Download - Undergraduate-Freshman Booklet

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TechnionIsrael Institute of TechnologyInternational School of Engineering

Freshman Year - Undergraduate Program


Academic Year 2011/12 & 2012/13

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s Pages 4-5 Welcome to the Technion

Page 6 Freshman Year of Engineering and Science

Pages 7-9 Undergraduate Program

Pages 10-11 Semester Programs and Graduate Studies

Pages 11-15 Technion Living

Pages 16-17 The Technion Advantage

Pages 18-19 Study in Israel: Where Past Meets Future

Pages 20-23 Engineering with Soul

Pages 24-25 Engineering for the Future

Pages 26-29 Admissions and Costs

Page 30 Contact Us

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In 1924, the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel's first university, opened its doors and began the historic task of preparing young men and women to build a new nation. Today, the Technion is Israel's primary science-technology university and the largest center of applied research. The Institute's 13,000 students can choose from 19 faculties, and from 49 undergraduate and 65 graduate programs in engineering, science, architecture, medicine and management.

Ranked among the top technological universities in the world, the Technion has a distinguished faculty of 550 that includes two Nobel Prize-winning scientists. These faculty members collaborate with leading scientists on research projects worldwide. The campus houses 40 research institutes and centers and nine interdisciplinary centers of excellence. Visiting academics and some 400 overseas undergraduate and graduate students provide an international atmosphere.

The Technion’s semester, summer and year-long programs in English are open to undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world.


AcademicsThe Technion is consistently ranked as one of the world’s leading universities of science and technology. With its rigorous academics, excellent teaching and research facilities and top notch faculty, the institute provides education at the highest possible level.

CampusThe bustling Technion campus presents a full range of “after-hours” activities. Students blow off steam at fully-equipped sports facilities, are entertained by regularly-scheduled movies, concerts and shows, and chill out at Wednesday happenings, pubs and coffee houses.

LocationTechnion is strategically located in Haifa, Israel, at the juncture of history and high technology. You will get to know Israel as both the source of western civilization and scientific breakthroughs by travelling through the country, and by daily interaction with Israeli students and teachers.

The Full PackageForeign students live on-campus, in modern, comfortable and fully-furnished apartments. Guides, advisors and tutors ease them into life at Technion, helping out with academic and personal matters. As student safety is our priority, the university’s security network is at work 24-hours a day.


Nobel Prize Laureates (Chemistry-2004) Prof. Avram Hershko and Prof. Aaron Ciechanover

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Today, more than ever, society relies on civil engineers to build the complex environment that surrounds us. From narrow canals to huge infrastructure schemes, multi-national projects are led by civil engineers globally. As populations grow and urbanization demands advanced interdisciplinary engineering solutions, investment in such projects rises. Know-how in fields like computation, materials mechanics, monitoring and GIS is crucial in meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

Construction managers lead the teams that design, plan, build and maintain our built environment. Construction projects range from buildings to bridges, from highways to canals, and from dams to tunnels.

Technion aims to train the top engineers of tomorrow by giving them the tools to develop – and implement – pioneering technologies worldwide.

We Offer a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on:

• Construction Management • Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

Construction Management

Water Resources & Environmental Engineering

Water equals life. Entering the new millennium, more than a third of our planet has no access to water resources. Fresh new ways of thinking are needed to supply the liquid of life to growing populations, without damaging scarce, existing water resources and the environment at-large. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering addresses some of today's most crucial problems and applies science and engineering skills to improve the quality and efficiency of natural resources. Environmental engineering studies involve pollution control, recycling, waste disposal and public health issues, as well as the knowledge of environmental engineering law and the environmental impact of proposed construction projects.

• This program can be completed within four years.

• As part of the program, most students participate in a pre-university period focused on mathematics and physics, which prepares them for their challenging studies ahead.

• Taught completely in English, this program grants students from around the world access to a distinguished faculty, prominent researchers and industry leaders.


