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Page 1: TOWARDS ALGAL BIOFUEL PRODUCTION: A CONCEPT OF … 12.1.pdf · algae for the production of valuable lipid compounds and other byproduct that can

Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology Vol. 12, Issue of March, 2013© 2013 by “Dunărea de Jos” University – Galaţi Received November 6, 2012/ Accepted January 12, 2013


*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Baljeet Singh SAHARAN*, Deepansh SHARMA, Ranjit SAHUa, Ozlem SAHINb, Alan WARRENc

Microbial Resource Technology Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra,Haryana 136 119, INDIA

aThe Center for Autoimmune and Musculoskeletal Disorders, The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, 350Community Drive, Manhasset, New York 11030

bProduct Manager, Pharma BioMonitoring, MERCK MILLIPORE, Kayisdagi Caddesi, Karaman Ciftligi Yolu KarPlaza No : 45 Icerenkoy, Atasehir, ISTANBUL - TURKEY

cLife Sciences Department, LS Genomics and Microbial Biodiversity Division, Natural History Museum, CromwellRoad, London, SW7 5BD, UK


The use of fossil fuels is increasingly questioned due to depleting natural energy assets and the buildup of greenhousegases (GHGs). Biofuels are an efficient substitute to existing fossil fuel based energy sources as they can be utilized fortransport with little modification to existing techniques. They thus offer the prospect of ecological sustainability andreduced GHGs emission. Microalgae are unicellular autotrophic organisms that can convert atmospheric CO2 into lipidswhich, after esterification, can be utilized as an energy source. Moreover, other bio-metabolites such as bioethanol andbio-hydrogen produced by algal cells are also potentially exploitable energy sources. On large scales, microalgae arecultivated either in open pond systems or in closed photo bioreactors. In this paper we review the prospects of micro-algae for the production of valuable lipid compounds and other byproduct that can be additionally used for biofuelproduction.

Keywords: microalgae, algal biofuels, ethanol, photo bioreactors and bio-methane.


Continuous exploitation of petroleum fuels isunsustainable as they are inadequate and non-renewable resources of energy (Verma et al., 2010)and their ignition results in buildup of the

greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as CO2, NO, CH4,SO2 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)(Heather, 2003). Biodiesel from agricultural oilcrops, and bioethanol from sugarcane bagasse andother agro industrial waste have been reported asrenewable biofuels, but their production is still


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Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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restricted to small scale (Moses et al., 2010).Microphytes or microalgae are microscopic algae,naturally found in freshwater and marine water.

Microalgae are photosynthetic organisms which,compared to other sources of biomass, havecomparatively simple nutrient requirements forgrowth. They are unicellular organisms whichsubsist independently, or in chains or groups. Ithas been estimated that about 200,000-800,000species exist of which about 35,000 species havebeen characterized (Cardozo et al., 2007). Over15,000 novel compounds originating from algalbiomass have been chemically resolved (Taskin etal., 2010). The carbon source essential for thecultivation of microalgae represents up to 60% ofthe total cost of the nutrients. Microalgae can growrapidly and convert solar energy to chemicalenergy via CO2 fixation and are now a promising4th generation source for the commercialproduction of biofuel (Mata et al., 2010).

Under optimal culture conditions, variousmicroalgae species are capable of synthesizing up

to 50-70% of oil/lipid per dry weight and produceup to 58,700 L oil/ha, which is two orders ofmagnitudes higher than the nearest oil producingenergy crop (Chisti, 2007).

Macroalgae surpass all other commercial oilyielding crops in terms of their lipid content whichcan account for up to 80% of the dry weight ofalgal biomass (Table 1). Agricultural oil crops suchas soybean and palm oil, which are frequentlybeing used to produce biodiesel, have relativelylow oil content (< 5% of total biomass basis)compared with microalgae (Khan et al., 2009).

Consequently such crops yield only smallquantities of biodiesel for blending with petroleumand are, unable to meet worldwide transport andenergy requirements. Research and developmenton enhancing biofuel production has beenaccelerating for reason of both environmentalsustainability and cost effectiveness as they areseen as a viable alternative to petroleum- basedenergy (Prasad et al., 2007).

Table 1. Comparison of oil content in agricultural crops and microalgae

S. No. Comparison of oil content in algal biomass and otherbiodiesel feedstock (gallons acre-1 year-1)

Edible/Non Edible

1 Microalgae (70% lipid by weight) 136-900 Non edible2 Microalgae (30% lipid by weight) 58-700 Non edible3 Karanj 2,500 Non edible4 Castor 1307 Non edible5 Camelina 915 Non edible6 Jatropha 741 Non edible7 Palm oil 700 Edible8 Hemp 363 Non edible9 Coconut 230 Edible10 Chinese Tallow 97 Non-edible11 Peanut 90 Edible12 Soy (Indiana) 59-98 Edible13 Linseed 51 Non edible14 Rapeseed oil 50-100 Edible15 Sunflower oil 50-100 Edible16 Soya oil 50-100 Edible17 Corn oil 50-100 Edible18 Cotton 35 Edible


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Various government and non-governmentorganizations are funded to reduce setup andoperating expenses and accomplish the goal ofcommercially viable production. In the last fewdecades, cultivation of microalgae has beenacknowledged a potential attention on account oftheir application as an appropriate CO2

sequestration system and supplementary GHGsemission.

Various studies have been carried out for thedetermination of microalgal potential to sequesterhigh quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere (Lee etal., 2002, Mata et al., 2010). After lipid extraction,the residual biomass can further be used as a highprotein feed for livestock and for the production ofbiogas in anaerobic digesters. It providessupplementary significance to the bioprocess andfinishes with an overall cost effectiveachievability.

Large scale cultivation of microalgal biomass is apromising method of producing a renewablefeedstock for a wide variety of high-value biofuels(Singh and Gu, 2010). It integrates methaneproduced by anaerobic digestion of biomass,biodiesel derived from oil, hydrogen andbioethanol produced by small microalgae andhydrogen and bioethanol by cell metabolism (Leeet al., 2002; Li et al., 2008 and Ergas et al., 2010).

The large scale production of methane was theprimary target goal of the majority of the earlywork on the large-scale cultivation of microalgae.Anaerobic digestion of algal biomass is aconventional practice for biogas production.However, their high lipid content, led to theconsideration of microalgae as a potential sourceof fuel oil (Schenk et al., 2008). A number ofreports have been published in relation toproduction of starch by the cultivation ofmicroalgae and its fermentation by yeasts andbacteria to yield ethanol (Harun et al., 2010).

Biomass can be transformed by the use of thermo-chemical or biological methods. Thermo-chemicalapproaches consist of direct combustion thatprovides electricity, heat and mechanical power.Biological alteration includes the fermentation ofthe biomass to yield energy carriers such ashydrogen, ethanol and syngas, or the extraction of

lipids from the biomass for biodiesel production.Fatty acids can be extracted and transformed intobiodiesel, which is a renewable, biodegradable,non-toxic and environmentally friendly fuel. Thus,the cultivation of high carbohydrate-producingmarine microalgae can generate an alternatebiomass resource for bioethanol production.

Preference over first and second generationbiofuels

The definition of “microalgae” as a feedstock forbiofuels production is here interpreted to includemulticellular as well as unicellular entities, andprokaryotic (i.e. cyanobacteria) as well aseukaryotic organisms. The potential advantages ofmicroalgae over traditional agricultural oil crop asa source of biofuel are as follows:

Seasonal growth of agricultural crops used forbiofuel production such as corn, soybean, peanut,rapeseed and oil palm reduce their availability as asubstrate for biofuel production. By contrast,microalgae can be cultivated all year thusmaximizing their oil yield (Khan et al., 2009).

