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    View Full Version : Battery Powered Alarms

    September 14th, 2006, 11:51 PMMinion5

    I've been looking at a few security precautions for my home, and I think that a battery powered alarm (one that does not alert a security company) would be an interestinguse. Perhaps I could place ten around the hallway, some obvious and some not so obvious? They are small and inexpensive, meaning it would fit in my budget.

    Here's how it works: There is a short range sensor, and, when broken, sets off a loud alarm-sounding noise to scare intruders. As luck would have it, the noise made by thesethings are generally ear-piercing. Imagine ten in an area... ;)

    This came to mind because I want my house protected from any LEO's that may try to enter my home when I'm not there.

    The downside would be the fact that they are just noise makers. It would be a great tactic for alerting the neighbours to an intruder (perhaps inform them that if they hear alot of alarms, grab a rifle and get to work :rolleyes: ) and, perhaps, scare the intruder off. Maybe even add a false camera (and a real camera, but a bit more unnoticable?)

    Has anyone here had any experience with this or implimented anything similar in their home? Do you think that this is a good idea?

    September 22nd, 2006, 07:27 AMAcidWench

    How often would you have to replace the batteries? If you had 10 alarms around your hallway then it could be rather expensive.

    September 23rd, 2006, 02:22 PMzeocrash

    AFAIK most alarm systems have some kind of battery on them. This is to stop burglars simply cutting the power to your house and stealing your shit.I remember when my last burglar alarm finally went mental, we cut the power and had to wait 7 hours until it ran out of batteries and stopped making noise.As for LEOs in your home, if they're going to gather evidence, they'll probably have a search warrant, in which case an alarm won't scare them off. If they don't have an alarm,then any half decent lawyer could have their evidence gathered without the warrent thrown out of court in an instant.

    September 23rd, 2006, 03:12 PMsbovisjb1

    This forum post does bring up an interesting consideration person who posted that can set off his house alarm systems with his antenne. I asked him and he said that they were able to activate or set off a lot of electronic deviceswith the radio.

    September 23rd, 2006, 03:53 PMfestergrump

    If they don't have an alarm, then any half decent lawyer could have their evidence gathered without the warrent thrown out of court in an instant.I'm assuming you mean if the LEOs enter your abode without permission or warrant and without responding to an alarm then all evidence they gather would be inadmissable ina court of law, right?

    One must also remember that in certain jurisdictions within the USA that "Hearsay on a Felony" is often grounds for entry and search of private property by LEOs WITHOUT awarrant. Of course, with some work on your defense's part, this can also be thrown out by reasonable doubt of the hearsay, and the actual extent of the search isquestionable, often restricted to 'plain sight' seizures of property... but most definitely the case with alarm responces. No digging around, Mr. Piggy.

    Never assume they won't just plant what they want on you to dig further if it serves their ultimate purpose, though. If they want to nail you for something, they will.

    I've been looking at a few security precautions for my homeAvoidance of "The Eye" should be your first line of defense. Be un-noticeable and blend in. This is in regards to both piggies AND burglars...

    Second line of defense should look something like this:

    And finally, a good electric alarm should alert YOU and ONLY you. I've heard there are even car alarms that will call your cellphone when it's security has been breeched... Fromthat call on-- YOU decide what action to take. IMHO, this would be the best alarm of all to have. I've forgotten now where I saw such an alarm, though. I can't seem to find it.Anyone help?

    September 25th, 2006, 11:25 AMAlexires

    If you are looking for an alarm that will possibly deter people, in Australia we have 110 dB "Screamers".

    Someone telling me about them said that they went off in his house accidentally and although he KNEW the de-activation code, because the panel was right under a screamerhe couldn't remember the code with that thing going off.

    Just quickly festergrump

    Edit: Also, have a quick look at this link -

    September 25th, 2006, 12:58 PMfestergrump

    Just quickly festergrump, something along those lines, Alexires. It calls your cellular, though, and allows you to control the alarm from the phone, too.

    I found some links:

    And even better, here's one for your home:

    [EDIT: Just go to and check out some of their dialers to integrate into your current alarm system.Here's a couple: /Edit]

    September 27th, 2006, 09:53 AMMinion5

    A good electric alarm should alert YOU and ONLY you. I've heard there are even car alarms that will call your cellphone when it's security has been breeched... From that callon-- YOU decide what action to take. IMHO, this would be the best alarm of all to have.

    This idea is pretty interesting. It also makes logical sense, as I wouldn't want everyone and their mother to know my personal business (though I'd appreciate them grabbing arifle and getting to work).

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  • I think you were referring to this?

