully for the study, personal intewkws, 2. !

exploratory readings of compiled works (manuals, journals, book .,

reports etc) for data used in the study.

Statistical analytical tools were used in the analysis of #data. Thc

statistical tools include: tables, percentages, and charts.

Major findings of the study include:

a. The study shows that the knowledge and avareness f

environmental issues among marketers in Nigeria

generally high but the applicztion of the kl~owledge I

environmental problems is where more effort is r ~eeded.

b. From the study, it was believed that environmedal pollu Q

is one single issue that challengqs every markem- no rn2 r

the scope of activities.

c. The study reveals lack of fund as one single xmstrain 3

effective response to environmental issues and problem: 3


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Cover page.. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . .

Title page.. . ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... Dedication.. . ... . . . ... ... . . . ... ... . . .

Certification page ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... Acknowledgement.. . . . . . . . ... . . .... ... ...

. . . . Abstract.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Table of contents.. . ... ... ... .... ... ... ... Abbreviations.. . . . . ... ... ... . . . ... ... ...

List of tables.. . . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

List cf illustrations.. . . . . . ... . . . ... ... ... ...

. . I . .

. .I1 ... .. .I11

. ..iv

.. .v

.. .VI

.. .viii

... XI

.. .xii

... xiv


I Introduction.. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I ... . . . ... ... 1.2 Statement of probe.. . . .: ... . . . 9

... 1.3 Statement of objective.. . ... ... . . .... ... 12

1.4 Research questions ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13

... ... ... 1.5 Research hypotheses.. . ... ... .. . 15

.... ... ... I 6 Scope of study.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . 15

... ... 1.7 Limitation of study.. . . . . ... ... ... .. . 16

...... ... . . a ... 1.8 Significance of study ... ... . . . 18

. . . . . . . .... I .9 Definition of terms.. ... . . . . . . . . 19


2.1 Marketing as a human activity . . . . . . ...

... 2.2 The physical environment.. .... ...

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2.3 The influence of natural elements of marketing envircnment

On marketing . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27

2.4 Environmental issues and problems in Nigeria ... . . . . ..31

2.5 Appraisal of various responses to Environmental i ss~ ~ e s

And problems in Nigeria . . . . . . ... ... ... . . ... 38



3.1 Research design ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4e

3.2 Research method and data collection instrument . . . . . . ... 49

. . . 3.3 Data collection instrument ....... ... ... ... ... 5Q

... 3.4 Population of study . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 51

3.5 Sample size determination method ... ... ... . . ... 52

. . . . . . ... 3.6 Sample size selection strategy ... ... ... 55

. . . ... 3.7 Method of data analysis . :. ... ... ... ... 55

3.8 Design of questionnaire ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5C



.... 4.0 Data presentation and Analysis . . . . . . . . . ... . . E :

4 . I Presentation of analysis ... ... ... . . . ... ... . . -6::

4.2 Testing of hypotheses ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... 7! .


... ... . . . ... 5.0 Statement of observations ...... ... 8 '

.. ... ... ... . . . 5.1 Summary of findings ...... ... ... .9

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5.2 Implications of findings.. . . .. .. . . . . . . . 5.3 Conclusion.. . ... ... ... . . . . . . . . .

5.4 Recommendations... ... . .. .. . . . . ...



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- Environmentsi Impact Assessment

- Global Assessment of Soil Degradation

- International soil Reference and Informs tion Centre - United Nations Environment Programme

- Global Environment Facility

- Health, Safety and Environment

- Market - led Strategic Change

- Quality and Environment Control

- Effluent Treatment Plant

- Product, Price, Place and Prorriotion

- Effective Management Systems

- Occupational, Health, and Safety Policy

- Environmental Management Systems

- Hazards Critical Control Points

- Good Manufacturing Practice

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Table 4.8 -

Table 4.9 -

Table 4.1 0 -

Table 4.1 1 -

Table 4.1 1 .I -

Table 4.12 -

Table 4.12.1 -

Table 4.12.2 -

impacts of the physical environrrent on the

corporate goals and objective of business

organization.. . . . . . ... ... ... ... 73

Shows responses on the 'nfluenc~~s o i

environmental issues, probltms, and

regulations on the formulation of marketing

policies of the selected comp'mies under

study.. .. ... ... ... ... ... .... 74

Shows the observed and the exp xted

Frequencies for testing hypothesis 1.. . . . . .79

Shows the calculated chi-square (xZ) value for

testing hypothesis I.. . . . . ... . . ... 81

Shows the observed anti the exy e c t 4

frequencies for testing hypothes s I I.. . . . . 82

Shows the calculated chi-squarcj (X2) value

for testing hypothesis 11.. . ... ... ... 84

A distribution of environrental i ;sues and the

responses offered by the selec ed companiss

... under study.. . .... ... ... ... 85

Shows the observed and expected

frequencies for testing hypothesis Ill.. . . . . 86

Shows the calculated Chi-squ~ re (X2) value

... for testing hypothesis Ill.. . ... . . . 88

... X l l l

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Figure I

Figure II

Figure Ill

Figure IV

Figure V


- Represents the various levsls of

environmental awareness in a bar $*:hart.. .64

- Shows the extent to which marketit ~g policies

are environmentally

compliant in a bar chart . . . . . . . ... ... 79

- States the rejection region for accrspting or

rejecting hypothesis I.. .. ... ... ... 80

- States the rejection region for accepting or

.. rejecting hypothesis !I.. ... ... .. .83

- States the rejection region for acc 3pting or

rejecting hypothesis 11 I . . .. ... ... ... 87


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The relationship that subsists between man and his physical

environment is a very crucial one and requiws adequate

attention in order to ensure continuity and mairtain a good

ecosystem. Human activity is closeiy linked to the physical

environment, and somewhat solely dependable o u i the natural

elements. In countries or societies where peopll3 make their

living from farming, human activity is closely linkec to the yearly

patterns of climate.

Marketing as a human activity is of no exception lo this nlle of

dependency. The availability of natural resources such as land,

water, and minerals significantly affect eve yone in the

economy, marketers as well as consumers. The natural

eiemen ts of the marketing environment in( , M e : natural

resources, weather conditions, geological evmts such as

volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, and astror~omical events

such as eclipses.

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Natural environment seriously affects marketets, whether

positively or negatively. A lack of natural resource; can hurt a

company, or it can open new opportunities. Resources

shortages may prompt marketers to try to reduce .he demand

for their products. Climatic conditions are also among the

natural elemznts, and they can play havoc with thl? marketer's


The impacts ctf the activities of marketers on the natural

environment cannot be over empha3ized. 'E~ivironmental

concern' has become a common phenomenon in .:hese recent

times in the whole world at large. Environments issues and

problems, and the associated menace that endan jer life have

been of much concern to the economy of the wor'd giants and

the developing countries as well. Concern a b o ~ t the impact

that marketing and consumption has on the natural

environment upon which we all depend is not a new


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The wave of erwit-otmer~tal cor7csr-17 w/- ich has been

Japping at the heels of those who practice 01- p:aach the

gospels of n7a17agemer7t and rnwtietir~g ,;incr the late

1980s ..s p a t of this long traditiou of ewi: -onme~~tal

cor~ce/-11, hut is also different fr-om it. This iinle ihe talk is

not simp1y of how b~lsi17ess activify shor~:~ J r~o i damage

the erwironn~ent, ir~creasingly It is about how

ewir-or71ve17tal degradatior~ is setting the ager-rda for- the

future of business (Ken peattie, 1995:vii).

In Nigeria, concern for the natural environlnent ; s regards the

activity of marketing and consumption is not far fetched from

the global concern on the impending environmental ccltastrophe

that threatens the earth.

Environmental pollution, salinisation of l a ~ d and water

resources, world concern about the depletion c f the earth's

ozone layer and the resulting 'greenhouse effect', a dangerous

warning of the Earth. And many environmentalist:; fear that we

soon will be buried in our own trash.

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Industrial activities, agricultural activities, anci economic

activities in general affect the physical environment and natural

beauty. Industrialization success and Ihe break through in

technology and science have contributed to ncrease in

envit-onmentai pollution. Ironically, harvesting an( burning. of

fuel wood reduces the capacity of our forests to act ,3s a sink for

carbon dioxide and increases idigeria's contribution to global

warming which is high enough already from gas faring by oil

companies. In Benue, Kogi, Kwara, along the Guima Savanna

belt, most of the gallery and riparian forests s lading and

stabilizing fresh-water courses have been c h o p p d down for

firewood, leaving river and lake beds dry and dessic8Yted. In the

cities, the story is not. different. The zctivities o' marketers

contribute to inxeased environmental hazards it- !he cities.

Factories, mines, oil wells and oil locations, ports, parks,

homes, cite, and market places ail generate aciivities that

adversely affect the natural environment.

The importance of a healthy and co~ducive natural c iiviranment

can never ever be over emphasized.

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The cry for environmental consciousness is not only for the

building of good ecosystem but also for economic growth and

development among other values.

The government has great interest in tne natural 2nvironment.

There has been increased government inlerventix~ ii1 natural

resource management. A growing concern for F nvironmental

pollution throughout the world has caused goverrnenis to take

active roles in environmental protection. This covzern has also

led to the formation of international commissiois under the

auspices of the United Nations to identify comrion concerns I

and coordinate international solutions. The gc vernments of

different countries vary in their concern and effort; to pi-omote a

healthy environment. Some, like the Germat- government,

vigorously pursue environmental quality. O t t i m , especially

many poorer nations, do little zbout pollution, la-gely because

they lack the needed funds or political will

The general hope is that companies around the world will

accept more social responsibilities, and that ess expensive

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devices can be found to control and reduce polluti In 2nd other

environmental hazards.

Instead of opposing regulation, marketers should 'ielp develop

solutions to the material and energy p rob lms facirlg the world.

