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Skardu is a District of Baltistan division and presently constitutes one of the seven districts of the Gilgit-Baltistan region (formerly known as Northern Areas) of Pakistan. It is surrounded on the southeast by Kargil district, on the east by Ghanche District, on the northeast by Xinjiang (China), on the south by Baramulla and Kargil District, on the west by district Astore and on the north by Gilgit District.

The highest peak in Skardu District is K2 (8,611 m) which is the highest peak in Pakistan and the second highest peak on earth. Some of the lakes in the district are Snow Lake, Satpara Lake, Sheosar Lake, Kachura Lake and Shangrila Lake.


K-2 or Mount Godwin Austen is the second highest mountain peak of world and the highest peak in Pakistan. Its elevation is 8,611 metres. This sky-scraping mountain in the Karakoram Range is referred to as Chogori in local dialect. Chogori is a Balti word, which means ‘King of mountains’. It is situated on the Pak-China border. To scale the mountain one can use the conventional and more trustworthy path that passes through Skardu. Skardu is a small hilly town in the north of Pakistan, which is well linked by road and air link with Islamabad. One can take the Shigar-Dassu- Askole route from Skardu to scale the K-2.


• Murree a well-liked hill station is located along Islamabad-Kohala highway N75 almost 40 km northeast of Islamabad. Besides N75 National highway the alternate route is now Islamabad-Murree Motor way. Or in other words it is located on the southern slopes of the Western Himalayan foothills as they lead to the northeast towards Kashmir. Its altitude was established at 7,500 feet. It is a beautiful summer resort, especially for the inhabitants of Punjab. It is a sub-division of Rawalpindi District. It is one of the largest resort towns in the Galyat area of Pakistan, and is the capital city of Murree Tehsil. Different Galyat can also attracts tourists in this area.

Sukkur barrage

• The Sukkur barrage is an enormous barrage across the Indus River in the neighborhood of the city of Sukkur, Sindh Province, Pakistan. It was constructed during the British Raaj from 1923 to 1932 as the Lloyd Barrage to help lessen food crisis caused by the lack of downpour. The barrage allows stream to pour through what was initially a network of channels 6,166 miles (9,923 kilometers) stretched, nourishing the biggest irrigation structure in the world, with over and above 5 million acres (20,000 square kilometers) of irrigated soil.

• The holding wall has 66 spans, each 60 feet (18 meters) extensive; every span has a door which weighs 50 tons.

Noor Mahal

• Noor Mahal palace is located in Bahawalpur (previously the princely state before 1955) Pakistan. It was built in 1872 similar to an Italian chateau on neoclassical appearance, at a time when modernization had set in. It is related to the Nawab of Bahawalpur princely state, during British supremacy.


• Air travel has become so popular that you will hardly find a place on earth, where you cannot reach by air. This obsession with air travel has led to mushroom growth of airports around the world.

Gilgit Airport, Pakistan

Due to the short runway at Gilgit airport that is located at the edge of a slope, even an aircraft as small as a Boeing 737 aircraft cannot land and

take-off at the Gilgit Airport.

Kai Tak Airport, Hong Kong

With numerous skyscrapers and mountains located to the north and its only runway. Jutting out into Victoria Harbour, landings at the airport were infamously difficult.

Funchal Airport, Madeira

The airport is infamous for its short runway which, surrounded by high mountains and the ocean, which make it a tricky landing for even the most experienced of pilots.

Gustaf III Airport, St. Barts

The arrival descent is extremely steep over the hilltop traffic circle and departing planes fly right over the heads of sunbathers (although small signs advise sunbathers not to lie directly at the end of the runway

Courchevel Airport, France

Courchevel’s airport has a certain degree of infamy in the aviation industry as home to one of the shortest runways in the world. The airport has a dangerous approach through deep valleys which can only be performed by specially certified pilots.

Princess Juliana Airport, Saint Maarten

The airport is famous for its short runway at only 2,400 meters it is barely long enough for heavy jets to land. Therefore, incoming airplanes approaching the island have to fly extremely low, passing only 10-20 meters over relaxing tourists on Maho Beach.