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Increasing Donations To Traid

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Figures 2-6

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Introduction 5Methodology 7

Research 11Consumer Insights 17Consumer Profiles 23

The Big Idea 25i. Hauling 27

ii. What Is It? 29iii. PEST and SWOT 31

iiii. Increasing Donations 35Creative Idea 37

Execution i. Zine 39

ii. Promotional Material 41iii. Donation Bags at Home 43Promotional Strategy 45

Conclusion 49References 53

List of Images 55Bibliography 59

Appendix 63Figures 2-6

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The recycling of textiles has both financial and environmental benefits, so it is no surprise that a number of charities and companies are competing for donors. Whilst some organisations are solely interested in making money from the lucrative trade of textiles, charities also work towards putting this money into improving social, working and environmental conditions in areas around the world.

With consumerism ever rising alongside the world’s population, it is becoming increasingly important to support those organisations who are interested in sustainability before the earth’s resources are used up. Ultimately, this would cause the standard of life to drop dramatically, particularly in third world countries. TRAID currently ‘operates over 900 textile recycling banks across the UK’ (TRAID Online, 2013), placing them towards the forefront of the UK textile recycling industry. However, in terms of profit and donations, they continue to be outperformed by some of their key competitors such as Oxfam.

The aim of this report is to identify successful strategies which could be adopted by TRAID to help increase their number of donations.

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Methodology Jade

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Before we began our research we wanted a brief overview of the younger generation’s attitudes towards donating to charity.

The focus group found that 85% don’t donate to charity. Many said they were deterred from donating because charities use of donation adverts don’t appeal to them. Respondents said they felt ‘guilt tripped’ into donating by seeing images of starving children and homeless people. They felt this method had become repetitive and doesn’t show where their donations were going. They also commented that there isn’t enough evidence of how their donations are helping these issues.

This research helped us to identify how TRAID needs to change their appeal to donors through the use of advertising and incentives. In return, new methods will attract new donors and increase purchase in store as well as keeping existing donors.

To begin the process, we need to find out how, why and where donors are currently donating their unwanted clothing. Research can be carried out by conducting a survey targeted at age range 15-30 (millennial generation) and aimed at both genders. Alongside this, a second, more in-depth survey will take a more personal approach towards the millennial generation. This will investigate how the millennial likes to organise their clothing and

personal space as well as finding out how they organise old clothing, donating habits and what would make them more inclined to part with old clothing. This age range in particular is targeted as the millennial generation will mostly benefit from the work that TRAID is doing to improve the environment.

However, as well as finding out about our donor we need a better understanding of how charity shops operate and appeal to their donors. Therefore, we need to visit local charity shops in the area and investigate their visual merchandising, advertisements in store, if the donation process is shown and whether there are donation areas in store. Speaking to members of staff will allow us to find out more about how the charity shop operates, how they receive donations and how they target their donors.

Moreover, we have chosen primarily primary research because it enables us to gain stronger conclusions of what the target donor wants. Using a mixture of open and closed questions on the surveys allows a better understanding of the donor and their opinion. Informal interviews with charity shop assistants gain a truthful insight into how the charity shops are ran and will allow comparisons to be made. From this research we can provide TRAID with a stronger understanding of the donor and create a new promotional strategy.In addition, it will also be beneficial to include facts,

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figures and previous case studies that other charities have had successes with to further influence the best way for TRAID to implement its new strategy. This will be particularly helpful when reviewing the use of social media and its impact on charity donations which may benefit TRAID when connecting to their donors on a personal and interactive level. We can also see what previous campaigns other charities have carried out which have been successful in increasing the amount of donations received

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Research Nicola

Fig 9

Fig 8

Fig 7

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With a global population of over 7,000,000 people, the earth and it’s precious resources are being increasingly stretched to meet growing consumer demands. Fast fashion has dominated the retail landscape since the 1990s, and demand is increasing. It has been shown that ‘both increasing wealth and fashion-led consumption directly contributes to the waste stream’ (Gale & Kaur, 2002).

This is true across the globe in countries with increasing wealth. For example, markets for clothing, accessories and furnishings in China were reported to be increasing rapidly at 21% a year (Gale & Kaur, 2002). In addition, ‘new clothing sales volumes in the UK have increased by 60% in ten years’ (Oakdene Hollins, 2006: 7) which illustrates the huge surge in demand for textiles. However, the falling price and quality of new apparel leaves less chance of being able to reuse or resell second hand textiles; instead their resources are lost.

The growing global demand for textile products causes a variety of environmental problems. In the United States, ‘11.1 million tons of textiles end up in landfills each year’ (Koch, W, USA Today Online, 2013). Landfilling textile goods has a number of repercussions, including the wastage of both product and the resources used to make them in the first place. In addition,with landfilling taxes per tonne of waste, in a 2007 report, the landfill of UK

textile waste alone was reportedly costing the government over £30,000,000 (Moles, B & Tandy, H, 2007).

However, perhaps the most severe cost of landfill is the lasting damage it can cause to our environment. ‘The dyes and chemicals used in textiles are potentially toxic; this is a high risk especially considering that the plastic layer used at the bottom of a typical landfill site is only one tenth of an inch thick’ (Moles, B & Tandy, H, 2007). As the textiles decompose they excrete toxic chemicals into the soil, as well as producing gases which contribute to the greenhouse effect. For example, ‘every tonne of discarded textiles reused saves 20 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.’ (Uniform Reuse Online, Year Not Available)

Despite the obvious damage to our environment, many people still disregard the issue of textile waste. However, with only 16% of around 1.5 – 2 million tonnes of UK annual textile waste currently recycled or reused (Uniform Reuse Online, Year Not Available), a huge amount of financial value is also being lost. Yet companies are increasingly recognising this financial value, with brands such as H&M now accepting their old textiles in store in exchange for vouchers. Brands such as PUMA also take textiles, from any brand, and promise that the clothing will be recycled, which increases a new, ethical bond with their consumer. Inevitably, this leaves TRAID

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with a number of competitors.

With donations of £100 million a year from its UK supporters (Relief Web Online, 2011), Oxfam is arguably TRAID’s key competitor. With 700 shops and an online store, it stands as a great authority amongst textile charities. With an annual target of £135,000 (Guardian Online, 2011), the charities success is a result of carefully considered marketing strategies and collaborations with major brands.

Oxfam make efficient and logical use of their retail spaces in order to reach their ambitious annual target. For example, they employ store managers and volunteers who are passionate and experienced within fashion. Sally Gordon is the manager at an Oxfam store in Enfield, and explained that they “work really hard at trying to make it not look like a charity shop!” (Guardian Online, 2011). This is done by placing more ‘trendy’ clothes on rails away from less fashionable garments, thus creating spaces within the store which cater to the variety of customers who shop at Oxfam.

