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University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysisfor MarketingP.K. Suresh KumarKerala University, [email protected]

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Kumar, P.K. Suresh, "University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing" (2012). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 787.

Page 2: University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing

“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


Library Philosophy and Practice ISSN 1522-0222

University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT

Analysis for Marketing

Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar Assistant Librarian, Kerala University Library

Thiruvananthapuram-695 034 Abstract In view of the social, economic and technological changes, University libraries have begun to realize that marketing of information products and services is an integral part of administration. On account of information explosion, the technological revolution and escalating library costs are responsible for encouraging the university library profession to develop a professional marketing approach in its operations and services. This paper makes an objective analysis of the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) of four university libraries in Kerala viz. Kerala University Library (KUL), Mahatma Gandhi University Library (MGUL), Cochin University of Science and Technology Library (CUSATL) and CH Mohammed Koya Library of University of Calicut (CHMKL) in terms of collections, infrastructure, human resources, and library and information services It also analyzed the strength and weakness of the university libraries according to the opinion of the chief of each library. Introduction University libraries can play a very important role in the higher education sector. In fact a few university libraries in India are playing an excellent job of producing knowledgeable citizens. But with the advancement in information and communication technology university libraries in India have faced with a number of challenges. In Kerala, University libraries have an important academic role in the teaching, research, and service that universities undertake. These libraries are facing serious competition from commercial information services providers which essentially use the resources available from libraries and analyze and repackage the same for customized use by the clients and online resources are emerging in a big way that will question the role and form of university libraries in future. The SWOT analysis provides an objective assessment as to whether the library is able to deal with the environment. Strength is a resource or capability an organization possesses to successfully achieve its objectives. A weakness is a debility, fault, defect, or limitation in the organization that prevents the achievements of its objectives. An opportunity is any conducive or favorable situation in the organization’s external environment. It allows the library to enhance or improve its position. A threat, on the other hand, is an unfavorable situation, a barrier or constraint that may pose problems in the smooth working of the library or it may even damage it. Naturally, SWOT analysis allows strategies to be planned that can successfully utilize Strengths and Opportunities to overcome the Threats and Weakness facing the library. Review of Related Literature Lali and Vijayakumar

attempted an objective analysis of the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats

of the Kerala University Central Library and works out a strategy for effective marketing of a host of information services and products that can be generated by the library without a structural re-engineering.

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


The analysis showed that the strength outweigh weakness, even though the threats are quite strong, there were ample opportunities that stand as silver lines. Ugah (2007) examined the infrastructure, administration, staff, collections, and technical and reader's \ services of the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Library in terms of their support for the university's teaching and research missions, highlighting strengths, weakness, threats and opportunities (SWOT). Strengths and Weaknesses: A Comparative Analysis The strength and weakness of the university libraries in Kerala in terms of the collection, staff strength, qualification of the staff and infrastructure are discussed in the following sections. Collection Collection development is the process of making certain that the library meets the information needs of its user population in timely and economic manner, using information resources produced both inside and outside of the organization. Effective collection development requires creating a plan to correct collection weakness while maintaining its strengths. Though university libraries in Kerala have no written policy, they have sound collections. The collection includes documentary resources and electronic resources. The details of the current documentary resources of the university libraries in Kerala are given in Table 1 Table 1. Document collection of university libraries


Books 315772 43000 62844 101946

Back Volumes of Periodicals 35250 3400 5750 12780

Theses 5850 1200 740 2680

Standards 50 - 280 -

Patents 700 - 30000 -

Maps 75 - - -

Microforms 375 - - 250

Table 1 shows that KUL has the largest collection of documentary resources followed by CHMKL. In addition to the general collection KUL has special collection like UN and World Bank, personal collections of Dr. K. M George, Dr. A.V Varghese and Shri. Sooranadu Kunjan Pillai. A copy of the theses submitted by the research scholars in their respective universities for the award of PhD are added to the library collection after the award of the degree. Number of PhD theses available in the KUL is by far the highest, though not comprehensive, followed by CHMKL which has PhD theses as well as M. Ed. Dissertations. It can be inferred that the research output of the Kerala University is better than other universities in Kerala. Being the information centre of the technological university in the state CUSATL has a richest collection of patents and standards which are highly utilized by its members and people from outside. MGUL and CHMKL have no standards, patents or maps in their collection. KUL has the maximum number of microfilm and microfiche followed by CHMK library, both of which are not currently used. E-Collection The age of the library has a direct impact on the total number of documentary resources. The implementation of IT in libraries has led to more concern about e-resources. The e-resources available in university libraries of Kerala is given in Table 2

