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Welcome to February, Tim’s 87th edition and the month of St Valentine. Yes, as Christmas and the New Year celebrations fade in the rear view mirror, we have yet another opportunity to part with our money. Great news for the greeting card industry and even better for florists (apparently it costs 3 times more to produce blooms in February than the rest of the year). Dig deep guys, you know those you love are worth it!!!

Marilyn Monroe said “Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul”. Did she know that couples may transfer an average of 9 milligrams of water, 0.7 milligrams of protein, 0.18 milligrams of organic matter, 0.71 milligrams of fat and 0.45 milligrams of salt to each other with each open-mouthed kiss and that kissing helps reduce tooth decay because the extra saliva it creates helps clean out the mouth (ooh - too much information!!)

It used to be that we sent cards at Christmas, birthdays, weddings and funerals. Now it appears that there is a card for every occasion - to and from any combination of family or friends - you can even get Thank you for your Thank you cards!!!

Bully doesn’t like kissing - last month he was hiding, being bashful, on page 35 on the Rafael’s advert, and the lucky winner of the crisp 50 euros was Mr J Tranter of Alenda Golf Alicante. The winner of the Pleasure Flight courtesy of Sol Aero was Friedrich Volker Heilmamnn of Poligono 5 Elda so congratulations to both of our winners. See inside for more free to enter competitions.

Got something to sell? Looking to buy second hand goods? Then pay a visit to our online classifieds section at

The Ides of March approach... until then.

Regards The TIM Team




Lets Party

The Garden


The dreaded f-word

Valentines Fun

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Inside the February edition...

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Bottle-kicking is an old Leicestershire custom that takes place each Easter Monday. Effectively it is a pitched battle fought between the villages of Hallaton and Medbourne. On New Years Eve the Guisers of Allendale, Northumberland, carry flaming tar barrels on their heads to light a midnight bonfire. We Britons love a good tradition. The Spanish are up for a bit of a lark too.

In Coria, Extremadura for the San Juan festival they didn’t think much of the Alicantino idea of bonfires and fireworks to celebrate the longest day of the year. Their idea of fun was to pick a lad to defend himself with a couple of daggers against all the other young men of the village. One year the lucky boy happened to be from a rich family. His mum wasn’t keen on him being maimed or killed so she greased enough palms for the authorities to substitute a bull for her son. She set a trend. Nowadays happy mums look on as the villagers shoot small darts from blowpipes into a bull running through the streets. Favourite targets are eyes, nostrils and testicles. Perhaps there’s a bit of a testicles thing in Coria because once the bull is exhausted and collapses its balls are cut off.

In Manganeses de la Polvorosa in Zamora it’s goats. They used to throw a live goat from the church tower which the lads caught in a sort of blanket - fire fighter style. Afterward the goat went for a pleasant stroll amongst the milling crowds. The story goes that some outsiders, who had the strange idea that the goats didn’t enjoy their short flight, made a bit of a fuss about the event on national telly. Nowadays the villagers limit themselves to flinging a cardboard goat from the tower. A live goat takes over to do the walkabout.

In Carpio del Tajo in Toledo they hang a goose from a rope, washing line style, in the middle of the town square. Horse riders charge past and try to wrench off the bird’s head with their bare hands. The geese are dead. Not so the cockerels in Guarrate in Zamora. This time, after first reading a poem the young men of the village have to slit the throat of the birds with swords as they ride past on horseback.

There are plenty more. Bulls turn up a lot. In Tordesillas they hack one to death with lances. In Medinaceli in Soria, the encierro, the ever so common running of bulls through narrow streets, is enlivened by doing it at night with burning torches fastened to the bull’s horns presumably so the bull can see where it’s going. There are similar fiestas in Valencia. Another popular type of event, with the most infamous being in Benavente, involves tying a strong rope to the bull’s horns and then dragging it this way and that. Castilla y Leon, la Rioja, Navarra, Andalucia and Valencia all have variations on this theme.

It’s not just animals. In Valverde de la Vera on Easter Thursday human penitents wearing white veils and skirts are roped up to a plough shaft whilst in the Galician village of As Neves people who don’t feel too well are carried around in coffins each July.

Tradition is a wonderful thing.

By Chris Thompson

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How will QROPS 2012 fare ?

QROPS (overseas pensions) will continue to provide excellent retirement planning throughout 2012. Most forms of UK pensions can be transferred into a QROPS, including personal pensions and preserved benefits from company pensions. It is important that your adviser provide certain checks on these schemes to ensure you are aware of any potential penalties upon transfer or guaranteed benefits that you may be giving up.

The top three jurisdictions are currently Guernsey, New Zealand and Australia. (Source: HMRC) There are almost certainly to be changes to the New Zealand option, through current consultation to reduce the maximum commutation to 30% from 6 April but it still offers an excellent destination for your QROPS business. Guernsey and The Isle of Man are working hard with HMRC through discussion to iron out a suitable resolution, where Condition 4 of draft proposals could jeopardize QROPS business for them in 2012. These islands may need to amend their tax rules to comply. All will become clear over the coming weeks as proposals become reality.

The key benefits and attraction of a QROPS are:

• Retirement benefits – you can draw up to 30% tax free cash with a flexible income of up to 100% of the GAD (Government Actuary Department) rate – with no requirement to buy an annuity.

• Death benefits – there is no taxation on death benefits payable from a majority of QROPS jurisdictions. Taxation in the UK can be as high as 55% in certain circumstances.

• Age – you can draw benefits from age 55.We have witnessed reducing QROPS charges and we expect this trend to continue throughout 2012 as trustees tighten their belts in search of quality business in a competitive arena.

Draft regulation changes by HMRC (Dec 2011) sets out categories of information that a scheme manager (trustee) has to report all payments out of funds transferred from a UK scheme for a period of 10 years from the transfer of those funds to the QROPS, also having to report any payment within 60 days of being made.

The new provisions will apply from 6 April 2012, but these are still in the process of consultation and rules may change again before implementation. (Source: HMRC website)

It is important that you seek quality and qualified advice from a professional independent financial adviser, who can select the most competitive charging structure, most suitable jurisdiction for you and build a successful investment portfolio for your pension assets.

