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Topic 3: Earning money

Unit B – Workbook

ID: 20050228_02

Prevocational mathematics

Semester 1

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Prevocational Mathematics 1

Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

Exercise 1

Complete this exercise in your exercise book.

1. Josef works as a waiter in a restaurant. His earnings for

the year for this job are $22 450. Josef’s bank accounts

have earned $85 interest. Calculate his total gross

income for the year.

Source: Skelmersdale, C 2002, The nursery, Broadleigh Gardens, UK. Available Interent: <URL: nursery.htm> (Accessed 15 February 2006)

2. During the last financial

year, Esme earned

$33 760 working in

a plant nursery. She

also received $1300

per month in rent from

a rental property that

she owns. Her bank

accounts earned $158 in

interest during the year.

Calculate Esme’s total

gross income for the

financial year.

3. Nemo is a university

student who works part

time in a fish and chip

shop. His earnings for

the year are $10 990.

He also makes money

by teaching saxophone

to beginner students.

During the last financial

year he earned $8860

teaching the saxophone.

His bank accounts

earned a total of $45

in interest. Calculate

Nemo’s total gross

income for the financial


Source: McKenzie, W 2006, Walter McKenzie’s Surfaquarium. Available Internet: <URL: IT/content/music.htm> (Accessed 15 February 2006)

Check your responses

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2 Prevocational Mathematics

Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

Exercise 2

Complete this exercise in your exercise book.

Hint: You may find that it helps to put the information in a


1. Polly earned $31 080 in the last financial year working

as a sales assistant. The interest on her bank accounts

during this time was $76. She spent a total of $185 on

uniforms for work, and made a $50 donation to a charity.


(a) Polly’s total gross income

(b) Polly’s total deductions

(c) Polly’s taxable income.

2. During the last financial year, Ben worked part time in two

different jobs. His group certificates show that he earned

$10 560 for one job and $6780 for the other. Ben worked

from home on his computer for his second job and is

able to claim $276 in expenses and $310 for depreciation

of his equipment. Ben’s bank accounts earned $28 in

interest during the year. Calculate:

(a) Ben’s total gross income

(b) Ben’s total deductions

(c) Ben’s taxable income.

3. Marcus is a car salesperson. In the last financial year he

earned $41 860. He owns a rental property and is paid

$310 per week in rent. His allowable deductions for his

rental property total $24 550. Marcus’s bank accounts

earned $154 in interest. Since he uses his computer for

work purposes, Marcus is able to claim $185 in expenses

and $170 in depreciation. He also spent $250 to attend

a conference for work, and paid $185 in union dues.

Calculate Marcus’s taxable income.

Check your responses

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Prevocational Mathematics 3

Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

Exercise 3

Complete this exercise in your exercise book.

Use the tax rate table given here to complete the following


Tax rates 2005–2006

Taxable income Tax on taxable income

$0 – $6000 Nil

$6001 – $21 600 15c for each $1 over $6000

$21 601 – $63 000 $2340 plus 30c for each $1 over $21 600

$63 001 – $95 000 $14 760 plus 42c for each $1 over $63 000

over $95 000 $28 200 plus 47c for each $1 over $95 000

1. Jason has calculated that his taxable income for the last

financial year is $41 098. Calculate Jason’s income tax


2. Siobahn’s total gross income last financial year was

$74 761. Her total allowable deductions were $2 854.


(a) Siobahn’s taxable income

(b) Siobahn’s income tax due.

3. During the last financial year, Anton earned $27 994 for

his job in the feedlot. During this time his bank accounts

earned $42 in interest and he paid $235 in union fees.

Other deductions for work-related expenses totalled

$381. Calculate:

(a) Anton’s taxable income.

(b) Anton’s income tax due.

Check your responses

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4 Prevocational Mathematics

Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

Exercise 4

Complete this exercise in your exercise book.

