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GEOL. W. H. RISPRIE, fomdo al W..


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& BLUE Per Breakfast a after Dinner.

Penman Stammer Lamm, Aagnat 30, IBM

The Brotherhood Movement. Interview with the Rev. T. Sykes. Two Years with the Ibos. By Rev. F. W. Dodds.

A Notable Revival. By W. M. Patterson.

Primitivekethodist Leader

No 1570. CON Berle. No ski New Berle. LONDON: THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1917. PRICE 10.



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. AGENTS WANTED. ram, Tessa

Tmday we are reading history in a new light, and we are reading it to the glory of God. And it is the solemn and gracious task of this generation to hallow what was formerly discarded as a profane thing. Even the word " empire" has a richer connotation for no then for our fathers, for they spoke of our colonies se being a millstone round our necks, but we are finding in them our inspiration and hope, and in the light of a world conflagration we see in their spon-taneous defence of England that God, and not Man., has appointed us to be the chosen mother of nations. And from ,the days of John Milton until now this dear, dear land has been rich in the men who dared to believe that God bad a special care for no and, therefore, a special task. For verily we have not been chosen merely to b'oeat of an Empire on which the sun never sets, no to enrich ourselves with the spoils of the vanquished; but surely God has ordained us to take a leading part in the glorious enterprise of increasing the exultant multitude of the freeborn. Justice was the noblest gift of ancient Rome, only it was justice without liberty ; but "God's English-men " have a divine vocation f• it M their privilege, and has become their Meal, not to offer justice with political servitude, Mt to confer freedoni on the van. quished. And this is becoming the conviction of theese men and women whose sensitive spirits "feel the precursory throb and ground-swelt of the great convulsion that must be,!' Thus do we reed our destiny on the scroll of present events, and, believing our task to be God's will, we know we are safe until we have finished our appoigted work, or have proved unfit for doing it.

Bo for most students of history will have kept us company, for oven secular writers admit that, on the whole, there is visible in history a " tendency that makes for righteous.."; that the world prccees a purpose and a g.1, and that this movement is characterised "by anincreasing dominance of mind." In other words, we no longer care to talk of our fete or our star es though we were the puppets of unconscious forces, and we are just a little ashamed of using such terms as luck, chance and coincidence; or do we believe that the " hour will flood the man ",

rather do we see that the man is being made for the hour, and, in the fulness of time, he will be sent. We see that the needs of the raw are being prepared for in advance. When the Hebrews in Egypt were living on the brink of a yawning gulf Moses wee born. When the last of the Scholastics was being interdicted by Rome the first of the Refen'mers woe born. In the days when God and the State were regarded an inseparable Jesus wee horn, and Hie command, " Render unto Caesar the things that are Casaarki," thrust itself files a wedge into the ancient unity of the State and God. It carried with it not merely the doom of the Roman Empire, but of the whole fabric of the ancient relations of the State and the individual. From that moment the

subsequent was

shifted From monarchs to man, and all subsequent history is little more than the slow but effectual

Providence : An Inference from Religious Experience.


emancipation of the individual, and the divinity that was supposed to make kings sacrosanct is now trans- ferred to the subject. Because God desires the praise and gratitude of all men He must care for the indi-vidual, since it is the individual who mum God's errands and carries God's mean.; and when 'we aro most as red of this divine care for us we are most solicitous for our fellowmen. For when our owu hopes run lowest our real for other mon runs lowest, too. But God alwaye has a few "whom He whispers in the ear," and it is the privilege and the joy of those who are oonvineed that conversion is selection and ordination no to commend God Rat, every life shall share their joy, as men realise that God's action in history ie an increasing sanctification of the com-mn life,

Now it is with God's care of the individual that the Christian conception of Providence is chiefly con. corned. For it does not help much to be told, or even to be convinced, that God has His Purpose for the race or for some particular nation, for one can well conceive that in such a scheme the individual would only have a derived val., and the very quali-ties which we regard as flip glory of a man would probably be denounced as inimical to the Slate of branded '6.0 eccentric or queer. Therefore, in both the Old and New Testament we find the emphasis put more and mere on a mane neede and on the in-dividual's relation to God; and, on the strength of this assurance, he is repeatedly urged to " commit his way unto the Lord, and not lean on hi, own understanding," to believe that if we have received Christ, God will with Him freely Rive us all things.

But when the New Testament writers, and especially St Paul, write in this manner, is it not plain that their etrong belief in God'e care for the individual ia based on something greet, winch they already have received from God/ In other words, is their doc-trine of Providence nod en inference from their relb. glens experience? For it is to those that "love God," to those who are called according to His pur-pose, that all things work together for good. And is the Apostle not justified in using this form of argu-mentl For, if our conversion is a fact, has not God already bestowed on us the greatest blessing not even He can bestow I For this reason that, while conversion takes place in Lime, it is an act of God which does not exhaust itself in time, but it pule us into direct relation with His own purpose, which trans.nds all human con.ptions of the destiny of the race. And, the abiding conviction of the Chris-tian heart ie, that if conversion ho a real experience then each believer will have his own proof that God does work in advanm of our needs, and that we will find a table spread where we never expected to be nourished. We know, writes St. Paul. Yee, others may reason and welcome, 'tie the picked men of grace who know. " Again and again," gays Mark Rutherford. "have I failed to make out whet it is which, in moments of extreme peril, has restrained me from making tome deadly mistake, when I have not been aware of the conscious exercise of any autlio-ray of my own." Probably every believer has hid a similar experience, only, unlike Mark Rutherford,



By Tenn Sykes. •

"Then loosen thy mord ise the susbbced and settle the helm on thy hoed,

For men betrayed me mighty, mdered are the vuoid-fully dead." •

Nothing more clearly marks the difference between ancient and Eastern theaght and Wcetern and modern thought than the feeling concerning change It ie the starting point of mfiection Amon the meaning and valued Ida What, however. we le alexia a problem, M more ar tees an emcenatirerfor ua In our inguid into the nature &anything, H it ia did, we know it muttahame therm The immense ethelegueof aakievem®b his feitim, thenghle, dameatiu Mum ind *dal ...item bear dee has-mark af thange. Bohm come...wee is lo a 'mg process d.elchemy. SAM= ia See asplanatim of the mode of creation. B.gson bee given on a. philosophy of change. To the-ancients the changeful needed mplme-tion i we see—se ought to be—fearful of the stagnant For Menge in nada insamorder appearance, s weahodling of accidental.; it in a decetruction which in follemed. To marry change in nothing more than fickleness, er the

• companion of decay. ...Omar and decay in all around. I roe," but change is not imp:Leonel in deem. The amp-lel and the permanent are not oppoeices, but different aspects of the same reality. Movement is the activity of , life. Truth is not a Medic fixed quantity, but a vitalith elastic enough to acommodate inselEto newconditione and Potent enough to 'erten them.

Dr. Fairbeirn maid some years into, "The function of the March M not simply to maintain en esiablished Chriatianity, id* create it maw in the spicitand con. sccence of each succearive generation.... Each genera. t Li011.unt have a Christianity el its own born anew within' it, and not simply repeating t he traditions or appropriatt

the mg the habits of the lather." The creative eblfly Church is the test of its contact with Divine power and, life le it a spiritual organ of righteousnces, or a close! system for the maintenance of vested interests and con-1 vedional respectabilitieel The weaning ia writ ,largo everywhere, if Christianiy is to have • chance after the, war these will have to bet drastic changes. Ildece we aro content to expend our lingering strength boldering denominations and defending Mete *stem., we mid be willing to be -tiara again. The real diffically is the deed weight of selformplacence and contentment. We ounce remmeor return to the conditions which obtained before the war. A -Chetah or tuition, no more than ma individml, on peso through agalainity and come out the wane as they entered. Only "the thing. which ems. he Maken will remain'. It. will -alter many thing. besides the map of Europe In the Church getting ready to Ilea into the new times "the Light of the world "1 Is alto possamed of macient vitality to herald a fuller coming of the Kingdom of God? she to remain in thin tom blinded, horror-Micleen world, tile prefentional viler " at an Emtern loosest? 'Hoe it even dawned

neon her leeders—espceially in the Free Churchea—that any change is necessary? M their lunotion silent obedi-ence te governmental behertaf Ars the permeent in-terests *I Chnimianift bound up with the Defence of the Realm AM? Thee are not coming criticisms, they are the agony of a- bewildered smpnee at the ineptitude end tragedy of it all. le is put in the form of qucetioen see a lam desperate attempt to hook op some intereet 11 we

not get a ceform ol the Church, then let ten thavea revolt and sestina. Rho heal tined days& Chrinimitr were those of the Lollard., Put-dams, and flovommters. Our uthag Chr w the sturdy offspring of ouch time. AL.! she has led the bloom of fresh air, the lusty heartiness of freedom, and her find cenaless, joyous adventure.


But dna tendency to demean& Imam mg die -only a soundly cearch for a icemegoce to bear amg the cense-queries of a long sod genera delinquency. There ere mace in the Church who do not wad any damage, cannot see /he need fey it, mad empties ,every attempt. 'Thar attitude as quite lamed, for I iv the Trait of their Machmeat Gas attention Ma been so -amid in the building of m demmt nation, frequently meseuced - by a .balancetheet, and the creation of a Chuith he been averloched. A Church is a community of and women morally pledged to aceen Christ, protesting - His honem ant pro. aniting His glory They Mow nothing dealf-latensa,

awaking, and are reads to lie accoarrced the el effoommag of the berth, thereby He draw


to Him. A. Chnitth body aide when at is propa-gating Chridianift. The firameat medial change tole effected fit in tire mold, Of settm. It is no radiadly mooching Nice to will fficenelify, or convert, a considerable

on proporti the Chetah Ent it has Out he be done, at ✓s stall wither may. Cm mertitine nem.. dePhecel•


mad than the centred hamm. • whet- Janis ewired el His followers and the modem-Church Ms of

its mentors? He did ad. demand theological swung, patronage, or emotional °Mem, bat dedication of

the wfft. The bond df union is a mural pledge folliffe1 iv dearacter and conduct Wk. He mane to impart ie power and lefe. Facer iegnom than mental comma and the opposite of social patroness, it is a find eat of ME dedicatim. Other change will be dealt with in mine-quentartioles, but this ens is Bided fundamental. The Church is shorn al inflame became men earnidcee that belonging to it metre. touch difference. Others say it is all right in he place, bat thaw is nothing doing, or bus 'Witham to offer them. In wit take some dewing, mid only a Indwas pledged Imaged. bit to ELM one do it

he has recognised hie belt:ter, and mid, "Hitherto bath the Lord helped me

" Sometimes on waking, on the street sometimes, And on the hillside, always underewarned: A grace of being, finer than himself, That beckon. and is gone—a larger life Impinging on his own." '

Oh, my brothers! let us hold fast to our confession. For whet is religion her but to discover the heart end nand of God 1 And if you have persuaded your-self that God sere for the race or Immure pereicalar nation, go farther and make tile conwictlat your pertonel expellent. Bat .if nuns matt ehould demr on the manna that •autge me emenim of filth in Gad

merely a gamble in Mures. a Wald ptharge isdo the unknown, let him he answered in the words of Browning'a " Paracelsue ":— "Are there not two pointe in the adventure of the

diver: One—

e--wtenn: prince, he hi:err:spa:rig Pilietilt,

Missionary Garden Meeting in South London.

Mr. and Mm. T. Proud, of Parkfidd, Grove Park Lee, SE, held a aceord miesonary meeting in the beautiful

.grounde of their residence lea Saturday afternoon. IL was a record not only in respect to attendance, but also in respect to the financial reside fhb, relish wee upwards of £4 beyond any previous year. For more then twenty years these garden misitionmy meetings have hear held at l'arkfield in connection with the London Women's Missionary Association, and every year they have grown in interest and success- Among those who attended last Saturday we noticed not only three Committee' officers, but also es and vine Connenional officere—.at least an Adi. nation that the event had influential recognition by our Connenional leaders. Mr. F. Harding, from Ent London, presided, and Mre. M. F. Heywood Moe-presidmt, the voJoint being Madam Evelyn Thorne daughter el. Mr. F. Thorne, an en-Mayor of Poplar

The speaker ma Rev, F. Lamb, Weeleyan miseimary Icon. the Haidarahad district of South India, a district with an area of MAR square mile. and a porn. Lion of needy 131 anilliona . Mr. Lamb gave an addles. full of interesting fade which eared to indicate that, despije n11 the de*ment influanon against which they had *contend, the work of evangelising the Indiana ea. goinglorwurd with conspicuous enc.. In the Jungle villages they re-seeded large MCCOSSiOm to the Church, 1,the adult converts leaving been baptised. and well nigh a similar number of children. In Ninamithad they rejoiced over marked deve-lopment. Hundreds of the -rehabilitate had loved their way to Christ, and in mom than a wore villages Amide's of Ohs people have been burned ; the hundred deities of the people had been lomworn, sad the Lord Jesusexf ted in their pima. Sell,premagation. sell-government, and selbsupport, the threefold ideal of the Indian Church, woe finding marvellous realiaation moue the village Christians of flaidarebad. The edncetional agencies were hearing rich Ire., whilst among Cm leper. die Gomel is alerting its gracious influence, and many of these °Mated noels am finding a seal living eaperieme ol grace. Me. dames Price, in the Mamie of Mrs. humph Johnson, secretary el the London Women's Missionary Association, who was unexpectedly detained in Cornwall, voiced GIs thanks of

Its gathering, which were suitably acknowledged by Mr. T. Frond, who announced the result, aywardeel £23. Tea we. afterwards eared en the lawo

Mine Core Dingley, orgeniet d Waymosti Church, re. -reedy ma the Diploma of Mimic wed the A.L.C.M. Homan. to cekthation of AM mom, and in reaogpi-lion of her estinmhle entice *oar thatch. a sneaker of Mends mpreased their congratolatione by eerie...dim which consisted of a gold hangis and a -volume ol Sham apeare's Poems. !Rev. J. 11.. FA! made ths_pmmetmen alter the service on Smeltery enemas met. lens Banging ia • meaciaa of Meet Icemitta


Electric Light and Eyesight. .

Tech...illy. some mime ammo may he -brought against electric light as .1131 illummed, en the grvand that the moan & alessoiolst ray...rite-tee the gee 1 do not think, however, that any very serious result. hem been peeved against the lied, aa end for eirry domestic poimme and in any teasb stormom, fdvm tag. hem a Mgr. point od view aveteny Gemination Map, which must areemearily vitiate the atmephere .0 gees, duce it moot he admitted to be the Ma artifinial light upp to the present in use for domestic pa ems. The • w era detective eyesight In attributed to floe orderer' electric iiald ere 'variably explainable on other nag --chiefly t at en beg Mem ventilation and t in inverse

proportion to the mu of adz laces. tie the

amous of healthy suirnuediam that I. the rad enema of the harm. H yon Leff. Irons leadathe, eye-ahmin, etc, or find that you central ee no Well at night as formerly, or that distant objecte are blurred and India:UM, have your sight tested. Mr. Aitchison, do her had a met saperiews ie *treweties defective whim, via be

gLesetds. ted i=bt AM amnia spectedee *cowed


The Progress Si the Wag. It is andmiable that the pace week hen witnofted seas el the fiercmt fighting of themr, and all the Allied

forces have altered in the triumphs, including our mot brsve• men. The unconmierable French have covered themselves with new loses ni their offeneive to the region of Verdun. Talon Hill, the Amman. Wood and some other Melee* pain*, manted width the maids have repeatedly waged, have bam b=rI Wm and over 7;000 planner. have Men metaled. On beds bade of the Me tam made, aulltheolholed and BetelsBeauvrapt maw ineglecerimada .33celhe met outaMding MOM. of She :week have gone le the, dun the damilere lladiens, by whom rho meek btaligUIL 1,11111111AN Mee teen won north of Go his. The week-and Tea broughtTimm the most striking conquest of the whole star for them in tImespliare of the famous Monte bob. This remarkable feat tat arms almost icevitably opens 6... path to further strikine successes. Not fewer than 23,000 prittonere, in-cluding 600 officere have already been brought is. The while medico northeast of Gorizia thereby eucceedully drafted. The Roumanian troop. alto report great sue maga Thornier& el the Rumen Lash ia oho being dadayond surely maimed- The Gerrard Revelidiona

%Magi the anterpriae of the "Deily Telegraph" Mr. Gemini =dime. to furnish undeniable proofs of aa. mars deplicity, and especiallje the hate and venom of Ohs Haim andel hceittsChancellar, Bedamancellollwag. What we had been promously told aimed os to what depths of owee and dither... these delude., of the German nation tan sink.' Time later revelations, how-ever, dot the in and tweet the is of ell the base thin. d id have been told, md no lone se She spin* they indicate shall govern the 'German people there in but ocant hope of the enema of any negotiatioce which their defender. and apologists may lenient and promote, and of thispaGifide in all the lends should take note 15M-wain as well an arrogant to chatter about pease, and to proles lo Five welcome to the Popes message, while the temper which found mpression in these famous interviews a t1. nuke in Junket mdse. 01,07 more we see TIM The typical German militarist can Mai freely and as hoed, ▪ he can fight- No honed 'and aincens diplemercet meld place waddle of reliance open any word they may utter. Mr. 'Gonad well nays that 't Germans wilf'.eepp at nothing to this war, and that the only thing l respect is forte." Railway Agitation.

For the -moment the disquiet mouthed is s mower Slimly mall section ef the scelsvey snankere the Aceociated Society Of Locomotive Engines+ and Firemen in making their normumble demand., 'hae.thod dom. The sty mid firm action of Sir Albert Stanley, the President of the Beard of Trade, together with the prac-tical repudiation &their comerthyactioe-ce the Named thrice of Railwaymen led by Mr. Y. Thaamelf.2„ partly explains the bringing to an end of whet could haw boon hut a meet and fleeting assess. Their ilaWaty to arras% -so& hem inv.-immanent by a specie/Order nodethe Defence Of the Realm not, however., gam them a aalutary,theck, and gave them time to cot their blood and administered .a healthy corrective. The public hes mon and again shown in wympatiy with railwaymen, end has ...enamors/ aodoreement to their claim to hale their snot-moos sehressed. But would be quick to assent attempt to so exploit die nation'e distrese as to woes a nand' cettimal triumph. It was said an lathes-tial intermediary had interposed- to '.1md fee way being found M of t the impasse." glees. In nice le, he deserves the tbmks Of the general and it is profaned', to be hoped the radial-nun mall heathen to Imo and not -f runic leaden. Antloed fehmaten.

/t to madly In be hoped that the Imam/ cendilien public span% ,indeed kg war meantime will gat be eFlowed to ocerlay the Making prop:teals of ace ma Ithacelien Mialiter wa to the trailing of the' nation!. rodh, Iva it antelmbledily true that `Mee dl the most ler-rearing...A impertmet mold nolemeamrcetteduced hike this compere Ms been inner leg Ws. Fished. row Ethostion MIL" The Bill, beady lemmatised. 17.- eids 1. (1) the ettablehment d manary.achoele fee

mder this y=referahly esten.M. naiads;forggernFedsoreshod aH 01 iv. and fathom yams, "MR lime" centime being tha.W.; Manama at onneemarim sands UT a'







hour. a mar rep *the ige of eights. adds giving t. wholothee Allendale/es vehool ace aixced and lb .e haring paned. matriculation arealumlice WES exempted ; 14) no child nether the age elftwelve to lie employed for prat, mod the empieroo5t d .thildran bemuse taselseand Mean lobe strictly theta. TI M°

gee. peoposala, and ahow the courage and par d -1114 iinle more pumw %ebb deter* hill.

creed. Submarine Losses.

The lased lint—thst for the week oteLog of the ravages of the submarines iothatiestly being almet identical with the weelk2se ttss_ fifteen large glace*. Igo ' in mew 111" tact that not fewer than 6,602 vomits her armed o nailed, ie not likely to glee mad. glee to German hale

We vessels awe msumealullyatfacked. Theft. the are still heavy, especially when we renceehe the meld shortage in ford supplies, they are not sicken to give mead tar pm. The one dominant hope adr. ought by ,this month to have completely mat... m Ming by to LIM wind.

AUGUST 30, 1917


NOTES AND NEWS. aye, he shiohlthmthe Immesh whickianow toady say tar thgarnerable.

ynegthumber gem. Meeting. are nos immedistely the form of mthgelletio effort will almost suggest itself. let the September Quarterly itheethige resolve whet they can do, and thee dchberearty en about darns it, resolving newer to be cantors to do lees than the memos,

Then... el the Sandy sight prayer neseithgt We must stickle at nothing that guns, mve that all meths

Mare cosesposding .4 secret falling off iv the vital lose el the Mush. We newer did berm than when. the Sender easing smith was followed by • pod thetbatith player memith And inthantly these M • quithathes at basest in the fatech, it le reflected WA in. the *anthem and dullatheti. mooting fat ire's. ..possible hew

Bat • campaign. me* thrniaing, We unseat *Aar- the Othash ptnlethy ma_ pops thththt the Sand. steed these *to rth ar. orgenreason. We soma. mom nig., meth.% esearthing of equel worth forth. without ft programme_ The moo eh. playa his mppl.* Bo dit BMW bee. spat muds The toms .Lome by the wee Hearst lareppeat—he mune preperseeteng ie bral,p aid feahlaued; and so far do are othanasson. se needs nom. ha ahem.. along from-pee en Wiesen, hemmer, path with it readily ea sots se to pet birch a man has on treed of • pessamone, he ethothing hoar ia prosdad. And this Sunday terming

Bit turn vothersoever he wills and man wait then Same. rthanormatieg inns* plass me do with • hole mew Bit then it meetly doesat- matter which- thy he goth enumethemant Thus her lees • dispositio. iu many Laths. We we work together, remove forthedtegether, rm. kw let it take ore of Melt A fee devoted people we go back together. And which es do so frequently have mmainal, have done their beet, but- with their depend[ upon me map that hue bee. outlined. left. un- limitationa the... has nee been her qthrterly atemdth to. Orpnisatim m ovethath when it impede. mthings can do much to lift this oldenahlithed asLftu- the helpful outhow of. meld margy,"and siulkde., irudtri- don of the Methodi. Month into greeter theme. And dud initieUva Up to But point the time and labour our gilled people thad mot render mow vats.* seroico spent upon items oseential malt enduring sinew. We Co the Church than by Standen. thereat and • hearty tneralbre pled for a map at the approadung. Quested, sties in It. purpose. The loan of may nerd a.. hthetinp. A circuit that is allowed to walls with pre- .11=ision, bat any mgeniotte man will. Siete adapt

*eroding knees and ken may be earthed ha halt by the omen* to the end in view. A thrill of good cheer thee., sod to turn bath in the day of battle Suellen* would invade the snob of the people emcee.. •it the loth more graceful tip retreat than when they pretend to memof grace were reinatated in the father al thepeople to ineradi Their gets Baits their mood. as once it was. •

• We am aware of the enormous coatronting

thirty of our churches and arcuitsat this thecae. The timer are abnormal, they are aroma of Mu. Hundreds of thatches ere share of their vigorous young manhood, in turndieds more the proem* of acute conditions,i. menacing all tells*. *Math And yet "sus el weak-

. oes- they were*. strong:. The diarrhea throughout ard Land are waterlog gram theadvantages, and yet emcees

not Ampere.. All our young emu ev any, bet 1 ant preparing. for a great armeeca in as thatch 11.0 maim. The dines are ripe, the people are paeans to go forwatd." So wrote a euperimandent. to ea the other oar not the spooky of the churches for props/. in IMAM Brea*e remains has been althadmilly ...cid in

fulmars of the churches dirtiest.. war period. W. noverthreei so muck toothy batons. d.lininual deid tide hthoome or many churches. The cause heals/en easy to *feel • Milt rho merited advance that is now theme. untuutthd the mom difficult On thia we must std. .11, Nth math the greet peak. And theca are • few plea. directionralbnirehrth we must go Litt* ire to ha reatined.

in the thud of um The omen* will, we hope, be mind as the most hams oppodunay ot the while year be the conned...ion. nbe Chardde wad thefeethcoming meths a* Mater. Geed:ally she attendance Ur Sepias-ber Sweden, theethathes hove had the suet reel from

• ag ereive. work, die officiale are red' mouthed through their summer motion„ end a wane • nem., this re. fears than automats minister sill trrou'gteanh°111Vrto ardent% mellgro hd7le.at7Vorrig

ceprethestive, their thanes teethe des ice old-laskoned linos. But the decline of the Sunday eight seperWes mead* thaboununaer ler ntheath. Blase I. so great arimiathe La lasing hold up* the rips

possible cataidthaus, end wow the Mutts its best

possible mon With. anus eib oar side sr ca. hemms mamma so Ira arrange.

