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– Level 3 Cambridge Introductory

Diploma in Media

Unit 15:

Print Based Advertising

Name: Candidate Number: Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number:

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1. Advertising Campaign Slide 4 2. Print advertisement Slide 5- 143. Audio Visual Advertisement Slide 15-

224. Comparison Slide 235. Print Based and Audio Visual Advertisement Slide

246. Conclusion Slide 25

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I have decided to anazlyse the Reading and Leeds festival for print and audio visual based advertisement. This is because they have the types of genres and artists that I would want to have at my festival, such as Arctic Monkeys and Ella Eyre. The first ever festival was in 1989 and over the years they have built up a recognizable logo which their most recent one has been the same for the past 3 years.

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Aims and ObjectivesEach year when it is coming up to the Reading and Leeds festival, the company will start to announce who will be performing. Therefore they use print based advertisement to raise awareness of what will be happening this summer and who will be there. As well as building any artists profile, it also increases the brands recognition due to the fact that if they have bands who are extremely popular, more people will want to go and see them live and therefore increase sales. This could increase sales because they are going to want their target audience to have the best experience possible so they will get bands which people would wan to see live. Additionally, by announcing some artists at a time, it keeps consumers checking up on their news.

MethodReading and Leeds start to announce/ advertise around February time and this is tactical because after the seasonal holiday, many people look forward to the summer and so if they start to say which bands will be performing it could lead to the public already buying tickets and persuading their friends to go too. I know they start to advertise around this time as well because on their website, if you go to their news page, they first mention their announcements the 27th February. Lastly, by adding advertisement in music magazines and on radio shows, this will get people thinking about going because they would already be reading or listen to music.

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Target AudienceWith regards to the ages of everyone who goes to Reading and Leeds festival, it is primarily 16-25 years old with the majority being male (Hartley) and some 30-40 years olds and so you could say that they advertise for young adults. As for psychographics, they would have quite an outgoing and fun personality because the Reading and Leeds festival is a very popular, busy event and so you would enjoy being surrounded by all the different genres of music and being with friends. This means that you could say the socio-economics needs would be C1- E because many people would be students or not in the highest occupational job. Therefore due to the lower socio-economic needs, the people that attend the festival wouldn't’ have a very high spending power because if they are only students then they may not be able to afford to go or would have to save up for a while. Moreover for demographics you can assume that more males will be interested into alternative rock than females and also you would stereotypically see more white people rather than other ethnicities. As for Katz, people who are interested in the Reading and Leeds festival would be entertain and social interaction because it’ll give people to enjoy them themselves and forget their worries and also communicate with others about the music for example. People who look at these print based adverts and want to go to festivals could be mainstreamers, explores and aspirers (Maslow). This is because people would want to go for the experience and adventure whereas others like to go as it is a popular activity to do and lastly people may go as they admire the artists and look up to them. Finally, with print based advertisement, it could be directed at active audiences because they’re individuals who after looking at the poster will want to o find out more information such as the festival dates.

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RepresentationStereotypically, you will have the majority of the people at the Reading festival to be young adults, mainly male, and of white ethnicity. This could be because they are known to be more interested into the alternative rock music genre. Additionally at festivals there can be a big issue that many people are aware that a lot of people will take and try drugs which can also result to unfortunate consequences. Furthermore, you would have a lot of social groups of friends who have the same interests and go for the experience and many individuals who may go for the ‘hipster’ fashion style and that it is in a relaxed atmosphere. Moreover, John Berger (1972) had the theory of ‘men act, women appear’ you can link this to festivals because you will have a lot of men stare and objectify women and it could be the way they are dressed and look. Also you can relate other theories such as the ‘male gaze’ (Laura Mulvey) and ‘female gaze’ (Diana Saco) and this is because with the ‘female gaze’, for example, women may go to concerts to see well known male musicians and it could be because they find them attractive and some bands do preform topless which many people may like.

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SponsorshipWhen it comes to sponsorship, they do not advertise on print based media or audio visual advertisement. However on their website, they have the logos of all of their partnerships/ sponsorships which as you can see are related to broadcasting, drink brands and also buying tickets and travelling. The reason for having the partnerships could be because you can watch back and listen in to the bands preforming and backstage interviews for example. Also at concerts you do have people who drink alcohol and so they can advertise their brands and to have sponsorships with regards to tickets and traveling agencies, it can help the consumer plan a way of going and persuade them to go due to the fact they know ways of getting their and where to go to buy tickets.

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Campaign MessageWith regards to the unique selling point of Reading and Leeds festival it would be which are the main acts over the few days and who else will be performing. Therefore if you pick artists and bands who are extremely popular, you will get more people interested and go. The main message for the festival would be to enjoy the music and by going to a social event, it could be like having a break from all the stress and worries of work and other topics. Even though the festival is in August, they already start releasing who will be there at the beginning of the year and this could be due to the fact that it’s the start of the new year, Christmas would’ve passed and the next best season to look forward to is summer so people will want to find activates to do with friends. By choosing to advertise through print based media, you can attract a lot of consumers because you can use bright colours to get their attention and by having each band in bold, you know straight away who the main acts are on each day and by adding the dates, it gives you the choice of who you might want to see on different days and wither camp or go for one day. The connotations of the red could be represented as energy because there would be a lot at a festival as well as a lot of hype about specific bands playing on stage. As for yellow it is used to attract attention and so is the orange tones and this could be so that the public would be more inclined to look at the poster. On Facebook, the main campaign message I could find was a description about Reading and Leeds festival itself. By using the word ‘heralded’ has the connotations of proclaiming that this is the festival to go to and that you won’t find anywhere better than this. Furthermore it gives and indication on when the festival takes place every year and it’s the best way to spend the weekend if you have a passion for music.