Taxable income Tax on taxable income

$0 – $6000 Nil

$6001 – $21 600 15c for each $1 over $6000

$21 601 – $63 000 $2340 plus 30c for each $1 over $21 600

$63 001 – $95 000 $14 760 plus 42c for each $1 over $63 000

over $95 000 $28 200 plus 47c for each $1 over $95 000

1. Oscar has calculated that his taxable income for the last

financial year is $32 907. He has paid $7089 in income

tax. Calculate:

(a) Oscar’s income tax due

(b) his Medicare levy

(c) his tax refund, or how much extra tax will he have to


2. Dwane’s total income last financial year was $67 004.

He paid $17 952 in income tax and his total allowable

deductions were $2019. Calculate:

(a) Dwane’s taxable income

(b) his income tax due

(c) his Medicare levy

(d) his tax refund, or how much extra tax will he have to


3. During the last financial year, Eloise earned $22 089 as

a cleaner and paid $3484 in income tax. During this time

her bank accounts earned $22 in interest. Deductions for

work-related expenses totalled $176. Calculate:

(a) Eloise’s taxable income

(b) Eloise’s income tax due

(c) Eloise’s Medicare levy

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

(d) her tax liability

(e) her tax refund, or how much extra tax will she have

to pay.

4. Martin is an electrician. He earned $50 334 in the last

financial year and paid $10 994 in income tax during

this time. His bank accounts earned $222 in interest.

Deductions for clothing for work totalled $376 and his

union dues were $284. Calculate Martin’s tax refund, or

how much extra tax he will have to pay.

Check your responses

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6 Prevocational Mathematics

Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

Exercise 5

Complete this exercise in your exercise book.

Use the information available on the Centrelink site to answer

the following questions.

1. Austudy, ABSTUDY and Youth allowance are 3 types of

Centrelink payments available to students.

Briefly explain the differences between these three

payments. Consider:

Who is eligible?

What age limits apply?

Do you have to be studying full-time or part-time?

2. Suppose you receive a Disability Support Pension and

you have decided to do some study.

(a) What type of payment is available to you to help with

your education costs?

(b) How much would you receive per fortnight from the

payment in (a) if you are studying full-time?

3. You are single, studying full-time and receiving Austudy.

What is the maximum fortnightly payment you can

receive from Centrelink?

Check your responses

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

Exercise 6

The tables in this exercise may be completed in your

workbook. All other questions should be completed in your

exercise book.

1. Ned Mumbo and Nelly Jumbo are greenkeepers at the

Gibberish Bowls Club. Ned’s job classification under

the Greenkeeping Industry Award is Greenkeeping

Employee Level 2, and Nelly is a Greenkeeping

Employee Level 5. Complete the Employer and Details

section of a timesheet (you are not required to fill in the

ABN) for:

(a) Ned


Employer’s name: _________________________ ABN: _____________________

Employee’s name: _________________________

Name of award/agreement:


Classification/job title under award/agreement: ________________________

(b) Nelly


Employer’s name: _________________________ ABN: _____________________

Employee’s name: _________________________

Name of award/agreement:


Classification/job title under award/agreement: ________________________

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8 Prevocational Mathematics

Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

2. (a) In the week from Monday 21/08/06 to Sunday

27/08/06 Ned worked the following hours:

Monday to Friday: 6 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Ned took a 45-minute lunch break each day at

11 a.m.

Complete the section of the time sheet given below

to show Ned’s ordinary hours and his overtime hours.

Employee’s ordinary weekly hours (excluding overtime): _____ h ______ min

Day & Date


Day Mon Date 21/3

Start time



Break unpaid

e.g. meal

Restart time

Finish time

Other times/break

Total Hours minus unpaid breaks

Day Mon Date ___/___

Day Tues Date ___/___

Day Wed Date ___/___

Day Thur Date ___/___

Day Fri Date ___/___

Day Sat Date ___/___

Day Sun Date ___/___



Day & Date


Day Mon Date 21/3

Start time



Break unpaid

e.g. meal

Restart time

Finish time

Other times/break

Total Hours minus unpaid breaks

Day Mon Date ___/___

Day Tues Date ___/___

Day Wed Date ___/___

Day Thur Date ___/___

Day Fri Date ___/___

Day Sat Date ___/___

Day Sun Date ___/___


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Prevocational Mathematics 9

Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

(b) In the same week, Nelly worked the following hours:

Tuesday to Thursday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: 6 a.m. to 12 noon.

Nelly took a 45-minute meal break at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday

to Thursday, and at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

Complete the following section of Nelly’s time sheet to

show her ordinary hours and her overtime hours.

Note: Remember that 15 minutes = 0.25 h;

30 min = 0.5 h; 45 min = 0.75 h.

