Download - TODAY’S NEWS . TODAY BUDGET REJECTS ECONOMY PLEAS … · dltlon of nallanal t>ank/i ua nt Urc 31. 40 C



UoKtUed to p lilU nvtt F ritoy . U u l . taow or n feit ^ m c w t u t coUcr. ' H l ^ yM tera» y « , tow 80. Low


TODAYA R c B lo n a l N e w s p a p e r S e ^ v in R S ix I r r i g a t e d C o u n t ie s in I d a h o

V O L . X X I . N O . 2 2 6 — 5 C E N T S T T W p ^ F A L L S . I D A H O . T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 5 . 10 :’.!) O F F I C I A L C O U N T Y N E W S P A P E R

BUDGET REJECTS ECONOMY PLEASF ra n k fu rte r is Nom inated^ “ ^ Btiiions Ask&L

T o Post in Supreme C o u rtPresident Chooses Noted Harvard Law J ie a d for PositionW A S H I N G T O N . J a n . 5 (U.R)— r i> s i< l c n t R o o .sc v c It t o d a y

n o m i n a t e d - P r o f . F e l i x F M n k f u r t e r o f H u v v n r d u i i i v c r . 'i i ty t o t h e U . S . s u p r e m e c o u r t .

N o m i: a t i o n o f t l i e 5 6 - y e a r - o ld Je \v .s c h o la r o f t l i e H a r ­v a r d J a . w s c h o o l a ^ ________________________ 1_1

Dafoe Thioks King Should

Visit Quints

^ v a c a n c y w h ic h h a a 'f 5 ^ l c ( i . t h e '^ i g h c o u r t s in c c - 'r f p a th o f

• J u s t i c e B e n j a m i n N . C u rd o z o l a s t J u l y 9 .

Proposals t l la t F ran k ru rto r bp nam ed to succccd th e brllllnnt Jew ­ish Justice. C ardoro, had 'bccn.volccd In m any quarUirs.

P fsn lc fu rtcr Is th e llilrcl JiirU l to be appointed t o tVie h is h bcneh by M r. Rooacvell. H is o th e r nppolnl- m e n u were Jiis tlces Hugo L. Black »iicUStanley P . Reed,-

A nnouncem enl o f ilh e .selection ol P ra n k fu rtc r w as m ade IhroURh

■ W hile House Secre tary S tephen T. E arly , who gave a one paragrnph typew ritten s ta te m e n t to newspaper m en 8» thcred in th e W hite Hoibc

^ press room.Old F rien d of President

• • P r tn k fo r te r . a n old friend of th e P rM ld e n t; h a s been h la ad\Tscr oft M d on Blnce th e 1932 cam paign. He

. frem iently v te t tr t tJie W hite Houee a n d fo r t h e . l « t several years h li a am e h a s persisten tly cropped up U a likely nom inee fo r U»e bench.

T oday's aD nauncem ent neverthC' leas occasioned c o n s ld ^ b l e surprise inasm uch u th e P re s id e n t only last

D O ^deeisiohj^'.he

” A kM n a:

li l l ty w ho s e n t young attorneys- toto ttfw Wbw P eal. Pr^lclurtfciL-haa

been W rm «l:*H he m<#t inritientlal Mingle im U vldual In ' th e United S lates." \

aVa IU Confirm ationP ra n k fu r te r will n o t be able lo

a u u m e h is place on th e snprcmc c o u rt u n lit h e Is confirm ed in the senate .

H is R ppo tn lm rn t will hnvo no el- f c c fo n th e co m erv a tlv e- llb e rn l,d i­vision of th e .court since he replHCPi Cardoza, n iio tlie r llbernl. Pre.simm-

'b ly . he will jo in Jiislln.H Luulx U Brnnd.els an d * H a rlan F. Ktone n: th e nucleus o f c o u rt liberals. W ith th e tVQ R oosevelt a p p o lu tc u —BIqcK and Reed—ithlfi g roup will comprlt>o a liberal m a jo rity on th e c o u n of nt I ta s l five.

Chief Jiu U ce Chiiric.n Kvan.^ H u ||hes a n d Ai'Orlatc Juhllcn Owrti J . RohfrLi, have coniblhcd th r ir votes w ith llilfi liberal bloc nn kry New Dent U.Mien before iho r a n r t In th e Iwi) yeavs, T h r lr Kein'ml a d h e rrn re lo liberal prhu'lplea limliA th e ron» l« tfn t roi|ncrvftilve.-i to Jim tlces Jaine.i C, Mrlleyiir>lil« nnc P le r te R utler. nurvlvor.i of llir (inc< dnniliiunt rn iiscrvatlve niitjinliy.


MlJklPJHH. Tenii,, Jiiii, fl IUI’> -- fleven iKTdOtui were killed, n l letuit ft dcore In ju red as a reaiilt of loi d(ii winds In four Aoiiilieni nln

Wlllla, 40, killing Wlllbi and Injin-' Ing four oUier". M r/i..C rptl WlUon a n d h er flve-year-o ld dniitilili killed n ear D argerton . 'I 'n i i i . sam e storm .

I'revloiu ly four ]iein<iiin hi\rl Ix-pii killed In tornadneii nen r W lnndrld a n d M ontgom ery, La.


WASHlNCVfON. J bh , h m n O om iitro llrr of th e C iin eiit v I’lrAtm D elano tm tay Irniueil* a m il for rnn

■ d ltlon of n a llan a l t>ank/i ua n t Urc 31.

4 0 C h i c k e n a S o ldMri. D. recently tiold hm clili krnK Ihrmiflh a reasHnitbly pilcrtj ml pUced In the

C lu H H if ic d S c e t i o no f t l i n .

T I M K S n n d N K W S

H\]i> m 'u l v c d 5 0 C A L L H . Y tm l»y|ilii('lii»r a l l a d In t l i r (!1<AH- H in iO lJ . Y t . i i r a d w il l m u - h 15,(HM> f a m l l lc n . *

. Cull as or 32 A s k f l i t ' t l i « ■ A d -T /n jr r ’"

CALLANDER, Q nt., J a n . 5 (UR) —Dr. A llan Ray D aloe believes French Canadl(»ns w lll,deeply re ­se a t th e failu re lo Includc a visit lo Ihe Dionne qu in tup lets here In (he lllnerary of K ing G eorge a n d Queen EtlzabcUi for th e ir C anad - Ian to u r next sum m er. T lie babies are wards of the king.• •'Personally, I d o n 't care," Dafoe

.snld. "bu t th e dom inion .govern­m en t Is no t show ing m uch c o u rt- e.^y to the F rench In C anada .”

D r.'Dafoe said h e w as eure 'U ielr m aje8tleft.had n o t been consulted

.about vlstUng th e qu intuplets . H e blamed th e governm ent a t O ttaw a.


NEW YORK, Jan . 5 (U-Ri — F ire swept througl) a flve*slory "old law ' iehem ent todayr.kllllhg a t leant-/our persons and driving 200 o thers In to the .slrect.

T lir lire sta rted a t about 4 a. apparently In a rc.^taiirant on Kround floor, nnd spread Ihrough the building by way of a wooden sta ir- wny.

T e n a n t, m ast of th em clad li ilglitclothp.i, nw hed outdoors w hen

tlu'y stood bhlverlng In the chill inortilni; air.

■IVo eiliiples were rc.sciird by flro- eu a fte r they ikppvnrcd n l windows )ii calleri lo r help.Tlic dead.w ere;Mr.s. acorKetf'D nU K hiiault. about

OS. Mrs. Anna Lc Clare. .V , H nrry ArRfM, nlxiul 22, nnd h is wife, IJecky, about la.

M S CULL, mwDBoys

DAltCtl^ONA. Jiin. 'l liiKovi'iiimciit lotlny iinmiuiu'<'cl lhi>' ih f clii.M of liu:!—m n i now ;m yeni; (lid niul the Hr/il igiuiilfi' of tin ctn-M of l0 « - n o w Id v rn rs o ld - liftd been valleil to th e colots 1< bolhter (lifl''Ioyall>ith'' de-iprrnle dc len^c of Ciitutoiiln.

'n i r <all for morn rix-n lo nliim off tlir IhsurKont olfeii»lve cllre< t<'i l)V <lru. • nllol M■o n n tu ro Ontiw iift e r tlip tebri arnilr.s had lirokcn Ihn «nitrr (kfcn«n llnm hi Catiilotilii hv ^nlll.slllllt{ both Ihr no rth nnd noulh (liiiikti Id ren rh tlinArte;i« roiniuiinl- nilloiM fontcr and Ihn L erlda-T nr- i'unH‘iiiu hiKhwity.

I'lfvloijsly, ilin Roverinnrnl hud nillrtl nil nlile b<MllPd m en Iwlwrru llin-.ei nKeA to irf>rvr III Iho fro n t lliirs nn (he rebels mnji^eil «onin aiXIr IMKI li()..|*n for Ihelr •'win ihn w in ' oIten.>lvi! iiKnlnJil lliut'rUnm.

'nil- niitloiinl jMjpiilnr fn m l I'oin- iniiire nl a i'|K-clul'nifi,rtlnK volrd f<) i>lil the Boveriimeul by nilllnR ii|> n r» u'< iuUs nerdvd to d tle n il \hn icjiMlillr,

President’s Choice


Idaho House, Senate Pass Expense Bills;' Auto Licenses Next


AI BLISS GRADECrn.>.lilnc doun Uir D1U.S grade at

a reported 7S-inlle.s.per-hour speed, w ith brakes Koiie, n 15 to IB to n r e ­fin ing tru ck 'an d tank tra i le r hu rtled off the grade a t 2 a. m . loday and phms:ed fiih,- 100 feet.

T lie driver. W alter Pa rk er . B ill- iHRf, M ouf, esca^Kct w ith only m inor Injune.s and wn.i b rough t lo Twhi FalLs by Alma Wells, locBi trucking operator.

Full I-nad T lie bti; luel vchielp, owned by (l»e

Husky Refin ing com pany. Cody. Wyo., WHS cnrryhiK a fu ll load of dlc.scl dLsllllute fuel oil. T h e ta n k s

iliatterrd an<l tiic oil wax throw n over surroiindlnB land.--capc, M r. Wells .snld ihU afte rnoon .

T lie truck .shol o il th e grade as It ro ared up' to the th ird bend, a n d rolled over for 100 fee t from the highw ay. Tlio ta n k Im lle r tum bled an o th er -100 lect beyond, eccordlni; to Well,'!, wiio wn.s r ig h t b eh in d the g ian t vehicle a t th e tim e.

P ark er wa.s given em ergency tr e a t ­m ent n t the WolLs hom o by n Tw in F rIUv pliysleliin s\t 3;39 a . m . todny. He sustained a severe gash on the top of the head, back a n d lacla l bruLse.s am! nn In ju red 'rtrm.

-Tlie tru rk nnd lank tra i le r were bo th to ta l They a re s ti ll lylti? a t th e bottom of th e grade thU a f t ­ernoon.

T ook-W rons Road • P ark er wps en route to CaUlwcll

■la Uie n o rih side road. W ells said, b u t became confused a t th e Bli>.s jun c tio n tind took Ihe w rong road. W hen he ^ r u c k Uie curve.n a t the sh a rp ly -d eclin in g . g rad e—w hich h e h a d never before ncgotlale«t—h e a p ­plied his brakes. T lie bcakes on the m achine assertedly failed , nnd the h c n u ’ load Im m ediately plckcd up .speed, runn ing awny frd m th e Wells truck behind It.-

••By th e lim e P a rk e r h \ \ th e .ih ird bend.” Mr. W ells said , "he svns IruVellng a t 75 nille.s a n hour. A t the benfl. th e truck w en t n g h t off th e ejlgc."

W ells Asserted he stopped and cllmbcd dow n Uic g rade lo th e <<conc of wreckage. He sold th a t P ark er w as iravellnK alone, t h a t 'h e a.ssLsi- ed. th e In jured m a n up to th e l-o ad a n d then b rought h im to ■f^^ln Fulls for medical aid. P ark er wns MoppliiR a t the local tru ck m an 's home to ­day.

a h e rlf f Wnyne FInck. Ci-wllnK.led , .snld lh a l tlie d h - i out of th e shiiltered


T fTjlSK . ,Iao f (J i.v . ( ' . A . Hoi w il l b i: p r iv s c ii tc d in di.scii.s.'iiiiii liy S i itii id ii ,U‘ii(l< 'rs MJiitI td ih iy .

M olli li in is c iukI

lly Wll.f.lAM

(U.D Mvn u l l

I f u rn i lif r lit c


m n i d i i i y m u l ic fD i'iii itro im ^nIlCli ill lli.S n|H-llillj^r lilCHHaKI't o t l i n l i ln ln i l<')..'i.s|iitiiri' f o r

r o n r ty i i r x t w e e k , h 'K is litliv c

IIKflLlN, Ja n . 5 (UP) Na/1 i h lrh a rc iiniial|y w ell-lnfotjii' <irii-(I lodiiy l-'iirOiri'r Arlull ilKlK per.soiinlly iin.swrr I'lr. tou-vvclt'.s ctmllrnBC to (h r ilii

Wliil (he I


MW ANllKJ.W, Jnn. n nipi n o r - eiii n K. Allrii, Juilgn (jf th e n ixlh II. /I, firiuH ciJUil of aiipenls, hra<li'(l a Uni (if 1(1 "nulAlandlnu wiiiiien of ll).ia" iurM'Utr<| imloy by Duiwnod Mowes. of A m rilrnn W oiiirn, feiiiliiUin "Whu'a Wl|i>.’‘-

MokI .if (h«i women n |i Ihe Itont.i nald, "siin'eiuirully Invnileil miiN iilliKi field* [){ endeavor."

'I1ie oilier nine were:,lnnn lin indh tvst, t)»cterliili.Kl«l;

I 'riiil Ihirk, novellkl: JnKiiiellii CoiJirnii, nvlalor; (Irnr* Noll C io- wall, tMwt; Uelri) Huyes, aetre«i: Allen Marble, tcnnin olianiploni Kl- eanor M. Fa lte rim i. w oman niiblloli. • r ; Kate nm llh , Vadfo a n te r la ln er and Julia 0 . tillm « in . pri‘slden t of (he Ameilran Nurses M socUtlnn.

W flll i i i id ifd jo tin in iir i i i l ll ltilt(n iii i r r i iw m o n i i n g a f t t T b l'il 'fHC.-i.'ti iiii.'i I’lii 'ly Id tiiiy to k'ivi-(•(inii iiitU 'i'rs U f l ia iH 'f to ih 'H fl

■ IVKi."iliilio ii n n d (liHuii.’-s lluiLa l i c j iil,v p i'D po .icd .

■n,! ■ m iiernor's iirogiMiii In1 liiiirda irililuM onof aulom obllellrr'i, M' rrr:,lo a »;> rale , leorgiiiil/nt lull <it

lU'pariiiiK i>iipro|irlnlliin!i, i-nrdiili iiiiilu l .rxpeiibcfi. UkIii iH • le fiinn lind rovlaldn oi i irtinuiofl fuiid setiiiv

OuUlnea Itefornulil.'f execiilU'n^H ltir.Ma«r iiI M'fornui y ic o rre rl ih r !>lui uMiiiiitlnK a n d aiKllihiK /o uiiitin Ihn cliiln f|n(^al vrmII l.i Ihn fi'd rral ll.nniL ye II iixTll tynletn for Miil'- < i anil rnylM Iho utale IhiiiiiI cm M-lui).liiiUM’ hllln and one .'cili iilM H lv In K tfdinliilKl iiM'a.’.urr;. iilremly li

*i'd. T h e h(junn bills woiilil Mildihim and ii'|>nv-

r. iH-rii

I InilU- hm for roordlnnll. ii>llr n^^lnlallrn Inws v

ixpiur.n ol ihi ■lih led

Tin- ^nlltle inrnxiire would jirovlilr rdiiMihiliiilon of th e d riinrln in ih( ul ])ul)lti- » r i(a re and publin nsMstance.

A Hi i’iiUlli'uii I'niicus was. held hith - I.... . .•iMninllien riKiiui, |i> iiu -IU1I.K ilir tax iiiiiiatorliiiii pioiKwnl. HiMitr Iiltl iiuiiiber 'i, (<i provide for rK|i<'ii.i'< Ilf Ilin txoslou, iiiinnpit both liiMii.i-., »n«i M-nl III Iho Riivnriior for■•'lull...... . 'I h e co,s(n approfirlnled(in <M.,' m,(KKi lor »j.i.imi (iir o lh r r exji-'iiM-^.

'l y llduiw Friday1 hr lliii I.*) Ili:ensn fro (ur, rnin

»ii,> r x|>f led t» MU to tiKi hiii^Mi l>yA ....... . hill piovlden

f(ir (lir ir iii r ii ty enm ities of 'JO per (Tilt lit all irveriuo ralseil by tlin /Ivn reiK riinin Ranollne tux to counler- ni'I Hir liKLTof roun ly leveiniii nenes- n llnlrd bv (lie ledu red llrf inn lrc»,

(I i.iilliiu«1 en 1**1* I, Cuiuniii I)

I’KAIIDOV. M.i.'. , ,|aii. h ilii’i -O nly iwii <liiv n lli 'r h h ’ liiaiiHiirn-(hill ii.s iiiii)i>1 .lir.i'iih Ii O K rel.( lie d Ills Ian itl'iiil. WI'A i;ocrd |.iiiito r Ju h ii r riiilniia.',t.

'H ie iiiavi '1 '.iKI I'riulniia.slla U rd 111:. iM .......-I )ea i.

i ' i l iM io ii:i>

lu v r r o N . .1.111. A IDD .IdIii

l''lleiie'N (Irj iriiialn .s ano rk lim (III

II l lir llfth (liK.I of

na(l<ii>ht |H-acr. i^hiiblr- l.diMir;; A|ir<:i|]a(e(l iiii .mii I fltli'i would hlrlkit hiK'k (in iii .iiiv n t thn mri'iiiiK

I undr.)nti)o<1 II.kI I u i> Jonehliii vi.ii l{llii>n;i

, 11m IKKwrvell ;.|>rn ii \

iM V ih ii f o h t i ; m sVtl-.NNA ,lnn. ft (UI'I A Nii.’l

roniiiiiii>li|iKi luuierlrd IimIiu' iliii loliil loKuiies re])or(rd l)V iilxmi IKK) Ail'.liliin Jrw n iu ikiiiiiK' 2.(MI It.'tl.niH) inni'kn i|ll1il.’i:<l.:'i)i Ihe -trw;. ro lll 'e riin l, II \\ii;. n 47.70II hail III exreM nl .l.mii) |:


^ ¥ * * ■

Pope NamedFor Post onTVA Board

W ASHINGTON, Ja n . 5 (U.P.)- Prc.sldent Roorcvclt today uom l.nnt- e<l form er Sen. Janie-s P . Pope, n .y Idaho , a.s a m em ber of thn T en n e s­see vnlltv d lr r r lo ra te lo fijj the vaennry crent'-d by o ilster of Dr. A rth u r K. M orsnn.

Po]>e. n .slaunrh New D ealer and eo -in itho r of th e New Deal la rin procrun i enneled bv the 75th eon- Kre:>s, was defeated In the Idaho Dcinocviitic iirlmifi-y lust yea:

For Defense and Recovery Plans


By J.Y\.K C. W ILSON .ASHINGTO.V, Jan. 5 (U.P)— rrc.sident R oosevelt bol-

sttu'oii hi.s defijincc o f diclatorrt Today w ith a m esaago to congre.s.s proim.sinK a $9,000,000 ,000 bu d get for 1940 to arm fo r dcfcn.HC and spend for rccovcry.,...,_^A^onRrc.ssionaI econom y bloc is a c tiv e ly h ostile . B u t ha rejected econom y -pleas o f coiiHorvative N ew D ca ler s 'to cu t R overnm ent c o sts . H e asked .?‘122,000,000 in new ta x es . He proposed a 5 2 ,000,000,000 m ilitary lind sem i-m ilitary defense lironram ,^ T h is ann u a l bu d get m e.ssage sh a rp ly rem inded con gress

t n a t Mr. R oo.sevelt had not “ been th row in g th e ta x p a y ers’ m oney ou t th e window."

H e i^rojpcted for n ex t year th e 10th su ccessive y e a r o f fed era l d e fic it— 320,000,000 th is tim e— and th e second h .spending program in N ew D eal h isto ry . T he current y e a r is top.s a t ?9,-J92,000,000. • • \

T h e 10-year depresslon-recovery-depre-sslon cycle, beginning In th a Hoover adm lnlH lratloiiyind projecled th rough thecnex t fiscal year, m akesUiis k liid -o l a .rcQ ord ; . • . --------------T o ta l icce lp t.s '....... «ll,033.000.000T o ta l expend itu res 96.312,000,000

■nie ■nt to th e t-illtiiuitlon. wn.s for (h

ina lnder of n n ine -year te n n whieli expires May IB, 104'i. 'l l ia t was th . d a le w hen Ihe-to im of Ur, M organ w hom Mr. Roonevell, deposed yenr f o r . '•coiUumin y," winild hiiv< explreil. 'I l i r ie a re two o lh r r <l|. ri'f^tors lli.rc«iurL MoiHnn a iK U iu'hl Iv M llrn tha l.

M'llt I'

M r. Roo.sevctt .said "well s |)en t.’'"L et us a ll f ix ih o t fac t In ou r m inds." h e sa id , "so th a t Uiere sh a ll b t

no doub t abo u t i t and so th a t wo m ay have a c le a r^ u d tnteUlgent idea__o f w h at w e have b c en 'd o ln g .'.................................................... ..

Money H a i f io l B een T h row n Away "W e have n o t b een 'th row ing th e taxpayers ' money o u t of th e window '

o r in to Uic .sea. We have been buying rea l va lues w ith It."L et m e rep e a t: T h e g rea te r p a rt o f th e budgetry., defic its t l i a t hava

been incu rred have gone for pe fm onen t, laog ib le add itions to our n a tio n a l w ealth . T lic ba lancc h a s been an Investm en t in th e .conservation of o u r - h u m a n resources, a n d 1 do n o t rega rd a penny of i t as w asted,

" H wouM be unw ise e h h e r it> expentUt'ures bIuu^ b r to Im powdta.stic new taxes a t th is stjigo o f recovery.", .

T lie budget m essagft^ luSr.M th e n a tlo n ia d e b t d o n i o ( J u n e 3 M 0 W , ( .................................................

Little' Facts oii Big Figm-esW ASH IN G TON , J a n . S (UR )-Llttle fac ts about big figures in the

1040 budget:Spend ing down sllghlly-»S,m ,a03;2(}0 ag a in s t |9 ,492,339,000 In the

previous year. - .Ini'vm e up a trlflc-$fi.G6II,330.000 com pared to 530.010.000.Ill Ihe red, not<.s» d e ep -D e fle lt. 13.430,343,200 ag a in s t $4,072,359,000.r u b llr deb t boom ing—|44.458.0'w.000 again st $41,132,000,000.U etovery-rellcf spending fcla.shcd-13,266,165,000, abou t 11,000,000,000.

lower,N ntlonal de fense a t new pcace-tlm e a ltitude — *2.000.000,000. up

»1.00(i,000,000. 'T axes up a n o th e r rung, maybe—P residen t w ants >422,000,000 new

levies for a rm y and fa rm program s.

(hr•Will k .

niliiiiii .-Ir Mill

1 eiHj^M'ivu (he

VII.I.AOI^H I'IKI.IIiii'.MDAyi':, Fieiii'ii-nim iiihii n o i

New Beet-Digging Machine May Revolutionize Harvest Methods

lliiili. I t will be neccM ary a t this session to ask congress to increase th a t lim it. '

Mr. llddM 'vell called for enaeln ien l of t t .000,000.000 in laxes of w hich .$422,000,000 would be new revenue to pny farm sulisldl<;n and em ergency iintUiiial <lnfeii.''C eixsis. unit tM)0.00O.000 to 1000,000,000 a con tinuation of ex iih lng n ia iiii liii 'tu rer 's tnxei,

Mr. It.l(.^rve1l did no t stlp iiln lr iiuw irv e iu ir Miiirees but Is underslobd , 1i> ftivi>r (he liiherltn iire nr esla(e -lax lype of levy to a processing lax or c lh e r iiiii)iist w hich would rrriiirn innninnlnK iKiwer.

J O lh r r Reeom mendatlnn*Ills o lh r

iiiiient and ap iiropria te' th ree re n t I n te r po.siaKi

J. Make lli r rlvllliin nin.servatlon n i ii.mKi.dOl) (<u It In Ihe iirx l li.snil .vear I'liiiinliiiKll (Mimparlnoii of Ki>vriiiinrn(. biwlnevi In Ihn q ir r c n t 1030 a1 veio- w ith Um 1U40 (bca l yenr. w hlrh will beghi n e M 'Ju ly 1, Is aa

la l I u d Ulle d ri t l)i>ili (l(mn for tli

lUmul d r h t bo th up ai irw (h ea l prr1o<t.Ib n il yrnr IIKlfl wlileh

■ 'iil v rar IU:tII rmllliK nex t Jiii ;t July 1 i>rn as follow.',:

IMO. |A fll!ll(IIH).(X)0

lt,IIU. .(HHI.l>IN):i.n'j(i,(ii)0.iH>0


d exviendttures a n d


( : |IK y i’;NNM. W yii, .|an. ft illKi . iinirhhK '. (im t reemlniHv iloes

rivlhliiM (o a flUiinr bi'et liiil re- iir It mill )>iit >1 In yiiiir ('offee,

i> breth>K III! Iln hiv

Wiilir-i .1. n iii l tn r , n IJnlmi I (K lr inU iiiad rliKliierr, bulll 1 h a rv rs tr i 111 ii iiningn al the riIII hill .............. Ite r he hnit waletla lm in i. Inini his riiHlun < " tireakliiK Ihrli l)nrk^'’ Iiii;ii1i)ia Wviiiiiliiil a n d Nil)ii»'kii li, '•

T h e'i tmiX («ii veni,% ro in iile tr m u l If II hi m, Mir. i-m. Its Ihn liie llm ln a ry te it Ihlii I lndl(-ate<l, Ihe iiillrniiil iiikii ii hnvo foinid Ilin answer to tlie li growpr'n harventliig iMolilriiis II 7,0fttl o th e r Invniitois (nlleil lo i1 rover. 'I1in f h s l le->t of Ihe .



eh liir was ifindo a l i« farin nt fll ney i.iiil nno lhe r a l K hnlialt, Ni

la n n rrN K nlliusU xtlr " It illd iihUiMKl Will K as Ih r hai

lalxir bring iinrd In Ihti.'.n fii-ld. I'1 liit)ri (Irrln ie il. " I h n liiiiiir

’.Instill III Ih rIhn hlilM

uil f»ilid iUI

g rrn l drTim liiHrhllln ta h r i Ihn herU oul

o f Llin ir iiund , r ie a iu tlirin , eu ls u ff Ih r <ri|ii>, IiimIh lliem In a tra l l- « r and |iUc» (lio . lu in t-« U (ii «it« opeialliMi, l‘ r n * e (I I hH rvrsliiii ■nrlliiid> 1*11 fu r IliU ttu tk lo hn dniin liy liNiid. '/i'lin liiv rn liir aald III* l ia r trn lrr r a n li^ <ii>«ralrrt liy ana iiia\i who n se d i only l» drive Ihe Irae lo r o r h n ra n lo |i^ill II.

. U u ae n a U celi ■ I'lijw eiln lpm ent on Ihn nn irh lna dlKs Inlo Ihn g round a n d loosens Ihn lienl. m m iillaneniisly , l«v,o r o ­

ta tin g li' Ks <1 lopr.s liiM'l )la n d g il|i i tir I

I Initte, sgltd Mililirr ir.t nbove IIki. )>l<iwti - I't by Itie lop, T h ry I Into llie iiniehhin '<'lli Hil|t II and puss I'lK'Ular K h l v r n ^ l

II. 'Ih e iM-rl rrf iiM l ml Ihn to|).s.

I Itllr.lit llr loiaHe,

m il fiKFlliiIJnr Mould m il fiK rraol wtial Ills MiarllhiP Hiiiilil da l<i llie b r r i lalMf liiA tktl w M rli rmidu;vs Uvn\i- M iids <if men In walk llie fields r a r h year. H r pnloled oiU llia l n>i Miiremsrul Ih liii iliii Miiirlilne had >M-rn devrlnprd and l h a l liand latipr li l l l would b* iirrd ed (or lli l i pruffM ,

Itiiwavnr, /h o Inveiilor assn to il, Ihn luilfvesler would tiul only sliced Ihn work lull sava Ih t beel grower inonry In InUir eosta.

, 'f ^

npriidhiK jiroKrnm. th iiii«i''''^^'l"nal nitirni »((■ •iiiii-ihm .of IV m w ra l. idiinl messHKn oil th r : .pi-nil. He based hin >ii(-y will p rim e llie |


I‘ii.s(olflra reeelpln In 'L'wln Falls If ttiu year ll»3tt w ere lh« h ighest 1 jil.Mtiiv w llh DereinlH'i i^lonn |iihlhiK

4JU.11, It wav annoiw ccd hero th li aU rm i« .n hV |»ostal iif f lr li.K

Itr ro rd s nlwi slkowfthat dinlpK I)e- ren ib rr th r rn wan' m orn . 4in-oniliig a n d oiilKohiK m all of a ll kinds hiiiidird ih a ii 111 any oilier m outh hliirn thn o ttlrn wiOi f irs t e.stabllshed.

D uring lUlltl a t o t a l . of O.I2Q,HO:i piri rn <.f nia ll. IhehKlliiK parcel |HMit a n d le tlern b u t no t Ineludlng liM-al M liivtmiluH w w sjxkjuTs oV jwvmll. in a tle r. w rin hniiilled by eiiipUi here . Of tliU nm oiuil D,4iB.743 W le tirrn ^ l lh th e bnlanitp listed pa iee ls . ,

.O ulgoing le t to n du rin g thn year (Ihuee m ailed he re fo r dU U lbutlon •Inuwhoi'o 01' by ully o r ru ra l rout« ra n lc m ) tn ia ln ti 3,411,779, wUII* ln> com ing le iie ra . Ulstrlbiilfitt by looal Workera, a m tv in ttd to 9,0lfi,0M.


Il,4u ,(100,0tf0 7,025,000.000 :i.i)7'.',(iiio,(Kj() I,:ifl4,ooo,ooo

4i,i;,ihH) :I7,105,000.000 l( and Ihe nn tlonal .debt bulge will idny 's ilr iiionstin llon by itepubllcahs ^or of ei'oiiomy w hen Mr. IlooseveK,

sin l.' i.f (he iiadoii, irv riiled his deU rm llia- .prndliig thenrv on roiiHilenen th a t gpVern- iiu|i til a hiitiialiiril li^slj^eas ici'iivcry,

. Itirom n W ill Inerease A.S l)usliies.s miprovea federal rev-'

rn iir tioin e i ir r rn u ia x slruR lurs will hu rrn se . T he iintloiial Ineomn now l.'i a iim nd »(l0,000,000,000 Ihe P iesl- ih-iita objertlvn Is 180,000.000,000 ur mom n year.

KxUIIng lux schedules would raise npproxlm alnly |6.n20.000,000 1(levleil on a 160,000.000.000 naUohHl lncon\». M r. Roosevplt rsU m aled Ihfct la x r a u a % otild taU e M,000.000,000 annually on a na llonni Income n t •70,000,000.000: ta ,000.000,000 on imffJOfiOQl a n d •10,600,000,000 i{ lh a na llta ia l Income soonied to 190,'• 000,000,000,

Uo will p resen t de tailed n a tional defense plana to cnngreia n o i t w«ek ' w llh u, wnrnlnK th a t tlinM hav* changed w ith th e a lrp la n t Rnd th a t Ihn ie wilt be no opportutilljr to l r * l | | men a g a in s t Die n e i l a tlM k . p ru iK M i •1,130,000,000 to e*rry q u i

dntetiM com m ltnw bU aaH » n • add lllohn l •000M0,dM p r o t t mwhkh «aio,ooo,oooo would ftp*'p m p rla ted a n d • * —1099. a ...........n io rs tl

0 III ,

Fage Two IDAHO EV EN IN G T IM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, January-5,-1939



WASHINOTON. Ja n . 5 m P i- Prcsldenl Roosovpli Kulny o»K<-<l

' congres,s for on imiin'iliiitr' is7''.(M)0 • 000 opproiirlalloii to provide WPA JoS» for bWwppn 3,000,000- 3,- 700.0CO persons until Juno H'c end ol tlie 1939 flsrnl year.

H e.nskcrt for llu-sc funds In a s|)Mla] r.‘iW inP.uAKO. w tillr In rcBUlar tiudiict’ siib-m ltl«5 lodn.V, lie p rojfeiod a nn<i rocovfry pinRrnni of $2.2fi6,ir>fi.- 000 for tlif iipw fi«cal yp»r bcKmnlnR

- In Ju ly :--------- ' ......... ..................St.ltlllory Hpstrlrllnnn

TnklnK coiinlziuKf <>f riio«lii| con«rp«ional of adinliit.': tr^llon of t l i ^ works 'i>rnt:r<’-ss n<I mtnHlrftllon, Jip <idl(yl for M nliitory r^.iilrlctlous afiivins; im proper poll- tlcnl pMrlk'C.i In ro llrf. H\i( h"

-■ p l r td r t n fs ln s t re tu rn of n-llef *d- m ln ljtrallon lo local aiittinrltlcK and ngafnsl ImpMfKoii of rcstrii-t/on th a t

- m ight Infrmso upcjji polll>cal r ls lil of relief recipients.

"No one wishes more sincerely llinn I'<to th a t the program for sJstlnR unemployed workers shall

ccmpli'tely free from political .4, mHiUptil:i:ioii,' M)-. Ro^w yHt

•'HOATVI'V, sr.V ' ni;-’ who ’ propn,es this rPHilt l>o aciilcvrd by turn In? the (idniliii.viratlon of a worl

• program over to local boards 1 , « ither Innlnccre or U tg n o ru n i - of

the realities of local Am erican poll Ucj."

Abov# prediction*The recom m endation to r »fl75,000.-

000 for WPA lo r the. five n io ritlu • from February - to Ju n e . Inclusive. '' was m aterially obovo previous p re -

dle.HoiK of tlic cost of flnanc lnc th e relief program for th e balance of chi fUcal year.

■Die $875.0()0.000 defirlency appro - . prlatlon. Mr. nooscvelt said, will

supplem ent th e $1,425,000,000 provid­ed by the last congress to m ^et re-, lief cosU for th e f irs t e ig h t m on ths o t U)l5 fJscflJ j-ear. T lie orig inal a p ­propriation v irtually Is e x lu iu te d . he said, 'a n d Is su fficien t ho rd ly to m eet needs throuRh Ja n u a ry , scventli m on th of th b fiscal y

Jews .in B r ie fJunior W o ^m en

Junior Wowlnien of the W orld will meet Hnlurdny n ' 3 i> 'ti th r I O O F hnll.

Arotlaii Chorus Tl'e A"oHan Choral n iw in 'lo n

will iiippi for reheaisal Frldn;7 30 I' III ill (he basem ent <if the M elhodi't Epl.v<H)<il.clilUCll.. _

Woman Itrlu rn sMm. 1. E fra / 'T hft.H relucned

from O iiilfn. U tiili. wliere she went to be w iih her father. Upon her re­turn reported Ids condition Ufi- provi’d

PatlfiU -F*ir"Voim.Jm"“wlM>-U-i««lvlJiB l r o a l - l ^ U e « J j n P tO tM ............ ...........

. in riit at ihe Twin h'lxlls county se n - C larence H lne, who has been s«rl-


B£R EIN . J a n . 5 fl/.fi>-The Nazi foreign offlco m outhpiece DIplo- niatlsche PoUtlcal K orresponden r to ­day denounced P residen t Roose^-eU'' challenge to d ic ta to rsh ip b j "de strucUve,”

C lim udng a b )ast of b itte r p ress com m ent direc ted a t th e U nited S ta te s P residen t on th e g rounds he

{VOS w d e r S f iu e n c e of "w ar m o n ­gers.'^ thV D lplom ntlsche K o r r v - 'pondenz decla ra tion appea red to be tan tam oun t to an expression of of­ficial reaction to th e message to

• c o n jrr tu wJiJCh Wazla p rJvately a d ­m itted was direc ted ch lefjy a t O er- many.

•'It c an liarUly be m a in ta in ed th a t • such.alm a and m ethods <as c o n ta in ­

ed In Mr. Roosevelt’s ajw ech) corres­pond to w h at E uropeaas would call peaceful," th e s ta te m e n t said.

'T h e y also fall sh o r t o f realizing th a t In ternational good fa ith w hich M r. Roosevelt described an th e A m er­ican Ideal.

"Mr. Roosevelt would find It d if ­ficu lt to convinre n slnyle Clerm an th a t h e rea lly /e a rs a t ta r k s on hl.i country or the A m crlcnif c o n tin en t a t large."

Tlie DoerKen-Zcllung. In l u ofter'- noon edition, headlined Itb mr.ssoge Jitor)-. "Uoodevelt seta up record ns o rator of hate."

BILL FORM FORB o n r a p p s

(I'lom r> |* On«)l l in b ill does not rediicu frra fur

trucks or ronim rrcia l tru llrr« The rompanlon b ill i)rnvlrirs RprrUin.lly tha t ^<lullll^^ I||u^l unr llie re* turned Bh.mline tax money fxir pay. menl of Interest and rrilem in iou on outstnnftlng hlgliway IwniU l>efoiB the fundN ran be uxrd lo i lilK liwuy maliilenancd luid in iiM ru fllo ii

Hmaller ro iiu ilM opixjM- i i i r inn.fl- iire betausB ll i , rxpecieil to i.-ducr IheJr share nf fJn' if-tiM nIs expected to tedii.e Atate hinliHay department rwpnurs nearly » lo on - 000,

Davis lo Intnidiicc ChincHc .Scholar at. Town llnll MoctinK

Hupt. Homer M. Uavls, head o f llin Tw in l^ illfl putiili; flclimil hvsletn w ill In lr.K lurr Dr. No-YunK I ’nrk ut the Iflwn i la l l iecuire here Hntuntay

» l lb l, J«>. 7, iTM W eijl J. A, C nler- ntiim aniiounceil th is aftertux.n

Mr, DftvU w ilt t r i l tlin 'JOwii Jlullluid Itfl "BUesl .-lOW.I AlMiUlt h i background of Ur. I'.irk , d li.tln - tiulshed Chliieic hu tu rliin lu id ler- Hirer, Il io inretlng w ill be j i r l . l m

m. a t the L, I), H. (-hiin l i, which vo|uiil»«rcil faellltlen for the fla tu r- rt#y m « ll ii | t when ilu b nrilclaU lo jind «<ftal o f heating the big high •fhDol bulldhiK wiiuUI be i <hi hlu li over the wrch-n,,).

ttucli Town Jh>ll memlier may bring oho gurat lo hoar the ChJhe/.*. scholar. M r, Co.lerqulat fiald in ro n i of About OOO la «ix|>en(e>|.