Sequestration of carbon dioxide from theatmosphere by algal cells. Microalgae utilizedenvironmental CO2 as carbon source whichultimately leads to reduction in GHGs (Schenk etal., 2008). For example, Hanagata et al. (1992)reported that Chlorella sp. can be grown under20% CO2 conditions, whereas maize and cowpeascrops sequestrate 10 to 20 and 0.5 to 1 kg/ha,respectively.

Several microalgae species produce valuablebyproducts such as fats, polysaccharides,biopolymers, proteins, dyes and pigments(Hallmann, 2007).

Microalgae are able to grow in a liquid culturemedium, with better handling, and can utilize salts,e.g. from saline/brackish water/coastal sweater andnutrients from waste water streams (Chinnasamy etal., 2010).

Microalgae can be cultivated in habitats thatinappropriate for agricultural practices (e.g. desertsand coastal land), or require a smaller footprint,


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Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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and thus mitigate the debate on food vs. fuelproduction.

During photosynthesis sunlight is transformedto chemical energy which can be used to produce awide range of fuel such as: bio-hydrogen fuels,polysaccharides (for bioethanol) and lipids(Wackett, 2007).

Microalgae can grow rapidly and synthesizeshigh amount of lipids up to 20-70% dry weight ofbiomass (Kumar et al., 2011).

Microalgae utilize nitrate, phosphorus and othernutrients which are responsible for theeutrophication in water bodies, e.g. when pollutedwith wastewater (Gouveia, 2011). Microalgae cantherefore be used simultaneously as abioremediation agent or wastewater treatment anda feedstock for biofuel production.

After lipid extraction, microalgal biomass canbe utilized as a source of proteins andpolysaccharides for conversion into bio-ethanol(John et al., 2011).

Third generation biofuels

A number of biofuel options are being examined inorder to minimize the use of petroleum fuels andmitigate the potential shortage.

Biodiesel and other biofuels from agriculturalcrops have attracted the attention of the petroleumsector as a possible substitute or supplement for thefossil fuels. However, debates on food vs. fuel andthe need for increasing areas of land for thecultivation has cast doubt on the sustainability offuel crops (Singh et al., 2011). Cultivation ofmicroalgae in marine water, in industrial effluentsand in domestic waste-waters provides a potentialsolution to this energy debate (Gouveia, 2011).Microalgal species accumulate more than 50-70%lipids (triacylglycerides) of their mass (Chisti,2007). Lipid content varies according to themicroalgae species (Table 2).

Microalgae can be cultivated easily in open pondsor closed photo bioreactors. Under optimal cultureconditions, these photosynthetic cells can producelipids for biofuel in concentration that are,significantly higher than the conventional fuelcrops (Rittman, 2008).

Table 2. Lipid content in the dry biomass of various species of microalgae (Becker, 2004 and Chisti, 2007)

Microalgae Strains Habitat(water)

Lipid Content(% dry weight)


Anabaena cylindrica Fresh 4-7 Dunn and Wolk, 1970Ankistrodesmus sp. Fresh 24-40 Ben-Amotz and Tornabene, 1985Botryococcus braunii Fresh 25-80 Metzger and Largeau, 2005Chlamydomonas sp. Fresh 25-30 Vieler et al., 2007Chlorella emersonii Fresh 28-32 Scragg et al., 2002Chlorella minutissima Fresh 7-23 Yang et al., 2011Chlorella protothecoides Fresh 40-55 Shen et al., 2009Chlorella sorokiana Fresh 20-25 Hongjin et al., 2009Chlorella vulgaris Fresh 14-22 Sheehan et al., 1998Chlorella pyrenoidosa Fresh 40-45 Singh and Gu, 2010Cyclotella sp. Fresh 23-35 Round et al., 1990Euglena gracilis Fresh 14-20 Regnault et al., 1995Hantzschia sp. Fresh 66 Sheehan et al., 1998Isochrysis galbana Fresh 25-33 Valenzuela-Espinoza et al., 2002Nannochloropsis sp. Fresh 31-68 Negoro et al., 1991Scenedesmus dimorphus Fresh 16 - 40 Sheehan et al., 1998Scenedesmus obliquus Fresh 12-14 Mandal and Mallick, 2009Scenedesmus quadricauda Fresh 1.9 Choi and Chung, 1990Selenastrum sp. Fresh 25-30 Verma et al., 2010Spirulina maxima Fresh 6-7 Oliveira et al., 1999Spirulina plantensis Fresh 4-9 Oliveira et al., 1999Spirogyra sp. Fresh 11-21 Hossain, 2008Stichococcus sp. Fresh 33 Sheehan et al., 1998


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Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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Chaetoceros muelleri Marine 19-39 Pernet et al., 2003Chaetoceros calcitrans Marine 35-40 Banerjee et al., 2011Chlorella emersonii Marine 28-32 Scragg et al., 2002Crypthecodinium cohnii Marine 20 Jara, 2003Cylindrotheca sp. Marine 16-37 Khan et al., 2009Dunaliella bioculata Marine 8 Verma et al., 2010Dunaliella salina Marine 6 Verma et al., 2010Dunaliella tertiolecta Marine 40 Tsukahara and Sawayama, 2005Monallantus salina Marine 20 Shifrin and Chisholm, 1981Nannochloropsis sp. Marine 31-68 Negoro et al., 1991Neochloris oleoabundans Marine 35-54 Pruvost, 2009Nitschia closterium Marine 45-47 Verma et al., 2010Phaeodactylum tricornutum Marine 20-30 Chisti, 2007Prymnesium parvum Marine 22-38 Griffiths and Susan, 2009Porphyridium cruentum Marine 28-39 Oh, 2009Skeletonema costatum Marine 30 Yang et al., 2002Schizochytrium sp. Marine 50-77 Song et al., 2007Tetraselmis suecia Marine 15-23 Sheehan et al., 1998Tetraselmis maculata Marine 3 Huntley and Redalje, 2007

Microalgae cultivation

Strain selection

Microalgae utilize sunlight for photosynthesis andcarbon source as a chemical energy, whicheventually results in the synthesis of lipids storedwithin the cellular compartments. The lipid contentof the microalgae depends upon a combination ofthe cell potential to synthesize lipids andenvironmental conditions e.g. intensity of light,availability of carbon and other trace nutrients (Huet al., 2008).

The most productive strain of microalgae can beselected by screening large numbers naturallyoccurring algae. Their productivity may be further

enhanced by advanced methods such as genecloning, gene manipulation, mutagenesis, proteinprofiling, metabolic engineering and lipidcharacterization. Algae can be isolated from avariety of natural habitats including freshwater,brackish water, marine, hyper-saline aqueousenvironments, and soils (Kirkwood, 2006).

Additionally, within an aqueous habitat, algae arecharacteristically found in planktonic (free-floating) and benthic (surface-associated)environments. Planktonic algae may be grown inliquid culture (either batch or continuous), whilebenthic algae may grown in biofilm-based cultures(Table 3).

Table 3. Outlines of algal biomass production systemsSystem Input Production system Harvesting methods Extraction methods OutputAlgal strains Open ponds Sedimentation Solvent extraction BiodieselSunlight Photo bioreactors Pressing Hydrolysis GasolineWater source Lab equipment Centrifugation Microwave FeedNutrients (N,P,K) Energy Filtration Ultrasonication AdditivesLand Laboratory Flocculation Cavitation FertilizersFertilizers System monitors Fractionation Omega-3Finance EthanolCO2 Bio-methane


Isolation techniques

Isolation of microalgal strains from natural habitatsincludes the application of comprised conventional

cultivation protocols such as enrichment (Andersenand Kawachi, 2005). For large-scale sampling andisolation, high throughput automated isolation


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Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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techniques have proven to be extremely useful(Mutanda, 2011). Because of their morphologicalsimilarities, it is a skilled and time-consuming taskto identify large numbers of algal species. Theproblems can be mitigated by the application ofautomated methods; such as those based on rRNAsequencing and lipid profiling.