If you would like more information, please contact me by phone or email:

[email protected]

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By Barbara BartonAs a follow up from my last feature I am going to use this month to consider the sort of plants you might want to place in a rock garden.

But don’t despair if you haven’t got one because although the plants mentioned here are all excellent for use in a rock garden they will work equally as well just planted in the garden in a border, providing it is a well drained position.

The mainstay of most rock gardens are the creeping, ground hugging, sun-loving plants. Planted between rocks and in crevices and left to scramble aimlessly over the terrain and tumble down to create a natural look

First to mention is the Creeping Phlox, producing small flowers in dense clusters, up to 6 in tall. Massed together they make for great ground cover. Colours vary from reds and white through to blue, pink, lavender and purple. Choice will depend on what you can find at the local garden centre.Phlox does best in full sun and in well-drained soil. The creeping habit makes for a good display but it can also help hold things together and prevent erosion.

Two very good ground cover plants, both very similar to each other, are Creeping Thyme (Thymus Serpyllum) and Creeping Rosemary (Rosemary Prostratus). These aromatic evergreens require very little maintenance and once established are very hardy and drought resistant and enjoy plenty of sunshine. Both are robust growers so some trimming back in the autumn may well be necessary.

The thyme will produce sweet little carmine pink bells for months which butterflies simply adore and of course the rosemary gives us its characteristic attractive blue flowers and lovely dark green foliage

Along with these is another favourite in the rock garden, Thrift, sometimes called Sea Pinks. A small and tidy plant it is covered with bobbing pink flowers. Once again, it’s a good ground cover plant and is frequently used in rock gardens. When planted in a group it forms a mat of attractive grassy foliage.

We used to see it in abundance along the cliffs of North Norfolk – very hardy!

Happy in sun, it especially needs a spot with good drainage as it is prone to root rot but in saying that, it’s a very easy plant to grow

Finally, my own personal favourite, the rock rose, Helianthemum. This comes from a plant family called Cistacease which is a small family of plants that flower profusely; the flowers don’t last long but are constantly replaced making a good show

The rock rose comes in many varieties and so you need to be sure you choose a low growing one as some can grow quite tall. Try Fireball or Pink Angel. All prefer dry and sunny habitats, grow well in poor soils and therefore are easy to cultivate in a rock garden.

It is fully hardy and a pretty addition, we had it growing in our garden in England and it was delightful. The range of colours is wide which means you are bound to find something you like.

With a rock garden there is the potential for a lot of water run-off so you might want to consider sinking a length of 50mm water pipe beside each plant as you position them, so that when you water there is a better chance of reaching down to the roots

Hopefully that has given you some ideas on what to get started with in the rock garden or maybe just something different to add to an existing rock garden or, just to plant in the garden generally.Till next time........................

No two gardens are the same. No two days are the same in one garden ~ Hugh Johnson

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By Barabara Barton

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hor L





Expat life frequently takes many unexpected twists and turns. When Linda Palfreeman arrived in Albatera she had no idea that she would end up becoming one of the leading experts in the British involvement with the International Brigade (IB).

The IB comprised of British (and other nationalities) of volunteers united in the fight against Fascism during the Spanish Civil War (SCW). Spain’s Republican government came under military attack during 1936 from the armed forces led by Franco supported by Hitler and Mussolini.

Linda’s interest in the Spanish Civil War was awoken whilst researching local history in Albatera and San Isidro. So when an opportunity presented itself to interpret for a Spanish colleague researching in the UK by interviewing ex-IB members she readily agreed.

“I already had a passion for history and an ambition to write,” said Linda during our recent interview.

She has established herself as one of the leading authorities on the British IB members and the enormous contribution that so many made including those who gave up their life. She delivered the key note speech at last year’s International Brigade Memorial Trust conference in London.

Linda’s new book - Salud! British Volunteers in the Republican Medical Service during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 was published in January 2012, with a prologue written by Professor Paul Preston, also a published author and acknowledged expert on the Spanish Civil War.

Her books synopsis is as follows:

“Salud! Reviews the enormously valuable contribution of the volunteers who left Britain to serve with the Republican Medical Services during the Spanish Civil War. Acknowledgement is given to the immense effort and self-sacrifice made by men and women from all walks of life who, working ceaselessly in the rearguard, made it possible for the medical teams to function in Spain.

Such was the case in Britain where, in spite of the government’s official policy of non-intervention, there was a campaign of fervent support for the legitimate Republican government. The first British Medical Unit in Spain had immense political significance for the Spanish Republic.

Barely a month into the start of the civil war and this small group was the first visible sign of international support. It would later become part of the Republican Medical Service and, within

that, of the Medical Service of the International Brigades. Not only did volunteers help to create and to maintain an emergency medical service, some of the individuals involved were also responsible for important developments that were of relevance to later military-medical practice and also to the history of medicine in general. Medical personnel generally worked in dreadful conditions, for hours and even days without rest, and with a lack of equipment and provisions of all kinds.

They were mostly young and inexperienced men and women who suddenly found themselves thrown together in desperate circumstances, with the task of salvaging something of life amidst the inhumanity and mayhem. That they rose to the challenge is, in itself, worthy of tribute.”

Chatting to Linda soon made me realise what an amazing contribution these young men and women, from all walks of British life, had made by leaving their homes and travelling to war ravaged Spain.

The UK volunteers hoped that with their international brothers in arms they could overcome the Fascist onslaught and avoid what many were predicting, but despite their heroic efforts, the SCW was the prelude to the 2nd World War.

Linda continued, “These people acted on their beliefs, trying to support justice and freedom for all. They gave up their jobs and made the perilous journey to Spain, some walking over the freezing Pyrenees, to enlist with the Spanish government Republican forces.”

The type of war waged by the Fascists had never been seen before with heavy bombing and air raid attacks on civilian as well as military targets. With such terrible weapons being used for the first time the casualties were high and the injuries a major challenge for the poorly equipped medical services to treat. So the IB volunteers and the overseas donations of medical supplies and equipment were vital to treat the Republican casualties.

“The medics treated everyone, civilians, Republicans and even the opposing forces, such was their dedication. Frequently working in precariousness conditions, medical care had to be dispensed in railway carriages and tunnels and even in tents and caves,” explained Linda.