I)iel>atc.Atti'acti<>nA n a tlrac llo ii nii lh « s|>ecolj and

county Bcn- liwpiLal. wa.s In a " fa ir '' condi­

tion enilv tliLs afternoon , according to ha 'iii ia l au thorities,

fiuf»tii l^aveRalph Powell will leave tomorrow

for th e U nlveM ty of C alifornia, Berkeley; a f te r a v b li here , M ilton PoK'eH, Jr., h as rc liin ied to W ash- liiRion, u , C.. following a holiday visit.

Death learnedMr. . G eorge T liom as and H,

Gle.>-p have been inform ed of the di'i'lh f)f th e ir -mother, Mrs.- Q'er- trude 03. vi-,irr(liiv a ften ioon ac Andin. II}. M r a n d Mr*. G lcjc vl.Mleif here s i'v rial weeli.^ ago.

From L 'lahCliiiitip B ro irn hn.s re tu rned from

SaJl Lake Cll3’ w here h e tn ru a c te d buflne.^s, hi com pany w ith Russell Robertson. Douglas Brow n, s tu d e n t a t t i e U tah A gricu ltu ra l collcge, Logan, accom panied them .

Ite lun ilng to School Bill B tittne r. who h a s sp e n t the

ChrL'itmas holidays w ith his m o the r. Mrs. H eleh B u ttn e r, will r e tu rn S a t­urday to Roswell. N. M .. w here h e Is a s tu d e n t a t th e New M exico M lll- u r y in stitu te , h igh school division.

RMUme* StudJes M arx Jo slyn h as resum ed

studies a t th e College of Id ah o and MIm B a rb ara Rayl h a s re ty m e d to school a t Boise. T hey m ade the tr ip w ith iMr. and M rs. V ernon P e r- aonette.

B etiim to School G ra n t H arris , son of M rs, W . M on-

too th . a n d M iss O Ulem ae K night, da u g h ter o f Mr. a n d M rs. T . M, K n igh t, have r t lu m e d to Pocatello a fte r spending th e ho lidays w ith th e ir p a ren ts . B oth a re s tu d e n ts a t Id ah o Sou thern un iversity .

VlslU H ere Jam es R u tledge 'C aldw ell. Is vis­

iting a t th e home of hLi daughter, Mrs.- Jom es Pe rsonette . H e accom- pan lcd Mr. a n d .M rs. V ernon P e r- sonette and hLs d a u g h te r on th e ir re tu rn 'f ro m th e Inaugural ball and v isiting relatives a t Caldwell and BoUe;

Aska P e rm itA pplication for a p e rm it to s ta r t

ft re-r6o(lng and rem odeling Job on a dwelling on Blue Lnkc-s boulevard n o r th was m ade today w ith th e c ity c lerk by J . E. Poh lm an , n itlm a tc d cost of th e Im provem ent was placed a t »l,SOO. T lie pel-mit w as th e f irs t to be filed Uils year.

Hedge ScorchedA weed fire got ou t o f contro l yes­

terday afien ioon in th e 100 block on B uchanan stree t, bring ing th e fire departm en t to the slta to ex tlngnlsli th e blaze, T he hedge surround ing th e a eo rg ^ —D etw eller hom e was ocorched, bu t no o the r dam age done.

At (he HotpUalM1s.i Florence P a tto n and M ilton

LundquU t. Twin F a lls ; Carol Mo* Rowland and Baby Lea G urney , Buhl; S tacy T urnur, M urtaugh , have been adm itted lo th e Tw in FalU county g^lleral hosplU l. P a tle n is dlsm lM fd Include Mr.i. Vlnla Hher- wood, I la n v n ; MIko Nrwmitii Hrfn IJlego, Calif.; Miss P earl S tokesbeiry Tn’ln Falls; Pa lrlc la I*olman, K im ­berly, and U. C, Davis, Gooding,

News of Record f. ItirthN I

— ------------1-----------------------------0

Til Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dodfton, K Im hrrly, n Ixiy, ln. 1 rvenliiK at the 'IV ln •^«llrt i-ciiinly ueiicral ho-'plta •••^t^cinliy hunie.

U K N N K V -K iineral (tervlces fur K iiw si Jlo rrlsoii D enney, iia iin rn . who died Tues<l«y, will bo held M«l- u tday a t g jo p. m. a t i h t D rak* - Id Heyiiolds funeral lnune. Hev. U.

Whl»o will o t# , Pn llb rarcrif 111 l*fl Vlct<ir H ow aiil 1(111.

Jtl<liiird Jim , Mainld WlJihiro, A i- ih iir Pi-|(»r and Kaliili llender,

o ltO W H O N -F u n e ra l liorvlcea for JCIrlianJ W rslry aiuwa<»n, 10- ni<inthn-uld aoii of Mr. and Mia, K ichard it, C iowxm . w hn died Wr<l-

'Sdiy, will be held Friday a t J ]i,. at, th e Drako and Hryniild* lu -

nei«l-1miii« - »cv I, i) H nilth, |)«a- to r Ilf the C liu u h «i( th e N aaarene, will offielnto.

I V m p e r a t i i r c H |

tim tliig next week wll] be iliq de­b it* between fathers and soiu

5*W«lll£»^ t l» dirtoUon of tier-/ w 'u t * a tU tU «U1 'b e , " R e .

■ r t w d j h i l th e M odern M ovie is MWjj (h«n fnstniu*^

l-<>« AhiiIm Mil.. Cli, Mli.ii..i‘-ll. .. N . . Vwh

.... Im iU ..........Hill Uk« r l i r ', ; ■“ f«(.fl.«. ..

FM m T rtp^M r. a n i f ^ r s . WUe E vans have re ­

tu rn e d ' fro m P o rtlan d w here they sp e n t th e ho lidays w ith tlielj- D ick Evans.

W iln es t-fiA u g u ratln n M rs. R. E. Leigh ton . MUs Hazel

L eigh ton , a n d L esA r R ou th have rr- l u m td hom e a f te r a tten d in g In-4 u g u r» ljc 5 rc in 5 n in .ji t b o Im .-------

StndlesM erle O rch ard h a s retun^ed to

B righam Y oung unlvorally , Provo, U U h .' a f te r a 'C h ris im as vacation w ith h ts p a rc n ts 'M r. and M rs. L. O rchard .

ously m wlU> pneum onia for the p a s t tw o weeks. Is slowly recovering, friends have learned.

R e tu rn ing t« Albion M iss W an d a E aton . MIsa Ja n e

W ylie a n d J im W alle, who have been spend ing th e holidays here , will re ­tu rn Sunday to A lbion S ta te N or­m al school.

B irth TcJdM r. a n d M rs. Jo h n P. Y oung. B ak ­

ersfie ld . Calif., a re th e p a re n ts of da u g h ter, born Dec, 20. according to w ord recelve<l here. M rs. Young was form erly M iss Lois Olngrej-, Tw in Palls .

T ire, W heel M «lcn •Bill Fry trfls a fte rn o o n had

p o rted to local police loos o f an au to tire a n d w heel, ‘m e w heel w as p a in t­ed yellow a n d th e tire w as a G ood­year. Pry resides a t th e C aledonia hotel.

C onclude T r ip , ,M r. and M rs ..F lo y d Jones y id

c h ild ren a n d Mr. a n d M rs.J o n u h a v e re tu rned from B each a n d o th e r c oast po in ts , . . . . a tten d e d th e Rose bowl gam e while In C aliforn ia.

«. T h«y

B ack from CoastM r. and M n . A. S . H e n u n a n d

son, P au l, a n d Jo h n flm lth have tu rn e d from Los A ngelei w here they a tte n d e d the Rose bowl gom e a itd th e T o u rn am en t o f Roses a t P a sa ­dena.

C. o t C. Often F o n im All C haniber o f Com m erM inejn-

bers a n d o th e r businessm en m ay at* tend th e C. o f C. d irec to rs ' m eeting a t th e R ogerson banQ uet room F r i ­day noon to o ffer suggestions as cham ber policies. P re s id e n t H . . , P a je n sa id today. All fu tu re Friday g athering .i of th e d irec tors w ui also he conducted as open forums,.


«• (from P*(e One) tanks as th e huge vehicle settled In w reckage dow n th e fra d e .

M r. W ells was en rou te back from Boise. He s topped for P a rk er a t th e Junction, a n d th e n followed ns , , refinery truck d river took the wrong rond on to th e steep a n d curving route.

T lie acciden t was understood to have been llui|4*cond on the BIIm grade w lth lT n w o days. An empty a u to -trn n six irt truck also w ent (iff w ith Its d river escaping, serious In- Jur>-.

‘ A notlier truck , a w m l-tra ller b e ­longing to a T w in Falls firm , w ent Ihroitgh th a guard rail a t the foot o f th e g rade yesterday. A lthough It tu rned over on th e rocks It was no t badly dam aged and the driver ra- ra |)cd Injury. T lie driver, a rro rd lng lo tnvi-stlgatlng officers, evjdrrilly failed tn m ake Ihn tu rn .. Tlie truck was no t loaded.

D e a th to n u - s lo K ld e r ly lieH iden t

Jaine.^ If, Tr«».rll, M. died this mciniin if a t the 'I'w ia Falls county general hcMpltnl.

wii.i born July 1.1, Ifllfl, n I ’ orte, Ind.

flu rvh ln g Is a' MM. Irle i^a Hte\Tlia, f l l i l i H ill, Mo.

Funeral services w ill be held unlay at 10 a.>rn alM lin 'I'w in Falls n iiiitu a iy rha]>el. In le rn ien t will be In Tw in Falls crm le iy.

MuHonic Services For !).•(’. W eaver

l iD ll l. , Jan. fi iH iie c la li- l» /*w ltt , Wraver. pioneer rancher nl Ili<

l iu li l v ic inity, w ill be given fina l ir llm tti ^■rl loy iil 2 p. ni, at tin I ’ resbytcrlan eliurcli.

Members of the ( lu h l Maaiinlo liidgn w ill be In cha iie of the aerk‘- lees, and llev. J, i:. (Iptncer, I'u sb y . le ila ii iniAlor, w ill ni^ lht. liiterm enl w ill bv hi ilu h l crm i'teiy. -

liliiliit Skiers I'V u tiim l in

M ovie Short• Iduhu skllhK aiiiateiire, who

well) l i i rn n l Into u i:t^ a by Uin ra rn m iiu n t phoiotfrai^ lkrs a tf lu n Valley la s t w inter, will cuvm l un llin M ieen uf Ihn O rpheum llie- a ie r on F riday and fiaturday , II wHs announeett he re today by Jo h n K rler, m anager.

'Jfta fll/tl, R sfKJit rtitX fcd “Oh Miy, Can Yrii iikl7" U kna lo l>«- glnners iMopla whii had never Ix-foiD been on Aklls and ahuws Ihn prcigiTsn iiiey niako ■luuiei pinfehAlniiul InAtruolliin. '•T im inovlo h ellinaaed liy a

I'olnrfiil n lgh l lu n d im ii a muiiii- lu ln sidh.

In rliided In llin «uaI uf vhni- uflUirs la n»1> K lik m sn «( 'i'whi Kails and Jack Itd ld ^ n , lorm cr loM i n u n . now uf K atclm in.

ueliadula of showing* l« as fol- lowjii 3:99. fl.SO, 7:3». tint OHO.


(Treirt P>(« Od«) *pum p'prlm lnR voted la s t sp ring will no t reach Its peak u n til April and will coyilnup well th ro u g h the- fo l­lowing VCftT.

B u t it>>oi;orks progress a d m i ts - iratlon goes ohs M r, Rooebvelt alm osi Im m fd'a tely w ^ ask som ew hat more th a n »7»0,000;000 to Contttfue~W PA through p a rt of F eb ru ary to Ju n e 30—raising recovery a tjd relief costs- for thU flacal year to »3,187,000,000.

S>es Cut In K e»ef Costa He expects to cu t recovery and re ­

lief C0.1LS to $2,386,000,000 in th e 1940 fiscal year, a reduc tion of $921,-000,000 ......................... .......... -

T lic IMO sum win be d tilrlln ited In p a rt as follows-

.1 . WPA—41500,000,000.3. N ational Y outh A d in lh ls tra -

tion—*ia& Farm Security AdmlnLsl^allon

-$80,000,000. ,I t was M ated th a t n o na tio n al de­

fense spending w as concealcd In c ith er W P ^ o r NYA spending plans.. I n add ition lo th e $^33,000,000 new revenue requested, M r, Roosevelt pointedly rem arked th a t no revenue provision ever has been m ade to cover federa l g ran ts to s la te s for various social security purposes and th a t these will coat $380,000,000 In the n e x t fiscal year^

T h is message pro jec ted a new fed­eral bookkeeping system , one which m igh t enable th e budget to be so t up In th e lo st R ooseve lt-yea r w ithout a de fic it If c o n g re ss-ap p ro v ed .. Asked io S tad y New A ccount P lan

Congress w as asked to s tudy a p lan to se t up new accoun ts fo r loans a n d o th e r 're co v e rab le federa l ells- bursem ents. F ed e ra l corporations, such as th e ;a n n c re d it adm lnLitra- tlon , would finance th e an e lv es and •the money th ey .ra lsed .w ou ld n o t be charged ag a in s t th e g overnm en t as on .xxpend ltu re . A nnually the ' PCA. o r o the r a ffec ted fed e ra l c o rpo ra ­tions. would s tr ik e a ba lance and congreM would m ake u p any defic it -r-to be listed as an e xpend itu re and charged again st revenue—o r th e corporation w ould decla re a p ro fit a n d sh u n t the . proceeds to th e gen ­e ral treasu ry fund.

8 e lf-llqu ldatln8 public p ro jec ts would be c a rried In p a r t a.s cap ita l as.sets r a th e r th a n a s o u trig h t,.................. ~and, if 6uccc.ufiil, u ltl -m a tc ly -w o u ld pay fo r them selves w ithou t ever shpw lhg e n tlre ly 'lh the g overnm en t’s expense ledger.

Dance Hall Topic Of Church Sermon

K IM B E R L Y ,-J tu :, 5 (S pecia l)- "W hy W e D on-t L ike M r, Shipley 's Dance H all” will be th e su b je c t of Rev, -Lewis H oll's serm on a t 7:30 p. m. today a t th e C hurch of th e N az- arene, K im berly.

Rev. H all, f o rm e r .d is tr ic t su p e r­in te n d en t o f th e Rocky M ounta in dL-strict, N azarene churche.-i. was opero tor of a d anec h a ll before hLs call to th e m in istry . H o Is a na tive of Idaho .

Rev. H all p reached la s t n ig h t on, "EMdencea of SalVaUon" a n d I l l s sub jec t F riday n ig h t will b j "R u n ­aw ay Jonah ." Rev. Clive W lllianw. pasto r. Invites th e public to a ttend tfiese m eetings n igh tly aC 7:30 p . j iu


FDR SPEECH(By U nited Press)

S C R lP P H -H O W n m N EW 3FA- PE R S (In d .) : We feel all th e ab- horrence Mr. Roo»eveli voiced for d le ta lonhJps. Yet » r th in k some of h is e loquent rastlfa tlo n a of the politleal beliefi and iystem a of

u U tw pM plM m lf ii t b« tU r bav* been le ft unsaid . . . We c a n 't Im­pose our ow n concepts on th e r e i t of th e w orld, a n d . . . u n d e rstan d ­ing am ong n a tio iu is p o t p^um pt- ed by nam e-ca lllng 'acro ss the seas.

NKW Y ORK DAILY NEWSf ln d .i^ Wo assume, though the Piciidcn t-C ildn ,'i..ineiU lon . any n i - tlons by nam e, t l ia t tlie dictator'^ ship's ho referred lo are G crm atty, Ua^y and Ru.^Ma . . . We feel sorry tdr Eucope. B u t . . . Europe trea.sures Its h a te s a n d loves i t i wars. T here is no more rea.%on why we should Join Europe In th a t •■.ulcidal Wlocy a t th is .tim e th a n there*tever has been . . . . . '

W A S H M C T O S PO ST: O n tfie Pro-sident's call for nlore effective m lljtnry iireiiaredness, tliere will bo l l t tk or no dom estic d isag reem en t . . . B u t tije Presldw ii s tra y s onto ground w hich Is f a r less firm w hen h e suggeita successful defense of democracy Involves an unreserved endorse inen t of h is domestic poli­cies.

W A S H U rO T O N ^IE R A L D : The P residen t V . . la pla inly aaklng congress In r repeal o^ th e neu tra l* Ity act, t h e Joh n so n a a i, a n d for a u th o rity lo go d lree ljy in to |>m councils o f fero lgn^oT ernm en ts lo a ssure one and th re a te n th e o the r. B u t h^ haa no r ig h t to c arry on a uch an adventure, w ithou t a c lear understand ing by th e n a tio p of w h at is a foot a n d w here It leads.

Rites A rranged F or Mrs. Dinsley

F uneral services for M rs. Sally M ary DliisJey, 65. wife of W illiam P . DInsIey. locsl pliarmaci h e ld F riday a t 2:30 p .-i ,W h ite m<frtuar>- chapel, Rev! . . B utler, v icar of Ascension EpUcoptfl c h u rc h officiating,

M rs. D insley died yesterday a t the T w in F a lls coun ty -genera l hospll '

["nintss;F rien d s m ay view tlie body a t

chape l fron t 10 a. m . to 2 p . m . d ay .-In te rm en t Ih Tw in c em eterj’.

M rs. DlnsJey w as bom Ju ly 1#. 1873. a t T aylorsport. Ky. She is su r- ^Ivwf by h e r /tusband; a g randson, Billy Dinsley; two sisters. M rs. M a r. g a re t Hoiick. S a n Francisco , and M rs. H . W. W elrlck. Berkeley, Calif.; a n d th ree broUiers, Je ss O . Qood- •wlR^ Cambridge. Neb.i a n d C larence and- A lfred Goodwin, bo th of U n-. co in .N eb .

M rs. Houck h a s been h l in fo r the p a s t week. • ^


Tow nsend Clob No. 1 SATURDAY, Ja n . 7

Independen t M eat M arket

AGENCiLOCftFESI>urlng th e year IBS? th e re were

3,728 persons who found Jobs of varotLs kinds tfirough th e Tw in Fall.? offlcen of th e Idaho sta te em ploy­m e n t service. I t waa annpunpc<l this a fte rn o o n by W . Clyde - Wllllam.s. office m a n ag e r, whff complied a ro-

o f office a e u v iu e s for t h / 1 2 - m o n th period. • 7

T h e num ber of positions aound. th e r e p o r t shows. Includes 1.98.S In p rivate , em ploym ent, 435 tn public. "Hie ba lanee of th e Jobs found, num - boring , 1.30C. consUted mo.>.ily o f trarLslent labor, especially In nectlon w ith ha rv e st work.

' f M any ApplyN ew ap plica tions m ade during the

year, by per.sqn.i rrgLiteriiKr a t the offlco. tota led 3.007 while rcnra-ed ap p lica tions fo r work num bered 5,-

O n Ja n . 1, 1B37. when th e of­fice served e ig h t couniles. there w ere 3,468 persona carrU d 6ti the active file-w hile a t th e end of 1938, w ith th e offfcc serving ojjIv Ihree c ounties , th e re w ere nearly th a t m a n y o r i m th u s showlnc a h u g # ga in In reg is tered pcrsonj!^ Five ^ th e e ig h t countiea.Iprm eriy h a n d le o u t of th e lo c a l ' office are 1)oi h a n d led th rough the Jerom e offlcc.

O ne of th e m ost In teresting fact.s show n by th e repo rt Is th a t during 1M8 th e re w ere a to ta l o f 64.079 persOTs w ho vlalted th e office. T liis nufftber Included employers, em ­ployes o r {wople on o the r business.

“E ac h pe rson who visited the of­fice h a d to be ta lked to personally W illiam s aald In co m m en tiu jjm th? now of traffic . " In. m any co'J'cs a v is ito r would ta lk to more than em ploym ent service worker."

D ecem ber H ighest T h e rep o r t shows th a t the g re a t­

e s t num tw r of new applications was received tv th e office during D ecem­b er, w hen a toU l of 460 were ta b u ­la ted . O th e r h igh m onths included Sep tem ber w ith 3 8 1 : ...........................3W a n d J a n u a ry w ith 348.

R tn ew a ls reachcd the high peak a t j r t n r Ju ly w hen l.W l p irsons re- jA tie j^ r^ io th e offlco to file th e ir nam eli a n d occupations, signifying thay -w ere lo o k ln g lo r work.

I n th e m a tte r of private pli m tn ta th e peak was reached in O c­to b e r w hpn 48ft Jobs were found.

Jum ped to 844 in Septem ber. 70« In O ctober antf"541 in November, d u r­in g th e h a rv c a t season w hen-farm ers dem anded im m edia te labor supplies.

local of/lee o f th e service is located a t 139 Second street east.


Cleanersyour, c leaning headquar-

^ t e r 8 . 'W e re tu rn clothing by m all (po ttage paid) to ou t-o f-tow n c i iito m e ra . P ro m p t pick-up and d e ­livery ie rv l4 o „ to . local custom ers.

C all 870— Back o r p . 0 .

Seen TodayM an fla tten in g package half-,

fu ll of c igarettes to delude pros- pccUve borrow ers Into th ink ing he

■ hna p rac tlaally . no smokes left lo • Wrtd'^tBenivV*'. • O ne pedestrian

te lling a n o th e r w here to find a -■ good b a rb e r . . . Several folks

com ing In to • assew or's office to buy licenses, under firm convic­tio n th a t th e f la t $5 fee has a l­rea d y been placed In M fect . . . Y ouna lady carry ing a g ift Ja r of lu te risk, sm elling no t qu ite as m uch a.'t m ost lute flsk bu t bad ly enough . . . C hurch bu lletin u rg in g parish ioners to ge t Into th e c u rre n t sttHigglo -of th e m er- c h an ta by tak ing a "spiritual in ­ven to ry" . . . And sm all boy rescu ing old C hrU lm as tree from alley, a n d d rf tg ln g It down Sho­shone s tre e t sidewalk.

Camera Fansw m “ Shoot”

Railway YardA m ateu r photographers will in ­

vade th e Tw in Palls ra ilroad yard.s of tlie U nion Pacific Sunday a fte r ­noon.

F ield tr ip for a ll members o f ih r Miiglc Valley Cainera club, and any o th e r d m ateu r photographers, hos been a rran g e d f o r 2 p . m . S u n ­d a y , P residen t ■V ktor-G ocrticn a n ­n o unced this- a f te rn o o n :------

T h e cam e ra devotees will ta k e p lc - ftires o f (rain.-!, cars, the r a il yards, depo t and o the r features, T lie plc ttn 'es will be th e topic fo r the c lub 's n e x t p r in t com petition, and will a lso be p lac« l on public display dow ntow n, O oertiFn said.

T h e pho tog raphers are to m eet a t th e clubroom s under the B ank and T ru s t com pany a t 2 p . m, Sunday.

Friday - Saturday SPECiAL -

B a lf - Soles f t

5 9 0Shoe R epair Dept.


S e llin g F O L K ’ S A genla'• B A L C O N Y

lASF m FORDECLO, J a n . S (Special)—F u n e ra l

services w ere held M onday for WUlls H un tam an , aged t» . form erly of Declo, w ho was kT.ed Dec. 38 w h e n , a f re ig h t tru ck , a n d tra i le r l o a d ^ w ith -18 tons o f applea, le ft th e ro ad a n d w as com pletely wrecked.

Serv ices w ere he ld a t th e B urley fu n e ra l hom e. Speakers were B ishop H urs t. Jo h n D arrlng ton ..and E lm er • Sax ton ; Declo. , -

Pa flbea rers were Paul a n d M arit Sax ton , M elvin and H arlan K idd , Jo h n a n d Roy M o rg an .'

In te rm e n t was In Declo cem etery bcsldo th e graves of h is parents.*

Momry.HAvg you ever! WRITTEN ANY FICTION?

NO FIC T IO N , theae claim s about U nion M otor Com pany’a R. A 0 . Used Cara. T hey 're ae tnally re ­conditioned , Inald^ a a d e n t , ^ give ^ m oxlm nm value fo r you r m oney. Hee ’em , . . (ben try to m a tch ( lu m auyw herel

37 P ly m o u th Deluxe Coupe,New W B . T ires .................. ,»495

37 P lym ou th Coach, Rad|o,H ea te r a n d T r u n k .............. .8495

Plym ou th F o u r DoorS e d a n .............. ..................... $J7S

37 C hevro let Sedan, H eatera n d T r u n k .................. ........... |a as

S7 v -8 D eluxe Fordor T our- - Ing Sedan, Radio and

• H ea te r .................................. tWO37 V -8 Coupe, Low Mileage ^ 938 V -8 Deluxe Tudor,

R ad io a n d H e a te r ........... i-.$695

33 V -8 Coupe _______34 V -8 T udo r *?:..........3B V*8 DeluxefCoupe.... 38 V -8 Coupe ...............


^ a n e u ^ i/e a r

s m o k ij\^ q

PLEASUHMake Chesterfield

your N ew Y e a r’s resolution ...they ’ll give you m ore plea­sure than any cigarette you ■ever sm oked.

Chesterfields lire better lie- eiuiHC of w liat thicy give y o u —refreshing mildnfcss, better tuste and arom a. '

Chesterfields are tiie right c o m b in a tio n of m ild r ip e American and arom aticTurk- isli tobaccos — cpHed in pure cigarette paper.* Whtn you try them you wtU. Horn

why Chesterfields f/t/« millions of men anti women more smokhig /)/<roJur«...wtoTHr.Y.S/ T|SPY.

h e s t e r f ie ld. . . the blend that ca n ’l be copied

. . . a HAPfY COMBINATION o f lilt,

world’s best ctgarette tobaccos

W ri> |lii Um ii i i « M io i lo M U u ^

- y -— ■

ThurBday. Jsnuary 5, 1B39 IDAHO EV EN IN G -TIM E S, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO r a g e l ^ - ; .

Battle Looms on SOLONSPffiOIC '

Pocatello School



n r W ILLIAM McMENAMlN BO ISE. J a n . 8 (U.PJ — T lic niii

bfttUe of. th e 1630 Irlnho ICKl»Inl»re drew n e a re r Uxlay w hen W illiam &. C a d ^ Pocatcllo publisher and cliMr- inan of ilie fou r-yea r un iv e rs ity com m ltlce. annouuced a bill em ­bodying Die plan, w ould be Uirown in to tlic legislative hoppers early nex t week.

L eaders o f thp lcKL<iIalurc predic t­ed th e proposal w ould bring pro­tests from noK^he rn counties, par-

. ilcularly Uitnlv'TWfRity. w here the only fou r-yea r un iversity in the • ta le now U locatcd .

P o rew em lngs o f adm lnW ratlon d isapproval o f th e proposal were reod by observers In th e tncssnge of

\ Oo». C. A. B o tto lfscn to th e IcrIs - la tu re In w hich h e w arned a g a lm t th e educa tion lobby.

n<'p. F . M. B lstllne of Bannock county «aJd th a t "w ltb th e exceii- tlon of a few d e ta ils’ tlic bill was ready for Introduction.", I t Will pro- vme A for 'a n ' add ltlonn l tw o-year course to be added to th e recen t By.s-

' te’m p revallln9‘ a t PocaCello.rund .s fo r crea tion of the add i­

tiona l tw o -j'car a t the Jun-' . lo r cbllcBc a t Pocatcllo would neces­

sa rily have to be ta k en from the e d u c a t i o n a l app rop ria tion . TliL^ would Increase th e budget and also th rea te n a c u t In m oneys allocated to j)f lm ary schoota; oppo n tn ts o f the m easure p o l n t e d ^ t .

Byery leglfilatQ/e fo r th e p a s t IS years h a s d e a lt w ith th e . proposal and tu rn ed I t down!

I n 1925, tlie p la n cam c wlUiln

IDAHONiiw show ing — "Jespbel,” B(*tte

D avb.Frl.. Sa t.—••Frc.'ihman Y ear," Dixie

D unbar-Johnny Dowrw.Sun, Mon.. Tur.i,—■ ni'ii"'.,’ In


O R P IItU MNow showlnK-- "I.lU le T oukU Ouy.

In Society." M lscha Atior; "Nurse from Brooklyn," Sially EUcrs.

Frl., S a t.—••Young Ur. K ildare." Lionel B arrym orc-L ow Ayrrs, a "Oh, Say C an You Ski? ' fUnit-d at Sun V alley w ith I V m Fniis and Idaho cast.

Sun. Ih ro iisii Woe,. •.Sw.t I- hearl.':," J ra n ia iu Mac-LV>ii;ii.l-Ncl-son Eddy.

DAUGilIEIIS[[KSmi order:

AdmlnLslratlvr luiHinritv hihI ro iirl designation of hl'lr^ mid ih r lr In- terest.i a rc rcqiio.sK'd in .i p.'tliioii llled In i»robiilf ciiiiri in Mt> Nina Ellis Sawyer In c oim<Ti|nn ,u iih ih - cstiite of her m oH iri. Mr.-. Khznlx-th EllLv

Mr-s. E111.S <llcd Juiu- 30. ID3H T h- OKtAte Inchitlps ,n'.sl<l<'iuiiil iirop.Tv In South Park.

Judge Guy L. KliiiK-y appuliitril Rex TJiomas. G len G d tt and 1. C Peterson as appral.scr.s. and .•.n hi-iu - Ing for Feb. 8. OoorKr- M Is a tto rney lo r Mr.s. Saw w c.

Car Crashes C| WeiftiellGas

Station Wall

n o wNow . s h o w i n g - N i i r . ' i e . "

Wiicoxon ntn! M arsh ; ' .Stiain;i; Case of D r. Mciidc." Jack H olt.

Frl., SalT-^*CaUfornla Froiulcri* Buck Jonr.s.

Sun., Mon.. Tuc.-!.—"•niero 's th a t W oman A gain ,! M clvyn D ouglas- Vlrglnla D rucc.'^

one vote pf favorljig e.stafilTsliinrnt of

the .w ilt'rrslty Pocftte/lo contcnd thtfl' .yjuth Idaho stu d en ts have too far to gt) Trom th e ir hom os-to u n i­versity a t Mavrow. Tliey a.<sserted Pocatello 1.S m ore cen trally locatcd and n e arer th e popula tion , cen te r of the s la te .•T liose oppo.slny th e mea.sur« po in t­

ed to th e cost, a n d sa id I t would' be Inadvisable fo r a s ta te th e .-jlze of Idaho to a tte m p t to suppo rt tw o four year ^inlversltles.

G r a v e s i d e S e r v i c e s ^ F o r C h i l d a t B u h l

BUHL. Jun . 5 (S p c e la li-G ra v r- sldc scrvlccs for Tommy G urm v. u - m onth-o ld .ion of Mr. and Mis. E dgar G un iey of fiie Meliin VjUk-y distric t, were Ijo^d n t 2 i> ni. W edhesday w ith Rev. J . I). H;uiiiii, pastor of tlie Dulil ChJ lstliiii i h iin ti, read ing th e hcrvlce.

T lie baby wa.i l)orn Dec. 4. i;i;)7. and passed aw ay a c family liuiin' Tuesday m o rn ln s Of irnc-unuiiu,i

Besides th e parenLs llirn - an- tlm following bro thcr.1 and ;.lstii.-.. Jo.srph. Pearl, F lnirncp. Kitic, George, Dick a n d L /r .

In te rm e n t was m ade under liir d irection of th e Albertson liiiirral home. , . _ ____


saw it£ reflection on the polished su rfac^ o f A ndrew A ntonlae's r mobile a n d charged . T lie car to a rep a ir shop. T h e nim m ystified b u t u nhu rt.

WENDELL. J a n . 5 i S jim-IhI ' — An nu to really " d ro v In to ' Uip I daho service .-itallnn lu-ie W fd- iief<!ay iHomnir:■ 'H ie m ach ine kep i r in h t on k" - Ing. destroying the n o r th sule wall on tlie fron t, brcaklnn mil a small window and loarliig off u leg of Uic tab le on The insklc of iho s tructure ,

H arold W, Cowels, Riii)ert, and two o th e rs whoso ham ej lii 'tr m iavallablc w ere on th e i r ,wav to ihe NYA W eher vnrallonal.s<lior-i w h tn they pulled in a t the ,'!!atl"ii U' M-rvlce th e ir car. T h e .niiicl'it’i'

■fall«l to stop in lim e, a n d >nia.'-,ti- ed in to th e building. ■♦—

T txl H ack.-mant^^ier of the st.i- tion. a n d W ialtcr Chrlswell wrro In iho plac<>.^^hen th e m achine suddenly banged tlirough the walli s u r l l e d by th e .'udden n iiparl- llon. H ack nearly swallowed a tl - Kar he was sm oking laccoctllng tf> frlend.s).-.

About 150 dam nses were esti­m ated to th e bulUllnB, and tht- c a r sustained, a ,«;pnjnB fram e and, buniiier.



Pickup a n d dellv cL tru n k s. pack ­ages any size, anyw here.

M in im um 25c ' P IIO N E 109



F rid a y and Saturday P rin ce A lb ert,One lb. t i n ...................6 5 ^(ieo . W ashington ,Jt) o z . .............................O ur A d v€rfiscr , .5c pkfj......... ;....3 for 1 0 ^B ull



. V I T A M I N S ■ ■

A .l l,n .(; and B pliLs liver ■ ex tra ct and -iron. .;

-------- — 60-capB ttfe i-------------

$1.49Y ou rs Cor H ca lth l

D urham . . . .3 bags 1 0 < SAV-MOR BY PAYING LESS

No Limits—Come and Help Yourself!. These Are» EVERYDAY in the WEEK PRICES!

V ITA A U N C O N C E N T H A T E C A P- - C « O A S U L E S co n ta in in g A ,n ,D ,(i, lO O 's......... 9

\ \n E A T A M I N TAIiLK TS, containinK ' ^ ^ aA n T) linrt V! ‘>'in r in c


N E E D SASPIRIN, Oayers,100-.S..... ....................-


COM) ft, FLU

COD L IV E R OIL CO Nt’EN T IlA T K S, m - 100 ta b lc ls for on ly ............................................... / J | C

N O R D S E N N ifttW K C IA N COI) M VIM l aO il.. F u ll p in ts ....................................................... ^ ^ 4 9 C

S d U l l l l l ’S COI) I l.V I.llllIT I.lVlTR O il... ■ M A — IIlKh vi,jflniin conlcnt, « oz..................................... /

P D N A T O L A , a - 50 c a p s u le # .......................................................... ^ J l

A B n o r r S OLADOL. A M50 c. c .......................................... ........................$ 1 « 9 7

AIlKA SELT/.KK, A A mReit. GOf..........................IRON & YKAST TAB- I.KT.S. 250 at> . ..RUSSIAN MINKRAI. A fk ts Oil., rxira lieavy. pi. . 4 9 ^ FKTRO „

^f!AR .......................ASPIRIN,12'n 4 ®MHTKK IMOltTlI C A mWASH, 32 ox.................. 3 7 ®SANACAR, A O ^1 ql. ., y C M 2SAN SYJ.LIIfM, A O « 1 ql. .. y » C i:\TRACT CA.M AIIA, a r. «r, tftijii.. lou'j.

‘CArS,ULKH ....................CIIKSTONE CHESTRt'IJ, 2-01........................ Z 3 C.SANTOX «COI.I) TAni.KTS ........rRRrisoTi; m a ^ SION. fl-«r, . /k p iir k d im : im ia i ,-ANl c o m po u n d ...... ^ 3 ^MISTOI.DROPS .........................VATRONOL,Rejr. BOc ........................VICKH VAPO RllII,Rc|. 35c , A / ®

( J U n ’T A R I) M IL K ^r i lO C O I.A T K 1 IJi. A V Cn O U D K N ’S CARAMICI.H, « ^ _a«8« n « i , 1 III,.:..................... l y C

A I .L S T A N D A I c n T.r ( A N D Y B A H S , ( ’l l i : \ V I N ( i CU.M a m i I . l l 'K S A N K l tS ........ 3c

K L ()M 1> K N C H O C O - l ,A T i :S . 1 lb . r> lli,s. irf A M Horlcd ( • M () ( '( ) [ ,A T K S ..............


xWhoBroughtLowerTobacco Prices toTwin Falls?SAV-MOR DRUG STORES

E V E R Y D A Y T O B A C C O I ’ K I C E S

OI.I)H alf and Half, Ifi oz............................ fl7cK e g , 1 4 o z . ....................................................................4 9 ,

G r a n f r e r , 1 6 o z .......................

E d g r c w o r l l i , I f i o z ................

ALL FRESH STOCK OIlKWINtt TOBACCO 10c C u ts .......................................,1 for 2.')i' 5c CiiIh .......................................... fi |'»r 2r>c


CA>fT:i,S, H A M CK JIIS. ( ’M K S T K U ril '.I .D S , (iO l.D S

2 [)kKn............2 3 < C n rlo n n $ 1. 1B I 'I i i I h ........2 9 «

A lM O f C lfcnrt'K ex . 3 fo r 2 7 « C iirlim ........8 9 f

I’.A,. V K LV K T, B IC B I:N . H A li l ’ ntiil I IA I .I ’, lU u .•••...................................................................... ... lO f !