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As well as having poster print based advertisement, they don’t have a lot of other ways of advertising. However they are in synergy with Facebook and Twitter where they post various information about the event. Additionally, they include technological convergence because last year they created an app where you can find all the details there and with a wide target audience, a lot of people will be sure to download it.Another way of advertising is by having their own website. On here you can find out the full line up along with where you can buy your tickets and all the latest news regarding the event. If you were interested in going to Leeds instead, they have another website purely for what will be happening there.

Facebook and Twitter

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In the lead up to the festivals, they will start to release which artists/ bands will be performing at the festival which means by releasing more print based advertisements, the public will recognize the house style and know it’s about the festival and it keeps people checking who will be there and if they will want to go. The final poster with all the details has reversed the colours which could be to indicate that this is the official line up and who will be playing when. The type of conventions that they’ve used on the final posters, for example, is having the dates when all the artists are either going to be at Reading or Leeds. Also they have more of the headliners in larger fonts, the connotations of this could be because certain artists could be more well known and that they could be performing longer or on the bigger stages.

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Legal and EthicalWhen creating print based advertisement for Reading and Leeds, they need to make sure that they don’t have copyright infringement. This means that when they use each band and artist’s name, they need to have permission and even for their own font, they would need to copyright that as well so no one will copy it and the original creator will have ownership over the name. As well as copyright, you can also refer this to intellectual property. The best way to protect your IP is to get a patent, in doing so no one can use any of your information without asking and having to pay you to include your work into theirs. With regards to libel, Reading and Leeds would have to make sure that nothing in print can be classed as defamation which could ruin an artists reputation for example. Lastly you have royalties, anyone who has legal ownership of their work and someone wants to use it, such as a bands logo, they will receive royalties, depending on the amount of income that has been generated. This can be another way for artists to gain income due to the fact that Reading and Leeds would need to advertising who will be performing on the given dates.

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Legal and Ethical ContinuedOther aspects which are important when looking at legal and ethical issues would be a model release. Even with print based media you would need permission to use someone else's work, for example the bands font/ logo, otherwise without the signed document you will have legal claims made against you as it is not your original work that you’d like to use. Additionally, public interest is also important. This is when you have the welfare of the general public in minds and is approved through promotion and you also look at what expected profits and loses could be. When it comes to violence and offensive language or behavior, the main aspect to be aware of is if children will see any of the advertising and how it’ll affect them. For example, you would have to look into placement because anywhere in public a child or anyone could have access to the advert whereas if it’s post watershed and in magazines which aren’t aimed at children then they shouldn’t see it. Therefore, on print based advertisement it is important that Reading and Leeds do not have any offensive language so possibly any quotes from bands which could include swearing and do not include an violence such as any images from a concert where you may see any violent actions, especially in rock concerts where there’s a lot of aggressive music stereotypically. Reading and Leeds do not seem to have any legal and ethical signs on their print based advertisement but on their website at the bottom, they have a copyright logo of the company who presents the festival.

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Regulatory BodiesSince 1961, the ASA (The Advertising Standards Authority) is a regulator of all adverts across social media. This means that they act on any complaints made but also check social media frequently in order to prevent any harmful, misleading or offensive adverts are produced. It is important that in print based advertisement, for example, you have consistent work, everything's fair and ethical and respectful. If you were to look at print based adverts form Reading, you shouldn’t see anything which could be classed as stereotypical and unreliable for example. Additionally, if there is a problem, the ASA will be in touch if any rules are broken. With regards to their regulations, if they believe to seen an advert which is in breach of the UK Advertising Codes, they will have to withdraw or amend the advert and to not use the same approach again. Moreover, even if there is only one complaint, they will have a look into the advert in questioning, they are interested in stopping the codes being breached and not waiting for a certain number of complaints before acting upon it.

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Aims and ObjectivesThe main aim of having an audio visual advert is too see clips of the bands live and may persuade many to buy tickets and go. Additionally, to have an advert on all the main headlines, it is going to create awareness for the bands and to all their fans as well to come and see them. By releasing this advert 5 months in advance it gives people the chance to decide whether they want to go and if people find money a problem, they can save and then buy the tickets. Moreover, another way to increase sales through adverts, in the description box they have added a link to the website where you can buy tickets and so after watching the video, people may want to buy the tickets straight away.

MethodsHaving an advert on YouTube is a good marketing idea because lots of young adults use this platform and so they may come across this and may be interested in going. Also by having it at 53 seconds, it allows enough time to show all the bands live and then you can know what you would be experiencing if you go.

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Target AudienceJust like print based advertising of the Reading and Leeds festival, the target audience is still young adults and of white ethnicity and this can been seen in the crowds when they show clips of the bands live. Additionally, you could say that there is a mixture of male and female but depending on the band you may get more males and females for example or vice versa. By having artists with a mixture of genders as fans, allows the festival to be for anyone who wants to go (Hartley). With regards to Katz, you will have social interaction because you can meet up with friends and meet new people whilst enjoying the atmosphere and seeing various bands. As for Maslow, there will be mainstreamers and explorers. This is because it is an extremely popular event so you’ll see a lot of people want to go so they will be involved with everything that is going on and people may go for the first time with friends to have an adventure and make memories. Due to the audiences being young, you could say that the socio-economic needs would be C1-E because they would either be students, unemployed or not have a job with a high salary. So with regards to spending power, it wouldn’t be incredibly high because if the audience is only C1-E then they wouldn’t have the highest occupational job. Lastly, the people who go to the festival may be passive audiences because when they see the advert they could just be persuade by the excitements and all the music and colours and do not require any action from the brain. Lastly, for psychographics they could have a relatively busy lifestyle, always going out and being adventurous and they may go in order to just relax and have a good time listening to all the different artists.