Concern about the natural environment has spavmed the so-

called y reen movement. Today enlightened cc mpanies go

beyond government regulation dictates. They arc! developing

environmentally sustainable strategies and practices in an effort

to create a world economy that the planet can support

indefinitely. They are responding to consumers' d >man& with

ecologically safer products, recyclable or bil~degradable

packaging, better pol!ution controls, and more enerlly - efficient

operations. More and more, companies are recogn zing the link

between a healthy economy and a healthy ecology.

The concern about the natural environment in a i y economy

derives from its role in natural habitation, nat8lral beauty,

economic importance, and facilitating functions. An efficient

and effective marketing is essential not only for t k promotion

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of economic growth and development of the nation, and

attainment of corporate goals but also for the tuilding of a

healthy and wealthy environment.

Marketing has respo~lsibilities to the etwiro1?1;1e17t

in whicl? if is operating, and i l l fur17 it is depe~; dent

017 that env i ro ime~~t for its own well being

(Russ & Kirkpatrick, 1982:23).

In contrast' to the ideal, the relationship betwec- n rnarketit-ig

activities and -:he natural environment does not portray this

mutual interdependency, which will do no small good to tlhe bL

environment, the marketers as weli as consumers. TIi,c

Nigerian environmental system is caught up in sy ;tetnic crisis.

The incessant reports on environmental pollution ir thz westen

part of the country (Lagos, Ibadan, and Ogun sta:es), and th2

unending cry of the voice of the Niger Delta. Th,? unbeatable

flood disaster of the Adamawa and other northern states where

cattle rearers lose both their herds and the herdsmen. The dirk

in Aba in Abia state and Onitsha in Anambra state. The erosion

rnenace in almost all the states of the Federatio 1. All these

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awaken the concerns of the government, the marketers and the

consumers on the impending dangers that threa en our own

nature given environment.

The menace of environmental disasters has initiated many and

varied reactions and actions among Nigerian. The government

has come up with stringent regulations on the 2nvironment.

The marketers have come up with sornc marketing

management philosophy, polices and g u i ~ e s for c'nvironment -

compliant marketing. The consumers have taken ~olcl steps on

environmental protection and a new approach of Ehvil-onmental <

Impact Assessment (HA) towards the de~elopment of

sustainable environment.

It is the objective of this research work to idet-tify the major

environmental issues and problems that confrort the Nigerian

marketers and assess the set out modalities for c )ping with and

lor managing such issues in the c,ourse of marketing


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The neglect of the physical ewironment has a lot of

implications and consequences on mankind. T ' le problems

associated with environmental neglect are numt3rous. The

government, marketers as well as consumers s ~ f f e r terrible

problems in an unkept natural environment. Dise~ses, hunger,

drought, displacement, high cost, high prices, un mployment,

divestment, poor/low economic growth, loss of e mnomic and

political powers, and death are among the m a i y problems

associated with unheatthy natural e~vironment.

Increase in percentage drop in ozone density will increase the

incidence of human skin cancer. inc rexe in global warming

will lead to disruption in Agricultural system, whicp would leave

millions of people in starvation. Land and sea pollution will

make the micro organisms that boost life in t h ~ forests and

seas miserable and lead to death of bush and sea animals.

Uncontrolled and unchecked erosion will cause 10:~s of hectares

of land and loss of natural minerals and nutrient: that nourish

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the earth. Water pollution could result in wakr scarcity if not


Despite the global abu~ldance of water; it is becorniry

increasingly scarce i ~ i many r-egions a ?d increasii7gly

difficult to use in many ot11e1-s b e c a s e o r poCtrtior~ (Ken

Peatfie : I d )

Depletion of tropical rainforest could res~iit in c h t h and loss of

trees and species of animals from the earth's su t face.

As the surviving forests disappear, so will i l le ar?iri?als that

live in them: antelopes, grass-cutters, car~c-rats, the

suppliers of protei~? to the ntral poor. F'jrget the 11igh C.

profile, cliarismatic species: elephants, hiys ?~opotat?ir~ses,

buffalo, the big cats, l im. :eopc?rds. cliilnpa~lzee and

gorilla. These a~iirimls are now hardly encormter-ed

anywhere outside the statutorily profectel l sa~ictr~aries

(Chuka. 2000:30).

The natural environment as the su;:plier of the natural

resources needed for the creation of goods and services will

have adverse effect on marketing by way of iigh cost of

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resource materials owing to scarcity. This '.vill cuhinate into

high prices of the goods and services created. Investors

consider among other marketing environrnfmts, the natural

elements of their marketing environment. Adverse natural

environment would discourage investors. Som3 communities in

Nigeria have been permanently clisplac2d form their

geographical location because of environmental hazards. This

will constitute problems of relocation which m:jy lead to

communal clashes. The governmerit cannot ~rovide enough

funds to cater for displaced people as a result $3 unfavourable

and inhabitable environment. These and many more problems bL

are bound to be faced by any country, which dc2s !lot give the

natural environment her right place.

It is against these problems that the research w o ~ l d try twhave

an objective view of the whole environmentd issues and

problems as regards effective marketing.

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Marketing has contributed to the current el tvironmental crisis,

because of its central role as a driving form behind economic

activities. Environmental and social concernlsocial and

ecological agendas have become so intertmvined that to talk

about one without the other, would be virtuall) mear:ingless.

Marketing as it will become, by contrast, will b x o m e part of the

solution to the environmental crisis. This will require the

marketing sf new, more sustainable producd products, new

companies, new lifestyle, new values and new deas. .%

It is the objective of the study to see how markc ting can answer

effectively and efficiently the call for a Pealthy c nvircnment and

meet the environmental issues and problcms that pose

challenges to our society.

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In line with the problems stated, it is the objecti~e of the study

to accomplish the following:

Determine the level of Awareness of envii-ormental issues

and problems among Nigerian marketers.

Identify and analyse the key environment;il issues and

problems facing Nigerian marketers.

Assess or appraise to what extent t le marketing

/management policies and activities of selvci2d Nigerian

companies are environmentally complaint or friendly.

Assess the various ways through which marketers can

respond to environmental issues and problem ;. . Assess the extent of success of Nigerian m v-keters it! the

response to environmental issues ar?d probler IS.

Determine whether conducive physical znvironi:ient

contributes to the attainment of corporate objectives of

Business Organizations in Nigeria.


In an attempt to accomplish the research objec.ives, the ~ L u d y

will try to provide answers to the following reseat ch questions:

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1. What is the level of environmental aw.-Ireness among

marketers in Nigeria?

2. What are the likely environmental issues anrl problems that

challenge effective marketing in Nigeria?

3. What are the various wsys through which a marketing firm

can respmd to environmental issues an 1 problems in


4. What are the possible marketing tools, which marketers can

employ in responding to environmental issue: and problems

in Nigeria?

5. To what extents do marketing policies and activities of

marketing departments of some selec ed Nigerian

companies comply with environmentai issues, prcblems,'and


6. How successful have Nigerian marketers keen in their

response to environmental issues and problem:'?

7. What are the impacts of natural environment on the

attainment of corporate goals and cbjedives of business

organizations in Nigeria?

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8 . How do environmental issues, problems, and regulation in

Nigeria influence the formulation of markc~ting pdicies and

acttvities of the companies under study?


The research will test these null hypotheses

HO - There is significantly low level of amarmess of

environmental issues, and prc lblerns among

marketers in Nigeria.

HO - The elements of natural environmen have no

impacts on the attainment of corpcrate goals and

objectives of business organizations 'n Nijeria.

HO - Nigerian marketers do not respond positively to

environmental issues, problems, and regulations.


The scope of the study is not all encompass in^, .4though a

broad look at the economy would be made whe-e necessary.

Reference to the economies of other countries ovtslde Nigeria

could be made in order to make some ideas clesrer for better


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Specifically, Nigerian economy is the main focur; of the study.

Nigerian marketers are the subjects of the discus ;ion in relation

to environmental issues, problems, and regulatic ns. Business

organizations and individuals around the environ nental crisis -

heated communities of Rivers State of Nigeria ;hall form the

major focus of the study. Non-profit oriented organizations

shall not form part of the discussion.

However, no specific case study would be ca-r ed out in the

organizations under study but a general trend o' appraisal

would be made in the execution of the study so as to make the *

research meaningful.


It is always a problem for research students to bade too narrow

or too broad topics for study. It IS against this ncecl to have a

researchable topic that the study is moderateiy narrowed to

environmental marketing only. This limits ths: number of

variables in the study to include only natural elements of

marketing environment.

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Owing to the dynamic nature of marketing, a I efforts to rely on

materials compiled by some writers, and otl er researchers in

the past could not be of much help as only current issues on

the society would make the resear-ch rnorl: meaningful and

useful to the society. Inadequate research facilities, time factor,

and finance; among other factors posed son e corxtrains and

limitations on the study.

Questionnaire is the tnain instrument used for the primary data

collection. The heavy reliance on this tool moi 2 than the use of

interviews was assumed to make it easy for respondents to

react easily and conveniently since most of Viem are always

occupied with the office work and have less ime to entertain

any personal interview. The use of the instrutnwt placed great

limitations to the objectivity of the findings and conclusiot1s of

the study. Therefore, this study is not conchs ve in it but may

serve just as a starting point for further researcl wcrk.

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Considering the impacts and the influence of the natural

environment on marketing, the researcher wid 1 to investigate

the environmental problems that marketers f; ce, define the

relationship that should exist between the cr vironment and

marketers, and investigate marketing managerlent modalities

for managing environmental challenges in mxketing. The

research will look forward to identifying deliberat 3 mu ..asures on

how to overcome the influence of the environmer t on marketing

management to an extent.