But mod urgent of oil is the wiled pressing pent.. Hour young people. Here the "bile the allady alithe The exhort view and the long v.. athgest this aa immediate and most urgent task ell. Chtr,h. Andes highest circuit court ehould nth have the sick te the mudded initiative of the, ird autheritith nos authoritisshould, of coupe,. nesdenspromplang, red Is- quentli they do not But, whetbes door do me. Ma Quarterly Nothing, as the scam r all thew athuigie tenthe mum give heed, end paw heedhe for, to Oa problem. Chem* authorities that Imea this qtrathm. Haim and then spend time in di the them, tale of &cremes and ether disline in the //arch amply gamer that for which they have dames negligee. prepared- The condition of our Sunday-schools ought to heed vital moment to every official Everyone ehould be concealed, not ta crib.. what is being done, but by sympathetic interest to eh* thst our young people are t. Chianti. of the next generation_ Our echool odue will generally be only too glad to leorn dint there is th awalosnith interest * tenor=nnditirn

Inv, he *teeth, *head • Citthit Qaarbudy Meeting in. young mon are away in their thousands. Handy beheld merely and only for liminess./ Why should anes 4thyounswomen mortal with us, and oss never bad mare be-the beetprovidelopportenity for a renowatand cradles- than soma and never were they thing better work. And dm, the pledging ot ad that the bestbran red entree is the youthn are with m oleo, youths ether milibmy age, to Om *al of the chortle They are the elect of the mid thassioulaWat thousands of Wye who in du. yeare :Nudes, they stem fir the bout of the people, they me thee will he therms upon manhood. When the is • pmuliar sethe the leaders el. the people, and their was MOM' tip. Churches • diacmer their es of young leadbrehin is only potent when it in spiraled and not inenthroegh thethr, and the total es by threat not be mem?, edel. The call for adiance, the arkeiceot tans mado up of thee& who haus fallen in the battle end quality, advance in sacrifice rid the ompouring al regencies will only be Bled by the strenuous efforts al enthral enerth, Gould he first of. ell addressed to thew the Chinches to-dm. eaten Slum at once will .et in "komnpy theaid P.M.e in the chump And their notion forces that will oath out to the advardthe of the hearty end glad reopens may be counted on thorn their Chemins ' the early future. With the thpremo aim in leader gem along in the front. And their leader the ,ther rd Zing the coming generation to dthiaion for narrater who is set apart for the purism H eaten cry doses Chriat circuits ahould mrthge that'll. third Sends, 4, 'A. Wider'? M.littge with the elme. of all those a Oetober--Young Peoples Day—shthld be universally ,imeeth we say- reckon upon • revival in the charchth observed and turned to its greaten Foible use. Leert ihe nal and tile are mangy' - year LSE day was more generally °leered than for many

yeas previously, ad the reported instance. of decision ware. seedy mere numerous. Thie year scone of They

hack Rum for a generation the churches today ate ...could be thus indued *dedicate them They

thrown hack upon themselves for their evangel*. work. await what me do. Young people most not be ennead

loom Sr to the immediate dismayed the Church, but really teethe up the matter themselves ; it the ministers and

Nr Re ultimate-good: II we use the present die*. well Betels of the circuits will do It the young people will we anti see how unfortunate ths chnrchenwere whop they freely respond. teferted their chief service in Sher**. Theehuteben that do their own evangelistic work- When. they do it to their tallest opportunity them will stlll he roam for • But when end whose Youth Peoples Day is observed, thecially gifted mm and woman. w

ill there will no be led lb be Masted upon that the beet preparation meet be

eet., ought the to be moth, for the profeesioneLly *delve it. Again it othee to cogamstion. If there bs earthling. The both evangelists for ordinery no organisation ...ars el this clerwill be Like •

evangelise are the ministers of the thumbs, together Osman awe. • L....we PHYS..; the "iffi godly laymen sod women. There arp many ant Pledielgi, but .e evanescent . vapour. Two thiMp ars n

otnot arm accredited preachers whose gifte could- be utilised deeirale, one indeed ie necessary if abiding advantage is to great stheas and advantage to all concerned. An be derived The doeitabla thing fe the Dellaion Card

eee.frlietic progyamme ought to be initiated and mien provided by the Book Boom, ol which them ought to be NM. ahoy. „ somibility. The Rum of ,the at least fifty thomand circulated. Their value to the boy eeeelinitn le not so material a. the Not ; the to gay and sht when tighd.Y. mad he simply theleolehle eerY, it may M. be entirely unlike anything hither* other and recess thing is a young people's meeting for ..mpted. Usually *lee anythe talks of Una class of. fellowship. This latter sill preothe the **oration of work we rush, in idea at least, to what we have seen ad the re/reeking rain; it will allow the shower to percolate heard, and amording to predilection and temperament to the young and rigorous moth Mete is now jun 610- °Ipaise it, Evangelism the ba urried With success cient time to think or this beneficent work, stalk thel. pray Oar. apart from widely-advertised eervices, thd without Midst it st the forthaaraing 'dealt pathos, sal Mier ., t,tr approach to a great 1111119i0.11- Of them latter we Moe Oahe. deciaions are reached to arrange that what we

.Le. fi.d more than enough particulmly when they have have chaired shall be esnad ea as .netheted cif I

been epontanthits and lore. If we toe recover the Seamen can merit cod comthand smiths. And if tomer of maiative which cornea direc4 through the themopporturthiertammiund et the September theeliege !..tighing experience of theliving and indwelling Spirit, there will not agent be so favourable an opportunity tot

The President of Othisreass legethew villa the Hie Sone* Secretaries, have just Mead s ritual. to the churches announcing the dec.* of the 1st Contorthos that a " Week al Prayer a. Sell Desna Bur thisthons" /amid be observed throughout the Denomination from October 7th to 19th. This *attar will he presented the September quarterly meetings, whan la hers[ then aid ha the mos loyal co-opemtion 10 M200. el■ eine deemed- Ono missionery wed. was never so desOy meted in the oars ea is today. Wei newer kid ash proem., as wear. now wasesaing 1 ass Math field. mese news better ended; the dome which open of their ame surd ems serer so natheous nor the calias rod mud insistent. Whielther way we look out apnea the foniga lieht„ ieckstram kthda animas ern the beams urging m frawerd. This ie. the lents doings. The Cos-lenemadesithattoth the" Week al Proyer.shonld afford an oppedroady for serest thppiiethion hat we my meow and lthlos Holy Spirit, aral ISM the amnia taws Pim.= the mistrildistimt der imams world" emeiot but be smral sad deep ernesthy with the. dm. We hope, thatch*, (het when thistheadm is posented there mil be • dim.** to talk the matter up, that there will be a. co-operative spit* and But bads Millimeters to the felfthosint of the paths wilt he reedit, put side, and thea not be allowed to Sidle. That there my he ...cies in some places may be etheard, but let there be a resolute attempt mode Soimr s many out of the way e. preeiblo. Opportunity will he glom dories the Week of Prayer for our people to make offeenr for our rapidly-expanding African work, that thus prayer ardsocrifice may lisp company.

The whoLsChurch vitt emits in warm congratulations to Sir. Thomas &bathe upon the well-merited honour which tin King lea recently bestowed him as a Knight Commthder of the British Empire. Throughout the retied of the our She Thomas has rendered distinguished semi. to the tuition, all of en honorary character; sort his cer-n* ha. been increasingly requisitioned and have made be demands upon hie busy life. Ili. great bushes *refit*, which have brought him to the highest awn-meeciel position in his own town, have been of loos...hie worth to the nation in the Conservation of its food supply. Nowhere will thee be more rejoicing at thin new honour than at Alresford and Hamra* Orphan Homes, where the new KALIL ia loved by all the orphan with deep affection. And of the alahe of congratulatory messages that have reached him none will be more plemingly e. membered than those sent by the orphan. .to the orphanage treasurer. -

In his ...Latter to Young People" for Young People. Heys the new Sunday-sethol Secretary has accurately conght the mood of the nation and the mind thd heart of young people The letter, entitled " A Good Soldier," la just such as. will appeal to all boys and girls. I/ only they get dm chance of possessing the letter the reading of it Sustain. It ie posed at their level, its language 11 that to which they ere accuthoined the to ars dn.. that eared them. The

woy of approach to the child I.

more than half the battle ; this approach will win throu_gh and A Good Soldier" will accomplish its purpose. The whole Letter ie just excellent. Mr.

If in writing il

bee scored his first emcees. — .

The new Sunday School "Year Book," edited by Rev. G. Hunt, has jut[ been ism*, and is e document which emould be passers* by sooty Sunday-achool official and Leacher. It* crammed with inImmatuin each m leathers and workers 110014 young people need. The President:. "Message," the

among Work in the World,"

Blike, the correct note for the peeplsing daye in which ore live Christian Endeavour, Young Peeples Misaionary Work, Teacher Training, Scholia.' &animations, the In-. *national Leeson. for ISIS a table of statistics which read and pone.* oy all who cam kr the haute of our cherishes. The "You Book " is well prisedand splen- didly illustrated.

The latest news from Bradlortf Central Hall is cheer.


at ant other mission centre. r The Centro) ie the beet suite of premises we have for eggrethive mission work. We know the en of this land of service, vie die

count all eraggerated expectations, and we distinguish between the the and the chaff. Mr. Rowley has been in hap of the work for more than s year, end his labour

now beginning to tell. He hen poured out hie energy and eldet .but little shout it. It I. better 00.

der far* begin with a solo and end on a chorus than • to commence with s great outburst and end on a dirge. For the Sister's Anniversery this weekend Mies Permit is the epeeist visitor. Durum the year more than 4,000 vouts have been made to the homes of the locality by Shaer Annie and the dodoesof the minion. People are

bo'te'r=gb:;",rl,1".' 73714!" been liquidat., andother project,. are now in cootempla. lion We have even a het of the institutions mandated with the mission, and the list ie a long one. A few of the names attached to thogprithnistione would eundelis some of our lathers; but, tersely, Mr. Rowley recognise that he he. to deal with human beings, that they still have bodies that the firet point of contact is usually a physical one, and he plane and phrases his ministries accordingly. And in thus doing he ads wisely. Tim Sider's effort media all support Sister Annie I. MIXIt devoted and usable, and is a worthy helper of the hon-oured sugrintendont. Thee yet, • great future Mr the Genteel

Rev. T,SYlcen.




• By Fred. W. Dodds.

1.—A Picture and a Message. •

Here ie the picture! Lurching, jolting,. jarring, forcing brakes hard ageing

dining rime, the cycling minismary spins or dithers dawn a rugged steep, ratty as a Unread by reason of monde which score n at every rainalt At the foot he pulls op with a jerk, for deed across the treek runs a narrow gully crossed by a leer eticks as widesprced as teeth in the gems of an ancient crone—and as rotten! He mom, sweating with the strain el the fierce grip on the brake-handles, and looks about before facing the rise ahead. On the right a bush.tangle blocks the cedes, pans, cotton °henna, inns, and a doom other species of preen treed which he knows not even the native name, aoarind above undergrowth more matted than brambles among briers. It to the common appearance of the whole countryeide, and bra long since ceased to interest. To the lathe Larne and laces—AFRICAI

A jungle pool . There she ia in vivid type, the great mysterion

• gloomy, grin and pull. ; brooding cool and dark while the GUM above barns in erne heat; beak ea coal in the midst of a ahem, of flame; thedsowed, oppressive, menacing, 'Moored of visage, lurking low on a beds ooze while Nature gropes with leafy finger. towards the hceven. True there is lite there, but such filet Fish, electric of kind, shocking mower, anglers at a touch ; reptiles Irma toads pythons; waterweede sprouting from ite torpid mud to grapple for light in the heavy air dbove. Never have I seen it, bathed in light, 'plead by breeze, swollen by etorm, or anything else than ath own calm, sinister, darkling sell! For ever it peers with its evil from its tangled den upon the highway where pass the unlearned Children of the Buell.

Such la Africa, even jell Such she was in February, 1915, when km the third time L arrived et Benda to attempt anew the dredging and purifying of that ugly jungle pool of heathenism, with its oceslile. of [shocking cruelty, reptilian passion. and sprouting evil, spreading in!! abroad in the shadows amidst the moat fruitful land on earth.

Such is the picture! Here is Lhe message I It was a Sunday morning of February, 1017, in a long

narrow church crowning o ridge overlooking a rest valley on either band. In those relleys,..wered under the vast trees, a dozen villages teeming with life, and Cl the loot of the ridge still watches that block pool deserbed abovee Thus Ohrolianity views her domain-nbe, hermit high ohms' the secret springs of paganism's turgid streams bedew Within the church, the rudest of buildings but built by Ohnstian men, and a manliest wonder of archi-tecture to them all, wee packed a motley throng, may be low hundred folk, young and old. Without, nab'e to enter, were fully a huudred more. Twelve or more, ranging in age horn sixtcen to sixty, tried and proved in the Chris-tian way for at least two yrers, had just knelt for baptism. It had been a gracious service, and I had been trying to brace them up for the persecutions which experience ehows are never far elosenc from those of these lbos who Barre the lord_

"Who rays God is not strong ? Two years ago you in this town worshipped in a but that would not seat fifty. To-day you have this house which you hare nice made bigger, and now it will not hold all your people! Who aye God is not strong?"

Ee, Cmd is strong! " cried rents "Two years ago you had much trouble from your neigh-

bours Often you were flogged, robbed, and cursed. Some of you wee eyes in prison through false witnesses. To-day who cd your church is in pnson, who smarting with stripes, or who suffering for being n Christian? God bra delivered you; and who will say He is not strong?"

" Be, He. is eLrong I " rang out the answer. • " Two years ago this was the only church in all the

pare of Om Bern. All those of nen, or Meths or Etagere Mbe, who wished Srworship God, and they were VIOL many, must come here you Gent out your young men to preach, and to-day at Iii b,, four miles away, three hundred people worehip in their own church, at. Umuha, three miles any, worship a. hundred more, and again the sone at Elena Mba, four thee away. God has made this church the mother of three fine daughter., and yet, she has grown stronger herself. Who ens Gad is not strong?'

Esyah ! re-yah ! God ia very strong!" reared they all. But now the service was ended, tray eet Sunday morn-

ing meeting in Alrica. The last hymn wee swig, the benediction pronounced, and we of to decent silence for that atilt Inmate we minim in all our Mann °hurdles before the congregation is allowed to disperse . from has teat on my right roee an elderly man, reckoned a lather in the church by the younger folk, though only recently baptised. As a aubshiel of the town he, bad fostered the new. faith; standing by it in all its strugglm through fierce opposition and Sooner persecution. At last he hien', had become a lull member.

" Sneer •Uku! (my big lather) add he. "We have heard your words, and we aro glad you are going away I " (No Inman this, but only hie rather inapt way of con-gratulation.) "Yee have spoken true words The church is the mother of Isien, Eng,. Mho and Unruh. Our young men have gore ?ten, to preach at Alegi and Iberia" (Two towns, one ten, the other six miles off).

'" Soon there will be more children there. We want pop to Iola all the while men's churches for us We want

them to pray for on and oar children We want them to pray for the other churches at threi Akoli md in all Mem." ( iaureu it • general name for Notth-land.) "We will prey that God will keep you eale in Yenr join' wey. We will prey for ell the white Christian We will

pray for all the women who have lost their husbands in' this wet. Give our compliment. to them all!"

Thus he spike, in just these cure sentences, to a renhing Fowl of approved from the assembled throng And these were the words el a man who, six h

ie heathen force nothing

better than the dread savagery of his heathen rites! Such is the message!


Interview with Rev. Tom Sykes.

By " Donovan."

The thy was radimt end London was aflame with brilliant sunshine when I entered the room of Rev. Tom Syne NorfoLk-street, the headquarters of the Brother- hood Movement. Over the high mantelshell henna picture of Ale Nazarene; and a portrait of Dr. Clifford. A few books peep temptingly through the windows of • brok-en, a huge roll-top desk &retches its limbs upon a we protected door, and between two windows hangs a portrait of the late Silvester Horne. The room impressed me, and the portrait of Silvestbr Horne set me thinking. Whet wouId have been his messege in these days. when men are talking freely of reconstruction? Would he here sug-gested, the svon redemption in preference to that ol recenstraction 7 Would he have breathed a Divine poetry into the hearts of men as they contrive to reconstruct things economic, racial and religious?. The reverie led me to think of liatch'e lemon. hymn:-

"Breathe on the, Breath of Cod, Fill me with life anew,

• That I may love whet Thou doet love, And do what Thou wouldst do."

I cat getting into the soul of this hymn, humming ra quietly, and praying thistly, too, " that I may li ve the

perfect Lilo of Thy eternity," when Mr. Sykes, buoyant, as fresh as though lee had

th just tome from the sunlit fields, grasped my hind and expressed his delight to

eat. me in his room. I hall not quickly forget.

Ore handenke. Let old men beware! Especially if rheumatism. has twilled 'heir fingers. Thebig heart knows nothing of, limpness! of hand. The men from the forge and mine will remem-ber Mr. Sykes' handahake even d they forget biz words—they will detect in it the of a brother.


Lions ateut your work, Mr. Sykes?" I inquired. A big smile, a twinkle of the eye, and a nod gave approval. "Do you think the Brother-

hood is an aid to the development of 'angel's.' church..? " "Certainly! The Brotherhood it intended to help the Church. The things for which the Church node are the things in which the Brotherhood inte-rested. I tee convinced that the fundamental elm el the Brotherhced its to save men. A large majority of men-are outside. of organised religion. It he our busmen to help them Vitt°1Y.6.=-12,Yd mean ritynoel the church..." "And do you think the Brall'aerhood has much to learn from the Chisel, or do yen think the Church hue much to learn from the Brotherhood?" "Each should learn from the other," wreathe prompt reply. ' The Church is older than the Brotherhood move-ment. and, therefore, Amid have treasures of knowledge to impart; the Brotherhood, which collects into fellowship many people unaccustomed to the methode of organised churches may &Isobare tome valuable infers nation to give;.inasmuch as there he given to it • new

ZrelrIt'as‘deetdinfinio2 bt;'wrIlft:t 'I:eel may

re met The Brotherhood and the Church ehoold always' keep hat.or open mind and so, mutually contribute to the

Do ro.°11:1,thle. SyIres. , the Brotherhood has gath-ered into ite fellthreship a sufficient neither el outsiders as diatinguithed from church members, to juatify if. esieten?" "1 ism q uite certain," was the piompt reply ; "but I am moaned at the ignorance of OUT Coach m peotieular, md of ether C harden in genii, with regaid

toal'as, the religion side of the Brotherhood movement

I know a Congregational church which consists net, of a Brotherhood cm0 Sieterhood. 1 am aceniested, too, with a Wesleyo thatch which has a sestets dace of one handled members, most of whom joined the Mania through the Brotherhood; and I new ethers to whin

HELP URGENTLY NEEDED for the Re-building of the

Primitive Methodist Chapel & School, totally wrecked by the

Air Raid on theYorkshire Coast Donations geoid be seal 90 -

Rev. RI H. MITT, 13, Westcott Street, Hun

the Brotherhood ie not only the financial support of the church, but ea a religious agency the very soul of it."

To the question "Would you cender a church sue. cease' which has a largely attended Brotherhood meetiog in the afternoon, and meagrely attended cervices in the' morning end evening of the Lord's Day ?"Mr. Sykes gave • frank and an Morn inating answer. " The sureese of the alterncop meeting is a justification of the Brotherhood movement I agree that the morning service ehould he refined, cultured and spiritual ; bce I plead that the even. ing service aheuld be a meeting for the people, and it. form should be largely of the Brotherhood type. The Garden Suburb Free Church conducts its evening service along such 'lines .It succeeder in req uisitioning the sex. vices of to leader, .peek and aoloset, engaging the Ger-vices and harnessang the gins of as many aa possible. The backwnh tel eeneervanam is killing our churches ; it ier the whole trouble with which the Brotherhood has -to deal. Sometimes minden cee toe mnsitive of their nghts sod position, and so discourage the methods of the Brotherhood. There is, homyer, .0 changed feeling, as ler as men are cencerned, with regard to religion.. They do not believe tled religion ornate in lialening. to ser-mons and giving to cellections. Itis more than that. IL ie the eepreenon of personality through service. And men are beginnin to feel that religion is not n 'cereal neat to agreed, but a moral pledge toe Saviour. If the Chinch ie prepared to give men an opportunity. along each lines, it can get out of them a spiritual patriotism just as determined in Ste saving of life we war is deter-mined in the taking of life. Here is an example J.. • Brotherhood meeting, in a neutral building, is for prayer ate n o'clock reek Sunday morning. Al 11.30 its 160 memrs are broken

via seventy.frve couplen,'

and undertake the teak of visiting men who have not been lo ahurch. In that way 26,000 hones have been visited in-that borough, and the voice ol prayer heard upon landly hearthstone.. Is not.-that Apostolic Chris trendy ? Why cannot the Church arrange for its man-hood to do the same thing?"

And do you think the Brother/nod will play en portent part in Hational'reen.tmetion., along the tsaoy, of humanising commerce md aiding the Churches

Ttheir soma for union?" "On thee. points I have my

eem with m,ard he the Church. Are we going to allow . complex questione to le treated ea purely politicel and economic questions? Are we going bo perpetuate the ory 'no politic. in the pulpit,' or such and ink a minister le Socialist? Are we going to leave big social question to some small eosin organation or though they. were loreign Le our work? The American conference .nino


ears ago drew op and adopted an port and parcel of its hical application of religion the very programme which the country I. called Socialistic. There are evidences

'genuine desire on the part of capital and labour to come to something like an understanding. It will not, however, be forind• balance-sheets., bid in a moral idealiein, the soul of a common -hurnanity, and in the

'feeling that we are brother. first, masters and servants afterwards. Brotherhood ie going to be the spiritual leaven to permeate the ponce.' relationshipa of men. It Will move along the Imes of redeeming the economic

I of society from a aordid, Goalless comm.-cense. I cannot say anything at present about the relation of the Btotherhood to the question of the union of the Church. Mach will depend upon the orinciplea of union adopted by the Churches. If amen be a Diner of the modification of a creed, of a matter pertaining to geographical considers Sone the Brotherhood will not bother with it." "But I imagine the Brotherhood will endeavour to extend We surgLest

village How it will be done depend, upon the oppor-tunities afforded ae. II dispels will let us have a school-room for weekday work, mo other binding will be y

For a village form /ad nothing is provided by the Churches except we ocesaional preaching service. 'Very little oh interest-moues hie path to aid his development Therefore he most cam

be content with the public-

needsune, the street and lane, or go to bed. To ran the

werved like to create a village T.M.O.A., and Ire vaned programme attempt. Sc erne an " Entente" be-tween nhe Adolt School, the YMCA. and the Brother. hood!:

With some surprise.1 looked at Mr. Sykes ea he marched around the

TO tellies me things which struggled fee

expression within his end ; then, coming neer and look-ing me straight in the fans, he mid, " opt me ask yore a gonna Why tamed our Chinch adopt the Brother-hood mceement, making it, a part el ite church ofganiss Son, in the same Elfilther GS it adoptolthe Chriatian En-deavu movement " It wee a queetion which moved me to say sash procedure would be doing for men what the GE. one for Men WS. would meet Feet need in one Chink and would hewn a valuable asset " I do rat dein perfection for the Brotherhood," Mr. Sykes contined, but

rde think it is a trade wind of the

Spinet for the new tines into 'rhea we are coming.. The mood mm' rell-dinesure, frank expression of

thought drams tontemplatext projects deepen', winced extending to the henna of the soul, but the interview one& Telephonic calls requited attention, and the quiet of the eon= wee broken by the entrthee of tore Brotherhood worker, who rought the company el our friend. After the venal tote I gathered up my then of papers azdzric,d into the at Strand. I ..aa mt. help thi • , however, that the ails ate. Syks had brought from emastle would ten aid burn in London. Wthiphite bone the

worn fires ef

walla, which the die...momenta of London life real fail to gnash His avian to serve make. him moiler od hie spere. No man need be they about matterm parenting to the Brotherhood it they will take the trouble of writing to our friend. Fie time will be at the term. of the movement for which he is well qualified to be the gilled weeny, and at the and of five ycers we shell the our friend come back to ea with new laurel. and in the enjoyment of a Ireedom won amidst the letters el se



By Thomas Jackson. -• • I have attended emend Missiona Dietriet Meeting: held

in the Loth of Ryde, I.W. The sea breezes from the Solent, the charming scenery of the island, and visits to the old-time village-of Eroding, with its whipping post, stocks and honer of Issigh Hunt'. "Little Cottager," to the cottage where the'• Dairyman'a Deughthr " lived and died, to Osborne House and Carisbrook Coale, were much enjoyed, but mod pleasing of all is the re:ord of emcees.- ful religious services and conversions which followed. In connection with one of these District Meetings, when busi-ness had bean completed, some sixty debsgates and vieitore took train at Ryde for Venter. From the latter elation the party made its way to the promenade. The toot tibiae that attracted our attention there was a decrepit old man

• tensing the handle of an aged hurdy-gurdy; which gave out more noble than music. Whether it yes pity or bur that prompted our =Lion is an open question, but Brother Flanagan took charge of the hurdy-gurdy while I used my hat to make a collection. When the dim of nearly ten shillings was handed to the time-worn end weather.etained organ-grinder his surprise end delight were strikingly manifested. H. kissed the money, took of hie hat, bowed mord'omemoniously, laughed, cried, and danced, thereby providing amurament for the miniaterial and ley sub-scribers.

Leaving the promenade, we darted on our three-mile walk, via the undercliff, to fuhionable Sandmen. At the entwine., to the field. through vhich wen the footpath w were to lake stud a email radio cottage with thatched roof and I imewashed wells some forty yards from the feet- path. Two elderly matrons with print helmets, print dreasei, while aprons, end arms covered to the elbows with soapende, suspended operations Ira time to Lake stock of nor party. I oldressed the two women wishing them, on behalf of my friends, the compliments or the day, and success in washing drying, damping, folding, mangling, airing. and wearing the article, they were dealing with told them who we were, about the Church we represented, and then said that in honour of their washing-day we would sing them a hymn. Three verses of the hymn commtheing

" And can it be that I should gain An interest in the Saviour's blood?"

were ming to the tune " Sarin,' The day was bewail Idly fine and calm. The weather conditions were ideal for singing and speaking in the open air. Before our diming concluded there were many men listening to our sung. One of the two matrons same and thanked us for !ringing and gave me two shillings, which em was handed to the superintendent minister for Ryde new chapel.

After en hour's droll by the undercliff and through Elie fields vre reached the promenade at Sandovrn. Large numbers of fashionable visitors were on the to sands and promenade when we emerged from the fields. Without prearraugement or attempt at a formal proceesion we Lang along the sea-front rho hymn, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine" Amazement and general movement were soon evident as the result of themvasion of aristocratic quietude and decorum. Wo gave walking addremee on Primitive Methodist Missione end the Gospel. As we meendel the cliffs we gave diapason expression in singing " 0 happy day that !Seedily choice." We then visited the reed wh it ro as stated, the mod wealthy residents were to be

ere, loon& Taking the best position for seeing ae

well as being seem and hoard, some sixty vricee were coot holed singing Lhe hymns "Lead, kindly Light," "I lift my heart to Thee," "Our blest Redeemer, me He breathed." The effect wee remarkable. Gentlemen, ladies, and domestic servants stood outside their resi-dences to liden, and passeroby in the road allayed to hear our eeing. I was desired to speak, and evaded myself 01 the in opportunity to give a short address on the work I our Iliesions Dietrich I clued my remarks by informi g the ladies and gentlemen listening that I was a thong t-reader, end therefore knew that Boma of thorn were thinki g they woulklike to entertain us se their peas for a week more Promptly one gentleman called out, "Yee, I sill entertain hall a dozen of you for a week with pleasure." Another gentlemen came and shook my hand, drying he



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1.11 ‘40,U‘If erg", coat

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Mane 5 1..eire Women.. 'Idea. (9



11• Is 4...) min, S I 2/G., ea gh 4or, ww31klielt.