I am sure this new book will take its place amongst the SCW history shelves ensuring that we all remember the tragedy of the events during 1936-1939 in Spain and the incredible part played by those brave young British volunteers.For more: IBMT

Words by Rob Innis |

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Hello and welcome to the February motoring section. All of last year I offered tips and general advice on basic maintenance for your vehicles, well once again I would like to invite you to another totally free, health and safety check for your vehicle comprising of a 30 point visual check and advice sheet. Also anyone who takes part will also receive 15% discount off a 3 course Sunday lunch. This will take place at the Manor House bar/restaurant (el cortijo) on Sunday the 26th of February. So don’t delay give me a call to reserve your place as booking is essential?

I have been asked to try and explain about EU driving Licenses, (quoted by the global expat network). All valid EU Community and EEC driving licenses can be used in Spain, and can also be exchanged for a Spanish license, all valid EU (European Union) Community and EEC (European Economic Area) driving licenses are valid in Spain provided that the license holder is 18 years or older. There is no obligation for the license to be exchanged for a Spanish one. However a foreign resident in Spain is entitled to exchange the EEC license if they choose. Although exchanging an EU driving license for a Spanish license is not required, all Spanish license conditions apply to the EU license being used by a foreign resident in Spain.

These conditions include: 1- The period of validity of the license. 2-Requirement for medical checks. 3-Payment of taxes. 4- Penalties and restrictions, including suspension, withdrawn and cancellation of the license.

If a driving infraction occurs, Spanish authorities can require the holder of the license from an EU country to obtain a new Spanish license so that point can be removed. As in the UK we gain points here in Spain we start with 12 points and they are deducted accordingly. Foreign drivers from within the EU will need to register with the traffic authorities with in six months of moving to Spain. Details must be registered with the central Register of drivers and Minor Offenders (Registro Central de Conductores e Infractores) of the provincial traffic headquarters (Jefatura Pronincial de traffico) of their place of residence.

Once registered, applicants will need to undergo a medical examination at an authorized drivers check centre (Centro de Reconocimiento de conductores Autorizado) to show mental and physical fitness and the standards that apply to Spanish drivers will apply to them.

License Addresses! While it is completely legal to use the EU issued license until it expires, it is not possible to change the address on the EU license to an address outside of the issuing country. It is generally accepted within the rules that the address on the license will be from the issuing country and may not be the driver’s actual residential address.

UK license holders please note, moving to an other country you don’t need to notify DVLA of a change of address when moving abroad (statement from the DVLA).

Next month exchanging an EEC license for a Spanish license documents required? that’s it for this month don’t forget to call me to reserve your place for the health and safety check day as places could be unavailable, happy and safe driving till next month.

by Julian Ashington

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Unless you’ve been in a coma or perhaps detained in solitary confinement at Her Majesty’s pleasure for the past few years, you’ll doubtless be familiar with the phenomenon known as “Social Networking.” Invariably internet based, social networking has risen to huge prominence in the last decade or so and is the method of choice for friends and like minded people to share common interests, without the sometimes tiresome necessity of conversing in person. In this regard, 27 year old Harvard graduate Mark Zuckerberg has quite a bit to answer for, or rather, his brainchild has! You may not know the name Zuckerberg, but in a recent survey amongst British 18 year olds, more of the respondents confessed to using the native New Yorker’s invention than were actually registered to vote. You see, early in 2004 Zuckerberg and some of his geeky Ivy League chums created the monster known as facebook.

In common with the greater internet, facebook began life as a rudimentary system connecting computers in different locations, initially at Harvard and then other universities in the Boston area. Inside three months, almost all the US and Canadian seats of learning were signed up and within a year, facebook had crossed the Atlantic to include the UK and was already eyeing up Australia and New Zealand. In the autumn of 2006 facebook, which hitherto had been restricted to high schools and universities, opened itself up to everyone over the age of 13 with a valid email address. The rest, as they say, is history. At the time of writing, facebook has in excess of 800 million registered users around the world. Naturally, those perennial spoilsports in China, as is their wont, have denied their citizens access but what, if anything, are the good folk of the People’s Republic missing out on? Truth be told probably not very much really.

Actually, that last statement may have been a tad harsh because the mass appeal of facebook lies in its simplicity and all the things you can use it for. Once you’ve created an account in your own name or an alias you’ll be up and running in moments and thereafter only the sky is your social networking limit. The first stop is usually to populate your personal profile which means adding such crucial details as a photo, (a surprising number of people are quite shy and use all manner of Googled images), and then work, education, birthday, interests etc. At this point the opportunity for the

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unscrupulous to embellish their achievements appears open-ended; a couple of old school mates of mine, not the sharpest pair of tools in the box if memory serves which it definitely does, have since acquired paid employment as, respectively, a 747 pilot and at the UN. Apparently!! It’s all good fun though, mostly, as I’ll now try and explain.

As a dedicated user and firm facebook fan, one of my simplest internet pleasures is reading, sometimes pressing the button to like, and then commenting on friend’s status updates which range from the banal to the brilliant, not though in equal measure. From these few lines of text it’s perfectly possible to suss out the authors mindset, what kind of day he or she is having, who has seriously aggravated him or her, and, rather quaintly, commiserate or celebrate depending on whether it’s good or bad tidings. Children, wives, husbands, football teams, music and, quite why I’ve no idea, TV shows all get facebook facetime so to speak and all are open to criticism or the vagaries of their audience. That football thing is particularly good fun, especially when a rival team lose or become the subject of any kind of controversy. Facetious comments abound and any hint of antagonism in the response can be killed stone dead by subtle use of the like button.

Getting on for five years after first signing up, the little red icon signifying a new notification, personal message or, better still, a friendship request still excites me when I initially log on. All too often though one of the first couple will be something unexciting or of little interest and the invitation from a new “friend” will turn out to be from a shop or restaurant I went to last week rather than a long lost school mate I’d be thrilled to hear from. For businesses large and small the potential of facebook is frightening, nowadays a great many switched-on organisations have corporate pages that serve as effective communicating and, of course, marketing tools. Naturally, as more and more firms figure it out, that number will only increase, as will the quantity of unwanted advertisements; not that a certain gentleman, now resident in sunny California, will be complaining too much as the quantity of loose change in his back pocket necessitates yet another visit to the bank.