Employee’s ordinary weekly hours (excluding overtime): _____ h ______ min

Day & Date


Day Mon Date 21/3

Start time



Break unpaid

e.g. meal

Restart time

Finish time

Other times/break

Total Hours minus unpaid breaks

Day Mon Date ___/___

Day Tues Date ___/___

Day Wed Date ___/___

Day Thur Date ___/___

Day Fri Date ___/___

Day Sat Date ___/___

Day Sun Date ___/___



Day & Date


Day Mon Date 21/3

Start time



Break unpaid

e.g. meal

Restart time

Finish time

Other times/break

Total Hours minus unpaid breaks

Day Mon Date ___/___

Day Tues Date ___/___

Day Wed Date ___/___

Day Thur Date ___/___

Day Fri Date ___/___

Day Sat Date ___/___

Day Sun Date ___/___


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10 Prevocational Mathematics

Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

3. (a) What is the penalty rate for any overtime hours

worked from Monday to Saturday? (You will need to

look up the award.)

(b) What penalty rate is paid for any overtime hours

worked on a Sunday?

(c) What is the rate of pay for any hours worked on a


4. (a) Ned’s normal weekly wage for a 38-hour week is

$519.90. Calculate Ned’s:

(i) normal hourly rate (to 4 decimal places)

(ii) hourly penalty rate for time-and-a-half

(iii) hourly penalty rate for double-time.

(b) Complete the Calculation schedule below for Ned.

Full time weekly wage or salary – as in award/agreement: $ 519 . 90

Ordinary time rate _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Saturday _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Sunday _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Overtime – rate 1 _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Overtime – rate 2 _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Overtime – rate 3 _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Gross pay $ _____ . ____

5. (a) Nelly’s normal weekly wage for a 38-hour week is

$599.10. Calculate Nelly’s:

(i) normal hourly rate (to 4 decimal places)

(ii) hourly penalty rate for time-and-a-half

(iii) hourly penalty rate for double-time.

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

(b) Complete the Calculation schedule below for Nelly.

Full time weekly wage or salary – as in award/agreement: $ 599 . 10

Ordinary time rate _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Saturday _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Sunday _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Overtime – rate 1 _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Overtime – rate 2 _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Overtime – rate 3 _____ hours @ $________/h $______ . ____

Gross pay $ _____ . ____

Check your responses

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12 Prevocational Mathematics

Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

Exercise 7

Complete this exercise in your exercise book.

Use the bus timetables provided.

1. Paul lives in Bardon and has an appointment in the city at

11:00 a.m. It takes Paul 5 minutes to walk from his home

to the bus stop. Paul allows 10 minutes to walk from the

bus stop in the city to his appointment.

(a) What is the latest bus Paul can catch to be in time for

his appointment?

(b) What time must Paul leave home to catch this bus?

Note: Not all times throughout the day are listed in

the timetable. You may use your calculator to work

out the missing times if needed.

2. Sandy lives in Paddington and works in the city. She

starts work at 8:30 a.m. and finishes at 4:30 p.m. each

day. It takes Sandy 10 minutes to walk from home to the

bus stop, and 5 minutes to walk from the City Hall bus

stop to work.

(a) What is the latest bus Sandy could catch to get to

work on time?

(b) What time should Sandy leave home to catch this


(c) What is the earliest bus Sandy could catch to go

home after work? (Assume she is able to leave work

at 4:30 p.m.)

(d) What time would Sandy arrive home if she caught

the bus in (c)?

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Prevocational Mathematics 13

Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

3. Clare lives in Bardon. She has made arrangements to

meet a friend at Stafford City shopping centre at 9:30

a.m. on Monday morning. It takes Clare about 6 minutes

to walk from her home to the nearest bus stop and she

estimates that it will take her about 5 minutes to walk

from the bus stop at the shopping centre to the coffee

shop where she has arranged to meet her friend.

(a) What is the latest bus that Clare can catch from

Bardon in order to be in time to meet her friend?

(b) What time should Clare leave her home to be in time

to catch the bus?

(c) Calculate the amount of time between when Clare

leaves home and when she meets her friend at

Stafford City.

(d) If Clare had arranged to meet her friend at 9:30 a.m.

on Saturday morning, which bus would she need to


Check your responses

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14 Prevocational Mathematics

Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

Self-check answers

Exercise 1

1. total gross income = job earnings + bank interest

= $22 450 + $85

= $22 535

Josef’s total gross income for the financial year was

$22 535.

