Download - 'Twas The Night Before Christmas at FFRC

  • 1. Twas the night before Christmas at FFRC. When Zelda saw boxes under the tree.

2. oh how she loves boxes. she must see whats in there! But Putter deterred her with his warning glare. 3. octavia said meet me in tonios Den.well plan it out better and try it again. 4. kiara said listen! i think i know they all met in tonios and she showed them how. 5. we can leap to the top and climb down the tree.we will be on the inside where putter cant see. 6. Now Walter! Now, Zelda! Now, Dove and lorenzo! Jump, Merri! jump Farrah, jump Ming and Derecho! to the top of the tree! to the top of it all!now climb straight down! Climb straight down, Climb straight down all! 7. So Putter cant hear this, some cats run the wheel. 8. Then Bella joins in.All those boxes to steal! 9. Now Putter awoke and checked out the tree. i see what youre doing. now come down to me! 10. Farrah cried please putter.this gift is so fun! 11. but Putter said out now!your fun is all done! 12. farrah said putter, dont be such a grinch! 13. we want to have fun.cant you give just an inch? 14. ill ask mama know what to do. 15. she said just have at it!these gifts are for you! 16. The cats had a blast.They were filled with such glee! 17. The best christmas ever at ffrc! 18. And now from octavia, a big wish for you.A christmas where all of your dreams can come true!