MIXERS 'K I N G S C O U R T , q i i a r t H .............2 f o r ; i 5 e K ! N ( ; .S C O U R T , | i i n t s ........... .... ...........:i f o r 2 i ) c

BABY NEEDSi : a ( ; ljo u h a n d m i i .k ............................m u u .u n ’h p o o d s ' .................................... ■■ e s cllHby. H A T H W AUM KH ............. 9 8 <;Z IN O STK A RA TIC, NnrHf B n in d ................. ‘I li in d ’M T K K T H IN (J I.O 'i'lO N . Hcg. « (k .....V(J ly ce rin o HlIlM ’OHITOnilCS, I n f a n U ’ ....................C A ST O IU A . Flotrlii'rV, -IDi' . ' ............... 3 1 cN A K » 9 W N K C K NIIRHKKH^ (iriid iin lH l.

............................................................ a fo rH or. .

SOAPSi» rn ;iT ..............................................rH V S T A i. w i n n o ,W IIITK K IN (J .......... ..l . l ) T O l l .K T S O A l * .................KINSO. (tr......... ............( IIA N D U T ()1I . | - : t h o a i*

.19 Pt o ImrH 2 0 <

. . 5 l»irN 19 < ,4 ImrH 2 3 C

........................1 9 f2 btirH 9 ^

OM) DILTCII CI.KANHKH . . 4 O u m 2 7 C

Buy More For Less At Sav-Mor

M o nihs a^ ii 'kt* m ade ra r i 'fu l p!att'> l<> n iak t' Ihi.s Iho n i ( ; ( ;E S T W h ite Sale wc h a v e o v e r ha.i. M orch iind ise w as lM>UKht on th e lnw ost niarUolfl a n d wivod fo r th is W\k e v en t. T ho SA V TN C S <-f-

fcc tcd a re l>etog p»K.4ed on t«»^ou in th e fo rm 'o f N a tio n a lly Kni)\vn W’Uile (iniul.s a t th e IowchI ^ ^ pi».isiblc |> r ia s . S loc li up NOW tiif th e thinK.^ you a re uoin}; lo noeij. S .W K d tirin g tliis W h ite iiiile.

I ' u m o u s Uuality

^^Equity'' SheetsConipnre •'Equity" flue m us­lin flheels-_ Check lor your.''K tlielr Hue quality . FVcl- tlv k Jijiiootli flnlsl). l.on;; .stiiii'.e coiton llrm ly uovi-n kIvc.s •'K fnilty t ' h e l r K i e n t e r / 'stri'UKtli nncl loiiRor wen'r. S r 'x i 'n ” Si/.C

Irregu lars of Famous Pequots

“Gohasset'v SheetsFull bed size wltli . t h e . Txtr* IcnRth, 106 Inchea. Full s ta n d ard count 08x72 nnd wUli th e -s a in t fine fin ish . W e'doub t If you find nt\y Imperfecls.

U nbleachcd

- F o x e r o f t, S H E E U N G _ . . _ S h e e t i n g

0 4 I d . . . . . . . . . . t Z o c

9 4 Yd.;..,...^.:'25c 10'4 Yd. ........27c'

' Reduced _ln p rice . f o r I our Wiit.o Snle, Save 0 jh e c 'lliid

| « . f 8 4 Yd^..;.......... 2 3 ^ 19 /4 Y d. ........ :..'V.26^ I


I’eppcrell '.T U a iN G

N ationally •. "known Pqp-

•pcrell tfnd Pcquot quality .

. '4 2 - Y d ! ' I ~ ..... l i ^

45” y d . P « i u o t . 2 5 ^ |

B leached

B e lg cn .

glJEETINGSmootl] flni«h.'N6 ftlUng.

Long wearing.

8/4 Y d T I Z s i c

9/4 y d ; ......;.-33c


S H I R T S &

S H O R T SElastic; top short.'!. F ine soft, rlbUi'd co tton bhlrt.s. Each g v n ie i i t—


Men’s ' • » Boy’s ■-.UNlOTilS Trudale, Jr .

Medium welRht, Ix)nR sleeve SH IRTSBiid nrikle IcnRth, 'A well tailored union.

Plain, 7]ilte or fancjfpattema. 'rallorod Just like the mca'w


Men’s - > Heavy Flannel

SHIRTS VHeavy flanne l perfec tly ta il­ored. New p la id deslgna. All Mzea. •

98 c' U r a a t i c R e d u c t i o n s O n

Ladies' o a tsW r liavi' .slaHlu'ii (lu ‘ prico^l^

tllis o f la d ie s ’ CoalH,

Sniiic m e I r iiiu n c tl a iu i .scimr

iiiili'iinin«-<l. All_ iii't? lalf.Ht

a n d a lia ilrs , lli-rt! is

ym ii' flii.iu't* ti) j;<'l a la 'tli'i-

<'<>al at It 1'filiK'i‘il prit'i', \\'v

\v<iulil ailviHi* cai'ly Mlu)|i])iiiK

f(ir lirsl Hclcrtlim.

V a l u e s ( o

R e d u c e d l o


J u s t R e c e i v e d N e w S h i p m e n t o f

M eii’’s Diress ShirtsO ar rir.1t nhl])meaC d id n 't l ^ t loan. A rcauiikiililc value a l

Inw prli'c. Full c u t-a a d » r 1l tnilored. PInIn w hile o r

fiiiicy i)ftllcias . F a s t col- Ijiiiuclrlotli. fliive money by

bujlini tw

2 tor $1.251 2 O n l y M e n ’s

OVERCOATSA liaiHnln for JiihI 12 liirky mtm. O xford Rrny oil Wool ovi‘i'('0|ktH, (iiiikI aHHiirtineiil o f '

R e d u c e d f o r

Q u i c k S l i l c ................ $995O n e C r o u p I . a d i e H ’ D R I ' S S E S .

VnlilOH to ii.tiH

Wanli (Irc'HHi-n oi'iKlnnl ii|i lu Ifl.DH lirlcc'il for cl.-araiin' .......................................

O n e ( J r o i i p L n d ic f l ’ H A T SValucrt lo ‘f 1 .1 8

;i2 ladicH* liiitn rtHliici'tl for cloaranco.

i'h’i'i-y out) wiTti orlKinally f l , i )8............


K v e r y D e p t i

f o r

V A L U I i S

, P ag e F o u r

’f E L E P H O H E 38

ru ll LMi»d w in 6«rne* UDlt«<] f te u Auocliiu

Xnter«d u fl#con« d m M»U»r m the Twin F o ! i» ,P ^ Offlj Uod«r Act ol Congrm M»rrh 3. ITB.

j MyifJcn

lly ^ Wllhln (di

rompflPiit liirlvllcUon to l’«

o“ a « llo u 'J S - lu a 'l . c '‘ A V 'ls j^ /ju ^ n d ^ U 'ffC lO by Chopl«r 131. 1833


UtlU ToKtt. 220 Du«h 8ti.

B iis iiiC K s ( ^ l u 'o r f o r 1^3^)

That Roger W. Babsoii’s forecast of substantial business climb during 1939 is not-the only such oj)ti- mistic prediction is being borne out daily by statements of industrial leaders throughout the nation.

Their assertions point the Avay to a healtliy -uptrend which should cheer south central Idaho.

-Latest of the cai,-efully-thought-out statem ents of industrial leaders is tha t coming to the Evening Times

• i«ditorial desks from LArry E. Guhb, pro.sident of the ‘Philco JJafWtviind Televi.sioji em-poration a t i ’hiia* dclphia:

“I t seems strange to predict a re tu rn of pros­perity in a country which has such unbounded. , natu ral wealth and such a high, proportionate

’ - scale of living as the U nited States.. I would pot ' say tha t we face a return of prosperity fo r in -

reality i t has always boen w ith us. I would ra ther say th a t during 1939 we will, in all probability, .

. utilize the resources and riches th a t lie a t hand' to a grej»ter and happier exte^it.. “Every sign points, arid has been pointing fo r months, to a continuance of the recovery move­ment in a consistent, stable m anner—barring the

. . outbreak-of a general \var. The nationalincom e^ fo r 1938 is estim ated a t stxty-five billion dollavs,* the highest, w ith the exception of l ‘ 7 ,1930. A considerably higher , income cTli be ex-

----- pected forl989.-;----------------:— - - _ “New products, new ideas and more aggressute "effortSiborn Qf the last slump, have resulted and . w’ill continue to result in business rises th a t have been mounting contrary to all expected iifiasoiial declines. ^L "Values and volqme will play a large p a r t in achieving concrete business success during the year ju s t starting . -It is a tried and true fact tha t i f the public gets more fo m ts dollar it will spend more dollars.”

Good In len lions No JExcuseI t is a lo n g tim e since anyone has accepted "I didn’t

know it was loaded” as a satisfactory excuse for a shooting. And it may b e 'th a t one reason wliy our automobile tra ffic death toll is a t last going down is the fact th a t a sim ilar healthy skepticism is behig do- veloped'tdward the excuses offered by motorists,I A case in point occurred the other day in l''re.sno, Calif., where a yourig n]an was sent to jjiil for 30 days because he fell asleep while driving his cur.

The m an’s family wa.^ moving, and he was trails- . porting household goods back and fortii, It got to be

late a t nigbt, and he was— na-turally enough—vei-y th 'ed and drowsy, lie dozed off while driving aloni the voad. U iscur swerved and h it a truck. His nieco, riding in tlu; car \rtth him, was killed, and the young man wan held on a charge of nian<slaiighler.

Now the point i.s tha t this driver, in a .‘ ense, was aa blameles.H as a man could be. He liadn't bi-un in­toxicated, nor had he been speeding or breaking any tra ffic laws. He was a gt)od lad, and the d istriet a t ­torney asked tha t leniency be .shown. |{utA'he judKn rem arked i .

. ‘‘The fact rem ains tha t he wa.s negligent in di iving while nl(‘(‘py. It is the duly of <lrivi‘rs to stoj> theii' automobile.s before tln*y go to-.slccp. A .sli'epy or a drowsy driver i.s a nieiuiee to Hie ijuhiii'."

So the young man iia.s to spend a month in jail,, where ho can m ed ita te on tlif nee<l for eternal vigil­

ance a t the steering whe(‘l.Sim{)lo enough, all of this— and hardly wiirth com­

ment, except tha t it does high-liglit a iitile tru th lluit we can too easily overlook,

The man who i.s driving an aut(jnii)i)ile ha.s a ton and u hnlf of flteel rolling along the highway. He may have the Ifest intentions in the world, bin if for any reason a t all it gels out of hi.s control, somebody is going to gel hurt; Hi- nuy: l)e guilty of nothing n’lore

sheinouij than dozing for five Si;co]idH- lml» Vlie elTeet can be uh had>na if ho were a liomicldal mania»r pos- ticiiticd of. u moat-ax. And the only po Hnible rul((.that can 1)0 laid down Ih tha t he has.n<i business getting

, behind the wheel if anything Is going to interfere with his ability to drive his ca r Kafely.

I t has tukun ua a long Unio to learn tiiis Irsson, but itiflROftkinginfilowly. ‘ ’

Neville (Jhiunberlain Hhuii(H role as mediator in Italo-Fronch dispute. Yeah, verily, N.-villc •noo is a g re a t teaclier,

A Na?l decTM ordors the Ciunnun juitional anthem bomething Hko,^ tllrge a t tlie

P o t

S h o t s

The Gentleman intjie Th ird Row


H ark >r.^o;Spcuktni; ul p a p u a n d sho tfunn

(a* you w eren 't, bu t why no t? )— le t m e teU you about th e e e r tiin Tw in F a lls Kcnl who can chuckle now b u t d id n ’t mt the tim e In quet- tion.

T hin j e n t w m over a ( hU lady friend 's hom e du rln c th e holiday*. T lie lady frien d * papa, th ln k ln t h r 'd be rea i nice, decided he'd Khqw th e y o u n f m an one o( hi.* own m oat cherished treasures—a v e ry .( lo t »hot*vin-

Ho h e b a rfe d In to Ihp room with th e ! ih o tr in In hi* hands.

The. .y o u n g m aif looked very s ta r tled a n d ( o t VEIIV red!

—TIshy T lih


P o t ShottiiiBs;Som e b ro th e rs sisters arc cer­

ta in ly t r u s t ln j souls, rto?' O ne c* -T w ln Falla ttian. se t\t h is

ite r ft check fo r 75 c cn ts because ic’d m ollctl h im th n i m u c h 'o v e r le p rice o f .something hc 'il bought r he r In S a n Frnnclsco.And his .rclum chccic (or 73 cents ad llko ihls: -

■■Seventy.livr cent* — not on :ent m ore and NO . . . . DolUm.



P o t Sho ts:T o tlie icn io rs:Wff Jun iors d o n 't c^re to have ihi

p rom In th e gym any m ore thnn you lenlors do; - T h e 8 > in -la -o r 'w lU be iwfulJy h a rd to dccorate . • ' ^

g a m o u i L as t L ine; AND W H(5 CAN B E RO M A N TIC IN A GYM?

—J u t O ne o f th e Girt*

• F I R f f .LOtfSY VERSE O F 19S9

P o t Shots:H ow I s i t me down to be a poet

H eck, poe try 's like a b e » rd - I c a n 't fro w It.

I 'd like to break your colum n like P an l B a rn e ttr -— =•

C a n 't m ake good—fues* I 'll be ■- veLT o be a vet takes food horse-

»en*e—Maybe ly * be tter le a rn to fence.

■yTo fence/$V u ( o t ta learn to foil, o u fh ia tUl the *oii.

T o n il th e soil you {u tta iaber. H cfk. I b e tte r f ive ' up righ t

ab o u t now.J o h n L. Lewi* outw eighs me by

H glity pounds.To mix w ith h im would be about

a* bad an poetry.F irs t 1039 I-oet

(\Vho»e poetry isn't dry behind th e ean )

VANITYPol «hot.i:

So cliu (em nlc of (he Apcclcn 1: va iner lim n th e mnie, .vou ^i.y?

i h r iirKiimi-iil ilMC'.'.iri, hoM wiiter At (l)c iK'lilnnliiK <ir th(! (ntl .M'limi

cldr.Mly I c miiK 10 >JB ir HirTTOTiii ni>i>

:i lorni lat ll)iil It «'

■oi.n for hi;

■I’liry ll tliinK

TTttt 10 liave

wnn n » d 4 ChrlAtmfts

..1 the fuiii- I un out of ulfltted in

explnitiii'il. —t«nh

ItV A M , Ml lAN.S. ItlllllO N N«)N TJH : riiiovK i.N i -

l)<'i>r I'’(It Hill,IsKiiili l;i 11 >ll|>iilnK Mom ono

• >r llie. hit! inutia /.llU'«I h r MipiilliK IvlU

ahoiil 1I .Ml.I. Mil |>U'». or Itrlio , wll.>^ '"IlIK'l lii^tliK 'la’ are oIIend«-<l i,y theMKht .1)1 Wl'A will ke n , .'Xinvlailyw h.'ii I lii'V'lo Wi:ilkliiH "111 111.- iffllerH'Mclen Mill <11x1ilct,-.,' H«y» .^t.e;

lh<iii VUlll IK'Kl'novn iim cn l iiiuviite imKoiriifl like it rtiM»ii

(nr III 11 aild Iho marliin

Now Hlio (.1, iniivhn (lilfl Mi>i.Mnplr.11 MAM Stiiui'ltiing here W<’WDiKh'i ir Mie’d like Ihe slioveh siuliih lii II111 M.liied iiji p retty (<«./ •

- A , M, .l„<A Khotel l.ran rr i


I ihm iio w lm t i« iu>|>|>er l«, fttil If, now iiriii Ihn m ill or l U im m tii Miil It li>t ol Uh .can (i'll youilin>ilt lirlllH 1>X llllU. r< hlli.r

—lio n llrralilc t ‘. n . A iu ittirr Ihlim T n n tlr r iis

thn Iim'M |>n|lriN >.-M<'IiIhv wh« lh ^ : "I'Vl.iulp ll»-l|) W «n(r.| M «ii, (ill wMiil'i ]nli, HHiin nml InihuI ’

NAHIY CltAt'K IIV Ay A ('iir .ix > u i

I'iilril Kdw:/lomu men inariy lJlunil*. Auine iiini ' y hill "


(iliier in n

-H ln g le • lid Happy

l '/ \N U II f l. l .A tl 'r LINK . . ra-*(. Pranhlin-Mr. Illlirr

u'l (Ik* ut| . . . "THIS (1HNTLICMAN IN


ID A H O 'EV EN rN G TIM ES. TW IN FAL|^S. IPAH Q ' Thuriday, January 6,1939



T OB' niA RA CTER B .' U I.A in — fecrelnr. *h< rrlhlBR Ih .* MWUfHO

«AS nrYWOT.DW —k BlKht )»«* B«U7%» kiBK OB (kJl

•III hi*n. C ra fll lr . C o r/r p1«B« on (hU irip (• Ull n*B (hr trath • h«nl i>l« beB f.(aror. (■•lljr'a

CHAPTE31 X V il A S r o tc y hntl p r e tU ^ d , Vi\*y

th e re s t o f t ^ p a r t y on Ih c ir w ay b ack . T t w stopped to expln in w h a t had happened , how they h a d com e to a n occl den t. S a lly w a s ’trn n sfe rrc d to (hi

je d a n _ j» M _ C e tc y _ a n d ._ C a aw en t <:

“ D fin't w o rry If w o an? In te." C orey *aid. ‘'I f . th i« keeps nn d ripp inR th is fnst

I b it

ossist.nnce.. I t w ill lake a ViWi tlm C to s e t i t w e ld e d ‘W hen we

^ finally m a k e iT g a ra g e . Y ou folks go a head e n d en jo y you r.seafood , D an and I ’ll b e a lo n g .before the n ig h t 's o ve r."

S a lly s ti ll f e l t she w ould ra th e r hav e s ta y ed w ith th e boys, p e rh a p s th e y th o u g h t a g irt w ould on ly b e In th o w ay In ge tting C orey 's c a r ba ck in shape, Shi s ti ll f e l t ' d isa p p o in te d ih n t th e evening, h a d to tu r n o u t th is w ay. T hough sho to ld h e rse lf they w 6rc lu c k v — th a n k s to D a n —to j i a v e it tu r t r o u t a s w ell a s i t had.

. S a lly w a s n o t to rea lize un til long n f te rw n rd i b o w th e w ho]^ co u rse o f h e r life m ig h t h a v e been a lte re d by th a t n a rro w escape. H ow th e c h an g e in p lans w as lo affec t h e r. S h e w as n o t to n e c t w h a t w a s to h a p p en w ith the la c t th a t sh e w e n t o n to th e shon d in n e r a n d D an w e n t ba ck w ith C o rc x .. O f cou rse S a lly cou ld p o t en joy

h e r d in n e r n e a r ly so m uch as she w ou ld h a v e h a d D a n been th e re to e n jo y i t w ith he r;. She seem ed to h a v e lo s t th o h e a lth y ap p etite w orked u p fro m h e r sw im . M aybe because o f n il th a t h a d happened In b e tw ee n tim e .

"IT w as su c h -a b e a u tllu l n ig h t ft • seem ed trag ic to w aste a m o -

m oot o f i t . . T h e d in n e r w as served on a te r ra c e overlook ing th e

- w i th - th o - n e v e r - e n d in g -w a ih -of w aves a g a in s t th e sho re , th a t shush ing , r h y th m ic sound w ith its p la in tiv e m elody . T h e crow d of yo u n g people w as no isy a n d gay, b u t t r y ns sho w o u ld S a lly could no t jo in it. S h e could n o t p ress a fee lin g o f depression, w as it a so r t o f p rese n tim e n t th a t h u n s o v e r h e r?

".'^nap o u t o f it. Sally!" one of th e boys teased , see ing h e r sitting

silen t and apart, w hirh c fr ta in ly vas no t' like Sally . '

"O h. le t h e r nlone,” B abe F a ir - :hild said. "D on 't you know S ally 's In lo v « Don’t look so gloomy. S a l; Y our sw eothcart w ill ge l h e re eventually ."

'T<iu m ean h e r two s\v e c t le s r Pydge corrected, w ith his know ing prin . "H a v e-y o u u p yourmin^i w hich one Ifll be, Sally? W hy don ’t you toss n coin? T ails fo r D an, heads for Corry? L uckym an w ins.” W ------------

‘D on 't teas? he r." one of the o the r g irls rfibukcd. "Y ou know S ally ’s so popul,ir she a lw ays h as (0 h avo m ore th a n one boy f rien d m h e r str ing ." •’ " I 'd like toJin.ikc it th ree .” an ither boy p u t in . The b rchestri

had ta k en its place on th e ptaV_ form s l^ io n e d a t the e n d 'b f Uie

i^ te r r n e e . F loodlights tu rn ed • cen te red square , rese rved for ic ing , Into a rosy rad iance .

one. V ou c ^ t tmd a lftftt a ll evening. T h a t w on 't g e t you anything."

■JVO, i t w ouldn’t, S ally kn e w th a t.Y et she could n o t h e lp th is

strange fee lM f th a t seem ed Uki a w eich t on m r heart. She knev It w as silly to feel th a t w ay . D an and C orey w ould be along very. soon. T here w as n o th ing to w o r r y ^ b o u t n t .ill.

Y et as th e even ing w ore-on and they d id n o t com e th e w e ig h t on S ally ’s h e a r t g rew heav ie r. She tried to conceal I t w ith a smile, sh? danced, every dance a n d p r e ­tended she w as hav ing a good tim e' along w ith everyone else. She told he rse lf o v e r a n d ove r th a t she certain ly w as s il ly to care so m uch because D an w as not' here , to l«el th a t ju s t b ccaus* -o f th a t th e w hole evening w a s w a s t­ed. B ut sho could n o t h e lp i t T he fac t tha t she could n o t ' sha re i t w ith him took a ll th e beau ty ou t o f th e ni(>ht, n il tho m usic o u t o f th e .-JC.n. Ihe s ta rs no longer seem ed to shine so b righ tly .

T hen w m cone said, "T h ere they arc! T here ’s Corey. I t 's abou t tim e, old m an . . ."

A nd the w eight on S a lly ’i h e .irt W.1 S llftpd, Stjir tu rn e d fo r n R lim pst o l Corey 's b lo n d he ad th a t w ould tow er ove r m o st of th e o the rs even o n 't h e crow ded ’dance ttoor: she caught' h is look, .search ing -fbr—hart—e xchanged—a- sm ile. B u t S a lly ’s eyes s ti ll w ere search ing , h e r h e a r t-b ca t s lacken ­ing. W here w as Dan? \V hy w asn ’t he w ith Corey? O h. b u t s ttre ly h e m' bcl.. Corey w ou ld n 't h ave come back w iUiout him .

T T seem ed th a t th is d ance w ould n e v er end. A s soon as it h a d

Snlly’s foot-itcps led h e r s tra ig h t to C orey. T here w as o n ly one

question w ith w hich to g re e t h im ."W here’s D a n r D idn ’t h e come

back w ith you , C o rey?" I t seem ed as though h e r v e ry life depended u pon th e .a n sw e r . T h a t h e av y fee ling , like a sw ord a b o u t to de­scend , again v /a i h e ld ove r he r. _

■Dan?" C orey sa id , Mis blue eyes d id n o t in to S a lly ’sa n x io u s x > n » ^ In |te a d he b e n t his h fa d , cup p in g Ms hands, to ligh t a ic lg e r e t .^ 8 v « w h en h e looked u ^ once m dre . h is eyes d id ' no t i n e c t h e rs , "W hy, no ." h e said ligh tly , " D s n d id n ’t come along. Y ou s«« w e ra n o u t o f g a i, I itayed w ith th e c ar, h e hoofed It teveral mlleg. T h en w e h«d to be h a u led c lea r bpck to th e city. T h ere w asn ’t a n y placo before th a t w h e re w e could ge t th e old bus fixed u p rig h t. So. since iL h a d in t 's o la te and h e w as p re tty tire d — and you know D an he.>! to g e t to w ork e a r lie r th a n tho re»t o f u s in th tf , m orn ing— w ell, he s a ld .th e ra w a . tia in hnth of_

John T. Flynn : u Says—

u s C0!t\lt\g b a c k ! o t you , SaUy." I see," S a lly sa id , slow ly. H er

h e a r t s ti ll b e a t w ith th a t heavy d isappo in tm en t. Som ehow th a t did n o t sound l ik e D an. E ven If h e h a d been tire d a n iU t had beeo.. la te i t d id h o t sound like h im . ,

Y e t I t w as tru e th a t D an had to b« a t th e oRlce on tim e and h e w as v e ry conscien tious. I t w as not n ecessary fo r S a lly to have two young m en to see th a t she was e sco rted hom e safe ly . C orey was d r iv in g th e c ar, so h e had to be th e o n e to re tu rn .

"Y ou m u itn ’t ho ld it agninst D an,” C orey sa id , m ak ing a mag­n ificen t g estu ra o f ta k in g th e ab­se n t boy 's p a r t. “ I to ld him 1 kn e w you ’d un d e rstan d . Sally . 1 even hoped y o u w o u ld n ^ m ind— as long a s I cam e back."

•'O f cou rse 1 d o n 't m ind ," Sally ta id generously . U w as n ice c l C orey to de fend D an.

•Someone in th e crow d laughed a n d rem a rk ed , so tto voice, bu t S a lly o v e rh e a rd It, "M y bets a re • on H eads. A nyone w an t to take It?"

P u d g e b a d nam ed Corey "heads” w hen h e h a d suggested Snllv toss a coin to choose betw een Jh e m . S a lly fe lt a h o t flash ( ^ n g c r . T hey w ere a lw ays m aking dares, th e se gay young frien d s o l hers, alw ays trea tin g every th ing so l lg h t l / , as If n o th ing w as of any se rious consequences. H er friend -

wi t h - Da n — — d are . A d a re th a t had n e a rly w recked tU

S a lly w as th rough w ith such nonsense. I f she could have she w ould h av e told D'nn th e w hole u u th to tiight. She s till w ould-tell him th e ve ry first chance she got.. H ow could she know th a t th a t chance w as lo st to her, p c rh ip s fo re v e r?"

(To Be C ontinued)

(OdUI a (uccMior to th»« Rodmj Duteli«i U ouned. tbe eolumo b; Jobo “ “ • ao(M) eeoiiomUt, I* Oeln*........ .. ip ie t of •■Behind th i Bceneiro W Hblnaloa.' !

By J O I I ^ T .V l YNN (NEA S«r»lc*)

HfcW Y O RK ,' J a n , 5 < N E A )-In t l » rtinge of economies no se l .ol rlrcum stances looms larger for the New Y ear th a n e v c n ti In Europe.

W h a t l^appened in those sw ift few day* of BerchW sgaden. Qodesberg

M unich now becomes clear, though w hy I t shou ld n o t have been c lear a ll along Is w orthy of wonder, since Its m eaning was described for u* s e v m i years ago by men whoknow E urope better, th a n we ds?.____

g rea t m yst«ry of th e present< E u ropean cris is to American observ.

's IS'Uie behavior of England. E n g la n d ’s p rim ary In terest fo r a

cen tu ry h a s been her immense and wioety A c a tte r^ colonial empire.



B u t now A m ericans ask E ng land haa apparen tly .abandoned th is policy—why she pe rm its O er- m&ny to expand in m ilita ry and te rr ito r ia l resources undeterred . W liy does she p e rm it F rance to th row aw ay h e r -southw estem s tre n g th w hile S pa in is abandoned to F a sc is t forces upon F ran ce ’s o th ' <irT Joundary a n d a t Uie vary eU' tran c o to th o M edilerranean?

T h e - a n s w v ,^ >^ust be th a t E ng land h a s n o t ab,indoned h e r old p la n of p lay ing o ff th e nation: ag a in s t eac h oU w r. Tho confusion 1;In th o fa ilu re lo .re a lite .w h a t na tion E ng land Is d riv ing at.

T h e 'c A u a l observer bellovcs i t Is O erm any E ng land should be shoo t­ing a t w ith h e r diplom atic a rm a ­m e n t, b u t th is is fa r from th e fact.

T h e re Is a g rea t ferm ent going on - In -E u ro p q -n p w rl t- cros seg-n a tlw n ir -be- llnes.

W h e th e r we like It o r n o t the rea listic s tu d e n t o f E uropean affafi-s m u s t see th a t E urope’s problem will slowly d iv ide upon a g rea t econ-

H r S T O R Y Of Twin Falls; City County

1 5 Y B l A K S A G O

JA N . 5.. 1924 A htl-ftlleii Irgb liU lon iiloni? the

line of C n ilfo m la a n d Wn.shinRton lir speclnl IcKisifttivo acw iw i will be ona of th e mnttcrw consltlered a t th e m eeting o f th e T w in Falls C ham ber of C om m erre dlrce lors m cfU ng TUMdny e vn ilm ; « t which

OUi Oregon (ill niiiklng

li hiRh'

DOISS;. Jnii, 5 ( a n ) -W ith 8cn> i;, Olooii, the only womon

........... of the legU luture, a.ichairm an of 11.* furo.stry com tnittec. Uie Idftho scnnip tnrtny hnd npprov- ed Uie llct of c iiaim n 'n ;wrt m rm - h c i a o f th e 28 s lnnding conuim tcei forU ieTrw iloa.^^^^^^

Approval i;a n ie ~ ir rtT T ~ li£ m ^ o v . p<in*ki W liliohenrt compil^il th e

'I'rnil nsfloclation |>liui 111.- fiimoiw trn jl ii ix wav will be nubm ltfn qiii-.sllon of rodiK'r.iiiiii' in rn t fo r Inx rn lm tlo n n i.- .n l, l l i e . lrKi,Oallori liilil lirli hy (lie I.*wi.i(oii cBni

litlee wlili-h KH>ii

nti the II move-*

l^wlntoi tr ic t, Iinhllillrcl

4""f To?%!.....

iM irliK tihorl whii-h Bupi. (allied In K) lirll bellevrn K'liiiim whlln (nr (hln rrn* > (0 lln rv a ril

III romplPdiiK hi" Mil h r h y r t ycmntt amiMlIJ llHB rPSlRlltd (.1 i;w hrrfflifl wlil <l() lll.^l KMicliifttr ■ iinil perhnpn woilt tin iih <l(igii ilycior of ptiil<«.i|iliy,

2 7 Y K A l l S A C O

JA N . R, l!l(l C M C m JlN IJ , l»f,

I.i>l‘'i>llviU', now an iv (lill.< to r Ih r |ilr,'ii iliici <111 Uin priii.iiii.-: "|)ioKrrf>n|vi< It4>|iu1illi';i h it (Irxt (lay i>t .un I'H 'Ni.icnt •I'art'd n d r i i iW iiirr tln

,'()We(l I Ihti

lit YouiigRtcmu Wlil1<' a t both

idlnod .iniMn," rloaed iiiim ignlng 111 Willi n largelyI lie Ulev«lan<lII frw lioiirsIII ih r n fter-

im viinga con- « |in1<l (o cor-

nl i-on-l.iirt of

nn t(i'Vi?liM 11) i-xplttlnln*

WIlK'nilsltl,'t i l l ' ATiiiiIni

'l>ii>HirMiiv im t llie "pro- ill th r l r ooii*

[ o v n i^ e i i t of

You May Not Know That

lly NAOMI R, MANTIN ,'I 'l i i 'i 'n n i 'i t ) -lK h t in o u n -

litliiH I n I d i i i i u o v i t r U ,0 0 l lreel hlirli.


mm ltt' I [1stTlie sclectloiu: ,Asiitnilliirc-’i'npper m-l.incoln)

chairman; liath <R-I3nnndary); Sanborn <Ii-QooiiliiKi. Mliidowuy (F-rri'niont), WliilanTa (R-Rlng- hnm). WIsiicr (It-l’aynlte). HtfTb' (Il-'rw iii FiiUfl), n ie m i (R-t.fttnlu, Ciirrtiff (R'Clnirw.iter), Derr (D- Bonner), D«* Voo iD-Jeromt-), New­port (U-Ci.nyoii), Uaird (D-Adai.

Ilanhn nii.l IlBiiklnc Diiiikn anil l)tinkiii<{ - Wi|Miim.t

(Il-ninKfTfTrni, <liiiirmfln;’ 'nipiirr (It-I.iiifolni.lliirlow lK-Cil1^lll).I):l- vl,i tU-I'owen, Uolrtrii iR-linime- vlile), Devof ip.Jeromrt. Diiird lO- A<ln>, Kii'li (D-ltrar Lukej, Counuii (D-Einiorr),

(:or])oi»tli..i.i Hull. rhulniian; N iiy (rt-MlnldoH.o, IJnrii (R-Clarkt. It n th (R-Uomularyi. llrrim (It-l.iitnht, Kfllry (U-Ciis- trr). I.. A. I'rena iD-KiHiletmli. DuImI <P-A(1i>), Pugmlro (U-lian- imrk),

(.'ountli'.n .11

(R-^utte), Tapper (R-Uncoln) Ryan (D-Shoshone)i Fugmire 03- Bnnnock).

ln.sur,-Mite - Ham ( if f i la r k ) , (;linlrman: CRrrtlff iR-Clcarwa(er), Rohlm m-Benewah). Olsea, (H- Bobcj, Mitchell (D-LcwLs),

Irrigation, Water Irrigation and Water Resources—

Hanien (R-Dutte). AalrmSn: Tap. per (R-Llncoln», Siamway (R-Fre- mont), Neale (R-Twln Palls). May lR*_Ml(tldokai. Harris (n-Cfttlhoul, Hanson (Jt*Tptfin>. Urojvn <R*Owy- liee). Cannon (n-Flnioie'i, Rich (R- Bear I.nkH. Rlcby <n.Madl.^on), Pnird <D-Ada), Uonnrt • (D-Wuiili- InRtonJ- <

Joint Rule,n-Erker.icll (R-.IrffeK son), rhRlrnian: Unrlnw (R-C.tVsIii), ponart (D-Wafihlngton). .• ■

. lo i ir n a l -- Mav (H-Mlnldok'n), rhntrmnn; fikldowny IR-Frrmniiti, Ityan in-aiioMichri.

Jiidielary-Uoiam (R-Ronnevlllri, fhiilnnan; I7nvls iR-Power), Roh- ina (It-Benewniii, FIrid (R-A(l|m»i Neale (R-Twin I'all,>), Dnnart (D- WnMiinston).

Mve.itork - N e w e ll {|{-Oeml ehalnnan: HarrI.i iH.O a r »bo ui, Hrown <K*Owyhpe), HIddoway (Re- rmmont), Tiifijx-r (il-I.Inroln), Hiin.i (D-I.emhl). Iliiikeliniin (L)-l<li\^).

iiiK rI, Itryiiiiiai :rlm<ii> in -liitiii

l i i .in illc n I n*nii ( ll-T rl (in lU-l>lll^<'l, IIIMay

IdKby <l)-MAdUnii), I.. A]

Kiliirnt (U-A<tiiu> I 'rank lln l(n (h •It-’ilii

i1 InnlKiitliiiiA - Meld (•Hn(rman; l(ea (l\ tu -

WlliiKmn <lt-niiu(lu>iin.

, Ni-w|)iiil iD-Citnycini, ■.fwla),1K . nni Illll«'-- HpiikI n e), fhiilrrnaii; Wllilnm ihionMM. Finin iI)-Ki>i iiollo.l imi»-lliirilo <1 . rliiilriniiu; WiMier i: I, Hliikeliiinii lU-ldahiii.

KInanre iiiiiK'c Harlow ( It- i iiniiii; Main rR-rtiirki, i-'riiiikiini, lliili irt-Oii

1-0), Nei■ a

n il) and <lanie -.Kelirr i|<-i!iin- ten. rliDtrnWin; nmiAeii ilt-liiii|ci llP'igln iH-Bluiiii'i, Kliiii (Il-Ad- nniA). IlohiiiB (ii-llenewah), Wirxiei lii-i'uyr(le), Klcli il>-ltenr i.nkti Uniwii (D-Valleyi. tiinin lU-Lemhll,

Kor«,Uy-OUi.ti (lt.f»i.U«). I'liHii. man; Urenn <lt-l,atnli>, (inrdllf <lt- Olrarwateri, Italh ilt-llomidarvi Deir il)-iioniirrl. llKiwn iD-Vai- Iru. Hiiim il)-U'iiihii.

lUKliwayn. Il^ill8e^ hnd F r n le n - Hnnijoril. (R-Ooodliigl. clialiman: llailMill (|t-T<-|iiill. K ailry iR.UuK- ( i n . Hall ill-O ii# ida), Uoiialn l i t . H laiiiel, bX'lierfiell (n-JnfttrR on>; ritwell tR -a c m i , W U iitr (it'Pay.

Brown (D-Valleyi, Krh (P> N il I'eniei, lllnVi'hniui <U-ldaluu

On Voo (D-Jfmore).

Milnage-Neiile rhalrnmn; Krlicv noi<|n (»-Cainr<ni. ' Military ami

Urenn Ut-I.atah) inn Ol-neiKv iiJi IilnKhi MItchi

», Cam


( D ^ l-

liami(' I’m leli llj-I.r'


nialno), r ilaryi, <; Bmwn I

W e i . V (»-I.rmh1

I'rivll-'Ki (It-l'owei C.'BMlaPerr



1 l.irc linns - Ui«vb iliiniiiii Barlow <R- I 'li <lt-l>oiiiievlilAl D . RlRhy (D-M adl-

iM>ii (B -T aton) haJininii, liirim iK.-i,iilAh), IViiiir- rli iK-JrireiMiU), I'Irb (O-Net ■errei, Rigl.y .ij-M.idMn).

I’libllc l.niiihi HUhlDWiu (It-Fre. nonti. rtiiiiriniin: llarrla (R-Onri M'lij. Nrwril Ilt.drnii, Hansen <U' NuKri, iv v.»' lU-JcriiiiiP). Hys" ■p-Hh(»hoii..|, lirnwn (D-VBllay).

>'iibilii JliaiilwUoUin*‘•all), i''|ii«ii; Kckei'Aeir (ll-Jef-

Men«ie (K-Iilalna), Neali Davis (U-Po»i":r), (K-Owylita). rhalr-

ll-(Jooiilng), Holden iii-i><ini|rviii«i, Hall (K'Oncldal IllHi iD-llear U kei.

