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Unit 8

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Section A   Get Your Pronunciation Right

由于母语汉语的影响,许多中国学生将英语音素 [v] 读作 [w] ,例如, very 读作 wery ,这种 [v] 、 [w] 不分的语音失误带有普遍性。请反复操练。

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1. Wines are made from grapes growing vines. 2. I’m very happy to see such a large audience. 3. For the Spring Festival, people away from home for

various reasons will always try their best to return back home before the Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve for the family reunion dinner, the most wonderful meal of the year.

4.As a comprehensive university, its many academic departments offer a wide range of courses.

5.Poetry and music can touch the soul and cultivate the spirit.

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6. From over a thousand years up till the 15th century, China brought its silk cloth and goods, gunpowder, paper making and printing techniques to the West via the Silk Road.

7.One of the interesting programs in CCTV Channel-9 is called “ World Wide Watch”.

8.We will exchange views on cooperation in a wide range of areas.

9.The past decade has witnessed the rapid growth of Asia, profound. changes in the international relations, and a growth trend towards multi-polarity

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10.When traveling on expressways, the drivers must control his or her speed within the range of the posted maximum and minimum speed.

11. When it comes to the AIDS, throughout the world 36 million people are HIV-positive, including 900000 in the United States.

12.I believe it would drive the very people you want to be fully aware of the situation.

13.No politician or educator is more pervasive and persuasive than advertising.

14.The volume of a gas varies with temperature.

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15. Sydney is a vital port city with world-wide influence. 16.After the dinner, we will show a video entitled

“Touring Around Vienna”, which I believe will give you a bird’s-eye view of the city.

17.We’ll provide you with seventeen lab assistants and if necessary, we would like to invite one of your associates to join us.

18.Thank you very much for visiting the Sina Net Website.

19.Most of us are very familiar with, which represents worldwide website dot com.

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20.One product is machine-woven, the other is hand-made. 21. If the voltage remains constant, the more the resistance

the less the currents. 22.It is a sample violin for you from our American branch. 23.The river is high and the water is so clear that the river

bed is easily visible from the boat. 24.Welcome to Phoenix, one of the most vibrant and

livable. communities in the United States, and a city where a strong, diverse economy supports a thriving and growing business community.

25 .Here we have valuable natural and labor resources.

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Section B   Translation Skills 词类转换


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( 一 ) 转译为动词

1.There is a popular belief among consumers that goods are no longer in high quality as before.

消费者普遍认为商品的质量大不如从前了。2.Sorry, I can’t teach you swimming. I think my little brother

is a better teacher than I. 对不起,我不会教你游泳。我想我的小弟弟比我教得

好。3.The remote island is a heaven for nature lovers. 这个偏远的小岛是崇尚自然者的天堂。

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1. Production is the creation of services or the conversion of materials into products.

2. In a developing country like China, more emphasis should be put on the education of market participants so that they may gain an adequate understanding of the importance of venture capital investment.

3. We are not sure about the delivery date. 4. The new chocolate bar may be promoted

through various advertising media.

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4.The young man, who looks and talks like John, is Peter’s boss.

那位相貌言谈很像约翰的年轻人是彼得的老板。5.Tom is physically strong, but mentally weak.

汤姆身体强壮,但有点缺心眼。6.Evidence indicates that the outer core is about twice as

dense as the material in the mantle.


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1. This often results in decreased output and increased cost.

2. He is physically challenged but mentally challenging.

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7.He is a perfect stranger in business.

他对于做生意完全陌生。8.The security of buying the products from the

world famous business companies was wonderful.


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1. The new policy doesn’t work at the Madrid office.

2. The promotional campaign turned out to be a great success.

3. Our client was favorably impressed by your presentation.

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9.The new boss earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit his clerks.


10.It was his clear and unemotional exposition of our President’s reasons for being willing to begin a new dialogue between two corporations.


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1. The company’s success in regaining their market share greatly impressed me.

2. His prompt reply to my request surprised me.

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1.The plane flew straight ahead, across the harbor and over the sea.

2.The soup tastes good.3.Independence is a necessity in her life.4.All the students should develop morally, intellectually, and

physically.5.Thousands of children leaving school are ignorant of even

basic skills.

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Section C Topic for Interpreting8-1   Different Graphs

We are here today to look over the sales figures for this year. The trends seem to be quite clear. First, let’s look at the figures for outdoor games. I’m afraid they didn’t do too well this year. I think that the bad weather discouraged people from buying. We were, in fact, doing quite right at the beginning of the year. But then came that really bad spell of weather in the first quarter, and sales just plummeted. There was a gradual recovery throughout the year, but not as much as we’d hoped for.

Unfortunately, sales of bicycles have been just as poor. Again, bike sales started off well, but dropped off early in the year. Figures have remained low throughout the year, without any change, I’m afraid.

Okay, let’s move on to dolls and soft toys. Well, dolls, as usual, did quite well this year. There was a steady rise in sales throughout the year. And the forecast looks good for next year, too.

As for soft toys, they started off rather badly at beginning of the year. But after the launch of the Fuzzy Families line, sales really took off. The sales figures leveled out during the second quarter, but at a significantly higher point than last year. 参考译文

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Now, for board games. Another disappointing set of figures for them, I’m afraid Figures have remained low throughout the year, with only a very slight, gradual increase.

The figures for building sets are quite unusual. As you may remember, we only started selling building sets at the beginning of this year. Sales went very well to begin with; in fact there was a steep increase until the second quarter. Sales then reached a plateau and maintained the same level for most of the year. Surprisingly, the figures then fell towards the end of the year. This may have been because of more successful marketing by our competitors.