Noszny H.WHITEHafts. e. Lemmas E.O.M.

felt devoutly thanldul to the party for thh pleasure he had experienced by our ainging. "I have resided," said he, "for the pad three years m this fashionable seaside resoW, and this is the find time I have heard the praises of God sune in the sheets of Sandown."- We remedially declined the offers of hospitality on the plea of previous engagements.

In connection with the Didaitt Meeting held at. Street, on the Glastonbury Mission, an excursion to Well, Cathedral and Cheddar Gifts was arranged. The Port], numbered about aeventy delegat® and friends, for whom three wagonettes were engaged. When we reached the town of Weils a precession of Barnum-Bailey'. Circus, vrhich had drawn many Somerset country folks to the place, was proceeding along a street se right angles to the one we were in. We halted in order to mold collision; cc well as to indulgeour curiosity to me the vanity lair eight. As soon as the last section of the procession bed defiled into the street where we were, or party followed and do formed its rear. We commenced anew the hymn, "Osme ye that lore the Lord," with chorus, "We're marching to Zion," ea well and lustily as we could, inter-spersing between the verses short, "moving" tells on Primitive Methodist mission work and qaotations from Scripture 'For listening crowd., the commingling of the hammerer and mrious, and aid in occasioning a Dietrict Meshing to See long remembered, that procession ins record one. A German banddecorated car, with weetherbeaten Union Jacks and Stem and Stripes waving over

them, headed the IML Then followed tramples of

Wild Weet,cowboys, Red Indians, small ponies, fine horses, clowns, acrobats, elephante, ,.mole, rehme, oleo other circus specialities, and three wagonettee conveying Primi-tive kfethahst minders and friends einging " We're mrioohing to Zion" and "Turn to the lord, and seek ealvalion," brought op the Yess. When th 1 rub through the streets of Wells ended, of two things we wale certain—namely, that more people in the county of Somer-set had heard of Primitive Methodism than previously, and that Barnum-Bailey'a chow lied seldom, II ever before, had such an honour conferred upon it

At a District Meeting held at Aldershot we had an illustration of the risks attending the experiment of changing horses whon craning a dream. The camp meet-ing on the Sunday afternconwas well attended, and graeious influence rested upon the company during the opening devotional exercise. After the bendy singing of

lavourite hymn Baptist minister stressed prayer. Another hymn was then sung and Brother Nathaniel &conch read as lesson the first chapter of the Enistle to the Hebrews. The first speaker was then called upon. Ile commenced by saying he would not take the text and

- preach the sermon he hod .prepared, but would epeak on the word, in the lesson reed. namely,"" And let all the angels of God worship Him." The speaker sue moon rambling and floundering treating or to talk that wth neither inferrable nor referent to the text or the cocarrion. Then, raising his voice with obvioue intention of giving emphasis to whet he was about to any, said,-"Friends, on tut says, 'Let all the angels of God worship Him' All, all angels, good and had, are to worship Him., for them am good and bad angels, m them aro good and had devils." That profound and edifying deliverance moiled general laughter. Turning to me as I eat nor him in the van he said, " I think I am wandering a little from the sub-ject." I replied, "Yes, you have wandered until you are lost, so we will sing a verse." The subsequent speakers wisely refrained from talking about angel., and 'confined their remarks to minter and others.

Rev. Bert Coulbe'ck in South Wales. On Saturday, July Slot. Rev. Bert Coulbeck commenced

his emend year as Connesional Evangelist at Perth, in the Rhondda Valley. A large open.air servicemarked the heMnning conducted by the minions., masted by Rev. J. E. Thorpe and friend. of the Church. Tho evening was beautifully fine, so that the sound of the concertina end the slinging could be heard a long distance For over two hours, groat congregation was held spellbound, her which Mr. Coulbeck handed over the large audience to the Salvationist, who centinued the meeting till a very. late hour, and who on the following Sabbath evening witnessed fourteen souls surrender hi Chriat. The missioner spent one week at Porth, which hoe proved a great blessing to the Church and neighbourhood, for many thousand. have heard the Gospel in speech and eons et the eight open-air meetings end seven indoor service. On Saturday..July 5th, Mr. Coulbock commenced operation. at the Garden Village, Gillach Gab; in the Ely Valley. Prior to the reception meeting a splendid open-air nerve:ere. held, and we all felt that it was the commencement of great days. People rushed to their deers and children from all sides ume to see and hear th. ooncertina, and soon the talk went round, "Hare you seen the man who sings and phy?"

For one month evangelistic Berrieee have been conducted. Each Sunday has been lull of work and blessing, four inside meetings and three open-aft services completing the Sabbath Day. Three Saturday evenings have been spent at Tonyrelad, at which town glorious open-ear meetings have been held. Each ureic.. of the whole month has been splendidly attemled. and many soul. have been con-verted. Soubstirring eighte of father, and mother, .ore and daughters coming to the Saviour in the good old-lashioned way will never be forgotten. The Garden I'lleg See ly • Iv 'Ls ho! y, t bar Lb t revival has come which will drake the whole neighbour-hood. Rev, G. W. King, of the South Yorkshire Miasion has taken up his residence amongst rn, and ie determined to give all the assistance he possibly can to this new venture. The officials and members of theGarden Village Society are sincerely grateful to the General Missionary Committee for allowing Rev. Bert Coulbeck to spend five weeks at their church, for we have not may preyed and worked for his comin amongst us, but his skit hes proved

great blessing to all. .


. YOUNG PEOPLE'S DAYS, OCTOBER 21st and 22nd, 1917.

By Raw. 0. HUNT.

The Hew. W. SPEDDIKO, ex Sunday Scheel Secretary, sap " An excellent lett ev,"

the Rey. L a RE/19111W mya • "Pellet emd pole. trail pat . . . Mestepproprialf

for tin times. . . . Bound tots theseptable and awful. The Ham L SWIRDEN asp

.1b title la timely and will &mat throu ghout tube Interest seemed will be fully mainMlned throughout the

reading, width mince fail to make the right Impressloe It Is jive the thing."

Sc, R. BiTLET, of Darladen, ray, " Brim fall of intend . . . an menses

ear bore and girl,. Every wheel anthority ought. to ate that each of thelr schOlare ie presented with one." st H. KAMPLETT, of Biehop Auckland, esysl-rtes

" One Of the bawled I have men. It abounds In timely and telling illustrations. Sure to be eagerly read."

Order at owe from your WIebtar. hire 3/•• For hookmh


Edited by Rev. a HUNT. PRICE TWOPERCE.

Thirty-Ws psue, with numerous illustrations, Sunday School Bratletim.loternational Lemma for next yes, etc, etc.

be Import 99 usemmla from Ma Preddent of Confareum, Rev. J. TOLEFRBB PARR, on "THE OREATEOF WORK IN

THE WORLD." Mr. W. R. RAMFLETT, of BishopwAucklend, aye,—

"The Year hook is, as usual, a marvel of closely peaked god clear detail; a book every Mealier thould he glad to

Mr. H. BAILEY, of Darleston, • "Fell of valuable information and statistics concerning

ES. work moms our young people. Every one of oar BS. Teethe, Officers, and Worker. would do wall to here one for reference, instruction and inspiration."



saturear—II. BC.11001. COPPIMENCP. 7.30 p.m. 10.30 end 4.30.PCIMITE

3 N. TEA. Mr.. MACON. /Man 0, Speclal Bras.aia.

Movdap-CIIIMT PUBLIC .311031177.7. 7.70 p.m.

Donatiors grarefelly received by— Rue SAM. ROWLEY, 127, Little Horton Lane, Bil.nortp.


JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS, September red to 10th, 1917.


fortrotrolree, rj",!..r riU'ro="ntrai

REDEMPTION oI a Sanctuary;

ALEXANDRA PARADE CHURCH. Part of Price, 14,000 Shillings We thankfully acknowledge 1,595 Shillings. We respectfully solicit 12,605 Shillings.

Contrtbutiouo plosso sond to Rev. J. J. HARRISON 141, Onslow Drive, Dennis:sone, Glasgow.

VISITORS TO LONDON Will find every Comfort, and Ascommodatton


Mom relent a M mm Y La.) ethos Beds. Ss. Double,

Wally Eduard BM Adapted to Madera IleddremmtlA

Primitive Methodist Orphan Homes,

Panel Ash Road,



Saturday, September 8th, 1917.

PRO GRA M—lwetee. Itc., by Clahlres.


...tin-Mayer of Belittlers). Versaleman—J, H. NUMB% Haq...aff

[pasta, Nan J. O. BONBON acd1. DAN THOMPSON.

4,3o—Tea (given by Carlisle asselWhIlehaven Markt), Tickets z1...

gap—Sports suet Amusements.

Durmasts, ler Me llamas wBl fas grata/dB revolved by Bev. B. J. T. BAONALL (Gem S.). 43, Docket Road, lorries., Londe., N., orCoora T. ROBINSON, J.P., Sootblsodo, Choi loaves.





CHAPTER MEIN. doe Turns Physicien and Eflects • Curs.

" When there is one who dim of hard work, there are three who die of nothing to do!"

"This M my brother. mists, I told you stoat He would bring the muss limed!. They are the test helms. got, and Stile s best in roue Lathe the bieeuit"

"Oh, how lovely! exclaimed Mies Homed. "I never saw a bouquet to equal that. Not only the Sowers, but the arrangement is perfect Look, lather, ia it uot a beauty I" Thus spoke the Proleesor's deughter, when, after gathering the ruses. Rufus and Joe had made their way to her boom, and Rules presented, them to her.

Yes, my dear," mid the Prolemor, " but take oars end do not excite youreell too mach. My daughter, Mr. Wentworth," he went on, addressing Rides, " loafers greatly,.and I fear thy little exeitemmt may agthavate he. comnlaint."

"Dot I'm feeling ever so much better, father—indeed I am ," Maud replied.

" trust it. may be so, dear ; bet you cannot be too care-ful. You are quite flushed, and, had better go and lie down. I am sum these gentlemen will theme you."

" There is coolly no need, father dear. I [1711 tomuch stronger, and I want a Wk with Mr. Wentworth about my horse. But first of all we must pay for these lovely lowers. Dow much are they, sir?"

"Oh 'nothing!" replied Huhn. "I never eell my Amen; to my neighbours. I am only too glad to be able to give a little pleasure, especially to the sick. You mon call at the Roeary when you are out driving, and you'll.. the flowers growin', and pluck as many as you like."

"Thank you very much. Till be sane to call, for I son passionetely fond of Bowers, especially of roma"

"Well, come along, and I'll thew you three acres of them. There binna many kind of roses in England that I henry got. I dunno want to brag, for after all they are the gift, ed our Heavenly Father, and but ler the rain and 1110 eunshine we might do one best and should foil ; but I con my that I've taken more Mises than any man in the Midlands. Jost at present I can elm you the loveliest


lorith I have ever clapped eyes on, and I've some prize Maria Banana But if Code dowers on earth are so beautiful, whal, meet they be that Mod. above?" .

Do you think there be gardens and dower. in. Heaven." mired the girl aatoniehed at this wg, from one whom Joe had described as • queer character, and whom elle had been led to believe was a Godlese man."

"Certainly, miss. The world commenced with a been. Blot garden. and depend upon it the pattern had been lakes from the other world. I expect Heaven will be full of flowers and every other beautiful thing we have men on earth."

"Maud, dear, are you quite sure you are not overdiring. yourself ?" asked her father, who had been describing to Joe the symptoms of his daughter'. ailment."

"Quito sure," she replied. " Mr. Wentworth and I are having a very interesting conversation about the other life. When are you going le give no my drat lesson in driving?" she asked, turning to Joe.

"Name the day and hour yourself," savored Joe, "any Ile except Wednesday. That day I'm actin' a mode*, Lords, who want to buy homes on trust There's nobody was. payer. than n titles, They seem to think you ought to be eatinfied with theirthedorn wi'oot their cheques. There is ono chap yho le always akin' big seches in Parlisment. vho thee me hundreds of ported,. pe

he donne cash ulf soon I'll put the bailiffs in, and sell up hie saneeparis and kettle...

.1 hope you Will 110 very careful, air, if you take my daughter out. The slightest shack might has fatal cam aueneet," said the Professor.

She'll be as tele with me as if elle wet in Gabriel's chair," ...Owl Joe. "I'll lake a. good care of her as if eke was labelled, ' glass, with ea.' Come elope, Rule we mon be thin'. I Isiah you good, amain', miss." "What do you think now said! Joe to hie brother,

when they got outeide. "1 think esarn1 as you do. The lather in frightening

thlIV it's at old' mman in trouser.," mid Joe. "He's

crammed no much book learning into that head of hie that


he hoe pushed ell the common-seas out He told me be writin' • book on prehistoric man,' whatever that is.

What he wants to onderstthd is that girl who live. under hi. roof."


The friendship between Joe and Mies Howadl grew singly, and few weeks passed but what he took her for

.drive, which treelike [thinned a new life to her. After ding behind some of Joe's high steppers she grew tired l the .lady-going cob, and at length took her lather's

breath .away by euggeding that the ;Mould learn riding. She began to take a keen interest in life, and complain leas and jooked more froth and vigorous"

" If I could hanith her father to the South Sc, Island. for three months, I'd undertake to make • complete cure,"

like jah en' "but ha t■:d4:47.1;t7onl; over 71

(ches and prune aid never think about it

he deina put the idea into her head ; but Ill beat him yet He's a erica Sella esrth& if he ammo signorant He's choke

hill Of staff that Mena thy nso either in thie world or the mart, and he actually couldna tell a field of barley front the ol whist. A. fog horses, I believe if he had to put Iamb in the stable he'd put. hie tail neat the manger.

I can sympathies with him, poor fellow," replied Rufus. "It sans her mother died of omeamptim, and he is afraid he may losehia daughter the am way. Folks say barn never bin the same man Moos hie wife died. He waa a. bright, cheery fallow, full of km, until that hap-pened, but he hers falai over eines"

" That's a mistake that no eensible mm ought to make," said Joe. "lotion a gravestone all yoth life donne do thy good to the dead,and it's try in' for the Say what you like, it's selfishness under the cloak of respect for the departed. My old chum out West, dim Connor lost his wits, and the chaps were &mated to hear hie; whistling 'Annie Laurie,' which ma her favourite song, the day after her funeral, and going about hie stork with • wile and a joke no usual, and they ad Jim had a heart ea hard aa a gone's gizzard, but 1.11/3 come night I woke up and Rued Jim on hie knees, wean' like n bairn, o'er a photograph of lats wife." That's the kind of nun I like; ono who peaks own shoulder under his sorrows and demo share then out no ell the weal may have a pia,' like bite of weddin' cake."

In a few menthe Miss Howard, ender Joe's expert tuition, role well, end one day eurprieed and alarmed her father by telling him oho was going to ride le hounds the next morning on one of Joe's hunters.

" My der, ,you must not think of it," hi exclaimed. "Yon really are not strong yet. I distinctly heard you cough trim lest night. I'm rprised Mr. Wentworth should ;suggest such a thing, I atholthely forbid it."

" Dear old dad," she Bald, and went and kissed his form heed, "you need not be alarms:1. I'm as sound am a bell. Dr. Oilleader rare., and I con ride very well, Mr. Went-worth says, and he does not praise anybody unless they deserve; and though be dean not often go to the 111031,

he hex promised to attend me, so I shall he perlectly sale." "I think Mr. Wentworth might have mentioned it to

mp before he thwarted anything of the sort," replied her father.

"He did not Imogene it, daddy dear. I suggested it myself. I'm to ride the Emperor, the meet beautiful grey

"I do not think I ought to allow it I must go ...a see Mr. Wentworth. If anything happened I almuld never

i'Vo.trlig"I'Ll happen, except that I shall have a glorithe ride. You've no idea how eshilarating it is le be on the Emperor's, back when he is jumping a wall. It in like dying."

You don't jump!" exclaimed her father. "Surely Mr.• Wentworth said not think of letting you do any- thing ao mad?

" Mr. Wentworth Ls like you, dod dear. Ho lets me have by. owe day. Youe no an what madcap your daughter has become. Now, don't yon worry, bet jtht sit down end read me of yews stuffy old books and let me old aa I like." 1

"I don't know what has teme LO you Inlay. Yoa are not the same girl. You me certainly etrongth, nod with great care I think yon may do well, bat, kfthd dear, do be careful."

Look here, dad," she answered "I'm perfectly right, and I meant" haves mod time and live until I'm ninety-nine, and N you don't heighten op and let Me do as I warm I'll ran way and marry abnchlayer or a labourer, and enItivsto cables/the and love in a cottage, No, I don't mean the cabbage; in the atage, but in the garden. So basset and the held him at arm's length and the* her Boas •or his fa, and loathed with a merry rtoaoog laugh, such rthe Prefesecea home had not heard for many a Yela,

'I euppote I musaconsent," said her lather, "but I don't like it If you would only Mahe not to jump any-

Ill; jump at thything Mr. Wentworth doer not mender male You the tat. hoe ; be is vary aeful of me. Yea hero no ides haw pertithisr be is In all that relates to my rafety,'!

I cannot thy that lthimpreesee me •liogether fthoer. ably," retorted the Preface. "Hots too solfainimated 'sod sometimes coarse. I moth prefer hie brother, who strikes me es • very dn. lemanoter,".

"So las is," replied Mad. " I like him very much; but Joe is and an math' and is altogether the meet in-teresling cloaca I bare as men and all hit men Ivor. dap him. Sam, hie heed groom, told ase he'd rata' work for him for nothing then any other marker for a pound a week. He is • kind of heromith them all. I took a great fancy to the of the maids, and I thought to a pity ebe should not ham a than of something better than a lannlionsa training, and I offered to bring her here on housemaid, with a view to helping Mr. Mr. Wentworth Wag quite willing, but Gracie hereelf world ant her of it

'No, mina,' she mid, 'I menet leave Mr. Wentworth He was so good to my mother when lather died.' And Ne

ther her master nor I mold move loom moon- 'd I think he and his brother are absolutely the two

finest roan I ever mot, always easepag my dear old dad, who if he would only bedierve his daughter an join a

normal, healthy gitl ho must have some licence, to do as eh; pleases, tho moth perfect Fiore, el masculine humanity LI the 'Laid"

"Alter thatspeech there is nothing to do hat athuieeee," said tho Professor silk a smile, "Bat,remember, my love, that you are dear to me as the apple

my eye, and he careful." / will. Now I'm off to bed to be ready for to-morsow"

The morning was theta when Maud rode ens to meet We hounds,alma to • spine two mil,. !Roth bridge Her presence on the back of Joe Wentvorth'. finest hunter excited munberiees oponents, while the presence of Joa, who was known to all the gentry; led to all of them wanting to meth a joke with him. It is not my Nowa to describe the hold, with db Sae, mad gallop of an hour and a 1,011, up kill and down dale, until math Maynard, who me having hie loargh ran foe the season, tricked the hounds by running along the tap of a fence, thus mama them to lose the scent, and then quickly trotted back hams If no for wm othglit, how-ever, young, ingenious gentleman, son of Sir John Page, me, for Cupid re ever on the lookout for ant, shot so errow through his heart, as Slim Howard want !lying at WM molter great grm hunter, wraith into the apart sib

rest that entirely a all the predential mange of the Prolemor at defithes, end won over hedge and We without clopping to consider the possibility of a fall.

"Splendid, mom," cried Joe, proud of his pupil. "Yon ride se if you'd bin at it al your life Here'a • young gent who wiehm an introduction I know hie father, Sir John Page, ope of the straightest men to deal with I eon met If the eon takes after the father he will be • reedit

the county." The two young folios waders amt chatted togetthr. "Ethos. MIN MEW Harvard," mid the young man.

" Are you by any chance related to Professor Geoffrey • Howard of Oxford?"

"I am hie daughter, air," the replied. "I fear ths.e must be some mistake," he said "The

Protium Howard I meth is the greatthuthority on Psychology. He had only one child—a confirmed invalid,

ma informed—and that he, poor fellow, had retired to the country on her account am gosatly interested, become I was in hie chum at Oslord, and, if I may say so. am rather a favourite with him, but alter hie vile died he never menial the same..

"Yes, that is my lather. and I wen the invalid," ad the girl with a Ithels. "That I net no longer so I owe to Mr. Wentworth. who came. just in time to meat me lemming n confirmed sufferer. No has haled and joked all the notions of ill-health out of me. and now Ion out to enjoy life and make the most of it."

"Yon surprise and delight me. I must, with your per-

Teon call and pity my respects to your lather. A. for Wentworth, my lather and he me old friends. They

met in Australia first. and have renewed the acquaintance since Wentworth sated at the Bed dorm."

The acquaintance thus made on the hording !field

0-0I:413 rand DROSS. A Companion Story to "Re ses & Thistles" and ".Wheat & Chaff."

Beinginaidents in the Earlier Career of Joe Wentworth.



„jai, ripened into friend/dip, and kiendekip info &gee-en, and in a few mouths -them was-a wedding, at which

Jee md Rufas Wentworth mother& bosomed .gueste. " Well, Rale, we've got her off our heeds,' said the

fernier, as they walked home tosiether. " I think we both did our duty by leer, but I demo went mother lob of the mme sort. It &eine suit my cosetitution to be dandlin' about reP the young ladies, but hay.' began it I was Mend to go through with it. It most have cost you a boned Penny " posts"

NotheeseUt it has wet you," replied Rufus. "lawar ewer Mae you meld ill ensue, and homesyou odM here used for other purpose. It is like you to think of other folWe coat rather than your oda hope they'll he hapny now they are wed; they make a bonnie

'11,e hoe sense .ovgh to let hilerlerl 0 "'Mp h

(To be contimed.).


A Sunday Evening Service.

Gunner Ile N,Faulding ASA., in a letter home, give. • deacriplion of Me in tlidArmy gm men from the mmp. Mr. Faulding, who is a steam temperance lekrocate, highly esteemed Primitim hbotheaid home. thmegh. oirt Liecolnshire, ro c will be remembered by many as • perralm young evangelia He went into the Army boom North Kelsey, and has done service in nen...ince last (Mehra Hie letter will lee

.1 labeled to Many ig our

chnechea He gay, "he demon the more- 0. even led been pitched on the °dame. of a good-rased town. The boys had made themselves ea comfortable ae mealier

tak. Mangum, or MVO... Daring the day.the bed wan terrific. of duet were raised by the swiftly moving heed.. .Rsin fall heavily in the mead, gelatin. ing until nmn on Send.. Ibwarchr tea-lame the air cleared, and the roads dried icely. Hawing hem& of a Y.M.CA. in the then We decided to walk in for evening Berrie.. On our

coy down emera chaplain. spoke kind

mole of greeting es they pearled. What aplendid fellow these chaplains an! They come right hero tn. help and

.• "At the croesroada. in reply to our inquiry, the director of Crake told us how to find the place we were making. Following his directions we soon saw the familial:led Telenet, peeled en a wall, and an arrow panted to the pl.® we sought. At thV particular sthtion of the Y.M.C.A. the work was conducted in a roomy marquee. A good number of lade were enjoying tea or making pur-chases from the yell-stocked lore. We Vend that • serve. wan arranged for 6.30. Everyone mimed to appre-MeV the fine, hearty welcome, and in a few minutes all joined together ranging the well-known hymn 'Steed up: Stand up, kr Jeam! ' After the 1pmn hot been ming the meddler sank 'Now, boys, yon select your meddle. "Jean Laver of my aoul.' was the Ilia asked for. Can we sing the tune, Abwysteryth " Are them any

Welshmen bare?' 'Anyway. we will try one

the and mammas." we mil eing the other verses to the old familiar tune.' The triaging proved that the lads dere capable of smtaining the fine Welah melody, and the hymn wers conmdeted with fervour. The lryma earaches. was Dr. George Matheeon's '0 Love that wilt not let me go.' The conductor commented on the =eget. beauty of the hymn, from the heart of one oho, though Idemically blind, had a deadeyes perception of deep, eter-nal truths. Alter this a ormt appropriate pmyer ma offered. Thanks to God for mercies andwievours, grati. lodefor those early asaciandione

wham in another

land, under very different eirtneartanees, ye had keened to ging three treasured hymen; prayer. for the sick and

fe':omded, for all those emceed M. epacialeperil for absent lead Bee, carrying their means hardens. 67 hy OM. Thee. all prevent reverentlyrepasted the Lord a Prayer. After the prayer' the hymn 'Abide with ma. me meg with intenee feeling, Tote was followed with 'Holy, Role: Holy, Lord God Almighty,' alter which the chan-ted reds psalm, echoing strength, eecority, and courage. /le then delivered • finely wed eddress, bating his remarks mum die words 'Let Thy kingdom come.' The service concluded by the =Agin of tech... 'Forward be me. Watchweni' and 'AS hail the Prom el Jesa's Name.' After this a few miqutes were spent in friendly conversation Mier° walking beck to amp.