The significance of the study would rest on its ab lity to help in a

practical approach to the resolution of envirmmental and

marketing influences. It is hoped that ihe study will help to

increase the level of awareness and environmental

consciousness among marketers in Nigeria. Tk is will help to

bring increases in the number of firms that p-actlce 'green

marketing', encourage healthy marketing m d effective

environmental protection. This practice will go I long way to

reducing community disturbances and ui-healthy igitations that

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disrupt economic activities and sometimes, lezd to ioss of lives

and properties, and even sometimes rerider people refugees in

their own fatherland.

The long-run significance of the study is tha it will help to

promote a healthy and wealthy society, preseve ike lives of

both man and wild life, promote economy diversi'ication through

development of wide life, enhance the attainme i t of corporate

goals through availability of natural resources at low cost, high

productivity, and better pricing. This would eveqtually lead to

eccnomic growth and development in Nigeria a r d :he world at



This is just a brief definition of terms and concept:; zmployed in

the study so as to facilitate easy and better unckrstanding of

the work.

1 . Challenges

Obstacles and constraints which marketers mfrst fight and

conquer in order to market effectively.

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2. Effective

Able to briny about the result intended. The ability of

marketers to achieve the marketing targct, which is to

create exc.hanges that satisfy individuals and organizational


3. Markefing

Marketing as employed in this piece of work was borrowed

form Kotler's idea of marketing in a defini!ion where

marketing was defined as "a social and manqel-ial process

whereby individuals and groups obtain what hey need and

want through creating and exchanging produds and values

with others (Kotler:6)".

4. Environment

A company's marketing environment consists of the actors

and forces outside marketing that affezt marketing

management's ability to develop and maint: in successful

relationships with its target customers.

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A company's macro-environment include:-

-Demographic forces

-Economic forces

-Natural forces

-Technological forces

-Political forces

-Cultural forces

5 . Natural environment

The natural environment invclves the nalural resources

that are needed as inputs by markete s or that are

affected by marketing activities. k

6 . Environmental concern/Demands

This refers to environmental issues, p~oblerns, and

regulations which set agenda for marketin] operations.

The scarcity of natural resources, the need ;o protect the

available resource to avoid man-made scarcity by

pollution, the demand for environmental conjpliance and

the compliance to thousands of I-egulation:; issued by

dozens of local, state, and federal regulatory : gencies.

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7. Environmental marketing

Environmental marketing can be defined as: the holistic

management process responsihIe for identifying,

anticipating and satisfying the requirements c f customers

and society, in a profitable and sustainabltr !,vay (Ken

Peattice, 1995:28).

8. Marketing Management

This is a process of planning and e x w ~ t i n g 'the

conception, pricing, promotion and distributic In of goods

and services, and ideas to create exchange:, with target

groups and satisfy consumer and o -cjanizations


Marketing management is described as carryi ~g out tasks

to achieve desired exchanges with target rnar:ets. It sets

out what management philosophy that slrould guide

marketing efforts and what shoclid be g i v m to the

interests cf the organization, customers, and :;ociety.

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9 . Ecosystem

This is used in this piece of work to refe- to a "community

of ~ l a n t s and animals toaether with thf l environment in u

which they live (Bob Digby, 1 %5:15(3)".

10. Environmental Scanning

This is the process of gathering data o i the marketing

environment from people and publications

1 1 . Natural Elements

These are "factors in the marketing enviri nmcnt that are

not human made, such as natural resou-ces, weather,

and geological and astronomical events (Bovee, et al r

1 992:43)".

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Man as a complex being often engages in varied ?ctivities to

meet his complex and often conflicting interests. dan as an

econotnic being has passed fhr~ugli histories of i~ctivities to

meet his economic challenges.

The concept of exchange and values is core 2nd c 2ntral to all

the histories of Trade and Marketing. Marltetinc has been

given many different definitions by many writet-s. TI :e common

concepts that link all the varied definitions together x lude: the

concept of marketing as a human activity, the :;onctpt of value

creation, and the concept of exchange.

Marketing has been defined thus; "as an activity t h 4 is carried

out to satisfy consumers needs through prod~ction and

exchange process (Eriye, 1999)".

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Organizations that adopt the marketing concep d:, so to mainly

find out what consumers want and need at-IJ provide such

needs and wants effectively and efficiently.

Kotler defined marketing as a social and mawgerial process

whereby individuals and groups obtain what t iey need and

want through creating and exchanging products znd values with

others (kotler: 6). The American marketing Assoc:iation defined

marketing as a process of planning and executirg conception,

pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and

services to create exchanges that satisfy, inc ividuals and

organizational goals (Peter and Donnelly, 20005).

Marketing by definition, reflects what people want and that in

turn is a reflection of our society and culture. Ma-keting and

society have always been closely related, ind socio-

environmental trends such as consumerism, en /ironmental

regulations, shortages of natural resources, poilution, erosion

etc have a heavy impact on how marketing is prxt iced and

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how it performs. Marketing is purely a human act vity and it is

aimed at satisfying human needs and wants.


The physical environment within which we ?xist is : I rr~iraculous

balance of ecological systems, which took sornt? billions of

years to evolve. Society's perception o f the envirsnment has

changed over time. For our ancestors the environment was

something local and supreme. Somethirig that lcould either

support or destroy their existence, and was thcr2fore to be

feared or worshipped. The natural springs were etched just

the way they flow for drinking. Nobody drops any w xste around

the streams nor alter the flow of the rivers by any nechanism

whatsoever. The bushes are cultivated for sorneh les and are

allowed for some other time to fallow to I-c?ju/enate the

ecosystem. Fish catches were made without he use of

dangerous chemicals and the incidet~ce of polution was


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Industrialization and the advance of technolog) nllowed the

environment to be 'conquered' and exploited. This

development has seriously affected the way whic h the society

treats the environment. Many individuals are insu ated form the

environment. Things like Air conditioners, telwisions and

videotapes have drifted the interest of some inc ivicluals f.f;wn

the beauty and shade provided by nature. Th s affects the

physical environment because attention is given to building of

cinema houses instead of developing natural park: ;.

The physical environment provides us with natural r-esources, 'L

natural beauty, climatic conditions that dictate our patterns of

life and consumption, etc.



Every society is strongly influenced by the nz~tur-e of the

physical environment within which it exists. To sav that we are

dependent on the environment is to state the deep y obvious.

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The erwironn~er~t provides the physical fran lewor-k witlli17

w17ich businesses, their custo17ws and othe~ stakeholder-s

exist. 117 tnlth, no e lenmt of the physica e17vironme17t

can be taken for granted (Ken Peattie, 1995 52).

The environment was found to be a real influen ;ing factor on

marketing and needed information that will help n the conduct

of systematic environmental scanning that will kelp marketers

to generate, revise and adopt marketing strategies to meet new

challenges and opportunities in the market place.

In a study on the environmental influence on marketing k

management effectiveness; Eriye has this contribution to offer

on the influence of the environment on marketing.

Considet-ing the increase i l l e ~ ~ v i ~ a m e ~ ~ t ~ 1 awar-e~~ess, it

has become necessary for- marketing exe ;utims to h o w

what kind of e1wit-or7tmnt will suit the innlemi. i~tat io~~ of

her ~narketing policies (Erjye, 1999).

No firm has successfu\ly achieved in the pur: uit of satisfying

her customers and also achieved its organizati Ins goal without

giving the rwrketing environment her pride pl Ice, which have

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.- to do with only the influence of environmental factors that affect I!


The natural environment involves the natural resources that are

needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by

marketing activities.

past 3 decades. Some trend a~~a lys ts labeled the 1990s

as the " E a ~ f l ~ Decade!: c l a i ~ ~ ~ i ~ ? g ihat the t~atw-al

e~wi~-onmel~ t is the major world wide issue facing

business and the public (Kotler; 9"' editio~?: 105).

No marketer can exist without the availability of resc;urces (both .'*

human and material). These resources are harnessed form the

natural environment. Poor harvest of cassava wiil definitely

affect the cost and production of bread. A dry of oil well will .

have significant influence on the quantity of crude oil available

in the market. In the same vein, climatic coiiditions affect not

only production but also the consumption of some goods and

services. This goes further to show the extent of influence of

the physical environment on marketing.

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A complex economy requires a dependable supply of natural

resources to support its productive capacity. Yet, natural

resources are often in short supply and, in some ins!ances, this

shortage is critical. Resources lay down by geological forces

over billions of years are being gobbled up at a rate ihat makes

gluttony resemble restraint.

Advance in technology has also coiitributed in no small

measure to intensify the impact of maslteting activiiies on the

physical environment. The technology that emerged from the

Industrial Revolution allowed nature to be harnessed and then .L

altered, and to some extent controlled. These technoloijcal .*

advances affect the physical environment in some negative

ways. This impact on the natural facbrs t he reb~~ influence a

marketing activities and also set agenda for marketers.

Technology has, and is being used to extend ~ i n d rey!ace

natural resources. But, existing technology has its limits.

Further, advanced technology often requires large amount of

energy, and energy is a resource that is experiencing a critical

shortage (Kenneth E. ,Run yon, 1982:38).

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The environmental impact of business is so much an integral

part of the world in which we live that it would be impossible to

catalogue all the ways in which our world has b e m affected by

business. Environmental issues, problems, s nd regulation

came into being because of business impacts c n tlie physical


In the introductory part of this work, it was mentioned that

Nigeria like other countries of the world share in the global

concern for the environmental catastrophes that threaten the <

earth. In Nigeria, environmental issues like pollution,

deforestation, erosion, salinisation of land and water resources,

soil degradation, indiscriminate refuse durnping, flooding,

drought, harsh climate, bad weather, to mention but few always

pose difficulties to marketers, consumers, governments and the

society at large.

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Taking just a few of these environmental issues into a little

detail, the research will focus more attention o r the issues of

pollution and resource depletion.

-Envir-or71ner7tal Pollution

Pollution is an inevitable by-product of industrialization.

