Download - TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

Page 1: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

TREE NUTS BY STATES, 1959-65 • Revised Estimates


• Production

• Use

• Value

Statistical Bulletin No. 3 81

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Statistical Reporting Service • Crop Reporting Board Washington D.C. DECEMBER 1966

Page 2: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in


Almonds Wa.l.Duts Filberts Pecans Tu.Dg Jfuts Macadamia lfuts:

August 5 to Kovember 15 September 15 to December 30 October 1 to September 30 September 30 to March 15 October 15 to ~ 31 J8.11Ua17 1 to December 31 (Peak harvest July te JaJl'llal7)


Edible tree uuts: Canbined production, farm dispostion SDl value .•••..•

Almonds ........................................................

Filberts ................................................................

Ma,cad.amia • • • • • • • • • . • . • • . • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pecans ....................................................

Walnuts ................................................................. Tu.Dg DJ.ts . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • •

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Page 3: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in


By States, 1959-65 -- Revised Estimates Production, Use, and Value

This publication presents statistics, by States, on production, farm disposition price, value, and utilization of sales of almonds, filberts, pecans, English or Persian walnuts, macadamia nuts, and tung nuts for the crop years 1959 through 1965. These statistics have been revised where necessary on the basis of the 1964 Census of Agriculture and check data not previously available.

Data by States for 1909-44 are shown in the Crop Reporting Board Bulletin entitled "Tree Nuts, Acreage, Production, Farm Disposition, Value, and Utilization of Sales, 1909-45" issued October 1947. The data for 1944-49 are shown in the Crop Reporting Board Bulletin entitled "Tree Nuts, Production, Farm Disposition, Value, and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in October 1956, and data for 1954-59 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 295 issued in September 1961.

Since disposition data for macadamia nuts have not been published previously, the entire series from 1946 through 1965 is included in this publication.

Except where otherwise noted, the season average prices in this report are estimated average returns to growers for all uses and all methods of sale. The season average price shown for the United States is obtained by weighting State prices by quantities sold.

Value estimates in this report cover the marketing season or crop year, and should not be confused with cash receipts for a calendar year.

Production of almonds, filberts, and walnuts in commercial quantities is confined to the Pacific Coast States while nearly all pecans come from 11 Southern and South­western States. Almond production is limited almost exclusively to California. More than 90 percent of the U. S. filberts are grown in Oregon and most of the balance are grown in Washington. Most of the English walnuts in the U. S. are grown in California and Oregon with California producing over 90 percent of the total. Commercial produc­tion of macadamia nuts is confined to Hawaii.

Pecans are native to America, and more than half of the total crop comes from wild and seedling trees. Texas and Oklahoma are the leading States in the production of seedling pecans. Georgia is the principal producer of improved varieties.

Tung nuts are grown near the Gulf of Mexico principally in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. These nuts are inedible and are grown only for the production of tung oil used mainly in paints and varnishes.

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Page 4: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

Tab1e 1.--Edib1e tree nuts !/: Production, farm disposition, aDil va1ue, United States, 1959-65

Production gj Farm disposition VaJ.ue o~ --Season

TGtaJ. I HaviDg Home I Sol.d Production l va.J.ue use 1,000

Tons Tons ~ TODa dollars

1959 .......... 229,407 229,4o6 5,650 223,756 120,221 196o .......... 229,8<>4 229,789 6,525 223,264. 129,270 1961 .......... 274,321 274,316 6,705 267,6ll ll9,731 1962 .......... 175,927 175,927 3,966 171,961 99,554 1963 .......... 340,968 340,966 8,354 332,612 146,970 1964 .......... 266,926 266,818 5,586 261,232 133,841 1965 .......... 290,814 290,759 7,313 283,446 128,794

Y. Almonds 1 filberts 1 macadamia& 1 pecans, and walDuts . y Differences between production aDil production ha.viDg va.J.ue are quantities UDharvested on

account o~ economic conditions.

Tab1e 2.--Almonds: Production, farm disposition, season average price to growers, and value, CalUornia, 1959-65

Sales 1,000


n6,769 125,318 ll7,193 97,o42

143,778 131,181 126,041

Production Farm disposition Price Value o~ --Season !1 per ton

Home I Sold gj Production I Sales use 1,000 1,000

Tons Tons TODB Dollars dollars dollars

1959 .......... 82,8oo 200 82,6oo 466.00 38,585 38,492 196o .......... 53,000 200 52,8oo 526.00 27,878 27,713 1961 .......... 66,400 200 66,200 561.00 37,250 37,138 1962 .......... 48,000 18o 47,820 654.00 31,392 31,274 1963 .......... 59,700 150 59,550 591.00 35,283 35,194 1964. .......... 75,400 300 75,100 630.00 47,502 47,313 1965 .......... 72,900 300 72,6oo 617-00 44,979 44,794

Y Production all utilized. Y Equiva.J.ent returns for bulk Dilts at first delivery point.

