Download - Top 10 foods that help get rid of cellulite

Page 1: Top 10 foods that help get rid of cellulite

Top 10 Foods That Help Get Rid Of


BANANAS are known to promote healthy blood

flow in the body. Healthy blood circulation

ensures that skin cells receive the nutrients they

require. Blood flow also rids the body of toxins

that may be responsible for cellulite build-up.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS are chock-full of cellulite-

busting nutrients. They are packed with vitamin E,

potassium, zinc, selenium, vitamin B6. Vitamin B6

is crucial for the proper absorption of zinc from

the intestines, and has some cellulite fighting

properties of its own. However they should be

consumed in moderation as they are high in


CAPSAICIN in HOT CHILLIES could increase the resting

metabolic rate (the rate at which the body burns

carbohydrates and fats at rest) by up to 25%.

Furthermore, research suggests that capsaicin can act as

an appetite suppressant and thus reduce the amount of

calories consumed during meals.

GINGER ROOT can suppress appetite and rev up metabolism

and thus contribute to weight loss. Further, it aids digestion

and improves circulation, which in turn can help rid the body of


Page 2: Top 10 foods that help get rid of cellulite

BRAZILIAN NUTS are by far the nature's best

dietary source of selenium. The selenium in

Brazil nuts may help combat cellulite and

improve the overall appearance of skin by virtue

of the role selenium plays in antioxidant defence

system of the body. Keep in mind, though, that

Brazil nuts like most other nuts are calorie dense,

and thus should be consumed in moderation.

EGG WHITES should be part of every

anti-cellulite diet. They are an excellent

source of dietary protein but very low in

calories and fat. The egg yolk, though

high in calories, fat, and cholesterol,

Nevertheless, including some egg yolk in

your omelette adds many important

vitamins and minerals, including iron,

iodine, zinc, and vitamins A, D, E and B12. In addition to providing protein and a slew

of vitamins and minerals, eggs can help you lose weight as eating eggs for breakfast

could limit the calorie intake throughout the day. This is because eggs can make you

feel full for longer.

BARLEY a real supergrain fights excess pounds and

cellulite. It is low in calories, and also has the lowest

Glycemic Index (GI) rating of all common grains. Low-GI

carbs such as barley take much longer to digest and

cause only a small, slow rise in the blood glucose and

insulin levels. In addition, low GI foods can reduce

cravings and thus fat accumulation. Whole grain or

hulled barley is the most fibre-rich type.

Page 3: Top 10 foods that help get rid of cellulite

Most of the health benefits of KALE

are well known, but what many

people don't know that this

nutritional powerhouse is

supercharged with cellulite fighting

nutrients such as vitamin C,

potassium, and calcium. In addition to

being highly nutritious, kale is very

low in calories and contains zero fat.

Turbo-charge your anti-cellulite diet by regularly

consuming PINEAPPLE. In addition to supplying

plenty of vitamin C and a fair amount of

potassium, pineapple contains bromelain, an

enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins.

Bromelain also helps break down fibrin build-up

in fine blood vessels, which has a beneficial

effect on blood circulation to the skin.

Bromelain in pineapple is in the stem which is

not as tasty as the flesh but which is

nevertheless edible

SWEET POTATOES are one of the

most nutritious vegetables and an

excellent addition to any anti-

cellulite diet. They contain

potassium, vitamin C, some vitamin

E, as well as beta-carotene. Further,

they contain some unique root

proteins which, according to some

preliminary studies, have significant

antioxidant properties. The nutrients

and other substances in sweet potatoes are thought to improve circulation and

eliminate toxins—two of their most notable cellulite fighting properties.

Page 4: Top 10 foods that help get rid of cellulite

Be Beautiful & Dare to Bare

Cellulite will never go on its own. You need to make hearty efforts if you wish to regain your

shape and beauty. Even if you have crossed 40 years of age, the good products will work for

you. You’re beautiful and do not let the ugly fat stop you from revealing it.

Complement your hard work and efforts with Daring Beaute’s revolutionary

anti cellulite product “Cellu Burner”

CELLU BURNER contains BODYFIT™ and Guarana. BODYFIT™ (protected by 6

patents) transforms fat into firmness through cell reversion. A clinical study on

17 female volunteers applying twice daily a cream containing BODYFIT™


• 35% reduction in fat deposits

• 43% reduction in roughness

• 20% increase in firmness

Get The Complete And Packed Solution And See Visible Results In Just 14


For the very first time, we are providing the Luxury Slim Pack which includes CelluBurner-the

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You can use all these products in a rotating combination to achieve substantial results in

toning up your body, revitalizing your skin texture and moreover, keeping cellulite away!