Screening criteria and methods

The method of harvesting the microalgae is criticalbecause injured or dead cells may result failure torecover the target metabolites. Primary screeningfor metabolites involves the determination of thecellular composition of proteins, lipids, andcarbohydrates (Verma et al., 2010). For instance,

an appropriate screening would provide fatty acidprofiles along with other characteristics. Inaddition, several algal strains secrete metabolitesinto the growth medium. For mass production ofbiomass from a specified algal strain, it isimportant to predict the strain’s suitability, whichincludes number of parameters such as theconsistency and long-term viability of cultures, andtheir vulnerability to predators (Scott et al., 2010).A variety of culture media have been developed forisolation and cultivation of microalgae (Anderson,2005 and Day et al., 2009). Numerousconventional and modern techniques are used forthe successful isolation of microalgae (Table 4).

Table 4. Techniques of isolation and identification of microalgae

Technique(s) Reference(s)

Conventional methods

Pringsheim’s micropipette method Melkonian, 1990

Culture media

Single cell isolation Andersen, 2005

Isolation using agar plates Andersen, 2005

Atomized cell spray technique Andersen, 2005

Dilution techniques Andersen, 2005

Gravimetric separation Andersen, 2005

Media enrichment Andersen, 2005

Advanced methods

Micromanipulation Richmond, 2004

Flow cytometry Richmond, 2004

Molecular tools

18s rDNA Tinti et al., 2007

Mitochondria cytochrome locus Linacre and Shanan, 2011

DNA barcoding Moniz and Kaczmarska, 2010

Large scale production of algal biomass

Presently there are at least 35,000 known speciesof microalgae. So far only a handful is recognizedas having potential applications for industry. Inrecent years, screening of microalgae has focusedon high lipid productivity and consequentesterification. However, their fermentation

potential for the production of bioethanol and bio-gas production should also be considered.Conventional commercial scale production of algalbiomass can be achieved by two feasibletechniques: (i) conventional open ponds systems,and; (ii) closed photo-bioreactors (PBRs) (Table 5;Fig 1).


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Although open pond systems have comparativelylow capital and operating cost, but they result inlower productivity and they are more difficult for

the cultivation of specific algae. PBRs are moreexpensive both to construct and operate but offerhigher productivity and better control in practice.

Figure 1. Global microalgal biofuels production by different approaches

Table 5. Desirable characteristics of microalgae for large scale production

Desirable characteristics Advantages Reference

Rapid growth rate Competitive benefit Singh and Gu, 2010

High lipid content Large scale production Singh and Gu, 2010

Cell size/ morphology* Decrease in total process cost Harun et al., 2010

CO2 sequestration Reduction in atmospheric CO2 level Francisco et al., 2010

Ability to metabolize contaminants Grow in polluted water Singh and Gu, 2010

Auto inhibitors Reduce auto-inhibition of growth Stephens et al., 2010

* Small cell size and relatively low biomass levels of microalgal cultures which leads to low lipid contents

Conventional open ponds systems

The large-scale cultivation of microalgae istypically carried out in open pond systems anddepends on natural sun-light as an illuminationsource. The operating and maintenance costs areextremely low compared to those of closed systembioreactors. Commonly, algae cultivated in openpond system include Anabaena, Nostoc (both ofwhich are cyanobacteria), Chlorella, Dunaliella,Haematococcus, Nostoc (Blue green algae) andSpirulina (Verma et al., 2010).

There are various types of systems comprisinglarge shallow ponds, tanks, circular ponds andraceway ponds. The ponds are operatedcontinuously, with the constant removal of algae

being balanced by the growth and reproduction ofthe remaining cells.

Growth rates and productivity of microalgae inopen pond systems are usually is lower than thosegrown in photo-bioreactors (Satyanarayana et al.,2011).

Closed systems

An alternative to open pond is a closed pondsystem where the control over the environmentvariables are better. Covering the pond is usuallyachieved by means of greenhouse materials such asPlexiglas (Tredici and Materassi, 1992).

While this typically results in a smaller system, itdoes resolve many of the problems related with anopen system, e.g. it allows a wide range of species


Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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Although open pond systems have comparativelylow capital and operating cost, but they result inlower productivity and they are more difficult for

the cultivation of specific algae. PBRs are moreexpensive both to construct and operate but offerhigher productivity and better control in practice.

Figure 1. Global microalgal biofuels production by different approaches

Table 5. Desirable characteristics of microalgae for large scale production

Desirable characteristics Advantages Reference

Rapid growth rate Competitive benefit Singh and Gu, 2010

High lipid content Large scale production Singh and Gu, 2010

Cell size/ morphology* Decrease in total process cost Harun et al., 2010

CO2 sequestration Reduction in atmospheric CO2 level Francisco et al., 2010

Ability to metabolize contaminants Grow in polluted water Singh and Gu, 2010

Auto inhibitors Reduce auto-inhibition of growth Stephens et al., 2010

* Small cell size and relatively low biomass levels of microalgal cultures which leads to low lipid contents

Conventional open ponds systems

The large-scale cultivation of microalgae istypically carried out in open pond systems anddepends on natural sun-light as an illuminationsource. The operating and maintenance costs areextremely low compared to those of closed systembioreactors. Commonly, algae cultivated in openpond system include Anabaena, Nostoc (both ofwhich are cyanobacteria), Chlorella, Dunaliella,Haematococcus, Nostoc (Blue green algae) andSpirulina (Verma et al., 2010).

There are various types of systems comprisinglarge shallow ponds, tanks, circular ponds andraceway ponds. The ponds are operatedcontinuously, with the constant removal of algae

being balanced by the growth and reproduction ofthe remaining cells.

Growth rates and productivity of microalgae inopen pond systems are usually is lower than thosegrown in photo-bioreactors (Satyanarayana et al.,2011).

Closed systems

An alternative to open pond is a closed pondsystem where the control over the environmentvariables are better. Covering the pond is usuallyachieved by means of greenhouse materials such asPlexiglas (Tredici and Materassi, 1992).

While this typically results in a smaller system, itdoes resolve many of the problems related with anopen system, e.g. it allows a wide range of species


Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

This paper is available on line at

Although open pond systems have comparativelylow capital and operating cost, but they result inlower productivity and they are more difficult for

the cultivation of specific algae. PBRs are moreexpensive both to construct and operate but offerhigher productivity and better control in practice.

Figure 1. Global microalgal biofuels production by different approaches

Table 5. Desirable characteristics of microalgae for large scale production

Desirable characteristics Advantages Reference

Rapid growth rate Competitive benefit Singh and Gu, 2010

High lipid content Large scale production Singh and Gu, 2010

Cell size/ morphology* Decrease in total process cost Harun et al., 2010

CO2 sequestration Reduction in atmospheric CO2 level Francisco et al., 2010

Ability to metabolize contaminants Grow in polluted water Singh and Gu, 2010

Auto inhibitors Reduce auto-inhibition of growth Stephens et al., 2010

* Small cell size and relatively low biomass levels of microalgal cultures which leads to low lipid contents

Conventional open ponds systems

The large-scale cultivation of microalgae istypically carried out in open pond systems anddepends on natural sun-light as an illuminationsource. The operating and maintenance costs areextremely low compared to those of closed systembioreactors. Commonly, algae cultivated in openpond system include Anabaena, Nostoc (both ofwhich are cyanobacteria), Chlorella, Dunaliella,Haematococcus, Nostoc (Blue green algae) andSpirulina (Verma et al., 2010).