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RepresentationUsually at festivals you will stereotypically have the social groups of quite relaxed young or ones that can be quite loud. Also a lot of people, mainly female, who like to go because of the fashion and it can be seen as ‘indie’ and you can be yourself. Additionally, you’ll generally see the majority of festival goers as white ethnicity which could be because they are more known to like music such alternative rock and indie bands. Some issues with going to festivals is that a lot of people will bring alcohol which can lead to a variety of situations for example fights. Moreover, others issues can be that if any rocks bands are playing you can get a lot of mosh pits and this can result in accidents and the crowds can sometimes be too keen to be at the front can will push people out the way. With regards to theories, you can link festivals to the ‘female gaze’ (Diana Saco) and ‘male gaze’ (Laura Mulvey) theory such as men will possibly stare at women who attend the festivals and vice versa for women but it’s also that they may go because they find many of the singers attractive and the way they look could have an impact on this.

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Campaign MessageWhen advertising through audio visual, it can be a tactic used to persuade the public that by going to the Reading and Leeds festival will be an enjoyable and social experience and by slowing releasing who is performing is almost like teasing them and resulting in them going as they will create a big hype about the event. Additionally, by producing these adverts so far in advance gives the consumer time to think about whether to go but also gets them thinking about it in advance and get them to start organizing with friends whether to go and if so for how long. By having a lot of popular artists spread over three days it could get the audience to buy tickets for the whole weekend instead of one day as they might want to see the majority of bands perform. Finally, throughout their adverts they do not seem to have any slogans, they just announce who the headliners are. The message however is about who the main bands will be and what you’d miss out on by showing clips of them preforming. As you can see throughout the advert, they start and end with their logo possibly to build brand recognition and then they repeat who they’ve already announced to let the audience know again and then basically question the audience of who the next and final two headliners could be and in the description it says what date it will be announced. The main sound they have is off the band preforming but making quite visual captivates the audience.

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Recently, Reading and Leeds festival have been posting a few videos over the past months all leading up to the final headliners. So they started off with their main headliners, then two more and then the last two. The most recent advert was all five acts and clips of them performing live. They have used their standard house colours and this could be because it will build their recognition. Also theses colours connote as energy and passion which is what they would want to portray in their adverts of the headliners performing for example.


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Legal and EthicalWhen making an audio visual advert, it is very important that you have permission to use any copyrighted music, so for example the Reading and Leeds will need to ensure that any clips from concerts they use that isn’t their own that they have consent, if not this is an offence. Once you have permission, you’ll get given a mechanical license and a mechanical royalty rate depend on the length of the song in some circumstances. In audio visual advertising, the key aspects to have within your IP rights is creative content, slogans/ sounds and geographical indications. These are the main three I would say for Reading and Leeds and would need copyright or trademarks as part of their legal protection. When advertising with celebrities, or artists in festivals, you usually have privacy and publicity rights. This means that for privacy they can protect their image from certain uses but publicity means that they have economic value so for example showing clips from popular bands perform, could increase sales ad get more people going to festivals. When you have print based advertisement, you need to make sure there’s no libel defamation but for audio visual you need to make sure there is not defamation through slander which is oral so through any TV or radio broadcasts. Therefore when Reading and Leeds advertise their festival, they need to make sure there is nothing in the videos which is untrue and could result in a court case if not advertised correctly. As I mentioned in IP rights, with regards to royalties you get given a mechanical royalty and a rate with how much that certain person will earn. The amount of royalties due can depends on the audience size and therefore each time a song or certain clip is played, a fee will be sent to the artist. This means that once the production team who create adverts for Reading and Leeds festival, they will then start to work out how much royalties are due and even through they are paying the artists, if there’s enough people going to the event then they will start to make a profit.

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Legal and Ethical ContinuedWhen it comes to advertising, even though some of these rules are for advertising on the radio, offensive language will still apply to audio visual adverts. One of the most important rules is that no offensive language should be aired if it is very likely that any children could be listening. During term times, it is usually between 6-9am and 3-7pm and then one weekends and then 6am-7pm on weekends and holidays. When creating audio visual advertising, it is important to not portray any incidental messages for example aggression. So for Reading and Leeds, it is well known that a lot of people drink and this means that when they advertise, that they do not include any clips of people drinking so the viewed does not get the wrong idea about what the festival is all about. Also stereotypically, a lot of rock concerts can cause aggression due to activities such as mosh pits so this is anther example of not necessarily include because you do not want to carry the message across that it is a violent event. When filming for an audio visual advert, it is important that the person(s) you will be including have signed a model release. This is a contract to give the company permission to include you in their advert for example and if you do not have a signed model release then you can be sued for invasion of privacy and defamation. As for public interest, it is about having the best public interest of your company which means you are interested in the welfare of the general public and will want to have a good reputation in order for people to be interested in what you’re promoting. On their adverts they do not have anything to represent their legal and ethical issues but they have a copyright logo at the bottom of their website.

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Regulatory bodiesWith regards to the ASA on audio visual advertising, it would be important that nothing is misleading about what they are advertising. Before any TV and radio adverts are broadcasted, they need to be put through clearance. This is where all broadcasters must take reasonable steps under their licenses that they do not breach any of the UK codes of Broadcast Advertising. To enable the advert to be released, they need to establish and fund two pre-clearance centres which are Clearcast for television commercials and Radiocentre for radio ads. Reading and Leeds would need to look into this as they advertise clips from concert and also have radio adverts.

As for other regulatory bodies, you have a company called Ofcom which is the communications regulator for the UK. They make sure you get excellent communications services but also protect you from any scams and sharp practices. Ofcom’s primary duty is to further the interest of any citizens and of consumers but can still promote competition. Therefore with the Reading and Leeds festival, they would make sure that no one could potentially be scammed and can still promote competition due to the fact that there are a lot of festivals in the summer season so they would need to advertise which bands will be playing so that more people will be interested in going there instead of people wanting to go to the V festival for example.