It le hardly ',enable to give a complete estimate of Lhe beneficed work achieved by the Y.M.C.A. There is Buck

happy blending of ChniaMan fellowehip and aervioe with humans enterpase. The former i.Indes adequate me-vision for recreation and social eathyniene Bverything contributes In the interest end welfare of the Rids an. !One home, and they crowd the memiees at every. place. Ous pours their appreciation of what ie being done for them. In a village not far behind the lin.we discomred one of the largest and bestequipped bronchia of the in. caution. It comprised a commolima canteen sad tea-oo, • plem for reading and quiet games—chew,

draughts, to In another place two new billiard tables t bed been fixed, and play was briar. No fewer then three

W oe also provided in different buildinie. Iv

adon the plmes named, a splendid camera Mil, with stage arrangements, had been erected- The coloured nnejl. cortaine, electric thotlights, and other em-

MtInme.nnts gay.e a most plemeng effect, High-clam en-te a d excellent enema Mews are given


XbC0 MDT Nt ,,Itt,1“.: n. Mr te Weds nem. Cannes (m

It.; em mama a Othele Sm. Arleta,. Me.

raightiy. Occasparelly hatable on edecational lines are green by firet-clas speakers. A email charge V made for adnimien to the conceal( and the hall is useally packed- Her a time the toys are ablate get 'nay 100.0 the me.. tomes routine., camp lila or the neon arenuoua tins of ermine up the line, to eel. music. or pictures, laughter and mug, which, alter all, constatede valuable Ionia& more

pleasing than any tablet or preparation from the

medical chest of the regimental M.O. "The Army work of the Y.M.C.A., so wisely comaimd,

so eourageously mecuted, hes proved Paoli of thetmeetest value to the boys and mm, amongwhom, and for whom, it is carried on as succeadelle. The Church Army, Salva-tion Amy, Scottish Chen., and other societies are all contributing in similar manner towed. the comfort and well-being of the lad."


. A Soldier's Appreciation..

W. rest in all the seligioss papers articles asking what the Chem. will need to do afar the wee. The following extract from a letter sent by a Larreashile aoldler in Egypt will he read with intesast He was having e three days' leave at Port Said. Lading them en • Sunday, he engaged a ream et & the fleet tlere he had had the privacy of ream to himself during he Amy career. Hie bra thoughts were Cast he woad like to attend • religioue service, .geld found the Wesley. Institute, and that Lord Haddock wan to speak. He says ;—" We had a splendid service, which wee conducted by the Wesleyan Chaplain—an earner men, end ore whom tho tarries' had not spoilt, non lord Badetoek, a fine pewee.. of • man, m earned &wive wm armee, pve ree evangelical an addressee I have ewe harmed to. Coming from him it was


him, with *Meek There was • choir emnpered of

salore .d soldier. which seemed quite appropriate. Lord Readmit ie touting the Palestim front undei the ecepirm of the Y.M.C.A.

" I read with great interest the address of the President al Conference (Rm. J. Tobin. Poor) at the name Coe. lerenea A meat uttermee, and one which you did not forget when you hot reed it. I for one wee grateful that we were remembered by thou in authority at home. How complete his Melrose was, lead what insight it showed of the dangers which ware looming ahead and would beret our beloved land, especially when the war is over I We all have grave Misgivings as to how aloe wit cerebre the ordeal, but I do not think we need be afraid. There are many who BUR cherith their love for the Church of their birth and adoption, seed it V bemiring and not a little hembening to hear each singing as we had Wet Send. night, and I think if the foes can be kept burning while this demoniacal geod is sweeping the earth of all we IMMIX. most, that is the meet-that can be -.respected and hoped tor; md when the good cease, ono the radiance of God's own sun begin onm more to ahine, when the mists and 'deeds all disperse, wben the flowers

then trails of an honourable prom begin to blossom

then will the ode that have been sown (I doubt not there liken been a • mat army of optimistic and ever-valiant souls engaged in this work), while the bligh• togand withming agencies of hell have been portent, emerge with lender streaks of hope and develop into plants of rare beauty and etreugth, such Cie will exceed the Christian's most sanguine hope. Then will the Church have its opportunity ; then evil such a game be lighted s shell not be put out, and will emerge bright* end

purer for the ordeal and trial which it has undergone. "These' are not empty minoring& but are the certain

conviction of one who has tried to study the algae of the times amonget his comrades in the Bad. We who have been out and suffered hardships and Jimmied., are not quite the same creaturea we were when de left, and perhaps the durst hopes orour godly mothers will think us to be. • Very email!,we are strong. sturdier, healthier, both morally and physically, and we shell ...Sand require perhaps &healthier and stronger religion. But our Marta are in the right plane, and there ahould not be meth difficulty in adjusting old truthe to meet newer and more urged needs Arpin I would express my grati. ludo to the President, and am thankful the destinim of the Church we hoe me in the bands of such a Christian damn. ea he.. Perhaps yea will write him, because I think he ought to know that the mdimente to which he rove utterance on that epoch-making day have echoedin thousand. of hearts who are fighting foe God at the front, on all froda and have set forces into motion the resale of which will never be fully estimated."

de one of the euperintendents from which the soldier wan asem"std (s fairly large school in Lancashire), in out school we have to mlosowkelge the grad help the ladies have rendered. Two dames of young man have been disbanded, the young. mete having enlisted. To fill the place of other male teachers the young lathee have willingly voluntemed their services, and the prinl male cluees have young ladies fey teachers.' Onr minter teacher. know how difficult it le to staff the school effi-ciently in them days, Ind letters like the above hearten them re their work and make them mere than ever defer.

ro'fi!'the Wept LthhtrebeWobde Maren'exertithIge on the lir dl our =Mier. We eve proud that .11 the various efforts of our Church end schmla hare been so euccessful, both in finances as well ce the more important keeping up the membership, and if our achool, cc well as all the achoole in the Connexion, boldly Ism the work and let our mIdiers know they ore neetrgaten in the prayers of our people, we expect our soldiem will be both willing and glad to render aervice back again to the days yet to come



Me. Witham Drina. Om of the hint known men in West Leda hag paamd

conyin the person of William Briggs, end the Leeds Sixth Circuit, the Branch-rind Church in particular, lees lost one of its mmt respected leadera. The funeral was repro-...dative of the whs.., public, and meeical life of the locality. Conneeted with the bream Society /rum infanm, belled .fine record. In the Sunday heel. leacher and superintended for fifty yeah, he conducted the White.-tide Festival for foety.three yam He em a clam leader thiairtwe years, and cheinmater forty-throe year.. He held all these positions et the time of death. Mr. Briggs was remarkably venatile, and had more than • touch of genie. Musk was a part of hie lila Few cheir. have • &Maar mated. Mr. Briggs had an intemet in Commional matters. He waa • manbee of the District Committee, the Leeds Council, the Home for Friendless Lads, and Wended the Middlesbrough Cenference as one of the Leeds District delegate. He wan often asked to eland for the ad Council, bet refused municipal honour. More to his Mart ma the week among the children, and be aerved tan years on the Board of Guardians and won the toped of all pieties. But the wealth of his life ma given to the Branoh-rml Church, where he will be sorely mimed. Arreley Church wan crowded for the loners! service. Rev. E. Barrett conducted, supported by Ftem. S. S. Henshaw, W. M. Holley and a 'Pucker, and the following, who attended us representative capannao Rave. T. Graham, J. Bennett and J. T. Bell. Ac appreciation of Mr. Briggs Wan

pp Ma by Bev. & Barrett,eupplemented by a tribute

by W. H. Kelley. The proceasim was om of the largest ever seen ire Annley, and the ranks at the grave-side was condeatol by the Gimet ministers and Rev. J. Bennett in the presence of a great concourse of people.

Mr. Albert Potter. Our church at Ford-eldest, Coventry, Iva sustained •

great toes by the sudden death of Mr. Albert Potter on August 13th. The oircumetancm of hie death . added elemede *of moaned bitterness, for within a few minutes alter' leaving his home he died in Welli.ton.strmt, Cleyentry. For some time he had been for from well, but no one emegined that hie end wee nem. Coming to one church throe years ago, he undertook the Sunday.achool secretaryship. Fla loved the work, and under his guides the school goon experienced unprecedented prosperity. He beams, too, eemeEery of the Church Finance Com-

te., and waa also secretary for the recent bamar, by which the dlebt wan eleared from the Meech His emu, uncherusive nature impressed all who met him. Prior to the romoval of his body to Dudley a largely attended service was conducted by-Rev. Arthur Wood in Fool. area rhumb, Coventry. The funeral took place on the fallowing day (Awed Ifith) at Dudley. An impressive • gender eras conducted by Revs. J. Humphries and Arthur Wood in .r Wellingtoamed Church He was afterward. laid to set in Dudley Cemetery, Rev. Arthur Wood, of. Coventry, officiating at the era.. On Sundays evening, Ammt loth, an merman, Immoral krvice ag held at Ford-Ford- taint Chumh, (Manley. The deepest sympathyis felt with the loved .roc our brother lim left bawd.

Miss "Floosie" Jamieson. Him Jamieson was the younger daughter of Mn,. and

the late Ray. J. Jamieson, whose !Millet ministry in our Church will be remembered by mmy. "Floes." was " only twenty-six ye,ars of age, and although she had been in failing hmIth for sorno considerable time, her death occurred eath tragic auddennms. Whilst walking in the street with her mother, God took her to Um Hemenly Home. She dm a devoted member of our Cloveland-road Church, Sunderland HeelCircuit, and did touch quiet but valuable service in connection with o new Pallion Society. Although modest and retiring ur in nature, ahe had a host of real friends, and in spite of her physical weakness ehe had a cheerful diepoeitron, and during the last few ye.sis, in the midst of great domestic corrode, she was the centre of light andigyiln

bereaved foul home.

bnInre'rr:re'sethTvii:g tttlie coloara!ISergeaVW: A. Toen.d Private Donald Jamieson. Donald lortunatelywee on leave during this aorrowful uperience. She neat laid to rest the family buried ground, Bishopwmemouth Ceme- tery, Sunderland, Aughat 21a, alter an impremive terrace in the Cleveland-road Church, conducted by Rev.


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PRINTING. r.r.1=== a/r =iNiyi eilASILIteji. tett tub of

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Hackney and North Bow Mission,

LONDON, E. During August we have taken over

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ee.,..°4-7a=e.ran= treet: DpLACKPOOL. Mr. Wru.kost, os, .LY Arra com.rommo armmaats,

BLACISPOOL-Change of Address. - Aim E. .10E7 (We IS, ounno ntnat). km In.

mooed to • Ontem Honk; te, Altuoodro It., oft

r.....,:rog•ertItanwnIttetiv. VOSLACKPOOL.-Mns. DBDI1AN, 42, Dick. .r3 scam- Comforr end flora Apartment., near Tart Road Stair •es: fr.

BL A 2....Efil• 0 0.1...,.7..n...„.Earynan,

scoso sceus.sre str. ■=71.,


BL AC lip - Mrai raiiente, DI,

ro risers. ; ig'sfc ' ravor

•IDLACKPOOL-Pscarrororon Fernroyrk J) assails good, as. now done mow - Public WA bituto Apartments; min.

name a

can: no tolooloodo and no toxin mom.

BLACKPOOL-Mm. SHAW, . Si, antral s._acissircs; ses ere rum

Ns; IL • latl,000 or Imo tom Moo,

BLACKPOOL-Mn 88, Lytham 1_11 Marbly nottotmootIolt tow teat bat ma 0504 rum, ft.: Po ett. 1,11 Pon..

B 01.11tNEMO U T IL-Chine El use,


=Ar.Mr ''''''S..•1'1"1111t.:°•'"


BO 11 HN M OUT H.-Chiron Homo, oirt,trx,


Alarm.: ter =r0la

TAOUGIAS, I. O. M. - 'LE tonville,^

tia Yn = trffl


o t;17.r.

EtT110.111.:21-1'.M.:1. vAisiring L.Esat-




om KObDIIIIENTIVA1 EL - .. ii;

F%:4°:=; ,LAN12111NDOD WELLS. - "Sunny.

LLANDUDNO.-Mime Taosicar, Olive .1e, Bank Ittaloot A,roz:VX=. WI, max

LONDOI Zetrr Ni 2 rar.or Tnno =' .L7:notrni

MORECAMBE, W.F. - Miss. Baty

;tra4-icroc= arr. rr. and Mr..

NEW 111.1I.91101.-11eart Swank,



VE1OS -0N-EA, Colwyn Bay.- Cr, Amor. -Pram Apo...,

Wee ho.. too Lott or.; .In, Lod dolightlot yttnotse (low Ottmt-St.












QCARBOROUGH.-Comfortabla -Pablo

QCAIIDOROUGH. -Comfortable Ange- lo mar rrila and prInk, Ider ram and latlaMoommandr Memoir marl. dam, near. diftt. .mus aparlootod molting t high. toter twom-Nin. Motu, Yoar Nor 116, Qum. Parr.

QOUTHPOWL—Mtu J. W. neater.,

"Vara/rolg. VIZI:Lai =71,1 QOPTTLPOBLzApartments _near Pre

0-took Arra.

SOUTFIPOIIT.-Mrs DYSON, Moray rp.00, vtamanno,00rromeogoa. Orr

re rr m4 Mr: r raw and arra, wall.end


sYscrirrt IrtiFirma-rw'sieg rrc=

:kt2.=47,tri isa Vasitisi MT= Itzetoril.

TUNBRIDGE ""1,F9.724 gte; ..taLS!"""'.'°1:. W E,S,TCLLPF • 0 N .SEA.-Ifra

Moral. ono noroZ.T1%°' """' non,. ""

"EPILEPSY Ifs Omar .err(;,'.

O. Motor,

4 O. anmar nub 2rrie=1:1=271g "toPgRa7.'"

Por arm arra

nOr ilon7ItsferAFX14,13= sowk tdotw, w.

TO OUR READERS. When answering en advertisement semi In these pages Weans always mutton the "Leader." In Ole way roach help is given the organ of the desominatIon. Some are Is exercised In the advertise-meets accepted for the "Leader" and any complaints reaching the office ere thoroughly Investigated, and whed necessary soy objectionablo advertise. meal Is withdrawn.

Rsoramer err assmerdiesseis yes sesmosnis soossonewsimoir



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AUGUST 30, 1017


gations depends the maintenance of a eatiefactory mood in this country after the war. The reply may be made that the settlement of the war moat be left to militarists and monarche, Matesmen and diplorrellate. But the reply to this may be confidently made. It is two-fold. I would not trust the War Cabinet to settle these great world quretions. Some of its member.. are the greatest mischief makers of our generation. Their sympathies are those of the financier, the landowaer and the militarist. They are incaprele by temperament and training of thinking democratically. The welfare of the reoplee will be a very minor coneidevotion with them. The ae.nd answer to the desire for a cooked reprearete-tion all the world confeeence on pase is that America and Basalt will be no party to a sham eettlement. Wilson and Koreneky represent nations where monarehies are • nnecereary. In their judgment dynasties end royal

marriages will hwie no place. And at this moment Ituasia is pleading for a

statement of of the Allied aime. It is high time that the exposition svm.forthcoming. It would enable us, at any rate, to know,for what vre are figfiting and suffering We must pia. our case in plain terms before the conscience of the world. This ia no hour for cleverness in dratorical

.No question ie

more pressing than the lucid in etation of what Is to be done in the peace chamber.

The agony of dying men, the brokenhearted mothers. and wnlowe, the conscription of promising youth, and the appalling waste of money call for a deer declaration. This AS not to war for military prowres and the mere recital

df bravery in the midst of blood. When all is mid and one the whole thing is born of hell. And do not let to

become drunk with thepride of euperiority of race in battle. The leaves call kr another mood and a more Worthy outlook- The Church must keep the consciew of the people above the berating of the tap roan and the prize rig. We deserve Lego under if, alter the eligy,gle la over, we me going to turn to gospel of znaterrehem and astenith the world by a mere assertion of commercial genius And our sincerity in the war will beanbjeot to the proofs of oar peace aims and ore sabsquent retional life.


VIII.—The Church and Judgment.

By Arthur T. Gutter/.

For a generation to come the Church will be corn-relied to explain the war that datum, humanity with bled and tears. It will prove to be the great.wt of its powers of moral judgment. If it fink here, rte lipped to the individual conscience will be direredited, And - the world will be religiously empoyeriared. The thuch will

. face the frets with mere emmny. lie Mashing ml the Cross will declare that there are worse evils than eaffer-res ant death. It will -Mere. preach peace. we the Bret or the race, but, in. holy Mogen., it will affirm that peace will never. be sale till stamen and peoples who hove lusted for war are sentenced, reunited andresarmed. It will owned honour and not blame to there wherecrilked their all to smash the war idol in which a raging empire had put its trust It will page aright thobe who nought personal immunity while hamenity wee torn. in agony, and it will honour those who for the hour laid aside there individual liberties that they might obey the discipline which could Bove the Meld loom the most accursed bond-age men can dread. It will give retrial. a place among the Christian virtues, and it will pity rather Lhallouns dean sincere men who are afraid of thinking too highly of their motherland, and whole deepest anxiety is to gave

• their country from the inward Content that ie the due reward of unre!fish worth.. It will rebuke three who would regard God and Christ als tribal and national, bat it will declare that the nation which ereke to destroy the

.areign of brutal might .d to erehreme jetties m the earth bee therIght to claim divine favour and protection. God does take sides in war for righthouenres. hi.y an illustration can be lotted in the present struggle. The mirecloof the Blaine hoe been lollowed by other incidents which can never, be explained apart ham divine in.- ..ion. Ilia war will have proved to be the modus of our rare out of the grip of lath., dyeeeLiee into.the free-dom of social demur.. Bleared are they who three de weary wee! They are not left with the pillar. of cloud and tire for guidance and protection

Wo may be quite sure that the judgirent of the Church will not share the timidity .ol the Pope, for he carefully avoEde a verdict d the origin of this awful conflict The Christian conscience Jaye the !market guilt el glitch a war upon the -aggressor, red knows that each aggremor must be pumehed if a Ind. End the world. It knows, too, that such a crline must find its penally in the are, tering of the false gods in which it has pat de trod, The idolatory o1 'lone can. only be /Woken by the breaking of ite pride. In this crime, and with the German mind ea it is, such a converaionscan only follow military defeat. We could wish for aner way out of oar immesh, -bat when a nation declaree ik011 ass the foe of freedom, the enemy of goodwill, them tron of every crime, rte just doom is destruction in a litary were by the very liberties It hes challenged.

The rope, and some among as who dgese. With him believe that Europe is in all the angnieh

of physical and

epiritualsuffering reused by mie.deretanding or by the, operation of social and economics forces that have reached the temparreure of exploeion. The wrengs done are mutual, and the nation. have reached deadlock in strat and confusion in .137— Victory -is mid to be imps:Ala, and What ie needed to a general confession of sire and s world conference, in which each-will atone to the other. Such reading is an areurdtrareerty of lade, and for British citizen. to accept such a picture is to defame the splendid chivalry of our motherland, .d it is to declare as doubly criminal the aid of Mir beam. acre. these. The guilt is, not mutual Germany wilfully, after long prepsration, subtle shill and Fended assurance, Phoned the world into this horror. The proof of gailtie clear, and when diebei. giver • Letter parreentive will not be denied. We can trare Pruasian preparstions for yemo beton, war wall dimmed of.' The increase in the army, the reform. in ...diary, the creation of a war lung ; the hasty creation of a nresswhich could only. be needed for aggres-

s ; the rattling of the scabbed 1.11 many • eaters ; the Immure on Aretsis; the incredible Inge, to Retain the protector of the Slave ; the immoral proposal made to Britain, and the fact Out the German army was ready kr its swift rash apen Euro. pe, metre clear the guilt of the Hohenzollern, On the other-heed, we .d our Attire were unready, we were dow to awake to the perils that threatened ne. We Save had to move through the long agony of claw prepuation until now we have power

ehtetko. Some may blame re that we did not forme

reels German wickedness, but at least our is our moral vindication beton, the world.

The guilt of the course of war does not rest with us, for. every innovation in slaughter, eve, katheome

hntion in killing, and eve, break in international law,

as beg. with Germany. The lowering of chivalrous standards, the relapse into barbarism, the slaying of civilians upon the ere, the destruction of kennels and their wounded, are all malignant gills of Prussia. The

gilt is aggravated by the glee red degwavi ng of the Ger. people. On the other band, we have grasped new

weapons with reluctance, or have been forced to follow and relined to lea in these new horrors, and to-dey pub-lic opinion loathes the very idea of reprisals. They who

moral distinction between no and our fore me doubly blind.

The war has not been reeks& It has guardealerrilim-tion from the unchallenged dominion ol raging Wet. Already :Lime forced upon the German mid a doubt that meet become a conviction, that was is a blunder as well as a crime. Our sons have not bled and our women have not wept in vain. Their eufferings beaten the cede.* ,ion of history from tho curse of war. The nation.. one not in a deadlock of strategy. From the. Marne the German advance upon its vital goal hes been arrested ; to-eley it is being reared back, .d, if our will is noE weakened, victory is sure and it is not far off. Were do not end in a stalemate, and to cease real:Urea ;redo the aggressor holds the lade he has despoiled is to award victory to evil ; that is, to betray the right. and tolerate boastful wickedness. •

There is no nrero misunderstanding involved. The issue is clean cut between Imre and freedom ; the Europe subject end the nations. democratic ; IVA and wrong ; and when the Church reeks to interpret thie agony to the vex, generation it will.not be blind to the lack which too of tenare obreared by for or folly. Our pulpits need not fear the morrow.; they will not be driven to melee excitere for our sins, bet they can tell humanity that in .pia of r

ue Yvetulwiltcrdwecrm"Ounen Ina:1°1.'0A alrnhdoinn, when the Boot ofthe world wee in duper oar nation lime its cross and made it* surrender to those great ideals of freedom and teeth that are the real glory of the Kingdom of God upok worth.


By Rev. W. Younger.

• There are three schools ol thought at.prosent in this

dentry. One school advocatee the complete military

ole., of Germany. She must be so crippled that .rus menially, and polio icelly she will he paralysed for scoop]. of generation. This school thinks of the naive. in terms of matter, and regards morality co a policy. et the jungle. The infliction of reffering should be inepired by the vindictive rather than the remedial motive. 'fhere no euch thing aa • °Arndt. ethic. A second school regards our eutrance into the war as justified, and believe. that we must go eft until the Marmot a chastened German spirit appear. And no opportunity should be lost, wNether political or human, to make it possible for Germany to .nfem her guilt. Every device should bq adopted by which her people Way he .nvinced that the Allis long for her moral recovery and not her meddle-thin. A third school Would make penee at once, but on satisfactory term. The pacifist and the poreeentsares price man dwell politically together. - It

to probable that the 'beet judgment of the nation

either belongs, or will belong, to the second school. The bloodand-thunder enthusiasts have never shaped British

•licy. The evolution and triumphs in etre Colonial rem willies to the strength of • more mye atatesmans

ship. And those who hove advocated from the beginning polo ght of lack the unwiedom of their nosition. The revelations in ,Mr. Gerard's book are an irrefutable proof of the peril to

that Germany lire proved to be, end of her determinsLion, at ru, cost, to entrench herself per-manently on the Belgian coast. As long as that policy is pursued there will be, thero ren be, no peace. bk.' Gerard'. book is a fine vindication of the last great speech of the Prime Minieler. He is prepared to-enter a .1, keen. when the Kaiser einoorely Mier. - the word "restoration." Bet that word has not been reckon. Instead of a frank declaration on the question of Bel rum, the German Oh.oellor trite,. through • creepred rem, to hoodwink his countrymen by the enaction that the Allies mean to destroy Germany. It eeeme perfectlyelear that the definite offer of Mr. George should be eupterred by every Britisher. 'Until Germany is willing to leave Belgium this country will never urge any practical steps to peace. An entrenched .1 ankerdom in the North Sea would mean the perpetuation of nations in arms, and all hopes of the reign of democracy In our Lime would diaappear.

But do, we 'mow, beyond thew.. of Belgium, what we are suffering for The Prime. Migh.r Mauls for the restoration of Servia and Ronomuia. But .what ie to be the relation of the problem of Oonstantinoplel le Meso-potamia to be internationalised? Oh ie it to tie the per. q visite of the British Empire? What, iss to he done with the German territories in Africa? Are we to go on fight.- ing antil the Hohenzollern dyreety is overthrown? le there to be a permanent commercial war between two great European coalitione I And is Britain, which is the only peat. Free Trade coantry, and which alone bae

Westood the firencial strain of the war, to be

the scene of Protection? We won in the streggle against interests in this country which tried restore oar com-mercial policy. I. there a, man in Britain, outaide War Cabinet,. who can supply a reliable answer to one of [lase questions"

Yet our upon the answers given to these vital intern:.


By James Flanagan.

Addison, when hpoommenced the "Spectator," gathered around him ovoid,, cite, ore of whom he nen. Captain Sentry, a man of military geniis. He thus depicts his character "lie was a gentleman of great coarage, good understanding, but invincible modesty. He bad quitted a way of life in which•no man could rise tsbly loins merit, who was not aorumliing of a courser, as well asa ao]dier. Frankness ran through all his .nvermtion. He Was never overbearing, though accretoured to command men in the utmost degree below him, nor ever obsequiore, from a habit of obeying men highly abore him." One day the same writer entered on Sesteh hostel. lo the room where he,parlook of refreshment he noticed some rules of la Twopenny Club, flamed and hung up• on the wall. There were twelve rules, and the fourth read Shire: "If any member swears or muses, his neighbour may glee him a kick upon the thins." I could etch that rule was hung up in every backs and on every drill-ground. I have often wondered why some one of the many writer. on the war has not called attention to the diegueting habit, to lowering to the offieer and re hateful and degrading to the men ; I mein that of using foul knavege to the soldiers when at drill. It is both mean and cowardly, for the oMcers who indulge in Gm pernicious habit know that they dare not prutise it to the same men in civil Id, They take advantage of their preition, knowing that their helpless victim.. have no power to retallate. The time tvas when recreates for the ALoilue.mostly among the

the wrarret0orl.e0oc1i:Ir th°6.7.rere vassid. Rl'orn rkeenTt'ails bar when the very name of " soldier " wasalmost a term 01 contempt, while a " militiaman" was the seventh stage lower down. We all know how .ntemptuonely the Duke of W.ellinglon Bummed up the chersetere of the troops sent to him from England during the Peninsular War.' But pub lic opinion on these waders has entirely changed. The

dier is now a man and a brother, qualified to lake hie piece in the front rank of the race. And he sh.ld be treated aa such by there who aro appointed to contra.. him. For any man to caw the privilege of pailion to treat 91:M otherwise is a c4d.