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Page 5: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

'fable 3·--11'11berts: Production, tara diapositioa, seuea averap price to srowers, &Dil wl.ue~ eresoa, 1faah111gtcD, aad Ua1ted 81;;a1;es, 1,59-65

State &Dil Productica Pal'lll 41apositioa Price Val.ue ot --88&8011 ptr toD

~y lfalle J Sold

y Proacticm '-

Sales ue

1,000 1,000 'lou !!!!! !!!!! Dol.l.ars dollars dollars


1959 •••••••• 9,500 l.8o 9,320 376.00 3,512 3,5()11. 1960 •••••••• 8,4oo 150 8,250 4.2<>.00 3,528 3,465 1961 •••.•.•• 11,100 J.6o 10,940 38o.oo 4,218 4,151 1962 •••••••• 7,300 120 7,18o 440.00 3,212 3,159 1963 •••••••. 6,6oo 100 6,500 470.00 3,102 3,055 1964 •••••••• 7,800 100 11100 4!10.00 3,432 3,388 1965 •••••••• 7,300 100 7,200 450.00 3,285 3,240


1"9 ........ 6oo 15 525 378.00 221 198 1960 •••••••• 550 65 485 422.00 232 205 1961 •••••••• 66o 85 575 382.00 252 22o 1962 •••••••• 48o 60 420 442.00 212 186 1963 •.••.•.. 36o 75 285 470.00 169 134 1964 ....•... 290 TO 220 1!42.00 128 91 1965 ..•..... 440 eo 36o 452.00 199 163

Ua1ted States:

1959 .•...... 10,100 255 9,845 376.00 3,'f99 3,'f02 1960 •••••••• 8,950 215 8,735 420.00 3,760 3,670 1961 •••••••• 11,T6o 245 11,515 380.00 4,470 4,317 1962 ••••.••• 7,7&> 180 7,6oo 440.00 3,424 3,345 1963 ..•..•.. 6,960 115 6,785 470.00 3,271 3,189 1961&- •••••••• 8,090 170 7,920 440.00 3,560 .3,485 1965 .....•.• 7,740 180 7,560 450.00 3,484 3,403

M Productioa allut111zed. y Equivalent retw:'Ds tor bullt mrts at first delivery po1Dt.

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'lab1e 4.--Fill»erts: 1Jt1llzation o't ll&les (uu:belled 'basis) aD4 production o't shelled aeau, oreson, WuhiDst<m, aD4 VA:f.te4 states, 1959-65

lfercllaDtab1e 1111- CUll.a aD4 'blows Orchard-State aD4 ~ shelled grades ra Local. ~

season ll&les s~ .l She1J.ed Shelled 1 ~ shelled sales shelled Used

'l!Gu ~ !!!!! !!!!!.- ~ ~ !!!!! ~


1959 ........ 9,320 5,500 1,18o ~ 14o 1,56o 250 3,430 1960 ••••.••• 8,250 5,o&o 1,190 300 150 1,330 220 2,82o 1961 •••••••• 10,9'M> 5,200 2,870 390 210 2,030 240 5,290 1962 •••••••. 1,180 4,000 ~ 290 180 1,630 18o 2,82o 1963 ••••.••• 6,500 4,500 240 130 1,300 150 1,120 1964 •••••••• 1,100 5,100 38o 290 lJ.O 1,010 150 1114o 1965 .•..•.•. 1,200 4,6oo 990 28o 200 990 14o 2,26o


1959 ..•.•••• ~~ 330 66 25 --- 24 80 ll5 196() •••••••• 331 6 4 4 65 15 15 1961 •••••••• 515 266 131 18 ll 59 90 208 1962: •••••••• 420 244 31 ll 1 56 11 98 1963 . ..••••.• 285 115 3 4 5 32 66 39 1964 •••••••• 220 ll3 3 2 4 2 96 1 1965 •••••••• 36o 186 ll 2 5 56 100 69

Ullited States:

1959 •••.••.• 9,845 5,830 1,246 115 14o 1,584 330 3,545 196() •••••••• 8,135 5,391 1,196 304 154 1,395 295 2,895 1961 •••••••• ll,515 5,466 3,001 4o8 221 2,089 330 5,498 1962 •••••••• 1,6oo 4,244 931 301 18T 1,686 251 2,918 1963 •••••••• 6,185 4,615 183 244 135 1,332 216 1,159 1964 •••••••• 1,920 5,813 383 292 ll4 1,012 246 1,141 1965 •••••••• 1,56o 4,186 1,001 282 205 1,o46 24o 2,329

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Shelled meats



2/(0J,500 2,2 ,6oo 4,158,000 2,18o,ooo 1,220,000 1,310,000 1,8o5,000

90,8o0 59,330

163,900 111000 29,200 51414


2,7'94,300 2,301,930 4,321,900 2,251,000 1,249,200 1,315,414 1,862,566

Page 7: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

Ta.b1e 5.--Macadamia. Buts: Production, farm disposition, season average price to gt'owers, a!ld val.ue, Bawa111 1946-65

