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Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1:293-297 (1994)(C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Ultrasound Guidance for Vaginal Drainage ofPostoperative Pelvic Hematoma:

A Case Report

Thomas E. Snyder and Sebastian FaroDepartment of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, KS


Background: Postoperative pelvic fluid collection is almost a universal consequence of gynecologicsurgery. At one end of the spectrum are minimal collections of peritoneal fluid or blood that areclinically inconsequential. At the other end are hematomas and abscesses requiring active interven-tion for the patient to recover.

Case: This case report describes a symptomatic vaginal vault hematoma occurring after vaginalhysterectomy. Ultrasonography was used to accurately identify the hematoma and guide intraoper-ative drainage. The patient fully recovered without complication.

Conclusion: Accurate visual guidance of instrumentation to decompress postoperative retroperi-toneal hematomas is a marked improvement over non-visual techniques utilizing palpation only.The hematoma cavity can be more easily entered and the hematoma or abscess more completelydrained, expediting the recovery of the patient affected by this problem. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


Postoperative fluid collection, pelvic abscess, vaginal hysterectomy

ematoma or abscess formation is a relativelycommon complication ofvaginal or abdominal

hysterectomy. Prior to the advent of computerizedtornography (CT) and ultrasonography, drainageof these collections occurred spontaneously throughthe rectum or vagina, or manual drainage transvag-inally was performed based on physical examina-tion and palpation. The obvious complications ofthese procedures included inadvertent bladder,bowel, or peritoneal cavity entry. In addition, thehematoma or abscess may be inadequately evacu-ated secondary to multiple loculations and/or sepa-rate fluid collections in the pelvis. The utilizationof modern ultrasonography or CT-guided drainageof postoperative pelvic hematomas offers a distinctadvantage over undirected drainage. A case is de-scribed utilizing real-time ultrasonography to ef-fectively evacuate bilateral 6-cm postoperative pel-

vic hematomas following vaginal hysterectomy andanterior and posterior repair.

CASE REPORTA 3 5-year-old female, G3P3 presented with classicsymptoms of second-degree uterine descensus andcystorectocele of longer than 5 years duration, be-ginning shortly after the delivery of her secondchild. Symptomatology included pelvic discomforton prolonged standing and visual protrusion ofpelvic structures which increased during the 1.5years following her third delivery and resulted inher clinical presentation. Her medical history wasunremarkable except for a cervical lymph nodebiopsy at age 13 years diagnosed as Hodgkin’s dis-ease. However, the diagnosis was revised followingsplenectomy and exploratory laparotomy to mono-nucleosis. The patient denied any other surgery or

Address correspondence/reprint requests to Dr. Thomas E. Snyder, Department ofGynecology and Obstetrics, University ofKansas School of Medicine, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66160-7316.

Gynecological Case ReportReceived October 18, 1993Accepted February 4, 1994

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significant hospitalization. Her gynecologic his-tory was unremarkable except for the noted ana-tomic defects. Despite a marked cystorectocele, thepatient described no symptoms of stress urinaryincontinence or rectal splinting at the time of defe-cation.

The patient entered the University of KansasMedical Center on the day of surgery for a vaginalhysterectomy and anterior and posterior repair. Theoperation was performed without incident withblood loss of 310 cc. She remained quite stableuntil approximately 6 h postoperatively when shebegan to report inadequate pain control. In addi-tion, mild hypotension (100/50), tachycardia (120/min), and oliguria (<30 cc/h) during the previous30 min were noted. The physical examination re-vealed minimum abdominal findings. The pelvicexamination suggested a retroperitoneal hematomaat the vaginal apex. The initial hemoglobin was 9.4g/dl, consistent with surgical blood loss. There-fore, pain control was obtained and fluid balancecorrected with resolution of her hypotension andtachycardia. A follow-up examination revealed a

gradual decrease in hemoglobin to 6.8 g/dl over 12h. The patient was transfused with 2 units of packedred blood cells and remained quite stable with he-moglobin values subsequently remaining at 9-10g/dl. She was initially given cetoxitin sodium (Me-foxin, Merck, Sharp & Dohme, West Point, PA)prophylaxis at the time of surgery and subsequentlywas maintained on this antibiotic following the di-agnosis of postoperative hematoma. She remainedafebrile without other complaints throughout theinitial hospitalization and was discharged home on

postoperative day 5.The patient reentered the hospital on postopera-

tive day 14 complaining of 2 days of mild vaginalbleeding. While she remained afebrile during herhome follow-up, her white blood cell (WBC) count

was noted to have increased from 14,000 to 19,000during the 5 days preceding her readmission to thehospital. (A WBC count of 12,000-14,000/cc isconsidered normal following splenectomy.) A pel-vic ultrasound revealed bilateral retroperitoneal he-matomas, 4 cm in diameter, at the vaginal apex,one of which was spontaneously draining. Broad-spectrum antibiotics were initiated with ampicillinsodium/sulbactum sodium (Unasyn, Roerig, NewYork, NY) and gentamycin (Garamycin, Scher-ing, Kenilworth, NJ).