Games players too are also adequately catered for on facebook, with thousands of beat ‘em up, shoot ‘em up, strategy or mental agility applications to choose from. With the massive increase in its popularity, facebook is also the next logical step for the cynical criminal elements that infest every corner of the internet. Unbeknown to a great many gamers, their naive online purchasing of the tokens and credits necessary to make progress and compete in their chosen favourite city or farm building project is highly likely to have further enriched the bulging coffers of Eastern European and Far East cyber mobsters, many of whom now exploit t’web to clone cards by widespread use of teams of hackers. Continuing with that seamy theme, illicit affairs between old acquaintances, numerous divorce cases and at least one tragic murder can be traced directly to facebook. But heh, don’t have nightmares do sleep well, as Nick Ross once said!!

Because its tentacles reach everywhere, facebook probably isn’t the best place either to criticize your boss and colleagues or use having pulled a sicky with a fictitious migraine. Stories abound of workers disciplined or, indeed, sacked as a result of ill considered and disparaging online comments and you don’t need to look too hard to find them. Take for example - and as luck would have it someone did, the law - the plonker who tried to use the planet’s favourite website to incite a riot in his home town last August. I rest my case. Because it’s so widely used, a private message on facebook is just as effective as a text or email these days, my Mrs even communicates with me this way from our kitchen. In the olden days, before laptops were invented, we used to have social networking too, back then though people used to have face to face conversations with each other or write letters. Latter day postmen - you don’t know you were born.

Facebook really is my favourite f-word and with luck it will succeed where Adolf Hitler failed in his quest for world domination, it’s well over half way there already. I love it, because it’s brilliant and long may it continue.

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JAGUARS Sunshine and Pussy Cats

The sun was shining, the air was warm and the cars glistened in the fabulous winter sun, I do feel sorry for those poor Jaguar owners in “Blighty”, up to their ***** in snow, rain and fog, the poor Jaguar cocooned away from the damp and cold never to see the light of day until the start of Britain’s next short summer, which if they are lucky last’s about 3 weeks. The fourth meeting of the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club in Spain took place on Sunday 8th January 2012 at Restaurant Los Almendros in Torrellano, near Alicante Airport. I wish to thank all those that attended the meeting, especially all the new members. The biggest turn out yet, 27 beautiful Jaguars and 52 people, it just keeps growing every meeting, it is nice to know I must be doing something right.

Some of the old favourites were there as usual, a fabulous red Jaguar XK120 drophead and some good examples of XK’s and XKR’s. A new arrival, a stunning red 4.2 E type coupe and one of the new Jaguar XF saloons. Jaguar Sovereign Long Wheel Base saloon, a newly acquired XJ X300 a fabulous XKR Coupe and of course “The Guvnors” XK8 Convertible. More examples of E types, XJS’s, XK8’s, XJ’s, X Types, a Mark 2 and S Types completed the collection this time.

A photo quiz kept the “grey matter” working during lunch, 20 pictures of very unusual Jaguars or parts of Jaguars to really test the memory banks and Jaguar knowledge. We had a very worthy winner, a new attendee, Mr Stig Moltu-Jacobsen, he was presented with a unique bottle of Jaguar wine. We were also very pleased to announce that one of our members Mr Alfonso Cuervo-Arango has just been presented with an award by the Spanish Ministry of Science for his unique invention of a water saving device.

Lunch at Los Almendros was exceptional, the famous Los Almendros bread with tomato and aioli, a fabulous duck paté with mini toast and a fruit conserve, plates of cheese and ham, a hot chicken dish with an intense sauce, then a fantastic confit of duck with potatoes and vegetables, sword fish or paella. Followed by an assorted plate of desserts. Wine, water, beers and beautiful aromatic coffee all for just 18.00 Euros + IVA. It is worth coming to the meetings just for the lunch alone!

We all gathered for group photographs and a last chat. People started to depart just after 4:30pm. The next meeting to be held at Los Almendros is planned for 11th March 2012. Future events planned for 2012 is a cruise in convoy to a fantastic gourmet restaurant in Pinoso and a cruise to Calasparra for a visit to the Sanctuary and a hog roast.

The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club is the largest of the worlds Jaguar Clubs, apart from joining in the fun at the meetings, members also benefit from a glossy 132 page A4 monthly magazine, Jaguar spares department and a technical advice service second to none. Special insurance deals and approved service centres are also part of the benefits.If you live in Spain and own a Jaguar you should be a member of The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club. The JEC in Spain is organised by Eric Arnold who can be contacted by email [email protected] or by phone on 609931647 or alternatively check out the JEC web site or come along to our next meeting and have a chat, contact Eric by email to register your interest.

by Eric Arnold

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When the Nationalist bombs started raining down on Republican held Madrid in 1936 the government realised it had to act to protect the valuable art works in the Prado and other galleries. Little did they know they had started a 3 year journey across Europe for some of the world’s most precious and important works of art.

The fascinating exhibition ‘Arte Salvador’ currently on display at the Frax Foundation in Albir shows with photos and explains (in English) the incredible events which took place during the Civil War 1936-39 and how Spain’s classic art collection was saved from destruction by the ravages of civil war.

Josep Renau, born in Valencia, was appointed Director of Fine Arts in 1936 and being a committed Communist pro Republican played a key role in the government’s plans to transport all of the irreplaceable artwork to Valencia, where they also planned to relocate out of besieged Madrid.

But as the Franco led Nationalists advanced the plans for the famous paintings had to be revised and so it was decided to transport onwards to safety in Barcelona. The government tried to use their concern for the art as a political propaganda and as other nations grew increasingly concerned about its possible destruction, senior art experts arrived from neutral Britain and inspected to ensure all suitable precautions to prevent damage or loss were in hand. They were surprised to find the diligence which Renau’s team had taken to safely transport the precious paintings.