State a!ld Production y J8rm disposition Price Val.ue of --season per pound

Total. I BaviDg Bcme I gj Production I val.ue use So1d

1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ Cents dollars


1946 •·•·•••• 630 630 ~ 630 15.2 96 1947 •••••••• 68o 68o 68o 16.9 ll5 1948 ••••.••• 700 700 ~ 700 17.0 ll9 1949 ••••.••• 68o 68o 68o 16.9 ll5 1950 •••••••• 755 755 ~ 755 17.0 128 1951 •••••••• 850 850 850 16.9 144 1952 ........ 965 965 ~ 965 17.1 165 1953 •••••••• 970 970 970 17.0 165 1954 .••.•.•• 930 930 ~ 930 17.1 159 1955 .••.•••• 903 903 903 17·9 162 1956 •••••••• 1,037 1,027 ~ 1,027 18.4 189 1957 .•.••••• 1,343 1,329 1,329 18.7 248 1958 •••••••• 1,836 1,832 31 1,832 18.5 339 1959 •••••••• 2,ll4 2,112 10 2,102 18.2 384 196o •••••.•• 2,6o9 2,579 10 2,569 18.4 474 1961 ........ 3,771 3,761 10 3,751 18.5 695 19(52 •••••••• 5,194 5,194 12 5,182 18.4 956 1963 •••.•••• 6,015 6,0ll 8 6,003 17·7 l,o62 1964 •••••••• 7,872 7,655 16 7,639 15.6 1,192 1965 •.•••••• 8,649 8,538 16 8,522 19.4 1,654

!/ Differences between production a!ld production haviDS value are ecoDOmic aba!ldODIIlent. y Price per pound is derived from val.ue ot sales aDd sales • 31 Rot available prior to 1959·

Table 6.--Pecans: Quantity" shelled BDl quantity marketed 1n the shell, ll principal produciDg States 1 1959-65

(Unshelled basis) 1,000


96 ll5 ll9 ll5 128 144 165 165 159 162 189 248 339 382 472 693 954

l,o6l 1,190 1,651

Season Quantity" shelled

Qllaati ty" marketed 1n shell Total sales

1959 ••.••••...••....•• 1960 .....•....•....... 1961 ................. . 1962 ................. . 1963 .••••••••••.•.•••• 1964 ................. . 1965 ................ ..

1,000 ~

ll5,849 147,005 196,670 54,650

3o6,920 l47,38o 197,990

- 7 -

1,000 ~

20,671 29,445 45,770 14,650 54,630 22,305 40,520

1,000 ~

136,520 176,450 242,440 69,300

361,550 169,685 238,510

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Table 7·--PecaDS: Production, farm disposition, season average price to growers 1

aDd value, by States aDd United States, 1959-65

Production Farm disposition Price Value of --State, variety, y per pou4

aDd season Baae I y Production l Barveated use Sold Sales

1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ Ceats dollars dollar a

Borth Carol.iDa

Improved varieties: 1959 .•..•••....•.•.. 1,050 325 725 32.0 336 232 l96o ................ 2,420 300 2,120 34.0 823 721 1961 .......•.......• 1,300 28o 1,020 22.0 286 224 1962 ................ 1,400 350 1,050 34.0 476 357 1963 ................ 3,500 550 2,950 20.0 700 590 1964 ................ 1,500 300 1,200 25·5 382 3o6 1965 , ...•........... 2,800 400 2,400 21.0 588 504

Wild or seedl1Dg peca:as:

26.o 1959 •.•............. 200 75 125 52 32 1960 ................ 68o 100 58o 25.0 170 145 1961 ................ 200 70 130 16.0 32 21 1962 ............... ,, 500 150 350 25.0 125 88 1963 •.•..•••••••••.• 900 250 650 15·5 140 101 1964 ................ 400 150 250 19·5 78 49 1965 ................ 700 100 6oo 15.0 105 90

All pecaDS: 1959 •.••••..•••.•.•• 1,250 400 850 31.1 388 264 1960 ................ 3,100 400 2,700 32.1 993 866 1961 ................ 1,500 350 1,150 21.3 318 245 1962 •••••••••.•.••••. 1,900 500 1,400 31.8 6ol 445 1963 ................ 4,400 800 3,6oo 19.2 840 691 1964 ................ 1,900 450 1,450 24.5 46o 355 1965 ................ 3,500 500 3,000 19.8 693 594 CaroliDa

r.Proved varieties: 1959 •.••.••••...•.•. 3,700 510 3,190 31.0 1,147 989 1960 ................ 3,400 56o 2,840 32.0 1,088 909 1961 .............••. 6,800 900 5,900 17·5 1,190 1,032 1962 t I I I It I It Itt 1 t I 1 375 8o 295 35·5 133 105 1963 ••.•.•••.•..•••. 9,650 950 8,700 20.5 1,978 1,784 1964 I I e I I I I I I • I I I I I,. 1,500 16o 1,340 27.0 405 362 1965 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5,000 720 4,28o 20.5 1,025 877

Wild or seedl±!!& pecans:

1959 ••....•.••.•••.• 900 70 830 26.0 234 216 1960 ..••.••••.•.•••• 900 90 810 27.0 243 219 1961 ..•..•.......... 1,200 100 1,100 14.0 168 154 1962 •••••.•••••••••• 125 20 105 25·5 32 27 1963 ••.••.•.•••••.•• 1,850 250 1,6oo 16.5 305 264 19f)i4. ••••.••••••••••• 300 40 26o 19·5 58 51 1965 ••••••••• <.1 •••••• 1,000 18o 820 14.0 140 115

All peCaDS: 1959 ................ 4,6oo 58o 4,020 30.0 1,381 1,205 1960 ................ 4,300 650 3,650 30·9 1,331 1,128 1961 ••..••••.•.••.•• 8,000 1,000 7,000 16.9 1,358 1,186 1962 ...•..•......... 500 100 400 33·0 165 132 1963 •••.•.••.•.••••• 11,500 1,200 10,300 19·9 2,283 2,048 1964 ................ 1,800 200 1,6oo 25.8 463 413 1965 ................ 6,000 900 5,100 19·5 1,165 992

See footnotes at end of table.