Sales of train sets fluctuated throughout the year. It’s difficult to see any clear trend there.

And, finally, we have the figures for computer games. We’re very pleased with these. Sales remained quite steady until the third quarter, when we introduced the new range of computer games. This has been extremely successful. In fact, sales have rocketed in the last two months, and we expect this trend to continue next year. 参考译文

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8-2 The Season of Life Influences Consumer Behavior

Each person’s life is a story, unique in some respects, but to a remarkable degree more like everyone else’s story than we generally acknowledge. Understanding the commonalities consumers share in their life stories offers valuable insights into their needs and behavior that most marketing ignores.

Our individual life stories have much in common with the life stories of others because in each season of life our deepest needs tend to be quite alike others who are passing through the same season. I believe that marketing that reflects these universal needs will generally make stronger connections at deeper levels with consumers than marketing based on superficial differences between consumers — the more common path in marketing.

To see how the season of life plays a huge role in shaping consumer behavior helps to understand how human development across four seasons of life shapes the foundations of human needs.

Each season of life has a primary development objective that gives rise to a bundle of needs. By season of life, the primary development objectives are:


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Spring (the first two decades of life): acquiring basic intellectual, emotional and social skills needed to enter adulthood with reasonable prospects for success.

Summer (the second two decades of life): becoming someone socially and vocationally.

Fall (the third two decades of life): determining the ultimate meaning of one’s life as part of more fully developing the inner self.

Winter (the remaining years): reaching a transcendent state that deepens life satisfaction and increase strength in the face of unforeseen conditions the future may hold.

It’s important to realize that needs whose satisfaction is necessary to fulfill a season’s primary development objective are anticipated in DNA. The presence of those needs is not within our control — only what we do about them is. For example, a teen’s keenly felt need to be part of a “herd” is innate. How that teen responds to that need is (somewhat) a matter of his or her individual will. 参考译文

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Section D Note-taking Skills

Good morning. I am delighted to be here, and very grateful to Tsinghua University, your President, and the professors who are hosting this meeting.

I thank you for your good work at the Tsinghua Center for AIDS Research and Training, and I thank the government officials who are here for this important summit. It is a signal of how important the issue of AIDS is to the future of China.

I would also like to thank my friend Dr. David Ho for being here and for his lifetime commitment to defeating the threat of HIV and AIDS. In 1998, Dr. Ho and I were both speakers at the commencement ceremony for MIT. I were President , but he had just been named Time magazine’s outstanding man of the year, showing that people in America understand that a scientist is more important than a politician.

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At that speech, Dr. Ho said that his deepest hope was, and I quote“recent scientific advances will inspire government, academia and the private sector to redouble our efforts to bring an end to this tragedy”. A gathering such as this one helps us farther along that road. And when AIDS is finally defeated, Dr. David Ho will be among the heroes who made it happen. I am very grateful to him.

I want to congratulate everyone at the ADARC for the launch of the new China AIDS initiative, and to thank the partners, Yale University, the Brooklyn Institution, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Wuhan University and the provincial Health Bureaus .

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Section E Merry Learning

1.A public spirit will rule all under the sky when the great way prevails. 大道之行也,天下为公。2.In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with

branches. interlocked forever 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。3.As a jade without chiseling will not become a useful object, a man without

learning will not. know the way 玉不琢,不成器。人不学,不知义。4.It is unbearable to meet as well as to depart. 相见时难别亦难。5.Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use. 天生我才必有用。6.Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial

advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。

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7.As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along.

天行健,君子以自强不息。8.A long dike will collapse because of an ant-hole in it; a tall building

will be burned down by a spark from a chimney’s chink. 千丈之堤,以蝼蚁之穴溃;百尺之屋,以突隙之烟焚。9.Carve but give up half way, even a decayed piece of wood will not

break; carve without stop, even metal and stone can be engraved. 锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。10. People have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again. The moon

dims or shines; it waxes or wanes. Nothing is perfect, not even in the old days.


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8-1 不同的图形 今天我们来回顾一下本年度销售数据。这些趋势看来十分明显。首先让我们看看户外运动的数据。恐怕它们今年做得不是太好。我认为糟糕的天气影响了人们的购买。实际上我们在年初做得相当不错。但是接下来在第一季度持续了一段太过糟糕的天气,销量才锐减。接下来这一年的大部分时间有了逐步的好转,但不及我们期待的那般销量大增。



至于毛绒玩具,它们在年初开端很糟。但是在“毛绒家庭”系列推出后,销量的确大增。销售量在第二季度保持平稳,而比去年有了显著上升。 返回原文

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8-2  生命季节影响消费者行为  每个人的一生都是一个故事,虽然在某些方面不同的人拥有不用






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春季(人生的第一个 20 年):获取基本的知识、情感和社会技能,以便能够在步入成年时获取一定得成功。

夏季(人生的第二个 20 年):成为一个社会人,拥有一定得事业。 秋季(人生的第三个 20 年):确定最终的人生意义,使自己的“内在我”得到更充分的发展。


我们要意识到,对人生每个季节的发展目标形成必要条件的需要是由人类的本能 (DNA)决定的,认识到这一点非常重要。这个需要的产生超出我们的控制能力,我们能够控制的仅仅是产生行为,去实现这些需要。例如,一个十几岁的孩子产生的强烈的要成为“群体”一分子的需要是天性使然。对于这个孩子来说,如何产生行为去实现这个需要属于其个人意愿。 返回原文