On the following day, she was taken to the oper-ating room where ultrasonography was used to

guide drainage of both hematomas and placementof a suction catheter. The postoperative course was

unremarkable, requiring no further transfusion or

change in antibiotics. A culture of the hematomafluid revealed moderate growth of a gram-positivecoccus consistent with Streptococcus and Enterococcusspecies.

DISCUSSIONPelvic hematoma or abscess is a common complica-tion of gynecologic surgery. Surgical drainage of a

pelvic abscess was first performed by Recamier(1830-1840). Prior to widespread use of antibiot-ics, resolution ofthese masses was obtained by spon-taneous or purposeful transvaginal or transrectaldrainage. Spontaneous intraabdominal rupture oc-

casionally occurred with attendant marked morbid-ity and mortality. Prior to the antibiotic era, thisevent resulted in almost 100% mortality, as re-

ported by Pedowitz and Bloomfield2 in a review of143 cases treated prior to 1947. Prior to 1960,authors continued to report high mortality rateseven with aggressive surgical and antibiotic ther-apy. 3 In the 1970s, colpotomy incision of the cul-de-sac of Douglas was utilized for drainage of theseabscesses, as exemplified by the report of Ruben-stein and Mishell. 4 This approach is limited by therequirement of a mass reasonably accessible throughthe vaginal apex, i.e., a mass dissecting the retro-

vaginal septum or retroperitoneal space at the cul-de-sac. These authors found that, while good drain-age ofthe cul-de-sac was effected, complete drainageof the pelvic abscess was not assured, e.g., in thepresence of multiple fluid loculations. Greater thanone third of the patients thus treated required addi-tional major surgical procedures because of contin-ued infection, pain, or other complications. Riv-lan5’6 subsequently produced 2 reviews, one of aseries of 348 patients treated in this fashion with a

6.5% diffuse sepsis rate and the other of a separategroup of 59 patients with 2 reported deaths. Inaddition, further surgery was required during thesame or a subsequent admission in 20% of thepatients and at a later admission in 18% of thepatients. 5’6 Indeed, well-known authors as recentlyas 1985 have decried the use of colpotomy fortreatment of" tuboovarian abscesses. 7

With the advent of improved CT imaging in the


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Fig. I. Longitudinal scan of the lower abdomen and pelvis. Bladder (B) is distended with Foleycatheter (F). Hematoma (H, arrows) approximately 6 cm in diameter is posterior to the bladder.

1980s, transabdominal techniques have been usedfor drainage of spontaneous and postoperative in-traabdominal abscesses and hematomas. 8-1 Sinceits description by Smith and Bartrum 1 in 1974,ultrasonography has also been successfully used fortransabdominal drainage of abscesses. Multiple re-

ports have been produced in the interim, and manyauthors consider ultrasonography to be the methodof choice. 12 The criteria for abdominal ultrasound-guided aspiration of a pelvic abscess include thepresence of a well-defined unilocular abscess cav-

ity, a safe drainage route, evaluations by surgeryand radiology services, and the immediate avail-ability of operative intervention. 2-4 Indeed,Nosher and co-workers3 advocate drainage of allabdominal and pelvic abscesses by the percutaneousroute. On the other hand, laparoscopic inspection,dissection, and drainage of tuboovarian abscessesfrom pelvic inflammatory disease or postsurgicalhematomas have been recently used with some suc-