In addition, as with TRAID, Oxfam segments its donations according to the location of it’s stores. Some items are sent to the charities ‘supersaver store in Romford, where they will go for cutdown prices’ (Guardian Online, 2011). Again, this allows the charity to

appeal to a wider consumer segment without devaluing some of the more lucrative donations.

Moreover, Oxfam ensures that they reach a breadth of customers by selling some of their more desirable donations online. With 85% of internet users around the world using the internet to make a purchase and ‘an increase in the market for online shopping by 40% in the past 2 years’ (Black, 2009), ecommerce can be extremely profitable. In 2012,online sales helped Oxfam to generate 24% more profit than the year previous (Daily Mail Online, 2012), and ecommerce could be better utilised by TRAID.

Some of the books – one by Winston Churchill, for example – will be auctioned online.

It is important for charities to reach a broad range of people as individuals from cities across the UK donate to Oxfam, as illustrated in the statistics below (Relief Web Online, 2011).

1. Oxford - £ 16 million2. London - £ 11 million3. Surrey - £2.9 million4. Lancashire - £2.5 million5. Kent - £2.1 million6. West Yorkshire - £2.1 million

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Fig 10

Fig 11

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7. Hampshire - £ 1.9 million8. West Midlands - £1.9 million9. Cheshire - £1.8 million10. Hertfordshire - £1.7 million

TRAID only has stores and a bespoke collection service in London, a city which is unsurprisingly accountable for a huge number of Oxfam donations. TRAID also do not offer a postal bag and home collection service, which Oxfam regularly do. This enables them to have a larger number of textiles donated at the ease of the donor. TRAID needs to address that there are donors right across the UK, and these must also be engaged. One successful way that Oxfam does this is through the use of social media.

With over 135,000 likes, the Oxfam GB Facebook page is engaging and creative. Posts such as Figure 10 present data in a user friendly way through the use of infographics – giving statistics that the audience can more easily related to and understand. In addition, Figure 11 engages with Oxfam’s more fashion conscious consumer, merging Oxfam’s ethical values with the consumers own interests in order to produce posts which spread their message without the ‘guilt tripping’ tone we often see adopted by charities.

It is surprising that even in such difficult financial

times, the British public continue to donate generously to Oxfam. In fact, ‘research revealed that… one in five Britons say that the recession has made them feel more compassionate towards those in greater need’, a statistic which should have positive repercussions for many charities. However, Oxfam seems to be particularly benefitting from this attitude change amongst consumers, and they must be commended for listening to the desires of their donors. Due to concerns amongst donors about the percentage of their donations going towards bureaucracy, Oxfam and Paypal introduced 100% giving. This program meant that ‘100% of every donation made via PayPal, will go directly to Oxfam’s lifesaving work worldwide’ (Relief Web Online, 2011).

Evidently, Oxfam makes good use of a variety of platforms to reach a broad range of consumers. It is clear that they have a good understanding of their consumer and their desires within the retail environment, on social media and when shopping online. This is something that TRAID could take into consideration when planning an effective strategy to increase UK wide donations.

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Consumer Insights Abby

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In order to identify different types of consumers, those who were aware of TRAID had to be discovered. What type of shopping characteristics would they possess? These consumers are categorised into the following types of consumer:

The Fashion Conscious: These people are aware of the trend for shopping second hand, they may buy into shops like TRAID purely to get items that nobody else has, to find unique pieces, and are not affected by whatever the cost may be. They are obsessed with social media and always blogging and updating their finds.

Second hand hunters:This type of consumer is likely to shop from the high street, also reaching further afield to car boot sales for more extravagant items. They are particularly aware of the prices and are real bargain hunters. They fill their basket and don’t leave without spending their money as efficiently as possible.

Vintage Crazies: Vintage Crazies are the type of people who live their lives through a particular era. They are very specific in what they buy and like to know exactly when and where it’s from. They are also very fashion label conscious, for example they are always on the look out for authentic Chanel bags from the 80s and willing to pay anything for them. Like the fashion conscious these are a little more

specific about what they recommend online, but will want to share their finds nonetheless. Local Livers:This consumer would live locally to a TRAID store – located on their high street perhaps. It’s a shop they would continually visit amongst other local charity shops. They would pop in, always notice how things have changed and encourage family members, neighbour’s and other local friends to visit. By being close to a TRAID store this consumer is very likely to donate regularly to the cause.

The New Hippy: The New Hippy would be a big donator, and source many clothes for themselves here. They would especially buy into TRAID Re-Made and attend the sewing classes on offer. Anything eco friendly pleases this consumer. This consumer would most definitely make purchases for other people here.

Budget Barer:Mother’s on a specific budget would be drawn to TRAID, it is eco friendly, a great place to find good quality items for other family members or themselves. They are very likely to donate as this sets great examples to their children.

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Fig 12

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These categories can be applied to Roger’s Theory of Diffusion (Fig.12) to analyse the consumer further. In theory, people are categorized into 5 types:

Innovators Early adoptersEarly majorityLate majority Laggards

Most of TRAID’s consumers are the Late Majority, which is where the mass population lies. As a charity store. TRAID’s biggest aim is to appeal to everybody from every walk of life. TRAID needs the an appeal that would encourage the Late Majority to always pick TRAID as their chosen charity shop.

To get TRAID to the next level of interest they have to appeal to Early Adopters, where bloggers and the majority of the fashion conscious, consumers lie. If TRAID could attract themselves to the majority of this category through the use of social media, the consumer would adopt TRAID as a charity, and as a fashion brand. This new level will in itself filter down to the late majority who will then have a fresh, new perspective on TRAID.

To get to know more about the consumers a survey was conducted to explore their thoughts surrounding the level

of their attachment to their belongings. 70% of answers came back positive in response to all participants enjoying having a tidy room, and feeling happier with an organized wardrobe. The Independent online claimed “the results of a survey released on February 3 suggest that the saying ‘tidy house, tidy mind’ could be true, with the majority of respondents in the United States feeling stressed or anxious about the amount of clutter in their houses”(Independent, 2011)

In a survey by Russell Research and Rubbermaid, it was found that 91% of participants are “’overwhelmed’ by the untidiness of their house, 57% say a disorderly house is a cause of stress, 42% say it makes them feel more anxious and slightly under half of all respondents claim they ‘won’t invite friends over’ to see their home when they feel it is ‘cluttered.’” (Independent, 2011) 99% of people who took the survey were women. This is something TRAID made clear; most of their donators are women. “ found that women have three times as many clothes as their partners, and just 3% admit to wearing all of the clothes in their wardrobe.” (Davies, 2013). This secured our aim to target mainly women as TRAID’s target donor.

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Fig 13

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Visual consumer profiles of two have been created to get a better personal understanding of TRAID’s donor. They tend to be very fashion conscious, are immersed in social media and excited about second hand shopping.