Later, as events unfolded, it became apparent that the whole of Spain would fall to Franco. So a consortium of French, British, Swiss, Dutch, Belgium and Americans art experts formed the International Committee for the Rescue of Spanish Art Treasures, under the auspices of the League of Nations. After hasty but detailed negotiations with the government, who were concerned about their treasures disappearing forever, a contract was signed, known as the Figueras Agreement. This permitted the art to be transferred from Barcelona to France and onward to Geneva which was financed and arranged by the International Committee.

“Under our dining room floor were Velazquez paintings – also in outbuildings and a big warehouse were stacked full of art treasures. Whenever they were bombing nearby I was desperately afraid that my destiny would be to see the collections go up in flames,” said Manuel Azaña in Barcelona, 1939.

As Franco’s army advanced the dedicated team of art protectors again packed up and loaded the irreplaceable cargo for another journey. Just in time before Barcelona fell to the Nationalists early in 1939, 71 lorries loaded with artworks and despite the severe weather, bombings, closed frontiers, no communications and many other problems escaped into to France and safety.

The most famous paintings went onto Geneva, via train from Perpignan, and arrived five days later. An exhibition was planned to show the world that the Spanish government had saved the priceless works from the rebels. By now Franco was in power and it was he who grabbed the glory. By some political ‘spin doctoring’ he managed to tell the world - the credit for saving the art was his and that he had rescued it from the ‘Reds.’ (I.e. the Republican government) He won the propaganda coup and over 400,000 people visited the exhibition despite the start of the Second World War hindering travel. The proceeds went to help fund the rescue project.

Later that year France declared war on Germany who had invaded Poland and so the Spanish art collection was returned to the then safe Madrid at the end of 1939. Ironically it was handed over to Franco’s regime from whom it had been ‘saved’ during the Civil War.

After its three years of moving backwards and forwards across Europe, often under war time conditions, every piece was successfully and safely returned to The Prado. Two of Goya’s works had suffered an accident on route but were successfully restored to their former glory.

It was a marvellous end to a very difficult period and ensured that some of the world’s best art was not lost so future generations could enjoy Spain’s rich artistic heritage.The exhibition runs until February 26th and is free. It is actually sited outside the Frax gallery which is on Albir Beach. See their website for more information.For more:

How Spain’s Art Was Saved

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By Rob Innis

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THE artificial grass experts

• Artificial grass supplied & installed

• Complete garden design service

• Many different effects available

• Free site survey & quotation

• Patios/paths/planters/garden lights • 8 year guarantee

FIREWOOD FOR SALEA “FREE” chimney clean with

every load of wood

Stock up now with seasonal wood for Winter

CALL ANGELA 658 626 315

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Hondon de las Nieves

STROLLING - 4 - SIENNAThat is what the guys & gals photographed above are doing. A group of us meet at half past ten every Friday morning at Bar Rocas in Nieves and take a gentle stroll around the village lasting from 40 minutes to one hour. It’s a chance to enjoy a cuppa, chat with other folks and get to know the village and its surroundings a little better while supporting a good cause. We take it in turns to planning a “nice & easy” route and collect 50 cents per person per walk that is donated via Sonrisa to the Sienna Trust. We would love more folks to come along and join us on any or all of our walks.

Also please put a date in your diary for our Spring Treasure Hunt that has now been scheduled for Sunday morning April 1st. Food will be provided before & after and there will be prizes and a raffle. Further details will be published in the next edition of TIM. Alternatively you can contact Joan who can fill you in on all Sonrisa’s activities and ticket sales (687 074 097 - [email protected]).


Casa La Pedrera along with Paul Cunningham Nurses invite you to take part in our Charity Lake Challenge, now in its third year!!

Paul Cunningham Nurses invite you to come along for tea and cake, relax in beautiful surroundings and take in the awe-inspiring view. If you like to walk then so much the better!

For more details and how to get sponsorship forms, go to or you can call

or email Susan [email protected] Tel 639 318 526

You may remember that my November article had a picture of Park ranger Carlos looking at flamingos through an expensive telescope, well, whilst dismantling the telescope, it fell forward ground wards and halfway down, Carlos managed to catch it, saving expensive embarrassment.

Our second trip out to Pila, involved a walk from the refuge called Albergue Cabezo de Turra.From Garapacha past Fuente Blanca, then left at Puerto Frio.The refuge is on the right with plenty of parking. This walk will be the first walk of the group on Sunday 5th of Feb, starting at 10.00.It goes away from the mountain downhill and is a clockwise circuit via the Puerto Frio [already driven through] back to the refuge. The opening walk is easy and of about 1hr 15 min to encourage everyone to have a go, slow pace and not much uphill.

Sunday 12th from Rambla del Trote, This is found on the Cueva Negra round. Turn left at walkers signboard.10.00 start, 1hr 40mins, circuit easy pace, not much uphill.

Sunday 19th from just past Cortado de las Penas, the dramatic gorge on the Garapacha road.10.00 start 1hr 30mins anti-clock circuit, easy pace not much uphill.

Sunday 26th from Fuente San Jeronimo.Corque circuit, 4 hrs.Steady pace 4hrs, mountain top optional.

I am aiming for a multi national friendly group, with maybe easy and harder walks weekly till summer.

On offer,-improve fitness, make friends, see the beauty of the Fortuna area, a natural anti-depressant, eliminate toxins.

I mentioned singing Carols for charity. We sang 5 venues and made 263€ but have not found a suitable home for the cash. The town hall is assisting.

If you are interested in singing please be in contact.Colin Bagnall: mobile 669386680

[email protected]

Fortuna Walking Group

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The holiday season will be with us before we know it and it will be the usual “what will I do with my hair this summer?” Why not be brave and change your hair style and colour with the season, but before you make that move why not brush up on the latest cut and colour trends.

The best way to decide on something new is to talk to an expert and take their advice, go to the salon armed with pictures of some of the styles and colours you like, your salon wants you to be satisfied and wants to help you look your best so take their advice, they have the experience to know what will look good on you.

Professionals are trained to create the colour that is exactly right for your hair, they will take into account what colour enhances your skin tone, eye coulur and is most flattering for your age, a colour can make the difference of your new cut looking “OK” to “AMAZING” your salon professional should discuss all options of colouring with you, the methods and different types available to you whether you want to go from mousey brown to radiant red, fade away grey, or add a few sunny highlights.

