Download - Top Artworks

Page 1: Top Artworks

AP Art History Top 200 Artworks(Chapter 1- The Birth of Art)4- Woman of Willendorf 11 - Hall of Bulls14 – Wall at Jericho19 - Stonehenge

(Chapter 2: Ancient Near East Art)8 - Standard of Ur12 - Head of Akkadian Ruler14 - Ziggurat of Ur16 - Stele code of Hammurabi21 - Lamassu (Assyrian)25 - Ishtar Gate (Neo-Babylonian)26 - Palace of Persepolis

(Chapter 3: Egyptian Art)2 - Palette of Narmar4 - Imhotep Stepped Pyramid8 - Pyramids of Giza11 - Great Sphinx12 - Khafre 23 - Temple of Ramses II35 - Akhenaton37 - Death Mask of King Tutenkhamen

(Chapter 4: Aegean Art)1 - Cycladic Statue3 - Palace of Knossos7 - Bull Leaping/ Toreador Fresco (Minoan)13 - Harvester Vase (Minoan)20 - Lion Gate (Mycenaen)23 - Funerary mask (Mycenaen)

(Chapter 5: Greek Art)1 - Geometric Dipylon Amphora8 – Kouros11 - Peplos Kore15 - Temple of Artemis20 – Achilles & Ajax playing dice game24/25 - Temple of Aphaia36 - Zeus or Poseidon37 - Diskobolos/ Discus Thrower33 - Kritios Boy38 - Doryphoros40 - The Acropolis42 – Parthenon49 - Propylaia50 - Erechtheion53 - Temple of Athena Nike62 - Hermes & the Infant Dionysos78 - Altar of Zeus81 - Dying Gaul82 - Nike of Samothrace83 - Venus de Milo89 - Laocoon & His Sons

(Chapter 9: Etruscan Art)3 - Apollo of Veii4 - Sarcophagus from Cerveteri10 - Capitoline Wolf15 - Aule Metele/ Orator

(Chapter 10: Roman Art)2 - Temple of Portunus16 – Second Style wall paintings25 - Caesar Augustus of Primaporta27 - Ara Pacis Augustae31 - Pont-du-Gard34 - Colosseum37 - Arch of Titus42 – Column of Trajan48/50 – Pantheon59 - Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius74 - Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs76 - Arch of Constantine78 - Head of Constantine79 - Basilica Nova

(Chapter 11: Early Christian Art)5 - Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus9/10/11 - Santa Costanza14/15 - Galla Placidia

(Chapter 12: Byzantine Art) 3/4/5 - Hagia Sophia6/10/11 - San Vitale

(Justinian & Theodora mosaics)12 - Sant’ Apollinare in classe23/25 - St. Mark’s in Venice29 - The Vladimir Madonna

(Chapter 13: Islamic Art)1/2 - Dome of the Rock9 – Malwiya minaret of the Great Mosque

Samarra11 - Prayer Hall of Great Mosque, Cordoba)25 - Mihrab from Madrasa Imami

Ch.16: Early Medieval Art (West)17 - Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne8 - Book of Kells (Chi Rho Iota Page)13 – Saint Matthew, Ebbo Gospel29 - Gospel Book of Otto III22 - St. Michael’s

Ch. 17: Romanesque Art4 - St. Sernin11 - Sant’ Ambrogio12 - St. Etienne

Page 2: Top Artworks

AP Art History Top 200 Artworks15 - Durham Cathedral18 - Baptistery of San Giovanni17 - Pisa complex23 - St. Peirre South tympanum25 - St. Lazare West Tympanum26 - La Madeleine Tympanum39 – Section of Bayeux Tapestry

Chapter 18: Gothic Art24 - The Virgin of Paris10 - Notre Dame1 - Choir of St. Denis4 - Chartes Cathedral5 - Royal Portal21 - Reims Cathedral22 - The Visitation48 - Death of the Virgin23 - Ste. Chapelle37 - Salisbury Cathedral56 - The Doge’s Palace49 - Ekkehard and Uta

Chapter 19: 14th-Century Italian Art10 - Duccio, Maesta’ Alterpeice14 - Palazzo Pubblico17 - Florence Cathedral8 - Giotto, Interior of Arena Chapel2 - Nicola Pisano, Pulpit of Pisa12 - Simone Martíni, The Annunciation

Chapter 20: 15th Century Art in Northern Europe & Spain3 - Claus Sluter, The Well of Moses9 - Dirk Bouts, The Last Supper1/2 - The Limbourg Brothers, from Les Tres Riches Heures du Due de Berry12 - Robert Campin, Merode Alterpiece5 & 6 - Hubert & Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Alterpiece18 - Hieronymus Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights (tryptich)13 - Jan van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini & His Bride10 - Hugo van der Goes, Portinari Alterpiece7 - Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition

Chapter 21: 15th Century Italian Art23 - Donatello, David29 - Donatello, Gattamelata**Donatello, Mary Magadalene24 - Verroccio, David

