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    Top Stones Crystal Quartz Amethyst

    Maintained by: bluewatercrystals ( 34008 )

    Tumbled & natural rough stones.Also crystal specimens,clusters, slabs,spheres,points,pendants,chakraset,buddhas,healing,angels,hearts, wands,pendulum,worry,animals,carving,amethyst,clear quartz,tourmaline,agate,

    fluorite,geode,fossils,Lb,lot,goldstone,tiger eye,citrine,jasper,prehnite, rose quartz.

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    Abalone Shell

    This is the actual shell, not a stone.

    It's properties include love, beauty,serenity, calmness, comfort,

    peaceful and solace. To connectwith earth's water and sand. Tocreate feeling of well being and

    relaxation. Wear it, hold it, place itor carry it.

    Agate Blue Lace

    Great Healing, Nurt uring &

    Supportive Stone. Allows Joy &Happiness. Has Soft Energy,

    Calming & Peaceful. Allows freeexpression of thoughts & feelings.

    Neutralizes anger, infection,inflammation & fever. Counteracts

    mental stress. Effective throatChakra. Links thought to the

    spiritual vibration and brings indeep peace.

    Agate Botswana Grey

    Found only in Botswana. A thinking

    man's gem. Loo ks to solution ratherthen problem. Allows one to explore

    the unknown and helps creativity. Tosee the bigger picture. For smokers

    and or wanting to quit.

    Agate Botswana Pink

    Found only in Botswana. Gently

    releases repression. Helps the bodyassimilate oxygen, benefiting skin

    and circulatory system. Aidesdepression. Stimulates the CrownChakra, bringing energy into the


    Agate Green Moss

    Stone of Wealth, attracts

    abundance. Strongly connectedwith nature. A stabilizing stone.

    Said to refresh the soul and allowsone to see beauty in all you

    behold. Helps with sensitivity toweather and pollutants. A birthing

    crystal, good delivery, lessenspain. Helps self expression,

    communication, stress, fear, trust,hope. Helps speed up recovery

    from infection, colds, flu, etc.

    Agate Lace

    Good healing stone. For sight &eyes. Symbolic of the Third Eye.Illuminates your mind. Improves

    ego and self esteem. Helps withbalance, well being, fears and b eingserious. To help r enew energy andstrength. Opens the heart to allow

    ability to enjoy and laugh.

    Agate Tree

    Tree Agate is known as the sto neof plentitude. It brings abundance

    and fullness to all areas of life,

    including business and agriculture.It creates a peaceful environment,

    both inner and outer, andencourages the enjoyment of each

    moment. This crystal has aparticularly strong connection with

    the plant kingdom and canenhance communication with that

    realm. It deepens your ownconnection to the earth.

    Psychologically, it encourages youto remain centered in times ofstrife or confusion, bringing

    stability. Spiritually, it urges you toremain connected with your roots

    as you grow. Tree Agate opens andaligns the chakras, enabling themto integrate higher consciousness.

    Agate Turritella

    Formed from fossil Turritella shellssilicified in a chalcedony base. The

    stone for change. Helps with

    changes in one's life. Integrating theold with the new. Helps with calming

    and fatigue. It encourages yoursurvival instinct. Good for the 1st or

    Root Chakra.


    The Prosperity Stone. Gentle,friendly, calming, soothing, selfexpression, artistic creativity,

    communication, confidence andleadership. Reduces self-damaging

    behavior, increases self-respect& grace. Is used to disperse negativeenergy. Helps filter information andcombine it with natural intuition. It

    balances the masculine and feminineenergies and many aspects of

    personality. Encourages the pursuitof your unique path in life.


    Considered the Master HealingStone. An extremely powerful and

    protective stone with a high

    spiritual vibration. It's one of themost spiritual stones, promotinglove of the divine, selflessness, &spiritual wisdom. It activates the

    crown Chakra. It incr eases a senseof responsibility and self worth.

    Sleep with it and it facilitates out ofbody experiences and intuitive

    dreams. Amethyst aids inheadaches, insomnia, alcohol

    recovery, blood, pain,stress ,tension, bruising, injuries,

    skin, respiratory, intestinal. Itcleanses the aura. It balances and

    connects physical, mental &emotional bodies to the spiritual.


