Download - Tropicalisimo Nov 2014

Page 1: Tropicalisimo Nov 2014

¡Hola! Welcome to our first newsletter which will be coming out every other week, bringing you the latest news on salsa and other latin events in Hong Kong, Macau and China!

Watch this space for the latest on club nights, private and group classes, local and international events, performances and more.

7TH HONG KONG SALSA CHAMPIONSHIPS is coming in December 2012! Details coming soon!!!

continued on page 2

Next Hong Kong Salsa Festival 18-24 Feb, 2013

Featuring 2nd World Salsa Championships (HK)

& 2nd Asia Brazil Carnival.

Come join us and a host of other world salsa stars and dancers in this delightful salsa festival that has everything from festival club night parties, workshops, street party, WSC

competition, Performances, Awesome after-parties in the brilliantly attractive Island of Hong Kong.

Yes, its as fun as it sounds. And participants come from all 7 continents of the world.

See you soon in Asia's World City.... HONG KONG.

Visit for more details.

Hong Kong Salsa Festival 2013

TUESDAY: MELLA BAR 1/F, 17 Lan Kwai Fong, Central. 8:15pm - Bachata Classes followed by Salsa Classes for all levels. $150 includes 2 standard drinks + bachata + salsa lessons + party.

THURSDAY: PULSE BAR 33B Lockhart Road Wanchai. A fine new venue, just a few months old and with a great ambiance. $100 includes 1 standard drink + salsa lessons + party. Door open from 9pm. LET'S DANCE!

WEDNESDAY: CLUB ‘97 Shop 2, 9 Lan Kwai Fong, Central. 10pm to enjoy non-stop fabulous Salsa & Bachata music. Additional variety of music like Merengue, KiZouk, Cha Cha. No cover charge!


Club Salsa Hong Kong ❘


Page 2: Tropicalisimo Nov 2014

“Taking a salsa dance lesson can burn an amazing 500 calories during a good salsa workout!”Joseph is European Amateur Salsa Competition winner (Dec 1998, UK) and a leading promoter in the salsa world, being Director of multiple International Salsa events, including Hong Kong Salsa Festival and the World Salsa Championships (HK).Having established himself over the past 12 years as one of the world’s leading promoters of International Salsa Festivals and organizer of the hugely successful Hong Kong Salsa Festival and World Salsa Championships (HK), Joseph is invited regularly to many International Salsa events for various roles which include Guest of honour, Emcee, Competition Judge, Instructor, DJ, Events Consultant, Social dancer, participating in every occasion with passion and enthusiasm

THE STYLE OF DANCE I TEACHSalsa dance. It includes various types of Afro-Latin-Caribbean music and thus dances to match those music and that includes Salsa LA Style, New York Style, Cuban Style,

Bachata, Cha Cha Cha, Merengue, Cumbia and Kizomba.Salsa is primarily a couple dance but you can enjoy just listening or dancing to the music yourself or even in groups of at least two couples to many couples in a Cuban style known as Casino Rueda.WHAT ATTRACTS PEOPLE TO THIS PARTICULAR STYLE OVER OTHER TYPES OF DANCE?Easy to learn for all ages and backgrounds of lifestyles. Music is

very uplifting and you can easily make more friends and dance with as few or as many dancers as you like. No need for any formal dance wear. HOW LONG BEFORE YOU CAN CONFIDENTLY DANCE SALSA?Depends on how quickly you can get your legs and body to follow your mind’s instructions after learning simple moves from your instructor. I've seen some people take just one month and others up to a year do do


Joseph Ennin, a veteran salsa promoter in the region, renowned DJ, dancer, salsa champion, choreographer, event organizer and more

Established in 1998, Quick Step Ltd. is a leading pioneer in the growth of salsa in Hong Kong and organizes the biggest international Salsa Festival in Asia


STAR PISCES Enjoy a floating 5 star Hotel, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Cinema, Karaoke, Casino, Shows. Fantastic array of buffet dinner, supper & breakfast, cabin & many activities included in the special offer price. Salsa Ball with performances, prize draws and dancing. Suitable for families.

