Download - Time & Attendance Suprema Inc.. Contents Overview T&A configuration Device configuration Reports Example.


Time & Attendance

Suprema Inc.



T&A configuration

Device configuration




Basic concepts Configuring steps Simple example

Basic Concepts

Basic Concepts

Description Max

Shift • A shift is the pattern that the employee will work and is made up of Daily Schedules• Weekly or daily shifts*


Daily Schedule • A daily schedule for each different day type that em-ployees can work• Building blocks for Shift and consists of Time Slots


Time Slot • Building block for Daily Schedule• Define the Time Category, rounding, grace options etc. for the specified interval

16 per Daily Schedule

Time Category • Work time is divided into Time Categories such as nor-mal time, overtime, etc.• Define the time rate and the rounding option


* Daily shift is not supported in the free version

Configuring Steps

1. Setting up time categories

2. Setting up daily schedules

3. Setting up shifts

4. Setting up holidays

5. Assigning shifts to users

6. Assigning holidays or leaves to users

7. Setting up devices

8. Generating T&A reports

Simple Example

T&A rules 5 day work week Regular working time

09:00 ~ 18:00 Late In if checking in later than 9:05 Early Out if checking out before 18:00 All work hours are in 10-minute units

All GBS members are assigned to this rule

Example: Daily Schedule

Example: Shift

Example: Device Configuration and Report


T&A Configuration

Time category Daily schedule Shift Holiday management Leave management

Time Category

Define the characteristics of a time slot Maximum 64 categories Ex) If rounding is 10 min,

7:12 => 7:10, 9:30 => 9:30, 10:19=> 10:10

Daily Schedule

Maximum 128 daily schedules Time slot

Maximum 16 per day Consists of one time category Options for calculating working time

Minimum Duration Rounding(In)/Rounding(Out) Affect Result

Options for determining ‘Late In’ or ‘Early Out’ Grace(Start)/Grace(Out) Auto Check In/Auto Check Out

Daily Schedule: Options

Daily Schedule: Tips

When there are more than two time slots with the same time category The rounding values are applied to the sum of the working time Ex)

Rounding: 10

Total Working Time = 3:46 + 2:35 = 6:21 with rounding => 6:20

If Grace option is disabled, Late In or Early Out will not be displayed for the time slot

If Affect Result option is not selected, the slot will not be used for determining the Result filed of the report

Time Slot 1 Time Slot 2

Working Time 3:46 2:35

Daily Schedule: Working Time and Result I

Original Data By Time Slot Option

Check In 9:03 Grace(Start) 5 => 9:00

Check Out 11:53 Rounding(Out) => 11:40

Working Time 2:50 2:40

Result Check both for Late In and Early Out => Early Out

Daily Schedule: Working Time and Result II

Original Data By Time Slot Option

Check In 9:03 Grace(Start) 5 => 9:00

Check Out 11:53 Grace(End) 10 => 12:00

Working Time 2:50 3:00

Result No effect for Result => Absence

Daily Schedule: Working Time and Result III

Original Data By Time Slot Option

Check In 9:03 Grace(Start) 5 => 9:00

Check Out 11:53 Rounding(Out) => 11:40

Working Time 2:50 2:40

Result No check for Early Out => Normal


Consists of daily schedules Maximum 64 shifts A daily shift can cover up to 31 days

Holiday Management

Maximum 64 holiday rules Holiday lists should be created in the Access Control menu

Leave Management

Working time will not be calculated for the leave days The leave type will be displayed in the Result field of the reports

Device Configuration

T&A mode T&A key configuration Example

Device Configuration: T&A Mode


Not Use Disable T&A functions.

Manual Users have to press the specified key to record T&A events.

Manual Fix After a T&A key is pressed, the device will remain in that mode until another T&A key is pressed.

Auto Change The device will change T&A modes automatically according to the specified schedule. See Auto Mode Schedule option.

Event Fix The T&A mode will be fixed to the specified event.

