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  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Program Overview & Update

    December 11, 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    History 2009 Several citizens approached Mayor and Aldermen

    requesting traffic calming for their neighborhoods. Mayorand Aldermen allocated $50,000 for the project and created

    a Citizen Traffic Calming Committee to work with staff todevelop a traffic calming policy for the City as a whole.

    2010 Council adopts City of Savannah Traffic CalmingPolicy, and two data-driven Hot Spot lists; one each for

    local residential and residential collector streets. Directstaff to exhaust these lists prior to adding new streets.

    2010 City staff begin working with Paradise Parkneighborhood to develop a Traffic Calming Pilot plan.

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    History 2011 Paradise Park Traffic Calming Pilot plan

    completed and implemented.

    2012 Council appoints 9 members to a permanent,staggered-term committee.

    2012 Citizen Office and Traffic Engineering educatecommittee members about Traffic Calming.

    Set implementation goals for the top local residentialstreet and residential collector route.

    2013 First two neighborhoods engaged in process tocalm a total of 6 Hot Spot list streets.

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Traffic Calming isA change in roadway

    geometry by the use of

    physical measures insuch a way to encourageslow speeds, improvesafety, and reduce the

    need for policeenforcement.

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    Traffic Calming is

    Traffic Circle

    Chicane with center island medianRaised Crosswalk

    Curb Extensions

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    What Traffic Calming is not

    All-way stops

    Roadside environment

    Speed limits/enforcement

    Markings to narrow lanes

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Traffic Calming Score MatrixCriteria Points Basis for Point Assignment

    Speed 0-30 Extent by which 85% speeds exceed posted speed limit; 2 points assigned for every 1 mph.



    streets only)


    Points assigned based on vehicles per day (VPD):

    5000 VPD 0 points


    History0-20 Crash rate per million vehicles per mile of roadway (based on past 3 yrs)



    4 points for each school on the street; 2 points for each park or community center on the street; 2

    points if any (not for each) commercial or institutional use (including churches) exists on the street.


    Facilities0-10 10 points assigned if there is no continuous sidewalk on at least one side of the street.



    Each street segment will be rated on a scale of 0 to 15 for potentially hazardous roadway geometry

    and other factors. Factors to be considered include horizontal and vertical curvature (5 points),

    setback of homes from the street (5 points), and uncorrectable limited sight distance (5 points).

    Total Points


  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Hot Spot ListAs part of the adopted policy, Traffic Engineering staff

    was directed to develop a Hot Spot List of streets fortraffic calming.

    The Traffic Calming Score Matrix was applied to streetsand street segments that had been the subjects ofprevious speeding or cut-through complaints.

    Streets were prioritized based on the number of pointsscored on the matrix.

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Local Residential RoutesLocation




    1 60thStreet Bull To Waters Ardmore 67.00

    2 Willow Rd White Bluff To Golf Club Windsor Forest 65.31

    3 51stStreet Exchange To W Of Stanley Jackson Park 63.00

    4 Durant Av Skidaway To Pennsylvania Gordonston 62.00

    5 Dutchtown Apache To Mohawk Wilshire & Savh Mall 57.90

    6 58th

    St Abercorn To Waters Ardmore 56.007 Texas Av Pennsylvania To N Carolina Avondale 54.49

    8 Henry St Skidaway To Pennsylvania Gordonston 51.567

    9 New York Av Pennsylvania To N Carolina Avondale 50.68

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Local Residential RoutesLocation Segment Neighborhood Total

    10 49thSt Bull To Waters Ardsley Park 49.00

    11 Gwinnett St Pennsylvania To E Of Minnesota East Savannah 47.82

    12 Sheridan Dr Dyches To Dyches Paradise Park 44.77

    13 36thSt Price To Waters Midtown 44.67

    14 44thSt Bull To Waters Ardsley Park 40.50

    15 Hillyer Dr Dyches To Dyches Paradise Park 38.36

    16 Gordonston Goebel To Pennsylvania Gordonston 38.00

    17 Washington Av Waters To Bee Road Parkside 37.50

    18 Kinzie Av Goebel To Pennsylvania Gordonston 35.01

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Residential Collector Routes




    Total Points

    1 Georgia Av Bolling To Bonaventure Avondale & East Savannah 71.00

    2 Bonaventure Rd Pennsylvania To Downing Avondale & Victory Hts 58.75

    3 Goebel Av Gwinnett To Skidaway Gordonston 52.61

    4 Dyches Dr Dunwoody To Paradise Paradise Park 43.93

    5 52ndStreet Waters To East Of Bee Parkside 43.50

    6 Edgewater RdMontgomery Xrd To

    DunwoodyOakhurst & Paradise Park 42.71

    7 Tibet Av Middleground To Canal Largo Woods & Leedsgate 37.118 Windsor Rd White Bluff To Briarcliff Windsor Forest 34.16