MACAU SALSA FESTIVAL Enjoy all that Macau has to offer as we bring you salsa music and dance shows and workshops to further entertain you. It promises to be one of the most fun weekend music & dance experiences anyone can have.

Upcoming events Christmas Ball on Star Cruises see p.3

HK Salsa Festival 18 Feb

Asia Brazil Carnival 20 Feb World Salsa Championship (HK) 21-24 FebAir on Fire Mar

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by Fringilla ViverrSophomore

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UT ENIM AD MINIM VENIAM, QUIS NOSTRUD EXERC. IRURE DOLOR IN REPREHEND INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA QUIS NOS.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse molestaie cillum. Tia non ob ea soluad incommod quae egen ium improb fugiend. Officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct volutpat platea.

Nonor et imper ned libidig met, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam is nostrud exercitation ullam mmodo consequet. Duis aute in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. At vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus condimentum augue in mauris. Suspendisse non urna. Etiam consequat elit ut enim. Quisque egestas rutrum purus. Suspendisse turpis ligula, luctus et, pulvinar a, convallis et, massa. Ut eu nulla. Pellentesque ac purus sed pede tempor tincidunt. Cras venenatis risus varius dolor. In non risus. Cras pretium lorem in arcu. Mauris et quam eu ante viverra semper placerat est.

Mauris ullamcorper, eros sit amet faucibus consectetuer, pede risus molestie eros, eget vehicula eros magna id nisi. Nullam facilisis hendrerit quam. Morbi porta, ligula ac auctor sodales, dolor est fringilla ipsum, a commodo odio magna quis

eros. Proin metus. Ut risus turpis, imperdiet ac, dapibus non, dignissim vel, pede. Suspendisse potenti. Ut et nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur vel ante. Nam justo libero, tincidunt quis, feugiat at, vestibulum eget, elit sapien.

Aenean quam. Etiam sollicitudin dictum nunc. Pellentesque ornare dolor et ipsum. Phasellus non orci venenatis arcu ultrices vehicula. Mauris rutrum tellus id nisl. Nunc pharetra euismod diam. Integer elit. Cras sapien massa, dignissim et, dapibus sed, adipiscing in, ante. Sed eu leo. Donec in augue. Maecenas vitae turpis. Aenean non mi vel leo blandit porta. Ut quis eros id lorem vestibulum venenatis. Duis et erat vitae mi feugiat rutrum. Etiam in enim. Donec pellentesque nisl sit amet sapien. Praesent pharetra, justo a suscipit venenatis, lorem orci pellentesque nunc, eget scelerisque dolor massa et ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut blandit, arcu id hendrerit placerat, turpis nibh cursus leo, sed placerat erat urna a nisi. Aliquam auctor facilisis sapien. Vivamus ultrices, est et imperdiet laoreet, felis tellus laoreet libero, vitae feugiat nibh elit vel dui. Cras enim quam, dapibus non, blandit id, congue quis, massa. Vestibulum mattis, elit id bibendum cursus, velit enim vulputate tortor, vel pharetra quam justo eu sapien. Morbi tristique porttitor nulla. Aliquam consectetuer, risus in lobortis eleifend, justo nulla pretium velit, cursus ultrices diam lorem ipsum est vitae turpis.

Donec auctor nunc. Praesent lobortis. Aliquam cursus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse ut metus. Aliquam sed dolor. Morbi eros enim, pretium id, aliquet ut, gravida vel, tellus. In at nisl et dui ornare

adipiscing. Fusce mauris dictum massa in nisl. Nunc viverra. Phasellus tincidunt ipsum id quam. Quisque lacinia ligula quis diam. Maecenas tempor placerat purus. Morbi eu lacus non dui tristique dapibus. Sed convallis lacus sed eros. Duis vitae diam vel tellus interdum tristique. Duis mi hac, mauris facere bibendum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.quis turpis sit amet nisl feugiat ornare. Aliquam dolor. Praesent rutrum. Vivamus varius pretium tortor. Fusce dignissim sollicitudin pede.