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'l'ab~e 7·--Peeans: Production, farm disposition, season average price to growers, aad value, by States and United States, ~959-65 -- Contimled

State 1 variety 1 Production

Farm disposition Price V~ue of--y and season per?

Harvested Home

1 Production I use sold Sales ~,000 ~,000 ~,ooo ~,000 ~,000

~ pot•nds ~ Cents dollars dollars


Improved varieties: ~959 ................ 35,400 2,000 33,400 34.0 ~,036 ll,356 ~96o .••..•••••••••.. 29,500 2,000 27,500 33·5 9,882 9,2~ ~961 ................ 69,200 2,300 66,900 ~9.0 13,148 ~,7ll

1962 ................ 13,900 100 13,200 37·0 5,143 4,884 1963 ................ 105,500 3,000 102,500 17·5 ~8,462 17,938 1964 ................ ~,8oo 100 ~,~oo 28.0 3,584 3,388 ~965 ................ 5~,000 2,500 48,500 19.0 9,690 9,215

WUd or seedl!!s pecans:

7,6oo 1959 ................ 8,100 500 29·5 2,390 2,242 196c> ..•......•..•... 8,200 6oo 7,6oo 29·0 2,378 2,204 196~ ................ ~5,400 8oo 14,6oo 15.0 2,310 2,190 1962 ................ 5,100 300 4,8oo 30·5 1,556 1,464 1963 ................ 18,500 1,000 17,500 ~5.0 2,'rl'5 2,625 ~964 ................ 4,700 300 4,400 21.0 987 924 ~965 ................ ~o,ooo 500 9,500 ~4.5 1,450 1,378

All. pecans: 1959 ................ 43,500 2,500 41,000 33·2 14,426 ~3,598 196<> ................ 37,700 2,6oo 35,~00 32·5 ~,26o ll,416 ~961 ................ 84,6oo 3,~00 81,500 18.3 15,458 14,901 ~962 e e I I I I e I I I I t I I I t 19,000 ~,000 ~8,000 35·3 6,699 6,348 1963 ................ ~4,000 4,000 l2Q,OOO 17.1 21,237 20,563 1964 ................. 17,500 1,000 16,500 26.1 4,571 4,3~

1965 ................ 6~,000 3,000 58,000 18.3 ll,140 10,593


Improved varieties: ~959 ................ 2,500 300 2,200 31.0 775 682 1960 ••.•..•.•..•.... 900 250 650 35·0 315 228 1961 .•....••.•...... 3,100 250 2,850 20.0 62o 570 1962 ................ 2,000 250 1,750 34.0 68o 595 1963 ................ 4,400 400 4,000 18.0 792 720 1964 ....•.•....•.... 1,350 250 1,100 26.5 358 292 1965 ................ 1,250 325 925 20.5 256 ~90

Wild or seeUil2g pecans:

27.0 540 472 1959 ................ 2,000 250 1,750 196o ................ 900 250 650 27.0 243 176 1961 ................ ~,700 250 1,450 16.0 272 232 1962 ................ 1,6oo 200 1,400 29·0 464 406 1963 ................ 2,400 250 2,150 16.5 396 355 1964 ................ 1,350 150 ~,200 20.5 277 246 1965 ................ 850 175 675 16.1 137 109

All pecans: 1959 ................ 4,500 550 3,950 29·2 1,315 1,154 ~96o ................ ~,8oo 500 1,300 31.1 558 404 1961 ................ 4,8oo 500 4,300 18.7 892 8o2 1962 ................ 3,6oo 450 3,150 31.8 1,~44 1,001 1963 ................ 6,8oo 650 6,150 17·5 ~,188 1,075 1964 ................ 2,700 400 2,300 23.4 635 538 ~965 ................ 2,100 500 1,6oo 18.7 393 299

See footnotes at end of table.

