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Page 1: Understanding the production of digital photography

Understand the production of digital photography

The photo was taken for a horror film. The type of photo taken is a bust shot as the person in the picture is shown from the knees above. The framing used suggests it’s a horror film as it’s a very dark image with no background and very bold words. The rule of thirds is the header the title, then the image. There is no background . The focus on this image Is quite blurred this means it’s quite a soft focus. The mise-en-scene which has been used is that there has been no makeup used, also the figure expression shows distress and emotion . The text on the cover is very bold and it stands out very well in the black background. It will sell and promote the film by attracting horror fans to the cinemas to watch it. It appeals to the target audience as it’s quite gruesome and it’s based on true events, therefore it might excite horror fans even more. The story the photograph tells is quite eerie as it looks like a boy getting attacked by a mysterious creature and it looks like a worrying time for the boy. It will increase sales by creating a sequel and also at attracting horror fans

Page 2: Understanding the production of digital photography

Understand the production of digital photography

This photo was taken for an album cover. This type of photo is a medium long shot as it’s not very far away, however, it’s not that close up. Also, the location shows them walking across Abbey Road. The type of angle used for this cover is a side angle . They have used this angle as it’s a good rule of thirds and it also fits all of the Beatles in the picture. The rule of thirds shows all four men walking across the road. The background shows Abbey Road zebra crossing. The focus on this cover is quite clear and not blurred. The mise–en-scene shows the Beatles have dressed smart in suits, the figure expression shows them look quite laid back this suggested by one of the Beatles having their hands in there pocket. There is no text on this album cover which makes the cover stand out and look original. This cover will promote the product by interesting Beatles fans. It appeals to the Target audience by having the cover on a famous street. The story which is being told is where they are going and walking to. It increases sale by attracting Beatles fan’s.