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


Table 2. E-Collection of university libraries


CDs/DVDs 1250 450 525 358

CD-ROM Databases 04 11 05 -

e-journals (Consortia) 7932 7932 14500 8000

e-journal subscription - 81 22 06

e-books - - - 7000

Online Databases - 1 08 -

Digital Repository - 1000 659 -

The number of CDs/DVDs available in KUL is more since most of them come as accessories of books or periodicals. MGUL has maximum CD-ROM databases followed by CUASTL. CHMKL has no CD-ROM database but it is the only university library in Kerala having 7000 e-books. Through UGC- INFONET consortium KUL, MGUL and CHMK library get access to equal number of e-journals, but CUSATL in addition to UGC- INFONET has membership in INDEST consortium. But in the case of e-journal subscription MGUL occupies the first position followed by CUSATL. While CUSATL subscribes to eight online databases and MGUL has one KUL and CHMK have no online database. Almost all theses available in MGUL and CUSATL are digitized and are available through digital repository and anybody can access the collection from anywhere in the world. KUL has digitized old and rare documents available in the Kerala Research section and the digital repository known under the brand name “LIDAS”, which has a great potential for marketing. From the above analysis, in terms of the document collection, KUL occupies the first position followed by CHMKL but in the case of e-resources MGUL is at the top position followed by CUSATL. Newspapers and Periodicals Newspapers and periodicals subscription is very important as far as university libraries are concerned. The number of newspapers and periodicals available in the university libraries is given in Table 3. Table 3. Newspapers and periodicals in university libraries

Newspapers and Periodicals KUL MGUL CUSATL CHMKL

Newspapers 26 16 10 16

Subject periodicals-Indian 220 201 39 187

Subject periodicals-Foreign 33 112 138 27

Secondary Periodicals-Indian 04 08 06 01

Secondary Periodicals-Foreign 02 11 - -

Popular periodicals 64 25 46 32

Table 3 shows that 26 newspapers are available in KUL which is the highest followed by 16 each in MGUL and CHMKL. It can also be observed that not much difference in the number of Indian subject periodicals subscribed by KUL and MGUL. CUSATL subscribes only 39 Indian periodicals and most of them are in the area of science and technology. In the case of foreign periodicals CUSAT library occupies the top position followed by MGUL. KUL and CHMKL are in the third and fourth positions respectively. MGUL subscribes more Indian and foreign secondary periodicals than other libraries. CUSATL and CHMKL have no foreign secondary periodicals. However, in the case of popular periodicals KUL received the maximum of 64 followed 46 by CUSATL. While analyzing the strength of the library in terms of newspapers and periodicals KUL is in the top followed by MGUL. Equipment The equipment available in different university libraries is given in Table 4

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


Table 4. Equipment in university libraries


Computers 81 56 60 60

Servers 05 06 03 03

Printers 05 10 10 04

Scanners 01 03 02 01

Barcode Scanners 06 02 04 04

Photocopier 03 02 02 01

Microfilm reader 01 - 01 -

CD Tower - - 01 -

DLP/LCD Projector 01 - - 01

Digital Camera 01 - - -

Multi Function Machine - 01 - -

Table 4 shows that KUL has the highest number of computers followed by CUSATL and CHMKL with 60 each. With six servers MGUL is on the top followed by five in KUL. As far as printers are concerned, MGUL and CUSAL are at the top with 10 each. KUL occupies the second position with five printers. MGUL has three scanners and provide scanning facility to the users. KUL and CHMK library have least number of scanners. KUL possesses maximum number of barcode scanners which are extensively used for the circulation function. In the case of photocopiers, KUL has the maximum followed by MGUL and CUSATL. KUL has three photocopiers in two reprographic units out of which one unit is outsourced. CUSATL and MGUL have two photocopiers each and MGUL has a multifunction machine used for copying. KUL and CUSATL possess a microfilm reader-cum-printer each which remains dormant. KUL has a digital camera used for taking digital images of very old and rare books and newspapers based on need. KUL and CHMKL are equipped with LCD projectors for imparting user awareness programmes. Even though all the libraries in Kerala have adequate number of modern equipments, KUL is stronger with respect to the number and variety of equipment. Staff Provision of adequate staff is necessary for the proper and effective function of a university library. The staff strength of the university libraries in Kerala is given Table 5 Table 5. Human Resources in the University libraries