    September 27th, 2006, 06:53 PMfestergrump

    Sure. That will do nicely.

    I'd probably go ahead and disable the strobe and siren but leave everything else working as it should. The strobe and siren leads could be of better use elsewhere in a loopwith only the motion detectors. :cool:

    When you get the call and ascertain (by listening in to the sounds within the house via cellphone ;) ) that you do indeed have 'visitors', you place a call to your friendlyneighbor if you cannot be home in time to deal with the situation yourself.

    "Hey, neighbor, I just got a call from my alarm and it seems someone has broken into my house. Mind checking it out for me? Bring that .44 mag you love so well and somezip-ties... Oh, and they've tripped the rear window circuit and the door to the chemical shed out back... No barking from Spike, so they must've taken him out of the picturesomehow. I'll be there in 15 minutes and enter through the front, so don't go 'guns-a-blazing' in that direction without positive ID!".

    Of course, if it's the piggies searching through your house and not some punk burglars, you'll know that too, just by listening in to your house... THEY won't even feel the needto be quiet about it. That's when you re-arm the system, but this time with the motion detectors and "SHTF Device" loop ("SHTF Device"-- be it IED, incendiary, pepper spray,smoke, ect.) and head on with your bugout bag.

    The next call you get should be but moments from hanging up from your 1st alarm call... but a call to smile about this time... :)

    September 28th, 2006, 05:07 AMc.Tech

    If its the cops raiding your house you wouldn t want to take the risk of sending anyone in there with a gun, the piggies could kill if a threat like that popped out ofnowhere, legally too. It s not worth the risk.

    September 28th, 2006, 08:41 AMMinion5

    If its the cops raiding your house you wouldn t want to take the risk of sending anyone in there with a gun, the piggies could kill if a threat like that popped out ofnowhere, legally too. It s not worth the risk.

    Also very true. However, my purpose for this specific alarm would be to watch for LEO's with no warrent that try to enter my home when I'm away.A police raid...that's another topic issue. :rolleyes:

    festergrump: The "SHTF" idea sounds quite nice (and would be a call to remember), though it goes to say that this might bring more LEO's to my home (or less, depending onthe "victimized piggy." Perhaps using pepperspray would be my best bet since it's a legal self-defense weapon?

    September 28th, 2006, 11:21 AMfestergrump

    I guess I could have been a little more clear on that. Cops don't enter through windows, though, preferring to batter in the front door... Besides, you'd be able to hear the copstalking within your house while on your cellphone. Again, they've no need to be quiet.

    If it were YOUR house and it was me you had called as your friendly neighbor, upon seeing the swarming cops all over your abode, I'd be inclined to give you a call back andlet you know what the deal was, then stand off.

    September 29th, 2006, 02:33 AMnbk2000

    If you have one of these ( in every room, ready to be fired on command via your cellular alarm, then you're sitting pretty.:)

    Cops...fuck 'em. :p

    Thieves...fuck 'em too. :D

    September 29th, 2006, 11:17 AMfestergrump

    :D Ha ha! How convenient, NBK!

    Minion, your post hadn't yet gone through so I didn't see it until just this morn... purpose for this specific alarm would be to watch for LEO's with no warrent that try to enter my home when I'm away.I gathered that from the first post, but burglars can be felled with the same swoop (just different tactics. I'd want the burglars alive and under my provisions of punishment),and depending on what you had to hide would dictate the amount of 'anti-piggie defense' used in SHTF device. I was also assuming you had already planned to have a bugoutbag in your car with everything you'd need to avoid ever needing to return to your home, just in case you could be convicted and sentenced on whatever contraban you had atthe house.

    If it's a warrantless search (you're positive of their lack of a warrant) and you've nothing to hide then the OC spray buds NBK suggests would be ideal (and legal), and a callplaced to the local news network after the cops find themselves gasping mercilessly at their situation should work out great... Plan to arrive just when the news crew gets thereso everything that ensues upon your arrival is caught on tape. Any weapon they can use can be turned against them-- news media included.

    Pissed off cops do incredibly stupid things even in front of cameras. You'd win that battle for sure. :)

    September 30th, 2006, 05:40 PMDiabolique

    nbk, the more I read your posts, the more I am impressed. The problem with that little device is that sometimes the LEO's wear protective masks instead of balaclavas.Including a 130+ dB ultrasonic screen to back up the spray would have them wreathing in pain. I do not believe ultrasonic pain fields are unlawful, yet. Use a hefty batterybackup to keep it from being shut down by a "power outage". You also want a way to easily and rapidly shut it down in case you trigger it.

