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Tips to Identify Quality ClothingThinking of revamping your wardrobe? This time, leave the cheap and shoddy clothing back on the store racks and indulge in some good-quality clothing. This write-up will help you with some tips to identify quality clothing.

"The difference between style and fashion is quality." - Giorgio ArmaniShopping for clothes (especially if its cheap) will never fail to attract women (and men alike). With hundreds of shopping malls around housing thousands of brands, it becomes difficult to resist the temptation of buying. And in this adrenaline rush, you forget to check if that piece of clothing will stand the abuse of washing and the daily wear and tear.

Discounts-induced-shopping-syndrome is the word that I struck upon to describe those who resort to impulsive buying as soon as they spot a $10 dress or a $15 jacket, no matter how crammed their wardrobe might be with

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I would say that instead of taking pride in the quantity of outfits, invest in some quality clothing. Don't just enter an outlet because there's a 'Sale'; ask for recommendations from your friends, check the ratings of a particular outlet online, check the store website (if they have got one), and inquire around to check if the store is trustworthy. After you enter, quickly scan the store visually, check if the store is properly maintained, the staff is properly dressed and well-behaved, and wheher they have a proper exchange policy in place. While selecting a garment, check the instructions for cloth care, see where it is made, inquire about the durability, and then decide if you should invest in it.

Before going into the nitty-gritty, here's a fundamental fact. There is no foolproof method of checking the sturdiness of a cloth; it is only after several rounds of trial and error that you will be able to judge the quality and finalize the outlet that caters to your taste.

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While the good news is that if you become a little aware and train yourself into rejecting shoddy material, you'll end up investing in clothes that are really worth the buck!

Tips to Help You Identify Quality Clothing

For the Fabric

Check the Material

The first thing you do after you look at a garment (and you kinda like it!) is to touch it. But what do you look for by touching it? Is it just the softness of the material, or do you check for any other parameter? I don't say that the 'fabric-must-feel-good' notion is wrong but purchasing it just on the "feel factor" is not recommended.

Usually, what needs to be checked is whether the material is '100% natural' like cotton, silk, and wool, or is it 'mixed' or 'synthetic', like nylon, or polyester.

Aspects to Keep in Mind

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Ability to resist wrinkles

Water-absorption capacity

Ability to regulate temperature

Dust resistance

Ability to resist shrinkage

Antimicrobial ability


It is seen that natural fibers are easy to launder. They are highly breathable and have a higher capacity to regulate body temperature. They do not emit static electricity and are a great option for people with skin allergies, rashes, or chemical sensitivity. It is true that natural fibers wear a little faster over time as compared to the synthetic counterparts. However, you can opt for synthetics, as there's no way I can say that synthetics are not good; even they can become a 'good buy' when purchased thoughtfully.

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For the Garment

Check the Seams

The first thing that you should do while checking for quality of a garment is to turn the garment inside out and check the seams carefully. Seams are those lines of stitches that run down along the sides and join two pieces of cloth. As a beginner, start looking out for loose threads and broken stitches. You can also hold the cloth from both sides of the seam and pull the stitches (a little!) to see if they are loose. Double seams are usually stronger than single seams. The density of seams also matter -- usually 8-12 stitches per inch should be the ideal density. Checking these little points can guarantee you a sturdy piece of clothing.

Check the Hems

Hems are edges or the ends of a piece of cloth which are folded inside and sewn in order to prevent the fabric from unwinding. It is seen that nowadays to manufacture and complete the garments faster, the hems are

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sewn by advanced computerized sewing machines. But quality hems are the ones that are stitched by hand. The only garment that can be an exception for a visible hem is a pair of jeans. Other than jeans, no other garment should have a top-stitched hem. Ideally, the hem should be stitched in such a way that it should not have any puckering or crookedness and should blend magically with the fabric.