University Librarian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Deputy Librarian 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 4

Assistant Librarian 7 16 23 7 3 10 1 8 9 7 5 12 54

Junior Librarian/ Reference Assistant 2 5 7 4 1 5 2 1 3 1 0 1 16

Professional Asst Gr.I/ Technical Assistant 6 11 17 1 0 1 4 5 9 2 0 2 29

Professional Asst Gr.II/ Library Assistant 4 4 8 0 4 4 0 0 0 12 2 14 26

Non Professionals 15 2 17 5 2 7 9 0 9 5 0 5 38

Total Professionals 19 38 57 13 9 21 7 14 21 23 7 30 129

Table 5 shows that in all the university libraries the post of the University Librarian remains vacant and the senior most Deputy Librarian or Assistant Librarian is in charge of the university librarian. The Table shows that the total number of Assistant Librarians in all the university libraries is double than the total number of Library /Professional Assistants Gr. II. The post of Assistant Librarian is a promotion post and the greater number of Assistant Librarians speaks of the vacant positions of Professional Assistants in the university libraries. Library standards usually prescribe a ratio 1:2 for professional to non-professional staff in the university library system. Table 5 shows that in the university libraries in Kerala the average ratio is 3:1, which indicates a shortage of non-professional staff. Table also shows that KUL is rich in terms of the number of professional staff followed by CHMKL. CUSATL and MGU library have more or less the same number of professional staff. In the case of sex ratio, a female dominant sex ratio in KUL and CUSATL with almost double the number of female than male professionals while in MGUL and CHMKL male professionals are more than females. Out of the total 129 professionals, 61 are male and

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


68 female, which is quite compatible with the overall female dominant sex ratio of Kerala, which are 1064 females for every 1000 males according to 2011 Census. Educational Qualifications of Professionals The academic requirements of the library staff has since greatly changed. Today, the academic qualifications of the library staff need to be at par with those of academicians of the university. In the 6


UGC pay Revision Committee demanded the minimum qualification for Assistant librarian is MLISc plus UGC-NET or PhD The professional qualification of the Library professionals in the university libraries in Kerala is given in Table 6. Table 6. Qualifications of the Library professionals in the University libraries

Highest Qualification KUL MGUL CUSATL CHMKL Total

PhD 04(6.90) 02(9.09) 02(9.52) 4(13.33) 12(9.16)

MPhil 16(27.58) 05(22.72) 05(23.8) 06(20) 32(24.43)

MLISc 36(62.07) 14(63.63) 13(61.90) 20(66.67) 83(63.36)

BLISc 02(3.45) 01(4.54) 01(4.76) 0(0.00) 04(3.05)

Total 58(100) 22(100) 21(100) 30(100) 131(100)

Table 6 shows that in Kerala University Library out of 58 professionals, 56 have minimum MLISc qualification, 16 have MPhil degree and four possess PhD in Library and Information science. In CHMKL all the professionals have minimum MLISc Degree and 4 acquired PhD degree while in CUSAT Central Library out of 21 professionals 20 have MLISc, five have MPhil degree and two professionals acquired PhD degree. It is obvious that 96% of the library professionals in the University libraries in Kerala are having MLISc degree, even though the minimum qualification prescribed at the entry level is BLISc. In CHMKL 13.33% of the professionals acquired PhD degree followed by 9.52% in CUSATL. But in the case of staff possessing MPhil degree KUL occupies the top position with 29.31% followed by 22.72% in MGUL. Based on the qualifications of the library staff 36% of the staff in KUL is having minimum MPhil in library and information science which is a real strength. Information Services Conventional Information Services Sixteen categories of information services were identified in the university libraries in Kerala which are presented in Table 7. It is evident from Table that even though, all the university libraries in Kerala provide conventional services such as book lending, reservation of books and renewal of books, MGUL, CUSATL and CHMKL lack important services such as indexing and abstracting service. S. R. Ranganathan described reference service as “establishing a contact between a reader and his documents in a personal way”. Reference service is assisting for finding the needed information to the users. The Table indicates that all the university libraries offer reference and referral service. Document delivery service and interlibrary loan are provided in all the university libraries under study except in CHMKL. CUSATL is the only university library in Kerala providing consultancy services by giving technical expertise for setting up of library / documentation / technical information centers to industries and institutions. Literature search service and SDI service are rendered only by MGUL and CUSATL. User orientation and reprographic services are available in all the university libraries. Regarding the total number of services rendered by each university library in Kerala, CUSATL is on top with 14 services followed by KUL and CHMKL occupies the bottom position with only nine services.