Hli((r Affnlin - Itnadi iit-Fraiili' itii'. <hi.lrmim: Hailow (R.qaaalB). :<k r l| iK.Jefrenioni, Hall <U-

oiMldii), iiarn ' (U-OIarki. Newell iU (lem<, Flald dt-Adiimsi. Iloldrr (H Hriimevillei, ft<inl)i)rn (R*O00d' Ini), mwiKirt ili-Cajiymi), Krb (D' Nr l'erroi...J)unatl lU-WaniiUil- luni. Reynold* (U.<J>niaal.

Il(-‘I'W|||n ii im - n K

inm u Mitnbo

U b unknow n who inv*Bt(KJ n rH 4 4 f* .m a k in « m achine , bill Ki>l|l*limaii naineil Hainmoiul and M l p a rtn e r , Oratx-, m ade th e Inl- t u i a t te m p li In 1788,

Because h e r In tere sts In the of la n d w ere everyw here bu t in rope she m ade i t p e rf« t ly cleai E u ropean governm ents th a t she had 10 om bltlon on th e c o n tin e n t

B u t w hile she h a d no territo ria l im bitlons the re , she h a d very g r « t

In tere st In R jevcntlng any contro l­ling pow er from gain ing complete d tjpilnance. T ills was essential to th e p ro tec tion of he r em pire h e r trade .

T h ere fo re shc 'sk lllfu lly played off one E u ropean n a tio n again st inoU v

id succeedcd p re tty well.

T he Family Doctor

(F ir s t o f tw o articles)B T D R. M O RR IS FI8HBF.IN

E dito r. J o u rn a l o f th e American M edical Aasoolation. and of

ny g e la , th e R^aUH M agailne W htfn '-H ^ 'iim nn being flnda'-that

In flnm m atory chnnijes have taken place in th e blood vcMcb w hich re s u it In fa ilu re of th e blood to c ircu­la te , pa rticu la rly In th e feet, h e U confron ted w ith a' Berlou.1 condition. F requen tly these columns, havo dls- lussed ThromboanglKLs objlternrw, ivhlch U th e technical nam e for tho cond ition called Buerger's disease

O ne of th e m w t sfljlous passible reMilta t.-i. «>{ covirse, th e loss ot limbs w hich have to be removed hecau.M th e tissues have died,

T l)« d isease m ostly affect.^ m«r botw een thn arc.i of 2n and nO. Al one tim e It wna found th a t It uf- fectrrl p a rticu la rly (lie Jewish peo- p lo u in d H int it was alnm-d Invar­iably ansoolnled w ith men. Morr reren lly luirneroun rase.i havn h»eti

if !lno. t lOiiO pniliell.

In om !Q per c e n t '«(

» w ere Jew s and 73 pe) r r no t Jewliih. T eh yean

iKo (he flgurefl ^llowed th a t 5fl pei

the patlei

o,f Hie pnllenla e .lewi46 p e r cen t w cic iint Jt'w bh

O no of. th e m ost Interesting as- pecta o t th is condition la the rain tionsh ip of th is (llseiiie tc. Dkwo who snlokn Txeesalvrly peitients were ela^^lfln(t i\n (o (ho num ber of

smtiked daily, th r .llr ,it a rouv Is |>er day In

varylliK fmm (o :>o ur mor (hfl roiirth’i

Korn of (Ik

fore hreak r e n t of ilir, sm okers nnrori/.icleicil

have ile d n llr .{(eri, vesiela and nl«.i on of th o hlmiil

Him I the

*'■ lirthe fourth grouii in 00 clKnietes a day,

iiiniu wsn III the hal)- : 'Jit .olKnrelfl <Ul|y be­ll Nloelv-throe pet V">'rnt ,vrra clwnret i»l l>M rent nilKhl lie

'iM'l;liiK rKc-f«eiveiv. !)>'' iiumrirKiei found iiliiiMl *nitio.MVte to

with (hl4 dia-

e,ilal>llshe<l liy mnoking dor D ll.Ilia htooi

:he circulation

I la so sei ask w liat (heir

lie fiiliire. T he II recoiitiy atud mi i-nnes Ixillnve 1 and ediinntlon •eriilng the

I'ombined w ith in d feet will «i le lives Ilf thoea )lliar. faulor

IK llllOp a tien ts fri rx iw ctancy In [nr physicians who ha' led fliniosl a iIumik th a t aarty <)hiH«on of tlin iiKlli'iit ■'(II tiirn nr hin (lisrani r a re o f (lie linnds m ore (0 ieiiKllim ( p a tien ts th a n any

f i K X I I t a r e o f

Still Coughing?»v « n If o th e r m e d lX e h a ^ l l i d ,

S S S E Swonl.M tl for I t p la ln lr .aM ^ a tth c

f« r C o u 9 h io r C h M tM 4 i

omlo Issue—th e conlro l o f th e econ- omio system .

W ill I t be contro lled by th e Com- m uD lsta-or-by-the-S ;a«eista.oc-by.tba )lghly priv ileged a ris to cra tic ruling :las»e( in th e va rious countrlee7 .

F o r E ng land tire (juestlon Is: W lil E r i ^ n d '8 life ^ s n U « t e d ' to an attsc lc t t p o n - b f f ^ l n g classea from ajyr-source?


T o those groups th e re is b u t one rea l enem y In E urope—a t l e u t sd tho Chamberl& lna th in k , ^ a t ene ­m y is R ussia,

B a d 4 s M ussolini U, v ile aa H itler seem s to them , a t le a s t they figh tMIT84IB* «neray:— :---------- 777

T h e ope g'reoj p rob lem Ih E u - \ rope today is fo r E ng land to Iso­la te R uss ia a n d If. we u n derstand th a t. I t Is qu ite sim ple to see how successful B ritish dip lom acy has been.

LltUe by litU e Uie ba ttle fled Is being; dc-U m lted. /

I t Is to be a b a ttle betw een R us­sia and C om m unism on one tid e and b e rm a n y a n d F ascism on th e o^her. U ndoubtedly I ta ly wUl be In th a t,

B u t th e a tage is being se t, an<T ^ th is 'is th e -fa c t, fo r a w ar th a t E ng­lan d c an keep v u t o f a n d in w hich G erm any will be f ig h tin g t h ^ b a t - tle o f M r. C ha m b e rla n ’s school of tho ug h t.

I t will be Ume m o u g h . tftlnJu Mr. G ham berlaln , to deal w ith G erm any a n d I ta ly w hen b o th h av e e xhaust­e d them selvea In th a t titan ic s trug- sle(Copyrigh i IMS, N EA S errlce ,' Xiic;)


B U RLEY . J a n . 5 (S p e c ia D -L a s t tr ib u te will be pa id to Miss M yrtle C ranney a l 1 p. m . Friday- a t- the O akley L, D. S . ta b ern ac le w hen funera l serv ices hiB he ld f o i^ th e a u to ic c ld e n t v ic tim o f a New Y ear s m ishap a t T h e D alles, O re.

B ishop S. B. C rone will o fflcU te a t th e fu n e ra l In OaW ey. ln te n » « .\'- - is to be In M arlon cem etery.

Received T odayT h e body of M iss C ranney was to

_■ recelY cd -ly -th e P a y n e m o rtuary h e re th is m orn ing . I t will be taken to th e fam ily residence In M arlon F rid ay m orn ing , a n d m ay be viewed by friends u n til th e tim e of seM cefl.

A lthough detaU ed fa c ts o f th e O regon a cc id en t a re n o t y e t defin­itely know n he re . M iss C ranney and f r l tn d s w ere believed ’to h a v e been on a ho lldoy tr ip a t th e tim e o,fHlie crash . K en n e th R o b e r t B trlngfleld. b ro th er o f M iss C ra h n ey ’s b ro th er- in -law . Is unde rstood to be s ti ll in serious condition fro m h e a d I n - ' Juries.

M iss C ranney , d a u g h te r of Bishop W. T . C ranney , M a rlo n , h a d been

/w orking fo r th e J . C. Penney com ­pany a t P o rtlan d o f te r being tr a n s ­ferred -there fro m th e O akley P e n ­ney sto re . '

S u rv tv o nsu rv ivo rs include th e f a th e r , s tep - •

m other, a n d these b ro tlie rs a n d sis­te rs : C lyde*and K e n n e th C ranney, O liv e r C ity, Calif.; M rs. W llda F re e ­stone a n d A riel C ranney , Burley; Mrs, F lorence M cB lm ey, Moscow; Mrs. L eah Fu ller . M u rta u g h ; D«an C ranney. O akley ; M rs. C laire S trlng - fleld of Coldwell. — -

M iss C ra n n ey ’s b ro th er, G erald, died recen tly a n d h e r m o th e r suc­cum bed a num ber of years ago.

U M TYMrs. S a ra h Bower Ig visiting a t

thu hom o of h e r sons, Noel and Jo h n SIqulst. M r. a n d M rs. Bo«'er a re leaving soon to m ake U )elrhom e 111 C nlllornia.

Mr. and M rs.,G eo r«o H uber en- (erm ined (tie Ju s t-a -M e ro club,and m em bers’ husbands a t a Y ear's eve supper.

Rex a n d Fay B ingham e n te r ta in ­ed o t a da iichig p a rty New Y ear’s

Mr. a n d Mrs. R ona ld T insley spen t the ho lidays Id Califo rn ia,

Mr. a n d Mrs, E arl H osm er and baby, AihUiii, re tu rn e d home a fU r ipe iid lng a week a t tho WUlUni ' ■nnsley home.

M r. a n d M rs. Bamuvl B a n ir tr aml dftUBhters, a n d M abel. l» v oretu rn ed from n v isit in QKrtei).

•I'heroii Doynce h a s conciiuled a holiday vlMi n t th o Elila lii im e tl home a n d r««umed h is studies a t thn UiilverAlty o f Idaho,

Mrit. Cleorge H aycock, Nyssa. O re , spen t M oiulay a t th e hom e o f h t r " son. H arry UuyciKik.

A, I., ici'e ivcil It IjadlycriislMd tli ii.l l inge r on lila le fl liuiul w hen h e go t I t c a u g h t In a p o u to so rler Friday ,

T hn (wo rh lld r« 'n o f Mr, and Mrs. ile rriiaa H loker a re cunvalesoing from pneiiiiionla.

ICritesl M nthnwa la recovering from bruises a n d a b ra s io iu received as Ills W oyrh Was Involved in a colli­sion w ith a e a r F riday ,

A t L ast ■The T ru th About


n MiuM ihi* HAUi':, Hr.NBiiii,iC vu»■ at hiimi and hari li In

ii ol all tu l!ii.r»i, («ur n>«»u t<;>i

r (un<Ulvnln« l>/ r.Amtal af irtumx-

r Mien A lf< m N iN ir-l /n » h rV u

7nnhf*"uM l;i> .rlii,lt HraMkin U NOT kiiMNl. i( I* n»l N il «nt m U

•nd nmntvTi m tan a r t ' ,

Tliuraday, January 5i 1939 ID A H O .EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN F A I l S. IDAHO Page FiVS



W ASJIINQTON. J hiv. 5 (U.P)-,:) f.^rvfittve EJemocmt.'; anti HcpuDll ])rfpAr«d toclny for n on a Wiat fro n t ncaln st ilic forrlKn a n d dom es­tic p rogram s' PrcsldN it RooM*relt oud ined In iLs' i>tAtc of the union address to congrcAs.

Isolntloiitt.^ chnrged ttie PrM l' (Im t dpslrfd to appo in t tHc U nltpd Stiiir.i ns "world pollcem nn," nnti

—stirH a— poitTT— rvm m im yt-T B T in pliiiiRr llic rouiU ry Into wtir. Ecoiv omv bkn; leadrn i p ro lesled con U iiuation of largc-Kcale Apendlng, and w crr ready to chaJlengc budget recom m endallons. L egtfla lors r ln m - nrlic: fo r dra-Mlc ipvlslon of New Dcnl laWR. pa rllru la rly th r n a tional labor re la tions net, deplored ab ­sence of apcclflc W hite H ouic pro poKab.

L eading ndm ln islra tlon opponents p red ic ted conBrew wguld "affcept Uiu responsibility" fo r reducing govern' m e n t actlvlllcs. T hey inK rp rc ted a; he ra ld in g ’ th e end of New D eal eX' [w rim entntlon the P residen t’s ns .sertlon ‘'(h e ptkst th ree congrewes have m e t In p a rt o r .In whole tlie prp.'slng* needs of the new order of tilings."

Broad C'liaiijccsU ntil th e ftdm lnlalrntlon prepares

hl>ecific rccommendBtloii.s on fordlgn


R E U C io U S FREEDOME dllpr. Evening Tim es:

I no tice by Uie •'T lm w " of J a n . 2 th a t ft d ancc In K im berly wa.s ha lted by officers of th e Inw cntLv Sunday mfipt^lng Thl< nctlnn wn's ri'quc-«tcd by o n t o r m ore c lcrg jiucn . a u il was ,Utken because of the existence of a S u nday law In th e s ta te of Idaho . W hile 1 do no t s tep fo rth Into Ihe a re n a of th e "Public Forum " to d e ­fend donees or dance hulls, I do -itcp fo rih 111 defense of th e principle.'} of relig ious freedom which are violated

such law;

_ ,, on th e Sitbbuih. T ill ' broiiBlil. n im ’iitlo opcn conTlirf witli tl ie .)p « - Lih leaders, who m cusfd Him of Sabbalh-lircaK lnK wln-n, iii fiict. He w as bfealclnR «ml scu in c fi'lrin onlv those al»ftckle.>; of inHn-mude in i- dltion. T lin l He did niW tireak Ihe S nbba tli H-'-plf in biciikluc mmi- m edo com m ands nboui li»w ihi- ctnv should be obsrrve<l U rvKleni fruni His sim ple sliitpmpiii, ' i htivp k<i'' My FaU ier's com m niiilm nils John 13:10.

Tliose who lotiuv Mi-'.l.tlii th r rhargc.s of cilllr.l','. riirm ir;. tliiit Ih' broke th e Sabbnlh .■•houUl hi\

(jf na tio n al de fc iuc and n riitrn lliy congrcM lonal Jeadi-rs will conren

. I ra te on propw^als for broad ehnnges In <xW htv law, .

B l-pnrtl.snn’i!iouj).s have demiindod repeal of th e reciprocal iriidc irea iy net, c u rtn llm eh i of th e powers of tltc n a tio n a l labor rclntlons board, overhaul of farm legl.slfillon.'Uberal- l7.atlon of oW-Bge iK-nslon provL'-lnns i)f th e focml ^^curlIy ncl, niul

. chani{rs in relief adm in istra tion , l^ ic Prc.-,ldcnt Intends to a.'k con-

Rress tQ a p p rop ria te betw een »700,- 000.000 and J7.'i0,000.000 to conllntie W PA u n til th e fijcnl year r n d ^

■ .hine 30. O pponents of flic p rcacnl l^llof sy.«em were w aiting the be­ginn ing of debate to o ffer varied

• p lans to " ta k e , politics ou t of re ­lic t" or abolish W PA a n d tu rn it.s fu n c lb n s over to th e states?

'"Non’PartlwnjftranJ* ‘A dm inli.tratlon leaders hoped to

repuL w 'tl»ese attack.-! by . agreeing to c e rta in Innovations. Includhis

^ r e a l l o n of non-p tirtl.'an boards In ? v a y county lo Inv rfllga te com- p la lnw of pohtlcnl a c tiv ity .’ Tl,iey nlso revealed Mr. Roaicvelt lias tx - irn d ed civil servlcc to approxim ately 35.000 W PA adm inistra tive offirlals.

Mr. Roo-sevelt m entioned llic labor problem a fte r te lling congrcfS the r o u n tiy expeclcd I t to improve New Deal m achinery. •'M ail of us nc he sa id , " th a i for t h e ‘Snkc of p ioyer and rm p lw ee ollke wc mu-it find woy.s lo end f a e t lo n y labor s tr ife a n d emijioyer-empltfvec dls- piilps.” . _

T h e ndmlnLsU'atlon Indicated tl.s wllllnRiie.vs In spon.'-or an Inrrense oM-nRc penAlon ra te s u n der th e .s elal herurlt.y act.

CioYcmnienl reo rgan lw llon . w hich th e la s t congrp.-vs ri-fii.sed to .•ianclloii,

• rem ains a vital p a rt of the P resi­den t's progriun.

T h a i th e taw Ihus Invcikrd l.s n re- llgioa*; law . and no t ou r i>riniarilj In tended to guaran lpe Uip w orklnt m siv one day of re.M in l;.shown by the circunisLanep.s a tte n d ' Ing Ihe Incident. I t Is perlin tly ilg h l a n d p roper, according to law, d ancc BL any tim e o the r lh a n S u n d a y . T lie fac l th a t an ac t w hich 1.S regarded as propCT-on iiuy o the r day Is m ade unlaw ful on 5und»y re­moves a ll g round for p retex t -ihal th e law liA’oked I s .n o t a rc-ll^lous law. T h a t d e rgym en were re.-;! slbie fo r th e action of the officers tcnd-s to stre n g th en th a t fact.

T ills Incident tu rn s our m inds back to th e day huv.s of New T es tam e n t tim es. T hese liiw.s orltf-

f f i ‘(hpVoiinrlJ.l; o f meit whc were endenvorliiR lo .'.urromid Ihc re s t day w lih inan-m aii*' bulw arks. T hey d id no t have the ir stiku i in the Scrl]>lure.s, an d Ihus were not Scrlp - tu rin , even thouKfi they nati to cio w ith Ih r observance o f n dtty th a t G od H lnueU had <oiumnndcd. co n ce rn in g thc je-m w .t, ou t Jew ish au th o ri ty .su ie s ; "Thprp "'.i.s n m om en t, from th e afternoon before th e S ab b a th , '(ill the clo.'.e o L S a b - b a th . b u t wliftt Uierc was some law w hich bound th e m an e ith er to do

no t lo do."—'‘P raeilra l Lcs.^ons," p, 31S by F. C. Gilbert.

S ln rc inan-ni'.tilfi re s t d-iy law s w ere no t.S crlp iuva l. a n d were

In ha rm ony w ith th e -o b jec t of. th e S ab b a th com m and, Jc.'ius found H im self ou t Of ha rm ony w ith iliem . He endeavored, by jirefept jin d r \ -

niplo. lo leac li w h at wa.s Uie rifihl, i.'i well ns the law ful, course lo p m -



{Student Leaders Offer Greetings SIOOENIS HONOR

jam viciiPhysica l actlvHv and hand lrra !

work, supplem ented w ith .sperliii ■ Ixjaiii evenl.s such a-s to iim am enls , parllp.' ^K*me conte.^ls a n d . ^oclnl parllej.. q ^ , will fea tlire tli r w in ter rec re a tio n . p riiu ram In Uie new Tw in Full* w re;y(ton cen lc r, I t wa.» nnnouiirerl i ,|f„. on ,,, here th is u flen ioon ;iiy Ml.^i Vrnil.s, \,<)uirl RU'lmrds, a .s.ibtanl p rojects su p e r-i '|vl.-or fo r IhLs d W rir l. | ,„„i , .....

•m e new e cn lc r Li located in Ihe ] m h .. Hnlmon th e rh ee r leader. M... liulldlnir form erly oc^l^)|^d by lh p |n a rc i lU '-.m iitrs!<ir;u of Hie Glrl- N azarenc e hn reh a t 30- T h ird a v r- |ip „ ^ „ ^ , virijinia cHa^e, a n d of tiv iHie n o r th . A t (he p resent tim e Mlv. |

lo r the N c aders 111 Twill P iilh h ic h .sc lN ] re now on th eI till- ^'lino; tho lop l.s a <ilvrr

bH.'kKroiiiul, and s Kreeii,by Boily lU liiegar.<i<'iit, e en t- rs th e ; Tm.Miny iii ui n in In f\iii W ishing y«iu g o tx l' Iit.s f„r Leiin F. A calturri, 111 ail yoiii a c l lv i - |i i ld i>;tskell)nll iibiyer wh<

■ ' Ncb’ y .-a i '

III 'R L FY , .l;in S cKii.', lal f e l l ' " i a l l ' l e t c s aii<

' f r i r n < ls p .'U l l a s t lin i:

R. K unkel conducting th e requiem

ITie Burley high .'cliool basketball cap ta in . hlghU- popular In .tchool and tow n cln'le.s, wa.s In jured Dec. 2( w hen he Jell fron) a m otor c a r while f r lc n d i wore, drlvlnn ihro«iftl) BKge- bnuili x>n « rab b it h u n t.

Fu lly 150 seniors a ttended the fii nc ra l rile s in h butly. A th lrtlc chib m em bers form ed a re.-pivlng line for th e funera l eo ilen- and weri! es­co rts a t th e r lu ireh and a t th e eem - pl<-ry. Meinlwr^ nf the club w rr t pallbearers.


to give factory workera on production lines m ldj-raom lng im d

■uXternoon snaeks, w U u u t loss of tlrne~frpin -worki htui desiKned by -K-manufacluitm i miR^tuiy.-------

■I'linRs troin the en i, CtH'll Jo iip '.

lira su re r , RHa

. irar in rfor an open house will be held In the lu r r T h e proRram w nf th e cen te r a n d 'w ill oUn penult I o ir l.s’

residen ts lo Inspert trie new | 0 0 ,,.).

been sin , for no Illhli' tends th a t the 10 rom r was .sel aside before Hip > los- tlie fou rth precept of tiuii la« demn."! S abbalh-break ln t;' a.s ,-.11 since i h a t liiw. even In Hie urn thove who would set it iislclr, \

e u n til Christ died on ih ra t would have been gullly ........ . .Me ac tually broken tlie Subb.uh, 1 ed, MLw RlcfSrd-s annouiiced U u l

Ic wa.' chaiRed w ith <loln;-. t each S a tu rd ay , s ta r tin g a t JO a. m , I t i i IntcreslhiR to note th i.i v l:ile 1 would he designated as children'.'

Je su s kep t the Sabbnlh liseU. n o -I diiy a n d will Include

<il ’ q u n riers .-D ate for tnp-nfrieUTTi]Tnr 111 1 ing h as npt.-iU! .}>«(, been «•!

; Children!* |) ,y


• r r^ le rledt nam ed by

■i'wo. o fficers welw£> new offlclal.-i ........................Mdgle Valley Cam era elub niemlM'r:! Ml ilielr n>eetlng In dubroorjis under Ihe Rank and TriiPii compiiny la^t nlulit.

Victor Cloerl/en wa.s le-rinnieil pre.slOeiU. and Howard W hem iin w»n leelecled .senetftrv-tjeRhutvr. 'l lw (rrafiiiier past was form erly j.eparale, biil-wa,-i I'omblned w ith W isem ans ^e•(-l^lnry^l^lp, Nam ed a j llrst vlce- in rsldn iii iti churiio .Mill ]ihcito- firnlihv wa,i Iltidy W lrh l; ^e<•oml vifc-pre.shtent In ehiirge of motion plc lu ies It I.poi] Hethrl.

Wli-hi took Ilm l place In the «-n- liuKement. dlvU'lon <it Uio vUili's lim iillily piliii I'iSinprMllori. Marlley MrlH.i rnpliilecl Ilf.M In the. lo iilae lpH

llt'HI. ,M-MKN WIN.IKItOMK, -dun. I, (fipt'.'liiU I,e.l

hy Wliicidir, who m’0K'<1 10 iioliits, .th i ' liiviulliiK Hull! M -M en In.-it niKhi

■ lianilfii (he ,Ii-ioiu" M -M cn 11 'J i-lll deJi'ftl II) II Tvk’lii Kails 1,. IJ, «. aiakp iianketlinll gam e hem last nitiht,

(Uityi'iiinl), .leruuie le iile i, lopjx’d

SHOSHONE. Ja n , 5 >S|)C('laU— Som e of th e active natives wlvo believe In early compliance with th in g s In general are rig h t on the Job w ith Ihe proposed $5 a u to ­m obile llcen.'o law, A.ssessor R. H. B urns rejw rts th a t he has receiv­ed sonic applications for c a r 11- ceivscs enclO 'ln^ a $5 Itccn.-'c teo. notw lth.standlnt: the m eaiuro has n o t y o i- ie cn enacted in to law.

A ’ mea.sure advocating tiic flat f ty l.s expected to be lnlradiire<l .soon 111 llie .stale legislature i in session.

IN LICENSE CASHT ran sfe r of J124.05 lo the M ur-

lauiih-’ hlKhway ■ dLslilcl fioin 'f^vlii r . ills highw ay d lstrlc l a nuto 11- fen.*** f^iid.s had 'been aullinrired today by the board of coiiniy com- ml.'.sloners.

T h e ' tran.sfrr coiriTK'd e rio in In npportlonnient of the lleeiisi' funds. O liver W, John:,on, secretary of the M urlnugli hlijhway dlstrlri, p ir,seiit- etl II list of's sold to lesUlenl.s of the M urtaiixh d l* trlri and c redi­ted If) UIp Tw in Falls d istric t by ml.-tlake,

Tlip Irapsfer leprc-'iPiiteil only nhoiil h a lf Ihe ariKUiiil liaiiiiipd hi Ih ls m a itiip r'fo r ilie N^iriniiKh dls-

Hlinliar In in sfe t. IoIjiIIIiik 07:1 11 wa.s rereiillv a iipiovrd by th a com nll.vslllnel^ In fnvor of the Filer hiKh wav d h lr le l from th e Ihilil, Twin F a lls a n d M utlnugh dl.ilrlct.'

C'hniiKPs III the license nmiiey ap- IxuH oiin ien lso iie iimi'hIIv iieceMim «‘aeli yenr bennisfi of Ihe fu rl lluii m iinv purc;liii,sein of tnolnr pliit'-s live so »'lo.-e lo d istric t boiindailH. lh a l <'<>n aiLses lii iiedllliiK o{ fimds.

Fiincrul Held for Charles A. Miller

.IKHOMK, Ja n . ,-1 (f’p e rla li . Fliiieti.l se iv ires fur (;|i«rle> A M il­ler. li-.>. ploiieiT irsldelit, who mu <-mnl'eU «ttei- H lii isn in n illn rss ni hln luiiiie l in e Moiidnv weie held at Ihe Wiley funeral hnme •niuiM hn'

IC'V. Jo h n MeCiure. pn.stnr iif (lie ................. r lliu e h , oKlclated Inli'i

w here do we find Him pel o th e rs lo ob.-.ervcJils day ol le-i, Tliosc w ho did try ui enfurix'.Jwial. rellRlon were no t foilnwers nf ChDvi, He a n d His followers eiiihodii'ii in th e ir lives the princlplp.s n; ttip G olden RnJ'*. "U’h.'il.oeier te th a t m in .should di) lo >oit. il > \e even »»rt(3 them ." M an " I'-’.

T hose Individuals who desiic :n observe Sunday , Sa tu rday , or ju v o th e r a ay or"liic~\\TeV us iriTiiv re st, c'hould be allowed to do .- o, hut they should no t In terfere wjih (niu r ■pw jple'.w lR hr io work.o;- |)];n cu t h a t d a y . Any olhur stand is inr; m ha rm ony w ith the te;ichlirt( ami p rac tice of, and lay.- ih r fiuiii- d a lio n fo r. rellKloiis, le«l'.iailon. w hich, in lu rn , le a d s ' lo n-ili;i(ius jiei-secullon.

It 1.^ 0iir prlvllepe to i i in ir - pealinB Hicse Sundnv la«s in « iii - liig to o u r repre.spiitailvps in liniv" and asking Ihclr a,vsi.suitice Ju un.- m a tte r.

Re.speelfullv vniiv.GKOHOK W, c n A M m ;u .s .

R l. 3, T w in Falls.J a n . 4.


h a n d ic ra f t fo r' from five I elaht ypiir.n o f age. Storle.s. dram all untlvltles, slng lne sam es and other form s of activ ities •'will also be held lo r th e young.itci:*. All young peoplp up to high school age will be wel- (o d ir to a tte n d Sfltitrdn.v. l>oth diir- liii: th e m orn ing and th e afternoon.

At 2 p, m . on a lte rn a te Saturday.? a tna rlonetle show a n d stories and d ram atization.s will be . pre.sentwL

"eoneiuflea w iu) commuriify slnafiig. O th e r fictlvltles will follow a fte r th a t ,h o u r u n tll .4 p . ,m . - , . . .

D iirlne Ihe week on Tuisda.v.s. W ednesday.s and T hu rsdays from 2 p. m. to 4 p.- m. special da.sses for women will be slaged . T h e ten tative pro»!ram will Include ba^ikelry,. p i te r of pa rls work, nnd pain ting well a.s spwlnp. 'rtiese rla.w .s t be fnr women of posl-.vhool age.

Sehool P un llt riflfli day du ring th e week, from

4 p. m . to 0 p. m.. tlie cen te r will be op?n to a ll school ch ild ren with a wide va rie ty of activities being pf- Irred.

rvei.lMB clasw ii. w hleh will s l t r l .Tt 7 30 p. m . a n d la s t unt^ll 10 p. m.. ivill be str ic tly for adulw 17 year.s of age or over. MLss R ichards said.

T he gam e room of th e new cenlcr will be open two )ils lits eoch tnr-irttnrTs-nnrmn-rnhn^lsn’ both ch ild ren and adults. T ills .sche­dule w llt'be KUbJecl to change in Ihe event .of specia l acllv ltles being .^hc- duled.'

•E nrollm ent da te in a ll h and icraft classe^s will t e an nounced later.

T he proKiam p lanned for the win- ■r m on tlis will be nresen ted for aii'

J A M U A R Yc l e a r a m c e


Thi.s‘1 ju s t n usual first o f th e y ea r (’Icar- ancc Snie. T h is is .som ething c x tn i. M ost o f our repularly low priced, sh o es m oved ou t th e w eek fo llow in g ,C’hri.stm as. B u t our stock m ust be reduccd still fu r th er and now w e are offcrinj? IIETTEII sh o « s a t th ese d rastica lly rcduccd p riccsr Shop ou r en tire s(och »n n 4 y o u ’ll ajfrce is^ sa le Is -som ethinK “extra ."



tR U -P O I MThifl fiimouH .hIioi! is.bcintf pricod liHpocliiWy for this cU'iiruncc lowHS —

$4.98 ’ STYLE-EZE

Aiinlijfl' fiiinmi.s Selby Hliof lliat will I'iiiil pli'iily Ilf buyers (iiiniiK lliis clciinuu'f. Siiin'c Mtylc.s—

$3.97Tliivtc (Wo lidi's I'cpnMciil vali;''.' vdii l i in r bi'i'ii waiiliiiK niiil wnit- iiiK lor, 'I'liiiy arc tiihcii fn iiii our ri‘Kiit»r liiKlicr (uli'cd liiicM w ith viiliii's lo i\ pair. Ihin't iiiIhh llil.'i niipiirtiinity In Mi\c!


Hliiip in ii ' <‘(inipIo(n nrlt'ctidii o f txiotn, liiKlti-r prit'cd I io o Ih iiro KhlliK' ill ttW« f l c a r a n n - iil a in-w low. Sliop nnd



'I'hin Ktoiip Ineludea, A fliin neleclhm III llin ni'Weht <<>|<itN Hiid Rlyln'i. All lierl lielKliln iiml iiialerlnln.

SNOW HOOTS‘hirflfl uopolnr new bopbi «ro 1 cady for your arlectloii. N et nvilviiln urn Inoliiited. W mU nnd luna, rrtcp il up Irom —

$*.97 $ 2 . 9 8

HUDSON-Twin Falls Only Shoe Store

'Page Six IDAHO EJVENfNG TIM^IS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. Thursday, January 5,1939

g c r c L e t y .ProcessICK of Oueens jGroup Reuijited ' Features M. I. A. Ball!“T he procoasion of Ihc (|U00nn.” one ftf th e m ost claborJil

liromonndcH over stnifcd in cotincclinn w ith tlic iimiual Oold' and firpon bnti o f ‘IVfn Knlls Btakc. .M I. A,. <>f (hn I,, n . !>.

w ill lnv’hliK li5 U\«* e v c i i ' . '•*. Kn<li'*Uk*nl.3I1K to C l i f f o r d H a#rr>w . a ti ik c d a n c i ' d i r c c lc i r n n dn ia n a ; j c r o f ttu* <iatic<,‘. _ , ------- ---------- -- -------------

K cP h r iv n t r y w il l Ix’ n u in i- f w t in I h o .s e v e r a l w a r d s o f th e s l a k e d u r i n g I h N i e x t tw o

Five Gold Starconducted to seloct tlio cjiiei-n rep resen tatives.

Mrs. S lriin Oak-i. Mr.'. Kdna ' S lokfs, Mrs. M yrtle ROKpr.s, Mr.s. M r

M cBrldc nnd Mr.s. Ruby Hpiidrrwin will outline a ll d c la lh 01 llic iiucetia’ processioH. a n d will- su\jetvlsc tlic decorating for Ihe occiLilon.

D uring the p a it several jnonllw. tlio five wavtls of th e .stnke have been conducting n com petitive plan for winning lilgli Honors a t th e ball. Tlie f irs t ward of T w in F a lls *t.ike has a tta in ed th e honor of being represented by Uie queen Rupreme tills year, l i v in g placed h ighest In the annual fund, a tlcndnncc nnd Kra subscrlptlorvs. O th e r w ards will hnvc (liierrw according to i:ip lr rank .

W l» W r/gh ra orchcKira will play for the (lanre. Mis. Jun n ltn Hull Ls d irecting publicity.

Field.'!, Twin Fails.D om rose. Hock

ild S la r .Mothers, Leah ilech t, Mr.s.

H azel IfesHor ajid Mr.®. M arv 'Vnn'R alon, Gold S la r Siflters, w ere jirc.sented With bouq'uets o f rose.s a t a m cetiiiR o f ' t h a AtnerjPAn. L egion auxiliary evenittg'. T he program , dtirinj? which th ey w erd hon­ored, w as prcaentcti a t L egion M -m onal hall.

Mr.s. O, T . K osK r, c h a lm ian of Ihp proKram.,spoke Infonnatlve ly on legl.slatlvi' m a tte rs . Mrji. c . D. Pryor,

;.<>lon.Numerous c om juH l« repo rts 'Kctc

h e a rd 'd u r ln g Uie business session.MUs M ary Hoover "presented

Chopin's etude, and "Dutiorfly." ! n celcbra tlo n of h la sIxUi b tr th - G rief , two pianri npiccUom «nd_WJi-

a ry , u to rg e Frederick” Leopol liosl a l a Jolly pa rty t h b afternoon

.a t the hom e o f hla parent*. Mr. and M rs. L . F . U o p o ld . 135 L in ­coln street.

HU young guests wer« e n te r ta in ­ed from 3 . to 5:30 o’clock, varied iiunes and co n tests being th e diver- filons. T he sing le tabic a t w hich r«- fre sh m c n tj'w e re served, had a ligh t­ed b irthday cake as a centerpiece. nn4- favors m arked w c h cover.. A,

•color schem e o f p ink a n d w hite was lefttured.

Q uests were R obert and H arry —Briaee, D ickie and - Bobby Bfllley.

Sklppy Pierce, O eorge A vant, Ron- iiy Cogswell, S an fo rd , D alnes anti Btllv O&tiander, ht& nelstibotUogd p laym ite s .


H usbands of M entor club m tm - -bers will be iiono red a t a d inne r Jn P eb n ia ry . P lan s fo r th e even t were a rran g e d w hen M rs. Arch C oiner was hostess to th e club yes­te rday a fternoon .

M rs, M. O. K uykendall, p fogram •chairm an, rea d a pa p er on "The A m erican Home."

Mrs, Q lhrlng and 13 m em bers oT • th e club were Mrv«d reJtesh tnertR

du ring th e social hour.* * ¥


M om lngsldoclub m em bers will semble fo r a d in n e r p a r ty .J a n . 18 a t th e hoDie'of M rs. A lbert Puteler,cording to p la n s m ade wh e n ___group m e t yesterday aH » n o o iv s t

^ h C 'h o m e of Miss M ary K lein,M rs. In a B urka was hostess. Roll

call responses w ere New Y ear's res­olutions. Miss F ra 'nccs HeViKheld MUg several songs du rin g th e social hour.

Mrs, Jo sephine K le in. Mr,v Lena Joh iiatcn , M rs. B rockm an a n d Mrs F red A bbott w ere giiest.i.


■ SO CIETY NAMES ST A F F.Mrs, Alfred H erron will d irec t the

RcllvW f5 oS Commvn^Hy ch \itrh ' Ladles’ Aid society du ring ih c roni' Jng year, lu th e resu lt of a n cleC' tloh m eeting yc.itcrday. held in con- necUon w ith th e im nunl nn-hm teM dinner.

Mrs, K, H, Ohiwl^-nii wsti r le r tf il vIce-prPNidrnt; MrJi. E ln irr McClln- n il, sccrplnry. nnd Mrs, t;ba Allen, treasu rer. O tlir ro ff lc rr /. Kill Ixi m ed n l (lie m eeting Jan , IH,

Mrs. Melvin Andernon was I tc«s, Mrmiwrn

Dr. and Mrs.j Roy Ilow en and daURhtor, A dele , .G la s­gow , M ont., a re th e house Ktic. l.H o f Mr. and' M rs. C. C. K in « sb iu y . Thc^ are ron lc to TITfeir hom e fl'om %'"fnp to Spokane. WasirT'ltTwT'will re ­main d ierc until Sunday^

Dr, Row?n Is th e .b ro ther o f Mr.■ riRJibtiry and M rs, C. W. Duerlg,

iU—E nlb . nilf) iln rk '^K Ingthury , Xiry. H Uie U rsl Time In a p ­

proximately <0 years th a t th e .family hn.'! lieen rrunlteil.