30 - Verroccio, Bartolomeo Colleoni34 - Alberti, Santa Maria Novella4 - Ghiberti, Gates of Paradise13 - Brunelleschi, Dome of Florence Cathedral39 - Della Robbia, Madonna and Child40 - Perugino, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter12 - Masaccio, Holy Trinity11 - Masaccio, Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden10 - Masaccio, Tribute Money46 - Mantengna, Ceiling of Camera degli Sposi27 - Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus**Della Francesca, Resurrection36 - Fra Angelico, Annunciation

** - Not in Gardner Book

Ch. 22: Italian Art: The High Renaissance & Mannerism1 - Virgin of the Rocks, Leonardo da Vinci4 - Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci8 - Tempietto, Bramante9 - David, Michelangelo**Pieta, Michelangelo10 - Moses, Michelangelo13 - Sistene Chapel Ceiling, Michelangelo17 - School of Athens, Raphael18 - Marriage of the Virgin, Raphael22 - Medici Chapel and tomb of Giuliano,

Michelangelo24 - Palazzo Farnese, Sangallo the Younger

& Michelangelo28/29 - St. Peters, Michelangelo34 - The Tempest, Giorgione38 - Venus of Urbino, Titian43 - Madonna with the Long Neck,

Parmigianino48 - Abduction of the Sabine Women,

Giovanni da Bologna52 - Last Supper, Tintoretto53 - Feast in the House of Levi, Veronese55 - The Mint and State Library, Jacopo

Sansovino56 - Villa Rotonda, Antonio Palladio

Ch. 23: 16th Century Art in Northern Europe & Spain

2/3 - The Isenheim Altarpiece, Matthias Grunewald6 - The Fall of Man (Adam and Eve), Albrecht Durer

Page 3: Top Artworks

AP Art History Top 200 Artworks8 - Knight, Death, and the Devil, Albrecht Durer 9- The Battle of Issus, Alvretcht Altdorfer10 - The French Ambassadors, Holbeim22 - Hunters in the Snow, Bruegel26 - The Burial of Count Orgaz, El Greco

Chapter 24: Baroque Art8/9 - Ecstasy of St. Theresa, Bernini7 - David, Bernini19 - Calling of St. Matthew, Caravaggio46 - Return of the Prodigal Son, Rembrandt**Death of the Virgin, Caravaggio21 - Judith and Maid Servant with the Head

of Holofernes, Gentileschi33 - Las Meninas, Diego Velasquez36 – Arrival of Marie de’Medici at

Marseilles, Rubens45 - The Nightwatch, Rembrandt42 – Archers of Saint Hadrian, Francis Hals67/69 - Palace at Versailles, Mansart58 - Et in Arcadia Ego, Poussin53 - The Allegory of Painting, Vermeer74 - New St. Paul’s Cathedral, Wren

Ch. 28: Art of Late 18th to mid-19th Century4 - Return from Cythera, Watteau6 - The Swing, Fragonard14 - Marriage a la Mode, Hogarth (6)

Marriage a la Mode(layout should be on a single page. Search and paste any six images from the Marriage a la Mode Series)15 - Mrs. Sheridan, Gainsborough17 - The Death of General Wolf, Benjamin West21 - Oath of Horatii, Jacques-Louis David37 - Grande Odalisque, Ingres43 - The Third of May, 1808, by Goya45 - Raft of the Medusa, Gericault48 - Liberty Leading the People, Delacroix53 - The Haywain, John Constable

Chapter 293 - The Gleaners, Millet7 - Luncheon on the Grass, Manet8 – Olympia, Manet27 – Ballet Rehearsal, Degas28 – Villa at Seaside, Morisot29 - Rouen Cathedral: The Portal, Monet31 – The Bath, Cassatt32 - At the Moulin Rouge, Toulouse-Lautrec35 - Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh

37 – Where Do We Come From, Gauguin39 - Sunday Afternoon On the Island of La

Grande Jatte, Seurat40 - Mont Sainte-Victoire, Cezanne46 - The Scream, Edvard Munch50 - Burghers of Calais, August RodinChapter 331 – Woman with a Hat, Henri Matisse2 - Red Room, Matisse9 - Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Picasso20 – Unique Forms of Continuity in Space,

Boccioni29 - Nude Descending a Staircase, Duchamp46 - The Persistence of Memory, Dali48 – Object, Oppenheimer49 – The Two Fridas, Kahlo54 – Monument to the Third International,

Tatlin55 – Composition in Red, Blue, & Yellow,

Mondrian59 – Shop Block, Gropius64 - Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier66 - Robie House, FL Wright68 - Kaufmann House (Falling Water),

FL Wright72 – Untitled, Calder73 - Guernica, Picasso77 – No. 49 from The Migration of the

Negro, LawrenceChapter 344 – Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist),

Pollock9 – Cubi XVIII, Smith32 - Marylin Diptych, Andy Warhol37 - Spiral Jetty, Robert Smithson40/41 - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,

Frank Lloyd Wright42 - Notre Dame du Haut, Le Corbusier46 – Seagram Building, Mies Van Der Rohe

& Johnson52 – Pompidou Center, Rogers & Piano