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SimilaritiesAfter researching both print based and audio visual advertisement, I’d say that the similarities are that they have a consistent house style, it’s mainly about who is preforming so the campaign message and including images and clips of the artists. So their campaign message is about informing the viewer about who will be at the Reading and Leeds festival and show them what they may miss out on by showing them clips of the bands on stage.

DifferencesHowever, in print based advertising they are more specific in who will be on each day whereas the audio visual advertising just has who the main 5 headliners are. Also on the print based advertisement, they have various sized font and this could be because more people may be interested in the main headliners whereas on the audio visual it is purely about the main bands.

To conclude, the campaign message would be about people taking time out of their lives to see different bands and have a memorable weekend. Therefore these adverts both conform to the campaign message because they are promoting who you’ll be able to go see live and showing how much the crowd are enjoying themselves (audio visual advert). Also in each of them you have the logo used and have similar house styles but just reversed. However the poster is not included in the audio visual advertisement, just the main headliners. Additionally, all of their other types of advertisements link together due to the fact that they all have the same style, would have the same audience and all release their news at the same time.

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All the adverts used, and with different medias, all link to the campaign message because both of them inform the music lovers of whom is going to be playing at the annual festival and the print based advertisement gives the exact days on who will be where (either at Reading or Leeds). Furthermore the main headliners names are in bold/ larger font and they have videos specifically for the headliners and this could e because they will be their main selling point and who people would mostly likely go and see. Additionally, the colour schemes are very similar in the fact that they just reversed them for the different types of media, this will again make people remember the festival every time they see these colours used. Lastly using the same fonts, for example the bands logo, will convey their campaign message because they will be promoting ‘the most revered artists’ and this will also allow fans to recognise their favourite bands straight away.

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I have analyzed and researched about the Reading and Leeds festival but looking at print based and audio visual advertising. It was important that I knew what their target audience, aims and campaign message was. This is because I can then start to see what your usual stereotypes are for example as well as the legal and ethical issues that are linked to various advertisements. Additionally to compare the types of advertisements, allows me to find out how they can be linked and if they have house styles and what the main theme is for example.

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1. Advert of Inspiration Slide 28 2. Proposals Slide 29 and 303. Mind Map Slide 314. Mood Boards Slide 32, 33 and 34 5. Draft Layouts Slide 35- 386. Logo Design Slide 397. Photo-shoot Plan Slide 408. House Style Slide 419. Main Headliners/Artists Slide 4210.Production Plan Slide 43, 44 and

4511.Location Recce Slide 4612.Own Photos Slide 4713.Budget Summary Slide 4814.Risk Assessment Slide 4915.Legal and Ethical Slide 5016.Audio Visual Advertisement Slide 5117.Conclusion Slide 52

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At the top of the advertisement, you have who is presenting the festival and where it is being held. This is important because straight away the audience is informed on what the advertisement is about. There are three dates with who will be preforming on what days and whether at Reading or Leeds and I will use this idea because even though it is important to know the headliners, if they only want to go for one day then they can see who will be there.

The main headliners are in a bigger font because they are the bands which people would be most interested in. I will ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale) this for my print based advertisement because you would want the public to know who the main artists are and then if there are few who are upcoming but not as known, still include then so that they can gain recognition. You could say that the target audience is young adults (18-30) and within the C1-E category (socioeconomic needs) because a lot of the genre of music, you wouldn’t expect old people to be listening to it nor very young people.

As for colour scheme, they have used bright and block colours which could be to attract the attention of anyone who gets a glimpse of it. Also the connotations of the colours could be energy and there would be a lot of energy and excitement at the festival due to fans being about to see bands they like on stage.

I would ‘repeat’ the bold colours but ‘change’ (Steve Neale) the colours used, possibly not yellow because that colour can be linked to danger along with the black used but the using the red can represent passion and musicians put a lot of passion into their work and the audience experience this when listening to the music.

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Here is my proposal for my poster print based advertisement which includes what is advertised, my target audience and what my campaign message is.

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This is my proposal for my second print based advertisement which is going to be an advert in a music magazine. Therefore, my style or approach may be different and my content may be slightly different.

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Print Based Advertisement

Target Audience:My target audience would be mainstreamers (Maslow) due to the fact that they are people who go to popular events and want to go there for the experience. Also they would be the type to go to be entertained (Katz) and because it would be a form of escapism from everything that is happening in their lives. Moreover, due to a lot of young adults there, their age would primarily be between 17-30 and possibly more males than females because stereotypically male prefer the alternative rock genre more (Hartley). Also the socio-economic needs would be C1-E because a lot of younger people go to festivals and won’t have a high ranked job. This also means that the target audience have a low spending power due to the fact that they wont have high paying occupations. Lastly for psychographics, they would be adventurous and outgoing because if you like a variety of music and being outdoors then it would be a memorable experience to spend the weekend with friends and having fun.

Colour Scheme:For my colour scheme I want to keep it bright and bold so it is eye-catching and after having a look, persuade people to go. I would probably stick to colours such as red, oranges and yellows because the connotations are that they represent energy and at a festival you need this up beat vibe.

Logo Names:As my festival would be sponsored by the music magazine EP, I would keep it simple and have something like EP Festival or maybe the name of where it may be held, such as Victoria Park Music Festival.

Slogans:Escape Reality.Lose Yourself in the Music.These would be ideal slogans for my music festival because nowadays a lot of people will listen to music so that they can take a break from reality and not have to worry about their daily lives for a little bit.

Frequency of Release:So that my target audience is fully informed and have time to think and plan what they want to do, I would start to release the main headliners first and then what dates they are playing. I will first start advertising near the beginning of the year and then carry on every few weeks so people have a few months to decide.

Marketing:The type of marketing I will be using is poster and magazine print based advertisement. This is because if anyone is walking past and notice the poster, it might make them stop and read and find out what it is about. Furthermore, if my desired target audience is already reading about music and find the advert, it is a way of persuading them that they should go and they’re already in the mind set of thinking about music.