Mnnibcrs of (he fam ily will n.s- ,srnibli' Inr nil luformftl rpim lon S a t- urdny, r l ih f r Iti.T^vln Pall.i o r n t Ottkiey. - -

F i BOARd'pW H MEfl I E

One m em ber and th e sw re ta ry he T w in -E a lls county fa ir board,

.................... ......... ........ a t Llvlng.ston, M ont.. th is a fle r -prts lden l, contiuctetl the b u s in e s sn o o n to rep resen t th e local fa ir a t

'l l ie convention of the Rodeo Asso- clallon o{ Anicrlcft, T l\e parley opens Friday.

Dccl.slon to have th e tw o-m an ■prcsfniatloii was m ade W ednesday

nftcraoou-at.-a_m eetlug-i)I-U io.lX aic- board w ith tiio tlirce m em bers o fvoca] solo,llam R eim an sang

‘P o ^ M an's O arden , "M rs R. E, N orthn ip , H ot Springs,

8 . D., was a guest, of the Auxiliary.Hostesses of th e evening, Mrs.

K oster. M rs. H enry Crow, M rs. R. B. Joslln , M rs. T hom as Bucklln,M r.s. H elen B u ttn er a n d M rs. W arren 8, P a rker, served refreshm ents,

¥ ¥ •¥

CalendarNVedlccraft club m eeting has

been postponed u n til d a n . 13, the place to be announced la ter .

¥ ‘ ¥ , ¥P a s t M atrons' club will m eet a t

th e hom e o l M n . H . O. D icker­son. a ie W alnut s tre e t, F rid ay a t 8 p, m,

num bering a iipn ix lm atrlyp rew n t, Mr, ..... . Mr.

M r, aiKl Mfh. Jo liu l»n\u I V rrlu ll<xith werr gnr»l>i.



Velinw (lolllen and a ni.ic l»iwl (if AmerU'ttii H eauty nw rs m ade an at trac tive tnt>le settlnK fnr tlie .lu n rh ' con n l w hich Mrn. M llion l.c liina i e n trr ta in e i l ye^lcrdnv iitU 'iuoon a h e r itom r, l.ln<^ilii M ierl

Mrs. ClD.rKe W iirhrrB, Mtfl H nrr' Prleilinnii unit tnm llK -n oj Uio Noi a iestft elul) wern Kiirst.s.

Mrs, {;iirl Clllb nnd Mr. , l'‘flrdinnii wim lionnrs n l I'd tiirnt't,


Country Wnm-'n'n elul) win ta lii a t ihn anniinl d in n e r in i\ 'l i

. l-unry Ihln year, (iccordlng t(» ur r a n g rm r iiu niaiie yrAln<lny nl (lie U o»o of Mra, I., J , M lllw .

Mm. llArrlai>n ((r ltr il l i ariii Mii FiAuk W lntler wcic a u l,ii i in t Iuik tetsos.

Roll (-nil rPKponoes streAoeil holi liloi. and Ik n iiin b ir ilixplaved im fls dlsciivu><1 th e ir leUiiie-'tlinn crnri't o r rolli'cllonn, TIui ariernooii wai spent iuclally,


Mrs. Lyons U inllh was luwleM in tn e Itln it)tr ly Rond rlu li a l a i>ix;1aI n rto n in in ycAterday. M n . Dan I’OW' e ll ass|slr<l lh« ho tiew lu »o«;vlng rerrcahtnenlA riifritig llio sot-lAi hi>ur. . M rs. H uy IVrscmljis won Uio w hile e lephan t, nnd roll call rei}i<uiM-i were c u rren t ovnnts. M rs, Hnng will Im lioatess t o i l i e g roup n t (tie nex t jn««llng, ^

. . . LVNOliBON .AJton Yo(U)« hM(e«a at ’ u n w i f d i le im t luncheon

•fM moon. Three Ubira

i m t (0 lir a , Parker RIrIi- ' ,Mn< M.. !*• flliumona.

ib«ra o f Ute in ltlaj

Room M others o f th e Dlekcl P - 'T . 'A. will m eet M onday a t 1:30 p . m . a l th e hom e of Mrs, H er­b e rt H unter. 40J T lilrd avenue east.

Hi, ' ¥ ¥F . M. club will m eet F riday

afternoon a t th e hom e of Mrs. Joseph Schlffgen, .346 F ou rth avenue east, w ith M rs. M erle Mos<' e r as hostew ,

¥ ¥ ¥ ChlpKhkloongl C am p F ire O irls

will m eet T hursday a fte r school a t Uie home of Jo a n LeClalrv M em bers arc asked to bring 'Idoa^ fo r old-fashioned dances and cos- tu m « .

¥ ¥ ¥ Roy#>_Neii)ii?or8 oLAmtrlca wUL

m eet Frtflay a t B p, m . prom ptly - « th e Odd Fellows hall. All o ffi­

c ers a re requested to wear w hite Us InsU lInllon of.o fficers will take place. Members a n d visiting N eighbors arc welcome.

¥ ¥Blcitel P a ren t-T eacher a.isocla-

tloii S tudy grouii will me<a F r i­day nl. 1:30 ]), in. n t the school

'a u d ito r iu m . MIm Mnry Hoover will s|>eak on "Music In the Hom e" and offer snverni pluno aclectlons.

¥ ¥ ¥Dtin McCooK rlrc lc , Utdlivi ol

th e O rnnd Army of th e Rephblle. will m eet Friday lU 12 niw n to r n |x)l-luck lunrheiin at the Imnie of Mr.i. Mnbel JolinnDn, 312 S ix th

Ml. ln.NtAlla(ion of nl dIIow a t a |i. 111. n l the

A m erican l.eHUm M em orial iinll, InrumliiK nnd (mlgDlnK n fd rrrn arc re(iueste<l Ui weitr while,

¥ ¥ ¥R, i<M(> T, C l.lllt KI.KtTH NEW OKKICKItS

It And T, d u ll ineinlH'i,.. Ii.m nrr M m i le r t l i a Irwlii liy eleelliig III' lirvMtleiU »{ (Ue n lh in iheon mertliiK vrRl<'riliiy ntte i noon. Mrs. Olm rlei lli ir it was iinnied vlre-|)rr»lilcril, an<l Mr.' II, K. llnlley, Beeietnry-lreimuirr,-

id theMrs Ola Howell, 1ntteriiw 111, seated lirreinnll tiiblen, a ttractlMnppoindiDenis.

Mrs. lihlke irad'O ia iid i I'la Callril Itlle rtlia I‘)nmon.

I’ntiito KrHoliiticiii (ictH More S isncrs

Ji:nO M K . ,)mi. .■) (Hjm-1,,1)- ’Hi im talo re-siifiitlnii iiilupte^l In J e rn n ii, l.lnentn, ( I ikxIIiih, Oiiroilu, Mlnldokii And 'I'wlii Fulln riiiiiitli-n n l n nieet- liiK of (lie counlv t <iininlt(eineii nnd neiTelarles At .leiiune. D rr, 20, wa riiki'ii to e<iiinili’.i of Iho uihu' i Hmik tlve r VAlley liy I). It. 'I'liriii’t, n nieml>er Ilf the slAle ....... noklnu

iliir tiielr niipixiri and riinildern llo ii In tlio iiinlter.

Tim rrsiiludiin n illed for aii teimiun of time on iin< fhiiil da in foralli.tliiK Ihe IWI) .................... ((»MatvU l,-l«39.

'Hio counties (if th e u |i|ie r tinakA tlver valley weie in «yinyi.lhy with tliA m a ile r and nigned (he rennlutlmi l>«fpre l( wjui flubmltted (« the «lA(e eommlltee,

•fiVorlte.'s of 1938 w hich.w ill carry In to 1939. 'and seize wliHt nvldtty -the tidb its llic cou turiers will to.u you by way of. saying "The yenr'n a t the spring."

Expect you r sp rin g a n d sum m er w ardrobes to be gauged to a queen's tA.ste. n t least a.s to color.s, for Queen BLuvbelh's visit to th e U nited S ta te s 'w ill have B4>rofound effec t on whnt women In America V i r w ear. H er favorite colprs nr< Nil shades of blue, nnd so ft pa.stel.v

L andscape R rlg h te n tr ’PT lie cla.'slc su it , sp ring 's first h a r­

b inger, is "ft b ird of a som ew hnt d ll' fe rcn t fea th e r” th is season. Tweeds In th e px^tel perfec tion of rainbow hues toned dow n, nre but

th e Incom ing boa rd of county mLisioners, T w in F a lls Is v ita lly In­te rested In any ac tion a t th e rodeo meet, I t was stressed , because -9ae county (a ir a t F ile r a t t r a c ts tlie n a ­tion 's leading rodeo iM rform crs.

C ites Im provem ents P e rm an en t Im provem ents m ^ e a t

the fairgrounds du rin g th e ’ p ast year were ou tlined by M r. P ^ k s In Ills a nnual report. E xpendlM fe for new bulldlng.s, the r e p o r t showed, was ♦4,94«.41—w hich provided Im­provem ents th a t will be o f h igh val­ue for succeeding fa irs . R epair a n d upkeep cost w as $1,600.'

F unds now In th e fa ir , treasu ry to ta l M.141.

P a rks Inform ed th e jo in t m eeting of the two boards th a t th e 1636 fa tr

-b trporting cxccp t fo r th e new buildings and U)c Im provem ents. *

Exceeds T « V alae "Value of Uic new stru c tu ree and

the Im provem ents,” h e sa id , "ex ­ceeds considerably th e a m o u n t of th e revenue produced for th e fa ir from th e county tax."

M eeting w ith th e fa ir boa rd 4-cre C. B. Lindsey nnd Ben E . . ^ t t e r . R epublican com m issioners w lio take oftlcc J a n , 0. Mid O eorge R . H«.rt. inciunbm it D em ocratic com m issioner w h o jio ld s over.

R, O ,' WllsonT' K im berly. Ls chair m an of the -co u n ty fa ir board.

Botli groups WiSred th e fa ir grounds to show, th e commls.sloners the 1038 ite n n an e n l Im provcm en ti


SIlO SlIO t^E. Ja n . 6 ( — Ben D ariuli was reelected l)re^lllenl of the Hiiwtootti G razing »ih,ii)claUon fi.H the group m e t n t his office li Hliiiahonii M onday, O th e r offU-er Mtecti'd arp'. F.d OootUuR, vlre pri‘,sldi'ni, nnd E rnest O omes, secre liiry.

Nine (llrei'lnrs chaM'ii fri'm the viirlniM .Kecllniih nt th e d ls tilc t nre: A, » . UallJiford. '1‘. C. Bneoii and J. W. Newman of 'I'wlii Palls ; Hen UiiiTdli, 'riiiiniiix (Jooilliig. Jr., and R() OoixlliiR, Hli(uh<Mie: .liirk Lane. K; I.eon M ercler, I’aiil, and MiKii.1 McHiic. i'li'ulii)

T he uriiiip lilMiiiiinneil n (iriipnsBl lit llii- loll•.^ll,v illvl'Hm Ilf (he Hrw- looili toiiAtiv illvl.Mdii to r--|iii(|iilsli I'l'Kltlli KrilMMK IlllKli to exteilll llll

Ciinli ( ;ifl DccrOed •Kor Dr. Townsead

IIAdl.'KMAN, .Inn. IH|><-.'lilU.:p A ii'ciiliir m eeting iil the 'l'owii.\en'd rliili wnii iK'ld 111 llie Ite-Oiganl/.<>i1 1.. I) M, ehure li Moniii.y evcnIiiR wllli irt iiieiiibeis |ireneiit. T h e club viii<i| to M'liil i)v ‘|-(iwnr<eiul f«r h h lilrllKlav, Mi.v l». It. 'I'i .llioll repiiried 1^4 0* lii rn id oVer by llilMibl.' I'luli nieiiil>et.

Queen’s Taste to, Rule Spntigi Summer Colors

Jn r JKAf^-DINKRLACKER "l.ady or i lu u y ,

„ 'Klrrr. or ‘1 01. ' 'One <if ^he»e lype«You «re or you alii'l,

Sn rlini»e, ilylU Ii dame,A eontume lo suit,

___— I I I Hf brute."

. W ith spring—a n d -n ia y b e a new m a n —Ju.-.! n round the co rne r, banish reKrelA and fu tu re fenr,^ from you r wardrobe plniinlng, CInsp to


Tlie basque dre.i.^, developed from ' the very flared sk ir l III s u i t o r one- piece d r e u w ith filled JnrVel. w hich was accepted w ith such .jxipularUy an a sk a tin g costume th is w in ter, will be b leader th is spring. Because o f Its youthfu l silhouette, a n d Its ad aptab ility (o woolen.'! or crepes or sheers, buyers a n t lrlna te It.s bctllg a, best seller. '

TrendK In Coats One of the stronae.'?i Influences ’ 1039 for roa ts . wUt be th e nnrrow-

HOfl coal. S tra lK ht contji a rc slim m er; sports coats are .softer, and lhe_ liigh-ffli'iMnn f li tfit l , r m L. ti

- th e 'n a t te m a -n re -r to t-to -b e confiKtrd' w lin the b la U n t c ln tf plaids.• T h e Jackets a rc p la id , th e skirts

i M n solids, o r tu f te d or herring- tu n e , and such f ra il shades as t u r quolse. c h artrcu se . rose and pa rc h ­m e n t, a ll b lended ha rm oniously to ­ge ther; th e vlolene a n d blege color ran g e , or. th e o rch a rd - ln -M sy com­b in a tio n of p ink a n d green.

H igh crow ned ha ta in palllason o r haU lbuntt o r b aku wlU be f irs t choice In th e -m att« r of "topper" ac com panlm ent; a n d th e a ltem ativ will be f la t sa ilo rs w ith a suggestion of cron-n, a n d b rim as s tra ig h t as a board.

N o t a lt s ty les o f 1938 will be. fo r­gotten, fo r they will n o t be gone a t a ll, custom er In sistence dem anding m any encores in 1939.

Scheduled to b e a bla: num ber in day tim e w ear ag a in th is spring , willbe the m onastic silhouette , though It will be m odified w ith less fullness nnd c a u g h t 'in to pince even before th e belt is applied, " rh h was also know n as th e m onk's rl)be. th e pinch bottle and th e angel robe, and was rn rrte d on active ly In d in n e r and evening types,' n f te r Its o rieinnllty m ade merchandLslng h istory. These a re p rom inen t om ong the " firs t spring .showings" In local shop.';.

T lie flu ffy anBora d lnher-sw enters proved them selves so fashlonwise th a t they will be Included in the se lec t so rority o f ' evening w raps again t h b sp ring , though the more soph i.-itlca t^ versions will be of chenillc ag leam w ith pnllletlcs.

I H eel. Toe O utT lie "wide-opon spnees " found In sp ring 's nnd sum m er's shoes Betting m ore so; th e heels as we llie toes a re com ing ou t tliLs son. V arln tlons o f th e lilgh front lines, w ith th e s trn p bnek. fashioned of elastlen led le a th e r ,«o flexible (h a t the shoes can he folded up. have al rea<ly arrived in T w in Falls.

And th e expres«lnn " to lie well- booted," will n o t be a i>hrnse bor­rowed from n pild-V lctorlan nnvel In p a te n t le a lh e r and Slennit-ily^t, th e shnde w h lrh ' y o u will ,see niorp nnd TOOIO finrt, m 'M e.' resvU w leni w ith b illions nnd n ^<JUa^ed toe th a t li rivaled by a stiuiired h rrt , these new boots a re nmmn: llie lown' earlie s t a ir lv a h In ^llrln^; for>iweni

A loeni shoe aiitluirltv , who h'ns yet lo be w rong <ni hiiviiiIiik he',, (old U.H -remeiiibci- the plntfnrtn .‘io le ^ ? -1Ulmt•K im teiit leather a.i the leader for .sprli'R; Hteinn, Vuil, ^el■-

, iHid. and bu r«and\', blm-, mul lilond, an <ild-fav<irlle-ievlved, a.i nex t In nriler

In rom pitnv w ith (In’ lowered lil]i lliir, whleh Is exprrte il in hr a pre VullllIK Sllliotlellr ill (lip roiiiUm Ken s<ni. the tie ied dn--- ^|llpll^llllell byMalntioelier a t ............. . nlIngs. Is nialed an li'n ilr .l tor mi<III 1030.

sm oother over th e shoulders, easier in l i t th ro u g h th e, nnd su b tle r In m ark ing the w aistline, accord ing to one of th e fash ion slgnlficajices recorded by "W om en's W ear D ally.'. T he bloused coot, a n d . th e m o ­nastic coat, w llh " th a t loose look,’

second nnd th ird in fluences of .1938 th a t Wiu c arry over in th e coals of 1939.

Expectejl to be given a b ig han d this sp ring will be Ihc str iped ta f ­fetas, strli)cd sheers and linens and co ttons fo r sp ring luid sum m ex danc^ ing. T h e ch iffons w hich cam e In to the ir own du rin g th e ho lidays, will be seen In th e p lea ted v e rs lo n j th is spring. T h e hoop-.sklrt. am ong th e leaders in .the b o u ffa n t version^ of dance dre.sses (h is w in ter, is w aning. -bn t-th trT llrn tl],~o u r B r ~ th t se aw n 's h its in d inne r is due fo r more smnit w alstlined. fu ll-g a th e red sk irted popularity th is com ing sea-

T lie "lean -h lp" look b ro u g h t o u t by longer Jackets: collarlcss. anug con tra st sleeves, de libera te " ste a ls" from th e w aistcoat, ev flenced in th e th rec-p lcce suits; bolero su its going strong for the " n th " .season; c o n ­tr a s t su lU , betw een Jacket a n d a k lrt o r d ress and Jacket or topcoat, a n d tlie cYopplng up again of tl]p lum * b e rjack e t fash ion ; th e sk a tin g s u it s ilhouette nnd the; m a n n ish ta ilo red su it in fine p in -str ipes—these su m ­m arize th e su it s ilun tlon .

A nd so it goes, "som elh iilg old. som eth ing new,” as fash ion sw ings In to spring.

LIFE 13-14

B O ISE . J a n . « (Specia l) — .T li fourtli a n n u a l convention of 'Uie Id aho W ildlife 'federa tion will be held In Boise on J a n . 13-14, R . G. Cole, p residen t o f tho o rgan iza­tio n , announced today. T lie m eeting Is exp tc tw i to d raw th e la rg e s t a t ­ten dance In th o h isto ry of th e fed ­e ra tio n . a n d I t Is of .vital Im porU nce to a ll persons In terested In Idaho ' w ildlife problem s.

A m o n g . Im p o rtan t su b jec ts- listed1 th e prog ram will be a rep o r t of

th e technical com m ittee w hlcli Ims been s tudying the various aspects o f w ildlife m a nagem en t for th e past year. T h e com m ittee Includes, Dr. A. B. H atch , ch airm a n , T , B. M urray, A. W . K lolz, and Floyd O odden, T h e ir rep o r t will Include recom-

Cases of MeaslesSpread in Jerxlme

JERO M E. Jo n . 5 (S p e c ia l)-M iss ■ H arrie t Russell, Jerom e county public healUi, nurse, announced T uesday U ial there are quite a num ­ber of cases of m easles in th e com ­m unity.

S h e fu rther s ta led th a t a ll paren ts who have elllie r Infants ^ p re - school o r clilldren of school a g t 111 w llh th e disease, should e ith er re ­port such case.s to, the tencher.s of scWolila or. to th e n w .e .

Humor Event Set For Pep Assejpbly

H um orous radio program lor Twin Fa lls h igh school pet^ a jsem bly Fj^t- day before th e Blaokfoot basketball

gam e w as ten ta tiv e ly p lanned as ' mock in it la t lo n a t » QuiU a n d Scroll m eeting yesterd ay . In itia te s i r e Bettyi M cComb. H a lb e r t JU lller, P h il T h o rn b u rg a n d P ra n k Ellsworth.

S e rb u s in it ia t io n wjli be held a t ^ m eeting before a n d a f te r th e game "

U w i l l , V i • conducted by Mftcy E

■nnd VlrglJila Cli^se.In rga rc t Ellsworfli

L T s e c S T E P

T h e O r i g i n a l A u to R a r l s- • • - f f - - jVlftn— .......................

p h o n e 5 1 7 t 5 i a . i d

th e n\RnftB«mtnt o t Idftho'.-s ln\- p o r la n t gam e species, inc lud ing elk. deer, goat, sheep , fu r-b ea rin g a n i­m als. as well a s up land gam e blrds. T here will also be a sym posium on stre lim .surveys « n d re la ted subjects.

ed, will become th e objective of or­ganized sportsm en in. th e reh a b ilita ­tio n of w ildlife resou rcO in tills s ta te .

Cole will review th e federa tion 's ac tiv itie s du ring 1938. and th e plans fo r Id ah o 's p a rtlc ipa llon in N ational W ildlife R estoration - w c k , M arch 19 to 26. wUl be form ulated . .

T h e newly appoin ted five-m an fish a n d gnmb com m ission wilt be In session during convention week, Mid th e U niversity of Id ah o game m a nagem en t confercnce wlJI be held th e two days preceding th e m eeting. Cole sa id .

Mission F ra tern ity -----lakesJRejt-Tohnan

PRO VO . Ja n . S (Special! — Rex Tolm an of M urtaugh w assform ally Inducted S u n d a y in to Brigham Y oung un iversity 's "Y" c h ap te r of D elta P h i . na tio n a l m issionary f ra - (em ity , according to lis ts released today from th e office of the secre­ta ry .

D ella P h i h isto ry was m ade orl th e "Y " com pus w hen in llirec weeks of "goating a n d pledglnR" 20 cx- m lsjilonarlcs werif m ade m em bers .of th e "p reachers ' fra t."

fem in ine almost- to (he p o in t of c o rse K o v er tops, w ith bead ing a n d p ink ribbon. P lea ts in sh o rts , so fte r slacks, d ressm aker b a tlilng suits, piny dresses wlUi sho rt-s leeved bras —all in th e V ic torian th e m e-ra re th ings you 're coming to , come sum*

Lutheran Church Reelects Leaders

CLOVER, J a n . 5 (S pecia l)—O ffi­cers were reelected a l th e cong rega ­tion m eeting of Uic T rin ity L u th e r­a n cliurclw M onday a fte rnoon , T h ree new votlftg m em bers were accep ted .

O fficers a rc ; C h .iin n an . T h e ^ O lh rlng : secreiary ,- g ; C, W ester- kam p; e lder, L, A, ScUeoeder; school, eldef,. F , O ppllger; tru stee , * J . H. Relnke. M embers of th e finnnce board a rc ; .W alle r Jage)*, R udolf ■MS’r le iu . Je n s La.s.sen.

DisgracedLONDON {U.R)-Prtcr H azard, n

S co tsm an, w ho was found giving a w a y po u n d no tes In th e M reet was told b ^ a Scottish m ag istra te a t

carefu l in fu tu re aw'd uphold th e d ign ity o f th e Sco ts ,'^ the .m ag lstra te sa id . I t .should be m entioned th a t H azard w as also charged , w ith 'jK ing d runk . F in e |5 .


r W I N D I t tV

Rebekah, I.O.O.F. Groups E nte rta

RICH FIELD , J a n . 5 ( C p e ^ I l — T lie I. O. O. F . and Rrf-bok-^j tlieir fam ilies enterlA lncd n l (he n n n iu l • New Y ear d in n e r ,lii the W o m ln 's club rooms M onday,

'A bout 160 were p resen t. T he a tl- ernooii was s |ie iit p lay ing gnme.s, cards and Clilnese checkers,

Mrs. F. W, iMwell a n d M rs.Jam e.s Peler^->n hail ehnrgo of the a r- rnngcniend ,

Students Lejivcn ilH I,, .Inn. fi (.Speeint) - Mi.->

M iirjorlo Kiiller, Iliilil, lin* goii*- in Cil-irlev. Uj n tte iid {;(ili)ttirlnHlatii •rem-h.-i.V college. Him l.i |i foim er la^lru^•lo^ a t Hurley.

Ml.^s ICdiiii Nlngler, n u lil , ...............ITiie^diiy lo H<‘n ltle . w here slie Is a Hiideiil III the Unlvcrnlty of Wiinli- Ington.

rliib. The lembeij «Hm 1 t n Ih

SANTA CLAUSM iiy C o m o n n ( t (#9 , H u t—

YOlJU l»H()TO(illAI*HI f o r e v o r — A jid (h t- r ju n y y an m u o lj n p i i r r c l n t c d A t

e - n n y (le/iflon o f t l i o y « n r ,

YOUNG'S STUDIO‘Downitalri Km I Idaho Fewer - Phone aieo


O ur Chinese lle ilis nre speelally p repared foi a ll chronic nnil a ru to sirknew ftf all kinds, 'lliev inn MiHClnlly for Indlgestlun, Itlieuiiiultnni, Kld- iie.vs,' NcrvouM ie». Insoinnln, CoiikIi , Dlt/liu'.ss.H eadache, iJvcr, l.ungn, Stoninrli, Ki-r.eniu, C a­ta rrh , AslhniA, Appendicitis nnd reninie 'I'roublei,

Oqly pure herlxi «ro used, qu ick nnd perm an- cn l r rl ie f given. W hen yimr taw has been given IIP an hopelew bv o ilieis , give im ii u IiiI. WHY m -fllT A TR IXIMI-: TODAY 'I'llK HOONKH 'l ilB lll ir i 'K I t,

A TcHtinionialMay ifi. io;is

•IX) WHOM i i ’ MAY CONOKIIN: i f y.111 have ever kiifforeil hn J have, you will und o rstau d w h«t R

Joy relief wiCi w h n i th e pninn of my iillinent ilUnppearcd,For a t least four yenrn I have suffered from w liut seem ed an in ­

curable a toinuuli dliuirdtr, H undreds iif u i liave tht* trouble y t i only a few n f l i s ki)ow how wo ean rlil oiirnelves of It. L took •very lh lng I could k a rn of hiii I t dkdii't help. N either medtclnM nor ne ighbor­ly ndvlco could cum nie.

Aflvr niniont rv i ry m eal nw stoiiuieh wmild b loat an d b u m . flour- nen.1 usually necDinpanled Ihln niiidltlon nnd I wns ii|Mct a ll tha

Jftin '. N aln ra lly J wnn aiixlous to overciinie (his condlllan,i'lnally 1 lead o t ih e (lim n Ai Whig Heili Co, a n d (lie work t i i t l r

herlw were ac ro n ip llsh ln g -n n d 1 derided lo Hive (hem a ir la l. I dirt —a n d a f te r th e very first week I felt 00% be lter, 1 con tinued U k - Ing (heir lietbs lor a |>erlod of nb<i»l six w eeks--and today those old lialiis Aiut Ihe dlseoinforl linve coiiiplnlely d isappeared. .

t can im p serv ed lv reexiinmeiui th> «t..> t . m » rn. iViiif-tierlM knd th e work lliey do.

C H A N & W IN G H ER B CO.2 S 8 K O l l l l T l l A V H . K A H T T W I N P A L L 8 , I D A H O

, llo u rs i t (0 7 dally ^ • U I I Kundaya

I N S U R A N C E J o h n B . R o b e r t s o n


COATSand s u itsREDUCED TO . . .

M iii've lo tiH valuc.H f u r y o u in c o a t s a n d M iil.t! S t u n n i n g n n w lu liiiticinN II) V 'H ir \v iir(lr(,n)c n l pricPH I h a l w o u ld liuv i; In 't'ii iin |i(is.sil)Ii! «*nrlii‘i'! .So c o tn n in I rx h iy . . . m a k e y o u r r to lc c llu n c u r ly . T h e y w «in’t liisL lull}; a t IhiH p r ic e .

-Close-Outr10 SPORT COATS

$ ^ 7 5V sport m a t iiAw

M l savings. All wiuileii , ml n K‘>od Hlxn range..St nre them to n |ipre- Is reininkable


'lire^ (iroup DIMOSSHS

l<ii tiilloi ed. , dressy I 'y i'-rn lcliing styles,

fnlirlty ,.w irt UirJlr,liHlidnii

-$7.«8$ 1 2 . 8 8

.Save On HA(;S

•enI.'.Uitdr ^avlnK' on i I »AJ(S (yr mill,red 'y wear.

V iilu f .i (n J . i n s

$ 1 . 0 0

IKMI.SECOATS1IAT.S, values to ?4.9,5.

SHOES!On* firoup

V«luM (o 96.05Itrokcn alaaa. All colors. I.... BovaA« A f fon th e se , . ^ 1 * 9 5

J tf ilu c e d Vi .......... i.Ifl.OO

O iiv ( i r n u p V iiliuH to

esi.y HiKl s tr e e t atylea. I roiors • ixiw, medium il idvh hesls,

(Ine ( i f f lu p


$*.9 » V alues to I8.fi0 .



X; T h u rsd ay, Jan u ary 5 ,1 9 3 9 IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Page

R U PER T. J a n . 5 (Special) — Last- rItM for M rs. E lla O . G oodm an » e re held In th e local M eUiodlst Episco­p a l Church a l two o’clock Tuesday afternoon .

T he pafilor. A lbert B . P a r re lt . w a / In chors,e of th e cerem ony and gave ih e p raye r a n d rend th e Scripture, aeorgfl a. Roseberry, a foTTneV pa«- to r here , bu t now pasto r of the

_ C a ] d w e l l_ M c th i> d l s t EpLscopjl c'liurch. dellvercfl tlje fu n e ra l nd- clreM and read th e ohllunr>-

M uslf for t h f orca-slon wa-s furn*' Uhcd bj^sMrs. W. D-. D oyditon who

presided a t th e p lp e -.o rg a p a n d , nlaycc^ a p relude a n d posllude;

vocal solos by M rs. W ayne New­com b accom panied by M rs, Boyd-

Quite a Spectacle. . . Hitler in Glasses

A fter M unich, A dolf H itler p u l oi ll«t G eorce Scw bo h a sn 't lunched ctiea tert.

l la sses . He h as l e r r n l ,klitd*—d.trk, l i t h t h o m -r lm m rd . NKA Ar­a l B erch testaden . biit he h a v r his Ideas- abou t d r r fu eh rer In

A.1 a m ark d H u w ie r rcspcct and honor a ll shops, offlccs a n d business

of R u p e r t w ere closed dur- 'h o u r o f t J i e 'f u n e r a l . P a ll- w ere M. E. WlUls, B. W,

, -InB.' C, R. Iscn b u rs , A. D. Ash, :oy C unn ingham a n d L. P . Rem s- urg.Flower bearers w ere M rs. .R o a

W oolford. M rs. P rcaton O 'N eal, M rs W ilbur Bell. Mls.s M ildred WUllams, Mrs. M ildred W altan , M rs. M, E. W llhs. M iss E tU B. C lem ens, Mrs, F red L lndnuer. Mrs, L, W. Dspaln, Me?. Luke Wllllam.«:. M rs, B lanchc Sears. Mrs. Em W elch, Mrtf. Lila B. Benedict nnd iJlrs. C . H. Sm ith, m em bers of th e local c h ap te r of the O rder, of Eafitem S ta r o f w hich Mrs. G oodm an was a m em ber. She wn.s

hood a n d of th e R ebekoh lodge, and of th e B ap tis t chu rch . In pioneer Oays of R u p e rr th e local B aptist chjirch was organized in th e home of Mrs. G oodm an a n d m e t there u n til th e p rese n t bdlflce wa.i erected.

Born in K ansas Mrs. G oodm nn wa.s born M arch

11. 1865 a t Caola, K an . She received h e r'education I n B u tler academ y a t B utler. Mo. O n Sept. 12. IfiSl she bfKrame th e wife of W . A. Goodman. Tljey cam e to th e M inidoka proJei;l

. 1907 nnd In th a t y e a r e-’il.ibll.shed jlip G oodm an m o rtu a ry In Rupprt. po lh Mr. and M rs. G oodm an had an active p a rt In th e 'd e v elo p m en t of the com m unity a n d were prom- h ien t In church , club nnd civic af- fall's. ■

BUHL. J a n . 5 ( e p e c la ^ - L a s t rites fo r M ary Ellen D ldlott. wife of W il­liam N. D ld lo tt o f 't h e C lear lakes farm , were conductcd T uesday a fte r ­noon a t 2 o'clock from the Evuiis nnd Johu^on funera l home. J . E, H cer. pastor o f th e c liurch of Flier, read the service. Tl)rec duc t num bers were sun(f by Mrs. A. L. K irclicr and Miss AvLs Di'niiis, <vc-. compnnied by M arlgn K.lrrhpr,

Pallbearers' w ere.' Jack TinRcy, Jiilin n , Jones, G arth .B ni.'^h , Lee Sholt-s, M arvin Muse, Jess E tichter. Four women were honorary pall- bertters. Mrs. JK«ls Sticlile r, Mrs. Tlngey. Mrs. R iith Brusli and Mrs. GeorRln Brush. ■

— M f.r~ D lg1g tr~ t r ' p ltm cg r-n f—the- C lear lakes dl.slrlct. was born Auc. 20, 1853, a t Brazil. Ind., nnd died a t h e r hojiie on, th e ran c h Thi;r$- d.iy a t D p. m.

Besldes h e r hui-band she is-i^ur- vlved by tw o-sons by a form er m a r­riage. OtU Sy.iter. C lear lakes, nnd W. O. S.vstrr of Tw in Palls.

In term en t wa.i m ade In the Buhl ccm H ery. under th e direction E vans and Johnson,

.. Mr.'i, Gno. ta n e h t- ln - tpe#t grade schools fo r 18 ye:^rs.Is .survived by h e r tw o .■ionSV Alan and Rodney, of the . Goodm hn tu a ry : h e r daugh t» r, M rs. G eorge

'4 C urU s of BoLse, and s ix g randchil- ’dren , R uth and G oodm nn C iirtb , BoLse, Billy G oodm an. E leanor. J im ­m ie and D onald Alnn G oQ am arf b r R upert, and a sl.'^ter. Mrs, J a m ^ Pringle, of Los Angeles,

In term en t w as In th e R upert cem- etcr>- beside h e r husband , W. A.

■ Goodmafi.

I f ' I CLO VER ■ I


county record cham piou for 1938 in H-H w ork. Earl E. Stansell’ In chaiilc o f 4-H work In th ls-dU lrlct. ho.^ aii- nounccd.

M iss K ucera has been in th e 4-H w ork fo r U uee years and ,1ms r r- cclved th ree gold m edals in ranninR , food p reservation and In her rocoi;! on th e various proJccUs.

I n com piling th e ouLstandlng rec­ord i l l s s K u ce ra ciinncd 122 iniu.s^ of f ru i t and vegetables, compli'led , 550 bak ing pro jec ts of which U w ore ' public dem onstrations, and p a rti r i- pa ted In six judging conte.'.t.'s. TJis, prizes In th e JudRlng meet.s ntfUccl h e r $ie.GS. In exhlbltlon.s a t fa irs ^ho won seven blue ribbons In 19J8, T h ree tim es she h a s been co m iy


Gel Comforiing Relief from

R U N N V H E M C O L D SDO T H iti Pu t Mine Vicks VtpoRub u;i «»cii no«U-U «Wl talB »«ll bMJt.H t XT. melt a fpoooful of V»poRub in * bowl of bcniiig w»Ver: breathe in.iD# mfdlcated vapors for »ever»i mlnutt.i. This looMni DbleSQi acd furtlter clean tbo alr-pu ta«ei.*T »E D Tlhll.'fub VapoBub on throat.

twice WO.S ranked second.P ro jec ts completed by tiie ciiam -

p lon th is year Included two in hiik- Ing. one In sewing, th ree In poultry, nnd one In potatoe.s. MLs-i Kiicrrn h as been a s tu d e n t a t . Deep Creek

iwve tiio mltenr of th e cold w hile you sleep,T*y IT—th e n TOU’U know why VapoRub la m tu n d b r la 1 ou t of & home*.

■ •j II3 •"i hr

1 Ix.

Mr. a n d M rsr, H erm an E . H llliker lyut Joyce have re tu rn e d a fte r to rm g to B lack loo t T liu rsday to visit lle rn iim H llliker, Jr., a n d lam lly . •

Mr. and Mr.s. W alter a c h m id i and .sun, JJpm er, Ic tt M onday fo r the ir Home a t Sherw oud, Ove., a f te r n visit here over tlie holklayH wilii num erous relntlvci>.

■me H, E. llllflkcr.Si A .'H , Jngcls'i iiiiu a . o , oc .iu ,.,:. Du.jiii-'.ujl'Jv.i', inui Mrs, Dass U iirtlcy n t 1-iwr frld ,iy evening on th e occnslnn of tlu-ir fir wi'ilfling nniilvnr.wry.

Relatives g a th e red a t Uio John Aiiu'ii.i iiu iiu .autuaiy uuiiu itng a u . A hrens oh hU blrU tuay annivereaiy . Luiich b rought by th e lady giieaU) wii.s nerved u l live o'clock.

.'ilico. O ehla recen tly purchased th e proj)crly belonging lo th e H enry W erner cMato In Clover conslatliiif <ii a ;ieven luoin dwelhnK nnd Boverni acres o t land , Mr. a n d Mr.i. Uehlv loan 10 iiiuku Iiuin ^W.ii I’lilL'i tllUi Week.

Mr. and Mrn', Paul lineAeineyer anil 1‘aulino moved over thu w i'ok-end fnini liie llrn ry W erner pliico to a Viinint ilou.^o on Ihe I''red Liiti’, niiicli,

A num ber of Clover young iK'oplc weiu In i tu p e r l tium lay evening. Hiirnl.t o( tlio W althe r Lgaguu society AiH'iiii.giitherlnK a t H int plncr.

Mli'ji K sllirr W erner deiimleil 'I' fur Uan M nteo, Calif., a l te r Apriidlng the hulidnyn wtih lie r jiiiienls, Mr, nnd M ia. A ilh 'ir W niier.

Kluiily Young |>«o|ilr attenileO II.e 'n lthcr Irf-aguo social m eeting W rtl-

'iieiHlay evening, A conm illlefl oI lx>y« nervpil te fr f ,i l im e n u n f ir r an evening of gamen a n d coniCAti,

N orm an Jagels accom panied his f a th rr , A. 11, JageU Ui OoUa T u es­day, and from th e re trnveled on to Moacow to resiimo ntudles, l l i e la t­te r renu»lned In UtUac for tw u rtaya on biisliusu.

