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Alien and sedition act- Alien act- allowed govt to arrest, detain

and remove foreigners deemed untrustworthy

Sedition act- limited free speech and expression

Helped federalist because republicans relied on immigrant vote

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Adams appoints midnight Judges. Congress repealed judiciary act of 1801

which did away with Adams Midnight judges( Federalist)

Marbury Vs. Madison- established Judicial Review

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Western Expansion Jefferson believed only way republic could

survived if people owned their own land. 1803 Napoleon(leader of France)

needing money to pay for war to take over Europe

He sold Louisiana for 15 million Called Louisiana purchase This doubled the size of the U.S. Thomas Jefferson president during


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Louisiana purchase

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North West Ordnance

1787- Congress passed the North West ordinance- established a set of principles and procedures for statehood, applied first to states carved out of the Northwest territory. Guaranteed civil liberties, established

guidelines for statehood, encouraged education, and banned slavery for entire region.

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Meriwether Lewis and William Clark along with Sacagawea- explored Louisiana purchase and claimed Oregon territory

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Lewis and Clark’s Route to the west

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Britain started using impressments to get more troops. This help start the war of 1812Kidnapping American solders.

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War of 1812 Madison’s War

Battle of Tippecanoe shattered native American confidence in their leaders.

British fleet land in Washington DC. And set the white house and capital on fire.

Battle of New Orleans- Andrew Jaskson’s decisive victory over the British made him a hero.

Because of war : Nationalism emerged-loyalty and devotion to a nation

and we got the star spangled banner Treaty of Ghent – ended the war

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Chapter 7 Let the GOOD Times Roll

The Monroe presidency was called the Era of Good Feelings

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Economic Nationalism- John C Calhoun got the second national bank

started After war cheap British goods flooded U.S. Protective tariff- tax

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Judicial Nationalism Between 1816 and 1824 John Marshall-

ruled in three cases that established the power of the Fed. Govt

1. Matin V. Hunter’s lessee- helped establish the supreme court as the nation’s court of final appeal

2. McCulloch V. Maryland- Second bank was constiutional because necessary and proper

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3. Gibbons V Ogden- constitution granted the federal govt control over interstate commerce. All trade along coast and waterways dividing

states. What is interstate commerce

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Nationalist Diplomacy Nationalism in the United States

influences the nation to expand its borders and assert itself in world affairs.

1800’s southern mad at Spanish held Florida? Slaves run away Andrew Jackson seized Spanish settlements in

Fl and removed Gov. of Florida.

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Adams-onis treaty – Spain ceded all of Fl. To the U.S. and finalized the western border of the Louisiana purchase

Monroe Doctrine- the U.S. would prevent other countries from interfering in Latin American political affairs. Told all European countries to stay out of

the western hemisphere.

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Chapter 7-2 Moving West

Steamboat 1807 Steam locomotive establishing Railroad

reaching Mississippi River.

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Erie Canal Opened in 1825- Connecting lake Erie to the west with the Hudson River to the east.

Canals and Railroads helped products move west and farmers products to move east.

Because of the Erie Canal and other transportation advances -New York – became America central point for American trade and banking

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Industrial revolution Industrial revolution began in

England 1700’s Industrialization-involved a

transition from manual to power driven factory labor.

Workers in factories did not do skilled jobs

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Plantation owners in the south turned to cotton

Eli Whitney received a patent for the cotton gin. Separated the seed from

cotton. The effect was:increased


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Industrialization started to happen in the United States around 1800. Driven by the textile industry New England had textile miles and the south

supplied them and England with cotton Cotton production and the growing textile

industry helped the u.s. get its economic independence.

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Steam powered engines was used to help industrialization in the country.Eli Whitney used interchangeable parts (muskets) and invented the cotton gin

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Samuel F.B. morse- perfected the telegraph in 1832

Industrialization caused people to move out of rural farms and villages? Where did they go??

People were in search of factory jobs with higher wages.

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Southern Economy Cotton, tobacco, rice, and sugarcane Cotton gin made planters rich.

Europe wants more cotton than ever Slaves tripled South did not industrialize like north.

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Labor Unions- trying to improve working conditions

Strikes- not going to work What begins to happen to family farm? North industry South farming

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Society in the South Class structure developed in South

Top plantation owners- dominated the regions economy and political and legal system

Yeoman farmers- ordinary farmers who usually worked the land themselves(made up most of the white population in south)

Rural poor- hunted fished, and gardened, and raised own croups.

Slaves- made up the bottom of southern society

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Slavery Two labor systems

Task system- was used on small farms and plantations. Had to finish certain task each day

Gang system- enslaved person put in gangs from sunup to sundown

Fredrick Douglass- became head of the antislavery movement

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Nat turner- an enslaved minister who believed that God chose him to free his people. Led a slave revolt and followers killed 50

white people Slave codes became tighter because of

this revolt

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Missouri compromise- admitting maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state Banned slavery in all land with in the

Louisiana purchase lying above the 36 30 N parallel. With the exception of Missouri.

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Election of 1824- candidates Henry Clay – John Quincy Adams- Andrew Jackson- heroism Jackson’s supports accused adams and

clay of a corrupt bargain.

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Jackson’s supporters took the name Democratic-republicans- later known as what?

