Download - Tyrannosaur: Swede (Screenplay)

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Tyrannosaur: Swede

By: AS Media Students

Pre-Production Script - 22nd November 2015

(Production Company 1)(Production Company 2)(Address Line 1)(Address Line 2)(Address Line 3) (Telephone No.)(Email Address)

Scene 3: Shop Scene


Four people are present at the start of the scene: there are three Apple Shop employees, (two men and one woman - all are neatly dressed, and young and friendly looking,) and one customer (a young man.) Employee One is by one of the computers, and is discussing the computer with Customer One. Employee Two and Employee Three stand together, talking quietly. Another customer (Customer Two - another non-descript young man) enters, approaches Employee Two.

Customer TwoGood morning, I'm interested in purchasing one of your computers.

Employee TwoOf course - which model would you like?

Employee Two turns around and walks to a computer with Customer Two, where he begins to talk him through the information.Employee Three now stands alone waiting, looking idly about. Suddenly the Protagonist bursts into the shop, runs past Employee Three, and dives under the table, where he proceeds to curl up into a ball and rock back and forth. Employee Three has jumped to the side in shock, but no peers cautiously under the table.

Employee ThreeGood morning Sir, is there something I can help you with?

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ProtagonistI'm afraid not, dear Girl..

Employee ThreeMay I offer you a beverage, Sir? Perhaps some wine?

Protagonist... What vintage do you have?

Employee Three1990 Chateau Margaux, Margaux

Protagonist1990!?! Ugh for God's sake, don't be so insulting!

The Protagonist remains huddled under the table, while Employee Three begins to lose her patience with him. She steps back for a moment, taking a breath and gathering her confidence.

Employee ThreeSir, I'm afraid I shall have to ask you to remove yourself from under this table, as

you are making the other customers uncomfortable. If you do not come out, then I shall be forced to call the Police.

Protagonist*sigh* Oh, there's no need to call the Police, dear Girl, I shall comply.

Employee Three steps to the side, giving the Protagonist space to crawl out from under the table. Once he is out, he stands, brushes himself down, and turns to Employee Three, putting out his hand.

ProtagonistPlease, allow me to introduce myself - my name is Richard Alston Bramwell the

Third. And who may you be, dear Girl?

Employee ThreeMy name is Blanche Odelia Sutherland..

RichardBlanche - what a lovely name.,, Blanche, may I take you out for dinner?

Blanche... I finish work at 5:30 - I'll wait for you out front.

RichardWonderful! Till tonight!

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