    9 Windsor Rd Briarcliff To Black Oak Ct Windsor Forest 31.04

    10 Tibet Av Canal To Abercorn Wilshire & Leedsgate 29.18

    11 Liberty Pw Ogeechee To 516 Overpass Liberty City 26.32

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Traffic Calming Engagement Process

    Step 3 Initial Engagement

    Project Team = TC Members +

    neighborhood lead(s)

    Meeting #1 Project area residents & property owners

    (Project Team + TC Members + TE + CO)

    Step 2 Data Collection

    Gather New Traffic Data

    (Traffic Engineering)

    Collect Parcel Data

    (Citizen Office)

    Step 1 - Identification

    Project Neighborhood

    (from Hot Spot List)

    Define Project Area

    (Traffic Engineering)

    Assign Traffic Calming Members toProject Neighborhood

    (Citizen Office and TE)

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Traffic Calming Engagement Process

    Step 6 Installation of Permanent MeasuresCollection of Signatures for Permanent Measure


    (Neighborhood Committee)Installation of Permanent Measures

    Step 5 Finalize Design/Temporary Trial

    Formation of NeighborhoodTraffic Calming Committee and

    Adoption of Master Plan

    Collection of Signatures for MasterPlan/Temporary Measure Installation

    (Neighborhood Committee)

    Installation ofTemporary Measures

    Step 4 Design Concept

    Additional Data Collection

    (Project Team + TE + CO)

    Meeting #2 NeighborhoodDesign Charrette

    (Project Team + TC + TE + CO)

    Evaluation by TrafficEngineering

    Meeting #3 Design ConceptPresented to Neighborhood

    (Project Team + TE + CO)

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Project AreasProject Neighborhood 1

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Avondale Estates/Bonaventure Road February 2013 Initial engagement with neighborhood

    leadership. March 2013 Neighborhood Meeting #1 April 2013 Neighborhood Meeting #2

    June 2013 - Neighborhood Meeting #3 June 2013 Evaluation of comments and adjustments to

    master plan maps by Traffic Engineering. July 2013 Final master plan maps delivered to

    Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee for adoption. October 2013 Avondale Estates Neighborhood Master

    Plan adopted. October 2014 Neighborhood has thus far been unable to

    secure the necessary signatures to move into the temporarytesting phase.

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    Project AreaProject Neighborhood 2

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Olin Heights February 2013 Initial engagement with neighborhood

    leadership. March 2013 Neighborhood Meeting #1 April 2013 Neighborhood Meeting #2

    June 2013 - Neighborhood Meeting #3 June 2013 Evaluation of comments and adjustments to

    master plan maps by Traffic Engineering. July 2013 Final master plan maps delivered to

    Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee for adoption. September 2013 Olin Heights Neighborhood Master Plan

    adopted. October 2014 Neighborhood has thus far been unable to

    secure the necessary signatures to move into the temporarytesting phase.

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    Project Area


    Neighborhood 3

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    August 2013 Initial engagement withneighborhood leadership.

    September 2013 Neighborhood Meeting #1

    October 2013 Neighborhood Meeting #2.Neighborhood leadership presents a proposedmaster plan developed outside of the Citys trafficcalming process. Residents vote to forgo a design

    charrette in favor of the outside plan. December 2013 Neighborhood Meeting #3.


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    February 2014 City Staff receives a secondproposed master plan developed by theNeighborhood Traffic Calming Committee.

    July 2014 Neighborhood Meeting #4August 2014 Neighborhood Traffic Calming

    Committee adopts the most recent map as itsmaster plan.

    Current Actively soliciting signatures fromresidents/property owners for the installation oftemporary measures.


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    Project AreaProject Neighborhood 4

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    March 2014Initial engagement with neighborhoodleadership.

    April 2014 Neighborhood Meeting #1

    May 2014Neighborhood Meeting #2 July 2014 - Neighborhood Meeting #3

    CurrentEvaluation of comments and adjustments tomaster plan maps.

    November 2014 - Final master plan maps to bedelivered to Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committeefor adoption.

    Windsor Forest

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    Challenges Faced As written, the Citys Traffic Calming Policy requires a great

    deal of staff time to get neighborhoods to the point of amaster plan adoption only for residents to find that they

    dont have the support for plan implementation. Large neighborhoods face an especially difficult time

    gathering majority support for even temporary measures.

    Policy requires a Citizen Traffic Calming Committee but

    does not provide a purpose for the group. Mature neighborhoods with offset driveway and other

    geometric conditions often limit measure selection andplacement.

  • 8/10/2019 Traffic Calming Council Update 2014


    The Citizen Traffic Calming Committee has recommendedrevisiting the policy to improve the likelihood of successfulTraffic Calming implementation:

    Require neighborhood support in the very earliest stages. Tailored impact areas to improve support ratios.

    Reasonable time limits so City Staff and the Committee canmove forward if neighborhood support is not forthcoming.

    Minimum point threshold from the Scoring Matrix forconsideration.

    Next Steps