The consumers were photographed in their bedrooms wearing each and every piece of their clothing that they no longer wear anymore and have always considered throwing out but never gotten round to it. This makes the consumer feel the weight of their clothes, to feel uncomfortable, to look a bit strange, and to realise the amount of clothes that they do not wear anymore. At the end of their personal profiles asked them to quote how they felt about the experience, and how it made them feel about donating clothing. “ ‘primary’ wardrobe - as distinct from the other two wardrobes I’ve had to take over in the past ten years to accommodate the growing volume of my clothing collection...” (Lucy Siegle 2011)

Aiming at young women is a great consumer level for TRAID because by targeting a younger generation to donate will influence future generations. Young consumers will consider donating through our creative idea and then react positively because giving to charity is always going to have a positive effect. This will ensure bonds with the brand and advocates at a young age continuing through their whole lives.

“This rampant and unconsidered consumption has dramatically altered the respect we have for our wardrobes, and led to increased environmental damage” (Christina Dean, 2013)

By influencing young people as they get to an age of independence to donate their unwanted clothing, they will not think of it as an out of place or strange thing to do as their parents will have been doing it their whole lives. TRAID needs to ensure the process of donating clothes will never be alien again to increase the amount of donations they receive. To make donating a familiar experience to young people will secure long term positive affects in terms of donating to TRAID.

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Consumer Profiles

Fig 14

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23Fig 15Fig 14

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The Big Idea Sarah

Fig 16

Fig 17

Fig 18

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To ensure the big idea could act as an umbrella for the overall aim of increasing TRAID’s donations, appropriate research was carried out. From visiting local charity shops around Nottingham it became clear that they all had a very similar message; donating to charity must be easy to do. Both MySight and Oxfam had plastic donation bags in store, and White Rose (part of the Aegis Trust) had most of their donations through well placed clothing banks, see figure 18. From TRAID’s website, 13 clothing banks around Nottingham were found, three of which were on University Campus. During researching these locations, of which only one was found, we realised that due to its remote location away from the busiest university areas, students would not make a conscious effort to find this bin if they wanted to donate clothing. It is simply not easy enough to do.

Our research also lead us to discover that, unlike charities such as Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation, TRAID do not offer a doorstep collection service. These involve a charity branded plastic bag being delivered to the home, with a set date and time for collection the following week. Processes such as this allow the resident to collect clothing from around their home with ease, and a doorstep collection service means saving the donor a drive to their nearest clothing bank. Therefore, the process becomes easy. Strategies such as these offer a higher rate in donations due to the ease of

the process.

Robert Jones wrote, “Working out for instance…which charity to support? These aren’t idle questions…they are matters of real concern, real anxiety, real emotional worry.” (Jones, 2002) This is a key point in building the big idea as increasing donations to TRAID must be easy, yet still carry a moral dilemma. To overcome a problem with such roots in concern and emotion, TRAID must allow actions and ideas developed from the big idea to reflect the ease of donating and fashion trends, rather than the emotional angle taken on by so many other charities.

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The Big Idea i. Hauling

Fig 19

Fig 20

Fig 21

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It was also discovered that, when researching the increasingly popular ‘hauling’ videos of …we are over consuming, with no end in sight. “Despite your fat wardrobes and hard-to-shut drawers, philosophically speaking you won’t be very happy with what you’ve got.” This is true of many YouTube Haulers, with the exception of Blair Fowler, aka Juicystar07, figure 20. In a haul video from 2009, she said, “So all last year I didn’t buy any new clothes…I was spending all of my money on my makeup which was my obsession. So going through my closet I’ve probably worn everything I own in a video, apart from a few shirts I guess but I’ll just donate them to charity…I guess because it’s easy for me to do.” (Fowler, 2009) The ease of donating for Fowler could be down to her American nationality. From her video and other hauling videos, several YouTubers have mentioned donating unwanted clothes to charity on their way to the mall. Incorporating this idea of location ease into the big idea could quickly increase the number of donations they get through their charity bins per year.

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The Big Idea ii. What Is It?

Fig 22

Fig 23

Fig 24

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After thorough research into TRAID and its target donor group, a simple yet effective big idea plan has been created. Through its simplicity, the big idea can be filtered across many platforms in order to increase TRAID’s donation rates.

Research presented the idea that “charities now realise that giving isn’t purely altruistic, that they offer a service to customers, and that donors expect to get something back.” (Jones, 2002) Donors are no longer satisfied with the good feeling they get when giving their unwanted clothing to charity; they need something more, and the big idea offers them just that.

We hoard (fig 24), and we try to get any possible value out of our clothing before donating to charity, as though this has no longer become a choice based on our moral beliefs; it is a last resort. When our wardrobes, as full to bursting as they have ever been, are opened (figure...), “many of the micro trends [we] have ‘invested in’ – T-shirts with chains, a one shouldered jumpsuit, and other designer lookalike items – merge to form a type of sartorial wasteland.” (Siegle, 2011)These clothes have lost love and value, but to push the donor to that vital realisation that charity is the way to clear my wardrobe, clear my mind and do something good, it needs to be easy.

Therefore, our big idea is very simple;

“Traid: Freeing your wardrobe and making

donating easy”

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The Big Idea iii. PEST and SWOT

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To ensure the big idea will be a success, PEST and SWOT analyses were carried out, as seen in figures 25 and 26. The information included shows all current affairs and information that link to TRAID, their donors and improving their business. From these two tables we can also develop further the creative idea and executions which follow on from our big idea.

Based on information gathered from the PEST and SWOT tables, and interviews with charity shop managers, TRAID holds a prominent position within their market, with smaller charities aspiring to their business model. However, despite this, TRAID still need more donations, and through offering limited donation services (clothing banks and bespoke collection service in London), they need to take inspiration from smaller stores who are doing well and receiving high donations. They need to address that as a clothing donations only charity, they need to develop further to be more fashion aware, and could provide trend advice to their donors, so that they dispose of items they will not need for the coming season.

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Political• More than 1100 people died in the

Rana Plaza factory collapse in Dhaka, India

• Sparked civil unrest and questions over workers rights

Environmental• Pesticides used in the production of

cotton damages farmers health• Although only 2.4% of the world's

cropland is planted with cotton, it accounts for 24% of the world’s insecticide market and 11% of sale of global pesticides.