There are various types of systems comprisinglarge shallow ponds, tanks, circular ponds andraceway ponds. The ponds are operatedcontinuously, with the constant removal of algae

being balanced by the growth and reproduction ofthe remaining cells.

Growth rates and productivity of microalgae inopen pond systems are usually is lower than thosegrown in photo-bioreactors (Satyanarayana et al.,2011).

Closed systems

An alternative to open pond is a closed pondsystem where the control over the environmentvariables are better. Covering the pond is usuallyachieved by means of greenhouse materials such asPlexiglas (Tredici and Materassi, 1992).

While this typically results in a smaller system, itdoes resolve many of the problems related with anopen system, e.g. it allows a wide range of species


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Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

This paper is available on line at

to be grown, and target species remain dominantand the growing season to be extended.

Closed photo bioreactors (PBRs)

A photo bioreactor is a closed container whichprovides a restricted environment and enables highproductivity of algae. PBRs allows for bettercontrol of the culture environment, for example byoptimization CO2 concentration, water supplies,temperature, optimal exposure to light, culturedensity, pH levels, etc. Large scale cultivation ofmicroalgal in PBRs for biomass production is morecommon than as a source of biofuel. Severalspecies are grown commercially in closed PBRsincluding Cyclotella cryptica, Monoraphidiumminutum and Tetraselmis suecica (Huntley andRedalje, 2007).

Several modifications of photo bioreactors existingfor the cultivation of algal biomass (Singh and Gu,2010). The main types of reactors are tubularPBRs, plate reactors, bubble column reactors andsemi-hollow spheres (Verma et al., 2010). Tubularphoto bioreactors consist of transparent collectionof tubes made up of glass and plastics and havestrong and stable transmission of light in the photosynthetically active range (Kumar et al., 2011).

These solar collector tubes are typically 0.01 to 0.1m in diameter and fixed normally in the north-south direction to facilitate the maximum lightpenetration (Verma et al., 2010). Furthermore, thefloor beneath the solar collector is usually eitherdyed white or enclosed with white sheets of plasticto increase the amount of reflected light. Theinflow of microalgal inoculums and fresh culturemedium is maintained at a steady growth rate.Mixing in the reactor is necessary in order to avoidsedimentation of cells and even distribute gases.The main advantages of closed PBRs are that theyremain free from contamination for extendedperiods while providing optimal conditions forgrowth (Schenk et al., 2008).

Hybrid systems

In hybrid systems, open ponds and closedbioreactor are used in combination to get enhanceproductivity. Open ponds are an outstandinglyproficient and profitable technique of cultivatingalgae, but they often contaminated with unwantedspecies.

Table 6. Comparison of open pond systems and photo bioreactors for the cultivation of algae (Harun et al., 2010)Parameters Photo bioreactors Open pond systemContamination control Easy DifficultContamination risk Low HighProduction control Easy DifficultCulture conditions control Easy DifficultSpace required Small LargeSetup cost High LowOperation cost High LowLight utilization Optimum Sub-optimumProductivity of the process High LowSeasonal effect Insignificant SignificantBiomass productivity High LowScale-up Difficult EasyExtraction of product Easy LaboriousCO2 sequestration rate Limited HighLoss of growth medium High LowRecovery of by-products Simple DifficultEconomics Expensive Cost-effectiveCultivation cost High LowSterilizing conditions Adequate InadequateCleaning Required None


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Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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Figure 2. Flow chart for an outline of algal biomass processing system

A combination of both systems is potentially themost efficient and cost-effective method for thecultivation of high-yielding strains for biofuels. Insuch a system, open ponds are inoculated with apreferred strain cultivated in a bioreactor (Schenket al., 2008).

It is important that the size of the inoculum is largefor the desired species to dominate the open pondsystem before an unwanted species can proliferate.In order to further minimize problems ofcontamination issues, regular cleaning or flushingof the ponds should be undertaken.

Open ponds operated in this way can thus beconsidered as batch cultures (Khan et al., 2009).As an example of such a system Haematococcuspluvialis is grown continually in photo-bioreactorsunder nutrient rich conditions, a portion of whichperiodically is transferred to nutrient limited openponds to thus stimulating astaxanthin production(Johnson and An, 1991). Different aspects of anopen pond system are compared with PBRs inTable 6. A flow chart of a typical algal biomassprocessing system is shown in Figure 2.

Cultivation of algae in deserts

Algae can be grown economically in saltwaterponds of the desert or even more proficiently inPBRs. It is extremely promising that the PBRs canoperate successfully in a desert environment,although one of the major challenges is to maintaina consistent temperature of around 70F to

maximize production in PBRs. The primaryprovisions for cultivating algae are water, CO2,nutrients and sunlight. These conditions would bethe optimally accomplished closer to the desert,where seasonal sunlight levels and temperatures donot vary as much. Algal strains suitable for includeHaematococcus pluvialis, Microcoleus vaginatus,Chlamydomonas perigranulata and Synechocystissp. (Gouveia, 2011).

Cultivation of algae in sewage and wastewater

Algae are significant bioremediation agents, andare utilized by many wastewater treatment plantsworldwide. The advantage of algal-based treatmentincludes cost-effective treatment, low energyrequirements, low sludge formation and theproduction of algal biomass.

Algae can be used to treat both municipal andindustrial wastewaters (Tuefekci et al., 2007) andalgae play a major role in the aerobic treatment ofwaste in a number of secondary treatmentprocesses. Algal-based system for the treatment ofmunicipal wastewater are mostly used for removalof nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous). In somecases, algae also play a role in the removal ofpathogens during the tertiary treatment.

Conventional wastewater treatment such as theactivated sludge process involves high energycosts, in particular for mechanical aeration in orderto supply sufficient oxygen for the mineralizationof organic compounds by aerobic microorganisms.


Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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Figure 2. Flow chart for an outline of algal biomass processing system

A combination of both systems is potentially themost efficient and cost-effective method for thecultivation of high-yielding strains for biofuels. Insuch a system, open ponds are inoculated with apreferred strain cultivated in a bioreactor (Schenket al., 2008).

It is important that the size of the inoculum is largefor the desired species to dominate the open pondsystem before an unwanted species can proliferate.In order to further minimize problems ofcontamination issues, regular cleaning or flushingof the ponds should be undertaken.

Open ponds operated in this way can thus beconsidered as batch cultures (Khan et al., 2009).As an example of such a system Haematococcuspluvialis is grown continually in photo-bioreactorsunder nutrient rich conditions, a portion of whichperiodically is transferred to nutrient limited openponds to thus stimulating astaxanthin production(Johnson and An, 1991). Different aspects of anopen pond system are compared with PBRs inTable 6. A flow chart of a typical algal biomassprocessing system is shown in Figure 2.

Cultivation of algae in deserts

Algae can be grown economically in saltwaterponds of the desert or even more proficiently inPBRs. It is extremely promising that the PBRs canoperate successfully in a desert environment,although one of the major challenges is to maintaina consistent temperature of around 70F to

maximize production in PBRs. The primaryprovisions for cultivating algae are water, CO2,nutrients and sunlight. These conditions would bethe optimally accomplished closer to the desert,where seasonal sunlight levels and temperatures donot vary as much. Algal strains suitable for includeHaematococcus pluvialis, Microcoleus vaginatus,Chlamydomonas perigranulata and Synechocystissp. (Gouveia, 2011).

