Download - Top Facts About Blue Sapphire stone

  • BUY NATURAL BLUE SAPPHIRE STONEAre you going to wear a blue sapphire gemstone?


  • BLUE SAPPHIRE FACTS Blue Sapphire stone is also called "neelam ratna' in Hindi.It is acknowledged to the fastest and strongest gemstone among all the other gemstone.


  • BLUE SAPPHIRE FACTSBlue sapphire stone should never be worn directly. Though before wearing this stone, it can be subscribed for trial period of three days. If it suits its wearer or ascendant then it is good to opt for this stone. Otherwise, it is better to avoid this stone.


  • BLUE SAPPHIRE FACTSA distort stone cause of misery while wearing a blue sapphire with lines can bad for the eyes of an individual. A milky neelam stone bring poverty in a native life. Moreover, a broken can cause of accidents and dual color blue sapphire stone can bring gloom , worries in the life.


  • BLUE SAPPHIRE To remove the effect of scorpion bite, put this stone in water and then wash wound with it. The effect of poison will remove immediately.


  • BLUE SAPPHIRE FOR CAPRICORNBlue Sapphire gemstone rules zodiac sign Capricorn- Aquarius. So it is enormously beneficial for these two signs ascendant to wear this stone.Even they can wear this gemstone throughout their life as per the suggestion of an astrologer.


  • BLUE SAPPHIRE FACTSTo check whether this stone suits you or not put it below your pillow before sleeping. If you see any bad dream or accidental dream. Then don't wear this stone. It is also being said that blue sapphire changes it color , if some thing bad has to happen with their native.


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