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Content Marketing

This applies for social media channels like Face book, Twitter, Google+, blog, etc. Content Marketing is one of the most successful strategies for attracting new clients, generating leads, and signing subscribers.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is another powerful and inexpensive (or highly cost efficient) tool available to small businesses.

Build a Well Connected Network

Aim for quality, not quantity. What is important here is the influence that your network provides. The best way is to target the people you want in your network and find a way to connect with them. 

Internet Marketing

As a web development firm, your website should be your business card, your introduction of what you can do, your chance to create a GREAT first impression. You can achieve this by having a professional looking website that has been Search Engine Optimized by experts.  

Attraction Marketing

The most successfully marketed businesses gain the attention and interest of potential clients by making themselves attractive. By creating quality content, you are letting people find you instead of you chasing down prospective clients.

Competitor Research

In any industry, the key to being competitive is to find out what you’re really up against and THEN BEAT IT by adding massive value to your product or service. Many firms believe they are over the edge; but when they find what their competitors are doing, they realize they really aren’t doing things that much differently.

Joint Ventures

Find businesses that you can connect with, and offer a complimentary service to what you offer. Maybe your web development firm specializes in coding but you don’t provide the design aspect.

Endorsed Relationships

This is similar to a joint venture, but the difference here is that they give you their professional or personal endorsement. They write personal emails to their clients stating that they give you their full endorsement.