A professional stylist/colourist has the knowledge and the training to know how to achieve the colour and look that you want so communicate, talk with pictures of colours and styles, find the right words to explain the best you can what you want and look forward to a new you this summer.

See you soon Karen (KAZKUTS)FIN














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ENGLISH & DUTCH FOOD STORE Hondon de los Frailes – On your doorstep!

Offering EASYPOST postal services with daily collections from Monday to Thursday –

only 1.10 € for a first class standard envelope (1 € second class) to the UK

Fantastic selection of your favourite chocolates & sweets – ideal gifts for St Valentine’s Day

Strongbow and John Smiths’ still at 99 cents! Jacksons’ & Roberts’ thick white bread 1.80 €

More great offers available in store throughout February! Well over 1,250 different lines now in stock

If we don’t stock it, we can get it on request!

Tel: 636 322 925 or 606 687 388 Avenida Blasco Banez, 62 (next to the school and ferreteria)

Open (nearly all hours) Monday - Saturday 10.00 am – 7.00 pm


Any unwanted items happily received in our charity shop. Big or small we

will take it all!

Open Saturdays 10.00 am ‘til 4.00 pm.

All donations gratefully received Proceeds go to Street Cats Charity

Our prices speak for


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1 Seriously out of favour (2,3,8)8 Arts (anag) (4)9 Manufacturer (8)10 Sense of moral correctness (10)12 Draw conclusions (6)14 Irritable (6)15 Ardent supporter (10)19 Dissolute Shakespearean — Verdi opera (8)20 Amphibian (4)21 Extremely neat and tidy (5-3,5)

DOWN2 Main constituent of the air (8)3 Falcon-headed god of ancient Egypt (5)4 Dispossess (7)5 Utterance expressing pain or disapproval (5)6 Wealthy (7)7 State of mental agitation (informal) (4)11 Large city, especially London (informal) (3,5)13 Let us in (anag) (7)14 Fungus — chocolate sweet (7)16 Tread heavily (on) (5)17 Establish by deduction (5)18 Stinging insect (4)



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January´s Crossword Answers

If you would like the answers for this month’s crossword and can not wait for next months magazine to get the answers please go to our website at where Febuary’s answers are

available all ready on line.

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By John McGregor

TIM Magazine™

‘Infamy, Infamy!’ she would call.

‘They’ve all got it infamy!’ I would reply, Kenneth Williams-style, and we’d both collapse laughing together. I have no idea really when, and why our special relationship started. Growing up in the UK I had no aunts and uncles, as my Kiwi Dad came from a large family but in New Zealand, and my Mum was an only child. ‘Auntie Glad’ was really an old friend of my Mum’s, but they were different as chalk and cheese.

Auntie Glad was a widow, with two children about seven or eight years older than me. I think they may have been away at boarding school a lot of the time: they both seemed rather cold, and austere children to me, and towards her they seemed indifferent. I got on ok with them: tall, skinny, studious types, but not really my cup of tea. Glad’s husband George, a tall commanding Naval officer who served with my Dad had been killed in a flying accident when the children were small, and she had never re-married. In a bold moment once I asked her why not. She looked at me straight in the eye.

‘Because no-one ever asked me, John. I wouldn’t have minded re-marrying. I like men,’ she said, deadpan, without a trace of sadness. I used to go and stay with her at her little terraced house in Canterbury, just on our own together, away from the busy Midlands city I grew up in. Glad and I gelled, we laughed long and hard at the same things, like the Carry-On films she took me to. She lived in a magical old part of the city called St Dunstans, near one of the huge old gates that are part of the walls round the Roman town. My memories of her house are priceless, I can recall all the furniture, every room, and can remember exactly what and where the ornaments were, and that haunting picture of George in his uniform sternly dominating the lounge: his eyes followed you everywhere round the room.

The black-glossed front door complete with immaculately-shining brass knocker faced right up another long street. I loved it as we approached, I knew it would be special with Glad, away from the hustle and bustle of the big, noisy house I lived in with my brother and two sisters. She would always make a fuss of me, attention I never got at home. Just Glad and I – bliss!

As the years rolled by, I grew up and got married, but my wife didn’t really get on with Glad, like so many other people, including most of my family: She acquired the undeserved reputation of a bitter old battle-axe, and most people kept their distance. But when I divorced after ten years of marriage, with little money I took to having a few holidays at Glad’s with my two small children. We all got on fine, going to the nearby sea-side resorts most days, and so my two kids have their own lovely memories of Glad too; they loved her like I did.

Later my work took me down to Kent and I would stay with her, and roll the years away as we laughed again at the same things. Time didn’t mellow her, she was fiercely conservative and right wing, very outspoken on matters and people she felt strongly about. But from Glad, I learnt and use today expressions like, when parting from someone dear, I say - ‘Take care: good people are hard to find’...or when someone says they can’t do something, ‘Course you can, Malcolm!’ derived from an old TV advert we always quoted to each other ad infinitum.

In 2001 Mum phoned to say Glad was in hospital in Ashford with pneumonia. The next morning, very early I set off there. I entered the busy ward, and looked around. Half-way down, sitting in a straight-backed chair beside her bed was Glad. Her eyes were missing nothing that was happening, and as she panned round she spotted me: her eyes opened wide in happy disbelief. I hadn’t said I was coming, I didn’t have time.

We had a lovely chat, she curtly dismissing her illness as nothing, in true Glad style: she didn’t do ‘ill’. I can never remember her having any ailment. She was superbly fit all her life due to the home help she had been for many years, cycling and later walking all round Canterbury as she never had or drove a car. We said our goodbyes, and that sadly was the last time I ever saw her: she died several weeks later, and I astounded to find she was 91; for some reason I never knew her age. I didn’t go to her funeral, it wasn’t practical and my presence would not have been really desired by anyone. I have my own wonderful memories and sayings of my lovely warm Auntie Glad and our own special relationship. Sometimes in times of stress or adversity I look upwards and I can hear her call ‘Infamy, infamy!’. I smile to myself and answer back ‘Infamy, Glad - they’ve all got it infamy!’

Good People are Hard to Find!