Exhaust pollution, smoke pollution and particle poI\ution fill the

air and threaten to strangle us in ow- own filth. Sewage

disposal, agricultural chemicals, solid and liquid waste

discharged by factories, thousands of tons of manure

accumulated by commercial feedlots, as well as noti

biodegradable bottles, cans, plastics, packages, and detergents

turn our oceans and waterways into sewers and transform our

landscapes into garbage dumps.

In relation to the impacts of environmental pcllut on in our world

today, consumers, city councilors, governmental ministers and

environmental demonstrators alike challenge narketers with

some comments like these:

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a. "Go away, we don't want your garbage. ',NeCve got no

place to put it and enough pollution problems already so

don't think you can just burn it.

b. We don't want companies, which kill rain f j~rest to raise


c. Sure, your hamburgers might take five minu es to eat, but

your packaging will take the earth several centuries to

digest (lovelock and Weinberg, : )".

In Nigeria, the situation is not quite different. Pollution has

been a general environmental problem both to the rural .L

dwellers and the urbanites.

In an article caption "when Pollution Ravages Seaport" by

Francis Ugwoke, it was brought to the attention of everyone in

Nigeria how Nigeria's premier port, Apapa, is cus-rently facing

the worst env~ronmental degradation which ha:; become a

threat to human live. "A sewage truck imported from Europe

was sent back. The truck came with remains of human waste

(Ugwuoke, 2004:26).

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In another report on this year's World Environmeiital Dzy,

Benneth Oghifo has this contribution on the cc mmemorated

'Environmental Day', which focused on the w8sdorn of

protecting oceans and seas for man's survival. 'Gcing by its

theme: 'Wanted! Seas and oceans- Dead and A h 2?' lis

theme asks humanity to make a choice on hov to treat the

earth's seas and oceans. Do we warit to kecp 3eas a ! ~ d

oceans healthy and alive or polluted and dea i ': (Oghifo,

The incidence of pollution in Nigeria can =

overemphasized. The communities and dweller:

Petro-chemical industries in the Niger Delta areas

!-:ever he

around ti.te

sr !ffer wakr

scarcity including the nature - given rain water becaise of the

effects of pollution form Gas flaring and Gas spray In a report

by Femi Folaranrni in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, the effect of

pollution from Gas spray has resulted in etivironmental crisis in

two fishing settlements in the state.

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Tbe ir7hahitants of the two setlletiierits are cimtcr7ted wit11

their lowly estate. They relish the ritual of waking up ;I,

the n~oming to thn~st theit- tiet itito the rivet- to catch fish

and other sea creatures lor food atld sale. However; all

this had beer? ternri~~ated. as lhe atnlosphet-;? arout~d the

two seftiements is t ~ o louger coriducive io humail

exister~ce (Folararvni, 2004: 7 5)

Still on the report, investigation revealed that oflici,als of the

Ministry of Environment who visited the area to assess the

impact of the released gas on human lives recon-mended the *.

immediate evacuation of human being from the arem-l.

In one other contribution on the effects of polll.lti!.m in our-

environment, Chuka Nnabuife attributed hunger, di ;eases, and

poverty to be the offshoots of pollution.

Pollution of I-iver-s anci wetlar~ds have led lo 3 decline it?

fish catches, and the populafioi? of arnp17ibia17s, frogs and

toads whicl? c017stitute the major- prey of repti, 3s. Sr~akes

have now resorted to oppo~-tiir~istic feed;/ lg, 17ear-ily

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villages and adaptiug to food scat-city by Iakirlg poultry

and other livestock. b i t i ~ g ~lnsospect h g villagers.

someti~i,, jes with fatal conseque~~ces, (Nnabc ife. 2000:30)

-Resource Depletion

Soil degradation, flooding, drought, c'efcrestation,

desertification, and salinisation of land; all result i i to chemical

deterioration of the soil nutrients and organic matte -s.

"The result of a Global Assessment of soil 3egradation

(GLASOD) were published in 1991 by the interrational Soil

Reference and Information Centre (ISRI). The as:.essment is

based on the World Map of the status of Human Ir~duced Soil

Degradation. The map was prepared under financial agreement

with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEF).

A primary objective for the creation of the soil degradation map

was to generate awareness of the 'present s t a t ~ s of soil

degradation in the minds of policy makers, decision wakers and

the genera1,public (Ghassemi, et al ,I W5: 16f

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In Niy eria, the incidence of soil degradation, salinasation,

deforestation, desertification, and the resultan scil erosion

have given much concern to the society.

On the issue of impact of deforestation on the environment,

(Ogwezy et al. 2002) has this contribution to make. "Unless

some drastic rehabilitation programmes arc introduced,

Nigeria's forest resources may be exhausted by tie end of the

first quarter of the present century".

Nigeria cannot be sig17i11g i ~ ~ t e m a t i o ~ ~ a l treaties and *

corwenfio17s 017 forests, wetlands, hiodivet-sil y at113 clin~ate

change in broad daylight, tl7e17 renege a, ~d practically

begh sharpening her cullasses to destroy the 17atim's

forest estate at night (Nnahuife, 2000:30).

The establishment and maintenance of forest rescArves has not

kept pace with the destruction of natural systen s. In some

states, dereservation became a clandestine policy to supply the

population with fuel wood. Further disturbanc? OF forests

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resulting form higher kerosene costs would e.lentually if not

checked expose the environment to higher risks ~f erosion.



Discussions about the need to protect thc environment

inevitably involve the responsibility of eveFyone. The

consumers, the marketers as well as the governments.

Protecting the environment is simply an extensior of the logic of

our desire for national and personal security bec u s e without a

healthy environment, our- health alld our ver l lives are in


In Nigeria today, the companies, the stakeho ders and. the

company's publics have come up with rrany different

responses to environmental issues and problems that challenge

man on earth.

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Churches and non-governmental organizations m Nigeria also

engage in environmental protection exercise. The various

actions so far taken in Nigeria by both Government and non -

governmental bodies shall thus be considered under theses


-Government Responses

-Company Responses

-Marketers Responses

-Customers Responses

-Governn~e~?t Respmses

Environmental degradation has become a major issue on the

agenda for governments all over the world. Govel nments have

to balance the pressure for economic growth to increase

standard of living and fund public expenditures against the

pressure for environmental protection and improv2d quality of

life. It is the obvious truth that the environment fo~ms only one

strand of government policy but its influence on o her aspects

such as resources management, transport, etc is not

neglectable. The majority of governments arourd the world

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have embraced the principles, if not th? practice of


In Nigeria, the government has created among ciher ministries

,the Ministry of Environnient. The Honourablt: Minister of

Environnient, Colonel Bala Manda (rtd) has L een working

tirelessly to make sure that sustainability is the watchword for

all Nigerians especially marketers. The minister has recently

inaugurated the Inter-Ministerial Cumniittee on E~ivironniental

Impacts Reduction from Coastal Tourism projwt through

introduction of Policy changes and strengthening public- private %

parherships, a project recently approved by he Global

Environment Facility (GEF).

It? his wor-ds: "we are cot~cemed it7 the sen: e that we

welcome ecot?otnic growth ;!I a// its rm~ i f i c ; t iom, buf

wolrld want the e11vi1.01?1net7t fo be PI-oteciec, equally':

(Ede, 2004 : 2 1)

In the various states and local government levels in Nigeria,

environmental protection agencies exist. This help tc monitor

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activities in the favour of the environmen t. Gove -nment policy

on the environment tends to contain a mixture ~f command-

and-control style regulations, financial incenti-les and the

promotion of industrial self-regulation.

-Companies Responses

Apart from the general regulation on Industries ar d companies

by government in Nigeria, self-regulation is one o the effective

means of environmental protection. This serv?s more like

accompany policy, which must be fully complied with in all jobs

executed by and/or for the company by any c o n k ctor. Among

the most cornmon and widely used policy is the Health, Safety

and Environment (HSE Policy), which most firrrs observe in

order to maintain a sustainable environment.

In response to environmental protection, some cc mpanies and

industries have initiated own-projects and ccm nunity-based

projects in line with the source of their material r ?source or in

response to an environmental issue that chAlenges the

communities in which they operate.

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The Nigerian Newsprint Manufacturing Company Limited has in

one of its response to a socio-environmental issue in the

Ejagham Community where it sources raw maierial buitt two

ultra-modern halls for the communities. It alsc has a green

project - the NSAN Nursery. This is a plantation of Gmelina

nursery as a guard against afforestation (Amba, 199'1 : 18)

-Marketers Responses

Specialized marketing research services arc now being

developed to keep marketers up to date on th 2 evolution of

consumers' environmental concern. Marketers are now very r

conscious of two determinant factors to ensure t ieir existence

in the market - the consumers and the comletitors. The

marketer is producing for the consaniers' patron jgc and must

comply with consumers' dictates for safe prt ducts, better

packaging and sustainable environment. The marketer is

equally aware of its competitors, who might serve the

customers better and monopolize the market.

This has led to strategic changes in the marketing management

philosophy of most companies and industries.

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In his discussion, Piercy talked about what he lescribed as

'Market - Led Strategic Change'.

The MLSC approach makes the following assumptions:

* That ultimately all organizations are forced :o follow the

dictates of the market (the paying customer), 01- go out of

business when someone else does.

- * In this sense we can pursue organizational effxtiveness by

being 'market led' and focusing on the custc,mers' needs,

wants and demands.

" Most of the barriers to doing this do nct come from

ignorance of customer characteristics, lack elf information,

inflexible technology, competitive threats, anJ so on, they

come forrn the way we run our organization (Piercy,

1997: I I ).

-N017-Gover17111e17fal bodies Respor'lses

Churches and Non-governmental organizations in Nigeria have

contributed immensely to environmental protectic n. The church

is a very sensitive member of the society and is affected

seriously by environmental issues that affer t the society.