Check for Lining

Lining is the extra piece of clothing that is stitched to the inner side of a garment. It is observed that lined garments are more durable than unlined ones. Contrary to the belief, a lining should never be tight. Speaking from a practical point of view, it should actually be a little loose so that it allows ease of movement without tearing or ripping apart. Also lined clothes usually are easier to glide on and provide a better fit.

Check the Buttons and Zippers

The first thing to observe about buttons are if

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they are complete, broken buttons are an indicator of poor quality. The harder and shinier buttons are usually considered superior. You should also check if they are sewn tightly and also if they fit into their respective buttonholes or not. The buttonholes should also be checked for poor stitching. Quality buttonholes are the ones that are stitched by hand and have a slight irregularity in the stitches. Coming to zippers, I would recommend metal zippers from my personal experience. They zip and unzip better and usually do not run out of track. Do not go for plastic zippers unless absolutely necessary.

Check for Design Matching

Design or pattern matching is nothing but a parameter to judge quality craftsmanship. If the designs blend with each other at the seams in such a way that the complete garment seems to be made of a single piece of cloth, then it is an indicator of superior quality. If the designs and patterns don't align, it shows that the garment was made hurriedly by the manufacturer to produce

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quantity rather than quality.

Check for Discolorations, Blots, or Any Other Damage

It is also during its stay in the department store that the garment can undergo damage. Check thoroughly for any rips, stains, discolorations, or any other visible or the not-so-visible damages before taking the garment home.

Check the Instruction Tag

Here's a tip for post-purchase care of your prized possession. Check the 'instructions for care' tag. If a garment is tagged 'dry clean only', it is impractical that you will visit the dry cleaner every time you feel the need to wash a garment. However, you can at least do it for the first time. Diligently following the instructions, like 'dry in shade', 'do not wring' or 'do not iron' will save the garment from getting ruined permanently.To sum up, I would say that you should try to purchase clothing as if you are buying an asset. Instead of stuffing your wardrobe with

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cheap and deceptive clothes, search for quality by browsing through the various brands properly. Don't condemn brands for being costly; they have earned that reputation over time and through customer satisfaction. Checking the garments before purchasing for all the above-given points will ensure that you bag only some sturdy and stylish long-lasting clothes.Read more at Buzzle: Clothing IdeasHere is the ultimate guide to retro fashion and culture, with retro clothing ideas from all the different periods of fashion, including styles from the roaring twenties, all the way up to the electric eighties.

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'Retro' is one word that has come to describe a diverse list of items from the variant fields of fashion, music and culture. Retro fashion and clothing styles are making a big comeback, with bags, hairstyles, and clothes from different eras, being used creatively by a number of designers nowadays. From classy cocktail dresses to bell bottoms, from psychedelic batik to gritty punk, a whole range of retro clothing ideas and designs are discussed here.

Styles Over the Ages

Nowadays, the term 'retro' connotes anything that is from the past and is a shift from the banal and expected. The styles vary from the short hairstyles and dresses of the twenties, to the glitter and flare of the 70s. Below is a simple classification of common styles in the past to help you get more ideas.

1920s: The 20s, a time of great social upheaval in the U.S. that saw a number of new styles emerging as a result of the

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economic boom. The most important factor in determining the fashion of the 20s was the empowerment of women in society and a change in their tastes as they became more independent and preferred new comfortable trends in clothing than before. Though this change took a little time to become popular, by the late 1920s a lot of women preferred skirts with receding hemlines and short hairstyles. A lot of them also started wearing sportswear and sweaters that were more comfortable and loose as opposed to earlier Victorian fashion and trends with constricting corsets and detailed crinolines and bustles. The men too started wearing more comfortable ensembles. For instance, the tuxedo and waistcoats were preferred over archaic formals such as the tailcoat. Sweaters and shorts also became popular. Cloche hats for women and top hats, flat caps and fedoras in men were an integral part of daily wear.

1930s - late 1940s: The 1930s saw a return to more conservative fashion in women with longer dresses that highlighted the feminine curves. Gloves were also an essential accessory of this period. Shoulder pads

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became quite common. Men usually wore "drape cut" suits and bold wide neckties. Casuals were preferred to sportswear.