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


Table 7. Information Services in the University libraries Services KUL MGUL CUSATL CHMKL

Indexing Y N N N

Abstracting Y N N N

Bibliography Y N Y Y

Reference Y Y Y Y

Referral Y Y Y Y

Document Delivery Y Y Y N

Inter-Library Loan Y Y Y N

Consultancy N N Y N

Literature Search N Y Y N

SDI Service N Y Y N

Other CAS Y N Y Y

User Orientation Y Y Y Y

Reprographic Y Y Y Y

Total no. of available services 13 11 14 09

IT- Based Services In recent years, university libraries in Kerala have taken initiatives to introduce information technology products and services to add value to their services. IT-based services and products refer to sources of information and knowledge contents that are available in electronic forms such as CD-ROMs, interactive video, digital products, public domain and online databases available through internet and other proprietary databases available through various networks. The fast development of IT has provided new possibilities for libraries to introduce IT products and services to its customers. The IT-based services identified in the university libraries in Kerala are given in Table 8. Table 8. IT-based services provided by the university libraries


Internet service Y Y Y N

CD-ROM/DVD Based service Y Y Y Y

Online Database service N Y Y N

Online full text e-journal/e-book Y Y Y Y

Webpage/Web portal N Y Y N




Document Scanning Y Y N N

Document Printing Y Y N N

Institutional Repository N Y Y N

Total No. of Available services 06 10 09 04

Table 8 shows that all the libraries in Kerala provide various internet services except CHMKL. KUL provides internet service to the students with a fee of Rs.10/- per hour and others Rs.15/- per hour while in MGUL and in CUSATL the service is open to the members free of cost provided each member could use the service for a maximum of one hour daily. In CHMKL, a separate internet centre functions outside the library run by the Students Association. But all the university libraries in Kerala provide CD-ROM/DVD Search service. However, online database service is available only in MGUL and CUSATL. Online e-journal/ e-book full text search service is rendered by all the university libraries in Kerala. KUL gives only the e-journals available through UGC-INFONET consortia but all other university libraries have their own subscribed e-journals other than those available through consortia. INDEST consortium membership is available only in CUSATL. KUL and CUSATL have their own website but MGUL and CHMKL do not have independent website and are the part of the respective university website. Except KUL, all the university libraries are members of the DELNET (Developing Library Network) providing access to DELNET databases of books, current periodicals, periodical articles, CD-ROM databases, theses etc. available among the various member libraries. Document scanning service is available in KUL free of cost to its members and in MGUL with a nominal charge of 1Re. per page. Document printing service is available in KUL with a charge of Rs.2/- per page and, Re.1/- per page in MGUL. MGUL and CUSATL have their own

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


institutional repository including digital theses, workshop proceedings, seminar papers etc. which is made available to their users through online. Strength and Weakness of University Libraries as Perceived by the Chief of Each Library Strength The strength of the university libraries in Kerala ranked by the head of each university library is given in Table 9. Based on the ranking by the head of each institution the rank obtained from one to five can be treated as main strengths of the library. The main strengths of the KUL reported are geographical position of the library, experienced and qualified staff, collection, special collections and IT- enabled facilities. MGUL librarian reported that the strengths of the library are experienced and qualified staff, infrastructure, IT enabled facilities, Technical organization and information products and services while CUSATL librarian identified IT enabled facilities, experienced and qualified staff, collection, infrastructure and technical organization are the real strength of the library. CHMKL reported that experienced and qualified staff, infrastructure, geographical position of the library; membership and collection of the library are the strengths. Table 9. Ranking of strengths by the head of the university libraries