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Churches organize campaign and awareness xogrammes to

promote good environment. 'Tree planting' a rd other 'green

projects' are embarked on to join in t h ~ ? war against

environmental degradation.

Non-governmental organizations have gone 3 long way to

rescuing oLr environment from death. Somc foreign based

companies and even Nigeria companies have cone extra miles

to ensure good environmental status in Nigeria. The 'Living

Earth Nigeria Foundation - Environmental and participatory

De\/eIopmefd'. among her programmes towards bl ~ilding a healthy t

environment include: the provision of educative programmes to

communities and all stakeholders.

all stakeho1de1-s to comicler the impact of ~ / J E ir activities or? t h e

cor7senmtio17 activities, all targeted at the ptrv??otio~~ of positive


(source: Livil~g E a ~ l h N ige~ ia Fou~~clatio~ J - calencla~: 2004)

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-Customers Responses

The customers' awareness of his environment t1.s contributed

effectively towards environmental protection. The marketers

are in the market to satisfy the customers needs and wants

among which today hold the environments as the first priority.

Owing to the level of awareness so far on x~vironmental

issues, stakeholders ate much more involvec in company

activities than ever. Environmental Impact Asses ;merit -EIA; A

new approach towards building a healthy environment allows

stakeholders to dictate on some environmental issues.

Pursuant to the 17ew illitiative of evolvirq cluality EIA

delivery process; Siakeliolder R~COI?I /?EIK~ ~fio/? include:-

-Oil Spill Respouse

* Educate communities before incidence of spill

* Identify and train community based contract 3 s on proper

methods of clean up.

* Oil spill must be seen as an emergency and response

work should commence immediately.

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-Gas Flar-inq

* ~ l im ina te gas flares by 2004

* Intensify efforts to provide gas for Househol-J and


-Natural Resource Manaqeme~~t

f. Check the disappearances of certain species of fish by

'Resource Enhancing'.

* Natural protection by working with comrnuni .ies.

* Minimize natural resource destruction by mclnitoring all

work along certain guidelines and policies.

(Source: Stakeholders ' Workshop Reports, 200 7: 27-35)

Until recently, a socio-envirmmental perspective on marketing

and management lacked the theoretical and educational

foundations , which the dominant techno-economi : approach to

business enjoys.

Conventional marketing books do not readily cove1 courses and

facts on environmental issues adequately. TI ~e review of

related literatures was focused on related issues in marketing

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and the physical environment. Literatures on (mvironrnental

marketing policies specifically were not covered s i x e individual

companies have their own managemenl policies. This would

be better x-rayed in chapter four of this work.

"Marketing management is essentially an ad ioc process.

Every company is unique and must decide for itself what is the

appropriate approach to apply (Lancaster, et all 1988: 17)".

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This chapter explains the procedure for carrying out the

research. It sets out the steps and descril~es the methods

adopted in the conduct of the research.

The fundamental objective of any research is 11 generate data

that will help to solve research problems. Approaches to

research include a clear research design and a well explained

procedure or n~ethodology of the research. The research

design and methodology provide the txxkyround against which k

the reader evaluates the findings and concksions of the



This is a survey research study. The quantitative

characterization of the phenomenon being stucied will be

achieved by a survey of a selected sample of the p~pulation of

study. Data collection method, population of study, sample size

determination, instruments for data collection, design of

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questionnaire, and the method of data analys s all form the

explicit steps adopted towards achieving the research



This is a descriptive research. "Any source of i~lfot-mation can

be used in a descriptive study, although most ;tudies of this

nature rely heavily on secondary data and SL well research

(I keagwu, 1 998:48)".

Numerical data constitute the researcher's raw material.

However, the quality of the final product depends on the quality

of the material used. If the data lack substant e because of

forgeries, biases, ambiguities, or other types of e -ro~-s, then the

final product after molding the data may not be useful toward

the ultimate solution of problems, no matter how sophisticated

the tools selected by the researcher (Aneke, 199t :I 5).

The data for the study are classified into: Ptimary , and

Secondary data by the nature of their sources. The primary

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data were sourced by way of survey of selected sample of the

population while the secondary were gather~d from texts,

journals, and reports by reading.

-Prin~ary Data

These are data got directly from respondent;, information

acquired from a personal interview and data compiled by

others, especially assembled primary data or d ~ t a bank. The

primary data for the study were gathered by respc nses from the


-Secondary Data

These are data collected from published texts, jou -rials, reports,

etc. The secondary data in the study were sourc?d from texts,

journals, reports and manuals.


The mode of data collection includes: Surveys a!id the use of

data compiled by others. In the case of surve IS, the usual

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instruments of data collection are the questionnaire and


The basic instrument for collection of primary d~ l ta for the study

is the questionnaire. This instrument is preferre j to interview in

order to avoid bias and to allow the respondents maximum

freedom to answer confidential questions, wh ch would have

been a problem if interview method were applied.


Marketers in the environmental crisiS - heated areas of Rivers

State of Nigerian are the population of the study. Only a

sample of the entire population is to be surveyed for the

purpose of the study. A considerable size is to he chosen so as

to have a good representation of the poyulation. Valid

generalization would then be made based 3n the sample


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Only on exceptional circumstances is it possible to canvass an

entire market or universe. Consequently, market investigation

usually proceeds on a sampling basis (Ale vizes, l965:162).

According to Bruce (1973:88) a sample is a subsr!t of larger set;

it represents the population from which it was drawn. The

sample helps in reaching a conclusion or drawing inference

about the entire population.

There is only limited number of analytical techniques that even

the most able statistician can apply to any given saniple. "He is

limited in what he can infer about the total popu atioti from the

sample by the size of the actual sample, the type of sample, the

nature of data collected, the method of collectio~i, the purpose

for which the data were intended and the degrce of accuracy

looked for in the results (Rodger, 198499).

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Any sample size we take will be of limited size and yields only

limited information that is generalizable, Jot-ln P. Alevizos

model (1 995:l62) for sample size computation is givcn below:

This formula computes sample size at a certai.ity limit of 95


3.84 is a constant representing the critical value (Z)

corresponding to the chosen level of signific,mx.

n is the sample size

p is the percentage of success

q is the percentage of failure

e is the maximum allowable error in percentage points.

This model is adopted in the determination of sample size using

a simple probability of success and failure.

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Using the Alevizos Model, and assuming a simple probability

that if 30 copies of questionnaires are distribu-.ed among the

chosen respondents that 28 copies will be correctly filled and

returned while only 2 copies will not be reti rned. These

outcomes suggest 93 percent success and 7 percent failure.

Based on the result anticipated, the sample size can be

determined, with an allowable error of 5 percent.


n - - 100 to the nearest whole number

From the above calculation, a total of IC'O copies of

questionnaire will be administered. The questionnaires will be

unevenly distributed among the groups that make up the

population of study. A total of 30 copies of the c uestionnaires

will be distributed among top marketingloperation.; officials who

deal directly with marketing policies and management

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philosophies. The remaining 70 copies will g : ~ to the field

officials who have direct contact with the consumel's and the

environment. This was done based on the assuription that the

facts gathered from the field officials will be a rest for policy

compliance in a practical sense.


Random sampling is the selection strategy applied in the

selection of sample size of the study. This equal proportional

representation eliminates differences between pl~pulation units

from the sampling error. "By probability [or randxn) sampling, C

we mean a sampling procedure in which eve-y unit of the

universe is given an equal chance of being ircluded in the

sample (Nwabuokei, 1986: 17)".


Simple statistical analytical tools will be used for data analysis.

To this end is the easy accessibility and under~tanding of the

general reader. This will also make the results of the analyses

as clear as possible. In this regard, data are presented in

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tables and analysed using simple percentages, pie (:harts and bar

chart where it seems necessary.

Only data that have a bearing on the research questiotis and the

proposed hypotheses are to be analysed. Questio is designed to

ascertain the views of the respondents on c m m m issues that

bother on both the research questions and the propo8;ed hypotheses

shall be analysed under the same table and the resul's shall be used

to answer the research questions and test they hypotl Ieses.

The x2 (Chi - square) test of independence has been cliosen as a

technique Tor lesling the proposed Hypolheses. The resdt obtained

from the tests would then determine the rejection c - acceptance of w.

the Null - Hypotheses.


The questionnaires were designed for the reypondents in a

simplified manner. They were structured in sections to ascertain one

thing at a time. The questions were carefully constructed to

minimize bias.

To achieve this end; multiple-choice questions, rating questions, and

open-ended questions were combined in the design of the


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Alevizos, P. John (1 965)

Aneka, E.0 (1998)

Bob Digby (1 995)

Bovee, C. L, et a1 ( I 992)

Bruce, W. Tuch (1 993)

Ghassem, et al (1995)


Marketing Research Applications,

Procedures and cases, Eqglewood

Cliffs. N.J Prentice Hall.

Academic Research Methods: An

Introduction: Nigeria: Gost.ak F- rinting

and Publishers Co. Ltd.

The Physical EnvironmenL Laidon:

Heinemann Educational Publishers.

Marketing; New York: McGraw- Hill, tnc.

Conducting Educational F?ese:lr-ch New

York: Bruce Harcourt B r ~ c e s

Yovannovich Incorp.

Salinisatian of Land and 'JVater

Resources Human causes, E i .tent,

Manaqernent and Case 3 u d i : s -

Australia and New Zeal2 nd: U I-liversity

of New South Wales Press LtS.

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Kirkpatrick, et al (

Kotler (gth Edition)

Lancaster, G. et al (1 988)

Lovelock, et al

Nwabuokei, P. 0 (1 986)

Peattie Ken (1 995)


Peter, et al (2000)

Groundwork of Research b'lethods and

procedures Nigeria: Institute for

Development Studies University of

Nigeria Enugu Campus.

Marketinq Canada: Little, %own and

Company Itd.