The Freshman Year of Engineering and Science allows students to study at the Technion for one year in English. It is the ideal solution for students interested in engineering and science, who wish to spend meaningful time in Israel.

At the same time, students can explore a variety of general courses such as Hebrew language, Middle Eastern history and Jewish studies, which fosters a deep connection to Israel. Extracurricular activities also play a central role in the freshman year experience. Students have the opportunity to take part in religious activities, travel throughout the country and participate in seminars and social events. Program participants live on-campus, with Israeli students, and are fully integrated into life at the Technion.

For many students, the successful completion of the freshman year engineering program represents not an end, but a new beginning. At the closing of the year, students have the option to continue at the Technion International School of Engineering for a full undergraduate degree in English.

They may also apply to transfer to the Technion faculties of Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Biotechnology Engineering, Biology or Mechanical Engineering. In addition, students can also transfer to a university of their choice in their home country (depending on an existing agreement or ad-hoc approval).

Under a special agreement, Rutgers University automatically admits to any of its engineering departments those who have completed the Technion Freshman Year of Engineering program.


FRESHMAN YEAR PROGRAM STRUCTUREThe program kicks off with an orientation week, to get to know the Technion, your fellow students and Israel. A preparation period follows, which lays the foundation for the upcoming program studies.

Chemistry/Biology Track Mechanics/Civil Track

First semester First semester

104003 - Differential and Integral Calculus 1

104006 - Linear Algebra

114051 - Physics 1

124114 - Principles of Chemistry

324750 - History of the Middle East

324049 - Hebrew for Beginners

104003 - Differential and Integral Calculus 1

104006 - Linear Algebra

114051 - Physics 1

104103 - Introduction to Engineering Mechanics

324750 - History of the Middle East

324049 - Hebrew for Beginners

Second semester Second semester

104004 - Differential and Integral Calculus 2

234112 - Programming C

112052 - Physics 2

125801 - Organic Chemistry

134058 - Biology 1

324863 - Archeology of the Middle East

104004 - Differential and Integral Calculus 2

234112 - Programming C

112052 - Physics 2

014104 - Strength of Materials 1

125011 - General Chemistry + lab

324863 - Archeology of the Middle East

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Orientation Week The orientation week presents you with such “survival tips” as acquiring a student card, an email address and internet access code. Students are assisted with getting a cell phone, and navigating the sprawling Technion campus, your dormitory and your health insurance program.

Preparation PeriodThe required 16-week preparation period guarantees that all students begin their studies from the same starting point. During this period, the students' firm foundation in mathematics and physics is reinforced. They also learn basic Hebrew, and get an introduction to life in Israel.

Academic StudiesThe degree, which consists of 160 academic credits, can be completed in eight semesters.


Technion – Among the World's BestA recent international review committee of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion (February 2011) stated:

“The academic standing of the Technion Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) places it in an elite set of technological universities of which ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Georgia Institute of Technology, US; Technical University Delft, The Netherlands; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; National University of Singapore; and Imperial College, UK are also members."

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Even if now is not the best time for you to study at the Technion, you can still come at any point during or after your university studies.

Studying abroad at the Technion offers numerous advantages. Whether you are an engineering, science or pre-med student, you reap the benefits of being at a renowned institution, which offers an extremely high academic level and world class instruction.

While you are still in college, you can take advantage of one of the Technion’s semester, summer or year-long study abroad programs in English. Open to undergraduate students from all over the world, these programs are offered in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biotechnology Engineering, Biology and Pre-Med.

You may also choose to pursue your graduate studies at the Technion.

The Irwin and Joan Jacobs Graduate School offers graduate studies in all of Technion’s academic units. Most courses of study and research offer thesis and non-thesis tracks leading to MSc, ME, MBA or PhD degrees. While studies at the graduate school are conducted in Hebrew, many of our teachers are happy to provide extra help to foreign students.In addition, almost all teaching materials are in English and students may write their papers in English.