Social• Rise of Vine – short video clips which

the user records and uploads. From the creators of Twitter

• New social medias are becoming more popular everyday

• ‘Hauling’ YouTube videos are extremely popular

• Popularity of ‘Thrift Shop’ by Macklemore

Technological• Anti-crease technology and stain

repellent technology – this could make the fabric harder to dispose of

Fig 25

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Strengths• Key message• Simple idea of clothing only• Good education programme – something

different to other charities

Weaknesses• Social Media does not reflect their

passion for clothing• Re-Made is poorly publicised• It is hard to donate• Their social media is dull and rarely used

Opportunities• Reach out to potential donors through

new means• Take inspiration from the success of

Vintage clothing stores• Improving locations of clothing banks

Threats• Oxfam• Desire to become more green within

fashion has spread to stores – people can now give their unwanted clothing to stores with the return of an incentivesuch as vouchers

• Some charities send out plastic collection bags ready for pavement = EASE

• Stores face threat of current craze of Vintage clothing

• eBay is the place for making money out of unwanted clothing

• People have sentimental attachments to their clothing

Fig 26

Fig 25

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The Big Idea iiii. Increasing Donations

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Through developing a big idea that is flexible across all creative and executional platforms, the overall aim is to increase awareness of the charity and increase donations. Based on consumer research we discovered that (stat here) don’t wear half of their wardrobe. Our research suggests that, like Lucy Siegle, we no longer have beautiful wardrobes;

Every morning when I wake up, I am directly confronted by my fashion history. Mistakes,

corrections, good buys, bad buys, comfort buys, drunk buys: they refuse to go away. This is

because my ‘primary’ wardrobe – as distinct from the other two wardrobes I’ve had to take over in the past ten years to accommodate the growing volume of my clothing collection – is opposite

my bed, and the door, like a broken zipper, will no longer pull across to hide the tale of excess. If I squint I can even make out a rather nasty

polyester pinafore mini-dress I used to wear in the early 1990s. (Siegle, 2011)

Our big idea fully incorporates this idea; we have over consumed, and an alternative to landfill must be used. The answer to this is through charities that allow easy

donations. If our big idea allows our target donor to see their wardrobe as Siegle sees hers, and incorporates the ease of donating that they need, TRAID will achieve their target donations level within the next few years.

Case studies surrounding increasing donations to charity include Oxfam, who have seen record numbers of in store donations in recent years. This is partly due to the introduction of trend posters around their stores, outlining key trends for the season on the catwalk, how to achieve the trend on a second hand budget, and what to look out for when shopping in Oxfam. This example has two main pros and cons. Firstly, these posters have been a direct link to the increase in donations, as the consumer realises that to be on trend, they have to get rid of anything unfashionable or last season. The downside to this is the consumption that then results directly from the poster. If the consumer donates their unwanted items, then creates an on trend wardrobe in Oxfam, they are achieving both cash from the consumer and unwanted clothing to sell. However, some consumers will take this style advice as an opportunity to consume more from the highstreet, therefore increasing the potential that the clothing will go to landfill. It is vital that through our creative idea we fully encourage donations over trend advice and consumption.

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Creative Idea

Fig 27

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1 In 1 Out is the idea that whenever a new item of clothing is purchased, it can replace an item currently in one’s wardrobe. Rather than simply adding more and more items to what they already own, donors will be encouraged through our campaign to donate the “replaced” items to TRAID. The goal is not to promote consumption of new goods; however, it is inevitable that the vast majority of the population will buy items brand new clothing throughout the year, and when they do, we want them to think about they are adding to their closet. The ultimate goal is to encourage people to make a conscious decision to part with some of their old clothing on a regular basis, whenever they update their wardrobe. Clothing can often hold strong sentimental attachment. People also want to gain as much remaining value as possible out of an item they no longer want, usually via online auction websites. These are some of the main reasons people delay getting rid of extra clothes. We want to communicate to all potential donors the benefits of continually rotating their wardrobe. In doing so, not only will people be saving storage space, making sure that their wardrobe is efficient and on-trend, and saving valuable textiles from ending up in landfills, but their donations also help TRAID charitably support social and environmental causes in developing counties. The message to encourage donations should come across in the most positive way possible. We want to educate them

about the work that TRAID does on other countries without offering a “sob story” or a depressing account of what TRAID has seen, and communicate how their donations are valued and appreciated.

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Execution i. Zine

Fig 28

Fig 29

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take home.

We have included such material in the zine as:

• How Embarrassing Is Your Wardrobe – “If your closet is anything like your iTunes library, you’ve probably got a few things hiding in there that you’re not even sure why you still own. Time to let it go.”

• Keeping Your Wardrobe Current – Giving readers insight into what is currently on trend, and encouraging donations of items that are no longer trendy.

• Making The Most of a Small Wardrobe – Offering tips and advice on how to wear pieces together as well as styling activities such as illustrated paper dolls and clothes in which readers will be encouraged to cut out and practice putting together as many different outfits as possible.

The TRAID zine could also partner with such services as STACK, which is a magazine service that sends out a surprise variety of printed materials and zines to subscribers each month.

The TRAID zine is one of the main ways we propose to promote awareness of the charity and encourage donations. They will be found in TRAID stores as well as in any other retail/vintage shops that are relevant and agree to display them. Many vintage shops have shelves or tables with external promotional material such as postcards and flyers which are free for the public to look at and take, and some grocery stores have bulletin boards. Vintage shops source clothing for their stores from warehouses and international markets, rather than relying on donations. It is therefore plausible that they may agree to display a TRAID zine, because TRAID is not competing for their customer base for sales, but rather encouraging people who happen to be from their existing customer base to give away unwanted clothing. In other words, donation campaigns from charity shops are not threat to vintage shops.

We have created the zine to be eye catching while staying low on production costs. We propose to package the zine in a cylindrical tube, along with a branded donation bag and any other materials such as stickers and donor slips that can be filled out and inserted into bags of donations in order to enter to win various prizes or incentives. This is a different way to package printed materials and the intent is to make it appealing to potential donors; it will be different and eye catching. We want it to look interesting enough that people will want to pick one up to

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Execution ii. Promotional Posters and Events

Fig 30

Fig 31

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We are aware that the zine will have limited reach to potential donors. Another proposed strategy is to produce promotional posters that can be put up around places such as grocery stores and university campuses. This will further spread the message encouraging donations while raising awareness of TRAID as a brand and as a charity. Though TRAID has a limited budget, we believe this would be a valuable endeavour.

This campaign is intended to reach the largest number of people possible, from all demographics. TRAID could work with schools and universities to run clothing drive competitions. Prizes and incentives for the competitions will depend on the budget TRAID has available at the time. This will ideally target friends and family of students and teachers, increasing the number of potential donors. In addition, university programs such as Fashion Communication, Design, etc. could hold “swaps” and have students who wished to participate bring clothing that they would like to give away and/or trade for something else. While perpetuating the 1 In 1 Out campaign, these events also have the potential to make student donors can feel as though they are getting something new in exchange for their donations. Any clothing that goes unwanted at the end of the swap event would then be donated to TRAID and go towards the university’s total donation count.

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Execution iii. Home Delivery of Donation Bags

Fig 32

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We propose to deliver small, flat, packaged bags (fig 32) that are branded and labeled for donation to certain areas of the UK, which are located near neighbourhoods with donation bins. Donors will be able to fill the bags with unwanted clothes and textiles, and leave the bags outside/on their doorstep and TRAID trucks will collect bags on a predetermined date. Donor slips, as mentioned earlier in the Zine section of this report, will also be included that donors have the option of filling out and including in their bags. Donors can also sign up online to have bags sent to them and find out when TRAID trucks will be in their areas for pickup. This increases ease of donation ad donors will not be required to leave the house to seek out bins. The easier and more convenient TRAID makes donating to them, the more donations they are likely to receive.