Cultivation of algae in sewage and wastewater

Algae are significant bioremediation agents, andare utilized by many wastewater treatment plantsworldwide. The advantage of algal-based treatmentincludes cost-effective treatment, low energyrequirements, low sludge formation and theproduction of algal biomass.

Algae can be used to treat both municipal andindustrial wastewaters (Tuefekci et al., 2007) andalgae play a major role in the aerobic treatment ofwaste in a number of secondary treatmentprocesses. Algal-based system for the treatment ofmunicipal wastewater are mostly used for removalof nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous). In somecases, algae also play a role in the removal ofpathogens during the tertiary treatment.

Conventional wastewater treatment such as theactivated sludge process involves high energycosts, in particular for mechanical aeration in orderto supply sufficient oxygen for the mineralizationof organic compounds by aerobic microorganisms.


Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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Figure 2. Flow chart for an outline of algal biomass processing system

A combination of both systems is potentially themost efficient and cost-effective method for thecultivation of high-yielding strains for biofuels. Insuch a system, open ponds are inoculated with apreferred strain cultivated in a bioreactor (Schenket al., 2008).

It is important that the size of the inoculum is largefor the desired species to dominate the open pondsystem before an unwanted species can proliferate.In order to further minimize problems ofcontamination issues, regular cleaning or flushingof the ponds should be undertaken.

Open ponds operated in this way can thus beconsidered as batch cultures (Khan et al., 2009).As an example of such a system Haematococcuspluvialis is grown continually in photo-bioreactorsunder nutrient rich conditions, a portion of whichperiodically is transferred to nutrient limited openponds to thus stimulating astaxanthin production(Johnson and An, 1991). Different aspects of anopen pond system are compared with PBRs inTable 6. A flow chart of a typical algal biomassprocessing system is shown in Figure 2.

Cultivation of algae in deserts

Algae can be grown economically in saltwaterponds of the desert or even more proficiently inPBRs. It is extremely promising that the PBRs canoperate successfully in a desert environment,although one of the major challenges is to maintaina consistent temperature of around 70F to

maximize production in PBRs. The primaryprovisions for cultivating algae are water, CO2,nutrients and sunlight. These conditions would bethe optimally accomplished closer to the desert,where seasonal sunlight levels and temperatures donot vary as much. Algal strains suitable for includeHaematococcus pluvialis, Microcoleus vaginatus,Chlamydomonas perigranulata and Synechocystissp. (Gouveia, 2011).

Cultivation of algae in sewage and wastewater

Algae are significant bioremediation agents, andare utilized by many wastewater treatment plantsworldwide. The advantage of algal-based treatmentincludes cost-effective treatment, low energyrequirements, low sludge formation and theproduction of algal biomass.

Algae can be used to treat both municipal andindustrial wastewaters (Tuefekci et al., 2007) andalgae play a major role in the aerobic treatment ofwaste in a number of secondary treatmentprocesses. Algal-based system for the treatment ofmunicipal wastewater are mostly used for removalof nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous). In somecases, algae also play a role in the removal ofpathogens during the tertiary treatment.

Conventional wastewater treatment such as theactivated sludge process involves high energycosts, in particular for mechanical aeration in orderto supply sufficient oxygen for the mineralizationof organic compounds by aerobic microorganisms.


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Aeration typically accounts for 45 % to 75 % ofthe total energy cost for operating wastewatertreatment plants of this type. By contrast, in algaebased wastewater treatment, algae provide theoxygen.

Algae consume nutrients while simultaneouslyproviding oxygen to the aerobic throughphotosynthesis (Munoz, 2003) thus loweringtreatment cost. Wastewater treatment using algaeare usually implemented either using simpleoxidation ponds or high density algal ponds. In afew cases, particularly where high productivity of

algal biomass is preferred, companies areexploring the prospect of using closed systemssuch as photo bioreactors. Industrial effluents areenormously varied so a wide range ofmicroorganisms are involved in the treatmentprocesses.

Some of the algal strains which are used frequentlyare listed in Table 7. Additionally algae have thecapability to accumulate heavy metals therebyremoving them from the wastewater (Narasimhuluand Sreenivasa, 2009).

Table 7. Application of selected microalgae in waste water bioremediation

Microalgae ApplicationPhormidium bohneri Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus (Chevalier et al., 2000)Spirogyra condensate Biosorption of chromium (Onyancha et al., 2008)Scenedesmus acutus Removal of cadmium (Torricelli et al., 2004)Euglena gracilis Removal of Zinc (Fukami et al., 1968)Pithophora odeogonia Removal of Lead (Singh et al., 2007)Spirogyra neglecta Removal of Lead (Singh et al., 2007)

Downstream processing: harvesting anddewatering

Downstream processing costs may contribute 20-30% to the total cost of oil production throughalgal biomass (Jena et al., 2011). The existingtechnology is not adequate to put forward suchoptimal harvesting processes, and further researchand development work is required in orderoptimized product recovery. Planktonic microalgaecan be considered as particles in suspension. Somestrains have a tendency to agglomerate naturallyand to settle at a well defined sedimentation rate(Brissaud et al., 2003). Moreover, some algalstrains are motile and will not settle naturally. Thevolume of water in such system is typically high.Efficient harvesting is often the key to maximizingthe yield of the overall process.

The highest efficiencies for harvesting microbialbiomass are often found at waste treatment plants.There are four basic methods of harvestingmicroalgae: sedimentation, filtration, flotation andcentrifugation. In addition, methods for harvestingunicellular algae may employ ultra filtration (Mataet al., 2010), and pre-treatment of the biomass mayalso be required (e.g. flocculation) to improve the

yield. The use of algae grown in open ponds, PBRsand off-shore systems to produce liquid biofuelrequires proficient downstream processing stepssuch as harvesting, removal of water, andsuccessive recovery of fuel precursors (lipids andcarbohydrates) and the final yield concentrationdepends largely on the recovery methodsemployed.

A feasible algal biomass to fuel planning musttherefore, take account of energy costs and issuesassociated with harvesting and dewatering.Processing techniques depend on the type of algaeutilized. Processes that are limited to unicellularmicroalgae are quite different from thetechnologies applicable to macro-algae.

Richmond (2004) defined efficiency criteria forselecting the most appropriate harvesting method,which depends upon the desired product quality.For low value products, sedimentation method maybe used, usually enhanced by flocculation, whereasfor high value product recovery centrifugation isusually the most appropriate approach.

Additionally, centrifuge can be easily handled andmaintained to avoid bacterial cross contamination.After harvesting, the algal biomass requires rapid


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processing in order to minimize spoilage whichmight result in lowering the lipid content.


An efficient harvesting process typically results ina slurry material with approximately 2-7 % algalconcentration. Dewatering is therefore required inorder to obtain a more concentrated algal biomass.Dewatering is usually carried out either bypressing or by centrifugal force. These steps arenormally performed during the harvestingoperation. Concentration by heating may also beused to reduce water content, but the operating costis usually expensive unless cheap heating sourcesare available (Mata et al., 2010).

Whichever method is used, dewatering requires alot of energy and is usually the economicalbottleneck of the entire process. Dewatering canaccount for 70 % of the biofuel system cost.Modern methods of dewatering include spraydrying, rotating drum drying and flash drying. All,however, are expensive. After harvesting, thebiomass may be subject to the degradation byinternal enzyme activity of the microalgal cells, forexample, lipases that are involved in hydrolyze ofcellular lipids to free fatty acids.

