Download - Top 10 Facebook products for your mobile game



Top 10 Facebook products for your mobile game

Table of Contents

03 Top 10 Facebook Products for your mobile game

Personalize your game with Login with Facebook

Reach the right audience with Mobile device filtering

Make it engaging and social: Weekly Tournaments

Grow your app with Mobile App Install Ads

Make your game more engaging with Requests

Engage with your audience using Parse Push Notifications

Enable frictionless sharing via the Share Dialog

Engage people in 1:1 conversations via the Message Dialog

Understand your audience with App Events

Monetize your app with Audience Network

Last but not least: the Mobile Games Checklist






Every month, the Facebook Gaming team focuses on a different subject and shares best practices, showcases and products to help gaming developers improve their games in categories such as user acquisition, player engagement and retention, monetization, etc.

Top 10 Facebook Products for your mobile game

The Facebook platform extends beyond the web to provide a personalized,

social experience for players on mobile platforms. We’ve summarized in this

documents the 10 must haves that will help you better build, grow and

monetize your app.

Read key stats and feedback from leading gaming companies about:

• How they built their app: Login with Facebook, Device Filtering, etc.

• How they grew the audience of their game: Requests, Parse Push,

App Install Ads, etc.

• Monetize their audience: Audience Network

Links to Documentation can be found on page 15

More than 93 percent of the top 100 grossing iOS and Android apps in the US are integrated with Facebook. Here are the most impactful Facebook products that we have collected from successful mobile games.


Personalize your game with Login with Facebook

1. The button should follow these guidelines:

• Blue design

• Facebook icon is shown

• Title should read “Login with Facebook”

2. Prominent placement but not compulsory

3. Highlight the benefits of logging in with Facebook

4. Ask for permissions in context

5. Explain what requested permissions are used for

Big Fish Casino

Building app experiences that people understand and trust is key to successfully using Facebook Login. Apps that follow these best practices help people feel comfortable and can see conversion rates above 80%.






Kitchen Scramble

Reach the right audience with Mobile device filtering

If you have a mobile app which is only supported on specific platforms, you may want to

restrict sending user-to-user requests (e.g. invites or requests from the app) only to people

who have your supported devices.

You can query the set of devices people have via the Graph API* which will return a list of

devices a person has registered with Facebook.

* Please see the page 15 for a link to the documentation.



Weekly tournaments are a core feature of the game in Diamond Dash and Song Pop.

Diamond Dash Song Pop

Competitive mechanics, such as weekly tournaments can encourage players to login to

your game frequently.

Enabling a social experience by including Facebook friends of the player on the leaderboard

can result in even higher engagement rates as friends try to beat each others scores.

A countdown timer raises the urgency to log back in to your game, especially when used

in connection with push notifications that alert players when the tournament is about to finish.

Make it engaging and social: Weekly Tournaments




Reach the right people at scale where they are

most engaged, in News Feed

Drive installs to your mobile app with just a click

to the App Store and Google Play

A large, clickable real estate in mobile News Feed

Strong call-to-action buttons – Install Now,

Play Game

The option to use video or image

Easily run adverts with just a URL: Create your

advert by just copying and pasting your app’s

Google Play or Apple App Store URL into the

Facebook Adverts Manager

Grow your app with Mobile App Install Ads

Town Ship saw 2.5X higher

click-through rate compared

to other channels



Make your game more engaging with Requests

Requests are one of Facebook’s primary social channels, used for direct one-to-one communica-

tion between people. It helps driving both installs and re-engagement to your games.

To optimize the volume and CTR of your requests, think of the following:

» Send Experience: create a multi friend selector, use frictionless requests to ask for

permissions to send once, implement referral system., give the users the option to

Send and Ask for gifts

» Placement and Context: prominent invite button, find context as to where it makes sense

» Conversion: Explain the benefits of playing with Friends, Targeting options, use

structured requests...


Throne Rush: Friends can send each other gifts in order to help each other

20% of Throne Rush’s organic distribution on mobile platforms actually comes from Facebook thanks to Requests and invites



» Built for massive scale

» Push Composer: it allows any user, technical or not, to send notifications directly from the

Parse web interface.

» Advanced targeting: Segment your audience and send targeted push notifications without

writing a single line of code.

» Advanced scheduling

» Push Experiments: Confidently evaluate your push messaging ideas with A/B tests to create

the most effective, engaging notifications for your app.

» Share data between platforms.

Engage with your audience using Parse Push Notifications

“Parse Push is the ideal solution for us because it is easy to adapt to our business needs.  We have a lot of data, putting a lot of pressure on the system, so Parse was the perfect solution for data management.” - Andrey Ryabovol, Director of Global Operations at World of Tank



» The Share dialog is supported on web, iOS and Android.

» The Share dialog does not require a player to grant write permissions.

» Players can adjust the audience, add a custom message, tag friends, etc.

» A preview of the story is shown so players know beforehand what will be shared.

» This reduces spam rates considerably.

Enable frictionless sharing via the Share Dialog

4 Pics 1 Word

“Facebook integration has always been a key aspect of our game. We integrated the new dialog as soon as it was re-leased and want to support any solution that helps people share content as effortlessly as possible.” - 4 Pics 1 Word


The Facebook Message Dialog allows you to message application content and links via

Facebook Messenger.

The content or link appears directly in the person’s conversation thread like organic content.

Messaging helps people using your app engage in direct conversations with their friends about

what’s important to them and enhances their experience in your app.

A messaged item can take three general shapes:

» A link

» A structured Open Graph story, for example about completing a level

» One or more photos

Engage people in 1:1 conversations via the Message Dialog



Understand how people are using your app, find the players most likely to become payers,

and re-engage lapsed users:

1. Get insights about the people using your app in App Insights through trends, retention,

and demographics.

2. Measure the effectiveness of your ads beyond just cost per install

3. Find likely payers by creating lookalikes of top purchasers and targeting them with

mobile app install ads.

4. Re-engage lapsed gamers using re-engagement ads that target people who have not

played your game recently.

Understand your audience with App Events

Game Insight was able to successfully re-engage users using App Events resulting in a 5% increase of daily active users and a return on investment of 800%

Ads your users want to see:

Extend the rich targeting that exists on Facebook to

your app and get access to over 2 million advertisers that

are looking to find their audience on your app.

Customizable ad units:

With the power of Audience Network choose from cus-

tomizable display ad units including banner, interstitial,

and native units.

Get started in three simple steps:

1. Install the Audience Network SDK

2. Place ad units in your mobile app

3. Get paid monthly

Monetize your app with Audience Network

“We’ve seen CPMs that are 2X or better with Facebook’s Audience Network compared to other top ad networks.” - Chris Akhavan, President of Publishing at Glu Mobile


If you wish to go further, you can find a comprehensive guide and overview of all recommended best practices to improve your mobile games in the following areas:

» Discovery

» Distribution

» Monetization

» Promotion

You can use this checklist to get started with building a new game or to im-

prove an already existing game.

The Mobile Games checklist is available at:

Last but not least: the Mobile Games Checklist


Facebook Documentation



Facebook Login Overview:

Mobile device filtering:

Mobile App Install Ads:

Requests & User Notifications:

Parse Push Notifications:

Share dialog:

Message dialog:


App Events:

Audience Network:

Please find below the link to our documentation to help you integrating

the products:

Would you like to showcase your app?

Does your app have original features?

Do you have any feedback?

Email Estelle Fumé at [email protected]


Top 10 Facebook products for your mobile game