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Promotional Strategy Jade

Fig 33

Fig 34

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The millennial generation are the first group to grow up surrounded by social media. It is reported that 93% of millenials used a mobile phone and social media sites in 2012 (Battle, C. 2013: Online). It will be necessary for TRAID to expand its use of social media to be able to build a stronger rapport with their donors.

TRAID currently use Facebook and Twitter. TRAID use Facebook to regularly post information surrounding the latest worldwide issues seen in Figure 33. This is positive because, as highlighted in our focus group, it was identified that not enough people felt they knew much about the charity. By using social media TRAID are showing their donors more about the charity and issues they cover. TRAID do not, however, interact with their donors on a personal level on their Facebook page alongside providing them with information.

TRAID have begun to be more interactive with their donors via Twitter, where the charity answers tweets with advice on making their own garments using recycled materials as seen in Figure 34.

Therefore to expand their interaction with the donor further it is recommend that TRAID provide regular posts on Facebook consisting of images showing TRAID items in store replicating the latest trends and offering style tips. To encourage more donations a tracking

device could be included on their Facebook page. This would allow the donor and consumer to log items from TRAID on the Facebook page. This can then be used to show other Facebook users which regions are donating the most, how their materials donated could be helping the environment and making a difference on a global scale. There could also be an option that allows you to tweet when you have purchased or donated to TRAID allowing other Twitter users to see and in turn encourage them to do the same. TRAID could use a social media management suite such as Hootsuite to enable them to manage multiple social networks, schedule messages and tweets, track brand mentions and analyse social media traffic.

To further the increase of donations we believe that TRAID should include incentives. This can be an incentive once every six months so that TRAID can budget efficiently. Therefore it is suggested that TRAID incorporate more donors and purchasers by offering donors the chance to win 4-6 tickets to Glastonbury festival. To be entered with the chance of winning the donor has to either donate or purchase something in store and their contact details get entered into a prize draw. The winners will then be selected. To continue working alongside the festival they will provide donation bins and tents at the festival where staff will actively encourage people to donate their clothing at the end of

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46 Fig 37

Fig 36

Fig 35

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the festival. Whether it is muddy or torn, TRAID will collect these items. TRAID staff at the tents will also provide information on the charity and provide clothing that can be brought if people run out of clothing or need to purchase something new because previous items have been ruined. This will create more awareness of the charity itself, increase donations and prevent materials just being thrown away. Before the event there should also be an increase of donations and purchasers as people want to win the competition.

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It is clear; therefore, that for TRAID to be able to increase the amount of donations they receive it will be vital to implement the strategies that we recommend. Extensive primary research has drawn conclusions that TRAID needs to build a stronger relationship on a more personal level with its donors. To ensure this, TRAID must provide incentives for both existing donors and potential donors resulting in the donation process being a giving and receiving process both for TRAID and the donor.

In addition, TRAID is aiming to provide long term environmental security which will be beneficial for improving the environment both today and for the foreseeable future. This is why it is vital for TRAID to increase donors from the millennial generation to ensure they have a sustainable future. Therefore, to target this donor, TRAID will increase their use of social media and offer a zine with style tips aiding in the increase of both purchases in store as well as articles encouraging donors to donate clothing. They will also begin working alongside the festival, Glastonbury, aiming to increase recognition of the charity, receive an increase of donations from unwanted clothing by providing charity bins and a tent at the festival as well as providing donors with the chance to win festival tickets beforehand.

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Total Words

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Battle. C. 2013. Millenial Marketing. Available at: [Accessed: 12th May 2013]

Davies, T., 2013. Woman have 3 times as many clothes as their partners [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 13th May 2013 ]

Dean, C., 2013. Fast Fashion and it’s ugly stepsister, waste: Interview with Christina Dean . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 15th May 2013]

Gale, C & Kaur, J 2002. The Textile Book. Oxford: Berg Publishers. 56.

Independent., 2011. Old Adage ‘Tidy House, Tidy Mind’ is true claims new survey. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 10th May 2013]

Jones, R., 2000. The Big Idea. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2011

Koch, W. 2013. Clothes recycling goes curbside as demand rises. Available at:

story/news/nation/2013/04/20/recyling-clothes-expands-curbside/2092351/. [Accessed: 7th May 2013]

Moles, B & Tandy, H. 2007. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee: Evidence. Waste strategy for England 2007: third report of session 2009-10 . 2 (4), 378.

Morley, N, Slater, S, Russel, S, Tipper, M & Ward, G. (2006). Oakdene Hollins. Recycling of Low Grade Clothing Waste. 1 (1.3), 7.

No Author Available. (Not Available). Background of issues in the textiles industry. Available at: [Acessed: 7th May 2013]

Oxfam, 2011., England’s Generosity Revealed Through Oxfam Donations As Charity Launches New Way to Give. Available at: [Accessed 15th May 2013]

Siegle, L., 2011. To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing Out The World?. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2011

Traid, 2013. About Traid. Available at: [Accessed: 13th May 2013]

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List of Images

Page 55: Traid Report




Fig 3 – NICOLA FAIRCHILD, 2013. JACKET. [Drawing]

Fig 4 – NICOLA FAIRCHILD, 2013. SHIRT. [Drawing]

Fig 5 – NICOLA FAIRCHILD, 2013. JEANS. [Drawing]

Fig 6 – NICOLA FAIRCHILD, 2013. T-SHIRT. [Drawing]


Fig 8 – ABIGAIL WILSON, 2013. TRAID WINDOW DISPLAY 2. [Photograph]

Fig 9 – ABIGAIL WILSON, 2013. TRAID WINDOW DISPLAY 3. [Photograph]

Fig 10 – OXFAM, 2013. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 10th May 2013]


[Online] Available at: [Accessed: 10th May 2013]

Fig 12 – AESTHETICS + ECONOMICS, 2006. FASHION TRENDS + DIFFUSION THEORY. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 10th May 2013]

Fig 13 – MIKE HICKINBOTHAM, 2011. LOYALTY LOOP. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 14th May 2013]

Fig 14 – ABIGAIL WILSON, 2013. SOPHIA. [Photography and Drawings]

Fig 15 – ABIGAIL WILSON, 2013. MELISSA. [Photography and Drawings]



Page 56: Traid Report


FOR TRAID. [Photograph]


Fig 27 – ERIN HAINA, 2013. 1 IN 1 OUT LOGO. [Graphic]

Fig 28 – ERIN HAINA, 2013. ZINE COVER. [Graphic]

Fig 29 – ERIN HAINA, 2013. ZINE CONTENT. [Graphic]

Fig 30 – ERIN HAINA, 2013. CLOTHES SWAP POSTER. [Graphic]

Fig 31 – ERIN HAINA, 2013. CLOTHING DRIVE. [Graphic]