The brutal physical puniskriente of the Army are no longer existent. ETIM so late as the Crimea the cruel spieler we in vogue. Lord Cardigan treated hia efikers as anything but gentlemen. Privates re no mon to him then the beaste that pariah. One day after chnroh lobed he ordered a soldier one hundred lashes, with .,e interval of hall a minute between tech, ineorder to pro-

'hen Latheirorutt.I.T1,%.2.kit =7! '1112

He th.ght it not enough for the British soldier en be blackgrerdised, bat he must be brutalised by every leek he undertook. The nation owes great debt to Lord Roberts, for it was he oho let:educed a more humane lusted into the Army. •

I erre led to the foregoing remarks by the following incident. Ina certain city there is a particular corps commanded hy a certain officer. He never. mimes an opportunity of bullying Irk men. He curare and rewire aE them " Irks • keener." The langeage st time. is an. priotable The men hate him moth anereakable hatred. Off duty he can play the gentlemen Ariong hie equals or superiors he is the prince of good manners. But the men my that when at drill he is a very demon. Mk officer was entertained by a gentlemen in the elly, whose daughter's hand the man aought in marriage. By some means the father heard of hie conduct to Ms men, and one day, while eking • walk ie the med.., the kneeing coon hay Look place —East "la it true, air, that


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you are in the conelant habit of using foul la the men every time you meet them at drill? 2'nfeisr, with a laugh : "Oh, that's nothing. Yon know those fellows must be kept in therr proper place. You ham to bully them a bit to get them op to the mark." Hat "So that is your idpa of authority. 1M you know that in your corps there are men who in civil life, in every respect, aro your mperical May I tell you that the men hate the very groand you walk on, and they smear that if ever they are called to the front, and you lead theta in &charge, you will be • the tot to fall? And, more, unless hem and now youtire me your word of honourehat you will C0.9 from such conduct in 'attire, you will never claim the hand of my daughter, and you must over put your P. inside my house again."

Should the eye of any officer glen. Over this column m who indulges in profane language to his men, I trust that

he will cease By to doing he Will do honour to himself, his Ring and his errantry. And mrtainly he will gain in power of leadership by receiving the respect and devotion of the men he °Gramm& Should he despise the warning and continue a loathsome practice which vulgarises his ownmi.ture and dues mat harm to adhere, let him remember what it may mean to himself in some moment of crisis when he will need all the. support he can, command.

A NOTABLE REVIVAL. How a Dog-Fight gave it a Send-off.

--- By W. M. Patterson. -

Approaching forty years ego there was a notable revival In Ida is now celled the "Old Glebe" South Shield. The chapel got. its name from the feet Ord it was built on land ltelonging to St, Hilda's Glebe. Of course, there is another Glebe Chapel now, in a better pert of the town-But the first Globe win a stepardous undertaking. It V. built in 1823 to seat 800 people, and the collection aE the foundation-stone laying amounted to £3 14s. 3d., from which it may be gathered what the financial struggler of the dating society .were.

The following story bas often been told concerning it — " A couple of gentlemen, passing down the lane by the side of St. Hilda's Church, came within sight of the C1101031, which was approaching mmpletion. One of them ex. claimed What Melding is this?' Before his friend had time to reply, a boy, who was playing among the rubbish, amid ' Olt, se, it's the Ranieri Chapel." The Hunters' Ohopel I' echoed the gentleman_ ' Why, how in the world have those people got a building. like thief' -' If ye gen amend the other shle yell see, quickly responded the tad. The gentlemen, following the advice of the ymth, yea mond to the other side of the building, end read this imoription on the wall: 'Hitherto the Lord bath

y Batt iraran a emirs' within the building, not the story of the building :Meld, we set out to tell. By the time George Warner landed in the harbour borough to beMn his mission theft is no doubt the locality surrounding the chapel had deteriorated conedderably, and the lees pronimity to the gm works wen by no means an advantage. The elderly official. and member. paid no weird to the appro.hing elummineee of the 'reality, but it, strongly affected the congregations and memberehip, which even. Wally had to be kept up by missions and special effort...

While George Warner was Gmn.ional ev.gelist the faders' mooting decided to engage him. Them was some °Ismailion, it being aid he only preached about holiness, and was so bitter against tobacco, but the majority of the leaden carried their motion, and Mr. Warne. was m-

&grain ay1T•alehetrZfigmour7 irolUth: society that ttes' win Alronander Thompson. He was a tower of any daliption of..mliMous servme—preaching, praymg, sing-ing, pleading for and directing penitents, nothing came wrong to hint And it wets a remarkable minmdence thkt his son, John Day Thompson, was second preacher M the etatters thee. time. The superintendent was Robert Clemileon, and the third preacher was hlattlew Reavley, A :try unique trio, and they greatly helped the mission_

For weeks belorethe coming of the missioner bills were Waled throughout the town, prayer-meetinge were

hold, and a number of tho officials and membere talked up the man and h. work. One of them confessa to-day that ho thinks the opposition to Mr. Warner made come of the protagonists mom melons in their praying .4 their advertising than they otherwise would have been.

But the motto' edvertismg ground Imo always been the marketplace, .and the most effective method oyes-air service. So there they gathered on the first Sunday after. noon of the mission, the scholars and teachers being ranged up, to well ae the members. After a good open-ing service, Oft. Warner began to preach. 4e hod met got into bin subject, however, when two huge dogs started to ffght, with% a few yards 'of who congregation. In meant the noire and confusion were tremendous, and en onormoue crowd gathered from all over the sqmre and the adjoining streets. Preaching was oat of the question to a space. But the dog-fight• proved a good opening for th mission.

Immediately and deftly Mr. Werner made use of th mnine aliment., leaving the ,object on which he bud started. and got hold of his greatly enlarged congress

Conscions of his grip. upon the multitude, he throw himself iMo his theme with all the passion which die



tingwished his reinletry.. The gateman of people mead lied to the spot Other. peeing through the mart.- place were drawn by curiosity to eye ant was going on. and many of them stopped to listen. By the time the servi. wee eoncluded the crowd muanormoris, and all weer duly informed of the minion and urged to attend the evening service. At night time the chapel was packed to the door, which is attributed to this day to the dog-figlet and thembisioner's subsequent splendid timo la the market-pl..

The night senior wee one of Brest power, mod at the alter-meeting every inch of room m the bed,of the chapel was orapied, m also were the igside of the


rail, pppit Main, and the mem doorways. —Mr. Warner had um'pled upon all in the gallery coining downstaira, and gap wisdom ol the Map was afterwards admitted. He laid down a rule that all the ermines bed to be short —prayer, singing, and eo forth, especially praying ; bet he waa banthed at the oaten. brother from another church, who woe in the habit of attending meetings of a revival sort wherever they were held, wee present, end he wee the find to pmy. He win noted for his lengthy prayers, and he mede m aceptien of hie peanut oppor-tunity. Mr. Warner soon got tired of film, and began, mildly at firet, to say "Amen." But the visitor held on, and the misaioner became more emphatic, exclaiming: "Amen, brother ; amen That will do, brother." Stall the brother went on, and the meeting was likely to be spoiled. " Will rearrone slop. that brother her pray-ing?" anxiously eaked the remioner. " Yon who am nanding down the aisle, go along and slop him.' And

'Ihen Irew"onverting vrork took place, and ne more printers' ink' advertieing was needed. On the following nighta large companies amernbled, growing as the dam wont on, and goals were used every night. Mr. Warner had no special pima the meeting. being conducted in the

the way, imleding penitent. being invited le the communion-rail. The eermone, however, were charac-teristic of Um man—holiness, the higher file, the power of Jesus to keep m sell eo are, so to cleanse and till the soul with His Spirit that there would not be room for anything else. And there were -remarkable conversions. One notable feature of the service was the large number of young married couple% who were brought to the .Lord. Amongst these were some who here taken a prominent place in the church and CiFellit ever eines they consecrated their lives to the service of God and humanity in that revival.

Richard Goodwin, whose recollection of the gracious seasonis vivid, informe me that the most wonderful con-version of all, so far as he knows, wee )hat of Cheri. Welson,a lag, rough sailor, who tined th describe himself as • drinking, ewearing, Sabath-breaking nailer. Hue eight years he had never been in a place of winship, lib wife, who had been connected with the Glebe Sunday-school, and had continued to attend the chapel, had been at the meeting in .the Market Place, on the fir. Sunday afternoon. She look a handbill home with her, and lokr her huchand • striking story about the proceedings and of the preacher Irian London. He accompanied her to the ohapel al. night, and remained to the prayer-meeting, during which Mr: Goodwin wit the hotly miler watching him. The farmer fell at once that he must go and spetic to him. He did out and immediately the Our pun up, pushed his way along the rat down the crowded andb, and up to the Commnnion rail. Not long wall. penitent in getting liberty, and the chapel gang with his earths of pre... He shaded and sails as he went home, mid continted his hallelujahs in her dwelling, The neigh. bouts thought a had gone mad, and crowded around the house. Then and there Watson declared to them what the Lord had done for his end, and preaehed unto them Jesus. 'Phe alt was that mane of them went to chapel and then.lves found salvation. Oharlea Watson yea the find of 140 souls saved in the mission, Ma.. win

Good- sales. Shortly &fist his conversion Watson got a

job on More. and for. yam,. when going to and from his work in Lhe river lea., he did work for his Load; Indeed, he Put no opportunity wherever he wind ex-tolling he Savour a prayer.meeting at the 6.4 al the boilers he attended being no unusual occurrence. By this ineam he had the joy of leading many of his fellow-workmen to the better life.

One night, just bolero Newcastle Items, as it happened, e striking incident took place. The workmen's boat was packed with men returning here from the shipyards and works. Betting men were at work in the crowd shoubM and swearing One young fell. e'sting et the end of the boat, thus mare mnspicums and noisy than all the others, darning that a 1nd got the late. tip. He knew what horse would win the Northumberland Plate. Watson listened until he meld bear it no longer. Rising

hiajeet, he told the men tat the best of ell Lim ever he got wis that Jeans Christ had power upon earth to forgive eine, and the beet of all was that He had forgiven him.

"Hem, Bilk" he maid, addreesing the young man, and handing him a tract. "read this tip, and may it be a blessing to your *el!' Only a few dam afterwards Bill Bing

to Watson, saying he had read • the tree, and had not been happy since. He conlemed that he knew he was on the wrong reed, and wanted to lead a different life Weldon invited him to a class meeting, and that night Bill wen soundly convened, his aubsequent life amply testifying to the genuineness ol the change.

Some years ago Watson removed to Chamber/and, and united himself to the society cl Warwick Bridge, where he made himself so useful that an umber of p rso 1 dth sal ' d 'fed hem -to become a village missionary. He consented. and Ice same lime wet in his element among the villagers on tlfe western Border lino, number, of whom were brought to a knowledge ol the Truth through his in

Neer Heads Nook, -where he lived, there is a long and rather sleep hill, and frequently, in fine weather, he wouM sit on the hunk by the roadside. :waiting for any loaded carte coming up. Uthally the delvers weld stop their teams about the spot to give their horses & rent

Introducing himself to the drivers by offering a tract, he would proceed to tell on matters of the end. One day • driver grid to him: "A month storm when I was hen, you gave no a tract."

"Oh, ym," replied Watson; "but I em like a sports-man I am the other day in me col Ws, fielda A ham, jumped up, and he Bred; but thh first shot missed, co he trod the second barrel, and -shot the hero The [put I cArry for my Muster hoc MAIM than one barrel, and LI the fiat misses, I Lry another, and another." "Ay," returned the drrer; " but I want to tell you

that the first took effect. As I was going home to Carlisle with my empty cart, I reed.the tract you gave me, and I wae convimed of the error of my ways, and made up my

hmind to begin a new life. I told my ile when I got ate, end we both eigned the pledge spajoined the Con-

greystionatOhurch. My wile m as happy is. a queen, and re very &mime to see the man who gave no the treat and spoke to me." Watson and the wife rated the drivefa home, and they got a royal welcome.

This m. heaved God.' anawered p.a. He knew what it was to be in • tight comer. On one of these tines 61 preseure en male were in the home, end the rent me due next day. The total fonds in the exchequer amounted

If. 'tor lial:Itteaa‘Tlitte.hld Rasel:nlicerth2 help would come, and he told his wife so. The postman pawed the door, and he was drappointed ; but he kept on believing and expecting Half of the day went by, and still ne relief. Nev. had they been to such a plight before, but he held on, and 'help came. A stranger entered their cottage end told them of the good work be hod heard they had been doing in the villas.. Before leaving, ha left as much as would pay the rent and bay • carJoid of coal.

In the winter orlfill Wilson twee going hia rounds in Wetheoel. He went into one of the cottage., left s tract, and spoke fu the good woman of the home. On reaching the roadway he eat down by the side of the hedge, and when his wire, who was waiting forhim a abort dietanoe from the mtlase. went to him, "he was not, for God had taken hint" The manner of his departure was as lis desired—to di, in home...


A Great Day at Witney. •

Some fifteen mile. or more west from Oxford, Mat " oity of light and learning," lies Withey of blanket fame. The valley in which the teen elands is intersected by the wards of the Wiedrush. A local history' says that "two things led to the eatable/ mein of the important bl.ket industry in Wan.. The Got was the excellent wool produced in the neighbourhood from the oiliest times, and, second, the ?midiec quality of the water obtained from the Winclruah." Be that as it may, Withey it ever esaociated in the popular mind with blankets, and the name is &criterion of the beat quality obtathable. The writer wm privileged to be visiting in the district, taking seri. in the Witney Circuit on Sunday, and wns invited to stay to the circuit rally. This was held et New Yatt, where a pretty little church has recently been alit under the vigorous ministry of Bev. F. J. O. Dyer; a minister who made his math indelibly- on the circuit'. tile. The "gathering of the alms" is indrepeneable part of Primitive Methodism, and in the rare] diatricts "greet days" are ever the order. The lure of the collect:ve her something to bring to rural t

he always. The

weather wea delightful, and the people carne frbm ell directions—they came on fret, on cycle, inwagonettn and trap& and circuit eleward's (Mr. C A.• Winer) rnotarar, alter doing sereko as vehicle, served desirably

s pulpit. One speaker later remarked that tinte had ch.ged. We needle preach from wagon., now we preach from motorcars,

The Willey Circuit her felt the pall of the win terribly. The yonng men were Went, and Grimes mimed.' This poll has affected the head of the draft?, tee fer find Rev. R. Cowie, C.F., donned the thapIsin'a drew, just before he was dee to leave this July, and Rev. T. R. Spray, C.F.,..who wee to follow him, also went the same way. The Conference ratified the circuit's choice after these two lasers and Rev. J. L. Pritchard, of Redditch, came to sniper:Mend the circuit. He had been in it few weeks, hal this rally mw the first official recognition, and the welcome


Yar e/4 ooh we will .ma Pm 71he, of We finalt ant,MA otr..hy, poet Feld. MAIN • DOM., Moon Futon, 49,arldga IL, 110INGAMLL

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era e4e Belau WI.. M...q


the nrettOrate Penna. 1m ts.

sawa Prerytiga


was unntiolakably hearty. A crowd of prnple, very repro seetatire, had assembled for the afternoon service, when Her. J. L. Pritchard preached • thoughtful discourse. IL was an hour of communion.. We touched deep places. The ladies of the circuit arranged the lea, trinvhich about 150 eat down 11,. evening meeting one great,. Those

ho knew pronounced the meeting to be one of the best. far. Turner Gentle, the dwelt steward, presided. He is beloved iu the old Brinkwortk District ; in great domed as preacher at camp meeting. especially—thirV.nine years of service by behind him sn the Wiy.ney Circuit, and he is honoured by hie own people. He offered to the incoming minister a brotheny weicome on behalf of the circuit Mr. Harrison, of London, apoke word. ol wieder, display. ieg no small knowledge of our Church, and delighted .11 by his oratory and brotherly words of welcome to the new minister. Iles address was greatly appreciated. He wen followed by Mr.cNathan Cooper, en khaki, on a brief leave at his old home at Chile., when he was • beet preacher. Preview to the war he thersoghlir justified the belief that Primitive Methodism develop in., especially in the rural districts, and this eon of the village displayed a rare natural oratory =whined with sparitual pewee and im-passioned appal It was, a ran twat 'Ilse wetter wee then creased into service, and in a few words essayed to offer to Mr. Pritchard a welcome to the larger sphere of the Briebeeeth and Swind. District

Rev. J. L. Prikhard's reply wee great in its emrplliety. He touched the hearts al Ices new people, reminding them tenderly of his own fading of reeponability and he Per- pose to

"by beel. He called his brother ministers—

the "My preachers" —into a comnidethip for the well-being of the circuit and the Kingdom of God, end thanked the friends for the welcome he had almedY received in the days previous to the rally. His ministry has opened with poet pronsise and with the expectation of meat things. As the shadow fell on that beautiful August evening, after thanks had been tendered to allyby Ter. 0. Finer, ...well knrwo arid highly respected by our emotions lowed expression in the words and music o the Homology.

It was • great day, and the services of She e' it Meshed, are deserving of special emotion. Under the shadow of personal bereavement and domaytic affliction they had made arrangements ler the rally whkh were all that could he desired; and credit due to them. The roads and lanes of the' county ode were than full of loyal Primitive Metheliels goine home inerneed, helped and heartened by • larger noon and intensified interest The


and nowhere ro welcome, so loll of social blowing and spin twl dynamic, es in the outposts of our Murat The mountain-top experience serve. to help us in the daily round and common task mere wan ones choice morsel above all for the humorist. One speaker, melting to empress his appreciation el the kindness unexpectedly received in the parts during a former .bait when quite a strancer amour them. said he felt like Paul when &sip-wrecked, for the barbarous people showed me no little kindness." It was worthy of a place in Punch's" lint of things "which might have been put differently."

O. EL B, W.


The annual sale of work al. the Central Chtmel,.Dover-mart, was held on Atignat 22nd and Red. The opening ceremonies were /natal& performed-by the Mayoras (Mrs. E. Saunders . Ides. G. C,Normandalr, of tendon, who, with her hue and, was viallmg her patents, Mr. and Mee. J. Gant, at Pound Farm, presidQ, and was sop ported by R. 0. Cl Normandale, Rey. T. B. Jeffries, Rev. J. and M.. Wellinge, and Mr. T. 7. Smith, circuit steward. The sale wee reopened by Mrs. J. J. Statham (one el our excellent worker., whom husband bea recently boon promoted le the rank of amend lieutenant in over. seas service), and Mra Clock., of Demeans., presided, bank supported by Adjutant R. W. Macbeth, S.A., Mr. H. E Smith, and others. Choice Bolo were effectively rendered b Mn. Frost and Mine Daisy Gilbert, Mr.. Mundt. ally accompanying on the piano. Special refer-.. um made to the work el Msfa A. Smith and the members of the Sewing Clam, Whose devoted Whom re. rutted in nearly hall the income from the eale,"the total income being over £07, little in advance of lab year. Hearty thanks were worded to thenumerow friends who had contributed to thin owe.

Norman L. Hebnes, son of Bev. F. Helmet Hull, who has just. completed • f.r years' whelaredp at Hull Grammar School, bee won a wernineation schtze2 for the Hell Technical Institute. He few also the Matriculation Examination of the London University with dmtinctione in mathematic. and seism. 4Sric L. Holmes, his brother who bre had a four years' ncholsrehip at Hymen College, Holt her also won a eentinuali. Wholarship for three warn During the Period of eix

• Years thole Iwo brother. have won scholarships valued pt £250. Their elet. (Lacy) has also been greeted a logy Sews' scholenhip at the Girl,' Beeeceirny Scheel, Bruce-wick-avenue.



live. Tway al 8 re., Wm J. B. Howrow and M. K. Dam arrange • Matta/ fee WM. en the them lbs. and welcome all who der. help 1. the Chrielln path. lankey% Hymns.

uChetimerth," 89, Craven Park, Ilmsfeeden, KW.

What Our Readers 'Say. The General Conlinittee and Military

Service Acts. Sut—Mr. Davison's letter ie as reuniting as an official

bitter can be haying regard to the goners' acquiescence of the Church be the war and the acceptance of the Mehlary Service Act. It is !elm.. for the Christian temper and the manifest desire of the Beeneary himself to help our young men op to the thrills of the law. The feet remain., however, that a number of oar members and two of oar mioaten 11.111 now in prison as conscientious objector,. May Ipeen upon Mr. 'Davison and the eaMmittee thus point. that aLl our dude.e are accepted uteriner and, no matter whet tire War Office may my ahoy Pthe matter, we ought not to redraft the right of the Wee Office to take these men away from their work. H. we who we of military ege have any right to be serving the Church as we am, then by ear id. of ministry the young men ought to be at hearty to do the same thing. Mr. Davison moms to think he would hese been doing wrong by demrib. Mg Mr. Marrneam• " nupdar minister." Why would it lens been wrong?

as 1. • monster any loss a menister la

his first year than in his second or third year? With es man the fact of ordination does not snake bins any more a minister than he his previously been. It wee a grace mite Wen to Wow the gliestion of ordinatioh to enter idto the tea case at all It any rate oar position is thin, a midi. date becomes an accepted minieter when Conference accepts him and places him upon the college liel, or appoints him to • elation, and we are not going to alter our conception DI • minister at the bidding of du War Office. /I the

stry metiers at ell, it matters ae much in -the case of these men who are =oriented as it does in the tam of a Preaident or ex-President of Conference.


The most sinieter thing in Mr. Savison'e letter is the that the privilege we emoy of be hart o, a

part of a hareain—in return for " the moral support" we

tive to gin to the Government I Is that really so? Dom

Primitive Methodism exist now by permission of 0 Govern-me.ort 611nottertimorent TI4n.Irte

perilous position be which our officio' leaders have placed tra by their support of the w.. be abundantly plain that the movement, inaugurated at Sheffield has come into wisten. not a moment too non. The Gesieral Committee will need all the unofficial support we can give to their efforts to .delend liberty of eon...demo and Free Church right., and I ern assurethem of that on behalf of the movement referred to. But eo are melting no bermins with the War Office, and we shall not be content till we have destroyed the infamous and degrading Coneeription Ants, and restored civil and religious liberty be Engknd again. I dull be glad to receive names of all Primitive Methodists—men or women—who are anxious to support thie movement in our Church. It may be of interest to Your readers to know that in the opinion of a prominent Member of parliament them are more minister. In our Chureh of due way of thinking then in anLother denomi. DB I:NOR—Your, eta, 1111...7 Prriwoon.

Wmthourne Villas, Houk.

Air-Raid Disaster 'on the Yorkshire • • 'Coast.

See,—A good congregation and a thriving Sunday-school are homeless a the result of the Zeppelin nod on She Yorkshire covet on 'Wednesday morning Ina. The valu-able property M completely wrecked. Great maritally has been shown by the loaf authorities. who Rave placed lbe Town Hall at our cheporal, free of cost, except for light ing and cleaning, for Sunday services. The vicar, un- eolicited use, has chart from the parish church for seating accommodation. Our Wesleyan friends have offered hospitality for weekevenings. We gratefully appwciate their practical kindness. Owing to the in-creased cost of materials and labour £1,000 will he needed for mbuilding. Thin mast he done immediately. We earnwtly appeal to your numerous readers for their gene.. meietance. Any donaticas, however emelt will be thankfully acknowledged by too at the address belt...— Yours. etc., R. H. Arm,

13, Wes/cat-Week Hull

National Service. Sm,—I lake it now for granted that the chief rerun by ministers are taking up National Service i• to nave

themeaves from endue financial strain, or the fear e/

.112741. aad beet root bet whelaarZthe bota7ree°7. intendant. ad other murkier., who may have .07th., lour or even five children to feed, clothe, .10, who are not on National Service, because they are on circuits where there are large memberaltice, great difficaltha, and mare responeihilitles, and where It world be ruiner. for them to take up whole service? The efficielsof therowe Querterly Meeting would he ...ended al they shed foe consent, .d probably the General Committee would raiee strong objection. Now them eases are quite as ecute as those al the younger men of eer miniary, perhaps in many inatance. more eo. Are these brethren, who are !Wooly, through Ines of petition and eircumelance, ethk-nig to their arduous tasks, which have not decreased but immured since their brethren have started on National Service. le be considered?

How is the case to be met. for many of thou who are spying loll time .(thd never _nosore so) W their ejectal. are; Tre'gret:g, of the Que.'rtrr ItyPyrrilT,Prt4 mejoeity of instance, be deleted through the met etc., no they will sot beads lowst. Then who .r111 Ham we a Connexional Fund hem which cepport may be obtained, not merely to meet the em, of the emergence of the ordinary outgo, bat the increase through the increased cord of living? If a supplementary fund were inaugurated

and well trapper.' it would meet a crying need ? A vital thing elm )wt now I. to kelp istele,- and noL allow Rem, through fear ot debt and its horrid ceneequences, to join other denominate. which are freely opening their doors, with, the promiee of e living wage. For I am coovinced, if we mil living

'and el getif‘t:tr'esTaZe.:i■fi' .17! ti;


churches and the nation For considering the lethargy . among the menaces, the indifference ol the Ince.. to the' .11 and.claim of the Church, and the undermining influ-ence of many of the atheistic Socialists, and the appalling .11ousnese among many regarding sin, death' and the future Ia., it behoms the Church el Clang, and oil toe ministers and member, to be alert and zealous. Not one m'victor can be spared. II we can .vo the Church at this lime we can save our votary and the world. To bib

t:tids to tai l

r:ireireen7I reTmTp trg 'fi"natit stto se.riire ecomnaequences must lolkw eur circuits ae well

th en themeelvce.