Essentials of Marketinq; VcGraw-Hill

Book Company Europe.

Fundamentals of Statistic:;, Enugu:

Koruna Books

Environmental Marketinq I'danaqement

- Meeting the Green Challenqe Britain:

Financial Times Pitman P ~blishing.

Marketing Management, Knowledqe and

Skills, Boston: Itwin Mcgraw-Hill.

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Piercy, N. (1 997) Market-led Strateqic Chanqe;

Transforming the process of goinq to

market ,New Delhi: Butterwcrth


Rodger, Leshe W.(1984) Statistics for Marketinq; London:

Mcgraw - Hill.

Runyon, K.E. (1982) The Practice of Marketinq; 13hio:

Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company.


Ako, Amadi (2000) "Fueling Despoliation of Forest

Ecosystems". The Guardiaa Sunday

11: 41

Ede, D. (2004) "Coastal Tourism has Negative Impacts

on Environment" - Mandc ThisDay, >

vol.10 No. 33472.1

lolaranmi, F. (2004) "Pollution - Gas spray srjnds fear into

two fishing settlements in Bayelsa",

Daily Sun June 9: 15.

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Oghifo, 6. (2004)

Ugwoke, F. (2004)

"Degrade Environment Today, Pay

Dearly Tomorrow", This Dav, '\Jot 10,

No. 3347: 18.

Ogwezi, et al (2002) "Rural Women and Environmental

Rehabilitation in Northern Nigeria", The

Niqerian Journal of Communications, .

Vol. 1, Number 2, August: 12.

"When Pollution Ravages Seaport"

ThisDay; vol. 10, No. 3329:26


Calender, 2004

Stakeholders' Workshop

~ & o r t (2001 ) ,

"Educative Programmes to

communities" by living Earth Niljeria

Foundation-Environmental and Pa -ticipatory

Development. 10A Railway Close DILine,

Port Harcourt.

"Working for the Sustainable

Development of the Niger Delta' ; 27.

(A Unpu6[ishe-m2sTs-----

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Eriye Tuaweri (1 999) "Environmental Influence of M xketing

Management effectiveness" Marketing

Department (RSUST)

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This chapter deals with the presentation and anlaysis of data used in

the study. The data used in the study are to be analysed and

presented in tables and charts for clarity purposes.

Only data that have a bearing on the research questions and the

proposed hypotheses shall be analyzed. The same tijble may be

used to present data to answer research questions and to provide

data for hypothesis testing.

Number of Questionnaires distributed and the number returned.

Out of the 100 questionnaires distributed to the groups of

respondents concerned; 30 given to the Managers and the remaining

70 to the operational staff, 75 was returned representing 75% of the

100 questionnaires administered. 25 came from the management

staff representing 25%, and 50 came fron. the operational staff -

representing 50% of the entire 100 questionnaires admin stered.

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Table 4.0

Shows the groups of Respondents, numbers administered, and

responses with their percentages.

Managers Operational staff Total

Total I Percentages I Number o" I Percentage 1

We shall thus proceed to use the rate of responses to each question

number given

30 70 100

as given by the respondents to ascertain their views on the research

questions and the proposed hypotheses.

30 70 100

Level of Environmental ~ w a k n e s s among Marketers in ~igeria.

Question 1: What is the level of environmental awareness

among marketers in Nigeria?

Table 4.1 :




25 33.33 50 66.67 75

Shows levels of Environmental Awareness among Marketers.

Operational Total staff responses


High Very high

Low -

Very low Total

Managers responses

7 18 - -


responses 25 32 12 30 13 '1 3 -

50 75

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Analysis of table 4.1 shows that the level of environmental awsrmess

among marketers in Nigeria is generally high. The option ratr?cl 'high'

received a total response of 32 or 42.67%.

Computing the percentage of the individual options would he l~ : us to

arrive at a conclusion.

i . High 32 x I 00 = 42.67% 75 1

ii. Very Hi@] 30 x 100 = 4.0% 75 I

iii. Low - 13 x 100 17.33% - - 75 1

iv. Very low - -

Comparing percentages, one would conclude that the lwel of

environmental awareness among marketers i1-i Nigeria is iigh.

Figure 1:

Represents the various levels of environmental awarenes. 45

35 1-

environmental awareness

15 10

5 C * , I 0 --

very low low very I 'gh 64 high


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The bar chart is used to represent the various levels of ewironmental

awareness among marketers in Nigeria. The length of tPe bar charts

depicts level of awareness as was obtained from data ctdlected from

the respondents.

Environmental Issues And Problems that Challenge 'iffective

Marketing in Nigeria

Questions II: Whaf are the likely enviromental Issues and

problems that challenge effective rn srketing in

Nigeria ?

Table 4.2:

Shows the various environmen'tal hazards that ~ ~ ~ a l l e n g e marketers.

1 hazards 1 from / from /Responses( 1 / Environmental 1 Responses I Responses / Tota 1

!\loise 20 50 70 25.45 Accidental fire 15 45 60 21.81 Erosion 4 16 20 Litter 20 30 50 18.18

,Total 84 191 - 275


From the analysis of the data represented ii: tal ie 4.2, one may

conclude that the greatest environments1 issue faced by most

Nigerian marketers is pollution. The pollution c' Air, Water. Land and

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Seas among others received greater response when .:omprred with

other hazards. Pollution received a total rzsponsb of 75 or 27.27% of

the total responses. The respondents listed Noise, Accidental fire,

Erosion, Pollution and Environment-litter as the major issues and

problems that marketers face here in Nigeria.

Various ways through which Marl:,eters can Respond to

Environmental Issues and Problems In PTigeria.

Question I I I: What are the various wms fh roqh which a

Marketing firm can respond to Environmental issues

and problems in Nigeria?

Table 4.3: <

Shows the lists of environmental hazards and the var OL s ways of

handling them by the selected companies under


Environmental issues Pollution Pollution


Accidental fire

The various ways or r e s p o n c l / ? \ issues - i Environmental Impact

Construction of treatment of waste before Change of production process. Lse of better equipments, use of erwironmental management tool like 'IA, Remediation and mitigation of impacts. Separation of waste for proper of Recyclable package^. Sale 0 1 scraps for second value e.g. pallets for firewood Smoke detection - gadgets,

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I Noise I Use of better machines. vehic

for green vege General Adoption of Health, Safety . Environmental policies. Environment audit.

1 Erosion

[ hazards

Tree planting, Avoidance falling of trees or excavation:

Going through table 4.3, one could observe thc

environmental pollution for instance differ from corn.

and thus, each company has a definite way of r;

hazards. Most firms in Nigeria maintain a similar w!

environmental issues by having a safety a?

Department in their organizations.

Possible Marketing Tools which Marketers

Response to Environmental Issues and Problem -

Question IV: What are the possible market?

marketers can employ in response

issues and problems in Nigeria?



'he causes of

. iy to company

.onding to the

of response to

.- . ' ywironment

tools, which


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Table 4.4: Shows the application of the 4Ps in mariwlters' response

to environmental issues and problems.

( Marketing Tools / No of Responses 7

Total Res~onses I 150 I 100 I

Price Place Promotion

From the above table, one can reach a conch ;ic that most

Nigerian marketers use the marketing tools gf products and

promotion at an equal rate in their response 3 environrr-tental !

issues and problems. The options recorded a toial response of

75 each. This implies that one can conclude !h: t th5 products

are environmentally compliant and that enouc;i 3w- c r e n e ~ ~ on

environmental concern is already in place in Ni3e -ia.

- -- -

75 50

Among the other tools that Nigerian Marketers employ in their

response to environmental issues include: -


-Risk Assessment Scheme

-Forums and Meetings with Environmental Regulatov Elc::ies

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-Procedures and Manuals

-Management/Marketing Policies e.g. the HSE Policy (Fealt!7? Safely

and Environment policy),

-Effective Management Systems, Occupational Health r - ' Safzty

Policy, Environmental Management Systems, Hazards Critical

Control Points (HACCP), and Good manufacturing Practice (GMP).

These data were gathered by personal interview.

Level of Environmental Compliance

Question V: To what extents do marketing ,PO,'' ??s ~ ' 7 d

activities of marketing d5partments of some sek:f.x' :!iger"n

Companies comply with environmental issues, ;'3r-c b/t-;17s, 2nd

regulation ?

Table 4.5


25 compliant Moderately Compliant Compliant

Responses from Operational staff 25



Responses from Managers








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Figure 11: Shows ths extent to which marketin? ~:olicies

environmentally compliant.

None of the above Totals










0 none compjiant rnod.cornp highly cc r-

From table 4.5, it is shown that the marketing policies of' som.2



Selected Nigerian Companies under study ere

compliant since such Companies are still striving to pe~fect i rn

The option received a total response of 45 or 60% c f the en-3-e







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With this, one can conciude that the marketing pcii:ies of mclst

marketers in Nigeria are moderately compliant to ~nvironmerlal

issues, problems, and regulations.

Extent of Success in Marketers f?. ::onse to

Environmental Issues and Problems in Niger!..

Question VI: How successful have Nigerisri marke:,x-s .L

been in their Response to environmental issues mc I prob/er;17s?

Table 4.6: Shows marketers ability to resolve some of :he

environmental issues and problems that cilal'enge i k i r


Table 4.6

TotaS respo .- s ;"I 1

Yes No Total -

Operational staff Responses

Options Managers responses

22 3 25

27 23 50

- 49 -- 26 75

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This distribution which represents the responses i~ a question

in the data collection instrument which tried to finc out whether

the companies under study were able to resolve some of the

environmental issues that challenge their operz :ions, shows

that the companies have been very successful i r : their efforts

towards resolving some environmental issues 2 nd problems

through the application of their marketinglmanager.ent policies.