2. income from rent = monthly rent x 12

= $1300 x 12

= $15 600

total gross income = job earnings + rent + bank interest

= $33 760 + $15 600 + $158

= $49 518

Esme’s total gross income for the financial year was

$49 518.

3. income from jobs = $10 990 + $8860

= $19 850

total gross income = job earnings + bank interest

= $19 850 + $45

= $19 895

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Prevocational Mathematics 15

Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

Exercise 2

1. (a) total gross income = job income + interest

= $31 080 + $76

= $31 156

Polly’s total gross income is $31 156.

(b) total deductions = cost of uniforms + donations

= $185 + $50

= $235

Polly’s deductions total $235.

(c) taxable income = total gross income – deductions

= $31 156 – $235

= $30 921

Polly’s taxable income is $30 921.

2. (a) total gross income = job income + bank interest

= $10 560 + $6780 + $28

= $17 368

Ben’s total gross income is $17 368.

(b) total deductions = computer expenses + depreciation

= $276 + $310

= $586

Ben’s deductions total $586.

(c) taxable income = total gross income – deductions

= $17 368 – $586

= $16 782

Ben’s taxable income is $16 782.

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Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

3. rental income = weekly rent x 52

= $310 x 52

= $16 120

total gross income = job income + rent income

+ bank interest

= $41 860 + $16 120 + $154

= $58 134

total deductions = rental property deductions

+ computer expenses + depreciation

+ conference costs + union dues

= $24 550 + $185 + $170 + $250 +


= $25 340

taxable income = total gross income – deductions

= $58 134 – $25 340

= $32 794

Marcus taxable income is $32 794.

Exercise 3

1. Jason’s taxable income is in the third tax bracket.

dollars over $21 600 = taxable income – $21 600

= $41 098 – $21 600

= $19 498

tax on dollars over $21 600 = $0.30 x number of dollars

over $21 600

= $0.30 x 19 498

= $5489.40

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

income tax due = $2340 + tax on amount over $21 600

= $2340 + $5489.40

= $8189.40

Jason’s income tax due is $8190.40.

2. (a) taxable income = total gross income – deductions

= $74 761 – $2854

= $71 907

Siobahn’s taxable income is $71 907.

(b) Siobahn’s taxable income is in the fourth tax bracket.

dollars over $63 000 = taxable income – $63 000

= $71 907 – $63 000

= $8907

tax on dollars over $63 000 = $0.42 x number of

dollars over $63 000

= $0.42 x 8907

= $3740.94

income tax due = $14 760 + tax on dollars

over $63 000

= $14 760 + $3740.94

= $18 500.94

Siobahn’s income tax due is $18 500.90.

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Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

3. (a) total gross income = job earnings + interest

= $27 994 + $42

= $28 036

total deductions = union dues + other deductions

= $235 + $381

= $616

taxable income = total gross income – deductions

= $28 036 – $616

= $27 420

Anton’s taxable income is $27 420.

(b) Anton’s taxable income is in the third tax bracket.

dollars over $21 600 = taxable income – $21 600

= $27 420 – $21 600

= $5820

tax on dollars over $21 600 = $0.30 x number of

dollars over $21 600

= $0.30 x 5820

= $1746

income tax due = $2340 + tax on dollars

over $21 600

= $2340 + $1746

= $4086

Anton’s income tax due is $4086.

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

Exercise 4

1. (a) Oscar’s taxable income is in the third tax bracket.

dollars over $21 600 = taxable income – $21 600

= $32 907 – $21 600

= $11 307

tax on dollars over $21 600 = $0.30 x dollars over

$21 600

= $0.30 x 11 307

= $3392.10

income tax due = $2340 + tax on dollars

over $21 600

= $2340 + $3392.10

= $5732.10

Oscar’s income tax due is $5732.10.

(b) Medicare levy = 1.5% of taxable income

= 0.015 x $32 907

= $493.605

= $493.61 (round up to nearest

whole cent)

Oscar’s Medicare levy is $493.61.

(c) tax liability = income tax due + Medicare levy

= $5732.10 + $493.61

= $6225.71

≈ $6225.70 (round down to nearest 5c)

Oscar has already paid $7089 in income tax. He is

required to pay only $6225.70, so he has paid more

tax than he needs to. He will receive a refund.

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Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

tax refund = tax already paid – tax liability

= $7089 – $6225.70

= $863.30

Oscar will receive a tax refund of $863.30.

