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Game Plan To Boost Your Facebook Organic Like and Reach

Nov. 19


The Effective Ways To Increase Organic Facebook Likes For Your Business Page

Paid Facebook Advertising Camping - Advertise on Facebook to get more likes. This is the quickest way to grow your fan base. Here few effective Facebook Advertising Camping

Standard Ads

Like Ads Page Post Ads Sponsored Stories Sponsored Results Ads Facebook Exchange

Rotate Your Ads Daily - people get tired of hearing the same thing in conversation so change your ads

Add Facebook Plugin – Adding Social Plugin and like Box to your Blog and Website

Video Sharing - Free exclusive video that can only be viewed if you like the page.

Run competitions - Everyone likes a competition

Custom Landing Page - Make it obvious on a custom landing page by providing a big bold Like our Page

Initially ask friends and family to like your page. A bit overdone but essential at the


Offer a free ebook to obtain a like (just like you should be doing for email subscriber acquisition)

Post content from your blog to Facebook whenever you write a new post. Facebook users

love receiving new content on Facebook without having to go looking for your blog. Treat Facebook as an extension of your blog.

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Game Plan To Boost Your Facebook Organic Like and Reach

Nov. 19


High Resolution Photos - Provide enticing high resolution photos, Compelling photos that are appropriate for your target audience will keep them coming back and make them share and so drive more likes from their friends.

Add Ask Questions App - Ask questions regularly using Facebook native question


Email Signature - Include a link to your Facebook Page in your email signature.

Creates Welcome Video - Provide a compelling welcome video on your Facebook landing page that inherence likes

Simple But Often Missed - Add a follow us on Facebook button near the top of your

website and blog pages

Creating Incentive Plans - Create an incentivized like page that gives people a reason to

like your page.

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Game Plan To Boost Your Facebook Organic Like and Reach

Nov. 19


Like Button - Include Facebook like button on your email HTML template so that people can like your facebook page from the regular email newsletter.

Custom Banner - Add a large custom banner to your blog and website asking to Like

business Page

Add a link to your Facebook page as one of your three LinkedIn website links that are part of your LinkedIn settings in your profile

Relevant Update - Add a newsworthy update that is relevant for your industry or market niche to your Facebook page every day.

Special Offer - Including Discounts or Special Offer to Facebook fans because the majority

of Facebook users like a page to obtain a discount.

Clickable Headlines. Write great headlines and catchy excerpts for your posts and getting people to click on the preview so optimize them and make them as clickable as possible.

Build Credibility and Trust with your Users - Your skills and knowledge and your expertise

generously help users to solve their issues, help them achieve their goals. Win loyal fans one by


Give Things Away - People love free stuff. Create and run exclusive giveaways and other

competitions for your Facebook readers.

Day of Week and Time of day to Post - Your audience might be present at certain days or times

more than others. Make sure to post at the right days and times.

Type of Post to Post - Plain status update, link thumbnail, video, image. The type of post affects

your organic reach. Plain status update have the best reach

Be Interactive - Talk to your fans and make sure you’re not distancing yourself from them. Reply to

their questions like their answers and start engaging discussions. Monitor the conversations on a

regular basis and never leave a question without an answer. This will help build a community and

more people will be spreading the word about you.

Go find your audience proactively - Don’t just interact with your audience, but also your

competition and their audience. Start participating in discussions on other Facebook pages that you

know consist of audience similar to yours BUT Don’t be a spammer

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Game Plan To Boost Your Facebook Organic Like and Reach

Nov. 19


Effective Setup of Facebook Business Page

The basics of setting up a Facebook page and how to write effective content that gets more like and shared on Facebook

Create Facebook Page - For your site and complete all the page information

Set your cover photo - As that is the most prominent image people see. The cover photo image size is 851×315 pixels

Set Your Profile Picture. This is the image that will be shown next to your wall posts in people’s news feeds. The size of the image is 180×180 pixels, but make sure it also looks good at 32×32 pixels

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Game Plan To Boost Your Facebook Organic Like and Reach

Nov. 19


The Effective Facebook Page Posts

Be Natural - Facebook is, for the most part, a fun and relaxed platform, so write in

spoken language

Be topical, timely and relevant - Write posts that need to be read and engaged with

right now Be visual - as visual content like images and videos are more engaging and get more

reach: Photos > Videos > Status Updates > Links. Keep it short - The longer the length of the wall post, the less engaging the wall post

Emotions sell and encourage readers to share - The most shared posts sway and persuade. They are invitations to discussion and interchange

Ask questions - Ask questions that are easy to answer. Be very specific. Ask questions that are polarizing

Place questions at the end of your post - rather than at the beginning or middle of the post to make it stand out the best

Fill in the Blank Use sentences with one word missing and let your fans fill in the ______ Post quotes. Inspirational quotes work very well across social media. Try also to post

quotes within images. Don’t game the distribution by asking people to like your post. Facebook is not a fan of

call to actions to like or share and the algorithm may penalize these types of posts. Limit links. Try to focus your content on some pure-engagement posts with the only aim

being to get people to like, comment and share your posts

Full URL - If you do use links use full URL’s. Engagement rates are 3 times higher for posts that use the full-length URL instead of the URL

Tag other pages. Obviously don’t do this all the time and don’t tag irrelevant pages, but do experiment with it when it is relevant and appropriate

Note - Above mention all the Step, Methods and Techniques are help to Increase Organic Like

and Reach.