Experienced and qualified staff 2 1 2 1 1.5

Geographical position of the library 1 11 10 3 6.25

Collection 3 6 3 5 4.25

Special Collections 4 7 9 11 7.75

Fund 11 8 11 8 9.5

Infrastructure 10 2 4 2 4.5

Membership 7 9 8 4 7

IT enabled facilities 5 3 1 10 4.75

Technical organization 8 4 5 6 5.75

Information Products/Services 6 5 6 7 6

Customer Care 9 10 7 9 8.75

Based on the average score of university libraries in Kerala, the weakness identified are lack of fund, customer care, special collection, membership, and geographical position of the library. Table 9 shows that a significant variation in the strength and weakness of the university libraries in Kerala. In order to determine the extent to which the ranking are similar or dissimilar in the university libraries , the Spearman’s Rank Correlation coefficient is calculated and is given in Table 10. It shows a very strong relationship between CUSATL and MGUL with a value of 0.8 followed by MGUL and CHMKL with a value of 0.25. The Association between KUL and MGUL is least with a value of 0.009. Table 10. Spearman’s Rank Correlation coefficient between university libraries based on strength

University Libraries MGUL CUSATL CHMKL

KUL 0.009091 0.218182 0.227273

MGUL 0.8 0.254545

CUSATL 0.209091

Weakness In addition to the above components the weaknesses identified by the university librarians is given in the following Table 11.

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


Table 11. Weakness of the library identified by the head of the university libraries


Shortage of staff Y N Y N

Insufficient Investment for the library Y Y Y Y

Space problem Y Y Y N

Geographical position N Y N N

Lack of infrastructure for orientation Y N N N

Absence of University Librarian Y N Y Y

The major weaknesses identified by the Kerala University Library and CUSAT Central library were shortage of staff strength, inadequate fund, space problem, lack of weeding out policy, absence of University Librarian etc. MG University Library identified the major weakness as geographical position of the library; computer networks etc. while CHMK library identified lack of sufficient fund as the main weakness. Identified Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats of University Libraries in Kerala Kerala University Library (KUL) The strengths and weaknesses of KUL are presented in Table 12 Table 12. Strengths and Weaknesses of KUL

Strength Weakness

Library Building & Working hours Library is housed in a marvelous building, a two-storied structure with a total plinth area of 53000 sq.feet. It has a four storied stack. The library works continuously for 12 hours from 8 a.m to 8 p.m on normal working days. Geographical Location KUL is located in the heart of the city. The library is easily accessible to the students, teachers of colleges and the public. Collection & Special Collection KUL has a large and broad collection of information resources in traditional print format, which include many rare and out-of print materials. It also subscribes a number of newspapers, Indian and foreign periodicals both primary and secondary. It has a number of CD-ROMs, microfilms etc. The library has a number of special collections:

a. Closed Reference; b. Kerala Reference; c. Reference Bibliography; d. Reference Collection ; e. Textbook Collection; f. Back volumes of Periodicals; g. Bound Volumes of Newspapers; h. General Biographies; i. Government Publications; j. Women Studies; k. UN& World Bank Publications; l. Gandhiana; m. Theses; and n. Personal collections.

Technical organization The entire library collection is classified according to Colon Classification and cataloguing according to Classified Catalogue Rules with local variation. Libsys software is used for the house keeping operations. The OPAC and card catalogue are well- maintained. Manpower (staff) In comparison with other libraries, KUL is rich in terms of the number of professional staff available. Most of the staff members in the library are having minimum postgraduate

Lack of a definite weed out policy, which leads to accumulation of old and obsolete materials.

Lack of regular user orientation and inadequate guiding signals, which is necessary in an open access system.

Absence of information desk.

Lack of publicity division or marketing division to propagate the facilities and services available.

Lack of motivation and the resultant low morale of the junior staff.

Lack of incentives for higher qualification or professional development.

Absence of professionalism in rendering service.

Lack of encouragement by the management for the continued professional development of the staff.