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'fable 7.--Pecans: Production, :farm disposition, season average price to growers, and value, by' states and United States, 1959-65 -- Continued

State 1 variety 1 Production Farm disposition Price Value of --y

aDd season per pound

Harvested Home _l Sold gJ Produetian J Sales use

1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ pounds ~ Cents dollars dollars


Improved varieties: 1959 ·········· ...... 12,200 38o 11,820 31.5 3,843 3,723 1960 ................ 13,300 500 12,8oo 34.0 4,522 4,352 1961 ................ 42,300 700 41,6oo 19.0 8,037 7,904 1962 ................ 4,6oo 250 4,350 36·5 1,679 1,588 1963 ................. 52,100 1,100 51,000 17.0 8,857 8,670 1964 ................ 10,200 700 9,500 27·0 2,754 2,565 1965 ................ 24,500 700 23,8oo 19.0 4,655 4,522

Wild or seedli.Dg pecans:

2,88o 28.0 84o 8o6 1959 ................ 3,000 120 1960 ................ 4,000 200 3,8oo 28.5 1,14o 1,o83 1961 ................ 8,100 300 7,8oo 15·5 1,256 1,209 1962 ................ 2,6oo 150 2,450 31.0 8o6 76o 1963 ................ 9,200 200 9,000 16.0 1,472 1,44o 1964 ................. 2,500 200 2,300 20.0 500 46o 1965 ................ 5,000 4oo 4,6oo 15.0 750 690

All pecans: 1959 ................ 15,200 500 14,700 30.8 4,683 4,529 1960 •.•..•••••.••.•• 17,300 700 16,6oo 32·7 5,662 5,435 1961 ................ 50,4oo 1,000 49,4oo 18.4 9,293 9,113 1962 .................. 7,200 4oo 6,?o<> 34·5 2,485 2,348 1963 ................ 61,300 1,300 6o,ooo 16.8 10,329 10,110 1964 ................ 12,700 900 11,8oo 25.6 3,254 3,025 1965 ................ 29,500 1,100 28,4oo 18.4 5,4o5 5,212


Improved varieties: 1959 ................. 2,200 500 1,700 36.0 792 612 1960 ................ 8,500 8oo 7,700 32·5 2,762 2,502 1961 •• ••••••• ••••eo• • 10,700 900 9,8oo 18.5 1,98o 1,813 1962 ................ 3,100 500 2,6oo 38.0 1,178 988 1963 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 15,700 Boo 14,900 18.0 2,826 2,682 1964 • • • • • • • • • • e eo e e • 7,100 900 6,200 25.0 1,775 1,550 1965 ................ 8,500 1,000 7,500 18.5 1,572 1,388

Wild or seedJ 1ug pecans:

1959 ................ 3,200 300 2,900 32.0 1,024 928 1960 ................ 9,300 300 ~,000 28.0 2,6o4 2,520 1961 ................ 15,200 4oo 14,8oo 15.0 2,28o 2,220 1962 ................ 3,300 300 3,000 30.0 990 900 1963 ................ 14,700 8oo 13,900 16.0 2,352 2,224 1964 ................ 12,200 6oo 11,6oo 21.0 2,562 2,436 1965 ................ 9,000 500 8,500 14.5 1,305 1,232

All pecans: 1959 ................ 5,400 8oo 4,6oo 33·5 1,816 1,54o 1960 ................ 17,8oo 1,100 16,700 30.1 5,366 5,022 1961 ................ 25,900 1,300 24,6oo 16.4 4,26o 4,033 1962 ................ 6,4oo Boo 5,6oo 33·7 2,168 1,S88 1963 ................ 30,4oo 1,6oo 28,8oo 17.0 5,178 4,906 1964 ................ 19,300 1,500 17,8oo 22.4 4,337 3,986 1965 ................ 17,500 1,500 16,000 16.4 2,877 2,620

See footnotes at eDi of table.

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'fable 1·--Pec&DS: Production, :f'a1!'111 dispoaition, seaaoa average price to srowers, alld value, b;y States alld 11D1ted States, 1959-65 -- CoatiBiled

State 1 variety 1 Production

y Farm disposition Price Value o:f' --alld season perr

Harvested Home I Sold Produeticm I use Sale a 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 J.!.C!!!!!!!! ~ ~ ~ dollars dollars


Imoroved varieties: 1959 ................ Boo 150 650 38.0 304 247 19E)o •••.•••••••••••• 2,100 250 1,850 33·5 To4 62o 1961 ..•.•.••.•.••... 1,000 200 8oo 22.0 220 116 1962 ..••...••.•..•.. 1,100 150 950 40.0 ~ 3&> 1963 ....•........... 3,200 250 2,950 21.9 672 62o 1964 •.••.••.••.•••.. 1,200 200 1,000 28.0 336 28o 1965 ................ 3,200 215 2,925 20.0 640 585

Wild or seedling peC&DS:

3,8oo 1959 ................ 450 3,350 34·5 1,311 1,156 196o ................ 8,4oo 500 1,900 30·5 2,562 2,410 1961 ................ 5,100 425 4,615 11·5 892 818 1962 ....•..•......•• 2,100 350 1,750 33·0 693 578 1963 •••.••.•.•••••.• T,8oo 500 1,300 19·5 1,521 1,424 1964 .••••..•..•.••.• 4,700 425 4,215 21.5 1,010 919 1965 ................ 6,900 575 6,325 16.0 l,lo4 1,012

