Download - Unit 3 assessment 3 lesson

  • 1. UNIT 3 ASSESSMENT 2 Information Handling

2. Objectives The purpose of this assessment is: 3. Scenario You are working in the publicity office of a large bank as a junior publicity and media officer. You are now required to carry out some research to identify suitable target locations for the next roadshow tour which is targeting saving and investment opportunities for young professionals. 4. Scenario These locations should be in areas where there are likely to be substantial numbers of young people in professional employment. This research will produce some reports identifying likely locations for the roadshow to set up. Identify a dataset to process into information for your reports. The data you will need for these tasks can be found using the school VLE or you may use any other appropriate sources. Download your data into a spreadsheet or database. 5. Tasks there are 4! Task 1 (P6) Produce some notes on where the dataset was found and why it was selected. Task 2 (P7) Use a spreadsheet or database for processing the data you find into useful management information identifying some suitable locations where the roadshow is likely to find young professional workers. Task 3 (M3) You have been asked to produce a front sheet to your reports explaining how the information you generated is valid, accurate and useful. This will ideally be a single page, two pages maximum, so management reading the report s can understand the validity of your findings. Task 4 (D2) Produce a substantial email to your team justifying the information you selected to support these business decision-making processes. 6. What you will need to produce Task 1 (P6) some notes word processed, with hyperlinks and detailed explanation of how the dataset was downloaded Task 2 (P7) useful management information not simply a list in Excel (though this will be behind the management information! A written report showing (perhaps graphically along with the text where the best locations are Task 3 (M3) a front sheet to your reports a word processed page entitled Validity, Accuracy and Usefulness Task 4 (D2) a substantial email umm, yeah, that. 7. Selecting a data source Of course you can ignore this suggestion but youdbetter have a pretty good plan as it took me an hour to find the most appropriate source from Census data! First task: find out about the UK national census what is it, when has it happened, what kinds of data are collected, how can it be used by organisations? 5 minutes 8. Downloading Census Data There are several different government sites that 2011census data can be downloaded from Office for National Statistics Official Labour Market Statistics Census data takes a long time to be entered and processand released most of this data has been released in the last 6 months 9. Downloading Data from NomisWeb You will need to produce notes on why the data fromNomis is the most appropriate source For now, follow along as we find the right download! 10. Data from Nomis 11. Task 1 (P6) Produce some notes on where the datasetwas found and why it was selected. This is notes! Not a full on report at this stage This should form part of the final report 12. Analysing the Data Things to use: Filters Formulas GraphsThings to think about: Is the absolute number of professionals as important as the percentage of professionals in the area? How could we look at concentrations of young people our data is 16-49? Other data sets? Once you make a decision how will you present it?