Flocculation and sedimentation

Unicellular microalgae (including cyanobacteria)remain suspended in the growth medium due totheir small size and this is a hindrance to efficientharvesting. Flocculation is therefore carried out toin order to enhance sedimentation in older culturesbecause of nutrient depletion and CO2 interruption.This involves the addition of flocculants (chemicaladditives) that bind the algae together or otherwiseaffect the physiochemical interactions betweenalgae known to promote flocculation.

Commonly used flocculants include alum, lime,cellulose, salts, polyacrylamide polymers,surfactants, chitosan, and other synthetic fibers.Changing the pH, either with or without chemicaladditives is also an effective flocculation method.Physical flocculation methods such as electro-flocculation and electro-coagulation may be usedin order to minimize the amount of chemicalsneeded (Chen, 2004). Cationic starch is apotentially useful flocculent for harvesting

freshwater microalgae species. The advantages ofcationic starch include its efficacy at lower dosescompared to inorganic flocculants; it is non-toxicwhen ingested either in food or drinking water(Krentz et al., 2006).

In this respect, cationic starch is analogous tochitosan, although chitosan is more costly thancationic starch; it is difficult to obtain in very largevolumes and is more complex to apply due to itspH-dependence. Additional options to advance theflocculation effectiveness include the alteration ofamylose to amylopectin proportion or modificationof the polymer chain lengths.


Filtration is technically simple but potentially veryexpensive due to the small cell size (< 10 µm) ofthe target cells. The pore size of filter is critical inorder maximize the algal aggregation rate. Whileminimizing the blocking of filter pores (blinding)this reduces filtration rates (Satyanarayan et al.,2011).

Culture purity is also important as a distribution ofmicroorganism cell size will affect filtrationefficiency and blinding rates (Rossi et al., 2004).Ideally, the filter materials should both optimizefiltration efficiency and be reused after the process.


Centrifugation is widely used commercially for arange suspension separations application and hasbeen investigated in algal biomass harvesting(Satyanarayan et al., 2011). The efficiency ofcentrifugation is dependent on the cell size of thetarget species, smaller cells being more difficult toseparate than larger ones. The cost ofcentrifugation, both capital and operational arerelatively high compared to other methods, oftenprohibitively (Mercer and Armenta, 2011).


Drying is necessary in order to achieve highconcentrations of biomass. Because dryinggenerally involves heat, drum dryers and otheroven-type dryers are usually required. The energycosts therefore depend on a combination of thetemperature and the time at which the temperatureis maintained. In order to minimize these costs,


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renewable energy sources such as solar or windmay be used (Hossain et al., 2008). Alternativedrying methods includes air drying but this has thedisadvantage of requiring more space and is time-consuming.

Current practices for lipid extraction

Mechanical disruption (cell rupture)

Algal biofuel schemes rely on the accumulation ofintra-cellular lipids content. A successfulextraction solvent must be able to: (1) penetratethrough the cellular matrix containing the lipidmolecules, (2) physically interact with the lipidmaterial, and (3) solvate the lipid. Thedevelopment of any extraction process must alsoaccount for the fact that the tissue structures andcell walls will likely impede lipid extraction.

Efficient mechanical disruption can help offset theneed to use higher temperature and pressureprocesses that force the solvent into contact withdesired biomolecules. Mechanical disintegrationcan include cell homogenizers, bead mills,ultrasound and autoclaving (Mata et al., 2010).

Non-mechanical disruption methods

Non-mechanical approaches include techniquessuch as freezing, application of organic solvents,osmotic shock, and acid, base, enzyme reactions,microwave and ultrasonication (Mata et al., 2010).

Although the use of microwave to disrupt cells andincrease the efficiency of lipid extraction has beenstudied in the laboratory (Virot et al., 2008), fieldapplications have not been realized.

Direct transesterification of lipids into fatty acidmethyl esters (FAMES)

Transesterification involves the addition of alcohol(e.g. methanol) and an acid catalyst (e.g. acetylchloride) to the algal biomass in one-step reaction,followed by heating at 100 oC for an hour in asealed container. This results in-relatively highrecoveries of chain triglycerides while alleviatingthe need of antioxidants to protect unsaturatedlipids. This approach has been applied to driedalgal biomass in a modified method that toincluded hexane in the reaction phase in order toavoid a final purification step (Mata et al., 2010).

Furthermore, it has been found that when applyingdirect transesterification using an acid catalyst, theefficiency of the reaction increased when a secondless polar solvent such as toluene was mixed withthe methanol to modify the polarity of the reactionmedium (Carvalho and Malcata, 2005). In general,these findings suggest that the efficacy of thesecond co-solvent system depends upon its abilityto solubilize the lipids coupled with its miscibilitywith methanol.

Direct production of biofuels from algae

The direct production of biofuels throughheterotrophic fermentation has certain benefits.Heterotrophic fermentation has various benefits interms of operational cost because it can removeseveral process steps (e.g. oil extraction).Heterotrophic fermentation also allows formaintaining extremely controlled conditions,which initially could be oriented in the direction ofbiomass production and afterwards oil production.Heterotrophic process can produce enormouslyhigh biomass and a high percentage of lipids (over50%).

These methods are quite diverse from the typicalalgal biofuel processes that use algal biomass toproduce biological oils which is subsequentlyextracted and blended for liquid fuel production,typically biodiesel. Heterotrophic growth alsoallows for maintaining optimum conditions, whichfirst could be oriented toward algal biomassproduction and then lipid production.

Various types of biofuels can be produced directlyfrom algal biomass, including alcohols, alkanes,and bio-hydrogen. Several algae, such as Chlorellavulgaris and Chlamydomonas perigranulata, areproficient of producing ethanol and other alcoholsby the fermentation of starch (Hon-Nami, 2006).

This can be accomplished through the productionand storage of starch via photosynthesis processwithin the cell, and subsequent anaerobicfermentation of carbon sources to produce ethanolunder controlled and optimum conditions. Thisprocess is comparatively inexpensive as it involvesless energy input, and allows alcohol to beextracted directly from the culture medium.


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Metabolic pathway engineering within these algaeis also an excellent approach involving genomictools and biochemical engineering, may furtherhelp in producing a commercially viable organism(Verma et al., 2010).


Microalgae produce carbohydrates and proteinsthat can be used as carbon sources for ethanolfermentation. In addition, they exhibit greatersustainable and commercial advantages overconventional biofuel crops.

These include: (1) microalgae grow rapidly and ina wide range of locations, with or without soil (2)microalgae have the potential to absorb CO2 andother GHGs for photosynthesis with using lessagricultural land (3) microalgal cells have a veryshort harvesting period (1-10 days) compared towith other feedstock’s and consequently provideadequate supplies to meet ethanol productiondemands. Microalgae biomass can be used for theproduction of bioethanol using either fermentationor thermo chemical conversions.

The main debate being put forth is the food vs. fuelnecessities. Thus, both of these compete with foodas well as land use. The recent practices forproduction of bioethanol are focused on

microalgae as biomass for fermentation process.Microalgae are a rich source of polysaccharides(Table 8) and proteins that can be utilized as thecarbon source during the fermentation.

Several industrially potent bacterial as well asyeast species are renowned for bioethanolfermentation (Petersson et al., 2007 and Araque etal., 2008). Although only a limited numbers oftrials on fermentation have been reported, it islikely that bioethanol from microalgae will proveto a cost effective energy source in the future.Reported bioethanol production from microalgae isan efficient energy solution for the future.

Fermentation of microalgal biomass involvesminimum input of energy and the whole process isless complicated compared to biodiesel production.Moreover, carbon dioxide produced during theprocess can be stored and a significantlyproportional of it used as the carbon source for thecultivation of microalgae in closed PBRs.