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    Amethyst Banded

    Possesses all the properties ofordinary Amethyst, but with the

    additional benefit of quartzamplification. The lighter streaks

    are usually rock cryst al and clearquartz. This gives bandedamethyst an unusual mixture of

    relaxing and mind-openingproperties, while amplifying thoseprocesses to an unusual degree.

    Reputed to deepen one's meditationand inner peace. Some say th e

    light and dark portions representthe light and dark portions within

    the human spirit, which can bebalanced and aligned by the power

    of this unusual stone.


    It powerfully combines Citrine andAmethy st and poss esses t heproperties of both. It's fast and

    effective in it's action, particularly

    useful in long-standing illness andcan bring insight to it's causes. Itclears stress and tension from thehead, calming the mind and brings

    greater focus to meditation. Itopens the Third Eye, promotinghealing and divination. Unites

    masculine & feminine energies.Releases blockages (physical,

    emotional & mental). It hascleansing actions, blood, toxins,

    etc. Energizes, promotes optimismand well being. Thought to repair

    DNA, Ametrine is believed tobenefit those experiencing

    physical change throughout life.


    Considered a gift from t he angels. It'sa perfect stone to use to contact and

    communicate with th e angels andspiritually aligned beings to receive

    information for yourself and others.Good for dream work and theirmeanings. Considered a third-eyeand crown Chakra stone. It is an

    excellent choice to help smooth youremotional body. Excellent at

    balancing, polarizing and aligningthe physical body with the Aura.

    Helps self expression,communication and allows us to

    speak our mind and become moreassertive.

    Apache Tears

    A fo rm of Obsidi an and h as many o fthe same properties, like groundingand protecting. It helps us heal from

    the past. Gives comfort in time of

    grief and sorrow. Gives insight andacceptance. Grounding, protection,clarity of thought. Helps removeblockages in emotional patterns.Allo ws cle ansing to t ake place,purifies blood, boosts immune

    system and counteracts negativity.Promotes a forgiving attitude and arelease of grievances. Stimulates

    analytical capabilities and removesself-limitations.


    Enables abundance and bring sgood luck and money, joy, balanceand clarity. Helps release anxieties

    and fears. Ability to ground an

    individual emotionally, thereforeallowing fear free thoughts.Universal love, truth and

    prosperity. It protects the heart andworking with spirit guides. Helpsemotional blockage. Enhances

    creativity, career success,prosperity, and independence.

    Helps fevers, inflammation,nervous system, migraines,

    eyesight disorders, hair growth,adrenal glands, muscular system,abnormal blood pressure, heart

    ailments and the lungs.

    BloodstoneRed flecks often resembling drops

    of blood. Some believe it came fromJesus blood dripping down fromthe cross. Its been used in magicfor three thousand years. Primarilyknown as an intense healing stone,

    balancing spiritual forces andreducing emotional stress. Also

    known to revitalize love,relationships, friendships.

    Purification, prosperity, instillswisdom, creativity, decision

    making, courage and strengthensthe will. Classic for wealth,

    menstrual cramps, anemia, bloodclots, hemorrhoids,

    birthing/reproductively, imbalance.Cleansing heart and blood

    circulation, marrow, thymus, lungs

    & heart.

    BronziteA sto ne of cour tesy an d assis tanceand enables one to be of service tothe greater good. It promotes good

    behavior and will assist you indifficult tasks. Helps you to see thebig picture. It is a useful stone forthose dealing with the public as itwill promote courtesy. It's a strong

    and forthright stone which willinsist that you see tasks through to

    completion. Helps dispelrestlessness. Helps one to be more

    certain about oneself and to takecontrol of actions and decisionsbut without being obstinate orsingle minded about it. It alsoallows one to "think ahead".

    Calcite BlueA stabl e and calm ing s ton e for

    recuperation & relaxation. Soothi ngto the nerves and lifts anxieties. itreleases negative emotions. It canabsorb energy, filter it, and return it

    to benefit the sender. Stimulatesmetabolism and helps immunesystem. Helps trust in oneself.

    Enhances memory and helpslaziness. Lowers blood pressure and

    dissolves pain.

    Calcite OrangeIs mainly used for its strong

    energizing and cleansing properties.It balances emotions, removes fear,overcomes depression, dissolves

    problems that may stand in your wayof your best potential. It heals thereproductive system, alleviates

    intestinal & gallbladder disorderssuch as IBS and helps remove

    mucus from your system Especiallygood for the lower Chakras.