' *nirf bofti^l'tlo'n’ of kd'w iird Uoohlko h as n o t been so (avoritlile ilia past week. lio 'W na U ken In M aglr Hut Bpilng* flauiictay. In liiipps »f Uoi bntlis being benedolal,

MIm H en rle ltn Ih tea rh of Hall U k e C'lly wan A over llin New i e a r ho lidays a t th e 'I lieo , U lliring home.

More V arleUri of ra b b it hava been pimluoed by ddm ostlu br«<eiling than In Uie c tH pf any oU icr an inn il e s - eep l tl(B dog.

Sto rase w ater ga in s In a ll th ree m ajor reservoirs serv ing th is sec­tion of Id ah o bring ing th e 't o t a l acre .feet im pounded nbove tlic to ta l of last week and also well above the to ta l of a year ago. w ere noted here th is afternoon on receip t of a weekly Tei»Tt fron^ L ynn Crantitxll, w atcr- ma.Uer. ,

Tlie sto rage a t th e pre.'^ent tim e, because of th g advances m ade, fo re­te lls of an adequate supply of w ater for thU year's Irriga tion actlvltic.'i,

At th e p resen t tim e, th e report .shows. Jack-'ton lake h ImpaundlnR *478.430 acre l i e t of w ater agaln ft 470,640 la st week and 296,960 a year ago, A m erican fa lls te servo lr has 1,484.510 acre feet ag a in s t week's to ta l of 1,425.390 A nd la st year's to ta l of only 050,156 acre feet. Lake W alcot|, th e report shows, contains 00,080 acre feet o f w ater today n(;« 6Q.330 a week ago and 60,-110,nweckBRO, ................_

■llil.s wpck'.s report also includes a .'•erlo.s of snow de p th repnrls tit the end of D ecem ber. T lic Undhigs show lh a l a t Cam p creek (Mud lake

j drainage) the dep th Ls 11 Inrfies w ith th e w ater ro n te n t a t 3.3 Inche.i. Al .Slate I.iiic' (Trail creek and T eton

' l>ii.-iln) Miow dep th iJi 31 Inchrs with, w ater con ten t m easured a t 6.1 In­ches; Valley view ra n rh in o r ih of Ilenryjt Inkei 30 Inches w ith w nter e o iile n f 3,8 Inches; Big Bpthlg.s (U cuw 's iM k i a i hwhe.i w ith w ater eo n len t o f 7,fl Inches; Inlai.ul jitirk dam , 24 ipche.i w ith w ater con ten t of 4 0 Inches, In cjport (.iiows, the w ater ...............equal to o r more th a n th a t nj; lli> same period l i i t year.


Uyliolslcrod Scul.s



O^ds and Ends Offered Very Low In Price

FIVE RACKS OF BARGAINSAssorted Coals aiul Dresses Seeoiul Group—Assorted Cofits and Dresses



STOP Coughing and Stop It NOW. , . , - ••rlelulf melie*•hull i>c>tk u( rtlle«|ii> ihote e iu ^ im eiit|-ug ,Mu.|.. ..,,1 ,,tl.«r r"u |h. r.„.r.1lc .,l.n lo acordln, U. J r .

,«nlll ItKit'Un. e«4 MT MtMuh .

W mil'I^I.HV'H MIXTUmi m? »m

t wiTiBB en nurKI.KY’S...

Dresses ■> Rohes - Sweaters, Etc. y. . SI .98 Dresses - Uloiis(‘.s - tioiise Coals . . $1.00 One rack asHorle.d ^Ups - Aprons - CUil-

dreji’s Dn^ssiis ■ Ladies’ Dr<;ss< s . 50e

All sales I'inal.Tliroiiglioirt this Sale.

Bertha Campbel is Store131 Main Ave. Eait

+nfnnedtate Selling t>f 1500 Fall and Winter Garments



$13«Group 2


* 1 6 ”Group 3


Our Alreody Unmatchable Values Nov/ Become


January Clearance

Clearance Mens Dress ShirtsTake Your Pickijf «ny Kwlcy or CtpmmcrclHl Shlrl. V k lu M Id


Or Ttvo Shirts $2..'i0

This Groupconluinii th e hUIi quiilKy lied ford B hktn— hunrtrerin of them . Ynluea \o Sl.AS.


Or Two Shirts $1.8S

Here Is a Real Chance

lo Mvr. KHflicyfl >r- B tdford i arid olherii In odd loU nnd broken l i tc t ,


Two Shirts for $1.50


Page E ight IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, T W IN FA L^S, IDAHO Thurscloy, J an u a ry 5. m i

TCU, VOLS TURN DOWN ‘DREAM’ BOWL OFFER,T-ennesacc ami Horned Won’t Battle

ATLANTA. .Tan. tUP' -Diri'ctor Pniil Stcvpti' cii <’\ Ibo Atliuila world's f;iir .'otn.ini’i.'iion (‘uiav rnrrivrriic iru iu l:. u f i'c.xiui C hri>-iiar

'nnT w i-.K y ;,n.l r n i ' - . - i t y .-I


At Long Drives inh> JirVTT^ McT.FMOnF r.n h ltt r i ': In tlio w

Now if You Have No Weaknesses Golf or Sure Bets at the Track

V ..|<irl) hc i I- 30 yurds off lii'

v«. hb Strok,mocliatilcal iKrlecUoi

All of th is souii

\h r

rumiuy T!u' Ten rocord ii ■ iil'catint: utiljoatcii Oklalnjina 'l)V a si'ori‘ of wliilciiav.'y O'llrii' tiMiiv to a in CanioKi<‘ Trcli

lI. a .j ivnriIS k c |) t l l i f i


vor tli(“ loiiffJi hill. 15-7.

luD rc.Kiliik; plays

•hoi than .'•Itil I us, ihp brnvf •bll golf for two-U

I tlu it Nii^-

I talked lo Jlm m v Tim

•• l»i. lftu^ iirh :

of nil.-;, 1

th e f iiftd brrii biotiKljl Miv of S o iiilirn i

'bow l \ic to r. lo;.f t gaincs bcforp rntrM n dljijiosc of unljcalcii, U ukr. 7-3. '

SlcveiiMHi pliiniird

Culifornin, ;{(>.-•(• .'o rcculiir .'•w' soti rinii ilip bowl to II, luiscoicd ii|X)ii

10 'liavc iwn worlcl'.s -fnlr"

troiiliy. H r Mild innnbpr.s of tlj r two oppasiiiK icnm.^ would be nivcni l i r e tr ip s to llto woild la lr lii New York hi June , and In iiddlllnn ttir liiiRr trop liy would go to tlic w liitiliis teani,

n i a Ih f Rl!ilctc.s, wliool offliiiil-s ' ntirt coaclics had tJi'clclrd Hint tlic

Krld sra.von iind in.'tcd Ion;; riioiiKli npd th e o ffer was iinaiilmousiy tu rned down.

Ilowcvpr, 11 wa.s n c aboiil Tklilch to “dream ."

Ricks 40. Collete of Idaho 37. M c n U n a S ta te 34. Idaho S outhern

B ru n ch 25. ..\labam a 41. T ujunc .12. - r rin fe lo H 33. D uke Id a n d 52. K cnlur^y 31. W e*lm in»lcr 43. C irneirte Tccli 41. P enn S ta le 36. W m ttrn Reserve

21.I 'ennsy lvanla ,36. :\Jarylan.l 21, G eo rce lonn 27, Ne\y York- U ni-

Tersity 23.L oyoU 33, S a n ta C lara 31.A rm y 50, Bron-n 21,U u h lh f la i i S ta te 38, O rt(o n S late

H IG H 8C II00 I. l iry h u m 44. K imberly 3.1.AecquU 47, ilua rlton 17.

n i r hI la ie lto n 23, Acequla 20,

■ In d rp e n tlrn t : \ |i i r U u |h Savasen 42, Jerom e 32. B uhl M -M en 22. Jerom e M-.Men


nriic- or H orton ,s • ' IIS. bu t wuiild

lai) w ith Hixriy Cou-

.siiol’ l ' th e broflrt m e al '•( our cxktciicc . W hen we tIniiK i.r one 200 ynixl'i down tho falrw av 11 Is bec.Tusc our swnik: m

W icii Kf i,tnk a !oi:i; piiH It l.s b c ra u 'e our tuck l.s liolclliig.

N ext 10 lim in g long drives, m osl

th a t '.prcnd nrou)' and ljud m e. lor Jesse Owen.s town w indow, fn lookini

I ho tip I

le h in I

->( itM.' ho t tip d -s,!!!:,! AiilU

oni-. ilu liiK .a ril ilio miituel ; 'o fe r my pro- !.■/ tinm ed Joe iicd 10 S[>enecr Uir race track

. (II. Lhe .MTOcii.k nnan a boy ih<"\ w andered.

;i:o . liiter _I got,1 ,/oe Sani and p change I hadgel All

,y |)0ckei I Iracrd

back, h e re h u 'iu ; liappcnc<}: W hen I Ipft Tracy, O liver H ardy

cam e up a n d Oikcd T racy who he


llketl In th r T lie only m ontloneci w ent to Joe K. Uiown iii hud Ju^t h a d a tip on Brow n hiirrleti over lo "Kood thluK ' will) H on Plorenco Rnve It t w ho 11 lo Gw ho «nve II lo ninic C Kavo 11 irj P iiu ik l.!oy<l. I t lo F ra n k Condon, w

thli.B I havf

lier ;

ind .s"P a l. we ll Kci a ll even Uiv. i.

T h e re 's a ihini: nnm ed Ji>- Saii w ho c a n ’t '

Joe Sum r t ld n t ini.— -Iieiiv f o i i r . i . Now I know w here oii' h o i t((i born. Xn GeorKW. flat h is nam e wo.% Joe Sam, aiul I n so rry I ever knew him.

Dempsey Extends His Hand of Help to Old Jess Willard

• NiC\V VUIIK, .Ian, 5 (U,R)—Tlu' rlglit liaiul wliich .<’<l Jc.-i.-i Wiliard to tlio canvas 20 year.- a^o ami took liis -wcji-hrs lu'avywoiKl't (■!iani])ion.'<liip. was extended across Ihu cuunlry t(i liim tiiday in a spirit of Krnlitude and helpfulness.

I t wris ihe hiind of Jaek Deii)!}^'''’.weapon' of.

killer, iiuw the. wpll innntcuH 'd a.';* .set of ft probjHTOus buslne.s.sman. I t w eni oiil lo old Je:.. , whom It le ft f!rOK«y In a Tole<ln rlnij tlin l June afiernoQii In 1513, tier.'id.',*’ ft.s o n iie r iMd heard the'^frR K.iii^nn was down on hl.i liicit and needed a " lif t back u p .'

"Devoid of Senllm ciit"111 a le tte r which D eiripvy kiowI-

liiRly .said was "devoid of sen llm cnl," w n ia rtl . the •'while itope", who w e s te d th e ehnmplon.'^hlp from Jack JoIiiisoiiT“ wfl.'v’n iU 'U ect-to -com c- to N ew 'Vork (b*l en ter one of Ihe va­rious Domp.vy enterprl.-^C!. He wn< proinlMid a profitable Job— "profU- .•\ble for botli of ii.'."

Jack's ICtlrr niis .iddn-.ved '(o G lendal'', Cnllf., where Wilhirrt le - poiKxlly' hns had hl^ recen t bu.)Jncss leveiH', I t was prom pted by a liab-fost In I)emp--ey ' rps:au-

•hlch lliD Toledo ligh \ wasdl:cut.-ed.

I si« n rle of i>lil Jc;;s?''

Acequia Quintet Drubs Hazelton

ACEXJUIA, Jiin. .■) (H|>eclasii- T h.' JilRlt-M-orht^ A r e t i u i i i basketbdll te am iiluh t compllpd a 47-17 vic­to ry over th e InvadliiK Unreltoii

, I ra n i In a Kiinie iilaxeil on tlir locn’l floor.

« in th e pie ilm liia iv ihM vbiiliiK Rlrl.s won n 2:i.:ii v lihnv 1u' .M<irln» « lnulc lailv III,.' 111.' A tc-

' (iiila-Blilk.

L elln"W lM tever be

•■.oniebody'B.^ked Donipsey didn

tim er fukl lie had heard bln Jevs w as on liLs uiiiwr.s. And’ yo today a f te r a quiet lju)uiv>'IJem p .w .s letter In th e nintl.

H e .said h^ could ii.' ' W llhird a s a d is trib u to r for a llfiuor which bear t l \a "Dem'p'.'y " label q r kivp h im n poslllrm a t tSne u rT lie o ihe r of hiN('\ YorkMi;iml hilt

an ts hl.^

Iteyhiu-n Stops KimlK'i'lv Club

HKVHUiiN, .Ian H eylnirn 's pow ntu l ed <inr of III.' Ir'M 1 .south e rn tn i l

JA C K i ) h > i r s i :v

;ul a t th .' h a lf 10-

K iiiih 'ilv frosh-Mip

Novice Must Learn to Feel At-Home on Skis—Hauser

My HA.NS IIAt n l ItHllVlllK l.'.iinrd how In put o

I' il'Hl ,Sl.'|) in S p o rt O f T ! i i ’Hl.s

llri;hin.'U ;;,r 1 III llMO.IM t.Ih rv a l l .'«ll<l Ihr ;I '

'1-hey a . . . , oi nf l l i r r i . l ' , wlheein lo i v . ' .i i iid 111v k w a ii l l o IIIA r 111 ^ w lln in liiH . 1.1 .ski m o p . '^klI-l« 11111; t i H a s T h r ,.kl.'i n;h e o iiie p m I .Il th ■ III In i l i i ' i i 1iiiln .ls, 'H ib l.s h rtl llllKl. lir. iiUMIhe skin arc r i i r r r i •tiv Illla i'h rda k ler ac lually h ii; I I I (il H u m

Heghniei;. AllOlll Il ,M i n , i l ; r s .houi.s the 11IMI ,la>' w a lk lm i .......l(> l>eruni.i u ;ir>l h. Ih.'iii T Iu r. 1will a u l . i i i i i i l InilK i . 'l a o T h .'ii 1)i.iwll)lr lor Ih i ' ii l l.> WI.IK » llliJ i jo p e r ^l)rln K III •h rir kiivv:.. Kactlu ii, iiK 1 n h a l l p i i ln t o u t 111Il Ollli (if fill . iniiir fiiipoKiinl p<i)of Akllng

Ah iiovlcvn M in t . ml liir Ih r i r 1walk, they i llUht IIu i k r i r . r ol 11^kl (iplen. .‘I'lieM- )>.< phirec 111 th e Kiiow \erllt'i>lly, lUe iioiiitr lieliig Rlioiil rveii with Ih r i.k ln toen.

As Iho oklcr Miiu sIa iiie le ii lo'ii " foi^'«i'i1,'>ib Dr Ahe >.lioiilil ']timh witli

th e I r f t ik i |>olr. Al Ihn Minie iiiik l l i e ,r ig h t Aki'tiole iihnuld lin lliiiinl i th e id lo R pM llloii twu I rr t In Inn il o f th e lo ft foo l,.

T7>n — COM MUfi Vi Oi* r r r m e •>! Dm flrjit. T lia r lg lil foot In h iin igh i U|Kevei> WlUi Um le ft And llioii tin m l n itead , lh a ^ I t r |>udilng cm th« r lillit ik l pota a t ' th e M ine (liitr n ixl

' ( lir iu tliig a h ea d th e left *kl jiole.I’ola* aiwuM be kep t cIoac ui t

' «kU.When fn il «iiow ifermlt.

~ lliD ftkirr atxnild U ka adt'antngn of lUa 6t her glide belw cen aictu. Afirr 4liniallng foiw ard Uie le ft aki and

f - ' b r in iln * jjn the right, Uia akirr rn- I P W >nTrT»rtw Iwfori ptm lilni ilirr^lit »kl forwnrd^ , Mn I i T h t

l U i u llauH rr a l r^mt Valley, •hiiHn Vvmiiie T <n nntKA V r n n t on *kU, T liru»t Uir le ft oKI ro rn a rd . a t (lie M ine limna d ra n e ln r th e r l r h t akl p.<le, I'U r* (he rlRtit |uile In Itir miini, elii«r.(a (h r ik l, MIm T lilrr lii l '. I rll txitr ........... fai ....... . her .k l, t ie |i.,lr«M veil J««a la |o u r foiVard fragraaa.

HERE■ nd

THERESl’ORTS wohi.l)

By L'nlled r r e i sI / in f Island un iversity of New

York was ranked today a t one cif th e s lro n ie s t haakrthajl team s In Ihe ro un tr)' as i t m arked up its n in th itra ltih t victory. T he Btaek- b ird ', who week had beaten Iirerluusly u n b e a t e n Southern C alifornia, n igh t added K en ­tucky. w ith a 5'l-34 tr ium ph . I t w as K en lu tky 's flr^t de fea t In n ine s la rls . . .T he New York Oiaiit.s announced

tlitit P i tch e r Carl Hubbelt, P itehe r Bill U ilim ian , and • In lic lder Lou Chloiza had .signed co iur.icts, . , Brooklyn Dodgcr.s com pleted traii.s- ac tlons In the of- O lit- Ilelder Prcd S tng ton of C hallanooga o t ' lh c S outhern nssociaUon'.

, Tennl.i officials a re In a neat e o n lro v rn y ' over efforts of Ihe U avU cup comf/ilttee o( m aitacc- m rn t Ici tran s fe r Ihe I<1.3D ,ehat- J.Ti(?e round from PhJIadelphia'f G erm a n to w n . Cricket club to M erion Cricket elub. . .

Hoth nn lversliv of Tnuic.'-.see and T r\a .s Chrl.stiaii offlclal.s rejected Ijropasais of a New York promoKrT to Magp a tnotball g.V"e between the tenm.s lo t the 'n a tio n a l cham plon- .sl'.lp.'; , .

T he Del.iwarc park tr a c t a t S tan to n , Del,, annotincr.s a 30-daV liorse rac ln s .Mnrl M em or­ial ilay. . . Col. Ma.w.'pil H ow ard, ow ner of Stngclnind, snltl his m oney- winning I'hftinplon of iftaa m lgh l pa-s up the JIOO.OOO S a n ta Anita, lian tftm p which he won IrtI year, for the S5U.OOO W ldener ch.ijlenae cup lace a t H lalpah park in MnTiitl, Ha.' .SiHBehand wa.s n.'.'tlKUPil 123 pound.s lor, the Florida race, live le.'xs tlm n Klvrn him lo r S a n ta Anita.

DIzi Dean suhm llled lil> S1K5.000 plIelihiK arm to an X -ray exam ­ina tion In Chicago Iasi n lih l , and predicted lie would win 'JO lam es ftrr th e Cubs nex t seasmi. . ,•rtiQ Californium hon e niniiK boaid

cracked down on L'l Jockey.'t by dciiy- ik 17 o f llirni

Brookfield, Dell’s Win 3 Straight Roily Jones, who h a d a 613 to ta l for th ree games, p e ll 's bowlers of th e Com m rrelnl league la s t nlfeht took th ree .'.tralRht conle.sta from Ihc N ational Laundry. Jones had gkme« of 218-160-235-G13.

Foe th e lo.'^ers. Dill Ford w(is top.i w ith 555 totni.s.

In th e C liy loop, Brookfield took th ree s tra lg h l from the Ray 's T ex - (fco club , w ith the a id of a 37 pin han d lca ji on th e tilt, F ra n tz wa.s h igh m nn for the evening fo r the ga.s .station crew w ith a 478. w hile S t ra in topped the w hiners w ith a th rc r-g am e tota l of 480.

L ln e u rs :CO ;\IM E R C U L T.KACUE


Vardou W inner

CITY l.KAaCKimtniKKit'i.

O nce again Ihe U ek nf .1 public gym naalum is brought In our a t ­te n tio n w ith the abandnnnien t of R local Independent basketball te am d u e to Inablllly of n e tlln i a place lo play.T lie iie -d of a piihhr cvni here

h a s been po ln trd ou t nv.ii\ tlme.s before. I t Ls no rpilpcllon on the hlgh '.school gymnnsluin. T lir Mhot>l f loor Ls bnsy n igh t sm l ilav ^ r nine month.s of ilie lu tndlin^.school a th le t ic and o the r ncllviile.s for th e th o u sa n d s of T w in .Falls ynunB.sler.«.

-----T h e supe rln tem ienl-B ix l m-IiooIboard have been as len ien t as U possible in le tting 6ulside bodies u»e th e ir floor. B u t unless names were rl-iyed a rnund the tnlrtnlsht h o a r, no more haskelhalt lhan Is beinc played » l Ihe n rrsen i time c an be slagcd the re th is je a r .

B ill local youth Is finding n place to p a rtic ip a te In . winter Indoor

mrt.s Iw rea.slnc ly difficult .^nd In land w hrre Ic? and snow are not

,-nllnhle a t b th a t l.s'a

Savages Defeat Jei’bme Qiiint

M URTAUGH, J a n , 5 ( S p e c la l l - 'H io s la te a m ate u r cham p ion M ur- taugh Sfli-agcs, who have been fln d -

; liiR th e going rathe ;' lough In Uic jS nako Valley O utlaw leaRue, today

had -won th e ir gam e In the loop 111 five .slart.s.

T lie victim wa.s the Je rom e Ja y - cco orKanUntloti, w hu'h suffered a 42-32 .setback.

Tlic Savai;e.s tra i a» usual, a l the h a lf tim e. 23-17. A .strong ha lf a ttack , led hy Bill PoT\'ers and C hief Dos Eagle cllnrhetl the gam.*, Powers collected lo po iiits and Dog Engle 15,

T h e M urU ugh chib will .step o u t­side th e leaKue on S a tu rd ay w hen 11 tr.t\-els to Caldwell to take on . the College of Iclaho quint.

L ineups; _____ -Jerom e—Bell. f:. B aker, f. 4;

N’orby, e. 3: WHIl'am.s. e . 6; Shaw - ver, t . t : T hom alson. g, B; L attl- m u ’, c. 4.

S a v a re s-P o w ers , f, 15: Dog Ka- file. r. m Kddlneton. c; G reen, g; S larlin , g., 8. ^

Expert Easily Leads Field

LOS A N G E lE S, Jan . 5 (U Pi-O nly th ree qu ick 'y rais-rpm oveif from ob- ic u rlty of hl.s na tive V irginia hlll.s, swinging Sam m y Snead won today th e Ifa rry V ardon meroorlnl trophv and offtelsl rerocn ltlon ns Alnprlca'^ toremoM'ift-ofe.'^slonHl golf-

Sncail, nam''^l bv e.Kpprl.f as pos- .slbly tlip c reate st m an w ith a driver and a pu tte r since the sport wa.s in ­vented. won th .' covcled tit le In ^ w alkaway wllh 520 point;!, o r 141 morn ■ th a n 'the runncr-iip , Paul Rnnynn. Adttttlenaliy he took p rlrc m oney of |19.534.49, o r more th a n tw lc? the .sum nf liLs' n earest com ­pe tito r In th a t field, John Revolta.

Tiie VaKlon Tntliig.s were released bv rtec l Corcoran, toum am qnt n ian - auer of the P. O, A., who .said Snead 's carntng.s conslltu ted an Bll-tlme rec ­ord in th is cqnn rry :»Tlie ra tings a re btused on the positions in w hich th e uniters finish In al] fix tures spon- j.orert by the P. O. A. H arry Coo|>er of Clilcopee,, won th e trophy ft year a«o when Hnead wa.s third.

O ther.s In th e 10 and the ir wlnnlug.s were: H unyan. Jlpnnv n in e s , R alph G uldahl. U«nry Pfearcl, Cooper, Revolta, Byron Nelson and H orton Sm ith .

McMahan will be Representative of Jerome Gun Club

JKROME. Ja n . 5 (Specia l)—I?an M cM ahan has been nam ed rep - re.senlatlve of th e Jerom e Rod a n d G un club to the Idaho W ildlife Federatlon'.s annual m feth ig J | i i , 13 and 14, It w,^s announced following a m eeting of the o rganiza­tion.

A lternate for the m eet Is W illiam N. Havdwlck, i>resideni of th e club. At th e sam e m eeting of th e Rod anrt G uo club, Felix . Pla.stlno,, p resen t game fa rm head a l Jerom e was e n ­dorsed for reapixjlntm ont ,by m em ­bers of the group,

'f ile nex t rep ilar_m eeU ns_of th a RCKI and G uii club will be he ld on J a n .-9 a t which tim e m em bers will m ake plan.s fo r th e ir an n u al b a n ­quet a n d will appo in t t conuniltea for niembersliln. '

A m otion pJcIflre o f fh ree r t t i i will also be .•hown a t Ihe m eeting.

Western Auto Supply Co.s

S un la A nita and w llhhnldliw ap-'l illcatlons on four > ' Thii.M- bar-r.'.l included Nnrl i.'^pt■I I Kicliiird-,‘.<in, who rldc-s Hi. l.lH.iiotl, . ,

lit: Cl .v.l>V',s hor.'.r

iirnvvH-flglit IIuM ut ( liainplcinJov l.uu li «i»nt:i I n ,1 tiliHiUed

..kl.i.'k farm . I.<>itis Ino hor>rsiiixt —Ihorouglilirrits tli nl i«on Tib*11.1111 a t shon '. In Ortr.i It niKl Chi*ti<Ci>, >and pUn> th is vrnr.

III up m.irB

C.iarh H ohalil .lon is h.i.s I.'l'om 'thu l IJ-.VJ/• N<iii • H h o ih r rn

till- pas;, lh a l na\ I t l in n Ciill-' lo in ia a vlctoiv <n r r 1)iik.< In till

ItOM- howl, hr Klvr r l i r r dff«l.ll.hir. I>ii'k III iiilnillr s pliM

(irn e Mnk.> ni 111 111>11111 ( ir a n trH»llr n n n liirlr slnsl ra m alehesIII Hdvnnrr llir .Mil .ariln lh ia h ll>Ihr DUIe trn n is laUiiirr u . . .

V Ml I'limpa.

A lllr .l VtilhlMli Ii.i|;..-,s haviwon five M ri.n ir. Iliint.i A nita

111 1.iin ilayn ii

Local Ski (I'roup liirc8 Instructor

I hil>..Ull'lll of till

will bo I

K rlitn iiii. liv

ilulny 111 t l.'lilUl1rgK' iiiKt now of

I.VI will StK'lh in r r t a t

h r MiMtrr K-i> I ..... I Ml Kotc^hlim)lilv ' Ihn-se wllh |i<ilil up dur.^ im •IUIl.1.1 fur Ih r iKi- I ln,v.

til liiiiiki'iiri i.pokr to chill m rm ir is »t icKuliir llirrtln ii la s t nigh It thp llo tir iron lii’t'-l In Tw in Fnllf t wi.>< nt tiint tim e Mint niem lter ..ill'll Id iirrc'iit lil.'i ^rl vlrc;.,. .

l.iM K of piKi'lli'i' rioiM'.l local .’hil ll. iiilirin 1.1 d rrl llir iiii Ijivltiitliin. U ciiiiii('ii. Wllh niriiiliriB of tlio Pm-a rllo I mil In a iiiret r c i for H.'nii iiiiuiiliiiri. nrni Pirifttrllo, iieM HUU'

l l i i i l o y W i n n Over O a r c y I c o ( l l u l ) ,

i ;AHI',Y. ,lnii. n i«l>cr|«K 'I 'h r h viHhiiii lln llrv luxkev leiim M .un l 11-4 Nlrloiy OM'I IliP hoiiin rh ili In Ki<in><'|ihi)r.l iin lln< I.n i.I Unk, In |i I'lilllcr Kiimn tint local rliili liml lu Ih r lliillpy oestPt liv il f|-A i iiuill.

If llin w rn llirr p ftin ll.', Ih r Cai'fV l.'iini will play riun Vulliy lai Miiil- Ua>’.


ThurBday, January 6,1989 IPA H O EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO P a g e ^ » i

Investigate the “Farmers’ Columns” Today for the Values Listed The^W A N T A D R A T E S

Pot PubH cttlon In Both T IM E S in d NEWS

RATES P E R LINE PER OAT:. S t i d « r i . /p e r lloe per ........I te

T b rc t per Uo« per d a j.._ lg c O n i 'd a y . p e r line.......— .............Me

33 1 /3 D iscount For Cash

0«Ah dl£COunt .allowed It adver- U u tn e n t t i paid for w ithin leven d a ; t o t ( Irs l InKrtlun.No claaiU led ad taken (or in s

-th& a (Oc. Including discount U n a of c Jo u m ed adverUMng com- puU d on b u i s o t tlva medium* leng tb v o rd s per line,


IN BDHL ■. Leave Ads a t V am iy 's Candy Store



DO YOU H ave a grating or slipping o t th e bones In the neck? Falnlesa a d ju s tm e n t will relieve you. Dr. A lm a H aw lln, D. 0 .. Ph. 1642.


T w in P a lls -P h o n e 252.


U A 6SA O B .114 UaUi No. Ph. ne-R.


60c. $1. W e a rrange a ll details. Sibyl F ra z ie r P a r ty House, 1926. ’


NEW day a n d n igh t school classes, J a n . 0. T . P. Bus. Unlverslly,


CAT—d a rk gray, black stripes, long h a ir . R ew ard . Phone i«J1 or 3\2»

LO ST—300 Kalsnmme bruslici. you have one o t o u n and are th rough , please return . Moon'a.

LADY’S green c loth coat, black tu r t r im . 'lo s t In Rocking Chair ba ll­room New Y ear’s eve. Eew ard.

■ Phono K im berly 7 or 106.



If yo li a r e lookintJ fo r ou t- sland in j: b u y s n l low price.';, con su lt th e followinvr n .inm ns IM M E D IA T E L Y -


•H A Y . G R A IN . F E E D . FA R M IM PL E M E N T S


FA R M A N D G A R D E N . P R O D U r ii

Sell YO U R OW N farm a creages, implcmentf<. pradui-c and liv esto ck w ith a C L A S S IF IE D A D . I t w ill reacii 15,000 fam ilie s— your f in e s t and su r e s t w ay o f reacl^iiiK p rospectivo b u y crsj

T he


w ill be liapiiv to help you w ith your a<iC all 38 o r 32

- L IV E S T O C K F O R S A L E

TEAM . wl. abo u t 28C0, well broke. M agnus L a w n , 6 *3 m l. S . H ansen, Hold Everything!

L E G A L A D V E R ’r iS E M E N T S

TEAM h o rses 'w lU i lian iw s. Also h a i 'd e rr ic k . P h jO 30 i.J4 ,

COW, Ju s t tresl)^. a iv ln tr 8 jfti. 32-J3. M urtaugh .


'p la c e Y oiir Ordor N ow !w ith discount to r o rders

p la ted In Ja n u a ry . 8 b rc« ls lo sc- Icci from . T ake del. any-Umt'.

C anada lia tc tiery Jerom e, Id aho . Plioue 128-W.

B A B Y CHICKS Vftw ar Prbdu<» Co, PUoye U W .

JOn discount on orrfers rec. In Jan . w ith cash In full. ^ «hlcks, auy breed. 9S7. 100 bcxed leghorn jiul- le i/. *18, T ake del. any tim e. We take g ra in o r used fu n iltu re lii e?(>

. change. 1st h a tc h Feb. 2 0 .H a y es H i-G radc H a tc h w y


3-LB. tryer.n, f a t hens. H ayes H tchry

RH O D E IslBPd Red cw kerc ls toi b rre d lng .-P hone 0387-R2.

FO R SALE—100 lay ing hc as . N ru H am pshire R eds. E. D .-F ro s t, i ml. No.. 2 w est of Jerom e.

F U R N IS H E D _ A P A R T M E N T S

a RM . a lr-cond . 605- 2nd N, Adulfs,

FU R N . ht-, claso In. 2 12 4 ih Ave. E.

JU S T A M tR E inJL Ph. ISB OaslS 971.

ROOM tu rn , Bungalow Apt, 2nd B.

3 Lg, tu rn . rm s.. str ic tly mod. Prlv, ba ih . prlv . en trance . 305 4ih Av, N

4-R M . apt--, mod, except ""ba tlj‘ g a r.-1161 e th-A vc7E .

$2&—3 HM S.. ba th . Comp, tu rn , Inq . S incla ir s ta tion , 402 Sho W,

1 -RM-, Jcltchcn, b a th . Call 850 before. 6 p. m . ,


R M .'& Bd, Close in 315 2nd NOir


I ’ve Movedto Ih'e P e rrln e hotel. My new beauty shop Is now open. ^ r s . Neeley.

-------- P B M i( A N E N T ^ ! lo r B ; 1 to t « ,Lola M a rt in , a ssistan t, Mrs. Beam - er. over In d . M eat M arket. ,

CR AW FO R D Beauty Salon. OH pe rm a n en ts lU O up. 112 M ain & Ph. 1874.

SP E C IA L .— M.OO and |VOO oil pe rm anen la 2 to r the price o t 1 , • 2 60 p e rm a n en u $1.50. Idaho

• Barbe> a n d Beauty Shop, Ph, 424,

Bl5Ain-V ARTS ACADEMY .011 P e rm a n e n u os ,low aa tl.OO.

Ju i lo r S tu d en t work treu. Ph. 30S. 13ft M ain West.

M A RCILLS’S, 73& Main B. The shop ot u n u su a l perm anents and, la s t­ing linger WMvea Oil sham poo and tlnger wave 60c. Evenings by a p ­po in tm ent. Phone sea.

W O R K W A N T E D BY , ■ W O M EN

tX l ' . WOMAN w anta cooking lo r slirr j) r rrw . Ph. 201-J, Jerome,

vvo’r k w a n t e d u y m e i^

W ANTED: Ou.Hom hay chopping, W, T , Hheldon, V ml. N. IJosplui,

ROOM a n d board . 301 2nd Ave, W.

.. P rlv . hom e. Phone 1712,

C H EERFUL fro n t bedrm . Excel, m eats , h o t w ater, tu m a ce h t. 212 W alnu t. P h . 1375 w ;



2 BEDROOMS. 344 3rd Ave. K.

TORVr’md.’rm'rior'’ 27~312TuiTLARGE bedroom, Baraue, 253 7 th K.

S T p K m h td , Tjn. 411 3rd Ave,

NIC E rm , ciosc In. 13 wk. 501 Mnlii E

P R O P E R T Y — S A L E O R .T R A D E


L e t U a R en t Yov\r HourcJ . E. RO B E R T S, R ealto r, 563,



FARM m ach in e ry to r .sale a l ' all tim es a t H arry Mu-igrave's.

T R A C T O R rep a irin g , valve, r^ng, sleeve, m agneto a n d bearing wnrJc, □co. W oods, 762 M ain Av«. No., Tw in Falls . P h . 1303. ‘

H A Y , G R A IN , F E E D


M oreland M illing Service P h . 218. rU e r. P . O . Box 274, PUer.

___ _ to Uie hlghCsT bidder to r cash,law ful money o t th e U nited S ta te s , sub jec t to r tdem pU on a s p rovided by law, and th a t plalntltX reserves th e r ig h t to bid a t such sale.

D ated a l Twin Falls. Idaho , on th is 2 1s t day of Decem ber, m a .

E P PR A TER .^ Sheriff o f Tu’ln Pnlls C ounty,

Jdaho.Pub, T lm e s-D e c. 2 l 20, 1038.

and Ja n . 3, i r n O J P .------


H IO K S e r prlo*e p»ld fo r you r fa t chickens a o d turkeya. lad ep en d e n t M eat C om nany.


HAY. potatoes, c a rro U . P h . 0197-J4,

APPLES—W lnesap a n d A rk. Black, by bu, o r tru ck load . A. R. Albco. Brow n O rchard , E den . P h . 15F23.

CID ER; Jo n a th a n , Rom e apples, 25c nil. C anned Jo n a th a n s . 7Sc i>or dow n cans, H . T . B lake. O2B0-R5.


L etter size. Phone . 410.

CORDW OOD saw rig , P h 0182-R2 M, Biggs, B urley, R . 3 ..

S to v es and F u rn itu re SP O T cash pa id a t M oon’s. Ph , 5.


S k a tes Shan>cnedSchade. Key Shop , 126 2 n d S t.

L E T ’S S W A P

M IS C E L L A N E O U S I F O R S A L E i

NEW baby tricycle $1.50. P h , 1113-W.

WAhfTED - Plum bing a n d 're p air w ork. Phone 485, K rengel's Hdw.

C losing Out 1938 .stock wall paper. M oon’s.

I ,0 0 0 -E 0 0 W ishbone ^ o t w ater In- cubat< ir.''« ]u l|)m cnt for elcc lric1= ty a n d kerosene. B argain , W . A. W hlt«, 6 m l. N,. 2 Eh Je rom e.

W e’ll F a y Y ou F u ll P r ic c F O R M uresco K alsom lne whl<^h you

have left. B rush loaned . M oon’s.

■‘A m erican” Oil H e a le r KUh outride u n k . $40. coal $90. Ex­

cel. cond. H ea ts 5 rnis. P h . 1<12.


rEAM 3 nnri a ^ O cn tU -an d -b ro k o . W l, 3100. p c l l ’g .Clgnr Store. _


N q C hg. for S e tt in g G lass A uto door glass, w indshields, w indow

glass. B rln^ your saish In. Moon's.

USED parlo r tu m a cc . Ph, 95.

USED b ^ ^ g T h e a p . ' i l S Plerce.

O O O D -enam el-coal ja ngc .-»3a . Cost $70. 738 2nd A r t W est,

Business and Professional



2 a-R M , huuM‘:i, 1 furn. 2 10 loiin.


KXP, lU k p r. Family of 3, lllvo Ref Mrs, II. A, syverson, Murtnugli

“ M ^ i . i r n E Y . F w 'A i ^ i ) “

K.XPKRIUNCI£1) m arried sateArniiii w llli c a r , iirn t npprnrance la iin- nlst " W e a r K v e r ” d istributor, O u arn n te e nnd commlMlon during tra in in g period. Give ret. Box 24, N ew i-T lm ea.