Then perheps the miniatere '011 National Servim could assist this by foregoing a part of their quarterly celery, • and from thin mune help meld be given do those who are forma to give fell time to their circuit I do not thick the brethren should herntate lode Niel mause it is hardly prolsable that any minister can folly fulfil the dual position el an artisan minister. One or both of the potation, won suffer. Serpa of the eimuit work has le he neglected or done by .other minister, or by the officials. Becauae of thia,some coneideraion should be made to the Quarterly Meeting octhe part of the minieter on National Servke, and that meeting should supplement the salery of the other minister. The income from this eource, acid that of mine Cbenexional Fund, would meet the premnt emergency. One is aware that many working people are suffering financial strain, bet ono will =alit that the majority of artisans have been comparatively loose lortunete in their increase of wags than the minister.. A. a loyal Primitive /let/whet one does not want to benefit financially by ono'. eave to live and to


oneself respectable. but one with a small lansily does fear debt and its entangling coneequdocee. I am co-vinced that this will be tile cam with a great number of our men unless something hi done, and done a once. Delay in a matter like hie is fraught with very serious injury, both to tho individual and, to the Connexion, to the em-ployed an& lo the.employer.Yours,

We sus 11.01f.

For. God and the Orphan. Stn—May I cram the hospitality of your column.. to

brute to the notice of your numerals made. the forth-coming -Harrogate Orphanage anniversary? Three years hive missed since the commencement of the war; ye.s pregnant with bereavement, lose and suffering for many, of our people. Still for a gnat number of our hien& things generally have been infinitely better than anyone mud have hoped for, had we known that the war would be so long drawn out.

With the cod of wery neemeary in the ttpkeep of our hornet eo toy serionsly.inereceed in price, the question of conducting the homes. is a very grave problem, ne gont-

mr:d wie tit um-war times. 1%i:dorm...a per child

thesupremo lome'r.he chilgen of tome who Imve mule

the eupreme eacrifice. We meat provide for there. On Lliceist gnezda.,1. would make the Amoco. possible ennead

favourably satiated to make this anniver. an. an. outstanding success by going to Harrogate Lo the anniversary if atadl icesible, and assisting by their ores.

gifts. If One m not possi_,_hle, by sending a thank. offering for memies received. the exceptional circumstance., I deal that my appeal will in vein Amounts large and email will be gladly received at Hairo gate on the day; or Ify post to Sir Thom. Robinson, Southland., Oleetherpee, treasurer.—Yom.. • T. PDBMSON.

The Shortage tel Ministers. Sta,—The question has been asked, " Why are we losing

our young ministffin I" The is likely to become more acute in the immediate future, unless asps are taken to meet the difficulty. I fear the main fault lies in the censervahem of the Church. We cannot or will not move with the times. As it wee in the days of the founder., so it must be how. Yon take an educated young man, place him the preachers' plan as an exhorter, on trial, lull • plan, hired kcal preacher, r.ommend him for the miniary, peas him on lea three years' course in Healey College,. he followed by another lour years' probation. Such a formidable coursers enough to stagger an energetic and ambitious retina ma. Very few can ever hope to become en approved miniatee, with e home of his own, before be is thirty to thirty-three yews. of

. young es.. i,

ha reasonede weed, r yog men to lace all these yaw. of training before they are provided with • home of their own. We sometimes fail to realise them ia tiB o good deal of human nature even in our m'retry. What re the remedy? Surely our eeteemed lathers ego (if they will) provide more means of meeting the difficulty. I would advocate paying a inter a salary sufficient to cover all

yinbifithe—house, furniture, lenity, removal., and euperannuation—.d place 00 barrier in the way of a probationer getting menial if he was prepared to take the mneequencee.. Hie emoluments would be the earns,


Sim, Mtn: pee word., A. WHITAKER, „ 84.481 28 2/8

ss.56, . rat Free, Coat witty order. IlessiegLa Tame. LEM*


and he would have to pass all the venal examinations before he could be received on the Approved List—Yours, etc., l'eoaaresers.

War Emergency Fund. Sra,—Irs the near future the Committee will minder

. applicatipne for amistan., and tale reeponae in each case must be determined b the amount of money we have hi dieburse. The Fund has barred a most metal pursue., but the need of some of our circuits is more urgent than ever. We purpose publishing a further liet of donations in the Ieadmnext week, and earnestly hope that all elm can help will elbow us to include their names.—Yours, Me,

M. P. Davison, Secretary, J. MAY... Treasurer.

Gontribetions should ho .nt to Use Treasurer, P3, Mount View-reed, Stroud Green, N. 4,

The Church and Internationalism. Sra—It is pleasing to see the Imprensa mention of war

or peace discussed in. your columos with eo much ability and good temper. It ie worthy of.bering no discussed, for it is a tremendous gumtion. We moat beware of being ruled by excited feeling war flourishes on that It is a gnestiou for calm, balanced, prayerful thinking and con-sideration. Some of tra remember thee We had to do s good deal of humiliating "climbing down" after the Boer war ; let us be careful lest we have to do the mom after thin We need to .k ourselves a few questions. We need, for example, to get back to the beginning of the war, end ask why we went to war, and what we Bet out to do. And having ended that in our minds, we need to .k, how can we, at the present wage of the war, eo act as a nation . to .hiove that objet? Be talk el knock-out blows and emashing German militanenr, and generally bending Gerreany and her Mhos to our will by sheer fors? Or rather by joining with our allies in announcing to the worW authoritatively our minimum terms of peace? We need to put our case, in all ile reaeonablertess and moral necessity,.on. more, es it put•the beginning by Mr. Asquith and Lord Grey, before the world, and der tioularly, if we get their ear, before the people of German.

It dos not need much knowledge of humans nature to convince anyone, who will give it a moment's thought, that all this .1k of bending Germany to our will by lore on!, tends to prolong the war. We know how the Kaiser's boastings and threatening. act upon es, and the Germans are not . eery different from ourselms, we may be sure. Mr. Upright has Tut this admirably when ho rye: "In truth, it is not pacifiat but jingo epeeches that steel the h.rt. of Germany and strengthen her resist-ance." •If we want to achieve our object the seeing of jus-tice done to the countries Co foully wronged by the Central Power*, with the least expenditure of precious Ihte, we thrill not talk so much of force, hat will seek to show the world that we are acting, and are prepared to art, only in vindication of outreged international law. If we have other and mom sinister objects it is enother matter. We owe it. wo are often reminded, to those who have fallen to push this war to a successful conclusion at all costs, but ought we to have no coneideration for the thousands. that will be sacrificed if the war is carried to the bitter end when its objects might be .scored by other roe.ms7— Yours, etc. J. Foam..

Brampton, Oumberland.

Sur,—Becent letters in the Leader mein to chow that some of the younger men in the Church here begun to move toward, the PacifetSocialiet Left. .d desk to draw the mind of the Church after them. The letter of Bev. W. S. C. Leach in your last issue confirms this impression. It embodies.the view that on the one hand Liberalism end Nationalism are identi.1, 'and on the other that Inter, nationalism end the I.L.P. are alm.t synonymous terms. This view is very nate,. If we are going to attach party labels to ideas—a loolieh proceeding—we ought to take care not to mix the Labels. Mr. Leach totally ignores the fact tic. the only internetional aolabion of the war problem that hey any weight of political authority behind It Ls the programme of Liberal Matesmen, and in motion. far of Mr. Asquith and President Wilma President Wil-son is a Libeml 'statesman whose policy ie at thih moment opposed by only one section of Amencan opinion. That section ie the anti-war Socialist party in America, which is to badly divided in to views of thewares our own Socialist 'movement is in dd. country. The governing id. of the Asquith-Wilson programme of international pacification, apart from the actual details of flee peace settlement, is the id. of a League of Nations to enter. peace President Wilson'. statement of this doctrine i close. It was Mated by Mr. Am, ith in a famous passage of the Breech he delivered in Dublin a Wismar, than a month after war began- It hoe also been asserted by the late Foreign Secretary, Viscount Grey.

Where is the 1LP. programme of international pacifica-lion to bring into companeon with thief I condemn, as es member of the•party, that I do not know: I do know, however, that the id. of a League of Nations hoe received

very cold welcome 110111 Mr. Ramsay Macdonald. Thera ia at thie moment in the making a Labour-Smialiat pro-gramme of peace aims in which the dortrirm of the League of Nations figeres prominently ; but I say with some con-fidence that when this progremme emerge. from the inter: Allied and Steckhol. Conferences which have Use task of drainnyy it will 11011 be the programme of the I.L.P. The LLP. has not dratted its programme: it has con-tented itself with .thretructive oriticuon of the proposals

Labou r forward by Liberal Mateemen and by the British

Labour movement. °reunited Labour in this country, under the leadership of Mr. Archer Henderson, is moneg .wards en international eettlement of the war, bet it re emphati.11y not moving tower. the Pacified-Socialist Lott, and if the voles of last week's, special .olaronca hare any significanne it has no intention of doing to.

There is moth force in the sepal for s "Stockholm Contemn° " of the Churches, which gives c quality of reality to this discussion of rival international reliciee in the pages of the Leader. But this mowed, I wagged, cal be conaidered on its merits, without refer.. to the claims of one political party or metier to represent the ids of internstionaliam. We ere all intemationalieta now. The Pope proclaims hie approvel of the doctrine of the League of Nations Met ea clearly as many Free Charchmen keys done. In promotieg an international conference of the Churches on the modal of the Stockholm amiembly Mr. Leach and his friends ere in line, not with the anti-6,er Socialist, minority—whirls ie by no means co-e -renews with the Socialist movement but with the whole Lab.r demccracy of the %stens nation. Inter-nationalism nnbody's monopoly. Neither my party no my Church um claim to be the sole ousted:en and oder. preter.—Yours, eta, • HCSIDEBT

The Cottage Half Moon-lane, Herne Hill, 6.E.

Work in the Army, Elne,—With warmest thanks, I beg to acknowledge con- from circuits, eta, as follows:—Market Dray-ton, £1 13..; Oldham First, ES; Bansoldewith, £1 lle. ; Hereford, £1 es. 2d. ; Harringay, £110a ; Aberavon, 10e. ; Con.ingbam, Hull, £1 he. ; Dartmouth, £2; Ali. man, 4s. 6.I.; Newport, Salop, 24.5s. ; Baralem, 113s. fol.; Oolne, 17a ; Glasgow Firet, Martham, £2 7.-fd.; Bary St. Edmunds, £17e. 6d.; Derma.. Sewed, £2 6 ; Stormineter Newton, £2 10e. gal; elanningley, £1; Leeds Third, Mod. ; Cardiff Second, 1pw ; Oeckennouth, £1 3a.; Dovmham, 3e. ; Gilfach Garden Village, 13e. 6d. ; /Pelham, £14. Gal •, Mr. T. King, 10e; Nether-aeon Branch, £3 le.; Bendel Fourth, £1 the. fid ; Aele well, 01; Banbury, £4 Ie. M. ,- Owed; £3 4s. bd. ; Swin-don First. £4 Ile. Id. ; difeelesfield, £1 16. 2d. ; Sher. field Central Mignon, 17,. 3d. ; Stoke Newington,

Ile. gal ; Droxford, £1; Dover, 14. ; Mr. C. Brown, 10n—Yours, etc., . Some Mooted.

93, Mount View rood, filmed Green, N. 4.


A Village Camp Meeting.

The .netant call to the Chemise to-day is to "carry There Must be no elacknem, torahs site of the days

that are corning. • Only those who are in touch with the inner working of a group of village churchee can have any adequate ...Mon of whet, °Wien. to the call means. The younger preachers have been caught up as material for war. Those who remain are cumbered with much care because of the pressure of work. For thorn is much work on home and small holdings Lbet cannot be evaded on Sundays. Thus it is difficult to make the plan so se to

to that the ordinary services ere carried ea With fewer opportunithe for preptration the village local preacher has to make mart sermon The appointment regarded as secure often prover insecure. in the. days. One heal preacher recently has bad to occupy his home pulpit for one or both terrines for five .nsecutive &se-dum. He to school superintendent also, and has Sunday work on the farm. He ie only an agricultural worker, bob has Carried on magnificently. In a few cases emergency has enabled a woman worker to fill a new pcei• floe as preacher. 11 the hes not had conedence in her ro powers, she hoe had the courage to reed a sermon not ler

am own and to acknowledge it. such. Yet, let it be

said with due regard to the work done by women in oar village thischea, the women hero not always risen to the challenge. There have been services given up when no

an has been available for preaching. Fortunately them ca.' have been few, and they will be fewer when the woMen realise the urgency of the call to unaccuetomed tasks. •

The ordinary difficulties of plan-making seemed but mole-bilks in comparison with mountain,' when the camp meeting season came mend. For camp meetings in the villages are still in vogue, and theY are regarded in many plzics ea a greater ent. Some eteietiee had left the choice of preachers to the plan-makers ; others, more am-bitious, made- request for quite a galexy of tho popular Mar preeelvere who remained. To Meet there sequel. was difficult. It w. also diffieult to wiggly the seeds of those who made no requ.l. AL leek in sheer desperation, the law was laid down list no e.iety, mall or tare, could have more than three preachers, and further reeolution dieparsed the stare over a wide Brea. Even theoln several cases the third preacher and .assume the aecond went doubtful eaprientions. The stare were notin all case. destined to be the nude. of a comet However, the plan was made And the yen eery of the .limn of preachers' .embers was a delight to they e.. It aught to he mid. thet all the cammeetings were

held, when weather permitted. And the weather gene-rally did permit. One Sunday morning the leader planned to conduct a ern p meeting iv a distant hamlet alerted on his adventure with the respansihility ol the three mrvices, as regard, preaching, upon him sloe.. Lalormatiou bed .me during the week that the preacher who was to act as coachman, and whose pony was planned Mao with no separate number, could net attend. Then on Saturday night the nese came that the second preacher would not be available. To Beek other preachers was e hopeless proceeding. Some men are gar. eq.I to an emergency of this sort. It is their opportanity. They need a large ewe for expression. Sack a preacher once boated that he meld preach hoot any teat in the Bible without pre-paration. He wee hurt when hie Matement ono accepted with the suggestion that emphasis should be put on the word "from-." The leader on this ecomine could only lace the task with ho fulness. A jcourney of 1.rtears mike by bicycle was the first reel[ The morning .rvi s wee held in the dispeL During the awake a stranger arrived. He was not a stranger .65 the p.ple but to the ]aad. And the latent possibilitiekcenten. in a stranger in village chapel, eapecially re a case of emer-

F214r*wrrlegterlt kisor. of tly ha is tits

aelped the morning sermon to get tittered. And in tnis case instinct did not err. He WY a preacher from anther circuit, well known to the people aod always-well reoeived by them. wee menmandeered at once. The afternoon service was at a farm more than mile away. The preachers ,had arrimd in time to see than

on arrangethente were complete. The people

were on their wey. Suddenly, almost without warning, • tampestcame. It was noon over, but the wind wee viole., the tine ternethel, the lightning and thunder vivid and terrific. One of the preachers had to shelter under the waggon Fortunately in these prosperous days for farmers wagers bottom are wand. But what of the people? Seem who .we near were drenthed ; others not we mare /end who missed the violence of the storm, turned hack in Ise. Them arrived alter tea, and. when they heard that en al terncon .nice had been held, were me-wed to receive the dchrine that it is never well to turn back when ibis possible to go forword iii chaetened mood. The majority'lrom near and Isr came on after the fury of the storm wee.... The sunshine soon dried the grass, and althoagh the hour for Berries was long pest, there was no heete.• It did not matter et all that the lime was die-located. Those who did not live-near had brought pr. vino. with•theni, .o in picnic fashion the Interval between the services was spent Alter tea there was a larger gathering near the weggon, andother preacher had enrol—.enrol—.brother where Sunday work did not release him until the eveningp. but who knew the need and crime to help. Them our staff was made up to the intended num-ber. The evening service wee of hie, quality. The menages we. simple aed want home. Our aiming hymn, "Sun of my soul, Then Saviour dear," expressed the thoughta and sapirations that possessed us. It was not difficult in such s sanctuary to believe that all we naked wouId lee granted, and that all would yet be well with Cowee world and the goal of redemption reached. Or, or it was put for us:-

. Till in the ocean of Thy love We lose oureelves in heaven above."

The thought sometimes emerges whether ernmp meetings in our niters could not be made more than an annual event Not in these war days • that would be impossible. But in other days. Why not get more into the open air, The preachers enjoy it, and the people—or most of them— enjoy it too. And the overeenwe a habit that ie bad, -red yet is tenaciously -held to by vitiate Primitive Methodists. Sunday is the only day possible for the interchange of visits, end when friend. are nailing attendee. at the chapel is intermittent The people do not bring their friends to worship; this would be again. custom, bad form. Only tho stalwarts deb custom.

Where are they to-day 7" a hear in respect to some .bent members. " Oh, then have friends," Is the answer, and nothing more is and. But the visitors ars brought, be the camp meeting ; the old bad habit dome not hold hero. It may be the glamour would in destroyed if the camp meeting became more general. ' Perlmps it ie seise policy that concentrates oath» ordinary tonics and beeves the open-air effort as a red-letter °evasion ie village Primitive Methodist life. .

It was not all peace in,this outol-the-way hamlet. The dull thud of the gene in Flanders punctuated song. prayer and memage. And within eight of the meadow, although quire four nails distant, there arose a hue, gaunt struc-ture that be being erected to harbour airships, on the framework of which men apparently the size of more were visible, and the faint.. of their beer& Unceasinglythe teaks of war are pushed on. There is no Sabbath rest when urgency of - this sort drove. The emngel its not in such frantic bare; it has lone on ite

Wereand the Infers belongs to Yet could we hear Lhera them aro voices telling of deep need—deep calling to what ie deep in us " Oh, make haste!"

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Very eatiefactory testimonials have been received

ea vr. comae, Hrood. re. Wally Ie. owop.. al Co.. raw

I/O sew rase ono pa..

MD r® M.


Services and Preachers. nenathrsather seem en mow. et nth mom work by

mar.. atha

is m." "rtollatir." en runeween teerteram... ne. e. the.%


• London and Suburbs.

BERMONDSEY, ST. GEORGE'S HALL, OLD SENT ROAD. S.E. II, Nee T. J. MoHende MAO, Rev. H. J. Tyler ; 3.30, P.S.A-, Speaker, Mr. W. Clayton

BRUNSWICK HALL, 210. Whitechatel Bead, E. 11, R'se. J. R. Ellwood ; 7, Coon, 0- Grudger.

CALEDONIAN ROAD, N. (done of Market Road). II, Rey. W. H. Wright.; SAO, Mr. Bow..

CANNING TOWN, E. Mary She.. Barking hoed). Il and 0.30, Rev. J. Bestow Wilma

FOREST GATE. E, Up. lam 11 and 630, Its, W. 811Mn ;1,

FULHAM, Wandsworth Bridge Road. II, Mr. IL J. 0..01 130, Re, A. Be.....

FlAhtMERSMITkl, Dthling Ma 11 and 7, Re, J. Hothead.


INT, Mattison Road. 11 and 180, Rev. J. T. , the


SURREY CHAPEL, Central Meehan Sketchier. Road, S.E. 11 mad 7, Re, J. Told. Pun

UPPER TOOTING. Lynwood Rand, S.W. 11 and 130, Re, J. W. ChappolL Vlaltore welcomed.

WEST NOR WOOD Knight. Hill. II, Re, G. Armitage ; 130, L H. Wood. Vteltort welcomed.

WOOii, Robert SUN Meth Plamrtead ooh, II.,. G. A. Ensued; 0.9), Bee. J. W. ILlehanhon.

Provincial.. BIRMINGHAM. Bristol Hall, Brieol Bet 10.41 Be,

J. H. Hines 180, Her.A. Barton. BIRMINGHAM. Vanity Road. 11, Her. A. Batmen

0.80, leg. J. H. Hirsh BLACKPOOL, Chapel Street Molar the Control Huh

10.0 and 0.81 Mr. D. Oakley. needy, 7.30. Central Road. 10.45, Be.. J. Saralee; OA, Re,

B. Ainsworth Egerton Road (North fthere). 10.45, Bleu Annie 1

13.311-Ide J. Pennington. Dorotioard Hour, Tamely,

BRADFORD, Central 10.30 and 0.80, Id. 31. J. Pen,. 3, PALA., Spesial Bram Band.

BRIGHTON. London limed. 11 and 143. Rev. W. A. Ilommond. Vinton welcomed.

CULLERCOATS 10.66 and ILM, Supply, FLEETWOOD, Mount Road (fan. Prdmenthe). 10.45,

leg. Jaen Barton; 130. Mr. IL MoKalghh GLAStarti.,9111caLeLandra Parade Church. 11 and

HARROGATE, Dragon Parade Cbarch. 11 and 0.90, Rev. N.Y. Johnson.

LEEDS THIRD, Rehoboth Centro/ Mb., Park Lime. 10.90 and 681 Be.. J. Marcus DIMIL %knoll wet. onned.

LEEDS NINTH, Meanwood Road. 10.3/ Mr. P. Sadler; 110, ldr. T. liestlewelL

lianhille Avenue. 10.45 and 130, Rev. M. T. Pickering, •

LIVERPOOL FIRST, PrInee's Avenue Charon 10.45 and 6.30. By. Arthar Gutsy.

MANCHESTER, Barn® Gram Church, Blackly. 10.311 Mr. H. Adams; 0, Af.r. T. J. Bailey. Vegan wel. corned.

MATLOCK, Bank Bead Churth 10.90 and 180, By. LIOMI Bradbury. Monday, 7.30, Devotional Hour.

MORECAMBE, Itedder Street, la. and LW, Re, W. Ituffingten. •

Paditonent Stsseh 10.30 and 0.30, Rev. H. J. Pickett.

NEWCASTLE . ON ...TYNE, Convict Mende 10.30, Bev. E. ; 0.31 Bev. W. Younger.

NOTTINGHAM FIRST. Cm.. lima Mesh 10.30 and 130, Mr. G. Barton.

SCARBOROUGH; St. Sethlthre 060.01 (off Emelbotambh 10.00 and 1130, Bev. G. Bentrett.

SOUTHPORT SECOND. Me. Sthech 10.20 and 630, Be, J. T. Batleby.

BF. ANNES.ON-THE.SEA. 10.45 and 0.81 Bev. A. J. Campbell, P.L.B.

TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Camden Road. 11 and 130, Bev. J. Dodd Mokeen.

The President's Engagement.. London CAMMMOD, Stoney Chapel, •-tamlate lett Seery

Chapel, &Tenger 20.11 Meals* SepIernter Kle; Ellenhorough (Harypeed, September 5te I Carlisle,

' September 0th; Silloth, Melamine 7th.

Connectional Evangelists' Engagements. MISS PERRETT, Maltby, neer Rotherhim.

Evangelists' Engagements. SISTER ELLEN. Application. lerSerkee 00.11.klyn,

Greaeington, via Skiptoo, Yorks MIL TOM HOLLAND. and Family, Pemberton, oar

Wigan September let to 3rd.

.MRS. J. B. HORTON a.nd MISS KATE DREW, ErangeRstio Halt, Willesden Lane, Sanders, Septem-ber 2ad, lob, Hith, and 23rd, et, 7 pm.

MISS LOCKWOOD, Evangelist. and golobt, hn00 entaring Emegamente for 1017-11 Addl., 24, The Crescent, lirkhall Rise. CAP)mm, B.W.

Loomis Ptharrre Mernomer Connor-Primitive tehogiltie rmrssi;L:to London wilthe eltrect.e0M

Bird, th. Andrew'. Hamm St. lAtdrew‘'IY.ort'd,BEnfield, Land.. The full London addrees men be given, which will be st once forwarded tells. need mine. of our Church. '

Brunmertel Pennon Enrnentar Comma,-Prizointh Merbodies removing to Birmingham. will In directed le our nearest Church if

removing me to the Sesame. Me.

T. A. Statham. 128, Wood End.road, Erdington, Birmingham. Full Birmingham address simeld be elated to enable correct dirertion to he given. Sailore and edifies rte. by request

Ethan.. Penner. Mara.. Coomm.-Primitive Methodists removing to Manchester will be directed to one neaZest Church ir notification le sent to edther of the save MM. of the Comet, Rev. H. la Herod, 119, Camp-street, Broegblon, Murekonar, or Mr: W. T. Hall, 11, Ethre.raad, Salm Ilmobestar. •


Blahs; Marriages, Deaths.

Notices of Shiite, Marriages, Ruth., An, moat reach the OHIO., 76, resmisedde. London, EC., b Brat poet, Tuesday morning.

Prepaid Terms: 60 words end ander, 9s. (..1 melt additional 10 words or I..., Rd.

01.17:sm: Reports of Marriages, He., MUST be

puled by a prepeid advertisement

MSPRIAGEft. Clodtha-Csusw cr.-Jurgen 1510, et. the .Crees Green

Ore,* (by Om. W. E. 'Webley, Moue. moth.), Jaen Cooper, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cooper, Whyley-street, Weet Bthemich, to Eva Gertrude, only daughter of Mr. eel tan. W. IL Callaway, Efighabeet, 'West lirmerech.

DAWM-DIMOMELLL-Al. Burner. Church, Sheffield, by Be.. B. Aredeld, Mr. Horace Nawkin, of Tankeraley, to MILS Lily Wadsworth •Drausfield, L.L.C.M., of " ne Poplars," High Orem, Sheffield.

Stara-Lurrean.-On August Pith, at Wesleyan Methodist Church, Edinburgh, Mr. W. M. 6later,.01 Edinbormh, to Alice Hand Lirdord, of Onieborough, formerly of South-k-ast. London eel Edinburgh Mithions.

DUTIES. Bran.-Killed in %ellen, on July 31st, somewhere in

Ikon..., gad Liana J. Hennepin Breed, B.P.S. eldest on of Mr. and Mn. J. 11. Breed, el Oar/arch, Leeds Bina Circuit.

Broome-On Aaron 19th, is his sixtyMinth year, William Briggs, of dimly, Leede.

Sooner.-0n the 8th ineb, at ElmSeld, 128, Santh-rord, Southport, Anne Tweedale, widow of the late James Middy. .and deaghter of the late Bev. George Kidd, in her eeventieth year.