2. (a) taxable income = total gross income – deductions

= $67 004 – $2019

= $64 985

Dwane’s taxable income is $64 985.

(b) Dwane’s taxable income is in the fourth tax bracket.

dollars over $63 000 = taxable income – $63 000

= $64 985 – $63 000

= $1985

tax on dollars over $63 000 = $0.42 x number of

dollars over $63 000

= $0.42 x 1985

= $833.70

income tax due = $14 760 + tax on amount

over $63 000

= $14 760 + $833.70

= $15 593.70

Dwane’s income tax due is $15 593.70.

(c) Medicare levy = 1.5% of taxable income

= 0.015 x $64 985

= $974.775 (round up to nearest

whole cent)

= $974.78

Dwane’s Medicare levy is $974.78.

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

(d) tax liability = income tax due + Medicare levy

= $15 594 + $974.78

= $16 568.78

≈ $16 568.75 (round down to nearest 5c.)

Dwane has already paid $17 952 in income tax. He

is required to pay only $16 568.75, so he has paid

more than he needs to. He will receive a refund.

tax refund = tax already paid – tax liability

= $17 952 – $16 568.75

= $1383.25

Dwane will receive a tax refund of $1383.25.

3. (a) total income = job earnings + bank interest

= $22 089 + $22

= $22 111

taxable income = total income – deductions

= $22 111 – $176

= $21 935

Eloise’s taxable income is $21 935.

(b) Eloise’s taxable income is in the third tax bracket.

dollars over $21 600 = taxable income – $21 600

= $21 935 – $21 600

= $335

tax on dollars over $21 600 = $0.30 x number of

dollars over $21 600

= $0.30 x 335

= $100.50

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Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

income tax due = $2340 + tax on dollars

over $21 600

= $2340 + $100.50

= $2440.50

Eloise’s income tax due is $2440.50.

(c) Medicare levy = 1.5% of taxable income

= 0.015 x $21 935

= $329.025 (round up to nearest

whole cent)

= $329.03

Eloise’s Medicare levy is $329.03.

(d) tax liability = income tax due + Medicare levy

= $2440.50 + $329.03

= $2769.53 (round down to nearest 5c)

Eloise‘s tax liability is $2769.50.

(e) Eloise has already paid $3484 in income tax. She is

required to pay only $2769.50 so she has paid more

than she needs to. She will receive a refund.

tax refund = tax already paid – tax liability

= $3484 – $2769.50

= $714.50

Eloise will receive a tax refund of $714.50.

4. total income = job earnings + bank interest

= $50 334 + $222

= $50 556

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

total deductions = costs for clothing + union dues

= $376 + $284

= $660

taxable income = total income – deductions

= $50 556 – $660

= $49 896

Martin’s taxable income is in the third tax bracket.

dollars over $21 600 = taxable income – $21 600

= $49 896 – $21 600

= $28 296

tax on dollars over $21 600 = $0.30 x number of dollars

over $21 600

= $0.30 x $28 296

= $8488.80

income tax due = $2340 + tax on dollars over $21 600

= $2340 + $8488.80

= $10 828.80

Medicare levy = 1.5% of taxable income

= 0.015 x $49 896

= $748.44

tax liability = income tax due + Medicare levy

= $10 828.80 + $748.44

= $11 577.24

≈ $11 577.20 (round down to

nearest 5c)

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Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

Martin has already paid $10 994 in income tax. He is

required to pay $11 577.20, so he has not paid enough.

He will have to pay extra.

extra to pay = tax liability – tax already paid

= $11 577.20 – $10 994

= $583.20

Martin will have to pay an extra $583.20 in taxes.

Exercise 5


Austudy ABSTUDY Youth allowance

Australian citizenIndigenous




Over 25 years of

age14 or more

Between 18 and

24 years of age



Studying full-

time or part-time



There are also other requirements related to income,

previous study, and any assets you may own.

2. (a) You may be eligible for the Pensioner Education


(b) If you are receiving the Disability Support Pension

and studying full-time, you are eligible to receive

$62.40 per fortnight on the Pensioner Education

Supplement. (Correct as at February 2006.)

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

3. The maximum you can receive per fortnight is $334.70.

Note: This amount was correct in February 2006 but is

likely to alter over time – see site: http://www.centrelink.

htm. (If you are keying in this URL, note that there is an

underscore _ after ‘pay’ and after ‘how’.)