ISO W B IJ t. O ro tr miuhr(Ktiii». C/el-l i r , ahed. W« buy lOo lb. Freet>ook. W riM H ushrootnt, aoi« Becund. H eattle, Wn,

IH IS IN B S S O i^H tT U N n iE H■ \V BLL16o,. good“ naylng 'rivln FalTi

a p t, h o u w . Boa 23, Tliiwr..Nows,

'• , W e W fttit^ -M an h a n d le dU trlbutlng biMliiKM in

T w in P ap u n flR a n iln ia «bout 110 0 m onth to d a r t , Pnaslbla to Increaaa Incom* »evernl tim es, MM Investm ent re- (inlrrd , w hich U »«cured and m ; liirnabla. No aelUng. T lie m an ie> levied bi> r l good charac ter, iM rm aiirn t and of a v era ie ability. W rite Box 17. Newa-TUjjei, giving few dftlalls of yourself, adilreos, phone num ber.


O F P IO I (oom f. Phon* IN .

( iA R A f lB rO n RENTHALF nr doiihlA garaga a t 320 aili

Avo, No. P h . O IM 'JI « v u )ln « « ,,

NEW fi-nn, home. (;oni|ilcli'ly mod. (JnriiKr, Furniicc. EU-c. liut wiUec h rn tc r. If in lr re s lfd m il 1M3-W.

NEW. Ill] c l r c , s-rm , ino<l. hoiiAJ’, w ltli o r w ltho iil a rrfugc . Furnace. dUI, K<tr, 3311 N. Elm, P h . liJ.^J.

' f u r n i s i i k d h o u s e s ” ’

iirl E, Walfcer, A tloriiey-nl-l-nw , Suite 7, I. D. a to rc «1(1K, , ..

Itliildinff Contraeiinn

ItuUdino nialeriolT w in t ’all.% l.unxUcr Cunipauy Coin-

lilrte lini-.'> UimUrr. uuildrr'n hard* w nn , puUils. cum ent, p liu trr .

Coal and WoodMomo Luml>er Co, Phone ai.

.NKIL'S LUMI* COAL»fl7:j 1 - 1 ion, 1‘liiinr 'JOll!.

DINKS Q U A U T y 'C()A1.No liiKpt - LrsB Aflh - No ClliiKi'is

llrt liiin rtiad Ave. Phoiin .1V:>

2 KM. lioiUK-. 221 W. Addison.

2-ltM , furn . h 'o iiA c. 207 m t i Avr. r

2 -IlM . himse. Adults, i 'h , 1127-J .


Wart'liouflH Fin* Hulo240 Itallrpud Ave. ]>|,, 4 3 ;).j

'R E A irE a T A T F ^ U )A N S

PSW OIAL P A H M 't^ /rN fV -i% " tn ^ iSTfcsn lx)w eit ra le In h isu.ry UU lo S4 yr« H iu 14 Bank iu lY im uidg

IX3ANS a t low ’in te rest ra te s - .. ,FAIlMfl, MODKUN HOMKt) and in l l d . UUSINEUa PltO PK IlT lE H

'P ro m p t a ^ o n , Prad P . U atea Boa IM , Tw in fa lla . Pt^ m g .


WAVTBD lo Jeaae lerviee n a tio n , a iv o full pa rticu la rs a n d Iw a tlon W rit# I H H ailey, w , . , ,

Kiiviil iiihI S p r in g ('anyoiitlTAH M 2 l.E A D IK O COAL>

[ti'M:<i'n ('oa l &. Stirvici!11 Hl|c> l>'>ne H. PlicMK! 1117

A berdeen CoalAlwaysiK thu.Wf'Ht"

M) C iiiil-M ore l l r a t - N o l)uU liiUM'motiiitalii

,Sf.'(l aiu! FticI C(i.Phon* m o r i«a

Dreaamaker^m iniiif. (IrrannBIttnB,- nioiin isn.

lilfcM cn l C ontraclt

Floor S g n iln g 'ncHit naiiding, li. a". lio ider. OMT i

/ftniininccIViivry ralfer U o , Inc. Phone aoi

i 'l tr . Aiiiii, 1 .0 U U glier, I'h . 6OQ,

k e y ShopUUkl^vn Cyulary. P hone U l.

M onumentBje liiw ii tfro t, «fOy M 4 j | i U E ^ ^


Money to Loan. Jones for loans on hom es 123 ^aln EoaI i'liune 427,

Q U J C K ' l o T n s '*$r» titul U P on

Y O U R S IG :if\T U U K ONLYE m ployed peoplo who need c u i'

solve your pto lilrm s liorr.N(J R l'l) TAPI-:

No endorsiTA. No m ortgagrs, I trpey A .vou gel paid.

CASH I'HIODIT CO.Roonis I nnd S I'linneliu rkho ldn r llidit. 77Q

N ew P lum bing F ix tu r e s S O IL pipe, lead pipe, sew er tile , g a l­

van ised pipe, pipe fittings. K REN O EL’S HARDW ARE

N EW sh ip m en t of IwmeA* a n d col- • ' 'Ja r if^ a rr iv in g ^ lh ls week. S p R to l

p rices lo early buyers. H arry Mua- grave.

A U T O S FOR SA L EFO R SALE, or Irnde for l lv e i tb c k -

1037 Chev, D eluxe sedan , good tires. goo^>a^nd. Ph . 1676-R,

C ertified— 5 D a^s D riv in g T rial

1937 Stiidebaker. Crulslilg sedan.1936 SCudcbakcr C ruising Sedan.1937 Packar'^ sp b rt te d an , radio,

heater.M any o lheni.

Twin F a lls M otor . . . '•S tud tb ikev" . ..

T w in F a lls P h o n e . 86


NEW 14-ft. traU er house.- O 'C onner.

STREAM LINED traU er h o u se ,'c Bonlte U ncd w ith ply-board . Adams.


T IR E Sl E xceptionally good tised ones. A t prices th a t sell ihem fast.

• S tu a r t M orrison. Phone 1725;

PLEN TY ol re - trca d e n d re-bu ilt tires. All sites. As low $34)5,

0 . K. T IR E SH O P .129 Addison Ave. W. P h . 1483


CORRUGATED, galvanised sheet m elal. Also U. K, Storm.seal rh u n - ikel d ra in roolUiR. Lowest, prices.

K rengpl’fi H ardw are

R E F R IG E R A T O R S!3—6 ft. floor sam ples

PR IC E D FO R C L E A R A N C ENo rtown paym en t un til Feb ruary 10. C onvenien t le rm s to su it cu.itomer.

C. C. A N D E R S O N ’


LIVIN O room, liedrootn fiirn llu rr, Knciil couil. A. V. II 11)1, K.W iuihlngton school, '■< K<>.

U nrgalns In U»cd K uniitino HASEMENT H1X)HK

CIOLD BEAL lHIClii }l dow n, fllK- w rrk.

SW(‘cr ,i

Cliairrt fjOi’UHl'Ui dluUiK tm . taliU', $1 . l lw d

lmMrl.1 , 12.60, UftPd wm,l runs, $1 M.ioli n, S tore No, 2 . 2 lft Hhu, H,

Palntinii-Occorating1301 O e^erith Ave r.«al Ph, &7a~J.

Plum bina-H eatlng

Planing M illPlan ing ml^l und shop, Cublnot

work nf a ll kinds. Prioes right. I 'w ln P a lls Lumber Co, P i r 042,

Public Stenographerrfliw IhTrls M rlxm ald . Perrlne H otei.

K vrnlngs call 460-J.

itadio RepairingJ*..»,ell Radii) Mhop a t U etwi-ller'i,

Ituillo Itarv. U b . S&O M alivW . Ph, aiV,

P, 0 . U raves and tiu iu . I'hunc 9I&

Traiier»T railers tor rent. 2S1 PHiurth W eek

T ra llt r hu iuei, Q em 'I 'ra lle r C u

tu i le w r l ie rn

k, ta n u ia a i\d «»nlc« Ph<«« M

U p h o lB te r in glU f tn U h in i. H o n e iib u ilt.4 3 O M a ln 0

Ilci|iiilrlng. I'rflnlAhlng. (irMx At llru - • ley »>urii. Cv. 110 auid U. p h , l{io.

.(jiiulary R uk Snlr AornltuiUT ingn, UxlJ, «I9»<

•w M'linileon W lllfiu lis l'i lUKi iKiii U (h rr n ig biirKiilnft. Moon';

SiK-cial T M r W i '. ‘KNKW !> |K-, a ll hnrdw ood liiraki

spl/.. SKI UH, New foldhig Imhy car. rlRKi'A, $. .76, New Ciiiendnrs free Moon's, 301 M ain Ave. W.

‘k \ ' liirakTasi

rri'-Irivonlory Halu H a iry MuHKiavc'ri

Cattli Talkn

Si-c ThcH« T o d a y !2 P(J. m ohair su ite, good n m d . 126.

Ih ilv rrsal enam el runge, excel, r o n d . 134, M aytag rlrc . w oeher. < NBi nliiMilnum tub , A-1 rond ,, $49, (lood W ilton rug , 0x12', $26

H n yci F urnltiirn ICxchniiKO . - . . .ioa.MiUiutk)._______ »...


C utlH u lu I'llUIO L a tes t small m odel, lleauU tiil ma>

finish. Can tut h a d forKeal K ,l« te-ln .u im ,c„------------- -Tt.----------lloltpo I'luno H o u s tf .^ iU c .


'SO MOD, P o n t T udor, Bfo, a l l a roim it cond. p r tv a u ow ner.T o rced toaall^ftO l.M ajii K,

^ Plym .. iiaiaUr. i u ^ lire a [IT iaas'M P o n t. Mod, A. naw tIrM ..........«1U

J. H. W hild \tl 2ai Mo.

NOTICB T O STOCI^HOLDERS. Notice Js,«.hcreby given th a t Uie

r c tu ln r onnual m eeting -- - S iw k h o ld c rs of -the H om e Loan C on tpnny .-for tneT Jurpose o f ’ClMl- lng D irectors for th e ensu ing year, and for t h e , Iran.tactlon of such o th e r business m m ay properly conic betorc said m eeting, w ill'.b e held T uesday. Jnnunry 17, 1930, a t 4 ::i0 o'c lock P. M.. In th e B anking Room of th e ;j'wln F a lb Bank TriLst Com pany, Twin FalU , Idaho ,

HARRY EATON.^ ficcrctnry.

Pub. T im e .s -Ja n . 5 and 12, 1939,

NOTICK OK H llK ltlK F’S ^ A L E ,In th e D istric t C ou rt of ih c E lev e n lh

Jud ic ia l D b tr lc l of the S ta te of Idaho , In und for the C oiinty of Tw in Fulls.

FEDERAL F A R M M O R T aA O E CO RPO RA TIO N , a corporation, PlalntU f,

FRED IIA O O A R D T and IT R N nACIOAiiDT, husbiiiKl a n d wife, DefrndnnLs.Under and by virtue o t a n O rder

ol Sale, ls su e < ^ u l ol tlie al>ovo en lllcd Coucfrr^n the ul>ovn c n tltlrd

acllon, whernln th e pla ln tK f ob ­ta ined a Jiidginent and decree of torerlosure agaliuit tlie nbovo nam ed defendanis . on th e 2b t day of De- eep ibrr, 103U, sa id tlrrren being ic - rordnd In .Iiidgm ent Hook 10 ol siild U ls tt ld Court, on luige 4H5, and wherein iind whereby. I, th e nuclei- signed M lierllt o f Tw in l<alls C oun­ty, I^lalio, am coininiiiKlrd to sell nll th iit te rltiln lot, jilrce n r p a rre l of land nituated In th<i County o l Twin Falls, Ntale o l Idaho , mid iMiundcd a n d dfw rll>td aa lollown, to-w U ;

'i lin H oulhw est Q u arte r of ihn Houttiwe«t Q u arte r 'o l Hoi^lion : 'I’w eiily-one. 'I'ow nship T en H oulh. liiiiiKo Seventeen , Kiist nf tlm

; Boise M eridian, su b je r t lo road ■ easem en t'ove r th e W est 33 feel

U iPieol;T he W est H alt of th e N orthw est

Q m irtrr of the N ortiieast Q u arte r und tlin Nonth B fee t o t th e W est H all ol the U outhw est Q u ar te r o f (he Nortli^ant Q u arte r nf Herjlon '1‘w enty-n lne , T o w n n h l | ) 'T en Month, Range S e v tn tc e n ^ jlw l of th e llolKe M eridian, sTmleet to road easem ent over Ihe W est 26 te c t thereo l; a n d

All w ate r a n d w ater r la lila liflcd. upon or a p p u rte n a n t lo sa lil nrop* erty and linwsver evidenced, In . chiding iliu t n o t lim ited to) n w ater tig h t evhU ncad hy 60 aharrn o t stock In 'i^srln P^slls O anal Com ­pany. represen led by O ertlllra ie No. 10000-A for 20 s h a re i and O erllfk a te No, I 10<I4-A to r 40 •ha res;

' l ^ e t h e r w llh a ll a n d s ingular Ihn teneinriils, heiedltunientA and a p p u rlcnan iea Uiercm ito belong-- Ing ur In anywise a itpcrU hilng .

PUDMO NOTICK IB n B 1t)!:UV (J'V K N ; ’nuU OM the I4lh <l»>> o f Ja n u a ry . IMO. a t th e Jutur n f 10:30 d'olock A, M,, M ounta in 'l liiio . of •• Id day, a t iIm B a it t r o n t door o t tlia Court Hou»e o f tlw O ounly o( T w in ra il* , f ila to o t Ida lio , 1 will, 111 obadlanea t« aald O rder o t Itele.

“ tiie above dM w lbed p roperty (0

N 0 TI6 E-IO .C K K D IT O B 8 ,In .t l ie Probate Couri o rT W ltj-FH lls

County, S ta te of Idaho.I n th e m a tte r ol the E sU te o l WAL­

T E R E, DODGE. Deceased,Notlcc Is hereby Riven by th e u n ­

dersigned, th e a ilm ln lslra tr lx of the e sta te ot W alter E. Dodge. deceas«l, to th e 'creditors of nnd a ll (lersOns Having’ c'lnlni.s ncnln.M th e snid d e ­ceased, to exh ib it them w ith' vouchers, w i t h i n m onth* a lte r the m«.v publication h i th is ngilce, to tlic .said ndm inls- tra trlx . a t tiie offlcc of Ray D. Agco, a tto rney -a t-la« ',' In the T w in FalU Bank A: T ry s t Coippnuy Build ing , a t Tw in Falls. Tw in Falls C ounty . S ta te pf Idaho, tills being th e placc fixed for Uie traiu ffcllon of >the business of said esiale.

D ated th is 28th day of becem ber. 1038.

MARIE F. DODOE,. A dm inistra trix o t the e sta te o t

W iillcr.E. Dodjje. xleceased,.Pub. Times—Dec. 29, 1938. Ja n . 5,

12. 19 a n d 2Q. 1939.


I n th e Probate C ou rt o f T w in F a lls 'C ounty. Idaho .

I n re e state o t E lizabe th n i l s , de- , . c ea sed .- .

l{0tfce is hereby given to a ll h e irs o n d creditors o f th e a b o v e 'n o m ed .Eaizabeth Ellis, deceased.' a n d tO all o the r persons in te rested In h e r e state > U h ln th e S ta te o f Id ah o : T h a t Nm a Ellis Saw yer has filed a pe tition

.III th e above' en titled C o u rt fo r nd- m ln lstratlon a lte r lapse o year# of the e jla tc o f'E llz ab c th Ellis, d e ­ceased; tha lil E lizabeth E llis died on th e 30tli.d»y of Ju n e , 192fl. and a t th e lim e of' h e r death w as a re s i­d e n t of t > l n P a lls County, Idaho , a n d le lt rea l e sta te h i sa id county described as follows, to -w it: L o ts 10. 11 and 12 In Block 3 of S o u th Pa rk Addition’ to th e C lly of T w in Fall.'>: th a t th e Said pe titioner claim s ah In terest in sa id e state, being a daugh ­te r and h e ir a of sa id decedent;

....... t -b y - th e - p r a y e r- o t .h e r pe -tltlo n 'th e .p e U tlo n e r pra'ys fo r a flc'-, c rea o^ ih o C ourt de term in ing th e tim e o f ; th e d e a th o f th e decedent, th e nam es of tlie h e lrs of sa id dece- d c n t and th e fr re.spcctlve degrees of k la sh ip and the^r r ig h t of descen t of t h e above described r e a r e s ta t j be­longing to th e sa id deccdent. .

Notice is fu rth e r given th a t the C ou rt ha.>i fixed W ednesday', ^ c b n i-

1939. a t te n o'c lock in the fo renoon 'o f 'sa ld -day and th e c o u rt­room of sa id C o u rt in th e C ity and C ounty of T w in Falls . Idaho , 11a the tim e and place fo r h e a r in g sa id pe- Utlon, a t w hich tim e a n d place a n / pofEon In terested in sa id e s ta te m ay apptfa'r a n d ’ file exceptions to said pe tition and con test th e aom ft

D ated Ja n u ary 4.1039.(Seal) _O U Y L. K IN N EY . •

PTobrtte Judge. Pub, T lm e.s'Jan. 5 . 12, 19; 1939.


G REA T TA LLS, M ont., J a o . B AJJO - F e d e r l l bu reau o t I n v e tU g K t^ ■gents closed a n o th e r k i d n a p s case today w ith a n «nnouneem M ( S tanley Cohn, 24. h u L 'onfeiied' forcing an Idaho Palls , Ida ., U x l d river to.drlY?! hlm .jptQ ^M o'nU a*.

Agents efosed In on C onn w hen h e cam e here to visit th e hom e of * form er woman friend . T h e r e s ld e n n h a s been w atched since th e ,U<ln»l>> ing occurred Dec, 32.

Conn adm itted , au th o ritie s aftld, he had io rce d W illiam T ophain to drive him to M ontana following ttaa robbery of an Idaho P a lls loan eom - • pony In w hich he sa id h e particlpa'* ted. Although, carry ing a loaded re* > volver. Conn subm ltU d peaceably.

« » I « P ' IN W S lftU S

.SAN FRANCISCO. J a n . B (Ufl — Yenr-end figures today-revealed fa r we.iteni s ta te s alm ost doubled th e ir engineering construction w ork 'I n 1938 OS com pared w ith W37. W aah- Ington se t the pace, a lm oet trebU ng Its 1937 to ta l. -

S tatlstlca released by D ally Con­struction ‘service, show ed ta r w eatem con tracta aw arded fo r 1938 to ta lll^ $411,667,280 ag am st $228,100,477 In 1937. Every s ta te T n th e a re a except A rizona and N evada ')acrea5ed lU construction.

T ota ls included:1938 1037

U ta h ...... ........... $9^49.351 M.46«.4fl9M o n ta n a ...... .... $9,255,496 |8,4ftl4S3Id ah o .......... - .... $7^92^24 •6578 ,093 .

NSENISCUHENDAYE. F re n ch -S p a n lsh P ro n r

tie r . Ja n . 8 (U.PJ—T h e arm ies o f rebel G eh ; PranclM O P ra n co repo rted to - d a y 'th e y .h a d sm ashed bo th enda of

loy a lls t 'C a ta lan -d efe n ae lln e -a n d ^ — ♦ 'urttiandhg "on a ll * c to ra " a f te r '


otCupatlon' ol th etow n pf BfirJaSiSli------- -------. . W sp ltch ea frpm- Uie loyaU»t‘f r6n t e d m R tr t M me gains by th e I n w - gen ts afW r tie rce f igh ting . T hey u l d • tire r?bett lo s t 2,000-men on th e B or- ■ Ja.v B lanca fro n t alond b u t la te r b rought up new I ta l ia n reinforce­m ents. add itional airp lane# a n d a r ­tillery, 'BJl welL^as 60 U n k s. In -o rder to advance th e ir lines “slightly .”

L oyalist d ispa tches sa id t h e ’ In- sui'genfs h a d been repu lsed w ith . ‘heavy lo -w s in th e P obla de Q ra n - della .and Cub^lla sectors.

. GASOLINEU KIAH. Calif.. (U,R>-ProbabIy th « -

w orld 's-on ly .gaM llne well haa:l> eea— . dlscbvered he re . W orkers r a d n t a n old servlee s ta tio n cam e upon a w alled w ater w ell w hich con tained '

' about 100 gallons of gasoline. I t had pre.sumably leaked In from th e pump.i ap d -w n s preserved in th e a ir t ig h t condition o f t h e well.

snld today th a t If th e governor's biidHet d(.e,s no t provl<Ie lo r ii $10,(K)0 fniid to lie list'd only fo r tho jiiir p a ir nf ligh ting flrc.s on .ntinid iind o the r lo r r s l Innils. h e would rijwnsor n K|)rrlnl bill In thn leglslnture l< take rn rr o f tho m a ile r .

InairiUloiw wero lim t Onv. C, A H ottojlsen's liudKet wouhl m il con tiiln such 11 provision.

Frnnklin O iraril, o t UuUe. Mute tclr^^l^r, fliiKKested th e fo rrs t pro- trr tlo ii pliiii to Talboy,

I.iilldn to l)c p ro lc r trd nililiT plan wniild be those n o t p ro tr rtrd w llliln tlir regularly orgnnlmed fur ent luok 'ctlve dlnlrlct.i.

PRICKS SI.ASHKDM v c ip i l i in g d t i r in t r

(I10 111‘f t - jw o wt't'kn.



Hurry M ussravc’H Mdse. M art


J. J. i V l n ^ | B r k o l « r

U tah Chief . Coal Cp.

M l F i m i AVE. 8 O U TB .


u Will Call f o r n n t l I'ay s CiihIi f o r

Dead or W orthleaa llDTM t-Cow s-H htep>ll«|*

• —


njlONE »H — Collect

aatla ty n ia ln tlt t’a d tc ra e v lti i In ta re s t Ihereon. lAgather w llh a ll ooaU Uia( iiava accrued o r m ay *o-

Page 'Tun IDAHO e v e n in g t im e s , TWIN PALLS, IDAHO T huradft/, January 5, 19S9

MARKETS a n d FINANCEB y U iiilc d Pr<ws /

i LIVESTOCK« ---------- --------- ---------------- :----


h,'rfrri « "10 IH.Vo. '.-.'-r, I

>'< <0 tt. Slit.. I . - . .

i t;.4u «: ,

Mictl'l l.TuU I tliiM.i;, f*t,.

lE W SUES ON S m iE |D M



I Alaska J \in rn i: I Alllfxl Clwiiil<- I AlU-s C hulinrr-

-«iitvcotu!a CopixT Alrlil.siiii, T oprkn A- Haii' A ubiini M otors DnltlnioVp .V O hio . n m i l k AvlAtioiil^•Ull.•iK'm S lct‘1 ...........Hordon Co •I I C.«.^ Co

MU . S I. P au l l‘tt

S W i i S 10

AllEND MEEIINEMomlw-iR of tlir StinkP river nrun

rou tirll pxcrullvr Ixmril m id dU trlc l chiilnnnii »IH l><' liri-st-nl' n t (lie 1xj;ir<l iiifellilK Rf'In Tv.'lii Fnlis <m Wr<lnrsdny, Ja n . 11 nt 7 n, m.. It wn.*; nniioimceO lirrc

' lodnv by Oorclisaid th a l n

of vQ un«-il

cociill' iirPllng nfcw cnoimlHCP.s

I liu it h . }!null Norm al ;m rll. p rrs l ■' i l i r Mrsl.

-roiit * CouimfK 'inl t^ol

iilnc 1 Oil of U<'li>'

<Iii I>oiU tl" N.'liu)iy_-.■ , Ka-Miiian K odak , ,

,+;*(‘ctrl(: I ’lwci- .>c l-lcli: '' Cifiirriil Fl.'l-tilV . ,

V t'.c iion il FmxK ,"" O riiw ni M otors

CJMOflvrnr T ireril;ll|(in;il H .ir irv lrr

' 1 TclriJlioiiclltivlllc-

C opper

. T irrhorr rood drm.nil . t firm prir« . CnrLrishl Hcrcc huo1> Mcr« ha%)n( FaITx«nrl at .11c I0 In (he i r r t f r f lilnwl .nd . t Stic in J2r_ fnr >. I ComMns qua

Local M arkets

llliying Prices ■<aUIN5


I:H. clt.v»r 111 1

POTATOESI— -----------------------1

K L'T iiRE P o t a t o t r a d e s(Q uotations tu rn ls lird by Sudler W cse n rr & Co.l

J .iiu .rr .i.llv,r> ; 3 . i r . Jl.Co^ ,N„i>


I ■M otilenm rrv WVtr

■ Nn.sli K rlvlniH or I Niiiloiml' Dairy P

• Nrw Y..rk C‘ n iih i l I Packard Moinr.-.

.ranioiiii? P irt iir C. Pcim cv Co. .

P fiiiia . n . R- .......P u r r O ir Rncilo Cori>.RiKllo K o lth OtpV nt*ynol(i.>i T obn rro S(*(irs, nopljiirl:S h rll U nion o n ..Simmoii.s Co..............Socony Vai'iniiii So u tlicm P iu itic - . Stntidarcl D nuids S lnndard O il of Calif. Sw lfl niKl Co ,Stniulrvrd Oil «t N rw Jtr .' Tcxa.s Cor;). ■rrftnt-A iiitrlc.i . ..U nion Ciir'uiclr- Cailioi U nion Pai-lfli'U n llrtl .A lriT iitt .DlillPii C orp .........................U. S. S trc l. cum .............

-Wuriior- Brfw____________W estern U nion Wi'stlnRlioiusf Kli'ctric .! P. W. W oolw otth Co. A m erican Ito lllnc MilU . ArntnnrA tlan tic ne fm ln i; . . . BoeliiB'Brliips M aniifac turiin ; C Ciirt1.^s W riuhi E lcctrlc AiiK) l.iti' Ilo ’i.'.ton.OH N ndona! Dl.Millors NotUl A n irrl ia n Avl^tini Snfewny 8tnrl<.«Sclienlev Distiller.', .SturirbHker U nited Alilhv'.^W liltr-I


G lN fP

rk... 1 r .r ClilcaKo P n ru n u iilc Toul . . . . I Ohlii Oil- • .Pltlllilis P e tjc le iin i ,. .. •npptit)ll,’ " s t p e l - ’ - - - ■ -2 V anadiumU lah Pow er I.IkIH T (iIiL Idi.lni »>„iver fi’ : jifcl' IDJ-Iil liluho Pow er pfcl. lon-il

N. V. ( I 'l i n

\vn<. o rile frd lo d a v foi )i hean.s- (itffiTd llvl.'

reJt /r>»A> lie re J>y Die f"(i- eral .Surplus foinm e.dltles coriwri*- tlon. O perated on a weekly ba^l.s. tli*' '■iiffer and iic rcp la n rr” IraiLsarimn.'i lire i'iirrleil out eac li Tliursclay Ihroiitih FSCC ofJlres a t tlic toun - ly iiKr iir.s licadqiinriers.. T lie K ovcrnm ent Is nKnin ‘ .sup-

porllna th e m arke t" In lt-'\i)urrlv.'sc.-' th is werk. It was po in ted o«l-‘

T h e projiriim was inniiKu'rat<'d here 111 reqiicM of .south Id ah o bean urow- er.s a., one m ethod of ninvlnE. .'ur- pins beaii.s\ It l.s nlso in opi-rn tlon in Mlrhliran.



__________ tIJy I 'li itf tI PrfM j_________S e c rf ta rv .o f C om m rrcc H arry

H opkins Ucrcndctl hi.s preUcce.s.Mir, U an lrl Ilojw r. on c l ia r c n th a t he save p r l ia l r pu rlle s . a t public e xp rine abourd a K n ern m c n t viicltl. tlopk ln s said I loper had ;i rcc'cird "us clean a:, a hoU nd's tooth and above rcproaeh". . .T h o m a .s .J . Mixjiiey, labor';; m asl

l» ib llcized 'p risoner, w as beli liu e d by a ta ilo r a t S a n q u c iu in for u "Koiiig ou l" su it to rcp lacc hl.s d rab pri.son «arti. M coney will leave till.' p r iso n .a a tii rd i iy fo r, u pimloii hearln i; a t S iicram cnto , w hlrh Is ex­pe rt ■ . . .lm!> cnt .

,A r lia re e Ih u t tlir d rpai liilici- tjas i; ” »trani;e dl.iinrlln; tlcin" ti> deport rad ical aslla to rs-

JiH.i*f-niadr l» Uie m . Itev. Kdmimd U aM i, v iie -p re s ld r iit n f ' t i r . —

M arkelH

CiitotfVi:ol(ir»ti loaalria HIM*01.1 fork.


iS ir t ! .......

Ilii(l^nt>«iiihl |«>wnil<-i> '


nirrtaVllolfrt*Pal eifwa . VMl»riNiuliti UmlM YrMlflii lM<. lhai

r BUTTKIt, l'X;c;S I


...'.L”AV “A-*U H oi firala 141,« l« 9t%o

tf IN I lUnUarJa IM.k, { lU t l«Mlpta (,l«l ra i»


,.h 1,1.., i

.......... s..!Vt. r. n,.v. .i;i.-m;< iim ui .v s iu . m; • i r . l-'i>id M.^ior, l,KH , - :t ,

-(;Vr • 1 SPKCIAI. WIIM':Courlesy of

S ud ler-W rR rn rr A ('iiniiiiiii)- I.Iks IlhlK.—I'hciiie !IIO

il.,«..l .... . t>s , '; : r ' n . ' . ' r i . ' '

i .s v K s r .M r .M H U M SKiiiicl Invi''unii r iu ;.t. A. i :ni i:>ii|> ■i'‘ 'i.'t ^

a t a ( J l a n c eMiiiir. Inr.

M IM N t. M O t KSMiihk.'i Mill aii,l .'uaiHiMi Nil -„,|c- . M hi c iiv C o n " > ti; i:: > I'a il: r \ i s ColiMUi.lHtfd 17 Ut^Mlh.-I Kill-; ( ’null..... . . . id ;,11

■tney, wlmi

d iin iii; i'

ot I

isit lo

Kiwanis ( .lul) Reviews Year

Marketing Pool Clears Way for Busy ’39 Year

(ILstrlbuled free to lleced rhllrireii ol tl Ins 193B. the chii) .st thcvii.v of the Min elothlni;. .‘‘hoes. lio<il .riitliil:, to uiuleip rlnldren.

n i e club '

r .d h KIwan: ll-d .sirom wo

■:ii wB.s tn stn i iiiion o t 40,0000 h r ch ild ren of •(orillnR to th e f ’p tirt read by ■(! .‘;ccrctnr>' of

if tftl't-m llk was ht.’ u n d c r-p rlv - I' sc’iiooLi. D u r- r ied a fund for al In provldhiK . nnd o th e r os- ivilcgcd school

1VC ns In past ice of boys’ a n d ribu ted f ln an

•thcrai:lrl.s' work, and con ■ial aid to the Tw in Falls rec rea tion ■onunlttee, amouK other pro]ect.s.

One of th e m ost .succc&^ul accom> )ll;,iimenth of th e K iw anis club th e pa-st year wb.s (lie j,]K)nsor?hip of th e U tah -Id ah o d is tric t convention at. S un Valiev. In coo))orallon With th e B uhl and Flier ckib.<;.

W ilbur S. Hill, newly d ^ t o d p res­ident. Kave A p rospcrttlST ' of the club for 1930.

H. C. K£liniiu<lr., chairm an of th e fliinncp committee, subm itted a tc n - tiitlve bUdKel for 1930.

n . P . Roiilnson, new proRram chairm an , liitroducccl Ml^5 M a rg a re t Relcher.s. who played a p ian o n u m ­ber.

G len Dooiie \c,<s- Inducted Into m em bership bv Rev. J . S . B utler.

E lm er Jon.'s, iiieiuber-of th e B uh l Kiw anis club, wan a,

E T O 1 IB U -:.SW-FEEDOATACoinp-linC of tliita concerninR

ra tt le nnd iheep fecdlnB opcratlonr.In this area was being m ade he re today, by R ichard C. R c m . BoL-e, statl.stlc'ian for ih r USDA bureau of n srlcu ltu ra l economlc.s. and hi.-; n.’ .'^istant, R. F , 0 \ir fz , oonferied w lili C oanty AKeiU H a r ­vey S. H a ^ N fa te r la l as lo feodlns 0j>er.ntlftn.'?'%^e will be incorporj)- ted In Mr, Rass’ .--tininiary of such arilv iiles, .sclieclided for a fte r th e middio of J.inunrv.

S u rv ry r i.'.siieil by Mr. Ro.s.s from the .USDA offlce.s nt Boise each m onth a farmlni.'Ihroufchoiit Idaho.

S quared away lor. an onerBCtlc , ?ar o t pooled nalc.s of ho8,i and lam bs, th e T w hi Falls County Live- .stock MarlceUng n.s-soclatlon today ••liQcl rce lec tfd GeorBC C. L eth. Buhl, a s p residen t: h a d re-nam ed lour «if l u 12 direc tors; reelected li-s o ther officcrE. and named Ktandlnti m m - m ltite .s for 1933.

A pproxim ately 130 rHiifhcrs .\t- tended tho iinnun l mcctliH! Wcdnr.--

Sy a t the Pllei falrKrounds. and a rd L. M. TerUon, vice-pr<'>i'l'’i>t ''I

th e O gen union Rlock>anls. a.'.srrt t h a t th e c e n tm l. niarkettnB 'v^ trm for .sale Is llve.stock "Is tin-

TXSBiblc BystCm DffaiiM Iho't.': n ever close and because ciusli i-. ii"lr| fo r t h f stock."

T lie ceiitrul tnarkelliiK plan i.« unw widely uaed In the U. S,

Pexton. ftl.'O vlee-pre.sldfiii “ f iiip D enver stockyard.t. wn.s chief .speak- e r a t- th e co-op .‘.es.slon.

Direclors Director.'! reelected for ihire->«nr

term.n are Mr. Leth. Thoiiii..- I’mk'c. F iler; Orville Creed. F lirt and P ra n k W. Brown, Tw in Fall.' riiese, w ith th e holdover board nK-mbors, rcw R anlzcd a fte r ,lh e ele<iloii. n am ­ing M r. Letli to retiilu IH.' past a.s p r ta id en t: Parks. v1(-e-p'''.sldent. and C ounty A eent H arvey s. Hak-, hccrc ta ry -trco su ren C. c;. ■nnimn.'<. F lier, WB.S elected ns the -o ih rr m em ­ber on th e executive board.

T lic 1039 comtnillce.'! of tlieA-'-so- cln tlon ;

Hogs—L eth. Creed, Paik.- nnri C. f . McNccIey, Filer ' - s » '

Lamb.'i and w bol-F: <'-reen. B uh l: Brown, Tfiom as aiui ^lyn im P ick e tt. M urtaugh.

M r. L eth was re-naincd a.s sta le boa rd .repre.wntatlve.

Mr. Ilale'.t report of t1i p rog ram showed th a t toial ceeds to Hie county'.s .stwk uvower.s w ho pa rtlc jpa ted in pools wn.s $234,■ 560JV

O ver 5.000.tNM Pounds N o less th a n 3,138.^99 pnund.s’ of

stock constitu ted th e yei.r'.s i!«Krc- g a tc to ta l to Nov. 30. Sheep weight

1.225,564 iwund.s and hOK.'! 1.- 013,435 pound.s. T otal niimb<T of a n i­m a ls w as ' 14,337 .sheep mid 8.989 ho*.i.

T he sheen shipm ents brought S77. 740.21 n e t to growers .itul tlu- hoc »I56.BU,13 net, Mr. llalc.s report po in ted out. . .

T iie average price ji'-r hundred w eight fo r .sheep wa-s SH.lii and for hogs $8.50. Net price a fie r .shipping -an d .shrinkage averaged $7,01 for sheep pei' hundrt'dw elght a n d th e ii'og n e t wa.s J8 -15.

t Jim

Mo,she MemlH .rlllr.i K eill. tnavlr uclress,

• « n i s lio w ittj '‘liiplil lin iiroveniriil frcini nil uppi nillcllls iipcralloii , , . Col. II, ( ip ra rd has liern ns-.lKnrd

‘bv I 'raiice tti pome to llollywood a^ experl advlvrr In lllm liie <if lliehilklilE \p| toneii.'h l-oreU n

‘Suiula.v Daiu-r' Trial May lie Moved Ahead

( ;o rs i ';rlimiM. j:n 'Uiii

Burglars. Smash Depot Interior—

But Get No Loot

The reporf covcred the period from Dee. 1, 10^7, to Nov. 30, IB38.

Poin ting to 1039 prospecUi, Hale -said th a t Increased num bers of hogs probably will lower th e pricc som e­w hat b u t t iia t wool, lam b-and caUlc

larkcts .should be better.Cites C ash Oirferenee

Pexton. in pralsinB the American lethod of cen tra l m arke t .shipping,

po in ted ou t th a t .Aniprlcnu grow- rs got 59.50 per 100 iw unds ■hlle th e ArKPiUUic cred it sy.strm

brlng."i abguL $3.75 per hundred best steers.

_ p l a ln e d th a t concen tra ting Uic livestock u t c en lia l m arkcU lurM th e buyers d lre c tly fo the livestock, A.H exam ple, he said D enver has be­come th e iia tion ’K larijcsi Iamb sale m arke t. O pen bidding . b r i n g "h ea lth y com petition." he ?ald, and m e an s re su l tan t - b e tter re tu ra s to growers. ,

Fu lly 600.000 pounds of Idaho wool w ere hand led h i 1038 by M errlon a n d W ilkins, the rnncherA were toll by Ru.s.sell W ilkins of O gden. Wllk ins pred ic ted Improved* future for th e she^p basine.s,s.

O th e rs who .spoke on the coopera­tive meeting'.s p ropram ineJiftrd R, D. F lah e rty . N ational Form bureau field m an;- C. F. Peacock. Ogden: G e i» P rey, OK’dcn : J . E, D cughprty. jiresTdcnt of th e O gden stockyards: R as^W ood, field m an for th a t o r ­gan iza tion , and Dudley Euste.s. secre­ta ry of th e O gden stockyard.'s.

Car Damaged in-' Crash w ith T ra in

a n O a H O N E , J a n . 6 (Specia l)— W hile endeavoring to m ake a cross* Ing on th e m ain ilpc of th e ra ilroad in Shoshone th is week, T ed M ulllca had h is c a r badly dam aged and n a r ­rowly escaped serious In jury him seU w hen th e m achine w a i h i t by an In­com ing train .

