Download - Toby q7 silde show

Page 1: Toby q7 silde show

Many people saw my draft version of my front cover and i got a recurring theme of ‘the image looks stretched’ and ‘the colour scheme is to bland’ so i took action on this and i brought in a bright yellow colour to text and strokes around images. I also retook my main image and took on member out, as i was told that on my draft version all my band members should stand together in the same position and my crouching member was ‘out of place’. I was also told through audience feedback that my main cover line wasn't ‘clear enough’ so i resized it and moved it into the centre of the page, adding a yellow stroke making it stand out more and using hierarchy of text i mage it the 2nd biggest text on the page.

Page 2: Toby q7 silde show

These are my draft and final version of my contents page of my final magazine. On my final page i added more features and to keep up with consistency i gave it page number 3 and brought yellow text , to co-inside with the front cover. I leanrt many skills in editing my images, making shapes and embedded shapes, with strokes around, and also on text such as ‘This week...’.

Page 3: Toby q7 silde show

My first draft was looked at by different people, and from my audience feed back i found that colour scheme was ‘lacking’ on my cover, so this is why i changed the text from the bottom from yellow to purple. Also i was told my Masthead look ‘out of proportion’ to the banner on the top of the page. So i went on changing size of text and shape of the banner. I also had a move around of my cover line, to make it stand out in the middle of the yellow star. I took the star off Google on added to my cover. As i didn't have many skills on Photoshop i was slowly learning. So i changed the opacity as an effect.