Exercise 6

1. (a)


Employer’s name: Gibberish Bowls Club ABN: __________________________

Employee’s name: Ned Mumbo

Name of award/agreement:

Classification/job title under award/


Greenkeeping Industry Award Greenkeeping Employee Level 2



Employer’s name: Gibberish Bowls Club ABN: __________________________

Employee’s name: Nelly Mumbo

Name of award/agreement:

Classification/job title under award/


Greenkeeping Industry Award Greenkeeping Employee Level 5

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Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

2. (a) The first 38 hours are paid at ordinary time. Ned has worked 40 hours, so

the last 2 hours worked on Friday will be overtime.

Employee’s ordinary weekly hours (excluding overtime)

Day & Date


Day Mon Date 21/3

Start time





eg meal

Restart time

Finish time

Other times/



Hours minus unpaid breaks

Day Mon Date 21 / 08 0600 1100 1145 1445 8

Day Tues Date 22 / 08 0600 1100 1145 1445 8

Day Wed Date 23 / 08 0600 1100 1145 1445 8

Day Thur Date 24 / 08 0600 1100 1145 1445 8

Day Fri Date 25 / 08 0600 1100 1145 1245 6

Day Sat Date 26 / 08

Day Sun Date 27 / 08 0900 1230 1330 1600 6



Day & Date


Day Mon Date 21/3

Start time





eg meal

Restart time

Finish time

Other times/



Hours minus unpaid breaks

Day Mon Date 21 / 08

Day Tues Date 22 / 08

Day Wed Date 23 / 08

Day Thur Date 24 / 08

Day Fri Date 25 / 08 1245 1445 2

Day Sat Date 26 / 08

Day Sun Date 27 / 08


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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook


Note: Remember that 15 minutes = 0.25 h; 30 min = 0.5 h; 45 min = 0.75 h.

Employee’s ordinary weekly hours (excluding overtime)

Day & Date


Day Mon Date 21/3

Start time





eg meal

Restart time

Finish time

Other times/



Hours minus unpaid breaks

Day Mon Date 21 / 08

Day Tues Date 22 / 08 1000 1330 1415 1800 7.25

Day Wed Date 23 / 08 1000 1330 1415 1800 7.25

Day Thur Date 24 / 08 1000 1330 1415 1800 7.25

Day Fri Date 25 / 08

Day Sat Date 26 / 08 0600 1000 1045 1200 5.25

Day Sun Date 27 / 08 0600 1000 1045 1200 5.25

TOTAL: 32.25

Nelly has worked a total of 32.25 hours. She has not worked any overtime.


Day & Date


Day Mon Date 21/3

Start time





eg meal

Restart time

Finish time

Other times/



Hours minus unpaid breaks

Day Mon Date 21 / 08

Day Tues Date 22 / 08

Day Wed Date 23 / 08

Day Thur Date 24 / 08

Day Fri Date 25 / 08

Day Sat Date 26 / 08

Day Sun Date 27 / 08


3. (a) Any overtime hours worked from Monday to

Saturday are paid at the rate of time-and-a-half for

the first 3 hours on any one day, and at the rate of

double time for all hours after that. (See Section

6.6.2 of the award.)

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Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

(b) All overtime hours worked on a Sunday are paid at

double time. (See Section 6.6.2 of the award.)

(c) Any hours worked on a Sunday are paid at double

time. (See section 6.6.2 of the award.)

4. (a) (i) normal hourly rate = weekly wage ÷ 38

= $519.90 ÷ 38

= $13.6816

(ii) hourly penalty rate for time-and-a-half

= normal hourly rate x 1.5

= $13.6816 x 1.5

= $21.5224

(iii) hourly penalty rate for double time.