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s Pag


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Costa BlancaQuesada FocusPage 6

Nr17 C/Los Arcos, Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, 03170, Alicante, (above howards GYM)

Quesada Gold Centre Calle Caballero de Robas 35 Torrevieja.

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Diabetes epidemic is bitter-sweet. Part 1 By Lucie Perkins

Nutri Fit Food CoachThere has been a massive rise in type 2 diabetes in recent years causing the sufferer serious health risks and significantly lowering their quality of life. Unless significant efforts are made to stem the rise in diabetes, healthcare services across the world will soon be crippled by the costs of treating the diseases and its complications.

But is Diabetes preventable? In a word yes, when concerning Type 2 Diabetes there are several lifestyle choices you can make that will reduce your chances of getting type 2 diabetes and even reverse early on-set.

What Is Type 2 Diabetes?

Our cells depend on a single simple sugar, glucose, for most of their energy needs. That’s why the body has intricate mechanisms in place to make sure glucose levels in the bloodstream don’t go too low or soar too high.

When you eat, most digestible carbohydrates are converted into glucose and rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Any rise in blood sugar signals the pancreas to make and release insulin. This hormone instructs cells to sponge up glucose. Without it, glucose floats around the bloodstream, unable to slip inside the cells that need it.

Diabetes occurs when the body can’t make enough insulin or can’t properly use the insulin it makes.

The other form of diabetes (type 2) tends to creep up on people, taking years to develop into full-blown diabetes. It begins when muscle and other cells stop responding to insulin’s open-up-for-glucose signal. The body responds by making more and more insulin, essentially trying to ram blood sugar into cells. Eventually, the insulin-making cells get exhausted and begin to fail. This is type 2 diabetes.

In addition to the millions of adults with diabetes, another 57 million adults have “pre-diabetes.” This early warning sign is characterized by high blood sugar levels on a glucose tolerance test or a fasting glucose test. Whether pre-diabetes expands into full-blown type 2 diabetes is largely up to the individual. Making changes in weight, exercise, and diet can not only prevent pre-diabetes from becoming diabetes, but can also return blood glucose levels to the normal range.

Diabetes can be prevented!

Control Your Weight

Excess weight is the single most important cause of type 2 diabetes. Being overweight increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes seven fold. Being obese makes you 20 to 40 times more likely to develop diabetes than someone with a healthy weight.

Get Moving—and Turn Off the Television

Inactivity promotes type 2 diabetes. Every two hours you spend watching TV instead of pursuing something more active increases the chances of developing diabetes by 14 percent. Working your muscles more often and making them work harder improves their ability to use insulin and absorb glucose.

Part 2 next month Tune Up Your Diet!

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“ Get on yer bike.”Monthly cycling tips / advice and routes.

by Gary and Lynn “Cyclogical” Quesada.

Cycle Route 13: Quesada to La Murada.

We left Quesada for Benijofar. Turn right at the town square (cobbled area) and at the roundabout for Rojales go left over the bridge to the next roundabout then straight across following the road to San Fulgencio. Turn left at the roundabout, passing La Marina Urbanisation and follow the signs for Elche. This is good road & relatively straight. Past the petrol station on your left the road becomes dual carriageway with a cycle track on the left. Cycle along this track to the next roundabout & turn left onto the CV851. Continue for approx 1km then turn left, continuing until you see the sign for Realengo. Turn here into the village of Realengo, take a right at the junction and continue along this road for about 1km. However, you will need to cycle on the main road up and over the bridge as they are making the new high-speed train line and the old road is closed. Once over the bridge turn left at the roundabout and take the camino road that goes all the way into Albatera (alongside the N340). We stopped in Albatera for coffee and tapas. Proceeding onwards, pass through the town and at the edge of town turn right onto the CV871 for Los Vincentes (approx 10kms). Turn right at Los Vincentes and cycle the last 2km into La Murada. The main street in La Murada is full of restaurants, bars and cafes so you are spoiled for choice of Menu del dia. Afterwards, head back to Los Vincentes following the road straight on passing through Benferri and Orihuela. At Orihuela take the signs for Bigastro and cycle home through Bigastro, Jacarilla, Benejuzar, Algorfa and finally Benijofar turning right at the traffic lights and heading back towards Quesada. This is a beautiful route with lots of gorgeous views of the mountains and hills.

Total Cycling time: 6 Hours

Total Distance: Approx 90 Kms.

Summary: Beautiful Scenic route however had to use the main roads a couple of times.

All Routes are now available from our website:

Gary and Lynn are available at Cyclogical in Quesada, Monday to Friday9-30am till 5-30pm and from 10am till 2pm on Saturdays to assist and advise you on all your cycling requirements, including route maps

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Freshly Baked Bread DailyPies Pasties & CakesPies, Pasties & Cakes

English Newspapers & MagazinesFresh British Meat Joints Available To Order

In Store Special Offers.Mobile Phone Top UpsMobile Phone Top Ups, Internet & Fax Service.

Wednesday Nights –Live Music performed by the localsThursday Nights (Fortnightly) –

Bingo Happy Hour Fridays 3‐6pm

Fish & Chips Fridays & SaturdaysFreshly Baked Homemade Pizzas

Friday, Saturday & Sunday EveningsFood & Snacks Served Tues – Sat 10 – 2.30

Tel :Mick or Caroline on 965 696 109/ 622 128 215We look forward to welcoming you soon.

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Calamari in Red Wine and

Tomato Sauce

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TIM Magazine™

European Kitchen

IngredientsSeparate the tentacles from the long body of the squid, if not

done already. Slice the body into rings about 1.5cm thick,

and set aside.

In a saucepan, combine passata, red wine, lemon juice, olive

oil, garlic, black pepper, cayenne pepper, basil and Pecorino

cheese. Simmer on medium low for about 30 minutes to give

the alcohol in the wine time to evaporate, and all the flavours

time to blend.

Add the squid rings and tentacles to the sauce. Continue to

slowly simmer for about another 20 to 30 minutes, stirring

occasionally. Squid is done when it is plump and more

opaque. Do not cook on higher heat or for a longer period,

as squid is famous for becoming rubbery.