Adam’s party- national republicans

Election of 1828 John Quincy adams and Andrew Jackson Campaigned turned into mudslinging Jackson won the elcetion

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Jacksonian Democracy Jacksonian democracy refers to presidency of

Andrew Jackson He expanded the power of federal government Encouraged people from all social classes to vote Universial white male suffarage Indian removal act- gave funds to relocate Indians He defied supreme court decision to not remove the

Cherokee from Ga. (Worcester v. GA) Spoil system- political supports rewarded with jobs

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Jacksonian Democracy Thousands of Natives died on a force

removal what was known as trail of tears.

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Trail of tears

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Nullification Crisis South Carolina threatened to secede from

union over tariffs and states rights John C. Calhoun- argued that southern

states had the right to nullify any law if it wasn’t in their best interest Cotton still dependent- divided country. Monroe doctrine direction America's foreign


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Chatper 8 section 1

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Jackson ends the second national bank of the United states. Hurting western farmers

Whigs emerged from the former national republican party

Whigs –wanted to expand the nation govt.

Jackson- Democrats ( no expansion.) 1836 election Van Buren wins election

What party is he from?

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Panic of 1837- Thousands of farms foreclosed and

employment soared. Whigs won the 1840 election Harrison won the

election Died 32 days later and Tyler became


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8-2 New Immigration Massive influx of immigrants

between 1815-1860. Religious and political reason 2 million came from Ireland.

Potato Famine in 1845 Settled in North east and worked as unskilled

Germans settled in Midwest started on farms and businesses

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Nativism- hostility towards foreigners among many Americans appeared.

Anti-catholic sentiments towards catholic immigrants led to rise of nativist groups.

Delegates formed the american party. When members questioned they answered

they know nothing. As a result the party was nicknamed the

Know nothings.

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Second great awakening- this movement promoted the belief that all people could attain grace by readmitting God and Christ into their lives

New denominations- Joseph smith- founded Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-day saints Mormons- moved to Illinois from New

England. Brigham Young- moved the Mormons to


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Reform Spirit Mid 1800’s – reform society Dorothea Dix worked for improved

treatment of the mentally ill Lyman Beecher established the

benevolent societies- at first started to spread God’s message later to combat social problems

What is the major cause of crime and poverty.

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Reformers advocated temperance or moderation in consumption of alcohol called temperance.

Improving prison conditions. States build penitentiaries. Rehabilitation

Horace Mann- focused on education reform. He is responsible for the education system we know today Pushed public education and backed a states

board of education in Mass.

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Education reformers generally had men in mind

1850’s educational opportunities started for women. Emma Willard- founded a girls’ boarding

school that taught academics subjects. Mary Lyon- founded 1st institution of higher

education for women only.

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Early Women’s Movement In the 1800’s men worked and women

took care of the home. Most people believed this was the proper

place for a women? Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady

Stanton - organized the Seneca Falls Convention- focused on equal rights for women and marked the beginning of the women’s movement.

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Early Opposition to slavery People opposed slavery but in different

way. 1.Gradualism- gradual end to slavery 2. American Colonization Society- charted

ships and bought land in what is known as Liberia. Took free African Americans to Africa.

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3. Abolitionist- wanted to free African Americans immediately.

William Lloyd Garrison- founded the Liberator- antislavery newspaper that advocated emancipation.

Free African Americans- Frederick Douglass- published the north starr.

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Response to abolition Northerners even those who disapproved of

slavery- opposed extreme abolition Threat to social system Destroy southern economy/affect their own

Southerners- viewed slavery essential to their economy.

Because of the Revolt of Nat turner- southerners refused to deliver abolitionist material

Grimke’ sisters spoke out against slavery (abolitionist )

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9-1 West John Louis O’Sullivan declared the

movement west was Manifest destiny- the idea that God had given the continent to Americans and wanted them to settle western lands Coast to coast

John Deere designed a plow with sharp edge steel blade.

1834 Cyrus McCormick planted the mechanical reaper.

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Pic of manifest destiny

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Texas Goes To war Texas and Mexico in a dispute.

Wanted to allow immigration Decrease imports Texas is part of what country?

Stephen Austin got Santa Anna to lift the immigration ban and other demands

Sam Houston was in control of texas army

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Battle at the alamo Alamo- is where 180 Texans held off

Santa Anna's army for 13 days. Texas govt. declared independence

from mexico At the battle of San Jacinto- Sam

Houston defeated Santa Anna troops, captured him and made him sign a treaty recognizing Texas.

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1836- Sam Houston was elected president of republic of texas.

President John Tyler wanted to bring texas into the union.

Why was the controversial?

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Texas and Oregon enter the union

Congress voted against annexation of texas.

James K. Polk- he promised to annex Texas and Oregon territory and buy California from Mexico

Britain and united states spilt the Oregon territory. U.S. got it south of 49 degree north latitude. ‘

Tyler annexed texas before polk took office

Mexico split ties with U.S.

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Mexican-American War 1846-1848

Mexico refused to discuss the U.S. purchase of California.

Polk Sent Zachary Taylor to cross the Nueces River.

Polk declared war on mexico Taylor’s army defeated santa anna and his

army John C. Fre’mont took over California

from Mexican presence Called it the bear flag republic U.S. took over 2 weeks later

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Mexico city was captured and the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed.

Mexico ceded 500,000 square miles of land to us. California Utah, Nevada, new Mexico and

Arizona, parts of Colorado and Wyoming U.S. pay 15 million and take over 3.5 in

mexican debt This completed manifest destiny.