Download - Tips for a happy and healthy pregnancy


Tips for a

Happy and Healthy


1.Avoid chemicals that could possibly harm your

baby. You can find these at work, your home, or just

about anywhere.

2.Prioritise during pregnancy: Examine what you need to do to help yourself and your growing baby. Do what you need to do, decide what else you can do and let the rest go.

3. Remember to add 300 - 500 calories a day when you are pregnant.

4.Swimming is great in late pregnancy. It can help relieve a lot of aches and pains and makes you feel weightless.

5.Create memories: Take steps to document the many changes that are occurring in your life right now. Include your partner in all this. Have him or her jot down his or her feelings. Take his or her picture, too! Your kids will be glad you did.

6.Relax when you can: Easing the stress in your life is very important now. Do things that help you relax and focus on what is important in your lives right now.

7. Focus on the positive: You may hear negative things from friends or family members, such as scary birth stories or sad tales, Ignore them. Most pregnancies work out great.

8. Baby sit a friend's baby and learn a bit about caring for a newborn.

9.Tell any medical professional that you may be pregnant if you are trying to get pregnant. This can prevent exposure to harmful tests and chemicals if you are pregnant and don't know it yet.

10.Write a birth plan. Something to help you clarify what you want or need for your birth experience. Share this with your practitioners and those you have invited to your birth.

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