Device Configuration: Other Options

Event Type Option Example

Time slot between 09:00 AM ~ 18:00 PM Check-In 11:00 AM Check-Out 17:00 PM

Regard as nor-mal…

Only Result Result Working Time

True False Normal 9:00

True True Normal 6:00

False False Late-InEarly-Out



Generating report Report types Calculating working time Determining the Result field Editing report data I/O board

Generating Report

Select Report at the task pane of Time and Attendance menu For direct mode devices, you may have to click Upload Log before

Update Report

Daily Report

Individual Report

Result Report

Calculating Working Time

Calculating the working time of a day1. Per each time slot,

1. Apply grace options if any

2. Apply the rounding values

3. Multiply the rounded time by Time Rate of the time category

2. Sum up the working time of all the time slots

Time Cat-egory

Check-In Check-Out Rounding Working Time

Time Rate

Regular 09:05 18:00 10 8:50 1.0

Overtime 19:10 21:50 30 2:30 1.5

Overnight 23:00 01:00 0 2:00 2.0

Total Working Time(min) = 530 * 1.0 + 150 * 1.5 + 120 * 2.0 = 1005

Result Field

Priority Absence > Missing Out > Missing In > Late In/Early Out > Early Out > Late In >



Normal On time both for arriving and leaving

Late In Check in later than the specified time

Early Out Check out earlier than the specified time

Late In/Early Out Check in later and check out earlier

Missing In No Check-In event

Missing Out No Check-Out event

Absence No Check-In and Check-Out eventIf leave is registered, the leave type will be displayed

Editing Report: Update in Place

Procedures1. Locate a cell to modify

2. Click the cell

3. Enter a new value or select an option from the drop-down list

It will not overwrite the original data collected from the devices To reproduce the report with the original data, click the checkbox

Rebuild and click Update Report again

Editing Report: Detailed Editing

Procedures1. Locate a row to modify

2. Right-click the row and select Detailed editing

3. In the Detailed editing dialog, modify the selected events

4. Click Update Report

To reproduce the report with the original data, click the checkbox Rebuild All and click Update Report again

Editing Report

I/O Board

For quickly determining which users are checked in or out Not supported in the free version


Case 1: Over time Case 2: Holiday Case 3: Daily shift

Over Time: Rule

5 day work week


Regular Time • 09:00 ~ 12:00 (Morning Time)• 13:00 ~ 18:00 (Afternoon Time)• An employee should work more than 2 hours to be regarded as attendance• Rounding is 10 minute

Over Time • 19:00 ~ 05:00• Should work more than one hour• Over time rate is twice of regular time• Rounding is 10 minute

Late In & Early Out • Grace time is 5 minute both for Check-In and Check-Out

Event Generation • Manual mode• No automatic Check-In and Check-Out• No first Check-In and last Check-Out

Over Time: Time Category


Regular Time • Rounding is 10 minute

Over Time • Over time rate is twice of regular time• Rounding is 30 minute

Over Time: Daily Schedule

Over Time: Time Slot


Regular Time • 09:00 ~ 12:00 (Morning Time)• 13:00 ~ 18:00 (Afternoon Time)• An employee should work more than 2 hours to be regarded as attendance• Rounding is 10 minute

Over Time: Time Slot


Over Time • 19:00 ~ 05:00• Should work more than one hour• Rounding is 10 minute• No Late In/Early Out

Over Time: Shift

Over Time: Device Configuration


Event Generation • Manual mode• No automatic Check-In and Check-Out

Over Time: Sample Case

Over Time: Sample Case

Holiday: Rule

Holiday rule options Regard as in a non working day Regard as in a normal shift Apply new daily schedule

RulesHoliday • 09:00 ~ 18:00

• Time rate is twice of regular time• During the holiday, an employee should work more than 1 hour to be regarded as attendance• Rounding is 30 minute• No Late In/Early Out

Holiday: Daily Schedule

Holiday: Holiday Rule

Holiday: User

Holiday: Sample Case

Daily Shift: Scenario


Group • Group A, B, C, D

Shift • 3 shifts: Day time, Evening time, Night time

Daily Schedule • Day time: 08:00 ~ 16:00• Evening time: 16:00 ~ 24:00• Night time: 00:00 ~ 08:00

Event • Out Duty hours regarded as regular working hours• First authentication as ‘Check-In’, and last as ‘Check-out’

Daily Shift: Day

Daily Shift: Evening

Daily Shift: Night

Daily Shift: Shift