Several programs at the Technion are designed specifically for international students and are given in English. These include:

MSc in Environmental Engineering offered through the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Technion Master of Business Administration (MBA) offered through the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management.

International Nanotechnology Program for outstanding students who have a BSc or MSc in the natural sciences, exact sciences or engineering. Encouraging multidisciplinary research, the program gives students a broad background in nanoscience and nanotechnology through a personalized program of graduate courses.

Technion American Medical Students Program (TEAMS) offers an excellent opportunity for qualified U.S. or Canadian pre-med college graduates to pursue a career as a physician, by studying for their MD degree at the Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine of the Technion. Candidates must fulfill the pre-med course requirements and take the MCAT exam.


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Much of life at the Technion goes on outside the classroom. As extra-curricular activities play a central role in your experience, you will have access to a full and stimulating array of non-academic activities. Social events, like game nights, pub nights, Wii competitions, and holiday parties, allow you to get to know other students from Israel and around the world. You may opt to attend movies and concerts, or participate in one of the dozens of sports activities offered on campus. Jewish holidays will take on new meaning for you, as you celebrate them in the place they originated. And as you live in modern, on-campus apartments with your local peers, you will become fully integrated into Technion – and Israeli – life.

On Campus LivingStudents at the Technion International School of Engineering reside on-campus. Living on our scenic 300-acre campus is a great way to join the spirit of the Technion, where colleagues, classes and cultural activities are all at your fingertips.

All students at the International School receive a private room in five-person apartments, which they share with their Israeli peers. Apartments with kosher kitchens are available upon request.

Safe and SoundFor us, the safety and well-being of our students is of supreme importance. The university’s security network works 24-hours a day. Around the clock, security personnel guard all entrances to the university, while others patrol the campus. During orientation, students receive updated security information and instructions.

All trips organized by the International School are accompanied by the appropriate security authorities.


Ari Teger, USA/Israel

“…the small classes have helped me develop a close relationship with the other members of the program and the personal attention from the teachers and tutors has helped my academic skills..."

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SportsThe Technion offers international students a broad spectrum of athletic activities. Facilities include an Olympic-sized indoor pool, three outdoor pools and a full-service gym, as well as tennis, basketball and squash courts. Students participate in close to 50 sports activities and Technion teams take part in collegiate competitions both in Israel and abroad.

Technion students can take classes in swimming, soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, tennis, handball, rugby, gymnastics, mountain biking, salsa, folk dancing, sailing, boxing, bowling, self-defense and other sports.

CultureConcerts by Technion musical groups and professional performances of classical and contemporary music are held throughout the academic year. The Technion has a symphony orchestra and choir composed of students and staff. To promote participation in these groups, academic credit and orchestra scholarships are available.

Dancers can join the Technion’s Folk Dance Troupe, an acclaimed group that performs on campus and at national and international events. Those interested in acting can take part in the Technion's theater group, which appears on campus, and at festivals around the world. Cinema is a prominent part of the Technion scene, as recent and vintage films are screened regularly on campus.

WorshipStudents of all faiths can find places of worship in Haifa, where different religious groups live in tolerance, side-by-side.

The Ohel Aharon complex, comprised of a synagogue, theological library and study hall, serves as a house of prayer and religious study center for Technion’s Jewish students and faculty. Various activities, courses and lectures are offered in English for international students.

In addition, study abroad students can take part in Shabbat services, holiday events, a women’s midrasha and a home hospitality program.

Well-BeingAll students from abroad must have complete medical insurance coverage during their studies. Students have access to an on-campus health clinic staffed by a general physician. Counselors in the dorms and staff members are also available at all times to help students with any health care issues.

Green CampusThe Technion isn’t just about abstraction, it’s about action. Through the Green Campus Project, students find practical ways to protect the environment and its natural resources. As part of this effort, Technion students have helped build devices for saving and recycling water, taken part in waste recycling projects and designed eco-smart buildings.