All pecans: 1959 ................ 4,6oo 6oo 4,000 35·1 1,615 1,403 196«> •••••••••••••••• 10,500 750 9,150 31.1 3,266 3,030 1961 ..••.•.••.•.•... 6,100 625 5,475 18.2 1,112 994 1962 .•.......•...•.. 3,200 500 2,TOO 35·5 1,133 958 1963 .......•........ ll,OOO 750 10,250 19·9 2,193 2,044 1964 •.•...••••.•..•. 5,900 625 5,215 22.7 1,346 1,199 1965 ............. " .. 10,100 850 9,250 11·3 1,744 1,591


ImDroved varieties: 1959 ................ 2,000 300 1,TOO 35·0 100 595 19E)o •••••••••••••••• 4,500 4oo 4,100 33·0 1,485 1,353 1961 .•..•.....•..... 3,500 300 3,200 20.5 118 656 1962 •..•..••.•.•.... 3,000 300 2,TOO 39·0 1,170 1,053 1963 ................ 9,500 4oo 9,100 21.0 1,995 1,9ll 1964 ..•.•.•..•....•. 5,000 300 4,700 25.0 1,250 1,175 1965 ................ 4,300 300 4,000 20.5 882 820

Wild or seedling ;pec&DB:

18,000 17,300 32·0 5,16o 5,536 1959 ••·••••••·••·••· TOO l9E)o •••••••••••••••• 10,500 6oo 9,900 29·0 3,o45 2,811 1961 ................ 32,500 100 31,8oo 16.5 5,362 5,247 1962 ................ 1,500 200 1,300 31.0 465 403 1963 ................ 39,500 1,100 38,4oo 18.5 1,308 T,1o4 19611- •••••••••••••••• 28,000 TOO 21,300 19.0 5,320 5,187 1965 ................ 6,6oo 4oo 6,200 14.7 910 9ll

All pec&DB: 6,46o 6,131 1959 ................ 20,000 1,000 19,000 32·3

19Eitl •••••••••••••••• 15,000 1,000 14,000 30.2 4-,530 4,224 1961 .•..•..•....•... 36,000 1,000 35,000 16.9 6,o8o 5,903 1962 ••.••.••..•.•••. 4,500 500 4,000 36.4 1,635 1,456 1963 ....•........... 49,000 1,500 47,500 19.0 9,303 9,015 1964 •••••••...•••.•• 33,000 1,000 32,000 19·9 6,570 6,362 1965 ................ 10,900 TOO 10,200 11.0 1,852 1,731

See footnotes at em o:f' table.

- ll-

Page 12: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

Table 7.--Pecans: Production, farm disposition, season average price to growers, aDd value, by States aDd United States, 1959-65 -- ContiDued

State 1 variety, Production Farm disposition Price Value of --y and season :per pound

Harvested Home I Sold gj Production I Sales use 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ Cents dollars dollars


Improved varieties: 1959 ................ 500 50 450 44.0 220 198 1960 ................ 3,000 100 2,900 36·5 1,095 1,058 1961 ................ 700 8o 620 29·0 203 18o 1962 ................ Boo 100 700 43.0 344 301 1963 ................ 1,000 100 900 30.0 300 270 1964 ................ 2,000 100 1,900 30.0 6oo 570 1965 ................ 3,000 100 2,900 25.0 750 725

Wild or seedling pecans:

8,500 450 8,050 2,635 2,496 1959 ................ 31.0 1960 ................. 38,000 1,700 36,300 29.0 ll,020 10,527 1961 ................ 10,900 720 10,18o 17.0 1,853 1,731 1962 ···············. 6,8oo 400 6,4oo 32·0 2,176 2,048 1963 ................ 15,000 900 14,100 18.5 2,775 2,6o8 1964 111111 I 11111111.11111111111111 35,000 1,000 34,000 20.5 7,175 6,970 1965 ................ 40,000 1,4oo 38,6oo 16.o 6,4oo 6,176

Al.l pecans: 1959 •..•.....••..•.. 9,000 500 8,500 31.7 2,855 2,694 196o . ········· ...... 41,000 l,Boo 39,200 29·6 l2,ll5 ll,585 1961 ................ u,6oo Boo 10,8oo 17·7 2,056 1,911 1962 ................ 7,6oo 500 7,100 33·1 2,520 2,349 1963 ................ 16,000 1,000 15,000 19.2 3,075 2,878 1964 ................ 37,000 1,100 35,900 21.0 7,775 7,54o 1965 ................ 43,000 1,500 41,500 16.6 7,150 6,901


Improved varieties: 1959 .. ······· ....... 4,8oo 300 4,500 40.0 1,920 1,8oo 1960 ................ 4,6oo 4oo 4,200 35·0 1,610 1,470 1961 ................ 3,6oo 300 3,300 28.0 1,008 924 1962 ................ 2,100 200 1,900 42.0 882 798 1963 ................ 10,000 500 9,500 30.0 3,000 2,850 1964 ................ 5,500 500 5,000 32.0 1,76o l,6oo 1965 ................ 14,000 6oo 13,4oo 24.0 3,36o 3,216

Wild or seedling pecans:

26,000 8,o6o 1959 ................ 27,200 1,200 31.0 8,432 1960 .. ······ ........ 26,4oo 1,100 25,300 28.0 7,392 7,o84 1961 •..•....•.....•. 16,400 1,100 15,300 17.0 2,788 2,6o1 1962 ................ 11,900 1,000 10,900 31.0 3,689 3,379 1963 ... ············· 46,000 1,500 44,500 19·0 8,740 8,455 1964 ................ 33,500 1,200 32,300 21.0 7,035 6,783 1965 ··········· ..... 48,000 1,4oo 46,6oo 15·9 7,632 7,409