Fig 33 – TRAID, 2013. SCREENSHOT OF TRAID FACEBOOK. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 11th May 2013]

Fig 34 – TRAID 2013. SCREENSHOT OF TRAID TWITTER. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 11th May 2013]

Fig 18 – JADE FRASER, 2013. WHITE ROSE CHARITY BANK. [Photograph]

Fig 19 - TONY GOUGH, 2011. FASHION HAULER NATALIA PEREZ. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 13th May 2013]

Fig 20 – BLAIR FOWLER, 2012. BEAUTY AND FASHION HAUL WITH JUICYSTAR07. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 13th May 2013]

Fig 21 – KATIUSKA, 2012. FOREVER 21 HAUL. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 13th May 2013]

Fig 22 – SARAH STOTHARD, 2013. WARDROBE TOP SHELF. [Photograph]

Fig 23 – SARAH STOTHARD, 2013. WARDROBE. [Photograph]

Fig 24 – SARAH STOTHARD, 2013. ALL OF MY CLOTHES. [Photograph]


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Fig 36 – GLASTONBURY, 2013. SCREENSHOT OF GLASTONBURY WEBSITE. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 17th May 2013]


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Aesthetics + Economics., 2006. Fashion Trends + Diffusion Theory. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 10th May 2013]

Battle. C. 2013. Millenial Marketing. Available at: [Accessed: 12th May 2013]

Black, K., 2011. Business Statistics For Contemporary Decision Making. London: John Wiley and Sons, 2011

Black, S., 2008. Eco Chic: The Fashion Paradox. London: Black Dog Publishing Limited, 2008

Blanchard, T., 2007. Green is The New Black. Great Briton: Hodder and Stoughton, 2007

Brennan, C. 2013. Bangladesh Factory Collapse Toll Passes 1,000. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 12th May 2013]

Davies, T., 2013. Woman have 3 times as many clothes as their partners [Online]. Available at:

have-more-clothes-than-men-282625.html. [Accessed: 13th May 2013]

Dean, C., 2013. Fast Fashion and it’s ugly stepsister, waste: Interview with Christina Dean . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 15th May 2013]

Ferrara, M., 2012. Six Trends of Modern Consumers. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 12th May 2013]

Giorcelli, C and Rabinowitz, P., 2012. Exchanging Clothes. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 9th May 2013]

Hickinbotham, M., 2011. How Can Brand Advocates Guide Businesses Through The New Media Maze. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 10th May 2013]

Independent., 2011. Old Adage ‘Tidy House, Tidy Mind’ is true claims new survey. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 10th May 2013]

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Page 61: Traid Report


Jones, R., 2000. The Big Idea. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2011

Kingsley, P., 2011. What Happens to Your Oxfam Donations? Available: [Accessed: 10th May 2013]

Koch, W. 2013. Clothes recycling goes curbside as demand rises.Available: [Accessed 7th May 2013]

Larkin, E., 2011. Donating Clothing. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 7th May 2013]

London, B., 2012. Feel Good Fashion. [Online] Available at:

Moles, B & Tandy, H. 2007. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee: Evidence. Waste strategy for England 2007: third report of session 2009-10 . 2 (4), 378.

Morley, N, Slater, S, Russel, S, Tipper, M & Ward, G. (2006). Oakdene Hollins. Recycling of Low Grade

Clothing Waste. 1 (1.3), 7.

No Author Available. (Not Available). Background of issues in the textiles industry. Available: [Accessed 7th May 2013]

Oxfam, 2011., England’s Generosity Revealed Through Oxfam Donations As Charity Launches New Way to Give. Available at: [Accessed 15th May 2013]

Retail Revolution., 2011. Buying Habits of Modern Consumers. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 11th May 2013]

Siegle, L., 2011. To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing Out The World?. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2011

Traid, 2013. About Traid. Available at: [Accessed: 13th May 2013]

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Team Blog AddressCritical Path

Team MinutesConsumer Insight Survey and ResultsTraid Awareness Survey and Results

Consumer Focus GroupCharity Interview

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Team Blog Address

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Critical Path

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1 0 0 2 3

3 Methodology

3 hours

Consumer Research 5 hours

3 68

Charity Research

3 hours

9 7 10



1 hours

4 8 10

Surveys 1 week for results

(168 hours) 5 174


7 198 222

6 222 222

8 202 226

10 237 237

Creative Idea

4 hours

11 240 240


3 hours

13 264 264


24 hours

Promotional Strategy 12 242

242 2 hours

Individual Words

8 hours

14 250 274 15 322

346 Print

3 days or 72 hours

13 264 264

Key Task Number

Latest next task can begin

Earliest next task can begin

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Team Minutes

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22nd April Minutes; 1pm - 3.30pm

Sarah, Abby, Erin, Nicola and Jade

- Discussed initial thoughts of Traid brief- Brainstormed primary research plan, to include; online survey, primary research around Notting-ham, (including pictures of the consumer and their answer on a whiteboard), ‘floor-drobe’ images of our consumer (potentially from flatmates and friends)- Thought about big idea, and if it could be plaus-able- Used our knowledge of Traid to help influence potential execution of the creative idea- Discussed brief in terms of how to set out the project

24th April Minutes; 12-3pm

Sarah, Jade and Erin

- Discussed primary research- Visited vintage and charity shops (drawing the conclusion that if charity shops were more appeal-

ing, like vintage shops, they would have a higher footfall)

Vintage Shops Visited- Braderie: Source all clothing from American mar-kets, no clothing is donated- A New Shop: Again, sourced from American Vintage markets- Cow: Clothing is sourced from UK and USA, and is upcycled in store

We felt that the vintage shops smelt nicer, and had a warm vibe to them. VM was very cool and ap-propriate, and clothing was displayed attractively. Changing rooms also were incorporated within the overall store branding. We felt that we could spend a long time in them.

Charity Shops Visited- My Sight: 100% donations, have branded plastic bags in store for people to fill up- White Rose (Part of the Aegis Trust): Rarely any through the door donations, most of their cloth-ing is sourced from the Aegis Trust clothing banks, believe giving to charity shops is all about conveni-

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ence, heard of Traid and aspire to their business model, store is a hybrid between the look and feel of a vintage store, but with all clothes donated to the charity, and all proceeds going to the charity. Only 20% of the clothing they receive is for men.- Oxfam: Mainly through the door donations, mostly from women

We also took images of the stores visited, which will be posted to the FaceBook group. All stores had a small section for leaflets, local bar ads and zines - could our zine be in other stores as well as Traid?