Lack of separate allocation for the procurement of e-resources.

Inadequacy of a proper and dynamic leadership since the University Librarian’s post is lying vacant since 1989.

Lack of quality information products and services.

Lack of access to 24/7 OPAC.

Lack of systematic approach to the evaluation services, collections, and facilities through user study.

Lack of local area network between the department libraries and the central library.

Lack of sufficient non-professionals.

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


degree in Library and Information Science. Membership The number of membership in KUL is very large compared to other libraries. KUL enjoys an active membership of more than 8000, which is a real strength of the library Equipment The library has enough number of modern equipments including computers, scanners, barcode readers, printers etc.

Mahatma Gandhi University Library (MGUL) The strengths and weaknesses of MGUL are given in Table 13 Table 13. Strengths and Weaknesses of MGUL

Strength Weakness

Library Building & working hours Library building is functional and modular in construction. It has an area of 17224 sq. ft in two floors. The library functions from 8 am to 7 pm on normal working days. Collection & Special Collection Library has a good collection of books, current periodicals etc.. In the case of e-resources the library currently subscribing 81 e-journal other than consortia. The library has a representative collection of CD-ROM databases and multimedia reference books. The special collection includes:

a. Reference books; b. Malayalam Books; c. Hindi Books; d. Closed Reference; e. Theses; f. Back volumes of periodicals; and g. Reprints.

Technical organization The library follows the DDC, for classifying and arranging books. The library follows dictionary-cataloging systems as per AACR-II. SOUL software is using for the house keeping operations. Manpower (staff) Highly qualified 22 professionals working in the library is the real strength of the library. Equipment The library had enough number of modern equipments including computers, scanners, barcode reader, printer etc. Institutional Repository The library has a digital collection of theses and seminar papers and can be accessible globally.

Geographical position of the library since it is situated in the main campus of the University at Athirampuzha, 14 kms away from Kottayam town.

Lack of a definite weed out policy, which leads to prevalence of old and obsolete materials.

Limited number of membership since it is restricted to the academic community and non-teaching staff of the university.

Lack of regular user orientation and inadequate guiding signals, which is necessary in an open access system.

Absence of information desk.

Lack of publicity division or marketing division to propagate the facilities and service available.

Lack of motivation and the resultant low morale of the junior staff.

Lack of incentives for higher qualification or professional development.

Lack of encouragement by the management for the continued professional development of the staff.

Lack of quality information products and services.

Absence of campus network for resource sharing.

Lack of mechanism to evaluate the quality of services, resources, and facilities they have.

Insufficient non-professional staff.

The number of Assistant Librarians is greater than number of Assistants. In order to perform the university libraries more efficiently in two shifts needs more Library Assistant and Technical Assistant than Assistant Librarians.

Cochin University of Science and Technology Library (CUSATL) The identified strengths and weaknesses of CUSATL are provided in Table 14. Table 14. Strengths and Weaknesses of CUSATL

Strength Weakness

Library Building & working hours Library building is functional and modular in construction. It has an area of 17000 sq. ft in four floors with two main halls of 1800 sq. ft. Stack room (three in number) has a total carpet area of 6300 sq.ft. The working hours of the library from 9 am to 8 pm. Collection and Special Collection The library built up a balanced and rich collection on

Geographical location of the library since it is located in the CUSAT campus and is 15KM away from Ernakulam city so that it is very difficult to access by the outside users.

Lack of a definite weed out policy, which leads to prevalence of old and obsolete materials.

Lack of regular user orientation and inadequate guiding signals.

Lack of publicity division or marketing division to

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


all branches of science and technology and books of general interest inclusive of several valuable reference books. The Special collection includes:

a. Doctoral Theses; b. Back volumes of periodicals; c. Patents; d. CD-ROMs ; e. Institutional Repository; f. Art Books; g. WHO and other UN documents; h. Census Reports; i. Vikasana Rekha (Kerala Development Reports); and j. Library and Information Science Collection.