All pecans: 1959 ················ 32,000 1,500 30,500 32·3 10,352 9,86o 196o ................ 31,000 1,500 29,500 29.0 9,002 8,554 1961 ................ 20,000 1,4oo 18,6oo 19.0 3,796 3,525 1962 ................ 14,000 1,200 l2,8oo 32.6 4,571 4,177 1963 ................ 56,000 2,000 54,000 20.9 ll,740 ll,305 1964 ................ 39,000 1,700 37,300 22·5 8,795 8,383 1965 ................ 62,000 2,000 6o,ooo 17·7 10,992 10,625

See footnotes at end of table.

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Page 13: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

'l&~le 1---PeC&IUI: Production, :tar.ra dis:poaitioa, season averap price to growers, aal value, b)' States aal 1JD1ted States, 1959-65 -- ContiDuecl

ProducrUoa Farm disl)Ositioa Price Va1ue of--State 1 variety 1 y per pcnm4

&114 seasoa Baae I ?J Productioa I B'arveated Sold use 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ 1!!!!!:!. Cents dol.l.ars

Jlew Jla1co

lmDroved varieties: 1959 •••••••••••••••• 5,450 50 5,4oo 31·0 2,016 1SJ6Q •••••••••••••••• 8,000 50 1,950 38.0 3,040 1961 .•..•..........• 4,65o 35 4,615 25.0 1,162 1962 •••••••••..••••. 1,4oo 50 1,350 45.0 3,330 1963 .....•.....•.•.• 6,000 50 5,950 30.0 1,8oo 1~ •••••••••••••••• 1,8oo 40 1,16o 28.0 2,184 1965 •••••••••••••••. 5,500 40 5,46o 28.0 1,540

'VD1te4 States

~ovei varieties: 1959 ...............• T0,6oo 4,865 65,135 34.1 24,089 196cl ..•.•..••...••.• 8o,220 5,610 14,610 34-1 21,326 1961. .••.••••••••.••• 146,850 6,245 140,6o5 19.4 28,512 196'2 .••••••••••••••• 39,115 2,930 36,845 39-0 15,455 1963 .•..•.....•..... 220,550 8,100 212,450 18.1 41,382 19E)il. •••••••••••••••• 55,950 4,150 51,8oo 21·5 15,388 1965 .••.•.••.•..•... 123,050 6,960 116,090 20.3 24,958

W1l4 or setK'Il :haa pcaaa:

141900 4,115 101185 23,218 1959' •••••.....••.•.. 31.0 1~ •••....•••...••. 10T,28o 5,440 101,84.o 28.7 30,191 1~ ....•••••...••.. 1o6,TOO 4,865 101,835 16.1 17.,213 196e ................ 35,525 3,010 32,455 31.0 10,996 1963 •••.••..•.••.••• 155.,850 6,150 149.,100 17.8 21 .. 184 196Jt, •••••••••••••••• 122.,650 4,165 111,885 20.4 25.,002 1965 •..••.•.•..•.... 128.,050 5.,630 122,42<> 15.6 19.,993

All pcuaa: 136.,520 1959 •..•.••.••.•.... 145.,500 8,980 32-5 47.,301

1960 ••••••.••••••••• 181.,500 11.,050 116.,450 31.0 58.,123 1961 ••.••.•.••.•.••• 253.,550 11.,110 242.,440 18.1 45.,785 1962 ••.•.••••••••••• 15.,300 6,000 69,300 35·2 26.,451 1963 .•.•.••.•...•••. 316,400 14,850 361.,550 18.4 69.,166 1~ .•.•.•..•..•.•.• 1T8.,6oo 8,915 169.,685 22.6 4.0,390 1965 ••••.••••.•••••• 251,100 12,590 238,510 11·9 44,951

U_ Exc1114es qwmti ties 1e :'t uaha.rveated. y Prices for "all peC&IUI" ccaprted b)' weigbtillg prices for improved aDd seedliDg pee&DS b)'

~tities sold.

- 13-


1,000 dol.l.ars

1,998 3,021 1,154 3,3o8 1,185 2,113 1,529

22,4.32 25,44.6 21,34.4 14,351 39,82o 14,261 23,511

21,94.4 29,239 16,423 10,053 26,6oo 24,025 19,122

4.4,376 54,685 43.,767 24,410 66,4.20 38.,286 42,693

Page 14: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

'fable 8. --We.l.nuts: Production, farm .clispoai tioa1 season averase price to srowers, value 1

utilization of sales (unshelled basis) 1 BDI1 pl'Oducticm. of shelled meats, Cal.if0l'Dia1 Oregon, BDd UDited states, 1959-65