In near future the potential of bioethanolproduction from microalgae is required to beadditionally investigated (manipulated microalgaestrains for higher sugar content) to fulfill demandsfor future energy requirements.

Table 8. Carbohydrate content of some microalgae

Microalgae Carbohydrate contentSargassum ~ 48% of dry wt.Glacilaria ~ 45% of dry wt.Kappaphycus ~ 35% of dry wt.Eucheuma ~ 45% of dry wt.


Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons, consist ofhydrogen and carbon atoms, all bonds are singlebonds, and the carbon atoms are not joinedin cyclic structures but instead form a simplechain.

The algae are fed sugars, the cheap availability ofwhich is a key consideration for cost-effectiveproduction of biofuels; these sugars are themselvesavailable from renewable feed-stocks such as

lignocellulosic biomass, in a pressure and heat-controlled environment.

This process can use different strains of algae toproduce different types of alkanes(alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons); some algaeproduce a mix of hydrocarbons similar to lightcrude petroleum.

The production of different types of alkanesdepends upon the strains of algae (Gouveia, 2011).Some algal strains produce a mixture ofhydrocarbons similar to light crude petroleum. Theprocess of cultivating the algae heterotrophically


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may provide advantages over classicalphotoautotrophic-based technologies.

In this process, algal strains are cultivated in thedark which results in more production of alkanesthan they do in the presence of sunlight. Whiletheir photosynthetic cycles are suppressed, thesteps involved in converting sugar into alkanes canbecome active at higher rate.


Bio-hydrogen is considered as a secondarymetabolite that is released by wide range ofmicroorganisms (including microalgae) underparticular conditions.

Different biological pathways of hydrogenproduction (bio-hydrogen) are reported fromdifferent types of microorganisms and thesegeneration can be classified into four categories: (i)direct bio-photolysis by green microalgae andsome cyanobacteria (Chader et al., 2011) (ii)indirect bio-photolysis by other cyanobacteria andcertain nitrogen-fixing bacteria, (iii) photofermentation of waste and effluents by photo-heterotrophic bacteria, (iv) dark fermentation ofrich sugar wastes (Many anaerobic organisms canproduce hydrogen from carbohydrate containingorganic wastes (such as C. buytricum (Yokoi et al.,2001)). The large-scale utilization industriallyproduced bio-hydrogen has been difficult due to itslow conversion rate. However, the generation ofelectricity via small fuel cells using bio-hydrogenas fuel seems to be a promising application.

Unfortunately, few studies report the practicality ofcoupling bio-hydrogen production to the operationof fuel cells. Electricity generated by the use ofbio-hydrogen in fuel cell varies depending on themicroorganism involved, the carbon source, andthe, experimental and physiological conditions.Several strains of Rhodobacter capsulatus generatebiogas containing hydrogen that has beensuccessfully used as fuel for powering smallPolymer Electrolyte Membrane fuel cell system(Chader et al., 2011).

The production of hydrogen derived from algalcells has received significant attention in recentyears. Nevertheless, there are several challengesthat need to be overcome before bio-hydrogen

production is considered a viable technology.These include the restriction of photosynthetichydrogen production by accumulation of a protongradient, the competitive inhibition ofphotosynthetic hydrogen production by CO2,required bicarbonate binding at photo system II(PSII) for efficient photosynthetic activity andcompetitive drainage (photosynthetic hydrogenproduction by accretion of a proton gradient,competitive inhibition of photosynthetic hydrogenproduction by CO2, necessity for bicarbonatebinding at photo system II (PSII) for efficientphotosynthetic action, and competitive drainage ofelectrons by oxygen in algal hydrogen production.)of electrons by oxygen in algal hydrogenproduction (Beer et al., 2009).

The future of biological hydrogen productiondepends not only on advances in research, e.g.improvement in efficiency using geneticengineering techniques but also the improvementsin PBRs design and efficiency.

Bio-methane production

After lipid extraction, the microalgal biomass canbe used as the feedstock for biogas productionduring anaerobic digestion. The biogas producedmainly comprises methane and carbon dioxide andcan be used for the production of electricity. Thevolume of bio-methane produced depends mainlyon the retention time, temperature and quality ofthe substrate (algal biomass).

Generally the higher the organic content andlonger the retention time, the greater the yield ofbiogas. Anaerobic digestion of microalgal biomasscan be carried out in a wide range of temperaturefrom mesophillic to thermophillic range (25-50°C). The integrated processes that combine algaecultivation and wastewater treatment system forbiogas production can be the most appropriatemethod to reduce cost and make it moreadvantageous (Schenk, 2008).

Other valuable products from microalgae

Food supplements and products of medicinalimportance

Microalgae are an important source of foodsupplements and biomolecules such as Omega-3fatty acids and chlorophyll. Omega-3 fatty acids


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Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

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are traditionally obtained from fish oil but the tasteis regarded by many as objectionable. Microalgaeoffer an alternative source of omega-3 fatty acids

that have a more acceptable taste (Doughman etal., 2007)

*Source: Algae 2020 study, Emerging Markets Online Consulting Services.

Figure 3. Algal biomass: oil, protein and carbohydrate fractions

Animal feed

Microalgae can be used as livestock feed forfarmhouse animals to aquaculture (Patil et al.,2010). A large number of dietetic and toxicologicalevaluations verified the suitability of algal biomassas a precious food additive or an alternative toconventional protein sources (soybean meal, fishmeal, rice bran, etc.). The greatest potentialidentified to date for algal biomass as animal feedis for poultry (Gouveia, 2011). Another growingmarket is the exploitation of micro algae inaquaculture. It is estimated that about 30% of theglobal production is used sold as animal feed.

Microalgae for human consumption

Regardless of its elevated content of protein, driedmicro algae have not gained approval as a foodadditive or food replacement for humans. The mostsignificant obstacles are the powder-likeuniformity of the dried biomass, its dark greencolor and its somewhat fishy aroma (Becker et al.,2004). Various attempts have been made toincorporate algal material with conventional foodstuff as bread, noodle preparations and ravioli likefood items, but none has met with wide success.To date, the most important sales of microalgalpreparations for human consumption can be found

in the health food market, although any medicinalbenefits remain unproven.

Future strategies for commercialization ofmicroalgae biofuels

The main priority for microalgal biofuelproduction is to select or engineering algal strainsthat can be cultivated easily, grow rapidly and havehigh lipid content. Numerous algal varieties suchas Botryococcus braunii synthesize elevatedquantity of lipid throughout the cultivation. If thealgae (with high lipid content) grow rapidly, thecost of production can be reduced.

The large-scale production of algal biofuel isalso reliant on the economics of the process.Developing novel technologies and optimizing allstages of the process should help to minimizebiofuel production.

Microalgae production system is thecombination of a number of associated systems(cultivation, harvesting, product recovery anddrying systems) that decrease in the number ofsteps in algal fuel processing leads to thenoteworthy low cost systems. A fundamentaleconomic challenge for algae producers is todiscover low cost lipid extraction and harvestingmethods.


Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

This paper is available on line at

are traditionally obtained from fish oil but the tasteis regarded by many as objectionable. Microalgaeoffer an alternative source of omega-3 fatty acids

that have a more acceptable taste (Doughman etal., 2007)

*Source: Algae 2020 study, Emerging Markets Online Consulting Services.