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Poster Advertisement Mood Board

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I have chosen these pictures for my mood boards because I wanted to see the different types of layouts and what type of colours they use in their advertisements. These mood boards are also for inspiration for what background I may like to have or how I’d like to present my logo and name on the poster or magazine page. After looking at the different images, I have come to the conclusion that the different advertisements need every bold colours and font that will stand out, or possibly having the bands logo itself on the advertisement.

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Here are my hand drawn drafts for my poster print based advertisement and as you can see, the red and orange make it stand out and everything is organised so it isn’t complex or wouldn’t know what the advert would be about. I prefer the one on the left because the space is better utilised and there’s not as much empty space.

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These are my magazine print based advertisements and compared to my posters, at the bottom you will have more information on where to buy tickets for example. The one of the right would be better as an advert because for the first one, as the artists would all be placed together, it wouldn’t be clear on who will be preforming on certain days.

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These are my Photoshop layouts and I like how the colours work well together and that there’s a gradient for the background. You can also see how it is a simple but clear layout and will have technological convergence by adding the website address.

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Just like my other drafts, you can see that the magazine advertisement will have that extra information at the bottom. Furthermore, you can imagine that once all the artists names are on there, it will look very appealing.

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As my event is sponsored by EP magazine, I will be using that logo on my advertisement. However, I might change the font for the word ‘Festival’. The main font I like is the bottom on which is in the style Window Markers. I have added EP as well to see what it may look like if I didn’t necessarily use the logo. The font will stay black as the background would be a bright colour in order for the name to stand out.

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I have created a photo shoot plan incase I will be needing models in my final photos and I have decided to go with the sunset theme still but have the models as silhouettes still. I have stated what the requirements are and when and where it will be taking place.

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For my house style, it is important that every aspect of my advert is aesthetically pleasing and will be remembered. Therefore for my colours I will use different shades of orange and black font. The reason for this is that against a light background, you will be able to see the writing clearly and know straight away what the advert is about. Additionally, because the festival will be around summer time, the orange colour can represent this and almost like a sunset and the connotations of orange is happiness and energy which is the vibe that I would be aiming for at the event. Also a lot of other festival adverts use colours such as black, yellow and red so it is almost as if I am expanding on similar shade but not having the same ones so it’ll make my campaign stand out. As for font, I will be using any artists and bands logos but when it comes to adding extra information and my logo, I will be using clear bold texts. For the information I would use a standard font so that it is not too complex to read and my logo I will use the font Window Markers.

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The magazine which is sponsoring the festival is EP magazine and their genre is rock but also including indie and alternative artists but their inspiration was Q who can include a variety of genres so the festival will have a few similar artists. The type of artists which I would have at my festival would be Arctic Monkeys, Muse, Green Day, Foo Fighters, Florence and the Machine, Rihanna, Arcade Fire, Twenty One Piolets, Ella Eyre, Lorde, Lana Del Ray and Jhené Aiko. The reason for these artists is that a lot of them are well known and all contribute to the same or similar genres and I think a lot of people would like to see them live.

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Here is my production plan for my poster print based advertisement and I have said what needs to be done for each day and all the tasks that need to be completed for Friday 18th March. The reason I have chosen the middle of March is because then my target audience will have 3 months to decide whether to and on what days, if not all of them, and then it wouldn’t be last minute. Also it will help gain recognition over the months to try and gain more consumers.http://

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I have produced another production plan for my magazine print based advertisement. This is because it’ll be different compared to my poster print based advertisement due to the fact that it needs to be sent to the magazine companies and has a different release date, which is Friday 1st April. The reason for a different release date is that the posters will be seen more often due to the fact that the magazine adverts will only be placed in magazine’s which have similar music genres. Also I will be releasing new information about where to go exactly for tickets for example and it’ll be reminding the target audience again that the festival is coming up. http://

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As well as having dates for my poster and magazine print based advertisement, for my audio visual advertisement it would be released on Wednesday 16th March because the final headlining poster would be released on the Saturday before and so I want to remind the audience of what they are like on stage and persuade them to go. Then the final poster of all the acts will be released on Friday 18th March.I have chosen these dates because it’s in the summer time which means young adults’ students may have the time to go and also it is before other festivals so it wouldn’t interfere with other festivals. Additionally, it’s one of the first festival of the year so people are going to want to go and it’s a new festival which people may want to go and see what its like.

When it comes to scheduling my poster print based advertisements, they will be placed all around London for example at public transport stops due to the fact that the festival is held in London and the transport stops are an example of where a lot of people will be passing and then having a look at it. As for my magazine print based advertisement, the advert will be in magazines such as Q and NME. This is because they produce content with similar music genre of alternative and indie rock.All of these will be produced three months in advanced because people need to be aware in plenty of time about the festival. Lastly, most of the posters will be in A4 format but possibly some A3 sizes as well.

Month Quantity PriceMarch 500 £68 (A4) £94

(A3) April 750 £82 (A4) £141

(A3)May 1000 £100 (A4) £177

(A3)June 1500 £140 (A4) £140


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Before taking my photos, I have completed a location recce so that I know where the photo-shoot will be taking place and what type of pictures are needed and what the potential risks might be and how to overcome it.

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I decided to take different pictures of different landscapes because I wanted to see which one would be more appealing for advertising a festival. This is why the picture I like the most is the top left because you would be able to edit it in a way that the buildings would be more like silhouettes and the sky would be more vibrant. Also I had an image of the London eye because it will be held in London and it is an iconic building.

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For advertising in a magazine, it will cost me around £2,750 if the advert was placed anywhere throughout the magazine. The type of magazine which I would advertise in is Q magazine and because they have a monthly circulation, the advert will be produced once a month. If I was to print 1,500 posters at a time, it will cost around £189 and 3 types of posters will be printed so that’ll cost £567 (ex-VAT). Also for salaries, these are only starting rates and may be more over a period of time. Furthermore, with equipment, you wouldn’t need a lot for computers for example because there would be a lot of team work.