    Calcite PinkIt's a heart crystal, associated with

    angels. This is a soft stone offorgiveness that brings

    unconditional love. It is used to:release fear and grief fro m the

    past. Develop self-worth &acceptance. Heal nervous

    conditions, tension. Preventsnightmares. The loving energy ofMangano dissolves resistance.


    It is a variety of chalcedony. Noblepeople were often buried with it.

    Want more pep in your life? Keep acarnelian with you and feel the

    energy flow to you. Protects frombad vibrations, poverty, calms

    temper and helps sense of humor. Ithelps the insecure person to findstrength within them so they cancome into their own. It is said toincrease the appetite. Full of lif eforce and vitality, it stimulates

    metabolism. Influences the f emalereproductive organs and increasesfertility. It overcomes frigidity and

    impotence, heals lower backproblems and arthritis. Improves

    absorption of vitamins andminerals.

    Chalcedony Blue

    Considered a sacred stone by theNative American Indians,

    chalcedony nurtures and promotesbrotherhood and good will. Assists

    in telepathy, absorbing negativeenergy and dissipates it.

    Harmonizes mind, body and spirit.Instills generosity. It's a powerfulcleanser, including open sores.

    Mothers use it to inc reaselactation, and it also fosters thematernal instinct. It increases

    physical energy. Healers use it todecrease ill effects of senility and

    dementia as well as to heal theeyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen,

    blood and circulatory system.


    The "stone of the mind". Ancientcultures believed that placing a

    citrine on the forehead of an elderwould increase his psychic power. Ithelps attract abundance. Known asthe lucky "Merchants Stone", it hasmoney energies. Put a citrine in aretail cash drawer. Increases self

    esteem and protects from negativeenergy from so meone else's abuse.

    Opens the mind to new thoughts andpromotes clarity of thought. Canhelp the endocrine and digestive

    system (including constipation anddiabetes), cleansing, purifying andeliminating poisons that have built

    up. Has the power to calm andsoothe distressed conditions. It

    offers help with depression. It willgive joy and love to the owner.

    Clear Quartz

    Quartz in any form is a powerfulstone. It can store energy, amplify it,

    focus it, transmit it, transform it,balance it and absorb it. Clear Quartzis known as t he Master Healer. It has

    an organizing and harmonizingeffect on all parts of t he body. When

    attuned to the person requiringhealing, it can act at a very deep

    vibrational level bringing the body,subtle bodies and aura back into

    balance. It has a similar vibration ashumans. Speeds up healing, fortifiesthe nerves, balances the two halvesof the brain and stimulates glandularactivity. Effective for chronic fatigue,arthritis, depression, bone ailments

    and gastrointestinal troubles.Improves mental and physical

    stamina. Associated with the crownchakra, but is also effectively used

    to energize all of the chakras.


    The Learning Stone. It acts as anaid to your mental capabilities

    (including memory) in overcomingtough situations. It opens the thirdeye chakra to enhance mental (andemotional) intelligence. Promotes

    mental discipline especially inregard to learning new things.

    Meditate or sleep with Dumortieriteto stimulate psychic or prophetic

    vision if you are gifted.


    A sto ne of prop hecy and thesymbol of hope and preservinglove. Also, a tranquilizer for a

    troubled mind. It's said to bringreason and wisdom. Lucky for l ove,give your lover an emerald to stayfaithful. Can help heal the physical

    heart as well as love. It c an help


    Known as the "Genius Stone". Itincreases concentration and helpswith decision making. It's said toabsorb and neutralize negativevibrations. It makes one more

    receptive to the vibrations of otherstones. Fluorite should be kept inevery room of the home. Fluorite


    Garnets are also known forstimulating success in business. Ifyour business is not as good as it

    should be, just put 3 or more garnetson your desk. It is b elieved that if agarnet is put under a pillow it willcure depression. Garnets can be

    used to make a person popular and

    Goldstone Gold

    It's an energy stone associated withvitality. Said to stabilize emotions,

    and revitalize and energize the enti rebody by stimulating tissue

    regeneration. By attracting positiveenergies, Goldstone encourages a

    positive attitude, composure,individuality, and reduces tension by

    Goldstone Blue

    It has the properties of GoldstoneGold, plus more because of its blue

    color composition and it'sconnection to t he 5th Chakra being

    blue. A balance of the color bluebrings intuition, inspiration,

    sincerity, peace, joy, tranquility,faith in oneself and trust in others.