H e h a d pa.s.sctl a tra in and could3t .see th e cqmliu( ^ a ln , on tiie

nex t track , .so he sta ted , and w hile d riv ing slowly, tb c crasji happened . ■ Tlip tra in wa-s i r t ' / n t m odcrato ,pee<I.

Investigation rqvealed th a t no p a rtic u la r fau lt was chargeable.

Cbnventlon Honors D ram atic Tcachcr

M ii« Florence M. f^eos, riram atlc in stru c to r a t Tw in Palls high school, w as. accorded s iw ln l honor last week at..U ie national convention of .speech a n d dram atics'ructors In C leveland, O, .

S he w as rt^cognizod for he r work in d irec ting th e high school p rese n ta tio n of the Sincla ir Lewis d ram a . " I t C an’t H appen H ere.

P ic tu res I/om the play , wliicii pr<‘scnte<l under the aiisplce.s of the .senior class, Dc^, 8 and 9, were also on di.splny a t the cdnvcntion.

In fan t SuccumbsBURLEV, Ja n , 5 i.SpcciaD—L arry

D, R ichards, In fan t .son of Mr. and Mr.s, Alviit' R ichards, died Tuesday a t a Burlev hasplta l. He wa.s born DCE. 19. 1B3H, a t Burley, and Is vU'c'd by Ills iiaiciU.s. T u o oihcr c iiild ren al-so .survive. T he body wn ta k en to the Burley funeral home,


I h ave on h and 100 pound-s of Speclnf Sw eet S panish O nion Seed. T ills onion, a fte r four years of breeding for large size and good keeping, is today th e ou t­s tand ing onion in th e Caldwell and W ilder dlsurict. I t has yielded, du ring the la s t season. 000 a n d 1.000 sacks per acre and is consldoied tho tw st .sto rinn

,onion of nil S v e e l SpaiiJsli. I f you are In terested, le t m e bock your order for Spring delivery ns th is Is all the seed a vailab le -a t th is Umc. (W c do custom p la n t­ing du ring season).

. John L. Peters1^; tnilea east of W M hlngton


has_ f re e d m b fro m ' b a c k - b r e a k i n g d ru d Q e ry a n d s a v e s m e h o u rs o f tim e . T a k e m y a d v ic e a n d . . .



SIIOHHONE, Ja n , 5 ntriider.s en tered the

1 Pacific heduring itiirdi >y niKht, aiml 1litligpnmally' .siiuisliliif< tIilnK.’> drill ,1),wilhiait a ■IV l0(>t Mate.s Fri ink K'-lev. l,Kii| statio:11 a itent, allr

1 cilflcers.•r at ' "

Till- nil di„i-i.vreil

■ni|iif1 Ullt

li ljurglarv w,i.s II ri a iitN.:-:',! i " '

A lt- r Malliilni: 1i-ntralice Ihir |>al i i i i k r the l io lw il l i .s li

.oiUlji t id l i i t

iliiatlDn off

ilo iji Ih a l It u a « unlocki'il 1i n dl a l i i r d n o b u t re.-orii.i1. illtiiK of th e K iiiibinatlnn ea ll-sed I)i .~ k lo ;.'-t ailitom allcallv AlllllWCl V..1-. «1;.<1 broken Inti > witI'-.lUll. oil-il >< d IH)I wns MIUi.-.lir d

HliPjIII 1 leiiri I' III.IWI. w-y III,and an i'\ 'iinli\i tion lallef! f<

" } r-•lo.'

th a t iiiniIhliiK of Iniiiorta » 1i n l ' i l n n llKly the 1a id WllieriH'Inilr■d by nm nteiirs. ( 111li.r (Urn labll.sli.'.l

iden llty lia;. not 1’" 'l

SUPERa g i t a t o r


In Initnnn n n lu ir d e h r ln g ’ told i

irjm ltU m h i'

l)m i »t<'len 'n io ratllo, lie .said, wft.s for

C hev ro lfl cfti.

i.AHUK i i t c i c i ; i i i :a <'IU ,i>l-<Hl A NdKM -ii, .liui, .1 lUI*'

In irn WB,s r e a rh rd lodnv in n li< illnimtP w iilrh hull<-<l <HiKi> mil m en i iind tied up l^ nlilp> In AiiKPlen hiirlHir nini'n TueHdi.y. Undei

I tl)Ih r <-lie

ink lo r :iO iia\inhl

le.sent I'lindlllo itlPiii]>t lo KPttle lh'-1r MiievaiK'i iia t— wtuk— vijUlUililv <1U‘ illiiltPd ninonK th e ir nn 'in b en .

<;oNriNiii;H inni'Kction fir-AJC, 'n tn iM a, ,itin. n mP) pre

n ler l->loiiiiiil Dalndlei idarlei iiMlhWXHl KkIiiv I il tr r InnprdlliK iJli lefeii.sen iil 'I'liiilAln. and pliinneil It

nbaik In th e e iiils ri Kih- |i th isifte ii rrl« .

SI KKl’OttTK U n ilH rllN d ’I’a U ltlK iA . Jap iiii, .Inn, ft lUC)!-

n ily -o iiB peraimn ^ r io nilMliiK iniii be llrv rd liin t- ( imIbv After n«|)^l/lnK of two fU iilng IkmiIa, n inlnliiliiK flO iwraoiM, In 'ft f lo rin in ihn Ja p an neii,

AecordiiiK In a re<i'nl Miivey, UMr« a re now Bppuixlnm luly ow i i i IIm or brlllU iiU y ) l |h l r d lilghwRy h i IJia U nltw l U ta lm . O f th h , IuIkI, Hut i^latn of New Y oik ha,s im ua ih n n IW m iles -

( ;i r l C o n v a lesc i's'IIIIIIK Mhl|i- ; He Itv I-'ii./p r, l2 -yea i.o ;,ipsccutui l-:il- , IrillOiill. 11 ! - ' f "

1 Mlllll-.C'l.

luid Ml^. 1. I'! 1' UK a t iier hiniir i

iidli'iited the .Mil)-,-ilatliii,1 Noin a biokeiiIV or Hatiii • Th - Kill tiioke her Iri; M>IV L. K liinrv .--lie 1Ipll ( her blcyele »

10, IliK tU lh II1 HU)ll|l ul,

(iran K o r.s Si-hechilo S u p p e r lo r W in iie rK

llllliilll l(v<K ( liaiiK r will bela lneil li\ an u \.-.lrr MipiM-r hileiir liU illr. iM, o id in ii til pinii.’i

nt a inertliiii ol gnm ii tnnln« T he loMiiH M de,-..l w h ith 'M fle H aiin i.m<1 <) () I'alllnoii■,.jn.un-, will 1"■ ...... . lo Ilia

Ml, iilKl Ml.n I. llllllnk loh , M -lvliI AiiiTiV.-ioh mill n.kvid niiii lA'eiA n|i-

W ife AsliH D ivoi'cc

Hl 'P-Kcn A«t'» PiirU (’». I 'M ' »er H IM *

r a r l i for Ail l>titkr» of Cam and ,1 Tfui'ka.

rAone on-iiun

P R K ■ D to SELL

\ + .IICKI t ' l i n t f i i r (I ( 'o i i p v . D r- 1.11X4' iMu(lc) In. very fine CM ixlU loif. S |iv i 'l i i l / o r q u ic kwill' ;,.,$-Nn.«i»

B R O W N I N G 'S

M you ore looking for real dollar value — .ind investment in T.-iving-;— you'll Iind it in Ihc new TH O R . 'New fe.itures, new beauty, ness' pcrfofm anco— aiicl bnckod . by 32 ye.u'. of expcfiencc in bu ild ing Iho . Iiigbcsl ciualiiy home laundering equip­ment,

sure to see —

• The f.imous, THOR fipTr \ Moiling S.ifety W rin g er, tho firsi towiti the .ipproviil o f the U n d e rw ritr f .'

■L.ibof.itnries.• Ih f p .ilen lcd TM O R 5uper-A g

llia l pfoduccs the famouu fn it , g en llr, iluHougli w.ishlng ncllon,

• M if D irlus lvc Long I.H e Mecboni-.oi Hint is bu ilt for years o f trou lile Iree


We Do CuHtom KiLLIN(}, ClIltINC;

and ClITTlNO •


IMIINd V d llU IIOCK A N II C A r n .U T (l 'I'lIK

J d a h o ' P aipk ing C o.

AcroHn'^front Hugur Kiictury

P l lo n c 1 9 6 0 ,

■ M.ikn T H O R

I p o in t b y p o in t com p.>riri e v e ry d o lf lll . in d y o u 'l l ; e n c lio o so T h lO R .

A m nilo l fo r e v e ry re < |i i l r c m r n t

A p r i ic (o r c v o ry p u f i c .Priced As Low A s .

D o Y o u r I r o n i n g E a s i e r ,

NEW THOR IRONERW liv n o t c o f iip lo lo y o u r h o m o

In iin d p r in n |o b ' w ith n T H O R liD iie r ’ M w ill e n d n il l io n in niln id i je ry , lo r If d o e s n il Ih o w o rk __ _- y o u m o ro ly a lt d o w n nnri Q uldo

- I h r p lo cc, llu ou o h.

69”Thor K i^trlc W cih ari and Ironari art Obtalnabla at All



i H f l

* m m mKEYSURN. J a n . 6 <Bpeclal)—

Plan* are be ln s m ade for tlic a n ­nua l H «ybum a r t e xh ib it. P rpm all Indica tions th e re will be b e tte r pic­tu res th is year th a n ever before.

Leo R S ^ o lp h o l th e C alU ornla school o f Ane a rts is again acndlns

. ' a collection of p a in tin g s by vurlQus C alifo rn ia a rtis ts . I n add itio n lo 'th ls collection. Roger M. R lttaco . Woiih- Ington, D . O.; R obert Clunle, Los

__Ang«>lM..«nd H. P.’ Jn ra t-n o n fla nFrancisco , have a rran g e d to ' send. shlpm entK to tlio exiilblt.

As usual there will be plcturc* by various w estern a r t l s u Including

- O laf M oller, who Is fum ous for h is pa in tings of m ounta ins.

Thursday, January B, 1989 ' ^ A H O EV EN IN G TIM ES„T W IN FALLS, IDXHO Page ElW ehf ;

I H A G E R M -A N

Mr. a n d Mr*. H. Q reen . Spokane. W ash., a n d Mr. a n d M rs. C. G reen of M eridian. Ida., w ere v isitors W ed­nesday a t th e Bob Q reen hom e. H. G reen a n d C, G reen a re b ro th ers of Bob G reen . • .

■ “ M rrw m M rs; R . S c h w art re tu rn e dS u nday from a ho liday vIj H w iili rela ttves In A m erican Falls . ■' 'V e m P a llln le ft T liu rsday for a visit In S a l t Laiie C ity a t th e hom e of

' h is a u n t, M rs. R ona ld Peacock.M rs.'V elm a H oplilns le ft Saturtlny

i fo r Lee. Nev., a f te r a w eek 's visit.■ a t th e hom e of h e r m o the r. M rs. M.' G. parkfl.

H arry 1/* M oyne. Jr.. lo Jt Tiiosdny . fo r Mo.->cow where he t? a sUident.‘ Mr. a n d Mrs. J . W. Jones. daiiRli- ' ter. F lorence M ary, a n d son , Diily,! nnd M rs. W llln Ju s tice re tu rn e d t)ic

f irs t of th e week from a holiday visit ' w ith rela tives in O ak land nncl Al- I bany, Calif.

Mr. a n d M rs. A rlen A llen were ' bvislnes-s v isitors in Boise,' M ist M abel U lactOinrt le ft Sunday i fo r Y akim a. W ash., a f te r siipiiding ' th e hohday.s vW tlng w llh h e r Ja lhcr.

I ' Riley B lackhnrt, a n d broU icrC lm rles . B la'ckhart.• MUa Clare M ariner, a fte r spenying ’ th e ho lidays vlsiUng h e r paren ts,

Mr. a n d M rs. P j C . M ariner, le ft I M onday for M ount P lea& an t/U lah ,

■ w here alie Is em ployed a s a teacher I In th e P resby te rian school.

A c lrl - ' K aren M ary, w as born

S I D E 'C L A N C E S B y G e o r g e C l a r k

C hristm as to Mr. a n d M rs. J. ~ _•Bunjer at Willow S p rings. MlMOiirl. H R IC H F IE L D■Mm •ftimJor ni»l >«• T#vm*>mbi>r»>rt VlPMi. M rs. B u n je r w in be rem em bered here

< a s Ml£S M ary D ickenson.M arian P rew e tt took over Uic

C harles S k inner d a iry he rd and milk rou te l a « week.

Mr. a n d M r».-H allie ConW ln en rtc rta ln e d m em bers of tl>« Home M aker^ c lub a t a pinochle pa rty< a t

, Uielr Jiofne F riday evening . Prizes were won by M rs. W . T uppcr, Clex M organro th , Mrs. J . G reen and C. G reen.

H om er'G reen , W lnnem ucca, Nev., a rrived M onday fo r a visit w ith his b ro ther. Bob G reen.

M rs. H elen B ruce ond daughte'r. M abel M offe tt, fim oot, Wyo.’, who were ho liday bucsLs a t th e hom e of M rs. B rucc’s sU ter. M rs. W . F . Dlck-

» « m on, le ft th e ptw t week for San Diego, Calif., w here they will spend Uie w in ter.

Miss A vonne M pReynolds en ter- - - ta tn c d — m em bers of— the— OcUve

))rldge club 'W ednesday. Honors, w ere w on i f / M lu D o n ette BarlogI, and M iss J e a n P arsons.

----------- S lx tM n— (rU ndu—< urprlaed—Mrs,W alter O rlbble S a tu rd ay afternoon

they a rrived to h e lp J ie r celc- b ra t« t o blrtliaiiy.

MlM Je iin A lirn cn teriiilncd 20 young people a t h e r hom e Moiicliiy evening a t a vacation p a rty . G am es w ere played nnd refre .shm ents «ervcd by th e hOstcsaess’ m ollicr. M rs. Enrl

/ Allen.C ash G rocery s to re opened for

business T uesdny m on iln ir In the building w het« W . F . Dickcnoon form erly l iv l hLi d iy goods store. ■Mr. M nriln moved h is groceries d u r- ItiK Ihe New Y ear liollday*.

C larence W loklund sold hla iTitere^it In the H agcrm an pool ha ll recently lo O scar T nte . M r. a n d M rs, W tck- Iimd sta led they would leave In the n rn r fiilurcy for W elser w here Mr. W lrklwnil wllj go In to garage toiul- iip.u w ith hlA flon-ln-law , Ammond I*ottir.

tOMiwttoN e* ftveaiCSN ^ A O tN ^ y O F 0 (V O K > WACTefJS 09 yJOCLtyS GMffTSST FEA^MKE

TAP CANC€B.». . -

[KIas u jon &»;tMMiNO A 'e o j l s . .CWESTMUT HftiO, e t.U £ e 't '6 5 . . . . SFCCjSi^rALl,,


Eleanor Pow ell w as once tu n ie d dojvn for a dancing Job In a B road- whV chorus . . . born in S p r in g ­field, M ass. . , . s tu d ied dancing from the tlino she w«n 5 year.s old . . . mBtJe profc.s.sional d e b u t a t th e age of U in A tla n tic C ity . . I t was a n ig h t club revue staged by G us Edw ards . • . m a d e firs t Broadway appea rance In "Follow TlirouBh" . . . m ost rc c e n t p ic tu re Is "Honolulu" . . . believes In good luck pieces . . . c arries a solid gold clcphun t . . . follows a horoscope . . . orig inates m ost o f h e r ow n dancK Kteps a t home.

Miss Ava Lou O arlock , w ho h as te e n a tten d in g th e U n ive rsity of fSaho, Moscow, U spending th e ho li­day vacation w ith h e r ,p a re n U , M r.

'a n d M rs. L. W . G arlock. •A son was born to M r. a n d Mrs.

J im K odesh ..Jan , 2.Mr. and Mre. T . B- B rush w en t to

Bulil Tuesdoy to 'a t te n d th e funera l of M rs. Blblock.

T lie Bill K ra h n fam ily . G ooding; Ben K ra h n a n d M rs. M inn ie K ra h n , n ilr f ie ld , were N e w 'Y e a r ’s guestj of the F . T . Pope’s Sunday .

M r. and M rs. V em C arg ill and daugh ter. G ooding, w ere d in n e r guests of Mr. a n d M rs. C. W . A c tio s M onday. -

T he L. D . 8 . M. I. A. h a d a New Y ear’s dance M onday, w ith a la rge crowd p rw e n t. T tli^Q ca l tirrliM t.m consisting of M rs. H . H u b b ard . M ack Crow ther, F ra n k flonford , Jr.'. a n d C larence Lem m on fu rn ish ed music." Mr.- and Mrs'. Joe B re n n a n • a n d dftughler. Pocatello, re tu rn e d M on­day nCter spend ing , th e week here,

MI.S.S Alld CrU t, Oolso, sp e n t th e holU(iiy« v isiting frlenrt.s iind h e r paren ts. Mr. and M rs. C. D. Crist.

T lie substitu tion of th e n a m e H tt- w ollan to tt\o S andw ich lal».nds tooH place gradually-. H aw aii la th e nam e o f-th e rg re a te it Island o f th e group, and gives its nam e to th e whole.

ROll ANNOUiEDHEYBO RN , Ja n , 5 tS peclal)—

H eyburn schools rco p cn rj Jan . 3. All teachers were back and tlie lo l­lo p in g student-s w ere aim ouncrd on th e h o no r roll for ihc six

F i rs t grade, W arren LaRup. M ar­lon 6 u n : seconil . gmcle. . Barbara B row n, Glady.i ClirLsii'usoii; tlilrd g rade . K eith Wariw’r. Yvoun.- Hom­e r: • fou rth gratic. VlrKUiu Cole. K eith Holm et: JU lh g rade . E L aR ue, M axine Brow n, .si\Ui i D orolliy H olstein, Raymoiui U m i. seven th grade. Pau l Lnllue. Esilipr B choen; e igh th a ta tl f , Oenp Hainvl- ton , N ile Sorenson.

F re ih m e n ; LaRee Bailey. Bob L ark ins, Nell Borup. L ctia S |w r . D oris ' D oggett: sophomores. Ueri B erlin , W Ubur K lnx, Earleen I>oop. R a lp h Holm es; Junicfrs, E ihlyu M> - In tlr c . G eorge W arr. Lor-'ita tv ifp seniors. B arbara W hiling, M <rx ’- v M oncur, Amos Jo rdan

E M E R ^ N

M r. a n d Mrs. R. K. Corle.-.s rr tu rn ed F riday from a visit In Siiim.v

's ide, W »ih„ w ith th e ir son, Robei' a n d fam ily . They were accompanlpri hom e by th e ir sons, Seth and How­ard , w ho a rc a ttend ing the Uulvt r- slty o f Moscow.

M r. and Mrs. J . M. da u g h ter, R am ona, w eni i<> Uiiiii S a tu rd ay to a tten d Jim eral s fi' fo r M r. Toonc'J broUier. Tljrv j r - tu rn ed liom e Sunday night,

M r. a n d Mrs. W, j . McCord l.'fi th e p a s t week for A ltam ont, Kan to sec h e r m other, who Ls -vciy ill, a n d to v is it o th e r re la tlv tj, ,

A nnouncem ent h as boon jiiaile ol th e com ing m arriage of MIm N ornn L arsen , o ldest daugh ter of Mr, luid M rs. R ay Larsen, and Burton son of Pocatello, which Will t.iKr place th is w rek a t the L. D, B. trm - plo in S a lt Lake City.

Spencer Toone was haH Tlmr.stlay n ig h t to a group of high icliocl frlend.s a t a show er pu ily lielil in hono r of Max W arr who left Monday fo r S a l t Lake C ity where lie will h a v e soon for a th ree year mission

I n France .F rid ay afternoon . Mrs. Rnv Darrv.

M rs. Joe Schodde. Mrs. W. LV Nel­son. M rs: Fred Schodde. Mrs. Cnris H ansen , Mrs. E . B. Schrock, Mr.v R . D . LaiRue and M rs. j , E. CloiiglUcy w ere hostesses a t a shower for Mrs. C arl Schrock, a recen t bride. The a f fa i r w as he ld a t th e Emerson school 'aud lto rlim i -and Uie a fte r­noon was spen t by th e 3k guests, p la y in f C hinese checkers,

A group of G range mcinbei a su rp rise pa rty Saturday r . on M r, a n d Mrs. R, D. LaRue. it be­in g th e eve of th e ir '2 0 th wedding an n lv er« arj\ T he evening was spent play ing plriochle a n d Chinese check­ers, A w affle Iron was presented th e L sR ue 's as an anniversary p resen t.

Iryiiig lo a c t like *

Uncle Si Says—

I’ll liet thcre'w a lo t o f you fqlkH — e v e n th ose w ho’vc used cliissificd — th a ld o n ’l know how easy, it ih to pul your ad in the paper. If you live n e a r

Twin Falls ju s l phone or 32 and sa y you

h a v e—a cla.w ificd ad. l l ' l i nil be fixed up over th e phone. In Buhl stop a t V arney's candy store . In Jerom e th e K and W root beer w ill tal^e your ad and see that it to the o f f i c e im ntediatcly.

T ry (hejie nervkes for yourself,.


Of=< 3 L O ^ - l \ O R j V >

l « O N t_ V

W A S H T U 3 B 8


BUAZ&& ARC WE /L IK S VQUWW6 m PWSpM? /U 6W t o w !^ • ^wauTQC uwii f

BUS.V.PMJLT. H6 Pin- t f t



t S OO X N D L E - P O W E R .

^ P E K A MI S A t s I

□ A J s l l A A A L□ V E i S E T A B L E 'Q N U T

A N8\VER: A n anim al . . . know n m ore commonly as the fisher. I t Is one of th e largest and handsom est of th e «-easel family.

B y C r a n #

oP R o u T o p i


?k-end wKh h : r pa ren ts , M r. aud .M rs. W, Slokes- berry. She hiis retu rned to.M c.«ow w here nhe is tlie secretary to the ' i de an of men. Miss W alllta Stol(e.%- berry retu rned to Challls Saturday .w here she Is teftchlng ant! MIm Isa ­bel atoke.'J>?rry retu rned Sntu iday to K ing Hill w liere ahr tearlic.s.

M r. and Mrs, L ester Saimder.s imd fam ily and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Ke’lley a n d fam ily .spent liu-it worlt In E ugene, O te,, .vet(irnli^« flatiirday . They accoinimtiled M A. K elley, who has been III hi (lie Vet- ernn 'a hosp ital In BoLie.

C Q I^C E A L E D PROVERBS ix -w o rd .p ro v e rb l l )u il ra t« d by (h i t ih e ie h l i e en c ta le d In.U ili p u is lc .

B y H am lin

IM C rs/l CAN'T w^rrALLtiiw ,owvou.'

A n sw er lo P r e v le u i P u s ile

• L,v KDEN

Mr, niul Mr;>. W iilt B ean, OnKlutul. CttlK., aiiil M ia, O m a TAle n iul MIm ’liiiiliatik .Jciin Pollurd, Klml)erly, » n e jIUinPi Burnt* T liu tsdny of Mr, anil Min, (Irnu EUoii. A d t'i d ln n rr, Cliliiesr rh c rK ru were played.

'H ie 1‘ len C o n tra c t brldgo club iiii'i n id iiy w ith M i.r P liilii Cotmnt, Mil-. Dciiinid W illie, Mina Helen JciiJieA.^cii iiiul Mi.h, j . U, lilKemoie

K redH m illi wiw » Kucat ol Mr,Mifl. liv iit Wcbl) iMul fniiilly (lufing lh(i foro p u r l tlm week, lln Inin le tu rn ed (o llio homo of tiln pnrrn la, Mr. and Mtn, 0 . 1*. B in lth . Jc io iiir where lie, will ^ p n u l tlio iciiiiiinili'i of h is vacation. Ho i i u ttendh ig liiinl- ness lOlKKil ill Houttlo, Wiiah,

C. M. PaU ersdii liiui gone to Aiigelen, Cnilf., w here h e U h iK'iuI- lug n fam ily roimlfli} anil vinltiiiK w ith relutlvrn.' (iuslAii IV tn M ii ir tu n ii 'i l /fl>U day. Ikttflr speiullnK tJliili.lniiin M litvale, U tah w ith lil.i aIM.'i , M Mlllerbnrg, u n d 'o th e r le lu m r.v

Owrar W a l^ n , WuU W nlten., a iul Mr. U ouiuly iiiototiul 'nic/nliiy t<i lin a m ine, w lilrh In loco ln l iMaukfiy.-wliub Uicy u u i attijiu u^t, atoekholdera’ m eellnit lo iIIikuim . . tiiro plaiM for Ilia w ork a t th e mine.

The Kden Iteliekah loitge nnd llm 1 (>. O , r . lodge held Die im ulin ' inrfltliig* III the I, o . O, r , hull M .m- Oiiy, Mis, Lucy W rlg lit miiinIaciI tiirm all by serving refien lnnrn tfl In hnni'i' (i[ the birtlidity nf her hii'tUi l^ml W iU ht.

( ; i a n « : c S c H H i o i iItAdKltM AN, J a n . a (H |)e ii|« l)-

,n m iliiK rrm iiii'V alley CJrangn in r t MoiuUy, Jan . a. a t Ihe M elhm llst fh iir rh with 3J m em bers prevent, 'I ’hn iiiiiul l'» t hiok d in n e r wan Dcrved a l »ooii. D uring Uie b u ll ' lie u oeulon several le tle rn were remit and eon»ld«niblo b u sin o u traiiiaoied.

Headings and lalka by tlie m ciii- b(M onmpiwied th e pro#r»m . l lm m a t iiwotUig will, be Iwid j m , i f .

IIO A IZO N TA U1 Spike.4 A lso ( fi rs t

w ord of p ic tu red p ro v erb ).

7Sun<lry (p rove rh w ord),

10 G reek le tte r.11 D ravery .M C onoe poddle .10 Mnke.i 'n Cock's com li. SO neg lon neniin W itli rre d . th e e q u a to r , Ti

'H w i ln / ^ l ' - k i l l , « M ‘" H n .o n U l,2,1 lMrnl,r l-'’er,2<M c'M tnn l>erl(ilnlni{

■.hiiwl, (o ii gonl.S T l 'o n iiik r ' SO S t r ip e d fabr’ie

l‘" ^ ' M G ra lln g no lie2 H I'h e fs ( |)ir.v - W n n d e n ,

f ill w oicl). T h ree ,;il (iojclcn i.pp lr , nS T o do .iiy3 'iA ifd w (N>ihr)n. {p ro v e rb.r il . lk e , w o rd ) ,

Mini.'.', nn O efln lle.■in Kiki. Ii . n r tlc loO n ilr re li, (p ro v e r l .

9 3fl Inrhes, lO S c a ttn ^ IIS

hay, l in e d Tnnj.13 Right IflT hln it, 1 7 G n lln .lOTheiefrMe.21 Spain, a s flm a ii .sUieW 2QTo employ.20 M elallii 30 IxinK -liiiIrd

npr. ■’’ I J In i lir iir s . .■12I,nuKi„,i.|.-,M Ti> n.^h. •t(l)luniiiii i iu n k ■17 niernlfili. •■'n.Skllli'tt..■''V'Tn h n rv r 41 •Stiiln,

niirroon.4.1 lMii»ii'nl no ie . 44 Hoolsloil;.4 ' 'To (onii'iit,411 W hip siioke. 4I> Ih tn iih !

.1.l4lfl.84 T ransposed .


FR K C K I.K H A N D H IS F H IK N D S B y n io s s « r

t ^ o a i stTAYCO AfTlft SCHOOL o r HM


I P *100 LMKN WKAT MAKM •m s WOWC8 O f D«OU»»y. LISIT,

sCMu6»nr CLicx.'rtxAu UAs/w AN l^JDeMSTANOtM*

Ol* •OHO m u«k: /

W I TWINKttoU CAM ^ TAK« WAT OltCHIITTIAOP 'l o o w AND T i* N o u reoM« KIAUYHIM Mk>*C —■ PROVIDRO'it>u A u m aA»our tmm cuamics

B U T • tb u 'u MAV« 1b KNOW M u««i / > W L L MAVB 1 b U t« NOTM AS AN A m ? » r P » -



SHrt , »» s, eoMious/


FINE P*CTUM—BUT X"M . WiRte eoU M D T bo/ ,


PR/1.T i t T A U o n it iR BUIZZAK D iKj~n-ie. oppiNcj / BOAD, II- 1 CCXILD O ur WOKK OUT tiOML

■ tiCM6/V l• TCI K jD T H t WM.1-;OP TWU


' Tho CWOW by u k at - t s -crm eR w isB — - y ■


iM aJor H m tple ()IJ;a‘ O u U ^>AV

DA.T'3 A tS R liA T \ O l i \ , WiOTAM M A D A H ^W H /i.r VMyULD “O u -A L L r>0, PIP B D tt M B « T BACK AW' PD'TH l.lKP ^ Q K IL L O VAtl DB


VACUUM CL.CTAkJUR.O^^l.’V 'OTBADO P 6U CW IN ' (W o e tf w o w , \ o u BUOWG IT A W A Y H U H ^'



9H 0V B L

TH B R G Y O U' S O A f t lN - - >ausr>iciOLia-'NA’TURtf> PfcOl’UE PON’T THiNKf ' MAS bEdN SMAKIM' KlY ARM f AN’ LOOKilT THl'st-U i;LL;6VCS/ HAC.


TUPI tiTK tltM lll.I ROM (31TTIM 'IN A^

iPage Twelve ■ IDAHO EV EN IN G 'J’lM ES. TW IN-FA LLS, IDAHO T h u rsija y . JTanuary 5, 1989


STARTS FRIDAY JANUARY 6th ^ L e < 3 Jcc lio ^ l^ e p a r tm e n t to re 6

SE M I - A N N U A L C L E A B A N C E

$ ^ 9 8

PLEASE NOTE -N(il lyi m erelinndise has hccn n ’lluccd. IWiI mer('hiiiirli''e

o f a KcitHonal n iiliir e ,,sh o r t )<>{'<. discontiniird lini'H. t-U'.,

J ia s boon lu l dra«(i«-a1ly 1o assure (juick rl<‘!iran<M'l T h is

pace will ki'** an '***’ 'a ll ie s 'I'licreare lots moro hiil ll..(inir '-H -»


C h ild re n ’s

SNOW SUITSAll woul. itcKular S I.98 ami One <ir hvo jiiocc. only 16 suits. Sizes Clearance Sale .....................................

Taffeta and Satin

BED SPREADSOnly 15 o f th esc -fiiio <]urtnty sp m id s . ^ ,

Kmbroidprccl—quillpd or plain tiiil- l A PRICEored. (!Icarniicc Sale ......................../...m i--


UNION SUITSTwo s ty le s , low ncck, no sleeve , k n ee;D utch ncck, elbow s leev e , ankle.

, Sizes 2 to 12. Regular 79c values.•'Cicarancc I’rice ...................................... 39cJNpveH>^-





I’riiits and plains in th is group w lth ’ sizea ranp ing from 10

to 10. RcKuiar \akn-s from $:?,90 lO ^ - 9 0 now being cleared

at ib is one rock-boUom price ol' oiily ........... ............. .................$ 1 0 0

-■ c i


$ 1 2 8'sl "fiAeen oo:i4.s jij .this^Jut to. g o . in th is 'b ig sem i- aiinnul clearanco. Nca'rly,-«11 fu r trim.s in blnck.s, iirownsi.'j'rcH'ns and ru>;l.''5.‘t'li75 to. $39 .75 values. S izes 12 to 4G ..................................................................................

HATSIn assovtfiil s ty le s o f v e lv e ts a n d f e lls , U cg. S I .93 to ? S .9 0 ................... 88c

JACKETSW om en's Sucdc and L eather

Colors o f black and brow n. S izes 12-1-1- 1 G-‘10. Jl c u I « r $11.75 viilues *78 8

T8 Esmond Robes nScns oniR eg. $1.98 va lu es ............ zz<


288 P airCHILDREN’S SHOEST hree sole 100% Icntiicr construc­tion. O xfords, s t r a p s a n d few’ hlgli shoes, B lack calf, b lack p a te n t and Drown. 81ica 8 S to 2Vi.Rcr. J 1 .« a n d I1J)8 values


Sale o f"




i ^ r e d c h

O T H E R R 1N (;S at

99c K„ch, and

. $ 1 * 4 9 Each

r O R M E N . W O M EN AN D-C m tD R E N -



N .To rccognlze th e vnlucs offered In Ihls g ro u p ln s, you m ust see thcmV a n d be here early . H igh sty le,'b enu tU u l shoes th a t have been o rphaned In our slocl^ M any new colors a n d .styles to

'choose from . Your ilzc m ay be hcrc. No exchanBcs o r approvals,


One I-ot W om en's l,,onu Sleeve

HOUSE DRESSESPcrcftlcs, p rin ts . A -good value a t

H educed to ................27cECONOMY BASEM ENT“ Min’s AinVooi

PLAID JACKETSPull z ipper f ro n t . ^ f Reg. »2.63, Now ...

ECONOM Y BASEM ENT M en's !*art W ool, H a lf

Z ipper Front


ECONOM Y BASEMENT*—Mcn’s-(jotton“l)ohict-and—


Colored heel or om bre s ilk hoso. R eg­

ular va lu es to $1.-19. G learance Sale....

All Wool

BLANKETS25%Pendleton and Portland Wb(jltfn'Mills

blankets. A ll s in g le fan cy . R eversib le

or solid colors. C learance S ale

Down Filled

COMFORTERSOnly 10 o f tluM(‘. S ize 7 2 x 8 i, Solid

colons ta ffc tu covcrrd. t!lciirancc Kale..,. $ 7 ’ oReady Made

CURTAINSAll ruffii'd rurlain,-^ in I'risi-illa, batli

roiim and I'liltiiKf s r ls . All color.i ahil

Htylcs ........................... ........... ........25%

I t Only, Misse,V

GOWNSNuii-rim rayuii lac<- ti liii nr lailori'd, Si/.i’M ID (<t hi. l{('i;ulur iMc vulur:',

ClearaiUe Sale


Wiiinen'n 'i'lii'KsiiUh

UNIONSand ravon

l.H, U.-KUl

li'iiranre Sal


Coltnii and r a v d n i i i I m ' i I . KurnK'nl.H, U<-k u la r r,K:|VUlUi'',

Cli'iiranre Sale

LACE PANELS25%Si'niii|iiti find CJualx-r lacr panrl.M. All

nfylcM and nizi'.s, ( ‘learaiire I’rii'c

r>5 I'Hlr Sm illl IIomh'

WOOL I'AN’i'Sliuyn’ wulAl .Iouk lriiun<<ri, p lrn lrd [lo iit, /irlf hell, frw w lU u .e li> M lo Im c k , K iiyiirr, a i u i n i t r a p u M n n r AK<-n IW O , H-fl, a i-7 , U-H, a id A rrn l

(hii- Men'K AII-Wcmj!

' J A r “K K T SXllKi l i i . h r l . r f u l l M |l-| i n ii.M ii A ll \viHil, A i i i r i lc 'u i i W i>i>lrn M l l b f i i l it lu . A ll M iu iv . i i i r t u p n l . ' I w i . i n u ( ( iH x 'k r i ', I ' l i t l i i I j ix 'k . I ' l i l l

IlK lu 'n liiUK, U'l 40.1, 411 4:in, ID 44n. i n llln .I t r H l l l n r *'JIIH $1.98

Don’t miss these Semi- Ami%aL Clearance



REDUCED*6.85 »4.95


Ciind nr\v,s for men. For n lim ili-d tim r iin ly- li.|i.M(ili'li, (|iia lily hIkh's K‘' "I' '’''Ii', N iilli-

iliK' rhaiiK<'d bill llic piU'c and lhal will

$785Rome Styles iPH.H,')

O N K S I ’ U C IA l , I .O T

Men's Dress OxfordsI ' h b liithiili'n iJ k h I l<a» m i d biokt-n nlfrn, Vnlui ^ In Llici lul | | | | III irilK I M n i l l l n r ' n v u l u r - l i u | l l r U ' n i l l y l







»/j off*/2

» /4 p f £Garni.'ills lailm-i'd liy II. Ku|)- p i ' l i l l i ' in u ' i ' & C h ., ( in r iD i i ,

Se i II n li (' inicr's 1 'nili-r-(iiml and Varsity Town. An.lover und i''abric (liiihl ('l<>lln'S Iniliiri'd for u;<.


IUtc'm What Off WIN M ean 111 Viiii On


Herc'M,W hal 1, .1 O ff Will

Mean lo Von On


Mean lo Y on:


•? 9,91) ValiM's . l'1,7r> ValiK'M . I(t,9() ViiUirn . lrt.75 Valiii-.s .

Valu.' 22,r.() Values .

2'l,7r. .Values , 29.r.ll Valni'sv ■UMH) ValiH-s ,

. $ 4 . 4 5

, 7 i 3 8

. 8 . 4 S

. . . 9 . 3 8

. 9 . 9 8

X 1 .2 5

. 1 2 . 3 8

.. 1 -^ 7 5

. 1 7 . 5 0

11,'HI ValiH'H....I r’vr. Valiii's .....IH.Tf) Values.....Ill.'ir) Values

Valnes , .■j I yr> Viihit's....L’H.fiO ViiluoH ......;Ui,()(l Values ......'10,00 Values ....

$ 6.60 9 .86

12.50 13 .fo is.olb16.50

19.672 3 . 3 4

2 6 . 6 6

S 9.90 ViihieH1 l,7r. Values.....lH,7r» Vahien....I!l.9r) Values . ..22.50 \’alueH . ... 2-1,75 Vahii'H....29.50 Values ....:!r»,00 Values ....40.00 Values ....

% 7.43 .. 11.06 ... 14.07 ... 14.98 . 16.88

18.^7 22.13

.. 26.28

. 30.00