Castrrar.-On August Het, at leicester Royal larmary, Jobe Chanty, aged seventy-one, beloved hostamd of alecy Chantey, of Omoterthorpe, Leicester Second Circuit, "Not lost but gone belore."

Cannr.-On the 22nd inst., at., Splakbroelt, Birmingham, Elizabeth, the loving mother of Willem Lloyd, 1.y, and Mph Chinn. Deeply mourned.

2050. hhesstret, 100 0,100 pp d.gbwr the Thomas and Sarah Dawson, of Eselbwn Minden alMiL). Patient M Buffeting.

Otanwrn-On July 31.1. 1917, in France, Albert Ewart Olodele (Royal Fusilier*, the bravo and beloved on of Rev. T. J. and Mrs. Gledwin, aged twenty yelps.

Jeeresom.-On Annan. 16th, at 28, Mount-read, E. Sonde, land, Florence 1" Ikons"), aged twenty-Mt, suddenly, the deerlybekned daughter of She and the late Bev. J. Jam...

IN MEMORIAM. Cruisithr.-Tn loving memory el dear grandpa, Jounee

Chapman, of Richmond-street, Barton Hill, 'rho ale called home Aomet 280h, 1903 Forever with the lord.

DIMMIL-In to memory of Willis nickels, only son ol Edwin and H. H. Dockets, idchwood Farm, Meth', lathe, killed in notion et Colville Weed, September 51.1, 1916. He -lived • noble life, worthyof example, and then made the great, .earnifice he gave hie lib for others. FrOM foher, moiler, and misters.

Jotheth.-In loving Incnory of Ellen, the belomd wife of Robert Johnson, Gelberne, who died September 1st, 1913, aged airty.five ye.. s'Peath, perfect p.c.' Ever remembered ▪ hathend thd sone.

Boonethoa-In ever loving memory of my dear wife, Emma Einkledtp, Weethournothenue, H.1.00 we egged lo the homeland September 2nd,1916. " She lived to earve.'s.

Rownerron.-In elfectionele theeratrence of our dear Amy, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Rowbottom, el Brigs, who fell adore Auguet 24th, 1915. To memory ever dear.

Ministerial Change. and Engagements. Changes in 1910.

Bee II. Haddlestene nom Eingstone. dter. W. J. -Welker from Erna and Belvedere, alter for

yetos Rev. C. O. Wilson from Bury Second. • Rev. T. .

So by from NeweateleenTyne

-Rev. AV. R. Brother. hem Wehhpool, alter three Yea Rev. H. W. Matthew. from Ade, after lour yearn

Changes in MID Rev. T. Peer. Ellis from Batley, after seven ye.. Mov. N. Brown ftom Dbrkburn Second, ale seven ye. Rev. P. No. from Liverpool Second, alter five ye.. Rev. IV. 11 Coo, hone Neweentleoa.Tyne Second.

E gag t tor 1015.20. Rev. T. 0. Showell from Westgate to Restlepool. ,


The appeal of Do, R. EL duty ie to-day's Meth on behalf of the chapel which was totally wrecked by eh.

'Zeppelin raid on the Yorkshire...a on Wednesday in hith week is one that will excite general sympathy. For two papers ma. and this has been confirmed, the eirship was held up by gone and marchlights, and during the whole of that period it hovered about the locality, frequently dropping bombs. Fortunately almost all misenel hitting any building, and only one pence was injured. One Lomb, however, fell right. upon our church and obsoletely destroyed it. The destruction of the build-ing hea awakened much eympathy on the part of the local churchem, and no doubt Mr. Any, appeal will. receive • exempt !sympathetic help from our ewe more highly favoured churches.

In consequence of the health of Mrs. Finlay it is ex-pected that both lir. and Mrs. Finlay will he mmpolled to return from Bottler Minion earlier than we antici-pated. Mr. Finlay reporla continued spiritual 5rd:eerily at Bonder, and Males that the Hymnal Supplement he recently been adopted for ordinary worship.

Notwithstanding that he is 1811 over eighty yawn of age Roe. T Granger continues active service en Scarborough. We recently rerorded that he organieed greet mired Free Church demonstration. On Sunday, Mugu. 860h, e greet demonstration of Free Church Sundayeehool children we held on the cricket ground, when never.' ministers took part and an offering we talton on beholl of the Children, Conveleseent home. The children married Bower., which made the event picturesque. Mr. Granger be Monte idely min; rat ulmed g pm the emcees of the event

It has been deeided that a standard history of our 'Manion. 0.11 bo written. The sailer he not yet beau determined.

Ilov. T. B. Reward, OF., M now in- PranM and is elhadted to the 2nd Army Ilan Camp, ARO., 5.40. He expecte in the mune of a law weeks to join division in the fighting line.

Rev. J. W. Richardson, IB, Sr MargemPe-road, Plum. geed Common, HE. 18, will be glad to her from any of our emote who have relative' in Woolwich Military Hos-pitals. If lull particulars ere given immediate attention will be given to the men. •

Mr. Robert Thompson, a lending official of Holywell Cross Church, Chesterfield Filet, and the heed of one of the mast important burinsms ammono in the town, bee

gitt been appointed a magistrate. The appointment is a

try popular one, Mr. Thompson being universally. respected •

Serve tuy of the London Baal Preechees' Feder. bon (Mr. E. Rath Es, Drayton.krove, West Ealing, W.) • desires tho minister. of the metropolitan statione to fon ward a plan for the current quarter. The sethotory Maims to correspond with ell the local preachers.

As it is impossible to obtain pens-theta for junior ministers for the foreign field, it Inn been decided, if possible, to secure the novice of older miseionaries now in England.

Th. addrees of Rev. IL Fletcher its The ^__,m ay, and not im the Year Book.

A. corrthpondent. writes -" The most inspiring and hopeful feature of the Conference on Civil and Bali-gime Freedom in Sheffield vras the constant mum., of a parokinale inaieNnce.on the supremacy of Christ's law in every domain of life, as the one and only way in Which problems of conscience and war andall humanity's deepest concerns an be solved. Notes of loyalty and devotion to New Testament principles, .truck eo frequently in the London Conference, were sounded again and spin by some who were the meet prominent therein. That the call 'Back to Jeans' has arrested the attention of ae many of our younger ministhrs, and that, greatly daring,. Grey are Fmk:ening His abeoluM sovereignty everywhere and away, augurs well for the future el our Church-. Baum based on living mperienees of fellowship with Christ. Such a living to acrid menrm the regeneration of society, the re-eatablishment of the supremacy of Rue religion, and the redemption of the world firm the evil that eneluses

Dr. F. B. Meyer, Hon. Secretary of the National Fres Church Council, hessuggested to sweeten. of noelCouncils that in London and dietrict, both liable to atter.k, churches which hem underground roue, corridors AM cellars that promise Way should eon them tar public, • use in cam of need.

Owing to the difficulties connecksd with Weneport, Yui Richardson' M at present unable to leave Jamestown for her overdue furlough. tt. is sincerely hoped oh° may boon find the tray open for her homecoming.

Second Lieutenant E. T. Calvert of of Rev. A. 13. Calvert) joined

lb. Inne of Court 0.7.0. two years ago.

For a mnsiderable time he was employed in end work,

nowme he

we transferred to the Cold battalion.

Having mcosthlully pausal Ore necmthy theiming, he b., now received hie commute. and is pot. to the 3rd Battalion, The QueenhrHoyal West Sonya .

Private Athuith Wood, 11.A.M.C., of Bev. Thomas Wood, of Mere, Wilts, who wae Invalided home from France after nine manila' sadva mrane and



ma to Blackpool, has now recovered and gate oat again, the time for Oaken. *d !ether Turnbull, who the secretary of Black-

hill Bom= bby Schen, and the joined the Bankers' Battalion

of Royal Frothed lee years ago, and who mead through the Somme Banda, hae received • commission OJ second lieutema in the Royal Foxiliere, and a at meant stationed at Beldam

-Owing to the war amditions the ants= melons of the Manchester and Liverpool Districts Ministerial Associa-tion are unavoidably postponed.

Model Wilkinson, aged ten years, daughter ol Rev. arid We J. 8. Wilk-neon, a Miamian, hen passed first elms in the nimbrly Department for pienoforte playing. in mn-imago. with the recent imenimtion of the London College of Musa

Miss Flora Holmes, daughter of Mr. A. E. Edirne., au esteemed official of .Winterton Church, has gained the diploma bf A.LC.M. for pianoforte playing.

Private George Time', of Aberdare has boen awarded the nailitary medal fee mospiemous bravery, and promoted to the rank of • nomeommemioned officer.

Jubilee Services at Adlington. On Satordm and Sunday, August 18th and BM, Adling-

toe Church, Morley Mrenit, wee the centre of much admen, the wanes being the holding. of jubilee services. Be the Saterdey g, an edhenastic meeting was presided over by Mr.

snorin Moms Derbyshire, one of the

original trainees, who gave a racy sketch of the founding of Primiteve.Methedism in the village of Adlington Mr. Derbyshire said the foot Meempt to found a church there BM Made in 11136, but it sea ROB UlAil the year 1076, during. the ministry of Rm. J. Trate, that the emcees of the missionwart amend and the preset church built, At intervale, Maim the arming the choir rendered in-

' Mg and eatable items, and Rem J. Wright, W. C. and Mo. J. Riley gave helpful addreseet

Sonde, aervices will rank ammg the very beet in the hiabory_ al the church. st, happy fortune Rev. J. Travis was able to serve as apemal preacher, md morning and evening he .gave discourses of great power. In the alter-nom a musical service of angular Mann woe presided over by Mr. .1. M. Bibb, Members of other chinches and choirs generously emended, teed great credit ie doe to the leader, Mr. Albert Byer., for the magnificent and inspiriting con-tribution. given by the choir at all the services. Mee E. Finch and Mr. R Roberts rendered valuable aniabinge. So ate did the Arrangements Committee, to which great credit is due for the fine success of the demonstration. The financial procreda were 636 Is.

Alias Clare Merry. Clare /lorry, the loved ander of Mrs. Peter Azten and

"mama dmobter of the /Me John Merry, a meet scope. able local prmether her almost soremty yams, ass born at Morton, Oathary, Shrepartice, whore the was converted et

- the me of tee la 1886 the Mowed her brotherni.les (the lens Roy. Peter A•11710 and femily to Brehm., and spoor fourteen yams there in the home of her brother, ha. Adler Morry, a prominent member of West Rod Ci r-

Briabane Mamma/ant Altar QM Mies Merry made her home with her slater in Sydney, New South Wale, but it was while amino with bends at Blayney that the was seized with appendicitis, and though the was emcees-fully operated on, the fragile body could not bear the grain and the peactiiiilly fell adeop n Joe. on Sunday, May 6th. Rev. G. Ingram Pearsen wen isseichmove in his attentions to her in her illness, Rev. A. J. Burtepohe feelingly of hem at the memorial service on Sunday, June 10th, at The Warren Ghana, of which Morre the a member. Inheriting her fatlathadosolketual gift, in no

Miring degree, she W. yet so extremely mnsitive ,And

Merino in deposition that few knew the extent and depth ether pestling other marvelloudy retentive memory. More Chan one preacher hats been mtonisheal at her friendly =diadem, of Ire sermon delivered years before, and her medvalim tendering of loos portions thereof. Pure of Man, her life and words brought vividly to °nee mind the verve, "The pure ia been &hall see God," and the more cheek on became acquainted with hoc inner life the more one realthd that she "walked with God." Her libs was filled with quiet, unselfish arta for the comfort of ahem. She seamen never so happy as when the could map a burden by amide-mire kindnese.

MARRIAGES. It wiry pretty wedding took place st Mount Tabor

Church, Luton, on Amgen tot, the contracting parties being Rev. A. Humphrey Richardson (late of Wen Africa) me-Mb, So Wright, d daton. Rev. W. T. Healey officiated. Great interest etc taken in the event, as the inisiegroom for sone mere the a scholar in the school, and the bride a man devoted member of the them. - The loan who was give away by Me father, was attired M dimming dress of beaded chiffon over cream wain, and WOO • bridal veil debecked with omega blomom. The bridothaida, five in number, Wow cream voile and cram silk embroidery dresses, Privets William E G. Richard-son, of the 1/5 Bedford., brother of the bridegroom, served ae bed man. The service was fully choral.. A lull choir attended to pay a tribute to one of their most Ir7a1 mem-ber. Miss D. Bird provided at the organ.

On Timidity. Aegeet Pith, bficholeonequers Wes-leyan Metbelin Church, Edinburgh. ewe the mem of a err?ly weidinm when Miss Alice Maud Linford, of Crea-tive-nigh, v. he had been a Sister. el the People Mr some years

I. &lab-Fast Jordon end Edinburgh, wee married

to Mr. W. M. Shier, of Edinburgh. Rev. A. J. G. Senor as the 0fficietie, minister. lilmt good wishes and

preerets accompanied the happy monk


My Visitors.

I harem conventional "At Home "day, ha amplessed to we my friends my day except when pain makes it im-possible. 1b-day they Mee Almon all of them bee a sm me, mom men than ill good for on

e of I ad

my visitors meld arrange en come one or two each day, and or not only avoid undue fatigue, but also Mane' those long empty days whit* are mediated by mailing face or friendly hindelasp. The first who called upon me waa Miss Gloomington. At heart a gad soul, Mt dis-posed te take a too sombre view of life She hens shoot the weather. If fine, it cannot feet long, and the dust

Thenchokes you. If wet, We just what the expected.

Then she tells me about the workmen ehe hex had in the house, and how, they have "dawdled." "It's dimly shameful." Did I know the rates were up another by-name! What the Council were thinking of she couldn't tmagine, and nothing to show for it, Had I men todey's p.aperl 01 worse the war had to be paid for, bet how-ever we weregoing to live she didn't know And so she meander. on Fortumtely I know she is mond It heart, ad theugh her oenvemation may mit to the monthitahle floe a sick room, still, I'm gird Aeneas She lightens the loneliness somewhat, and ponmbly her vhlta may not be altogether unprofitabb to herself as well as to me.

WV next visitor was Mr. Hope ell,. who ems all life through rem speetmles. Hi. cleat-shaven-nee smooth almon se a schoolboy's, he beaming eyee.his genial smile, all make hint welcome as the flowers ie May. Had I heard what a fine sermon they had on Sunday morning? What an uplift it was! How fortunate, we mem in our minieter, one of the very elect! And wasn't the their a ken? Didn't tlfey lift the aingingf Mr. Hopewell also wanted to know what I thought of the war news, for the war, alas! prams on everyone'. heart. " Of course," mid he " it might be better, bat then, on the other hand; it

might have been m very much worse." Had I heard of young Smith? Obtained his degree with honours. He'll go far, that young man. And beg as geodes he's clever." And BO Mt good soul Foes on. Ho reminds one of a ',afoot autumn day, stallai ciclear skies. mellow eon. shine, and a heavenly benediction brooding over all. Soranimes speech merges into prayer, and hmven'e gates open and the land that ie oar off draws near.

Alter Mr. Hopewell had been gone a short while Miss Lightfoot celled. What s sprightly creature the tel he brings the very breeth of the morning. She is merriment incarnate. There'e no dulness when she's about Happy the man that makes her his bride; thrice happy the children that shell call her ...flier" She brings toe a bunch of Bowers, but is herself the fairest of them all. She was at the philharmonic concert bet night. Waen't it lovely? And then she 'chimers, " What de you think? Phil took me home from the concert." and he told her an old. - old story, and- ehe bed mid "Yes." laicky beggar, Phil! I congratulate her and tell her I roust begin to Noe up my pennies for the wedding present, and hope she end Phil will be very Rapp,. And then she goes, but leaves the mop redolent with the fragrance of bar cherry

„.md winsome personality. My laat visitor wen h f r. Satiny, and never did name

and character better harthinise. He uswelly hae some-thing to my about aortae book he to reading. And bun the book the conger/aeon usually develops in the direction of the thinge of•Gol. WA scale the height, and fathom the deeps of the human soul. We speak of the wonder. of God's grace, Hie everlasting love, the mysteries of Hie providence, and the glory of Hie Ammar. We tilk of Seam, el what Ha has done for as, end of what He in. creamingly become. to us; of be beauty of Hie life, the mystery and majoay of His death. the glory of Hie reser. radon power. We pavlamy the heavenly lib in those many MOOB101111 which one day we shell share with Him, and as we thus convent., lo! Jesus Himeell draws near, even as He drew near to two other disciples as they talked of Him by the way, and our Mark alm burn, and we-find how true it is that in His presence is fulness of joy and at Hia right hand there are plenum for evermore. •


Second Liestenant J. G. Breed. Mr. and Mre. J. B. Breed, of Garfortli, have astound

• severe loss in the death of their eldest son, End Lieut. J. Bennington Bred, killed in anion , ' *somewhere in France" on July Mat After being educated et Elmfteld College, he became assoCiated with hie father in busies. as a director of the Arm of Mears Edward Helm and Co., Leeds. Enlisting nineteen month. ago, he obtained remmirsion in' the &W.I., end at the time of lie death had been acting e. observation officer daring an sneak, in the performance of which day he had displayed distill-mebed mange and ability and had obtained important Reformation. Major Hamilton Jones mye that the lees CY *erica one I. the battery, an he wee a most reliable officer. Copt. Centelm also writes " Whilst yen lose very dear eon, Ilse a brave soldier, a true comrade, and a very sincere friend. He withedware cheery, and kind to everyone, at the same time babe to a fault and very devoted to hi. duty." The. chaplain, Rev. J. Heal, pay.

great tribute to Lieut. Breed's high qualithe and in speaking of hie valuable mrvices on Jfily name hen been mint forward for special recomilion for

31a. eMe that his

diatinguiehed conduct Lieut. Breed ems honed in it little cemetery behind the firing line, and Me memorial Gerrie. was had in our Gerlorth °Impel on Sunday. August mom sympathy to felt for the widow left with three young children, and with his father and mother and the other member. of the family.

Second Aim Mechanic Ernest Mall Edward ErneatHall wee drowned. whiled bathing in the

Clyde on Saturday, July Mon He had bean Witched to the Sthool of Aerial Gunnery, Royal Flying Corps, Ayr. shim, lor sir months. Although quiet and reserved in -

itTameet, he mu a aftemove worker for our chord. lington (Station-termed As secretary of the

school he carried out hie ditties in a meet intelligent manner. In the church he gave hia beet to theecheir, hot Ives interested in every department He lived a truly religious life, and by real qualities endeared himself to IL The body was interned with military Immure in the

Cramlingion Churchyard, after a very impressive nervier condoned by the superintendent numatar, tweeted by the mInister of, the United. Methodist Church and the load Y.M.O.A. eniesioner. The vicar of the pariehpreseed hie

deep sympathy with the lather biscu m it Method) and mother and sisters.

• -.Private'Peter 'Telford. Private Peter Telford, ROAR, died, of` wounds in

Frame on July 22nd. He was born at Parkhead, Glasgow, twenty-seven yam ago. When quite a toddler he attended our church at Parmed and early in lib decided foe Christ. He was eatremely kind, genet.* and brave. The testimony of the commanding officer wen:" Hs was a, young men of sterling worth, ad ever did he duty." His life, private and publio, was an mpression of he ammo faith He wm a devoted teacher, an enthusiastic Endeavourer a missionary supporter, end a capable and acceptable local preacher. A memoriam-vim was-held on August 12th, conducted by the mpenntendent Hie loss ie keenly wile and little daughter' end Hie church generally._ .

Privets Fred Parr.

PtePte. Fred Parr, twegnMeix yeas a ele reported . lent October, has now been officially 'claimed ea

killed. , The Granville Estate (Church Greeley Circuit) school and chinch thee loses one of its meet ptomaine workers. A life-long member, he will be missed in all departmeas of the church's activities, for' he was a devoid Sunday-school teacher, en semen Endeavour worker, president of the Band of Hope, and • member of the choir. He was a yomg ream of strong character, of •

retiring enema, yet over faithful to duty, respected by

all. Much-sympathy is felt for hie pmentas, whom younger and now Cola remaining son le M the trenches amen otter being wended. He, too ie connected with nth same Mach and when, with tie gnome° of gent usefulneae.

Chaeles Rippon Trivet,. Yet another home Ism known the anxiety and strain of

a long aumense. A year ego the parents received the intelligence that he was amen the " missing!: Month after month they cherished the hope that good news world reach them. Alas! alter eleven months of weary waiting the dreaded news Mine that he the numbered with the dead. Mr. and ?des. F. Thant, of Teignmouth, have been prostrate with grief. The dear lad was indeed a bright and brave Christian, who, on the very first night of he entrance into buraok life, publicly oodemed Caret before a largo number of all.e morale, and during /reining he influenced quite a number of the bads to live for God. He was a hero indec.d. "He fell in the path of duty ; his don was lo do or die ;

His watchword Britain and Freedom' ; his record le written on high ;

His blood ie the seed of s harvest, his death the world's

For le .ndleirt the field of bible to redeem • nation's

He the also a poet end musician of no mean order, and maimed rare gifts. He u deeply mourned by dam one. and a hen of treads.

Albert Revert Gladvabs. The ead news, revolved last Too•day, that Albert Heart

G ladwin, the younger eon of Rev, T. J. and Mot Gladwin, of York, had been killed in action on July Met has created s sense of greet loss and eadnem amnion, York Primitive Methodists. Emecially is OM •se, at Victorie Bar Clenrch, where" Albert," ash, wan familiarly known, was beloved by everybody. He was only twenty years old, and wen bore at Mexhirough. • Alter qualifying for the Training College, Albert left school to enlist in the Public Schools Battalion of (*.Royal Pulliam in May, 1916. He joined Iron been mane of duty and a love of freedom and righteouniese for otherwise fighting was hideout, in his sight and alien to his retiring and inoffensive nature. In Is. than three months he wee ii, France, and 'apart from it short time in Lincoln Military Hospital with trench dames, Ma been all the time at the hottest part. of the Westetn•Frent He took part in man? mem eugagemants, and in the battles of the Abele bad nome remarkable escapee More than once he wan compli-mented on the field for bravery and good work, and we. recommended by his field officere for a commitoion 047 • week or two before he fell. His.ahort but bembifol lib, revealed mmy noble thersoterietica Hie goal neis wre untainted. Nothing selfish or samtemodom marred His thy, dignified beefing. hie healthy spirit of fun, hue remmkable comiderateneas for When, he loyalty to core-r d SCBOOCO and hie unique devotion to home cod the Chan?, largely doe to'a consecrated home training, gave Me

only chmener an matanding eignificance, and made him welcome evmwhae, "Tee beet thing," he wrote Item rough barraoka and rougher tronthea, " is to keep smiling end praying." Ha wee an ardent. worker te the Endeavour and 'Room. People's Class, and it prommaa member of the Mission Band at Victoria Bar. HI. preaching abilities were pronounced, and a brilliant public

NOS lolly annealed. Primitive Methodism hen been robbed'r by the ruthless hand of war of one of her 'choicest eons. and for his honoured and grief-stricken parents, brothers and sister. in. their mid bereavement the whole Chunk will erand her prayers and sympathy.



Intereational Game for Sunday, Sept. 9, 1917. Dead i CkT., Daniel

By Henry J. Pickett

I.-In parse:lig for the next four teaks the story of Daniel, we are called to examine in detail • compicuons inetance of loyalty and devotion lighting up the dark dare Of captivity, the story of which, with its muses, we have just finished. We are not to Beep°ee by any mama it its the stoic story of the loyalty of those -racer years We should like to think, we are quite 'notified believiog, that loany of Nee. vhe @offered the lonelinera el erne exhibited loyalty equal to that of Daniel, and that the light of their teatime/ay by etherlily ancl brif1017

. • the end. Forketalely far Daniel, ha found hi. Boma to hie witness. and wee thv ,card d it mum much

Dad forth by timed &offering and persecution during the Yamaha= peried es terrible as that under which Daniel suffered. The record of it was made for a reaeon which will &theye make this Book a treasvor to encourage thes who entree for righteousness' sake, to strengthen their loyalty, to assure them that loyalty such as this " eball ea Ube brightness of the firmament" (Dan.

IL-In the light of this exposition we open what ie thrtainly one of the worlds greatest picture books, to die-cover bow, in the midst of the difficulty mdthe opposition of to day, young preple may preserve purity, truth, and 101%. l'ho pfice of returnee these hoe never been easy. In the two lessons following this we shell find what it cost Dm . alms never taught tbetreligion was say. He

dpoke of it as "taking up the rrese." We should neither esire nor expect emellence of Daniel'. type on the cheap.

Thebes! character is always costly. Looking carefully into it, we cannot but be impreend with the polar of early treating as Mediated in the exiled Hebrew. He would be a youth of fourteen. or Veen shanks was forced into

'the domande of those who we driven to Babylon es practically eke. Yet already the habits formed by the tuition and atmosphere of a, godly home in Judea proved eufficiently .strong to enable Tim to eel his heck &pelmet the heathen mudoms of his new home. His Hebrew came Daniel, God is my judge," indicates his parents' wadi, which wish tamed out to be the bey't pp actin. God rated him. What Cod wished, Daniel sought to do. What Cod prohibited, Daniel would not be forced to do. One loon to think that something in the bay, his simple, omelet. lath in God, had won 'the heath of 6,11pcnas (yen 3), the King. confidential adviser, for the Chaldean name he gave to Daniel, Beltahawar, which meana "protect thou his life," was a prayer, which meant for Daniel daily submiesion to the God of his fathers We cen never be euffieiently grateful for a training which, from our earliest days, urges es to enthrone God. Such a training become. life'e truest Baleguard. No matter into what strange surroundings we sissy he led in later life, nor how difficult life may become, the cords binding me to God and to God's altar may never be broken. Only oar own will end consent can sever that cord. ".

