Download - Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Page 1: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.


Page 2: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Calescite!Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road)1st Declension Singular Plural






Page 3: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

1st Declension Singular Plural

Nominative via viae

Genitive viae viārum

Dative viae viīs

Accusative viam viās

Ablative viā viīs

Page 4: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.


• Review Thursday!

• Can you guess what will be on it?

Page 5: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

“Ubi sunt?”

• On the UNLINED side of each notecard, draw:– a picture of yourself in one of the rooms of a

Roman villa– a sentence in Latin– Example: Magistra est in culīnā.

• On the LINED side, write – your name & English translation of the sentence– Example: Magistra is in the kitchen.

Page 6: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Vocabulary Squares

• pg. 18

• Example:

Page 7: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Flyswatter Game!!!

Page 8: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

-īs sunt callidissimus

salve magistra est villa

-ārum dative vale

pervenit -am cum

Page 9: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

agricola servus hortus

optime bibit canis

narrat via sedet

Page 10: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

ātrium circumspectat

coquus cubiculum culīna

fīlius māter pater

tablīnum in triclīnium

Page 11: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

cibus dominus dormit

intrat laudat laborat

mensa toga silva

clamat exit surgit

Page 12: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

puella nominative -ae

canis bene omnes fabula

accusative ablative nomenmale genitive


Page 13: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Calescite!Present Tense – Latin & English

laboro, laborāre- “I work, to work”

Singular Plural




Page 14: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Calescite!1st Conjugation (VERBS)

Present Tenselaboro, laborāre- “I work, to work”

Singular Plural

1st labōro I work labōramus We work

2nd labōras You work labōratis You (pl.)/Ya’ll work

3rd labōrat He/she/it works

labōrant They work

Page 15: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.


Page 16: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Calescite!Present Tense – Latin & English

moneō, monēre- “I warn, to warn”

Singular Plural




Page 17: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Calescite!Present Tense

moneō, monēre- “I warn, to warn”

Singular Plural

1st moneō I warn monēmus We warn

2nd monēs You warn monētis You (pl.)/Ya’ll warn

3rd monet He/she/it warns

monent They warn

Page 18: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Place “Cerberus” on your desk

• I will be coming by to check your translation.

Read “Caecilius” on page

Read “Metella” on page

Page 19: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

2nd DeclensionMasculine & Neuter

2nd Declension Singular Plural

Nom. -us/ -um -ī/ -a

Gen. -ī -ōrum

Dat. -ō -īs

Acc. -um -ōs/ -a

Abl. -ō -īs

Page 20: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

2nd Declension Singular Plural

Nom. amicus amicī

Gen. amicī amicōrum

Dat. amicō amicīs

Acc. amicum amicōs

Abl. amicō amicīs

What gender is “amicus” ?

Page 21: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

2nd Declension Singular Plural

Nom. verbum verba

Gen. verbī verbōrum

Dat. verbō verbīs

Acc. verbum verba

Abl. verbō verbīs

What gender is “verbum” ?

Page 22: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Homework• Conjugate “habeō, habēre” (I have, to have) in

the Present Tense.– ***Include English!!!

• Decline “filius, filiī” m. (son) – ***Include macrons!!!

• Decline “bellum, bellī” n. (war)– ***Include macrons!!!

Page 23: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.


Take out homework!!!

Page 24: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Calescite!Present Tense – Latin & English

habeō, habēre- “I have, to have”

Singular Plural

1st habeō I have habēmus We have

2nd habēs You have habētis You (pl.)/Ya’ll have

3rd habet He/she/it has

habent They have

Page 25: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

2nd Declension Singular Plural

Nom. filius filiī

Gen. filiī filiōrum

Dat. filiō filiīs

Acc. filium filiōs

Abl. filiō filiīs

Page 26: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

2nd Declension Singular Plural

Nom. bellum bella

Gen. bellī bellōrum

Dat. bellō bellīs

Acc. bellum bella

Abl. bellō bellīs

Page 27: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Word Study

• pg. 17

• Parts A&B

Page 28: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Test Review

• Discuss

• Questions?

Page 29: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.


a.k.a. Latin BINGO!!!!!

Page 30: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.


Page 31: Tuesday. Calescite! Decline via, viae (f. way, street, road) 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative.

Take the time just before the bell to look over your notes.

Once the tardy bell rings, take everything off your desk except a blue or black pen, or pencil.

Reminder: No iPods or cell phones may be out while you’re taking your test.