29th April Minutes; 12.30-2.30pm

Sarah, Jade, Nicola, Erin and Abby

- Discussed content for zine- Planned out how content would be carried out- Discussed potentially booking photography stu-dio for 7 items in 7 days section- Thought about the potential of incorporating scent branding into traid stores - could also be used for their collection bags

- Planned out consumer research in more detail - Broke up report into sections, so we can individu-ally work on our sections3rd May Minutes; 11am-1pm

Sarah, Jade, Erin and Nicola

- Discussed art direction and layout for final pres-entation- Brainstormed how to represent TRAID as a brand in our report- Decided that next meeting we will all come ready with a draft of our written sections

7th May Minutes; 2-4.30pm

Sarah, Jade, Abby and Erin

- Discussed individual essay plan- Planned dates to have work done by- Draft of individual work to be completed ready to check over and piece together on 13th May

13th May Minutes; 11-3.30

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Sarah, Jade, Erin, Nicola andAbby

- Discussed any questions we had about individual sections of report- Created cover and began layout for report- Shared our draft versions of report and offered advice and changes- Discussed the issue around making people want to donate (through the potential of getting some-thing back ie vouchers)

15th May Minutes; 1.30-4.30

Sarah, Jade, Erin, Nicola and Abby- Layout of report complete- Began adding individual text to report- Began to compile bibliography- Outlined what needs to be done in tomorrows meeting (see earlier post on blog)- Discussed word count, and potential sections to reduce to ensure we are within the overall count- Shared sources and quotes to aid each other in the development of our text- Created graphic for 1 in 1 out, and shirt designs to go inside the zine

16th May Minutes; 12-6

Sarah and Erin

-graphics for poster and zine done-referencing checked-bibliography done-list of references done-critical path started, finish on 17th-some images added

17th May Minutes; 1.30-3.30

Sarah, Erin and Jade

-graphics for zine started-transcripts typed up for consumer focus group- references, images and bibliography added to report

20th May Minutes, 2.30-3.30

Sarah, Erin, Jade, Abby and Nicola- Discussed progress of report

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- Decided on print date (23rd May)- Discussed binding choices- Planned Zine content to be completed 21st/22nd May- Discussed when consent forms would be ready to insert into report

21st May Minutes, 2-4

Erin and Jade

- Put together zine content- Contacted group for any extra input needed- Zine to be printed and finished by hand to add in creative element to ensure zine would look in place in vintage shops, clubs and charity shops

22nd May Minutes, 1-3

Erin and Jade

- Zine content completed- Emailed Sarah for her content, to be added to-morrow morning- Ensured that consent forms were signed and sent

to Sarah to be added to report- Contacted printers for guide price

23rd May Minutes, 1-4

Sarah, Erin, Jade, Nicola and Abby

- Full group meeting to check over report - Report at printers

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Comsumer Insight Survey

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What is your age?16-20 21- 2626-3030+

What is your gender?FemaleMale

Do you enjoy having a tidy bedroom?YesNo

Do you feel you can think clearer with a tidy bed-room?YesNo

Do you feel happier when your wardrobe is tidy/organized/neat?YesNo

Do you like throwing away old items of clothing?YesNo

Do you think you would be more inclined to throw old items of clothing away if there was a prospect of replacing it with something new?YesNo

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Consumer Insight Results

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Traid Awareness Survey

Page 85: Traid Report

1. How old are you? a) 16-20 b) 21-25 c) 26-30 d) 31-39 e) 40+

2. What do you do with your unwanted clothes? a) eBay or Sell b) Throw away c) Donate to charities d) Swap with friends e) Mend and customise

3. Have you heard of the following charities that accept clothing donations? a) Oxfam b) NSPCC c) Red Cross d) Traid e) Salvation Army f) Plan g) Save the Children h) Clothes Aid

4. Have you heard of the charity TRAID before? a) Yes b) No

5. If so, where did you hear about them?(comment box)

6. What would make you want to donate to charity?(comment box)

7. Do you believe charity shops can be trend aware? a) Yes b) No

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Traid Awareness Results


2 21


16-20 21-25 26-30 31-39 40+

How old are you?16-20 21-25 26-30 31-39 40+

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What do you do with your unwanted clothes?

eBay or sell

Throw away

Donate to charities

Swap with friends

Mend and customise

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Have you heard of the following charities?



Red Cross


Salvation Army


Save the Children

Clothes Aid

Page 89: Traid Report




Yes No

Have you heard of the charity Traid before?

Yes No

If so, where did you hear about them?n/aUniversity VisitUniversity

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What would make you want to donate clothing to charity?

Knowing the clothes go to the most in need

Knowing how to

When I’m no longer using my clothes, when they no longer fit, or when they are old I donate them

Nothing. It’s a good thing to do with things I no longer need

Not wasting clothes

Incentives or more available locations close to my home


I don’t really know, the reason I don’t is because of the effort and so therefore don’t bother, but if it was virtually effort free I would.

An incentive

Easy to do and if my clothes went to a good home

If it was easier

Not to waste them

Ease of donation

If it was easy to do and if there were closer places to drop things off

If I got bored of it/didn’t fit any more

Being told exactly how it helps, what happens to the money etc

If you knew exactly where the donations were going

Knowing that the money goes to helping others less fortunate

If the clothes are unwanted (too big, too small etc) or I haven’t worn them in years then they might as well go to somewhere where someone might appreciate them!

See how it helps

If I knew more about where the money from selling them goes, and what it does to affect me. Also if it was easier for me to do

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yes no

Do you believe charity shops can be trend aware?

yes no

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Consumer Focus Group

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Focus group location: Waverley 118A, Nottingham Trent University.

Title and Subject: Do the millennial generation donate to charity?

Date: Monday 29th April 2012.

Number of Attendees: 15.

Facilitators:Jade FraserSarah StothardErin HainaAbby WilsonNicola Fairchild

Participants:Individual 1Individual 2Individual 3Individual 4Individual 5Individual 6Individual 7Individual 8Individual 9Individual 10

Individual 11Individual 12Individual 13Individual 14Individual 15

Jade Fraser: First of all I would like to thank you for joining the session and offering to express your opinions. We are working on a live project for a charity called TRAID and coming up with a new strategy that will enable TRAID to receive more donations and recognition.

Nicola Fairchild: Therefore, we are interested in seeing how many of you here donate to charity and your views on donating to charity.

Sarah Stothard: We have specifically asked for you to be aged 18-25 because we want a brief overview of the younger generation’s attitudes towards donating to charity.

Abby Wilson: So our first and main question, let’s go around the room, who here donates to charity?

(From left to right in the group)

Individual 1: No.

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Individual 2: Yes.

Individual 3: No.

Individual 4: No.

Individual 5: No.

Individual 6: No.

Individual 7: No.

Individual 8: No

Individual 9: Yes.

Individual 10: Yes.

Individual 11: No.

Individual 12: No.

Individual 13: No.

Individual 14: No.

Individual 15: No.

Erin Haina: Ok, interesting. Would a few of you who said you don’t donate explain why, if there is any particular reason?

Individual 1: I never know what charity to pick, what charity is doing what and it just confuses me when you see all these pictures of umm, not in a horrible way, but starving children. I know there is starving children but I just feel guilt tripped and then feel bad that I can’t afford to donate to every charity there is.