    It would also pay to have small cameras to record their activities, so you do not have to rely on CNN to come by and videotape the event. It should be recorded both on andoff site. They find and destroy the on site recording, and will be less likely to look for the off site recording. These recordings may be the only evidence of misdeeds by theLEO's while destroying your property.

    Back in '83 while in Arizona, the DEA, local sherrif and police raided a ranch they suspected of growing pot. They brought a photographer from the local newspaper. No drugs,just two kids under 12, their parrents at the school being tested to home school their kids. The photog took a picture of this stormtrooper in black, wearing a bulletproof vestand protective mask, aiming his M-16 at these two kids. They had the wrong address on the search warent. That picture was in the news in several papers.

    Having helped design alarm systems many years ago, I know how to bypass them. The idea of having the alarm notify you is excellant. Using a private security agency wouldleave open the possibility of the LEO's contacting them, and shutting off the system for them. Many alarm systems allow you to program a contact phone number. I wouldhave the system use a cell phone to keep anyone from cutting the phone lines and blocking it.

    Also have alarm sensors cross-monitor each other to reduce the possibility of someone deactivating a sensor without triggering another. PIR's (passive infrared) can bedefeated by an IR flood that rises slower than the internal PIR circuit's adjusting to the background IR. After that, you become invisable to the PIR, as long as you do not blockthe flood. Get the more expensive PIR's that detect this.

    These days, it is the neo-Gestapo, Dept. of Homeland Security, that you have to worry about. They do not always need warrents, and the warrents they get are from a secretcourt.

    If a dog, the best alarm system ever devised, is not an option, you may want to try an alarm called "Rex." It emits a radio signal and listens for a dopplar shift. Whensomeone moves, even if it's their heart beating, it starts barking like a dog. The stronger the return signal, the louder and more insistant the barking. I've seen it for $80 on the

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  • internet.

    September 30th, 2006, 08:27 PMnbk2000

    There are PIR's that combine doppler shift microwave (radar) with DSP to provide very effective detection with minimal falsing.

    Combing such PIR's with IR breakbeams, pressure mat switches, capacitance detectors, volumetric pressure sensors, and all the rest...makes it VERY VERY difficult for any sortof bypass or falsing when you combine sensor events required for triggering.

    You could gradute the response levels too, such as sonics going off at any one sensor tripping, since the sonics are non-consumable and non-damaging.

    2 sensors triggering set off the sonics plus an aubible warning plus dialing your phone.

    3 sets off everything, since it indicates a continuing presence and is definately not a false alarm.

    If your lair ;) was underground, and only had one entrance, you could set the radar dog to detect anything approaching through the door, before they actually got to it, sendingsomething unpleasant THROUGH the door. :D

    October 3rd, 2006, 03:25 PMDiabolique

    A PIR (passive infrared) sensor picks up the infrared from your body heat. This is what an infrared flood jams, much like a radio jammer blocks a radio receiver. "Rex" uses themicrowave dopplar detector you mention. In the early '70's, I had to repair a dopplar microwave intrusion sensor. It would pick up a person walking toward it at about 100 m,and the beating of your heart at about 12 m. A concrete wall with rebar reduced this somewhat.

    Sonics are disorienting, and will impare communications. Ultrasonics, which are above 20 kilohertz, will only be heard by dogs. At levels above about 130 dBm, they induce painin the body. If someone does not know what is causing it, it can be quite effective at chasing them out of the area. At that level, dogs will be in tremendous pain, as it affectstheir hearing. Combined with the CS or pepper spray, and they may confuse the ultrasonic induced pain to be part of the pepper spray.

    Another little trick I prepared for several people is a jewlery box surprise. Line the inside of a jewlery box with aluminum foil, and wire six to a dozen flashbulbs in parallel. A setof batteries, a normally closed switch, and a second normally open switch are wired in series to the flash bulbs. The normally close switch is fastened so that the lid holds itopen. The normally open switch is fastend opposite a small hole in the side. Place on a dresser with the lid closed, insert a tight fitting pin to close the normally open switch toarm it. Anyone who opens the jewlery box looking for goodies with recieve "enlightenment" instead. The one time it was triggered, the individual left without any booty.Something similar could also be used to activate an alarm.

    I like the graduated response. What if the alarm system were to contact a pocket computer (Blackberry?) to display what sensors are activated, and which had been active.This will allow tracking the intruder, and give an indication of how many there are. That info would help the porcine types to do what we pay them to do.

    Something I have in my office, that has convinced some peddlers to go elsewhere, is a working replica of a full scale 12 pounder field mortar from the War of 1812. When youenter, you are staring down a 4.2 inch bore of this gun. A gift from my niece some years ago. I also have a solid shot cannonball for it.

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