Review of the gynecologic literature over thepast 10 years reveals a paucity of reports on ultra-sound-guided vaginal drainage of pelvic hemato-mas or abscesses. There are multiple reports avail-able in the literature of transvaginal ultrasoundprocedures, especially follicle aspiration, 16,17 andultrasound-guided aspiration of ectopic preg-nancy. 18 Therefore, it is surprising that more liter-ature regarding vaginal procedures is not available.Vaginal decompression of a pelvic abscess is ham-pered by the proximity of the bladder, bowel, vas-

culature, and other adnexal structures. In these sit-uations, transrectal ultrasound guidance of drainagehas been described. 9’2 The procedure is advo-cated in men and nulliparous women in whom trans-

vaginal access is not an option. A novel transglutealapproach has been reported by Butch et al.,2 al-though a significant amount of soft tissue must betransversed to reach the abscess or hematoma. Hajiet al., 22 writing in 1988, still advocated laparot-omy drainage of tuboovarian masses, emphasizing


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Fig. 2. Transverse scan of the lower abdomen and pelvis. Bladder (B) with Foley catheter (F) within.Hematoma (H, arrows) is posterior to the bladder.

that any attempt at vaginal drainage is hazardousand could be associated with injury to the inter-posed bowel. However, these authors did advocatevaginal drainage of rectovaginal and vaginal apexabscesses. Ultrasonography was found to be valu-able in following the resolution of these masses. Onthe other hand, recent literature is available to ad-vocate ultrasound-guided transvaginal drainage ofposthysterectomy abscesses. 13’23 McArdle et al. 23

demonstrated good visualization and drainage of a

pelvic abscess and placement of a Foley catheter. Inaddition, the bowel, bladder, and peritoneal cavitywere adequately seen, and entry into these struc-

tures was thus avoided.In the current case, abdominal ultrasonography

was carried out after standard preparation and drap-ing of the patient for a vaginal approach to thebilateral hematomas. The sterile technique was not

compromised. Initially, the bladder and the bilat-eral retroperitoneal hematomas were identified justoff the midline. Figure demonstrates a longitudi-nal scan of the lower abdomen and pelvis. Thebladder, labeled "B," is distended and a Foley cath-eter, labeled "F," is identified within it. Posteriorto the bladder is a lobulated soft-tissue mass, ap-proximately 6 cm in diameter (indicated by arrows

and labeled "H"). Figure 2 demonstrates a trans-

verse scan of the same area. The urinary bladderwith a Foley catheter within it is labeled "B." Infe-rior to the bladder, a bilocular cystic and solidmass, approximately 5 cm in diameter, is indicatedby the arrows and labeled "H." A large-gauge in-tercath was inserted into both hematomas, withevacuation of old blood which was submitted forculture. Ultrasonography allowed direct visualiza-tion of intercath placement and irrigation of thehematoma cavity. Subsequently, the opening intothe left hematoma cavity was enlarged and a suctiondrain was placed, again with ultrasound guidanceto insure proper placement.

This case demonstrates two principles in the man-agement of postoperative pelvic hematomas. First,antibiotic therapy should be broad spectrum, offer-ing coverage for the mixed bacterial flora com-

monly found in these masses. The use of Mefoxinor other broad-spectrum cephalosporins may allowovergrowth ofEnterococcus or other resistant organ-isms, so the use of a broad-spectrum penicillin maybe more useful in the non-allergic patient, espe-cially in a patient who has received a cephalosporinfor prophylaxis and then receives a cephalosporinfor treatment. If the patient is allergic, the combi-


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nation of vancomycin with an aminoglycoside isnecessary to provide coverage against enterococci.

Second, while drainage of pelvic abscesses is a

long-established mode of therapy and indeed neces-

sary for postoperative treatment, the route of drain-age remains controversial. Some authors still advo-cate laparotomy drainage of all hematomas andabscesses to avoid bowel, vascular, or further soft-tissue injury. This approach obviously requires an-

other major incision, probable secondary closure ofa potentially infected incision, and the risk of in-traabdominal spill of grossly infected material. Allof these factors extend the postoperative hospitalstay and may subject the patient to significant mor-bidity or mortality. In selected cases, especially incases of vaginal apex masses, real-time ultrasound-guided drainage may be preferable. This techniqueresults in good visualization for guidance of instru-ments into the abscess cavity and evacuation of thecontents of the hematoma or abscess. Irrigation ofclosed-space abscesses with saline or antibiotic solu-tion and subsequent placement of a closed or an

open drainage system to ensure continued drainageof the abscess cavity may be effected with minimaloperative intervention and hospital stay.

In summary, ultrasound-guided decompressionor drainage is a valuable adjunct in selected cases ofpostoperative pelvic hematomas or abscesses. Thisprocedure expedites the drainage of a hematoma or

an abscess and may minimize further postoperativemorbidity compared with that required with con-ventional techniques.

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