Production Farm disposition Price Value of --Utilization

State and per ton ot sales season Home I gj

Production I Sold. 1D I Shelled Total'!/ Sold. Sales use shell 1,000 1,000

Tons Tons Tons Dollars d.ollars dollars ~ ~DB


1959 •••••••• 58,500 400 58,100 483.00 28,256 28,<>62 28,100 30,000 1960 ••.••••• 70,300 400 69,900 535·00 37,610 37,396 28,900 41,000 1.96~ ........ 61,200 400 6o,8oo 473.00 28,948 28,158 24,6o0 36,200 1962 •••..••• 71,000 400 76,6o0 409.00 36,113 35,925 29,400 47,200 1963 ........ 79,300 400 78,900 46o.oo 36,478 36,294 27,8oo 51,100 1964 •••••••• 86,100 400 85,700 458.00 39,434 39,251 28,700 51,000 1965 ........ 79,000 400 78,6oo 420.00 33,18o 33,012 29,900 48,700


1959 •••••••• 4,200 300 3,900 450.00 1,890 1,155 2,26o 1,64o 196o •••••••• 2,500 18o 2,320 570.00 1,425 1,322 1,470 850 1961 •••••••• 6,300 300 6,000 410.00 2,583 2,46o 3,630 2,370 1962 •..•••.. 2,900 200 2,700 420.00 1,218 1,134 910 1,730 1963 •••••••• 3,8oo 200 3,6oo 450.00 1,110 1,620 1,300 2,300 1964- •••••••• 4,100 250 3,850 430.00 1,763 1,656 1,270 2,58o 1965 •••••••• 1,300 130 1,170 420.00 546 491 670 500

United States:

1959 •••••••• 62,700 700 62,000 481.00 30,146 29,817 30,36o 31,64o 196o •••••••• 72,8oo 58o 12,220 536.00 39,035 38,718 30,370 41,850 1961 •••••••• 67,500 700 66,8oo 467.00 31,531 31,218 28,230 38,570 1962 •••••••• 79,900 6oo 79,300 467.00 37,331 37,059 30,310 48,930 1963 ........ 83,100 6oo 82,500 46o.oo 38,188 37,914 29,1QO 53,400 1964 •••.•••. 90,200 650 89,550 457.00 41,197 40t907 29,970 59,58o 1965 •••••••• 8o,300 530 79,710 420.00 33,"T26 33,503 30,5'70 4!9,200

y Production all utilized. y Equivalent retu:rns tor bulk nuts at first delivery- point.

- 14 -

Shelled meats


1,000 ~

21,980 32,230 26,o6o 36,570 37,313 43,531 38,035

1,160 580

1,627 1,14o 1,610 1,&>o


23,14o 32,810 27,687 37,110 38,923 ... 5,331 38,385

Page 15: TREE NUTS - Cornell University · 2018. 10. 10. · and Utilization of Sales, 1944-51" issued in August 1952. Data for 1949-54 are shown in Statistical Bulletin No. 195 issued in

Table 9.--'l.'lulg lfuts: Production, season average price to growers, aud value, by States 8.114 United States, 1959-65

Price State aud I Production y per ton Value of production season 1 1,000

Tons Dollars dollars


1959 ••••••.. 29,000 54.00 1,566 l~ ........ 2,300 65.50 151 1961 ••.•.••• 30,900 ao.oo 2,472 1962 .•...•.• 5,8oo J.2l.,OO 702 1963 ....•.•. 20,900 66.00 1,379 1964- •••••••• 20,400 64.00 1,3o6 1965 •••••••• 25,300 6o.oo 1,518


1959 •••••••• 200 54.00 ll 1960 ••.••••• 1~ 1961 .•.••••• ao.oo ll 1962 ••••••.• gj 1963 •...•... y 1964- •••••••• y 1965 ..•.•..• y


1959 •••••••• 2,700 54.00 146 196«> •••••••• 400 63.00 25 1961 ........ 2,200 81.50 179 1962 ....•••• 500 120.00 6o 1963 •••••..• 2,200 67.00 147 1964- •••••••• l,Soo 62.00 ll2 1965 ........ 1,100 6o.oo 66


1959 •••••••• 6o,700 52.00 3,156 196«> •••••••• 29,000 62.00 1,798 1961 •••..... 62,200 9().00 5,598 1962 .•••..•. 13,000 125.00 1,625 1963 •••••••• 38,100 65.00 2,476 1964- •••••••• 79,500 61..00 4,850 1965 ........ 6,400 63.00 403


1959 •••••.•• 18,000 51.00 918 1960 •••.•••• 10,900 63.00 687 1961 ••••.••• 16,100 92-00 1,481 1962 .••.•.•. 3,500 114.00 399 1963 ••.••••. 12,300 66.00 812 1964- •••••••• 2l.,6oo 62.00 1,339 1965 .•....•. 500 58.00 29

UDited States:

1959 •••••••• ll0,6oo 52.40 5,797 196c> •.•••.•• 42,6oo 62.50 2,661 1961 .•.••••• lll,540 87·30 9,741 1962 •••••.•. 22,8oo 122.00 2,786 1963 •••••••• 73,500 65-50 4,814 1964 •••••••• 123,300 61.70 7,6o7 1965 ........ 33,300 6o.50 2,016

y Production and price in terms of air dried nuts in the husk. y Negllgib1e

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