Cras volutpat, neque vulputate suscipit hendrerit, lacus mi porta felis, condimentum fringilla eros diam in nibh. Maecenas mattis, metus vitae tincidunt malesuada, risus mi dictum mauris, at ultricies tellus velit sed ante. Sed varius mi quis elit. Nullam quis orci. Vivamus aliquet purus vel ligula. Fusce lobortis, ante id dictum accumsan, elit dui commodo neque, vitae venenatis quam ante nec nunc. Nunc vestibulum ligula vel quam dereud.

Nunc porttitor. Nulla at urna. Fusce diam arcu, ultrices vitae, fringilla mollis, porttitor a, nisl. Nam at erat ac purus adipiscing porttitor. Quisque ante pede, pharetra ut, dictum sed, lobortis eu, nisi. Vivamus tellus ligula, porta commodo, porttitor vel, tristique et, odio. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus quam risus, euismod vel, euismod in, convallis eu, justo.

Curabitur labore. Ac augue donec, sed gravida a dolor luctus, congue arcu id diam praesent, pretium ac, ullamcorper non hac in quisque hac. Magna amet libero maecenas justo. Nam at wisi donec amet nam, quis nulla euismod neque in.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc. Irure lorem ipsum sit dolor in nunc

Page 4: Tropicalisimo Nov 2014

POPULAR SALSA SONGSLloraras Oscar D'LeonLa vida es un carnaval Celia CruzAguanile            Marc AnthonyMe Libere            El Gran ComboRan Kan Kan            Tito PuenteJuliana                DLGPerdoname             Gilberto Santa RosaEl Preso            Fruko Y sus Tesos

PRIVATE LESSONSTailored to suit you, your partner or your group's level and requirements, your private lesson with us guarantees fastest learning results and a fun time learning to dance.

Contact us for all your private dance lesson requirements.

CONTACT USFollow us on Facebook: CLUB SALSA HONG KONGFacebook: Hong Kong Salsa Festival & World Salsa ChampionshipsWebsite: To subscribe to our newsletter please e-mail us at [email protected]

the basics well. Because it also heavily depends on how much practice time you put in the studio and on the dance floor. WHAT HEALTH AND FITNESS BENEFITS CAN DANCING SALSA PROMOTE?Taking a salsa dance lesson can burn an amazing amount of calories, around 500 calories during a good salsa workout!  Plus all the sweating will expel all kinds of toxins from your body that can affect you physically and mentally.The amount of your exercise and benefit of course depends on how strenuous is your activity, but the

beauty of salsa dancing is that it can become so addictive you may end up doing it several times a week, getting more calories out of your body. You may perform low to high impact salsa movement.Another great health benefit of learning to salsa is that dancing is great both for cardio and strength training. The constant movement of your body at a fast pace elevates your heart rate, making salsa a perfect cardiovascular activity. Over time, this can lead to a reduced heart rate and lower blood pressure. As far as muscle strength goes, dancing causes you to work out muscles that

you might not even realize that you have. Pushing yourself to practice every step, every move, will help you build your body’s stamina and endurance.A study published in the June 19, 2003 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine found that dancing can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia in the elderly. Salsa isn’t just good for you now—it’s good for you 20, 30, even 40 years from nowHere's a link where you can find more details of that report: BEYOND THE CLASSThere's a salsa club or two practically every night of the week in Hong Kong.Around the world you will find salsa venues in most cities. From Norway to Nepal, China to Croatia,  Japan to Jakarta and Bali, Indonesia  or Johannesburg, South Africa,from Mumbai in India to Moscow in Russia. And of course all over the Americas and Europe.For dedicated enthusiasts you can learn to dance and beyond that to teach and/or perform locally or even on the international stage as have some of Hong Kong's residents who have participated in International Salsa Festivals around the world as dancers, instructors and competitors.Locally, if you and your partner or group dance well enough then you can apply to dance at various public events held in Hong Kong or you may even be invited by talent spotters or event organizers to perform at one of their events.

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Tuesday Bachata + Salsa Party at Mella Bar, LKF