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Since the Technion's inception, it has been guided by a vision: to be a world-class institute of science and technology that serves local, regional and global needs.Technion leaders knew, then as now, that top notch training in science and technology yields immeasurable returns.

The Technion International School prepares its graduates to be well-positioned to enter the global engineering market by combining classroom academics with hands-on field experience. Our alumni often find jobs in leading international companies or continue to advanced degrees in the world's leading institutions.

Along with enriching Israel and the world at large, Technion graduates themselves profit greatly from their education. Technion alumni have created the vast majority of Israel's high tech start-ups. Likewise, many major established firms – like Intel Israel and Teva Pharmaceuticals – are led by Technion grads. In addition, former Technion students hold key positions throughout industry, finance, academia, government and medicine worldwide.

By combining academic work with hands-on experience, the Technion lays the foundation for a fruitful future.

Field Experience Students at the Technion have the unique opportunity to be exposed to and participate in ongoing international engineering projects in Israel. Time spent on site gives students a valuable window into the day-to-day realities of managing engineering projects.

Internship OpportunitiesSome students want to roll up their sleeves and get to work even before they graduate. The Technion arranges internship opportunities for engineering students interested in working at national or multinational corporations in their field of interest.

Research ProjectsStudents at the Technion are encouraged to participate in on-campus research projects with graduate students and senior faculty members who have worldwide reputations in science and engineering. Cooperative research projectsoften lay the groundwork for professional opportunitiesafter graduation.

Job FairsStudents can interview for jobs and get hired while on campus. Every year, the Technion hosts job fairs where multinational companies compete for the best engineering students entering the job market.


Technion Engineers – a Commodity in Demand

“The Technion International School is wonderful, we have the possibility to meet people from all over the world, to face new cultures and to learn more and more...”

Alexandre Bouaziz, France


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Israel, as rich in history as it is in high tech achievements, is one of the most compelling spots on earth. Here, the world’s major monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – emerged, and the foundation for western civilization was laid.

For millennia, the Land of Israel was crossed by ancient commerce routes and conquering armies. This land, the meeting place of three continents, has been home to a rainbow of peoples, who have left their mark through different cultures, customs and traditions. Traveling in Israel, it is impossible to miss the remnants of fortresses, shrines, arches and columns that dot every hillside and line every lane.

Within the colorful mosaic that is Israel, the Technion is located in Haifa, capital of northern Israel. Home to over a quarter of a million residents, the city is considered the gateway to the Galilee. Throughout the years, it has

also gained a name for its diversity and tolerance. Haifa’s outstanding record of coexistence among its population of Jews, Christians, Muslims and other minorities clearly reflects its cultural and religious harmony.

An hour’s drive from Tel Aviv, the city is less than two hours away from Jerusalem. Overlooking the entire northern coast of Israel, Haifa is bordered on one side by forest and on the other side, sea. In between, sits a bustling center of high tech, housing giants of both Israeli and foreign industry. This technological hub has spawned some of the world’s most important scientific breakthroughs.

Science and technology are obviously not the sole domain of Haifa. The State of Israel itself, despite its small size and limited resources, plays a leading role in this arena. With the highest per capita number of scientists and engineers in the world, Israel ranks among the top five countries globally for patents per person. In addition, Israel far outnumbers its European counterparts in the number of companies traded on NASDAQ, and is home to the greatest concentration of high-tech start-up companies anywhere outside the Silicon Valley.

In Israel, nine of every 1,000 workers are engaged in research and development, nearly double the rate of the USA and Japan.

The country has proportionately the highest number of publications in science and engineering worldwide. It has a larger share of publications co-authored with foreign scientists than any other nation.


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The Technion encourages its engineering students to look beyond the realm of the classroom and the lab, and to address the needs of developing communities.

Today, almost all current engineering design is aimed at the 10% of people worldwide who can pay for it. The remaining 90% do not enjoy the benefits of modern engineering. This unsettling statistic triggered the emergence of the Engineers without Borders (EWB) movement, in which Technion is active.