= normal hourly rate x 2

= $13.6816 x 2

= $27.3632


Full time weekly wage or salary – as in award/agreement: $ 519 . 90

Ordinary time rate 38 hours @ $ 13.6816/h $ 519 . 90

Saturday _____ hours @ $________/h $ ____ . ____

Sunday _____ hours @ $________/h $ ____ . ____

Overtime – rate 1 2 hours @ $ 21.5224/h $ 41 . 04

Overtime – rate 2 _____ hours @ $________/h $ ____ . ____

Overtime – rate 3 _____ hours @ $________/h $ ____ . ____

Gross pay $ 560 . 94

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

5. (a) (i) normal hourly rate = weekly wage ÷ 38

= $599.10 ÷ 38

= $15.7658

(ii) hourly penalty rate for time-and-a-half

= normal hourly rate x 1.5

= $15.7658 x 1.5

= $23.6487

(iii) hourly penalty rate for double time

= normal hourly rate x 2

= $15.7658 x 2

= $31.5316


Full time weekly wage or salary – as in award/agreement: $ 599 . 10

Ordinary time rate 27 hours @ $ 15.7658/h $ 425 . 68

Saturday _____ hours @ $________/h $ ____ . ____

Sunday 5.25 hours @ $ 31.5316/h $ 165 . 54

Overtime – rate 1 _____ hours @ $________/h $ ____ . ____

Overtime – rate 2 _____ hours @ $________/h $ ____ . ____

Overtime – rate 3 _____ hours @ $________/h $ ____ . ____

Gross pay $ 591 . 22

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Unit B – Workbook Topic 3 Earning money

Exercise 7

1. (a) Paul needs to arrive in the city at 10:50 a.m. (10

minutes before his appointment). The latest bus that

Paul can catch to arrive in the city by or before

10:50 am is the 375 that leaves Bardon at 10:15 a.

m. and arrives in the city at 10:40 a.m.

Paul will need to catch the 10:15 a.m. bus.

(b) Paul needs to leave home 5 minutes before the

bus is due to leave. He will need to leave home at

10:10 a.m.

2. (a) Sandy needs to arrive in the city by 8:25 a.m.

(5 minutes before she is due to start work). The 374

leaves Paddington at 8:03 a.m. and arrives in the

city at 8:25 a.m. This is the latest bus Sandy can

catch to get to work on time.

(b) Sandy needs to leave home 10 minutes before the

bus leaves. She should leave home no later than

7:53 a.m.

(c) The earliest bus Sandy could catch to go home after

work is the 375 that leaves the city at 4:50 p.m.

(d) The 375 that leaves the city at 4:50 p.m. arrives

in Paddington at 5:06 p.m. Sandy then takes 10

minutes to walk home, so the earliest she would

arrive home is 5:16 p.m.


(a) Clare needs to arrive at the shopping centre no later

than 9:25 a.m. (5 minutes before she is due at the

coffee shop). There is a 375 bus that leaves Bardon

at 8:10 a.m. and arrives at the Stafford shopping

centre at 9:15 a.m. This is the latest bus Clare can

catch to be in time to meet her friend.

(b) Clare needs to leave home 6 minutes before the bus

is due to leave. She should leave home no later than

8:04 a.m.

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Workbook

(c) Clare leaves home at 8:04 a.m. and meets her friend

at 9:30 a.m. There is 1 h 26 min between the time

Clare leaves and the time she meets her friend.

(d) If Clare had arranged to meet her friend at

9:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, she would catch the

375 bus from Bardon at 8:10 a.m. (This would arrive

at Stafford City at 9:10 a.m.)

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1 Prevocational Mathematics

Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Bus timetable

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Topic 3 Earning money Unit B – Rules

Rules and conversions



1 cm = 10 mm

1 m = 100 cm

1 m = 1000 mm

1 km = 1000 m


1 g = 1000 mg

1 kg = 1000 g

1 t = 1000 kg


1 L = 1000 mL

1 kL = 1000 L


1 min = 60 s

1 h = 60 min

1 day = 24 h

1 wk = 7 days

1 fortnight = 2 wk

1 yr = 52 wk

1 yr = 26 fortnights

1 yr = 12 months

1 yr = 365 days

1 leap yr = 366 days

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2 Prevocational Mathematics

Unit B – Rules Topic 3 Earning money


Distance, speed and time

speed = distance


distance = speed × time

time = distancespeed

Perimeter and area

Perimeter Area

All polygons

P = sum of all sides

Square Square

P = 4s A = s2

Rectangle Rectangle

P = 2(L + W) A = L x W


Mean, median and range

mean = sum of all scoresnumber of all scores

median = middle score after all scores have been placed in ascending or descending order.

middle score n + 12

th score where n = the number of scores

range = highest score – lowest score

Earning money

Gross pay, income tax and net pay

gross pay = net pay + income tax

income tax = gross pay – net pay

net pay = gross pay – income tax

Medicare levy = 1.5% of taxable income

tax liability = Medicare levy + income tax due