The option "yes" received a total response of 49 0;- 65.3% of the

respondents. This shows that the marketing ~olicies of the

selected companies are environmentally comp iant and that

marketers have been very successful in their ~.ffot-ts towards C

building a sustainable environment through marketing


Impacts of Physical Environment on Organizatiow- Coyporate


Question VI I: What are the impacts of natural envirmment

on the attainment of corporate goals and objecti/es of business

organizations in Nigeria?

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1 )

Table 4.7: Shows Marketers response to a questiol in the data

collection instrument which seeks to obtain their \#ie!ws on ti72

impacts of the physical environment on their organization's

corporate goals.

Table 4.7:

Operational Responses



This distribution reveals that organizations will

Total resp0r.s es

not be &le to atkin

their corporate goals and objectives without paying much attention to

the physical environment. The option "yes" received a tot 31 response

of 42 or 56% of the respondents. With this, one can ccnclude that

no organization can attain its corporate goals and objectk~es without

first giving the physical environment its proper place.

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Influence of Environmental Issues, Problems, and Rqralations

on the Formulation of Marketing Policies of the Companies

under Study.

Question VIII: How do environmental issues, prc blems, and

regulation in Nigeria influence the formulation 01 marketing

policies and activities of the companies under study:'

Table 4.8: Shows responses to a question tha seeks to

ascertain whether the formulation of marketing policies is

influenced by the existing government regulziions, and

environmental issues, and problems.


Table 4.8 :

I Yes 1 25


I Total 1 25

Managers Responses

The option 'yes' received a total response of 75 o: 1 10% of the

respondents. This implies that all the companies under study are

highly influenced by governments' regulations, environml:ntal issues

and problems in the formulation of their marketing polil ;. One can

Operational staff Responses 50 - 50


75 - 75 I OQ

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then reach a conclusion that Nigerian marketers are heai ly under the

influence of government regulations, environmental issues a ~ d

problems in the formulation of their business and marketiq policies.


Three hypotheses were proposed in chapter one. '3e test c ~ f

hypotheses is a tactic through which the authenticity of ' : propossd

hypotheses is confirmed or refuted.

The techniques for testing hypothesis will depend on the type of

relationship that the statistician wants to establish. In th13 study, t . k k

researcher wishes to find out the relationship that subsists betwesn

the variables that make up each hypothesis.

Ho: There is significantly low level of aw!ra.-en?ss 3

environmental issues and problems among m vlreters 'n


There are two basic variables in the hypothesis.

a. Environmental issues and problems in Nigeri-.

b. Nigerian marketers level of environmental awa .eness

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The researcher wishes to find out if the mark~ters level of

environmental awareness and consciousness is i r lependent of

the present environmental issues, problems and regulations,

which challenge the marketing activities of firms. The test of

hypotheses that was chosen for the test is the Ch -square tcst

of independence.

Ho: The elements of natural environment have nr3! impacts -n

the attainment of corporate goals and chjecfives of

business organizations in Nigeria.

The two variables involved in the hypothesis are:

a. The natural elements in the physical environment k

b. Corporate goals and objectives of firms

The researcher wishes to find out whether firms can attain t k i r

corporate goals and objective independent of their operaklg

physical environment. The Chi-square (x* ) test of

independence was chosen for the test of hypothese:;.

Ho: Nigerian marketers do not respond positively io

environmental issues, problems, and regulation?;.

The two variables that are contained in the hypothesis are:

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a. Marketers operations and activities.

b. Environmental issues, problems and regulations.

The researcher wishes to find out whether the quality o?

marketing policies and activities and the final product offered to

the consumers are in compliance with environrnei~t;.! issues,

problems and regulations.

The (Chi-square) x2 Tests

The x2 tests are employed for testing more than two Popu: jtion

Proportions. In the x2 tests, a contingency table is used. The test of

independence is a form of contingency test in which we apply the x2 C


The x2 test statistics is given by the formula:

The above formula can also be written in this form.

x2 = oi - ei = observed frequency -Expected frr :I ,*3ncy e i expected frequency

The d .f is called the degree of freedom. The K is callecl t ie level of

significance. The magnitude of K is usually specified k f c r e the

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samples are drawn for the test. The most frequently L! ;ed level cf

significance in hypothesis testing are: c~ = 0.05 (ie 5% level cF

significance), and x = 0.01 (ie 10% level of significance).

The degree of freedom is calculated with respect to the d iosm level

of significance. The critical value of K is obtained I, 1

values of the chi-square distribution statistical tables.

Degree of freedom (d.f) = (r - l)(c - 1); where 'r' is t k ilurnDer r ~ f

rows in the contingency table, and 'c' is the number of col jmns in the

table. .z

For the purpose of the test, we shall use "f," to rqresent t!:s

observed frequencies, and "f;' to represent the expected h 3quencie 2 .

The observed frequencies are data observed directly from the

sample. The expected frequencies 'f; are obtained using C:e


- Ft - nR . nC n

Where nR = Total number of Row

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nC = Total number of Column

n = Total number (ie the sample)

The Chi-square test of independence

- There is significantly low level of awareness cf Step I: HO

Environmental Issues and Probk ms amony

marketers in Nigeria.

Step 11:

Step Ill:

Step IV:

Let cc


= 0.05 (ie 5% level of sigr ificance)

- - 75

d .f = (degree of freedom)

Table 4.9: C

Shows the observed and the expected frequencius of Da!3

obtained from responses to question number one.


d.f = x 2 a = (r-I)(c-I)

= (4-1)(2- I )

Very high Low Very low Total

Managers responses

18 - - 25

Operational staff remonses

Tot21 .

response :

12 13 - 50

'1 0 L --

'l3 - .-

- --

75 .-

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- - 3

Step V: Critical value: Since we have a 4 x 2 conti igency taNs,

the number of degrees of freedom is 3. Therefore, the

2 critical value X 0.05 = 7.81 5

Step VI:


State the Rejection Region

Do not Reject HO

Figure Ill: States the rejection area.

Rejection H, if x2 >_ 7.815 otherwise do not reject :-I,..

STEP VII: Test Statistics = x2 d . f . ~ = 2- - fef f t

Test Statistics = x2 d.f.a

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Testing Hypotheses I I

Ho - The elements of natural environment have nc impacts cn

the attainment of corporate goals and cbjectives of

business organizations in Nigeria.

The Chi-square Test of Independence.

STEP I: Attainment of Corporate goals is indeperdent of the

elements of the Physical Environment.

STEPII: a = 0.05 (5% level of significance)

STEP Ill: n - - 75 'C

STEP IV: d.f = (degree of freedom)

Table 4.1 1 :

Shows the observed and the Expected Frequencies of Cata obtaili2d from responses to Question number 8 in secthr B of :he. questionnaire.

I options I Managers I Operational I I resnonses I staff res~onses I I Yes 15 1 28 1 No Total

20 25

22 50

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STEP V: Critical value - since we have a 2 x 2 c o n t i n y x y table,

the number of degrees of freedom is I.

Therefore, the critical value

x20.0s = 3.841

STEP VI; State the Rejection Region

Figure IV : States the rejection Area

Reject H, if X* >_ 3.841 otherwise do not reject H,

STEP VII: Test Statistics

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Table 4.1 1 .I: Shows the calculated Chi-square (x2) v4ue

Decision: Since x2 = 8-77 > x2~,o .os - 3.841 -

Therefore, reject H,


HO - Nigerian marketers do not respond positively to

environmental issues, problems and regulation s.

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The Chi-square Test of Independence

STEPI: H, - Marketers operations and activities did not

contribute to the present quality of physical

environment we have in Nigeria.

STEPII: cx: = 0.05 (5% level of significance)

STEP ill: n - - 75

STEP IV: d.f = (degree of freedom)

Data got from the respondents on their various responses to existing

environmental issues in Nigeria are represented below in ;I table.

Table 4.12

I Environmental Issues I Responses offered -7 Pollution (Air) 1 ~ u i l d i n ~ effluent treatrner;plants.I

1 Pollution (Water) Treatment of waste b be for el

I farmers, youths). I I

impact of uneducated users of the environment (fishers,

I Swamps I Drainages 1

discharging. Synergies for awareness

The distribution represents data got from responses to q .a: I n I in


section C of the questionnaire that tried to ascertain thr: effects of

Green challenge (Tree

marketers' responses on environmental issues that challenge their

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operations. It was observed that most Nigerian marketel s especial!^

big companies that invested much funds in environmental

development have made a great impact on building a quality


Table 4.1 2.1 : Shows the observed and the expected i'requencizs

of data got from responses to question number 1 of

section C.

STEP V: Critical value - since we have a 2 x 2 contingsncy tabk,

the number of degree of freedom is 1.

Tot:ll responses





Options Managers responses

Operational staff responses





3 t





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Therefore, the critical valu s

x20.0s = 3.841

STEP VI: State the Rejection Region

Do not rejccl Mo


cc = 0.05 ppp.-p

3.841 s2

Figure V : States the rejection area

Reject H, if x2 > 3.841 otherwise do not reject Ho

STEP 1111: Test statis tics

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' - - l Shows the calculated Chi -Square (x') .ialue f t

1: I 0 - f t I (fo - ft) I l f o ~ f d -

Decision: Since x2 = 8.6 x2,, 0.05 - 3.84 -

Therefore, reject H,

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As stated in chapter three of this research paper, a sample size

of 100 was chosen. The instrument chosen for data collection

was the questionnaire. Other relevant infor-mation was

gathered by way of oral interview and through e :ploratory


Statistical analytical tools were employed in the malysis of

data. Data were presented in tables and charts Ic, convey

meaningful information to any reader.

5.0. STflTFMIflT lnF R R $ F ~ ~ ~ b \ T W F ;

In the course of administering the questionnaire, a id taking

responses from the respondents, which went or- like an

interaction because majority of the respondents req ~es ted to

have a person-to-person discussion with the r e s e m i er on the

concepts tested, certain observations were made. Prominent

among those observations are as follows:--

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a) The level of Envjronmenfal concern in the selected cornpan,

under study.