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    backaches. It's power is highest atthe full moon. It's a stone of greatharmony, wisdom and love. Givingyour lover an Emerald will bring th elover closer if the giver's motives

    are pure love. The Emerald can be abridge between 2 people. The

    Emerald vibrates with love.

    may be used with other stones inhelping to open the way for the

    power of other stones to beeffective. It can be used as a

    meditation stone to help energizethe body and raise the power ofconcentration. Healers use it tohelp with ulcers as well as the

    respiratory tract by stimulating cellregeneration in these areas. It

    fortifies bones, improves arthriticor other joint ailments. It can be

    laid directly on the body.

    have improved self-esteem. It helpsprotect one on trips. It bringsconstancy to friendships. It's

    associated with the thyroid andspleen. It helps cleanse and purify

    both when held over t he area. Helpsin searching or meditating on pastlives. It's a stone of purity and truth

    as well as a symbol of love andcompassion. It can help increase the

    sex drive.

    strengthening the nervous system.Helpful to the solar plexus, it relievesstomach pain and releases blocks ofenergy within the body. It's believed

    to store the energy of those whotouch it, and is a powerful mind

    balancer, aiding in personalillumination, acceptance of love and

    encouraging an open mind.

    Blue increases careeropportunities, business, finances,and leadership qualities. Blue isgood for long distance travel or

    house moves. Blue is the color ofhealers, it is a natural antiseptic.


    Hematite helps draw tension out ofthe body, neutralizes negativity and

    releases anger and jealousy. Itspower for increasing mentalfunction improves memory,

    mathematical processes, logic,creativity, and mental dexterity.

    Enhances abilities to focus,reliability, courage, optimism, trust,

    stability, balance, and will power.It's also believed to bring goodluck, good health, money, and

    higher love. Has been used to t reatblood-related illnesses such ashemophilia, anemia, kidney andliver diseases, cardiovascular

    weakness, menstrual cramps, nosebleeds, bronchitis, jet lag, birth,surgery, tumors, insomnia, leg

    cramps, headaches, nervousdisorders, and fevers. Providescomfort during times of grief.


    It is a super-calming stone andmany people use it to relievestress of all kinds. Excellent

    antidote to insomnia due to anoveractive mind. Aids in a deeper

    sleep, and is also known forhelping to access and bring back

    wisdom from the dream state.Focusing on a piece of howlite can

    assist in journeying outside thebody and gaining insight from past

    lives. Placed on the third eye, itopens memories of previous times

    and lifetimes. Place a Howlitestone in your pocket to absorbyour own anger - or another's

    anger that is directed toward you. Ithelps to overcome critical or

    selfish behavior. Helpful to those

    who procrastinate. Increasesappreciation of beauty. Balancescalcium levels and strengthens

    teeth and bones.

    Howlite Blue

    It has the properties of Howlite, plusmore because of its blue color

    composition and it's connection tothe 5th Chakra being blue. Blue

    Howlite aids in dream recall,accessing the insights dreams bring.

    Also, a balance o f the color bluebrings intuition, inspiration,

    sincerity, peace, joy, tranquility, faithin oneself and trust in others. Blue

    increases career opportunities,business, finances, and leadership

    qualities. Blue is good for longdistance travel or house mov es. Blueis the color of healers, it is a natural



    The stone of purity and serenity.Historically been used to attract

    love, bring money into your life andhelp business decisions.

    Strengthens mental faculties andclear reasoning. It's a protective

    stone, guarding against accidentsand misfortune. Brings realization toones potential and devotion to ones

    purpose. It improves dreamremembrance and assists dream

    solving.It provides confidence, self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

    It helps attuning to the needs ofothers. Helps self-healing while

    working through underlying, non-physical reasons for a precipitationfor dis ease. Helps kidney, heart and

    stomach complaints.

    Jasper Brecciated

    All t he jasper s have so meproperties of enhancing emotionalbalance, nurturing, and protection.

    Each different color or type ofjasper al so has additi onal


    Instills happiness and easesstress. Veined with hematite it's agrounding stone that is associated

    with the root Chakra. Helps andattaining emotional stability.