Staff SalaryEditor(s) £19,000Designers £21,000Photographers £20,000Marketing £21,000Finance £18,000Human Resources


Equipment CostOffice Space £212,480Apple MacBook Pro (X5) £5,995Adobe CS6 Master Collection £9,179Cameras (X3) £687

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By completing a risk assessment I know what the environment will be like and what I will need in order to get all the tasks completed for taking my photos.

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There are a few legal and ethical issues that I would have to follow when carrying out my advertising campaign. Firstly, if I were to use any models it would be important that I have the correct model release forms signed so that I have their consent. Secondly it would be extremely important that no offensive or violent language is anywhere on my adverts and that everything stated on there is the truth otherwise there would be defamation and libel. I would need to make sure that all my products are copyrighted so that no one can copy my ideas and that if I am going to use bands’ logos for example that I have permission so that it would not be an offense. All these regulations could potentially affect my campaign message because any consumer could complain about if anything was misleading, for example the dates or who will be there, and to not promote for a younger youth where it may be potentially dangerous if they go so therefore it would be better to encourage the public of an older age and not persuade children that they want to go. Lastly you have royalties and this means that if I wanted to use the artists’ logos, for example, they would receive royalties because I’d want to use their work. As for representation, I need to make sure that there are no stereotypes and that I have the festival in mind and stick to the theme so that I do not offend anyone or single people out.{150f46ec-6177-4783-ad69-ffa9b9b5fb07}#.V2EuA_krLIU

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If I was to create audio visual advertisement for my upcoming festival, I would have it consist of the main headliners preforming so the audience know what to expect or might miss out on if they do not go. Therefore I would include concert clips from Arctic Monkeys, Muse, Rihanna, Florence and the Machine and Biffy Clyro. So that the audience would get to see enough footage but wouldn’t have to watch for a lot of minutes, I would have my advert for about 60 seconds and post this on social media such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter due to the fact that it may be too long to put on TV and it is also a cheaper alternative. As the final poster for the main headliners would be released on Saturday 12th March, I would release the video a few days later, possibly on Wednesday 16th March so that the audience is reminded of who they are, what they're like in concert and then the final poster of all the acts will be posted on Friday 18th March and then my magazine advert will be released on Friday 1st April. The main steps which will be carried out are finding the right clips to play, edit in the band’s names and advertise the festival’s logo as well.

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Finally I have looked at the different ideas I have for print based advertisement such as poster and magazine advert. It was important to decide on the name, slogan, target audience and house style because you want to have your designs which are going to attract the same audience instead of a large mixture. Additionally, by looking at inspiration and mood boards, it helps you to see what the similarities and differences are what I could change to make my festival stand out.

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Page 54: Unit 15 Exemplar Work

1. Pre-Production Materials Slide 55- 63

2. Risk Assessment Slide 643. Location Recce Slide 654. Production Plan Slide 66 and

675. Conclusion Slide 68

Page 55: Unit 15 Exemplar Work

Final ideaI am going to create a poster print based advertisement. The name of it will be EP Festival because that is the music magazine who will be sponsoring the event. As for my target audience would be mainstreamers (Maslow) due to the fact that they are people who go to popular events and want to go there for the experience. Also they would be the type to go to be entertained (Katz) and because it would be a form of escapism from everything that is happening in their lives. Moreover, due to a lot of young adults there, their age would primarily be between 17-30 and possibly more males than females because stereotypically male prefer the alternative rock genre more (Hartley). Also the socio-economic needs would be C1-E because a lot of younger people go to festivals and won’t have a high ranked job. This also means that the target audience have a low spending power due to the fact that they wont have high paying occupations. Lastly for psychographics, they would be adventurous and outgoing because if you like a variety of music and being outdoors then it would be a memorable experience to spend the weekend with friends and having fun. As for ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer) I will include artists which people are wanting to go see live and ones that link to the alternative/ indie rock genre. Therefore, it could also mean that the more well known bands, then more people will want to go which could increase profit. Additionally for my colour scheme I want to keep it bright and bold so it is eye-catching and after having a look, persuade people to go. I would probably stick to colours such as red, oranges and yellows because the connotations are that they represent energy and at a festival you need this up beat vibe. My layout will effectively convey my campaign message because it is about informing my target audience which bands are going to be there and what date. So by having my text all in columns, it’ll be clear to see who will be where on what day and also where they can go to find out more information as there will be a website link at the bottom. Furthermore, my logo will be in the centre at the top so it wouldn’t take long for the audience to know what the poster would be about. As for the colours, the orange can represent the sun due to the fact it will be held in the summer (end of June).

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For my slogan I will have ‘Escape Reality’ because nowadays a lot of people will listen to music so that they can take a break from reality and not have to worry about their daily lives for a little bit. This would also come under my campaign message because it’s about enjoying your time away, relaxing and watching your favourite bands live. As for frequency, in order for my audience to be informed and have time to think and plan what they want to do, I would start to release the main headliners first and then what dates they are playing. Also I will start advertising near the beginning of the year and then carry on over a few weeks so people have months in advance to decide. Lastly, the type of marketing I will be using is poster and magazine print based advertisement. This is because if anyone is walking past and notice the poster, it might make them stop and read and find out what it is about. Furthermore, if my desired target audience is already reading about music and find the advert, it is a way of persuading them that they should go and they’re already in the mind set of thinking about music.