III.-And the fruit of such training is gaol We see bow it worka out in Daniel and hie three companions. Shining all the more, as • light in o dark place, with a clithetand idolathoue eourt as the unlikely background, we read the value of fidelity and courage no disclosed in the glorious resolution, of the Golden Trot. (var. 8). The life of one ol our brave soldier boys in the most corrupt camp, or in the terrible iodation among the crowd in France or far.nway Alesopotamia, would be eaay compared to the dreadful temptations of a Chaldemmourt of that day. II Daniel had felt the temptation 6 "lel Ging. go," to murmur againet ...eel wrong, to de as others, stn. no Me cared ad no one knew, all that had been fought down by the lime OM rethlution ma taken. It wee death to anger an Eastern despot, or to relate hi. slightest wish, yet, knowing Muth Daniel's fiddity to his old faith, and hie eourage to declaring ik was umonquerable. And his fidelity stood/ We. Pb aye, "Daniel continued antil'the drat year," or, no chapter x. 1 mom correctly sap, "the third year of Grub' until he ws an old men, eighty-find years of ego There wry no insolence in his firmness. , He me the perfect gentleman- Tartlet (rms. 8, 11, (lb corm eons, dultgnt, .obedient (where hie loyal. to God was not at question), Daniel is one of the great breathe, the traly remit smuk of history! He ta the pattern for young People. •To eland alone in a modern mill or lectory, reline to go as the crowd, to condemn the unworthy non-vereation, to loyally observe the Sabbath, to let it he known that we are Goers netnews seven days • week, .11 Nis ist • tride When Hades fidelity is measured. Let ...young ram or woman in the •cleae, remembering

eay,.Wherehe Ktemeded, I may certainly vital W.-What the remaining Tenor teeth we Shell find

rePeated in Daniel and in our own expeseeneati-the victory and ...dietitian of loyalty than 1121). The teether should start this anti. bypeinting oat (a) The thergffi of Daniel'. faith en his .s• ran there 11.13). He never doable& Ito power to ausfain, He knew it kr be ovulate N teat He feared no competitor to it He was con-

fident that, fairly tried, it would easily prove victoria.. (b) The doe ea-operation and diligeme which ameaspanied it (rer. 17). These brave @bstainer. did not, presume iroomm thair-xligion. Nor did they ar

eas did emelto • difficulty. They look care not to &bese the body. They

were studious, abet, industrions,takiegadvanlage of there .w opportunities co as to be abreast of the wised in the ,renst. A healthy .adivity kept mind and body pan.

1. They confidrelly aloailed She feat of result. "By theie frail. ye Mall know-them" (were. 19, 90). Not only were

eq.I Lo the best of the naives they were " fen Betel Wier." 1 ooly ;give our Lord and His Gospel • thence. loyally working with Him both the will and practice of

Hie good. plenum, He will juelify our witness before our friends and before all the world. The manhood and womanhood trained by Jesus is "ten limes better than the best of any other school.

Guild at

AN INDIAN SEEKER FOR GOD. In 'Min long ago. OMn before the birth of one Swims

there were wise and good met who longed to know the true God and the my of ealvation. They wrote books and hymna, which have in GUM many beentifel thoughte about Cod and good... Bat they did not know God as Jesus knew Him, and they never found the way of happi-nese. Some of them suffered terrible things in their endeavours to find peace and re. for their souk Aboutmeal these seekers I want to talk so yea

Ilia mme vas %bask Singh. Hie father w. • Sikh soldier, e co...dant. of cevalry. Elie five sons served in his regiment.. Kharak was on brave. One day he went to visit hie father in cense. H saw a creml gab.. round a handsome charger, which was elongate, rearing, and foam]. the mouth, lour soldiers trying to hold him dom. %hank that the hone had

had Y one man and injuredseveral, and that no one had been able to master it At (o t RIO t th the order 1

0, the dangerou

hs hone to be shot Said

Khandi "Let me try and es if I cannot master him" Admiring the young man's pluck, the colonel consented. The lour soldnini hold the horso, and, after a struggle, diharak got. on his back. Then Wilmot a fierce struggle between the bone nod tho man. 11 e horse re.ed, bucked, and did everything be could to throw his rider, but to everybody's surprise the soldier managed to keep his east At lost, in a terrified rage, the charger sot off at a wild, gallop. On end on, for many mike he vent but 'Chetah got the man e..-y, and came back into the camp on the exhausted but conquered steed. So you see that this Sikh soldier ma strong and plucky.

Some time titter this Shank Singh. became anxious about hie soul. Ile knew he had often done wrong, and he wanted to obtain forgiveness end cleansing from sinful thoughts and desires. He studied the hymns and meted books of India, reading all day sometimee and into the

'night until overpowered by sleep, beginning again in the orning.

He became known as • pundit, • man learned in the Sacred Books sail he was unhappy. He read that if one bathed in the seed Diver Ganges hie eine would he washed away, and peace would mme hie heart. So beast off on enemy tramp of hundreds of miles to bathe in "Moths Gunge" (as the Indiana call the river), but he waa no better for his trouble. Full of deeparr, he threw himeoll into the river, Meng that he might find salvation by drowning in its holy waters. But this was not to he ; he wee seen and rescued. Ile went on other pilgrimage. to holy effete. but nowhere round peace Then he selimitted himself to the ceded of fires. Under the fierce Indian sun, with fires burning all around him, he sat. His throat was parched ; the awful heat beat Don is head and shrivelled his skin. After this every-

body mhnsidered him a very holy man, but still he me not happy-ho had not. found the peso his soul longed for. He submitted to ether tortures which nearly killed him, but he said, "Nothing came of it ; I found no•neernem to God, no comfort to my soul." So a last he went back home to his villhge. He kern on studying the Snored Books, and becoming nequanted with someone who knew about Josue Christ, he wee led to study the Bible. Soon he teamed that 11m salvalitm ho might for tvas to be found in Chriet, Who alone gives rest to the troubled soul, and he became a true and earnest Christian. '

To be a Chriatien wee not easy for him, hut he bravely we all difficulties, and after a time became minister. In his old age he volunteered to boa missionary to a dangerous part, where the life of a Citristion .8 not =de. He went, enduring terrible hardship'. "It in no more then I did as a Hindu devot.," he and ; shall I not do it for the Lord?" So you see shot for Indiana and for everybody else Jetsue is.U■17 only Saviour.

One Army of Hind Hearts. We web.. the following new members i-10,029 1follie

Toralimson,10,030 Pegg» IlmliDE011, 10,01 Billy Tomlin Fr 10,032 Frederick Bernet, 10,0E3 Olive Penney. Vies

Bey Heywood sends the names of alma. Seniors: 10,034 Mr. W. Manion, 10,036 Mr. Gibe., 10,036 Mr& P. Bain. bri4., 10,037 Maggie Bainbridge, 10,038 Nellie Wright, 10, May Wright, 10,040 Rhoda Lane, 10,041 Dams Lee, 10,042 Siethe Kyto, 10,043 Hannah Marriott, 10,044 Nellie

, ,10 Oth Olive Haymed, 10,046 Ho Haywood, 10147 NeRis Les, 10,048 Gladys Parsons, 10,049 Amy Freeknall, 50,060 Many Hampluies, 10.061 Harald Wilkinson, 10969 Samuel Methane, 10,063 Wilfred Hallam, 10064 Hebert Hallam. Anion" 10,065 Hilda Lute, 10,066 'Ethel Lane 10,067 Ida Marrioth, 10,058 Irene Wilkinson, 10,0413 Maggie Bancroft 10,060 Bead. Hamden, 19,C61 nide Pemberton, 10,062 Violet Home' Hamden,

10,063 Nellie Bmwhaan, 10,064 Alvin Wilkirson, 10,065 Arthur Lloyd, 10,066 Albert Lloyd. 10,067 Cecil Jacques, 10,068 Leon." Screen, 10,069 Ede Chemises, lain, 10,070 Lily Bradley,-10,071 Arthur Groom, 10,072

n Groom, Awn wink, B.auy, 10,074 housed Hill, 1005 Cecil Hill, 10,079Senprel Goodman, 10.077 George Fletcher, 10,078 Kathleen Baran, 10,079 HI. Ern., 10,0130 Hilda Lloyd 10,081 Prenk Lloyd, 10,089 Lilim Ramedm. 10883 Frank Jacques, *ma Jack Mllreartl. 10,0E9 Harold Millward, 10,086 Harold Daffin, 10,037 Freesia Dalin, 10,098 Gladys Bodkin, 10,089 Charlie

pi...owned, Sheffield. • •


• Endure. Topic for Week beghudng Sept. I t

Mark iv. 3641.

Every student. of comparative religion meet hare been area by the fact that in all agm.and climes the human mind moves along very Muller lines. Mon hare er demanded outward and visible signs of the really of thei

a r

faith. Hence ovary religious foundor has been o wonder. worker. Happily we no longer elidemmr to prove the Divindy ol our Lord thia way. The tables have been completely turned. Once the miraelee of Jesus were thought mammary to wpm,. Hie crime now hie unique personality ie cited in support of tire credibility of the wondor-works. Mired. arc scrutinised tedey more thoroughly titan formerly, and that is Ind an inevitable result of eye changed views of nature, Mr revived see. of the immanence of God, the groreth ol e now method of history, and the cheer' knowledge of other religion metema n. Master Himself regarded•Ilis mighty works aa entirely eubordinere to Hie supremo work el preaching the Gospel of the Kimeloin.. The area of the mart-allots in the Gospels has undoubtedly been reducal by an en-lightened and reverent criticism. So we most not pro-tend that miracles 'stand jest where they did in Chrietim thought

Our thinc reeks to moonily what the Master Himself ever sought to minimise, flia metal,. words hre of far greater value than Flis veeemed maglo. His dcep die-cerement of man's Beet,. needs, His sublime self. emptying good.m are far mightier than any of the signs which a materialistic generation demanded bet the Mader deprecated. To-day faith need not ha buttressed by mighty miracles-Jestts has for more splendid credso-lids. The mperallelol greatness el our Lord needs not the flimsy sup art of our belie) that Belled power to MIS. pawl the regular mune of physical...hire: it can only be discerned by tho eye of thcbeare. He related thin to present credentiols when signs were demanded. He rebated the tethers after giros. And no if wo had per-ceived the Due inwardness of that rebukewe might, hove come to sm that the placed on -.fem. the Wonder-Worker" has steers tended pi °tree re rather than to reveal the greatness of Our Lodi Ho Himself is the world's Most astounding miracle. He It God's meatest Sign. Once in history God and min were supremely at one in the Person of lion who WIN God's Immanuel.

The beariatul story of Jeans on tho lake is rich in .epirattel content. Note the Masters fearlessness. The tempest rayed, bat the Master slept ; the chip was threatened, still tho Master slept- I thank God bee the oompoeum of the Chia-Mae. Let it comfort us in oar hems of Made The discip. were aide, for they KM Christ in the vessel. With Claire in the vessel we moy smile at the norm. We may of land in the earthly harbour, yet we you safe. With Christ we may learn the sweet oblivion of the untroubled ma. 'Pour Captain be on the bridge all moot be well. Secroity from storm we mu never have Dangers end dare of deep grief may be)

Will,but if our heart be atoned to the Mine

Will, and if one coureience be at peace, risr dorm can over-whelm_ La what may threaten, we may ant hi the toted and welt patiently for Hem Pm. S. Calms

Reopening at Oilfield.'

Wym onhe


t, oal t

or renovates


fl on e

l Smlfieldl C

serums were holden Wedneaday, which proved highly sormonfal. Bah the interior end exterior present a mart apear. soca The total coat of renovation ie shunt SW If ems felt that in connection with the re-opening services an effort should ho made tenet only Imo the coal of mom. tMn, bat ale to e.t'roguieh the debt of 120 on the Monk premises The a/ molt of Wednesday'. possed- ings was that 16811, Si. wee seemed. Mr. J._Raeder, of Hempen, conducted Divine worship MI Wednesday after-noon, follereing which corsiderably one 100 partook of ha in Mr. W. Thenton's barn. A public meet-ing was held in the evening when Mr. J. Reeder prodded, and addresses were delivered by Revs. J. Manthipp, Feather..., end W. L. Spooner. Daring the procenth

Katya gold and silver tree wee disrobed ay Mn. A. Y.

Kona, of Tomcat, and Mrs. E. J. Smith. of Bunnell, smiled by Mies Thereon, Mies Ford, and Mr. H. G. Stone, At the close hearty thank. were accorded all who hd seined by Mr. Jamas Whit. end Hr. William Thenton, the. A total of 134 16s. W. vas Neared from the tree, and together with collections, tea, and tressaveVe credit talence, the memnt for tie day wee, ee elated, Me lie. 2d.

Kind Hearts.

Fletcher, 10,190 Ada Page, 10,001 Edna Page, 10.002 Harry Price, 10,095 Ida Johnson, 10,004 Al.,. 00.001, 10,005 %althorn Alvey, 10,006 Edward Marriott, 10,097 Ire Carlyle, 10,008 George Smedley, 10,099 Arthur Mar-riott, 10,100 Doris Mathews 10,101 Willie Mahe., 10,102 Eberil Fradgley, 10,103' Ida Fradgley, 10,104 Rah leen &import, 10,106.Harold Britton, 10,105 Erie hick. ion, 10,107 Fred Hill, 10,108 Robert Baines, 10,109 Lem

Heighlivg, ream Keighling, 10,110 Edna Bentham 10,111 Darn Gums 10,112 Olive Wilkinson, 10,113 George Fernley, 10,114 Winifred Coolie, 10,116 Gwen Johnson,- 10,116 Frank Marriott, 10,117 Lilian Marriott. Well done. South Normantonf

To join the Guild, .send name, age, and addrees' with

premise to be kind. Send one penny stamp for eachbedge required and to @tamp for Muni portage. Stark lettere "Guild," and add.. to Rev. Antrim lone, , rut OPlip.

A Delightful Sweetmeat.

F. Cble•Ses. OUP., NU* • SOE•Eirmwa.

From aaoh.

nO,SOmi ary.

d meta 115.41.11. 520A. EUen, Wye..


ep ramrnomm.





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A Splendid Teachers' Bible, bound in Persian Morocco, yapped, Rom Seed, red PO edges. oontaining the Lest Modem IfelmaPirterea, Maya ite,


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Other Bibles of renrertionate vskie will he given for fewer New Surer:adhere Send Card for fell information to THU Meatass, Liens" 73, Ferringdon See. London, KC.




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T. ALDRINDLEY,AdoroormAMm47. 4, Ludgate Chou., E.G.


Church News.

When answering an ad-vertisement seen In these pages please mention the Primitive Methodist Leader.

waa given by Mr. Webber, and Mrs. French rendered two beautiful solos. Mr.

Davie, of Blandlorti, presided, aup-ported by the Revs. J. T. Evans and E. W. Harvey, and the Circuit Steward, Coun-cillor W. Taylor. Burnley Second.

Brierfield School annivereary on August MA and 20th was a great enc.. Our Iriend, Rev. H. J. Pickett, again served rts with distinction The Young People'aser, vice, ■vhich hat become widely knows for I. brightness, gave much pleasure, a choir of over reveal], voiees rendering special music. At the Close Mr. Pickett expressed hie great joy, and, at his word, "Open the door for thechildren," aboute0 primrel junior children trooped in with collecting bores and placed 1...m round the Coln-munion table, a mord pleasing sight, Mr. Pickett preached eloquently and helpfully to large congreptions. The choir, under Mr. &Halliday, and the organiat, Mr. J. T. Bracewell. rendered special music. On Monday the schoolroom was filled to hear Mr. Pickett lecture on "My Visit I. the Holy Land." The Berries were mot, in-spiring, and the people gave freely, do-pile war Lime, the total collations realising g106, being EA advance on last year. Lamella Second.

At Bransby, owing to the kindn.s Mr. and Mr.. R. Weston, a garden IMe wag held on Saturday. The opening ceremony. was performed by MTe. Fide, of Lincoln. The attractions included popular sports, rempetitione, mimic and a public lea The fate was -be. enjoyable and successful,

worbei" ttoh'Ifd which is nsple:id eftaEuerol only air members.

Oakengates. On Monday, Atigmt 13th, Endeavourer.

of Oakengates and Wellington Circuit held a sue:esti:id rally at Oakengatea, St. Grergehr and Wrockwardino Wood En-deavourers enthusiaatically joining in the rally. 'Miss Jennie Street, an ex-president of the Christian Endeavour Union, was the special apealam. During an afternoon ser-vice and public meeting she erereded all anticipations in arousing and inspiring the young folks With new ideals of Christian End.vour. Revs. William Dudley and George Walmsloy, circuit ministers, ably seconded Mi. Street'a efforts. Rev. Jain. Trace, of Wrockwardino Word, also took part. .The collections more them moored mponds, leaving a good margin for San-day-school funds •

Stratford-on-Avon. An organ to replace the old one waa

opened lase Sunday altern.n. Teacherch was lull. Mr. T. C. Mayon gave an or recital and Mr. I. Clieney and Miss Dorothy Calloway gave solos and a- duet. Councillor J. M. Smith presided. The £50, Ming the cost of the organ, was secured by the day of opening. The- instrument. following upon the gilt of the f.-26 piano, will be a great improvement to the ser-vices of the church.

Talk-o•-t h.-11 iR Upon the completion of enlarging and

renovating the minister's home, a garden party was held en Saturday 1st.. Light refreshments wore Horsed to a largo com-p.y, and musical items rendered. Revs. C. L Tack, W. Lawrence, F. A. Ingham, Messrs. J. Jackson, S. Beech, jun., and It Rs y addressed the gathering. Mr. S. T: Colcloegh presided, the vire -chairman being Mr. G. Biddington. Councillor J. W.. Bmwick, J.P., mlocked the door. Financial results, £17. At Chesterton two aermons were preached on Sunday last by Rev: F.' A. Ingham. In the afternoon a musical service was presided over by Mr. Hollinworth. Mr. F. J. Bossons has brought the choir to a high Mete of pro- ficiency. The entheons, etc., given by the choir, and also the singing by the children. were much appreciated. BD. Bumdred, L.T.O.L, organist from one Talks Church, presided the organ. Collections Ell, lor circuit funds.

Thirst' A moat seccessful circuit atherin wee

recently held at Borrowbyg. Tea

g and

The evening azd.zivg.l.plrobnisBeid.

George Claytoei:,t'fie°:. G. W. Kendall (eirer), and Rev. J. Tope. Mr. J. IP. Wright (circuit steward) presided, and to him great credit is due for the work and organisation of the gathering. In addirton to. time of spiritual blessing, over Eh wee realised.

The annual was Camp Meeting, held on Sutton Bank, favoured by a barge attendance. Gospel addres-ses were given by Mr. C. E. Morrell and Re, J. Toyn. Mr. J. H. Wright conducted. At the Think Junction Camp Meeting the

pre.hers were Mr. E. Green, Mr. J. Butcher and minister. Sessay Camp Meet-ing um addressed by Messrs. J. Simpson and C E. Morrell. The serim of Camp Meetings aimed at Borrowhy last Sunday, when &Ir. J. 11. Wright conducted, and Mr. 0. Clayton and Rev. J. Thin preached.

The Quins Brook School anniversary services were held on August 12th, when

sera y Mr. J. Higgins,- of Osvessitry. A chddren'a set-

' in the afternoon was presided over by Mr. J. Craddock, of Lilloahall. Mr. Higgins gave the addrem, and the scholars rendered solos and recitation., The sen vices were continued on Asguat 1911, when the 'metaphor was Mr. T. Gregory, of Roden. There 'ware large congregations at the whole of the aervinea ne-oollec- lions amounted to £12 10s. Weetonmoper-Mare. •

We here juat had o. visit from Rev. S. Horton, general missiomry !secretary, who rendered u. splendid service. His sermon on tie Sand. everting wee of the most in-spiring and encouraging nature, and we tenet the time is not far distant when he will main visit us. Fifteen years ago a few earnest Primitive Methodisla who had come to reside in &is town started to hold services in a hired room. Theis the present school chapel wan bd11F and a ails of free- hold land attached purchased es winoh later to build a new church. To celebrate the fifteenth anniversary services were recently held. The Rea. J. Ander-ton was the preacher. Lugo companies aasembled al each service. A tea wee held on the Monday. Councillor Hacker, of Beth, was in the chair, and addresses were given by the Revs. J. Anderton and Kirby. Rev. J. Anderlon was the minister

this church for some ten and aball year. out of the fifteen year. the church h. been in we

end he receired a most hearty welcome bank for this zinnias.

Women's Missionary Federation.

Barnsley First and Second. The monthly meeting was held at our

Doncaster.road Church. M.. G.. Porter presided. Rev. J. Ibbortson (United Methodist) gave a very interesting address. Mrs, Davis was the soloist. The secretary read the montldy letter. T. was provided by the ladies of the church Votes of th.ks brought a very pleasant afternoon to a close. Birkenhead

The monthly meeting was held at New Ferry. , A good number of friends were present, and much appreciated a very helpful address delivered b Rev. W. E. Lead. Mn. Stevens contributed two . rell.t solos, and Mrs. Pestle. read the missionary letter from Mm.. Gerrard. Under the presideecy of Mre. Daniels the m.Ling was to ue all a most inspiring one. Rev. George Fawcett and hfr. Morris Jon. al.o took part. _Proceeds, Lb. A garden party was held a fortnight preview. at the home of Mr. T. Weal, Egremont Brief addresses were delivered by Mrs. Henry Speed, Iles. Merryman Taylor, Mrs Cubbin, Alderman B. Swanwich,

S■vpm"d'h.°4.rtirrilitItler MIL generon. nmpitality, and the proceeds For the president's miasionary baaket

Birunted to £3 3.. mingham.

The monthly meeting was held nt Yard-ley-road Church (First Circuit), Mrs. Keeley presiding. Mrs. Earrett um the soloiet, accompanied by Ms.. Touter. Rev. J. H. Hirst gave the address. Tea wee provided by ladies of the ober.. The collection realised 22 Lis 6d.

°mere. The monthly modlag win held at Queen-

street In spite of unfavourable weather

Lucas good number attended. Mn W. a

Lucaa presided, and Miss Day sang a

the m

pleas- ing Belo. An umpiring address was given by Mies Storer, and much intered vas stream in imirmary letter frmn Mrs Wiles.

GRIMSBY FISH—Barnes of the beat oadar...t one wee se. ea

itemine=ems—ummersta /ma Bumf C4 naa

eYmrd mod, — Male h Beal v


Ovrovr-fa-F . • On Sunday, August 19th, s repetition 0.1

the Sunday-school ahnirerrary was give in the Hartinglon-street Church, Rev. G. H. Birch, newly appointed =Mater, preaching two inspiring rermons. In the afternoon Rev. G. W. Reece. of the Wes. leyan (Rings Hall), gave a very Olio hog address •. Bees" to the children Mr. T. Gardiner ner pre4ded. The choir and children rendered their anniver-sary hymns in e very pleasing and credit-ble manner, under the conductorehip of

Mr. H. Y. Wentworth, and reveral recite-boos by the ohildren were mach appreci-ated. On the Monday evenings cony., . the was held, the object being to bring the moorhens into closer personal touch with their minim., which proved to be a very happy ....gement Mr. T. Hodgson presided, and musical items were given by the choir, and Mrs. Shepherd gave two recitations, and Ile, G. H. Birch addressed the gathering. Refreelments were served during the evening. The proceeds were in aid of the cherch hinds, and amounted to Ell.

Biddelph. An interesting !unction took place in the

Sunday-school on August 19th, when pre-sentations were made to two of the scholars who had becomecommissioned officers in the Army —Frank Leeman and Josenk Turner. Frank Leeman volun-teered from a teachers' training college, and alter receiving training in an O.T.C. was garotted second lieutenant. Joseph Turner early in the war and waa a private in the Dnke of Wellington'.

serving in France Ion a . siderable period, .d was me nded

. for promotion by his commanding officer. He was rent to an officers' training school, snd alter succelefellY ...Mg hi. ea.... lions is now ewaiting attachment to • regiment The ceremony was presided ovqr by Mr. J. T. Machin. The presentations, o the form of silver wristls watch with

luminous fingersan M

d figures for each of them, were made by Sir. W. H. Frost. Lieut._ J. Turner was present and received his persomlly, but Lieut. F. Leaman.

, being away in France, the gilt was handed over to hie sister, Miss Ljmid Leeman.

Birkenhead Second. At New Ferry, on Sunday last, August

Nth, an old-fashioned camp meeting was held in the field adjoining our church. The adjacent streets had been well missioned

during the previous cask, and prayer-eetings held emery evening. The showers

of blessings for which we prayed began to descend open us as we mntinued is prayer. Five yang people sought mlvation during the week, and ere the groat day dawned ell our hearts were expectant.. with hope for still greater things. The speakers ap. pointed for the Any were "Alessi.. Wharton. Charmley, Was., Heighten, Jones, Law-son and May, and, under the direction ol olgin*Yeder, Mr. T. J. Smith, every man

...poneent of the fulness el hie soul to the mune power of God. Notes and set speeches were dispensed with, and personal testimony wee the order of the day_ Many an audible response was heard during the rervices from sincere hearts The power ef' the Iloly Ghost was 'present with us. A. the day declined we .ought the shelter of the little church, and during the love-leart that knave] many testified to the joy of the Christian hie. Our hearts sighed for a return of the old-Lime religion and Pente-costal blessings. Many young people come forward seeking Jesus, and we sang the Doxology an the dusky ahadows with grate-ful harts. Bournemouth First.

Branksome Chapel anniversary mrviese were conducted by Bev. Samuel Horton.

kfL7:117alt:artl-no•P`TWurehol Song was ably rendered by the choir, Mn. W. H. Bundey being at the organ, Mr. H. Hamm presiding. 'A lame lumber, (including many visitore to Bournemouth, were present on the hfonday at the les, and . interesting tea-Lable talk wee given bono of our voter. ne—Ilev. -Thom. Jack-soof London, and Rev. J. H. Green, e n Newbury. The pia. wee well filled whn Mr. Horton gave his racy lectnre on

Smpahole Iron the Pulpit" The lec-turer had a good time also the congre. gation certainly did. The annual report 33.4&311ZEI. SAO OW. unsmoked•

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