    Increases relaxation and a sense ofcompleteness. Many use it for

    protection during astral travel. Italso promotes mental clarity. A

    very animal-friendly stone in that itenhances animal healing and

    communication with them.

    Jasper Dalmatian

    All th e jaspers have som eproperties of enhancing emotionalbalance, nurturing, and protection.

    Each different color or type ofjasper also h as addit ional


    A happy stone a nd goo d for lift ingour spirits, relationships in generaland particularly good for long term

    relationships. Helps relaxation andto see our own strengths and

    weaknesses and feelingdisillusioned. It brings a sense offun to our lives. Protects against

    nightmares, depression, andnegative thinking. Increases loyalty

    and aids memory. Useful forcleansing the aura and developing

    our own psychic abilities. It canhelp purify the blood.

    Jasper Kambaba

    All th e jaspers have som eproperties of enhancing emotionalbalance, nurturing, and protection.

    Each different color or type ofjasper also h as addit ional


    Stabilizes our emotions, soothesour nerves and our state of mind. Itprovides grounding and protection

    and reduces our fears and ourinsecurities. This stone seems togenerate an ancient and earthy

    energy, which assists us inrelaxing and finding a sense of

    balance. Helps us to s piritually re-connect with the Earth's energiesand rhythms. It helps us to hear

    the voice of nature when it s peaksto us. Helps dietary stabilization,

    assimilation of vitamins andminerals, and cleansing the body

    of toxins.

    Jasper Leopard Skin

    All th e jaspers have som e proper tiesof enhancing emotion al balance,nurturing, and protection. Each

    different color or type of jasper alsohas additional properties.

    Assoc iated wi th sh aman tr avel andspiritual discovery. It helps discover

    and connect with one's animaltotems or "power" animals. Helps

    with creative visualization. Aids inservice to others. It makes it easier

    for one to take responsibilityproperly. Helps eliminate toxins and

    decrease body odor, and is veryhelpful in self-healing. It has

    properties of protecting the thirdChakra, but is associated mainly with

    the root Chakra.

    Jasper Ocean

    All th e jaspers have som e prop ertiesof enhancing emotional balance,nurturing, and protection. Each

    different color or type of jasper alsohas additional properties.

    Soothing and helps to lov e one's selfas well as others. It is very healing of

    the emotions and brings peace ofmind. Helps with acceptance of

    responsibility and increasespatience. The circulars patterns

    symbolize and help us r ealize thatwe are all interconnected and natureis a cyclical pattern. It can also helpwith circular breathing for healing ormeditation. A very protective stone,and any orbs ("eyes") enhance this

    in regard to protection from the "evileye." Beneficial to the digestion,

    digestive organs, removing toxins,lessening body odor. Related to the

    heart chakra.

    Jasper Red

    All t he jasper s have so meproperties of enhancing emotionalbalance, nurturing, and protection.

    Each different color or type ofjasper al so has additi onal


    Is a very strong protection stoneemphasizing survival and physicalprotection. It is associated with the

    1st & 2nd chakras. A stone offairness and justice in that it

    decreases unjustness and helps inunfair situations. Enhancesresponsibility, choice, and

    compassion. Used in dream workand dream recall. Eases emotionalstresses, gives courage to speak

    out and have personalindependence. Balances bodyenergy. A stone of controlled

    passion and used to help controlone's own passions. Heals by

    maintaining positive movementwith disorders and disease. Helps

    sense of smell and physicalenergy.

    Jasper Yellow

    All th e jaspers have som eproperties of enhancing emotionalbalance, nurturing, and protection.

    Each different color or type ofjasper also h as addit ional


    A str ong pr otect ion gem ston e, itsustains and supports during timesof stress. It offers protection duringtravel, both physical and spiritual. It

    channels positive energy. Helpsone be strong and balanced in thesocial arenas. It is associated with

    the solar plexus (belly) chakr a.Releases toxins and helps withdigestion in the stomach. It alsoshields one from negativity, and

    can protect from depression.


    A fos siliz ed org anic mat ter, lo okslike coal and used as a healing

    stone. It's energies are Protection,Purification, Power and Healing.Jet becomes electrically chargedwhen rubbed with wood or silk. Itdraws out negative energy and

    alleviates unreasonable fears. Jetpromotes taking control of life. It

    balances mood swings andalleviates depression, bringing

    stability and balance. It cleansesthe base chakra and stimulates the

    rise of the kundalini force.Stabilizes finances and protectsone during business pursuits.