1950s: The 1950s saw clothes being mass manufactured allowing even common folk a greater access to fashion. The women preferred to look smart and chic, and had tailored dresses that included pencil skirts, shirt dresses and halter-necked dresses. Children's clothing and maternity wear also became a part of fashion clothing due to the baby boom in the '50s. Men in the '50s wore lighter suits. Hats lost their popularity. Rock and roll icons such as Elvis made a huge impact on fifties fashion and inspired the use of tight trousers, leather jackets and gelled hair.

1960s: Hippie culture and fashion dominated major parts of the 60s. It was in this era that major revolutions in fashion trends including bikinis, mini skirts, bell bottomed jeans and fabrics with psychedelic prints including tie and dye and batik saw the light of day. Stilettos were introduced in this decade. Present day fashion, as is obvious, is hugely

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influenced by this era. Sleeveless dresses were also popular as hippie clothes during the '60s. Men preferred donning the casual attire and wore bell bottomed trousers and bright colorful shirts and t-shirts. The trends were generally unisex where both men and women wore similar clothes.

1970s: The early 1970s' fashion trends consisted of disco fashion including the use of three piece suits by men and flared trousers and tube tops in women. Platform heeled shoes had become quite the rage at that time. Common casual wear included baseball jerseys and tees. Tight jeans with flares were popular too. The later part of the 1970s saw the rise of the punk culture which included the use of spike hairstyles, studs and leather jackets and skirts and a sense of customization with minimum resources, in an effort to defy the accepted norms of popular culture to shock or offend people.

1980s: In the 1980s emerged the miniskirts and shoulder pads for women and colorful t-shirts and Hawaiian motif shirts with trendy suits for men. The impact of television in the

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1980s cannot be denied and a lot of the 80s' clothing trends were inspired from popular television sitcoms and music videos on MTV featuring artists such as Madonna and Michael Jackson.

Today's Retro Clothing

For WomenThere are a number of ideas available for women who would like to create and wear retro clothing and look stylish in them too. You could first choose what type of look you are going for. Some of the ideas you could try are:The 20s' Look: For a 20s' look you could try low waist dresses, preferably of knee length with a short hairstyle such as a bob cut. Complete the look with a cloche hat.The Late '60s San Francisco Look: This is a common and easy look to create. All you need is a colorful long sleeves shirt with psychedelic prints, bell bottomed jeans, sandals or bare feet work fine, a colorful headband and don't forget to wear some flowers in your hair.The '70s Glam Rock Look: To get the best '70s

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glam rock look include a glittery crop top with high-waisted jeans or trousers and platform heeled shoes. Glitter is in and the more shiny the make up, the better.For MenGiven here are some ideas for retro costumes for men's fashion:Suave Gentleman of the 1930s Look: This look is all about the aristocratic suits with the London 'drape cut', that uses a lot of padding for the chest and shoulders making them look bigger. Also there are wider lapels. Couple this suit with a large necktie and if you want to, a fedora hat, which would complete the look.The Sleek 'Greaser' Look: This is a pretty simple look to create and is just like John Travolta's look in the cult classic Grease. It includes wearing a leather jacket with a tight fitting tee shirt and tight jeans. An important part of this look is the well 'greased' hair, that is associated with 'greasers'. Inspired from icons such as Elvis and James Dean.The 80s' Metal Head Look: The late 1980s saw a growth in popularity of metal bands, giving rise to heavy metal fashion, including ripped jeans and t-shirts, which were inspired from

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earlier punk acts of the '70s. Acid washed denim jackets with sunglasses can be added to help create this look. Keep hair as puffed up and messy as possible for this look.You could use these retro looks for any occasion, or even create your own designs using a bit from different fashion eras. Remember to wear only what you feel like wearing and what keeps you comfortable.

By Roshan ValderRead more at Buzzle: