Download - Top 10 google chrome extension tools for job seekers


Top 10 Google Chrome Extension Tools for Job Seekers

By Jobhop

Google Chrome extensions are not just helpful for recruiters; they can be useful for jobseekers too.

If you are looking for a new job, use these Google Chrome extensions to not only network and search for a job, but also to highlight your personal brand to potential

employers and recruiters.

1. Buffer

• Allows you to schedule multiple social media posts throughout the day.• This will aid in

development of a strong personal brand during your job search.

2. Ginger

• Acts as a proof-reader helping to correct grammar and spelling errors.

• Use this tool when writing CVs, emails, cover letters, social media posts and more.

3. Rapportive

• Gives you a visual of your contacts LinkedIn profile so that you are able to establish rapport and grow your network.

• You are able to see a photo of your contact, see if they are nearby, what they do for a living and any shared connections you may have.

• This makes your interactions with recruiters far more personal and meaningful.

4. Todoist

• Todoist helps you to manage your daily job search tasks.

• Aids your organisation by becoming your own personal task manager.

5. Save To Pocket

• Helps you to organise and save & store webpages you come across all in one place.

• You are able to save blog posts, company websites, job postings, news articles, social media profiles and more.

6. Wise Stamp

• Many employers look up job candidates on social media before making a hiring decision – this makes it extremely important for candidates to be active on social media.

• WiseStamp allows you to put links of all your social media profiles into your Gmail signature.

• Every time you send an email to a potential employer, they will have access to your accounts. This shows you are confident and you want them to look at your accounts.

7. StayFocusd

• This extension helps to block or set a time limit on certain websites so you can stay focused on looking for a job.

• Once the allotted time is reached on that particular website, it is blocked for the rest of the day.

8. Session Manager

• This allows you to pause any web page while it is still in progress. If you are in the middle of filling out an application and you suddenly need to leave, use this extension to save all of the work you have already done.

• You do not need to log back in and you wont lose any of the information you have already typed into the application.

9. Feedly

• Feedly helps you to stay up to date with industry news and careers advice.

• You are able to add a variety of blogs, websites and RSS feeds to one place, which will save time when you’re trying to find content to post.

10. Companybook Insider

• This extension gives you insights about any company including: latest news, similar companies and their social media pages.

• This sort of information is useful when you are trying to find out more about a company.

• This also provides you with topics to discuss in a potential interview.

Use these extensions to network, find jobs and highlight your personal brand to recruiters and potential employers.

Make sure to add your profile to for employers to see!