    Helps to release stored pain andlocked up feelings. It treats

    migraines, epilepsy, and colds. Itdiminishes glandular and

    lymphatic swellings and heals


    Labradorite is a power stone,allowing you to see through illusions

    and determine your dreams andgoals. Strengthens intuitions.

    stimulates imagination andenthusiasm ideas. Helps to see moreclearly in meditation. A protector of

    the Aura, keeping it balanced,protected and free from any energyleaks. Reduces anxiety, stress andreduce fear, particularly if related to

    bad dreams or nightmares. Helpsone during periods of change by

    instilling strength, perseverance andassists you in knowing the "righttime" for things within your inner

    self. Can help you with determiningyour destiny and also in achieving it.It promotes a better understanding of

    intuition, mysticism and psychicwisdom. Can also aid digestion.

    Lapis Lazuli

    It is one of the most powerful stonesand should be used with care. The

    earliest of cultures valued lapis lazulimore highly than gold. It can openmany of the chakra centers. This

    must be done only with love in theheart and comprehension in themind and wisdom in soul. Brings

    truthfulness, openness, inner power,intuition, creativity and virility. It

    strengthens the mind and body aswell as spiritual connection. Helpsorganize daily life and quieting abusy mind. Also used to contact

    guardian spirits. Helps shyness, self-confidence, spiritual love, enhancing

    love and marriage fidelity. It isassociated with the throat and browchakras and can help one say just

    the right thing, as if by magic.Protects from physical and psychic


    Referred to by healers as thePeace Stone. A stone of calm,trust, and acceptance. It has a

    strong relaxing and calming effect.It brings hope and helps one get

    through transitions with trust thateverything will ultimately turn out

    for the best. It engenders andenhances self-love, patience, and

    optimism. It's used for dream work,rebirthing, and dream recall. A

    protective stone that bringssuccess in business or career.Helps energy in gardening andagriculture. Related to the heart

    and crown chakra. It greatlydecreases stress, anxiety,

    depression, manic-depression,despondency, PTSD, anger,

    traumas, panic attacks, addictionsand alcoholism recovery, glands,

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    stomach pain. Used by healers toaid the cleansing of the liver andkidneys. It was traditionally usedfor menstrual cramps. Increases


    attacks. Helps sinus ailments,headaches, nervous system, speechproblems, pituitary gland and pain


    immune system, skin, nails, hair,DNA, enzyme balance, recovery,

    pregnancy, childbirth, and generalhealing.

    Marble Zebra

    Marble helps you ach ieve a deepstate of meditation and helps withdream recall. It promotes commonsense, controlling your thoughts,gaining peace of mind. Providesprotection on the physical and

    emotional levels. Each piece ofmarble is like a snowflake: no twopieces are ever exactly t he same.

    Used in tantric activities and helpswith clarity during meditativestates. Helps with serenity,

    mastery and actualization of onesthoughts. Helps in accessing

    unused portions of t he humanbrain. This is a great stone to carrywith you dur ing the day as it has awarm and protective aura. It helpsbalance energy, work and play, andallowing you to see both sides of a



    A sto ne of t he " here and now."Helps balance the internal and

    external and acceptance of change.Encourages variety and new

    experiences. Helps us to realizethat meditation may be possible

    during any activity. Said tostimulate contact with loved oneswho have passed over and helps

    us to better communicate withanimals. It can make us more

    flexible in our thinking andenhances our decision making

    helping to choose the bestsolution. A very protective stone,

    particularly an emotionalprotector. Helps us to be kind to

    others and to ourselves. Itstabilizes health, fortifies the

    immune system, wounds,regeneration, purifies the blood inthe liver, spleen, glands in general,

    stomach, water retention andhernias. Associated with the lower



    A st one of emoti onal h armony , wellbeing, and good fortun e to

    marriages and love relationships. Itis a reflection of the person who

    owns it. It does not add or detract,only shows how it is. Helps one

    relax, enjoy life, and to fully love &appreciate others. Associated withthe heart chakra. It can help calmresponses, avoid overreaction,feminine energies, sensitivity,

    intuition, and psychic abilities. Astone of protection, especially during

    childbirth, pregnancy, and travel. Itaids the pituitary gland, digestivesystem, obesity, water retention,hormonal problems, menstrualproblems. Beneficial to men in

    opening the emotional self.

