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There are a lot of marketing organizations out there trying to get your business. Every day you are being bombarded by emails, telemarketers, faxes and advertisements promising to make you “rich” if you’ll only run your business through them. Promising leads and appointments for “free”. Promising the highest compensation, or the best products or the best seminar system. We know that. And we know that unless we can prove to you that we are different, that we are real, we won’t get your business – and frankly we wouldn’t deserve to.

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But we ARE different. You see, rather than focus on OUR bottom line, we focus on YOURS. We know that our role isn’t merely to move your existing business from your present FMO to ours. Our real job is to make YOU more money. To help you grow YOUR business. To help make YOUR business more efficient. To increase YOUR average compensation per sale. You see, we really do “get it”. We understand that the whole key to this partnership is making YOU successful and, if we do, we’ll be successful too.

So what can we offer you that you won’t find elsewhere?

We have been solely focused on the retiree market for over 24 years. We know this market as well, or better, than any organization in the industry.

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Because of that, we’ve developed a level of

experience, expertise and pure market savvy that is

unique among FMO’s. We’ve “been there”, we’ve “ done

that”, and now we do it well!

With this knowledge, we’ve been able to develop

proven, effective systems for consistently getting you in

front of more clients, who are predisposed to buy. That

means you make more, and larger sales day after

day, week after week, month after month.But we don’t

just stop there. We provide you with active mentoring

throughout your partnership with us. Mentoring that

provides you with a way to leverage OUR expertise in

YOUR business. You will have access to our entire

organization – from our President to our support staff –

all of whom are dedicated to making you successful.

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We do, in fact, provide you with products from the best

insurance carriers in the senior/retiree market today as

well as some of the best compensation levels available

anywhere. And we are constantly evaluating other

carriers and products to ensure we maintain that

status.Finally, we have a proven track record. Our

agents consistently perform at the top of the industry in

terms of sales production, sales awards and, most

importantly, income.

So let’s talk. In this market and in this economic

environment, wouldn’t you like to have a proven expert

on your side? We do more than just deliver promises.

We deliver results.

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Business Development and Value Enhancement

The best time to engage United Advisory Partners, Inc. is when you are creating value.. We are knowledgeable and experienced across the spectrum of most business models. From boardroom to backroom, your United Advisory Partners, Inc. principal can be a trusted and effective advisor on a variety of strategic and tactical topics.

Most of us evolved into M&A professionals from backgrounds as business owners and corporate executives. We appreciate the wisdom of Stephen Covey's habit - "begin with the end in mind". When the end objective is creating wealth for shareholders, begin with a United Advisory Partners, Inc. principal as your trusted advisor along the way.

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The boundaries of the consulting services we

provide are constantly evolving. Our traditional

services include:

Business Valuation

Strategic Planning

Business Plan Development

Marketing and Sales

Organization Development