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Page 58: Unit 15 Exemplar Work

For my house style, it is important that every aspect of my advert is aesthetically pleasing and will be remembered. Therefore for my colours I will use different shades of orange and black font. The reason for this is that against a light background, you will be able to see the writing clearly and know straight away what the advert is about. Additionally, because the festival will be around summer time, the orange colour can represent this and almost like a sunset and the connotations of orange is happiness and energy which is the vibe that I would be aiming for at the event. Also a lot of other festival adverts use colours such as black, yellow and red so it is almost as if I am expanding on similar shade but not having the same ones so it’ll make my campaign stand out. As for font, I will be using any artists and bands logos but when it comes to adding extra information and my logo, I will be using clear bold texts. For the information I would use a standard font so that it is not too complex to read and my logo I will use the font Window Markers.

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Main headliners/ ArtistsThe magazine which is sponsoring the festival is EP magazine and their genre is rock but also including indie and alternative artists but their inspiration was Q who can include a variety of genres so the festival will have a few similar artists. The type of artists which I would have at my festival would be Arctic Monkeys, Muse, Green Day, Foo Fighters, Florence and the Machine, Rihanna, Arcade Fire, Twenty One Piolets, Ella Eyre, Lorde, Lana Del Ray and Jhené Aiko. The reason for these artists is that a lot of them are well known and all contribute to the same or similar genres and I think a lot of people would like to see them live.

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I have created a photo shoot plan incase I will be needing models in my final photos and I have decided to go with the sunset theme still but have the models as silhouettes still. I have stated what the requirements are and when and where it will be taking place. For now I will just be having the sky and landscapes in my photos and capture the mood through this.

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These are the different photos I had taken and this is because I wanted a sunset type theme but I also liked the idea of having a picture of a field due to the fact that that’s where the festival would take place and lastly the London eye because the festival will be held in the London area. The picture I like the most is the top left because you would be able to edit it in a way that the buildings would be more like silhouettes and the sky would be more vibrant.

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For my poster and magazine advert print based advertisement, all the conventions will be spread out evenly and not all cramped together so that the reader would know straight away what it is about. Also you can see it’s not complex and because the colours are bold, it would attract the target audience to take time and look at it.

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When it comes to finalizing my poster print based product, it is essential that I proof read everything. I will be the one to look over my final products as I would be the one to know all the details and what will be right or wrong. The potential mistakes could be with dates of the festival such as the year or date not matching with the day of the week so I’d have to make sure to look at the calendar and know for sure what is the right dates. Lastly, proof reading any names is important because it would be very unprofessional to have one of your headliners names spelt wrong for example.

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I have filled out a risk assessment due to the fact that I need to know what tasks need to be carried out and what the area ill be like and what to be prepared for on the day and make sure everything I done.

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Before I had taken my photos, I have completed a location recce so that I know where the photo-shoot will be taking place and what type of pictures are needed and what the potential risks might be and how to overcome it.

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By producing a production plan I know what needs to be completed in order to reach the release date for the poste print based advertisement. The reason I have chosen the middle of March is because then my target audience will have 3 months to decide whether to and on what days, if not all of them, and then it wouldn’t be last minute. Also it will help gain recognition over the months to try and gain more consumers. My audio visual advert will be released on Wednesday 16th March.


Page 67: Unit 15 Exemplar Work

Equipment Cost

Office Space £212,480

Apple MacBook Pro (X5) £5,995

Adobe CS6 Master Collection £9,179

Cameras (X3) £687

Staff SalaryEditor(s) £19,000Designers £21,000Photographers £20,000Marketing £21,000Finance £18,000Human Resources £17,000

The reason why my final launch date is Friday 18th March is because it will allow my target audience to decide when they want to go and how long for as well as who they will be going with. Also because they may not have a high spending power, if they really want to go, it will give them time to save and then buy the tickets.As I am creating a poster, if I was to print 1,500 posters at a time, it will cost around £189 and 3 types of posters will be printed so that’ll cost £567 (ex-VAT). Also for salaries, these are only starting rates and may be more over a period of time. Furthermore, with equipment, you wouldn’t need a lot for computers for example because there would be a lot of team work.When it comes to proof reading and sub-editing, I would get other staff/ editors to check their colleagues work and possibly head editors so that they would be happy with the content and make sure there are no mistakes for example making sure the dates are correct and everything is truthful.

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To conclude, I now know my final idea and what the print based advertisement will be along with the target audience, name and slogan. Also after completing my photo shoot plan and production plan, I know what photos I need and when to complete all the tasks. Moreover, after filling out a risk assessment I know what I need to be careful of and having signed model release forms are important because it is essential to have permission. Lastly, I have looked at the type of artists I will be having at the festival and that they are all from the same/ similar genres.

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Page 70: Unit 15 Exemplar Work

1. Pre- Production materials Slide 71, 72 and 73

2. Legal and Ethical Slide 743. Room Environment Slide 754. My Pitch Slide 765. Feedback Slide 77- 816. Conclusion Slide 82

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For my house style, it is important that every aspect of my advert is aesthetically pleasing and will be remembered. Therefore for my colours I will use different shades of orange and black font. The reason for this is that against a light background, you will be able to see the writing clearly and know straight away what the advert is about. Additionally, because the festival will be around summer time, the orange colour can represent this and almost like a sunset and the connotations of orange is happiness and energy which is the vibe that I would be aiming for at the event. Also a lot of other festival adverts use colours such as black, yellow and red so it is almost as if I am expanding on similar shade but not having the same ones so it’ll make my campaign stand out. As for font, I will be using any artists and bands logos but when it comes to adding extra information and my logo, I will be using clear bold texts. For the information I would use a standard font so that it is not too complex to read and my logo I will use the font Window Markers.

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There are many regulations which could potentially affect my campaign message but as for copyright I would need to make sure that all my products are copyrighted so that no one can copy my ideas and that if I am going to use bands’ logos for example that I have permission so that it would not be an offense. Additionally with IP, the best way to protect it is to get a patent, in doing so no one can use any of your information without asking and having to pay you to include your work into theirs. When it comes to making a patent, there are a few steps involved. This can take a long period of time but as long as your idea is original and have the correct paper work, for example, then you’d be able to get a patent. Once you have been granted your patent, it will be legal for 20 years and then you’ll have to renew it.