    Obsidian Black

    A very pro tectiv e ston e againstpsychic attacks, protecting thegentle from abuse and ability to

    remove negativity in one's energyand the surrounding environment. Avery grounding and healing stone. Itsharpens and focuses internal andexternal vision. It helps one get in

    touch with buried issues before theyexplode. It's known to benefit the

    stomach, intestines, muscle tissue,bacterial or viral infections. Obsidian

    is related to root chakra.

    Obsidian Snowflake

    A st one of purit y, sereni ty andclarity. It helps balance our mind,body and spirit. It recognizes and

    releases wrong thinking andingrained patterns. It brings things

    to the surf ace. They can bepositive or n egative, love, anger,secrets; but they surface more

    gently then they might otherwise.Snowflake provides balance duringtimes of change. It aids in seeing

    patterns in life and recreating themin a more beneficial way. It can

    shield against negativity and giveprotection from physical and

    emotional harm. It is associatedwith the root chakra and is

    beneficial for the veins, skeleton,and obtaining smooth skin. It

    relieves muscle cramps and is adetoxification stone.


    Encourages good fortune,happiness reduces stress and

    helps with self control. It can helprelease negative emotions such assorrow and grief. It is used to end

    unhappy or bothersomerelationships. It defends againstnegativity that is directed at you.Balances yin-yang energies. It's

    associated with the base root, firstchakra. Helps with disorders of th ebone marrow, soft tissue, the feet,wound healing, childbirth and to

    increase stamina.

    Petrified Wood

    Used t o access cellular memoriesand work through old traumas.Because of its link to the past ithas long been used in Past Life

    regression work. It is a groundingand stabilizing stone, used forgeneral protection and to calm

    fears. Sometimes called the Stoneof Business it promotes

    successful new beginnings andenhance practical aspects of anybusiness endeavor. Powerful inremoving obstacles and reachinggoals. Used to ease back aches,

    hip problems, strengthen thebones, healthy skin, hair and helps

    restore physical energy.


    A st one of uncon ditio nal lov e. Itenhances inner knowledge, showingthe path forward to spiritual growth

    through attunement to divine energy.It connects th e will and the heart. In

    so doing one's actions attain thehighest good. Strengthens your

    intuition and truth recognition. Usedas a stone of vision, it works well

    during meditation to access higherlevels of awareness, stimulating thethird eye chakra. A very protective

    stone on all levels. It strengthens thelife force and generally increases andstimulates energy, while at th e same

    time bringing powerful calmingenergies. Thus, eases worries and

    restlessness of all kinds. It aids spiritcommunication through meditationor visualization, out-of-body travel,and is a powerful dream stone. Alsoknown as a stone of prophesy whichstimulates inner-knowing. Can assist

    in finding the root cause of anillness. Healers use it for the kidneys,

    bladder, thymus gland, shoulders,chest, lungs, gout and anemia.


    With power & protectio n, it's been atraditional symbol for money andgood luck. It's a stone of intellect

    and is a powerful protector . It makesa wonderful energy shield, blockingout negativity from various sources.

    It enhances intelligence, mentalstability, logic, analysis, creativity,

    memory, and psychic development.Att racts and balan ces the male

    energies and is thought to promotegood investments. Helps overcomefeelings of inadequacy, energizes

    the area where you place it (such ason a desk where you work). Helpslethargy and fatigue. Increases the

    oxygen supply to the blood,strengthens the circulatory system,

    beneficial for the lungs and

    alleviating bronchitis and asthma.

    Quartz Snow

    Quartz in any form is a powerfulstone. It can store energy, amplifyit, focus it, transmit it, transform it,

    balance it and absorb it. Varioustypes are better for some things

    than others.

    Stimulates a love for the truth andfosters clarity of mind. It enhancesour personal levels of tact and co-operation and can help us to thinkbefore we speak. Helps us to feelmore pure and sometimes used in

    purification ceremonies. It is abringer of good f ortune, peace and

    wisdom. Helps us to identify withthe infinite. It brings us closer toour higher power and to becomemore spiritually minded. A very

    good stone for meditation, lookingwithin and can also help us todevelop our psychic abilities.

    Beneficial for the immune system.

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