Guided by the saying, “what works when traditional approaches fail”, EWB seeks to instill engineering students and professionals with a social conscience, hands-on engineering skills, experience and leadership qualities. The organization, which has 300 chapters worldwide, including one at Technion, works by executing engineering projects in the developing world. Prof. Mark Talesnick of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Head of the Technion EWB chapter calls it “engineering with soul”.

...” the mix of Israel, English and engineering is a perfect combination.”

Ilan Melchior, Denmark

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All EWB projects are geared to the needs of the target communities, and can be implemented along with local residents. While few engineers in the developing world may need to design six lane highways or 50-story buildings, their ability to plan slow sand filters, biogas reactors or small wind turbines would be a huge boon to their communities. Designed with “exit strategies”, all projects guarantee residents’ independence.

In one project that ran from 2008 to 2010, a group of Technion students, brought their skills to Nepal. Working in a small rural village, the students helped the local population to derive cooking and heating fuel without depleting natural

resources. By using a simple biogas (GoberGas) device, the villagers now have an ongoing fuel supply that does not cause deforestation, water pollution or health threats.

The Technion’s EWB branch has also been active in the Negev. There, study abroad students from the University of Colorado joined forces with Technion peers to use the region’s natural blessings: sun and wind. With the help of solar panels and a wind turbine, these boundless desert resources are transformed into sustainable energy.

As an International School student, you are welcome to take part in these exciting and challenging activities.

"Technion is one of the leading institutes of technology in the world and has a great faculty, beautiful on-campus dormitories, and 24-hour computer rooms and libraries."

Snumon Mori, Tokyo, Japan

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Laying the Foundation for Your CareerA degree in civil and environmental engineering allows you to enter one of the world's fastest growing industries. Worldwide investment in infrastructure projects continues, increasing the demand for highly-skilled engineers equipped with innovative and creative solut ions. The Technion International School of Engineering prepares you to be a major player in this lucrative area.

As a graduate of the Technion, you can make a difference in shaping our rapidly-changing world. According to the United Nations, the world's population will expand by nearly two billion people in the next twenty years, bringing it to 8.3 billion by 2030. Sixty percent of those people, or almost five billion, will live in urban areas. This population will need advanced infrastructure in the form of new roads, buildings, public transportation, clean waterand renewable energy.

As an engineer, you will help improve the way people work and live. Your work can contribute to the sustainable development of countries, influence economic growth, and help preserve the environment.

A Technion degree gives you excellent prospects for finding a well-paid job. According to the U.S. National Association of Colleges and Employers, the average starting salary for engineers with a bachelor’s degree is among the highest for college graduates. Likewise, England offers relatively high starting salaries for engineers. Israel, a world leader in science and technology, presents young engineers with tremendous work opportunities.



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Recommended Minimum

TOEFL – Paper Based Test (PBT) 550 500

TOEFL – Computer Based Test (CBT) 213 173

TOEFL – Internet Based Test (IBT) 80 61


Transfer StudentsThe Technion welcomes transfer students from other universities. Transfer students are subject to the same application requirements as first-year students. To receive credit or exemptions for courses taken elsewhere, transfer students must submit a detailed syllabus in English for each course in question. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.

The academic program at the Technion International School is taught entirely in English. Applicants are required to demonstrate their English proficiency before they enroll. Applicants from high schools where English is not the primary language of instruction are required to submit official copies of their scores on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or an equivalent test, such as the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Technion's TOFEL code is 5776.

English Proficiency Tests

Required scores on English proficiency tests

The Application ProcessTo produce the highest-caliber engineers, the Technion starts out with the highest quality "raw material": the best and the brightest students.

Realizing the importance of high grades and test scores, the school also appreciates personal and social skills. It places great value on drive, enthusiasm and extracurricular talents and activities.