In addition, the library is subscribing a number of foreign as well as Indian periodicals and newspapers. The in-house collection in CUSATL is supplemented by access to a wide range of electronic resources including the provision of access to remote resources via DELNET at a nominal charge to users. Technical organization Documents are classified according to UDC and indexing according to AACR with local modifications. Dictionary catalogue in card form with ample cross-reference entries is employed.The bibliographic records can now accessed globally through WEBOPAC. Manpower (staff) Highly qualified 21 professionals working in the library is the real strength of the library. Institutional Repository The library has a digital collection of theses and seminar papers and can be accessible globally Information services The library is providing a variety of services including consultancy service, patent information, information desk etc. In addition, the library has an independent website. Equipment and infrastructure The library had enough number of modern equipments including computers, scanners, barcode reader, printers, CD-Tower etc.

propagate the facilities and service available.

Lack of motivation and the resultant low morale of the junior staff.

Lack of incentives for higher qualification or professional development.

Lack of encouragement by the management for the continued professional development of the staff.

Inadequacy of a proper and dynamic leadership since the University Librarian’s post is lying vacant since 2006.

Lack of campus network for resource sharing.

Absence of efforts towards preservation of rare documents.

Lack of mechanism to measure the level of user satisfaction.

Insufficient non-professional staff.

The number of Assistant Librarians is greater than number of Assistants. In order to perform the University libraries more efficiently in two shifts needs more Assistants(i.e., Professional Assistant Gr. II and Gr.III) than Assistant Librarians.

C.H. Mohammed Koya Library (CHMKL) The identified strengths and weaknesses of CHMKL are given in Table 15. Table 15. Strength and Weakness of CHMKL

Strength Weakness

Library building and working hours The library building, a two-storied structure, has a total plinth area of 22139 sq. feet. The library functions from 8 am to 8 pm on all working days. Collection and Special Collection CHMKL has a large and broad collection of documentary resources supplemented by access to 7000 e-books. The total collection of the library is more than one lakh. Also, it has special collections includes:

a. Text Books; b. Reference Collection; c. Theses/Dissertations; d. Bound volumes of Periodicals; and e. CD ROMs and microfilms on various topics.

Technical organization The standards followed by the library are DDC and AACR-II. The catalogue is fully computerized and OPAC

Geographical location of the library is in the campus near to the university office building and is 1Km away from the NH and 180 KM away from Kozhikode city so it is very difficult to access by the outside users.

Lack of a definite weed out policy, which leads to prevalence of old and obsolete materials

Inadequate guiding signals, which is necessary in an open access system

Absence of information desk

Lack of publicity division or marketing division to propagate the facilities and service available

Lack of motivation and the resultant low morale of the junior staff

Lack of incentives for higher qualification or professional development

Lack of encouragement by the management for the continued professional development of the staff

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“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


is widely used by the readers. Libsys software is used for the housekeeping operations. Manpower (staff) Highly qualified 30 professionals working in the library is the real strength of the library. Equipment The library has adequate number of modern equipments including computers, scanners, barcode readers, printer etc. However, it needs at least one more photocopier for rendering reprographic service. The library has a UGC-INFONET centre provides online full text e-journals equipped with 50 computers and an IBM server.

Lack of separate allocation for the procurement of e-resources

Inadequacy of a proper and dynamic leadership since the University Librarian’s post is lying vacant since 2006.

Lack of quality information products and services

Lack of an independent website and WEBOPAC

Lack of systematic user study

Insufficient non-professional staff

Lack of local area network between the department libraries and the central library.

Opportunities and Threats Table 16. Opportunities and Threats Common to all University Libraries in Kerala

Opportunities Threats

Academic Plan

New academic initiatives of the university to introduce Credit and Semester system at the graduate level provide an environment for change and a new curriculum. An increasing emphasis on collaboration and teaching may lead to a redefined role and raised profile for the university library.

The proposed School System (pooling of related disciplines) by the University of Kerala may require responsive user services from university library.

Emergence of more self-financing professional colleges under the University of Kerala.

Emergence of interdisciplinary studies, Departments such as Biotechnology, Bio-informatics, Media Studies, Nano Science etc. may require the provision of more pertinent and responsive user services from university library.

The growing role of distance education in the Universities in Kerala and the delivery of services to students at a distance can contribute to the development of virtual library services by the university libraries.

New Sources of funding

Willingness of University Grants Commissions to provide financial assistance to specific projects aimed at the modernization of the library.