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It was important to look at the room environment so that I knew where I would be presenting my ideas. Also I have photos of where the pitch will be on and where I also prepared it. Then I have a photo of a slide changer so that I do not have to stand by the Apple Mac the whole time and can present in a better manner.

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Here are images of when I was pitching my print based advertisement ideas for EP Festival.

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These are my questions I asked in a survey through survey monkey just to get more insight on whether people would go to my festival and what they lied and what I could improve on.

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The first question I asked was what their main opinion on my pitch. There was positive feedback for example that I have organized my ideas well.

For my second question I wanted to know if I added enough information so that they knew what my festival was about. It was important that they knew enough because then it would be harder for them to decide whether or not I had a good campaign message and if it was a good festival.

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I wanted to know the positives and negatives of my pitch so I knew what I needed to improve on and what I did well. One of the main positives was that I explained my reasoning's well such as deciding on my poster and why I chose that specific target audience.

However, I need to make sure that I present my font, for example, bigger and my ideas in a very detailed way so that people can see what I am talking about and can identify what each convention is such as my slogan.

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I was pleased to see that from the feedback, my adverts were persuasive and that I picked a very good line up which people of my target audience would actually want to go to my festival.

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This is my witness statement and I now know on what went well and what I could improve on in my pitch and on my final adverts. The main changes I made was adding the year of the festival to my advertisements and also making my slogan clearer. As for my pitch, I would explain my audio visual advertisement more and all the legal and ethical and budget summary for example.

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After completing my pitch, I now have feedback given on what changes could be made and what I could’ve done better when producing my ideas. It was important to get feedback so that I know if my ideas match my target audience for example and whether many people would be interested. Moreover, by looking at my room environment I knew what would be the best way to positions myself and how to make my pitch the best it could be.

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1. Feedback Slide 852. Draft Layout Slide 86 3. Production Plan Slide 874. Photo Used Slide 88 5. Legal and Ethical Slide 896. Safe Working Practises Slide 90 and

917. Final Advertisement Slide 92 and

938. Changes Slide 949. Comparison of Existing Products Slide 9510.Conclusion Slide 96

Page 85: Unit 15 Exemplar Work

Here is my witness statement informing me on what went well and what my client would have preferred in my advertisements and pitch. Some of the aspects they liked were the explanations of my choices and my ideas for what it would look like. Then some of the dislikes was possibly adding the year and go more in depth on my audio visual and legal and ethical.

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This is my final poster print based advertisement hand drawn draft and graphic layout. As you can see it is not very complex so the audience will find it easy to read and get what the message is about straight away. At the top I will have my slogan and sponsored logo then the dates and what artists will be on a particular day and at the very bottom I will have the website address so you can access more information and the other sponsorships as well.

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By creating a production plan, this was important so the all the necessary pre productions materials were carried out in the correct order and on time to reach the deadline. For example, the designing process so taking pictures and finding out important information such as the main dates.

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I have used three different photos in my final poster print based advertisements. All of them have been slightly edited so that they look more eye catching and vibrant. In order to take thee photos I used a Nikon D3300 DSLR camera and a tripod so I was able to capture the details of the landscapes taken.

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After looking at the ASA (The Advertising Standards Authority), it was important that I do not add anything that could be misleading, offensive; for example stereotypical. I think I have followed these rules because there isn’t any offensive language or images on my final posters and there isn’t anything stereotypical either. Furthermore, there will be no defamation or libel because everything on my poster print based advertisements would be the truth. Then as for copyright, because I am using the artists’ logos I would have to make sure that I have their permission to use it so I do not break any copyright laws. The main refinements I made were adding ‘2016’ so people knew what year and altering the background to see what was better, this wouldn’t come across bad with regards to legal and ethical issues because I’m adding clarification and the pictures used aren’t offensive.

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When it came to creating my final print based advertisements, I used Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. This was because it’s a programme which allows me to edit my images and add all the necessary conventions and it finished to a high standard. I had slighted edited my photos to get the right level of light and shade into my work and then added my logo and the other font onto the photo, which was my background. Additionally, I used tools such as the text tool, crop, placing a picture (for example a social media logo) and the colour swatches so everything had the same shade matching my colour scheme.

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This is my completed risk assessment sheet which mostly would be used for if I was using models but it also includes information on setting and what the key equipment is.

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The print based advertisement on the left is one of my ideas for a poster and the other advertisement is a flyer. The poster would have standard A4 dimensions where as the flyer would be A5.

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These are my other two final ideas for my poster print based advertisement. Both of these posters are A4 sizes.

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When I was making my various final posters, the biggest change that I made was the backgrounds I used. For example the sunset, the London eye and a field. Additionally the size I used was A4 but for my flyer I used the A5 dimensions. As for colours, the main change would have been whether my font would look better and be clearer in either black or white. The only other change would have been the sizing of the artists’ name to make sure everything looked proportional and even. Moreover, from my feedback it was advised that I add the year of the festival and social media logos as well so that they audience will go to the festival’s pages and find out more and as for the year, it makes it more clear on when it is supposed to be.



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I’d say my final products are correct compared to existing ones such as the Reading and Leeds festival which was my inspiration because I have the logo, campaign message, dates, who will be there on what day and information on how to get tickets. Furthermore the colours are eye catching and with regards to layout, they artists are under what date they will be playing and the writing is bold and spread out so it is easier to read.

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To conclude, I had decided to create a poster print based advertisement and in doing so I think the background with the sunset is the best one due to the fact its clear and matches my house style perfectly. Also I believe that I have conveyed my campaign message well by adding the dates, who is preforming that day and a link to the website where the audience can find out more information.