To apply to the Technion International School of Engineering, students must provide the following documents:

• Application form

• High school transcripts with demonstrated excellence in mathematics, physics and science

• Two teacher recommendation letters

• A personal essay and English proficiency test, either TOFEL or IELTS (see table on opposite page)

The admissions process will include a personal interview. Application forms are available on our website:

Additional Information• While the International School does not require SAT/ACT

scores, it strongly recommends that students submit them. Technion's SAT code is 5899.

• In some cases, the International School may require candidates to take a mathematics and/or physics test in their home countries.


"It is a privilege to be learning from some of the country’s leading experts in the field...."

Hannah Bardin, Canada

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Registration fee $50

Tuition $12,000 per year

Health insurance $650 per year

On-campus housing $3,000 per year

*Prices are subject to change due to Technion decision, fluctuations in market prices and currency exchange rates.

Additional ExpensesPlease note that tuition fees do not cover applicants’ airfare to and from Israel or the cost of textbooks. Studentsshould expect to spend $500-$600 each month on food, travel and other basic expenses (not including housing, detailed above). Additional expenses include Student Association costs and security charges.

Preparation PeriodThe Technion International School of Engineering seeks to ensure that all students begin their studies on equal footing. To guarantee this, students must complete a 16-week preparation period.

During this period, students undergo intensive training in mathematics, physics, basic Hebrew and learning skills to lay the foundation for the work ahead. Experience indicates that students who take part in an adequate preparation period have a greater chance of excelling, and completing their engineering studies.

The Technion makes every effort to help students pass the preparation period – and their subsequent degree program. While it provides individual tutors, extra classes and counseling, the ISE stresses that students must ready themselves for a challenge.

The preparation period helps ensure students' smooth landing in Israel. It allows them to get to know both Israel and their peers, and provides informative and fun activities.

Activity 2011/2012 2012/2013

Round 1 application deadline December 15, 2010 (recommended) December 15, 2011 (recommended)

Round 2 application deadline February 15, 2011 February 15, 2012

Round 3 application deadline June 15, 2011 June 15, 2012

Orientation week July 24, 2011 - July 30, 2011 July 22, 2012 - July 28, 2012

Preparation Period August 1, 2011 - November 27, 2011 July 29, 2012 - November 30, 2012

Fall semester December 2, 2011 - March 26, 2012 December 2012 - March 2013 (TBD)

Spring semester April 3, 2012 - July 6, 2012 April 2013 - July 2013 (TBD)

**Dates have not been finalized and may be subject to change


ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2011/12 - 2012/13

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TechnionIsrael Institute of TechnologyInternational School of Engineering


High School Administrators & College Advisors Mr. Ariel Geva

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 972-4-8293325

Potential StudentsMrs. Carrie Golan

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 972-4-8293325

Postal AddressTechnion International School of Engineering

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Technion City, Haifa 32000, ISRAEL

Fax: 972-77-8871852

ABOUT USThe staff of the Technion international School of Engineering (ISE) includes Technion distinguished faculty and the following personnel:

Prof. Arnon Bentur Head of Technion ISE

Prof. Amnon Katz Academic Head ISE

Mr. Ariel Geva Managing Director ISE

Mrs. Neta Parnas Vizel Administrative Coordinator

Mrs. Carrie Golan Student & Recruitment Coordinator

Mrs. Talya Teger Marketing Coordinator

Mr. Reuven Kawesch Student Guide

Mrs. Ayellet Yaron Student Advisor

“The Technion is known around the world as an excellent engineering school. Since I wanted to be in Israel and study engineering, I was naturally drawn to this opportunity”

David Goldberg, South Africa/Israel

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TechnionIsrael Institute of TechnologyInternational School of Engineering

Contact InformationTechnion International School of EngineeringFaculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringTechnion CityHaifa 32000ISRAELTelephone: +972-4-8293325 Fax: +972-77-887-1852e-mail: [email protected] website:

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