Each of the companies visited during the study exhibited high

level of environmental consciousness to the inteest of their

staff, their work-environment and their operating-( mvironment

including the natural factors that affect or are affected by their

operations. To this effect, safety and environment C epartments

and Quality Control Departments were created.

b) Hiqh quality policies:

The marketinglmanagement policies adopted by r lost of the

firms are of high quality and are result-oriented. Conversely, C

these policies are mismanaged by the single fac that most

operational staff and some managers see it 21; a paper

material, which is to be recited, and that will be enoul~h.

lnfrastructural problem:

Some companies have nice and gigantic projec-s planned

towards achieving their goals on building a quality ewironment

but those projects might not be achieved or might be working

below the full expected and projected capacity boca1.1se of lack

of funds to bring the project up to standard or into existence.

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'Zero gas flaring by the year 2004' is one of the targets of the

Nation on the marketing activities of oil producing companir~ in

Nigeria. This project has not been actualized owing to

infrastructural drawbacks. Some of the responden's attributed

the high level of pollution to the usage of aged-v;?hiclzs and

faulty plants in their marketing operation.

Government's Atfifudes:

Some managers in the safety and environment departments

showed a deep concern on how government's a:~proach to

environmental issues and problems in Nigeria crippled their

own individual efforts and made matters worse than :hey v!mild r

have ordinarily been. A company which adopts 'v~aste

separatation' as its waste management techniques -eported a

big disappointed on the way that the State Env ronmental

Protection Agency goes further to mix wastes wliich were

properly separated before deposition thereby conq;tituting a

problem to disposition of those waste by mixing up non-

degradable and degradable.

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The study was able to reveal the following findinqs, some of

which provide adequate answers to the research questions.

1. The level of Environmental Awareness among marketers in

Nigeria is generally high. The study shows that most I

companies already know the negative impacts of their

marketing operations. They have good knowledge of the

Environmental Regulations applicable to their aclMies. The

major bottleneck is in the application and implementation of the

good environmental polices and regulations. C

2. The likely environmental issues and problems that challenge

effective marketing in Nigeria include pollution in all its forms,

environment-litter in all its forms, topographi::al disorder

(natural and man-made). The study reveals that pollution,

noise, waste management, and naturaVartificial disorders are

the most common issues which the environrnen* faces most

companies with in the course of their marketing operations.

3. The ways of responding to environmental issues include: - the

use of effective plants and machines, the adoption of

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environmental regulations, the use of educative pr:~grammes,

creation of safety and ,environment department as a unit in

companies, sitting of environmental-problem-related projects in '.r

communities that are most affected, and througi science,

technology and research for a better quality of products and

safer production methods.

4. ,. The study reveals that most marketers in Nigeria ac'opt mostly

these marketing tools (product and promotion) as their most

effective tools for creating a good and sustainable environment

for marketing.

5. To a very great extent, the marketing polices and activities of L

some selected companies under study showed moderate

compliance in line with environmental issues, problems and

regulation. The general issue being that the individual

companies now pursue environmental compliance as an

objective towards building a good public image and business


6. Nigerian marketers have to a reasonable ex:ent been

successful in their response to environmental issues and

problems. This was revealed by the fact that most of the

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companies under study were able to resolve some

environmental issues and problems even within orc anization's

premises, communities and towns. Pollution was r ~ d w ?d by

the use of better, modern, and sophisticated equipment for

production. Natural topographical disorders were conquered by

the construction of bridges and drainages.

7. The physical environment has both positive and negative

impacts on marketing activities of business firm:;. It can

facilitate firm's efforts towards achieving its corporate! goals. In

the same vein, if the physical environment is not takw care of,

it militates against the attainment of corporate goals and k.

objectives of business firms. The physical ewironmen t

provides the marketers with the nature - given resources (raw

materials), good climatic conditions which facilitate xoduction

and consumption, and a good ecosystem fm the

interdependency needed for the creation and consl.rmption of

goods and services.

9. Environmental issues, problems and regulations influence

the formulation of marketing polices and activit es of the

companies under study by setting agenda or b y creating

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existing situations which policies are designed to meet and

activities are directed to satisfy. It was observed from the

study that firms form policies in line to respond to a particular

environmental issue, problem or regulation.


1. Poor implementation of policies may lead to bad mamgernenl.

Once the physical environment is not properly manaqed, then

neglect will set in and people will start producing pcor quality

products and harmful products and that may lead tc death of

both man, animals and other biological organisms.

2. Infrastructural constraint, which is a problem to the

governments of the states, and the federation, and individual

marketers alike, poses a lot of impediments towards xhieving

a sustainable environment in our marketing activities. If this is

not resolved, millions of Nigerians will die of clisexes like

cancer, typhoid fever, skin infections etc. This is becase most

of our marketing operations are carried out in outdated modes

because of lack of funds. Today Nigerians live in h e a p of dirk

and some young men and women have turn into scavengers in

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search of broken plastics and bottles in the midst of 'hose dit-ts

along our major streets. Our governments, and marketers who

have not taken care of the household wastes and industrial

wastes caused this owing to lack of equipments and personnel

for the proper management of wastes.

3. The study reveals that marketers depend on t h ~ physical

environment for their resources and these resources are in

short supply. The implication of this finding is that Nigerians

should be more careful and tactical in Resource Mat-~agement.

The Ministers for Environment, Mineral resources, Eliergy and

other Natural Elements of the physical environment should be

at alert towards protecting our natural environment ~o that we

will not run into unanticipated scarcity which could lea to dec7th

and hunger.


In the light of the observations and findings of the :;t~tdy, the

researcher is able to conclude as follows:

? . The level of environmental consciousness among Nigerians

ends in paper and inks, televisions, and rcund-table

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discussions. The implementation of the policies created ou; of

such discussions is always a problem.

2 . Environmental projects are not taken seriously in N'geria e1ti,2n

now that we are living in the dangers of pollution.

3. Poor management and poor policy control checks ari? the rnzjor

reasons for improper or inadequate policy irnplement.3tion.

4. Misplacement of priority and not necessarily lack of fmds is ' ' ie

cause of infrastructural constraint to effective protection of w r


5. Hunger and scarcity of essential food items, which v e suffer in

Nigeria today could be as a result of poor env rot~mr:>tal



Based on the findings of the study, the researcher makes :!ie

following recommendations.

I . Increased awareness on environmental issues, problems, m d

regulations among individuals and governmenis in Niwi % ia.

This could be achieved through intensified sarrpaign on

environmental consciousness. This is because the consun-i?rs

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who litter the environment with cans and other packages fail to

comply with the marketers' instructions always written by the

side of the packages.

2. Marketers should not focus on profit or benefits a one. They

should intensify efforts towards building a sustainc-lble


3. A re-orientation is recommended towards building our minds on

the importance of a healthy environment. This will help b l h

marketers, individuals, and government in placing priorities.

Our environment is our abode and should be considered first

before any other benefit.

4. Personnels should be adequately trained and p o k y control

checks be adequately specified to facilitate effective

implementation of marketing policies and gwernrnent

regulations on the environment. This will help tl. prevent

unauthorized marketers from operating and damclging our


Owing to the limitations to the study stated in chapier m e nf the

work, and some other constraints including the impe iection in

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the choice of sample size, this piece of work is not completely

perfect and conclusions reached based on the findings of the

study are not final. Rather, the work should be seen and may

serve as a starting point, or a foundation for further researches.

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QUESTIONNAIRE Department'of Marketing University of Nigeria Enugu Campus.

July 15, 2004 Dear Respondents,

Kindly assist in this Survey by providing possible answers in the space(s) provided.

Please tick (4) or (x) in the boxes provided ior the rated questions and the multiple-

choice questions.

The researcher is very grateful for your co-operation.

Absolute confidentiality is assured on Company-name and respondents' identity.

Note: 'Environment' as used in the questions refers to-Natural elements (factors) in

marketing that are not human made, such as natural resources, weather, geological

events, etc.



Do you know about the environmental regulations applicable to marketing activities in


yes [ I No [ I Do you know about the environment issues and problems which Nigeria marketers are ..-

faced with?

yes I. I No [ I Are you aware of the elements of the physical environment that are negatively affected.


directly or indirectly by your Company's marketinglproduction activities?

yes I No [ I Please list such elements and state the type of environmental hazard(s)


How would you rate your levei of awareness on environment issues, problems, and

regulations in Nigeria?

- High

- Very high

- Low

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- Very low


Among the environmental issues listed in section A, which o:~(s) have you attempted to resolve?

What are the various ways you have tried to resolve ihqse pablems'? ..................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................

Among these marketing tools (products, price, place, and promotion), xhich one or 'i combination does your company use in responding to environmental issues and I. . , problems.

Please, state any other tool that your Company applies. ..................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................

What nlarkeiinglmanagemen: policies and strategies does your organization adopi to cope with and manage ewironmental issues that chaiienge i:s activiiies? ..................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................

Do gave:-nmcnt regulatica, environmental issues and pr-cbie. his influence the. Forrnulaiion of such rnarkting policies? yes [ I 0 [ ]

How would you rate your markeiiiig policies 2nd activities i ~ i relation to their compliai!ce to environmental issues, problems and reguiations?

l-iighly complaint - hiodeiately complaint - Complaint - None 3f the above

Do you think that your firm can attair; its corpo:zte socls a d objective withcut paying much attention to the physical environment? yes [ I No E I

SECTION C: EFFECTS OF MARKETERS RESPONSES 'Nere you able to resolve some of the environmental issues x d probleim thzt chal1ei;ge your marketing operstions? yes 1 No [ I

Would you attribute such success to the appiicatio;: s'i' your marketing pAicies and activities. yes 1 I No E I