Individual 15: Yeah, I agree. Obviously I know these issues are real but when you walk past people in the street holding pictures of homeless people, then you walk a couple of steps more and there is someone holding a picture of someone malnourished I sometimes feel like the charities are just all competing with who can pull at your heart strings the most.

Individual 12: Oh my god, they stop me all the time on the way to uni and I feel so bad when I have to say no to some of them. The thing is, you see these pictures but then you end up paying £8 a month to help. But, then, well how do you even known if your £8 is being used to help these people.

Individual 14: Yeah, adding on to what all the others have said, why don’t we ever see pictures of children and

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people looking happy because our donations have made a difference?

Individual 3: Yeah that’s so true actually; I would probably donate if I saw how my money is helping. The thing is I don’t even know what some charities do so how am I meant to even donate; do you know what I mean?!

Jade Fraser: Thanks guys, that was interesting to hear. And not forgetting those of you that did say you donate, what makes you donate to charity?

Individual 9: To be honest, I’ve always had a family pet in my life. I know that probably sounds funny but the thing is I donate to an animal charity simply because I like animals. I’ve only recently started doing it but yeah to be fair, it was the images of the sad animals that made me feel sad.

Individual 10: Yeah, I suppose since my Nan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s it’s something I have become aware of. If my money can go in to helping then I’m 100% for it. I think because I know so much about the illness it helped my decision to donate to a charity dealing with this.

Nicola Fairchild: Ok thanks again for your contributions; you’re providing us with lots of detailed answers so please

keep going! So, if you any of you here were offered an incentive to donate, like being entered in to a competition for example, would that make you want to donate and why?

Individual 13: Yeah, it would probably make me actually get up off the sofa and donate my stuff. I know we shouldn’t need incentives to donate but without sounding selfish, some of us are just lazy and need a bit of a kick to actually do something.

Individual 8: I do sometimes look at all my clothes and think I could take so much of this down the charity shop but never get round to it. So yeah, I guess if I had the motivation to sort my stuff out I would.

Individual 4: I think for people of my age that an incentive would help. I know my Mum is keen at donating for charity but I know this sounds silly but it’s just something Mum’s seem to do without thinking twice really isn’t it? Whereas I like the idea of donating but I don’t like being forced to do it. So if I had the chance of winning something and knowing I was doing a good thing at the same time it’s something I could choose to do and want to do.

Sarah Stothard: Thanks again. Now this applies to all of you whether you donate or don’t donate. What methods

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of advertising would appeal to you and make you want to donate to a charity?

Individual 7: I would probably say something online. I spend about 80% of my day on Twitter so if I saw something on there, or Facebook I would be likely to look at it.

Individual 14: Yeah I would probably like a little magazine or something. Something colourful though and maybe not something that’s put through my door. As I probably wouldn’t pick it up if it was dull. Maybe if you could pick it up in the charity shop or something. I don’t know but something like that.

Individual 10: Yeah the problem is, I don’t know about you lot but my concentration is so bad. The minute someone starts telling me something I switch off, not in a rude way. So I definitely need something that’s going to get my attention. A picture isn’t enough.

Abby Wilson: Thanks again guys. And a big thank you for everyone that contributed today. Your answers have been great and very detailed. Let’s hope we can now use your answers to help us come up with a good strategy!

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Charity InterviewWhite Rose, Part of the Aegis Trust

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Sarah: Hi, we are doing a project on charitable donations of clothing as part of our second year project at Nottingham Trent University and were wondering if we could ask you a few questions?

Grace (White Rose): Hi, yes that’s fine. We can go downstairs where it is easier to talk and I can show you our sorting room.

Jade: That’s wonderful, thanks.

Sarah: So, how does White Rose get its donations?

Grace: We have a lot of clothing banks around the UK, and the majority of our donations come from there. We have big sorting warehouses which separate all the textiles, and where to allocate them for resale.

Sarah: Do you ever get any donations through the door?

Grace: Very rarely! It is mostly clothing bank donations that we get.

Erin: To us, White Rose doesn’t seem to be a typical charity shop. It has the vibe of a vintage shop, and the layout and selection of the clothing makes us think this too. Do you find that people often mistake this shop for a vintage shop?

Grace: All the time! I think it is nice though because people don’t want to feel pressured into buying from charities. We state clearly on our sign outside and on little whiteboards around the store, but sometimes these go unnoticed. It’s a bonus for us however, more money, more donations and more consumers!

Jade: Its good for both the consumer and you!

Grace: It really is, I mean, we don’t stock typical vintage items. Everything in the shop has been donated. The majority of items are from the highstreet, we get a lot of Primark and Zara for example.

Erin: Do people buy Primark clothes from here? They’re already pretty cheap.

Grace: You’d be surprised actually! A lot of our Primark clothing goes at around £3 an item.

Sarah: The prokect we are doing at the moment is a live brief with TRAID, a clothing only charity based in London. Have you heard of them before?

Grace: Yes! TRAID is the business model that we aspire to. Their message is so clear, and they seem to be doing very very well considering they only accept clothing donations.

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Jade: That’s interesting, thank you. Our aim is to increase TRAID’s donations, and therefore increase the money they get from selling to help fund more global projects. Do you think there is a key way to making people want to donate?

Grace: Ease. If donating isn’t easy enough, the person simply will not bother. No one likes effort, and, giving is effort. Its so much easier to throw your old jeans out than make a decision to firstly want to donate, secondly find a charity that you think is a good cause to you, and thirdly; actually getting it to the charity shop or charity bank. It just need to be easy.

Sarah: Do you think doorstep collection bags could help this matter? At the moment TRAID don’t offer this service.

Grace: Yes. If something like that gets posted through your door, some people will think, ‘yeah my wardrobe is a bit full’ or ‘I need a clear out’, and because it’s easy, they fill the bag up. All they have to do then is put it on the kerb on collection day and head off to work! I think they could really benefit from this.

Jade: A few people we have spoken to have said that! This could definitely be something we research further.

Erin: One thing we discovered from a Q&A session with a

lady from TRAID was that they don’t sell damaged items in their charity shop. These textiles just go to be recycled.

Grace: We check our clothing here before it goes on the rails (shows us their sorting room). If it is severely damaged we will send it to wholesale and recycling plants. If there is a button missing or something that can be repaired, and we have enough volunteers in, then yes we will repair. As a charity shop, our floor needs to look nice, all the items have to be in a good condition otherwise they simply won’t sell. I know that TRAID have a customisation service where they do change damaged items to make them sell, but I’m not sure how successful this is.

Sarah: That makes a lot of sense. A small amount goes to the TRAID re-made studio in Brighton, but the rest goes to third world countries to be used there.

Grace: It’s a shame that that is a last resort for the garment. Obviously those people will be grateful for the item, but I still think we should strive to send undamaged, decent items to them. Sarah: That’s very true. Thank you for your time Grace, we will definitely use your thoughts to benefit our project.

Grace: Anytime! Thank you.

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