New budget provision to the Kerala university library for modernization announced by the Finance Minister, Govt. of Kerala.

Cooperation and Consortium in collection building

The growing role of open source initiatives and consortium approach from the vendors help the university library to build a balanced collection and access to electronic information sources with less cost.

Digitization of rare and out-of-print documents, theses and special collections leads to build digital repositories.


New technology is accelerating the shift from paper to electronic information resources. In long run, this may lead to better and cheaper access for users and shift the requirement for library space from an emphasis on collections to an emphasis on users.

Electronic resources are growing in number, and new developments include e-books as well as e-journal. The growing importance of e-collections suggests that need for digitizing the university library rare collections.

The publishing paradigm is changing and e-commerce offers possibilities of more cost effective ways of dealing with vendors.

Web based learning systems;

Alternative information providers

The University Libraries in Kerala are facing external competition from nearby public libraries and specialized libraries, R&D libraries and College libraries especially self-financing institutions in providing information to its users.

The library system of Kerala University has a centralized but a decentralized set-up consisting of central library and the department libraries. Since the department library collection is too specialized, the users are more depend on these libraries for their information needs.

Threats from mass media such as newspaper, TV, radio, and internet and many users find information elsewhere, and others may be willing to go to alternate suppliers who are cheaper or who can provide faster service.

The failure or inability to keep up with new developments in information Technology could also lead to the loss of library users.

Rate of Change in Information field and Information Technology

It is not easy for the library to adapt the new changes in the information field and IT. There are misconceptions on the part of the users about the role of the library and its services and of what IT can provide.

Rate of change in information field and Information Technology is difficult for the staff to manage the content.

Without resources, both print and electronic could result in a ‘dumped down’ collection forcing the users to go elsewhere to meet their information needs.

Others Emergence of New Universities in Kerala such as Health University, Law University, Malayalam University etc., which may leads to a drastic decrease in the number of users.

Page 13: University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing

“University Libraries in Kerala: A SWOT Analysis for Marketing,” Dr. P.K. Suresh Kumar. Library Philosophy and Practice 2012


videoconferencing and other methods of distance education can provide an enhanced role for the library. The opportunity could be therefore value-added work in terms of the presentation of library collections and remote resources, including online display of resources.

Internet alternatives to library service such as web3.0, library 2.0 and social networking should take a leadership role in the use of new IT that would provide new learning opportunities for the staff.


Potential clientele outside the student, teacher and research community.

Opportunity to take leading role in the formation of regional or statewide information network

Digitization of rare and out-of-print documents will position the library in a better way to market.

Conclusion All University Librarians in Kerala have a positive opinion towards marketing but none of the libraries has specific allocation of funds or a designated person or a marketing wing for marketing of information products and services. Most of the libraries identified certain problems encountered in the marketing of information products and services such as lack of trained staff, less demand from the users for the existing resources and services. Through thorough weeding out of documents and survey of the users to know their requirements and their expectations of the library, these problems can be tackled. The SWOT analysis shows all the university libraries in Kerala with their strengths and opportunities can easily overcome the threats and weakness with appropriate positioning and marketing strategies. An intensive effort is required from the part of the top management of the library, staff, and authorities of the concerned universities to overcome the listed weakness. All the university libraries in Kerala have enough potential to market their information products and services through a strategic marketing approach. Bibliography Debai, C. Kar, Information services and products; a marketing approach within an Indian context. Library Review. 41(5), 1992, pp.44. Evans, G. Edward, Developing library and information centre collections. 4

th Ed. Littleton CO: Libraries:

Colorado, 2004, pp.70. Lali, S.L and Vijayakumar,K.P., Kerala University Library: A SWOT analysis is a proposal for the marketing of information services. Kelpro Bulletin. 8 (1 & 2), 2002, pp. 64. Suresh Kumar,P.K, Marketing of information products and services of the University libraries in Kerala: an Investigative study. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Trivandrum. University of Kerala, 2010, pp.160-80 Ugah, Akobundu Dike, A SWOT Analysis of the University Library of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Library. Library Philosophy and Practice, 2007 (October), pp.2-4 Vinod, V. M., Marketing orientation of the university libraries in Kerala in information dissemination. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Calicut: University of Calicut, 2006, pp.197.