Figure 3. Algal biomass: oil, protein and carbohydrate fractions

Animal feed

Microalgae can be used as livestock feed forfarmhouse animals to aquaculture (Patil et al.,2010). A large number of dietetic and toxicologicalevaluations verified the suitability of algal biomassas a precious food additive or an alternative toconventional protein sources (soybean meal, fishmeal, rice bran, etc.). The greatest potentialidentified to date for algal biomass as animal feedis for poultry (Gouveia, 2011). Another growingmarket is the exploitation of micro algae inaquaculture. It is estimated that about 30% of theglobal production is used sold as animal feed.

Microalgae for human consumption

Regardless of its elevated content of protein, driedmicro algae have not gained approval as a foodadditive or food replacement for humans. The mostsignificant obstacles are the powder-likeuniformity of the dried biomass, its dark greencolor and its somewhat fishy aroma (Becker et al.,2004). Various attempts have been made toincorporate algal material with conventional foodstuff as bread, noodle preparations and ravioli likefood items, but none has met with wide success.To date, the most important sales of microalgalpreparations for human consumption can be found

in the health food market, although any medicinalbenefits remain unproven.

Future strategies for commercialization ofmicroalgae biofuels

The main priority for microalgal biofuelproduction is to select or engineering algal strainsthat can be cultivated easily, grow rapidly and havehigh lipid content. Numerous algal varieties suchas Botryococcus braunii synthesize elevatedquantity of lipid throughout the cultivation. If thealgae (with high lipid content) grow rapidly, thecost of production can be reduced.

The large-scale production of algal biofuel isalso reliant on the economics of the process.Developing novel technologies and optimizing allstages of the process should help to minimizebiofuel production.

Microalgae production system is thecombination of a number of associated systems(cultivation, harvesting, product recovery anddrying systems) that decrease in the number ofsteps in algal fuel processing leads to thenoteworthy low cost systems. A fundamentaleconomic challenge for algae producers is todiscover low cost lipid extraction and harvestingmethods.


Saharan, Sharma, Sahu, Sahin, Warren: Towards algal Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology (2013) 12, 1- 21Biofuel production: a concept of green bio-energy development

This paper is available on line at

are traditionally obtained from fish oil but the tasteis regarded by many as objectionable. Microalgaeoffer an alternative source of omega-3 fatty acids

that have a more acceptable taste (Doughman etal., 2007)

*Source: Algae 2020 study, Emerging Markets Online Consulting Services.

Figure 3. Algal biomass: oil, protein and carbohydrate fractions

Animal feed

Microalgae can be used as livestock feed forfarmhouse animals to aquaculture (Patil et al.,2010). A large number of dietetic and toxicologicalevaluations verified the suitability of algal biomassas a precious food additive or an alternative toconventional protein sources (soybean meal, fishmeal, rice bran, etc.). The greatest potentialidentified to date for algal biomass as animal feedis for poultry (Gouveia, 2011). Another growingmarket is the exploitation of micro algae inaquaculture. It is estimated that about 30% of theglobal production is used sold as animal feed.

Microalgae for human consumption

Regardless of its elevated content of protein, driedmicro algae have not gained approval as a foodadditive or food replacement for humans. The mostsignificant obstacles are the powder-likeuniformity of the dried biomass, its dark greencolor and its somewhat fishy aroma (Becker et al.,2004). Various attempts have been made toincorporate algal material with conventional foodstuff as bread, noodle preparations and ravioli likefood items, but none has met with wide success.To date, the most important sales of microalgalpreparations for human consumption can be found

in the health food market, although any medicinalbenefits remain unproven.

Future strategies for commercialization ofmicroalgae biofuels

The main priority for microalgal biofuelproduction is to select or engineering algal strainsthat can be cultivated easily, grow rapidly and havehigh lipid content. Numerous algal varieties suchas Botryococcus braunii synthesize elevatedquantity of lipid throughout the cultivation. If thealgae (with high lipid content) grow rapidly, thecost of production can be reduced.

The large-scale production of algal biofuel isalso reliant on the economics of the process.Developing novel technologies and optimizing allstages of the process should help to minimizebiofuel production.

Microalgae production system is thecombination of a number of associated systems(cultivation, harvesting, product recovery anddrying systems) that decrease in the number ofsteps in algal fuel processing leads to thenoteworthy low cost systems. A fundamentaleconomic challenge for algae producers is todiscover low cost lipid extraction and harvestingmethods.


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Finally the coproduction of some other valuablefractions and their marketing is also important forthe success of algal biofuels. Biomass recoveredafter oil extraction contains valuable protein thatcan be used as feed for livestock, poultry and inaquaculture systems. Therefore, it may beconcluded that a hybrid refinery concept can beimplemented profitably for microalgae-basedbiofuels.

Challenges in commercialization of algal fuel

Commencing the enormous number ofacknowledged marine and freshwater species,merely a handful are presently of commercialimportance. These include Chlorella, Spirulina,Dunaliella and Haematococcus.

These are usually cultivated for extracting highvalue components such as pigments or proteins(Singh et al., 2011). In current years, microalgaehas drawn attention for producing valuablemolecules ranging from remedial proteins tobiofuels, outstanding distinctiveness as they mergethe renewable energy capturing ability ofphotosynthesis with the elevated yields ofcontrolled microalgae cultivation, making thempotentially precious organisms for cost effective,industrial scale production processes in theupcoming decade (Mata et al., 2010). A range oflarge scale systems are also required to becompared on their fundamental properties such astheir light utilization effectiveness, capability toorganize temperature, the ability to sustain theculture axenic and robustness of the culture toscale up from Research and development scale toindustrial scale. The concluding preference ofsystem is more or less always cooperation linkingall of these considerations to accomplish a costeffective satisfactory product (Walker, 2009).

The future objective of microalgal technology is toget better productivity of these organisms inorganized to meet the demands of a swiftlyincreasing market (Spolaore et al., 2006).

Optimizing stress circumstances to achieve themaximum achievable yields of lipids in the cells issignificant. An additional alternative is to choosewild local species that are previously modified toadapt to local growth conditions. Geneticmodification (GM) is another option to advance

production efficiency. Lipid extraction prior toesterification is an area demanding additionalresearch. It would be a significant progress ifmethods could be developed that exclude drying orsolvent extraction of the algae slurry as it wouldextensively decrease the cost of biomasspretreatment (Bruton et al., 2009). The exploitationof accessible biodiesel production processesrequires a lipid material free of both water and freefatty acids. This leads to elevated dispensationcosts to dry the microalgae material. Improvementof lipase enzymes by mutational approaches fordirect esterification or other extraction methodscould get rid of the drying step.


The atmospheric variations due to increase inatmospheric CO2 concentration coupled withdepletion of fossil fuel oil reserves is constantlyproducing troublesome situations. Exploitation ofmicroalgal biomass cultivation is not onlybeneficial for CO2 fixation but also results in thebiological production of triglycerides which afterfurther modification with methanol get convertedinto biodiesel.

The technical and economic feasibility inmicroalgal biodiesel production makes this processsuitable for wide acceptance. The genomics andmetabolic engineering approach for metabolic fluxmanagement are the emerging concept that canshow considerable potential in this area. Researchon microalgae based biodiesel production iscontinuing and commercial scale use of microalgaefor biodiesel would require massive investments inproduction facilities. This is also necessary tosustain our future needs for energy as well as toenable us to earn the carbon credit by adopting thegreen clean technology for biodiesel production.

Global atmospheric CO2 increases and depletion ofmineral oil reserves require the rapid developmentof carbon neutral renewable alternatives.Microalgal biofuels are also likely to have muchlower impacts on the environment and the world’sfood supply than conventional biofuel producingcrops. The main reasons for this are high yields, anear continuous harvest stream, and the potential tosite the algal bioreactors on non-arable land.


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