Download - typographical manifesto

Page 1: typographical manifesto

page 1_front cover

Manifesto_Ana Farrall_01/09_

Page 2: typographical manifesto

page 2_ introduction

“Concepts should be expressed with the greatest economy” El Lissitzky

Page 3: typographical manifesto

page 3_ introduction

Inspired by the modern typographers of the 20th century and the way, through their work and manifestos they embelished a strong call for change; I constructed a manifesto which I hope will encourge and urge a similar rebellion of attitudes. In my manifesto I am calling for a ‘spring clean’ of the world of design, in a hope that if we all alter ever so slightly our veiws and actions, maybe it will be a step in the right direction and in turn will benefit much more than just ourselves.

Content_Pages 2-3 _introduction

Pages 4-5 _ manifesto

Pages 6-7 _ photos

Pages 8-9 _ links

Every bottle in these photos was found washed up on the beach. In total I collected over two bin bags full in a little under two hours. You decide for yourself if it’s time for a change.

Page 4: typographical manifesto

page 4_ space to think

Page 5: typographical manifesto

page 5_manifesto

Our minds think widely and wildly, our designs limitless and extensive. Aesthetic quality is excessive, there appear no boundaries left to break. We know the rules and know how to break them. We have infinate means of production, anything is possible; we can recreate our wildest dreams and fantasies. We can produce our own typefaces, set our own type, we can print on what ever we please and make it as big or small as we like, and this is just the beginning. Are we not tired of ‘pushing the boundaries’? Have they not already been pushed and broken? There is nothing left to rebel against except rebellion itself. This is a free world of design and we walk were we like. Why shouldn’t we – it’s a free world after all?

This freedom has become anarchic; we appear to have gone crazy with this power. With power comes sobering responsibility in equal measure; a responsibility which we appear not to have grasped. a necessity to change, a new dimension of thinking; no longer are we simply dealing with graphic design; typeface, layout, photography and illustration. We must plan for the future, ‘store for the winter’ – stop the greed, make sure others need not suffer the consequences of our actions. We need to stop thinking of only ourselves, we must think about the bigger picture and the wider world.

I am talking of sustainable design, the concept of economy appears to mystify us, we have gotten too lazy, governed by ‘convenience’ . I want to change attitudes in regards to waste and effect our designs impact on the environment. Take reasonability’s for our own actions, believe we can make a difference. Instead of questioning how best aesthetically to develop an idea, think how can impact on the environment be reduced? Materials, manufacture, shipment over seas, general waste when the products useful life is over. Instead of vainly thinking how is my design going to impact on the world of graphic design, think how will my product impact the whole world, and generations to come? Will it just add to the landfills and pollution and intoxication of our already chocked world?

We are no longer; ‘graphic designers’, ‘typographers’, ‘illustrators’ & ‘photographers’ we are visual communicatorswe are citizens with social responsibilities and we must not stand alone.


Page 6: typographical manifesto

page 6_ photos

Page 7: typographical manifesto

page 7_ photos

The letters are dimond die cut from vinal, which I then applyed by hand to the bottles. The grid was inspired by how the bottles sat on the bookcase and the bookcase itself.

Page 8: typographical manifesto

page 8_ thankyou for your time.

Vice Magasine / March 2008 page 77-81Artical by thomas Morton

Creative Review / April 2007 ‘sustainability issue’

What is your opinion? do agree? dissagree?would you sign this manifesto as a decliration that you will ‘do your bit’? post your opinions ,scan (upload) or scribble your signature, or just simpley post any comments. Click on the link below for the blog page.

Further Reading_