1kg squid, cleaned

1 (700g) jar passata

250ml (8 fl oz) Chianti wine

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 clove garlic, chopped

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon dried basil

30g (1 oz) grated Pecorino cheese


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Where Does Valentine’s

Day Come From?

Valentine’s Day is a long-standing tradition among lovers of all

ages. Every February 14th, we give chocolates, cards, roses,

and teddy bears, and endless other types of gifts, and all in

the name of our commitment to another person. Nothing is off

limits when it comes to showing that we care on Valentines

day. But where does it come from? How long ago does it date

back? The past is a very tricky topic, especially on finding an

origin for this day on which we can all agree. And on top of the

mysteries behind the holiday, why exactly do we choose to go

on celebrating it? If the answers to these questions have ever

interested you even in the slightest, hopefully the following will


Valentine’s Day:

No one really knows for sure if Valentine’s Day came from one particular story or an amalgam of stories passed down through the ages. We’re not really even sure if the origin stories that are told about Valentines Day can be trusted at all. To start understanding the history of Valentine’s Day, it is essential that we begin with St. Valentine himself and the different myths behind the man. One such legend is that St. Valentine was a priest in Christian times who went against a direction from the emperor that young men should not be married as it would negatively affect their worth as soldiers. Valentine refused to honor the command and performed weddings for young lovers in spite being expressly forbidden by his government. The action led to his execution, martyring him in the name of love. Another such story says that Valentine was really a man locked

away in a Roman prison, who fell in love with his jailor’s daughter and then sent the world’s first Valentine in the shape of a love note to her - before he died. Whichever story you choose to believe, it is for certain that Valentine was a man, who believed in love, a central topic in the understanding of why we celebrate it today.

The Reasons Behind Valentine’s Day:

Either of the above stories, along with another that says Valentine was a man, who helped Christians escape torment and death in Roman prisons, illustrates why we celebrate the holiday today. It is supposed to be representative of selfless, sacrificial love. It is a day that we all decide to show the people most important to us just how important they are. No matter, who you believe Valentine to be, he was most certainly a man

who valued love above even that of his personal safety. This fact leads us to the central question:

Why Celebrate Valentine’s Day?:

Why do we continue to put stock in such antiquated stories and traditions? Different people have different reasons. For some, Valentine’s Day is just another empty material holiday. For others, it is a time to celebrate their commitment and relationships. For others, it is purely physical. A perfect celebration embraces the best of all three. Love is physical. Love is fun. Love is spiritual.

Valentine’s Day is more than simply going out for dinner, and taking in a film. It’s about more than sex. It is a day when we can focus on each other and the love we share

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Spain is a Catholic country; consequently, other than a civil wedding in town halls (Ayuntamiento) by a Spanish registrar, it is very difficult for couples to legally marry here.

However, for first time ever in Spain, it is now possible for ex pats to be legally wed in an Anglican service at our beautiful church in Rebate.

The only requirement is that the names of the couple must have been registered for at least 2 years on the Padron at their local Ayuntamiento. Our ordained English minister performs the full church wedding service, in English. Divorcees may also marry here. Our legal team at Rebate will arrange all the relevant documentation with the British Consulate and the appropriate Ayuntamiento. We take the stress and strain out of the very difficult task of trying to organise a legal wedding in Spain by arranging translation of all the documents by an approved notary. After the wedding, we register the marriage certificate at the local fiscal office.

All this comes as part of a package at a cost of 2,250€ which also includes: handling all legal paperwork in conjunction with the British Consulate, translations of all certificates, (including birth & death certificates and divorce-absolute papers), Church rental, Minister’s fee, Church Bells, Confetti, Music in the church & Altar candles. After the wedding service, for an additional fee, canapés and cava can be served to your guests, or you may prefer a full wedding breakfast, in our lovely restaurant. We can organise anything else you might require for that very special day including cars, flowers, cakes, coaches and entertainment.

For further information or advice on legal weddings at Rebate, call the wedding team on 966 190 942 or 676 831 836, email [email protected], call personally at the wedding office at Rebate Restaurant on Sundays 12pm to 4.00pm or go to

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A New Wine Taster

The regular taster at a wine merchant’s died and the director

started looking for a new one to hire. A drunkard with a

ragged, dirty look came to apply for the position. The director

of the winery wondered how to send him away. They gave him

a glass to drink.

He tried it and said, “It’s a Muscat, three years old, grown

on a north slope, matured in steel containers. Low grade but


“That’s correct”, said the boss.

Another glass...

“It’s a cabernet, eight years old, a south-western slope, oak

barrels, matured at 8 degrees. Requires three more years

for finest results.”


A third glass...

“It’s a pinot blanc champagne, high grade and

exclusive,” calmly said the drunk.

The director was astonished. He winked at his

secretary to suggest something. She left the room,

and came back in with a glass of urine.

The alcoholic tried it.

“It’s a blonde, 26 years old, three months pregnant

and if you don’t give me the job, I’ll name the


While creating husbands, God promised women that good and ideal husbands would be found in all corners of the world.........

......then He made the earth round.

A couple are lying in bed. The man says, ‘I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world...’

The woman replies, ‘I’ll miss you......

One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, ‘What setting do I use on the washing machine?’

‘It depends,’ I replied. ‘What does it say on your shirt?’He yelled back, ‘ Oxford University !’And they say blondes are dumb....


BFF - Best Friend FelloverBTW - Bring The Wheelchair

BYOT - Bring Your Own TeethFWIW - Forgot Where I Was

GGPBL - Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery LowGHA - Got Heartburn Again

IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid OnLDO - Laughing Dentures OutOMSG - Oh My, Sorry, Gas

ROFLACGU - Rolling on Floor Laughing And Cant Get up

TTML - Talk to Me Louder

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You’re able to spin straw into gold. Marketing a creative idea will take skill, wit, and cunning. Fortunately, you’ve got all of these skills in spades. A hidden benefactor who has always admired your work will give you an impressive cash infusion. Don’t embarrass this angel by shining the spotlight on their contribution. Not everybody is intent on being centre stage. Some prefer operating by stealth. It’s up to you to make the most of their generosity. Stretch those resources to the snapping point


You and the spotlight go together like strawberries and cream. It gives you so much pleasure to turn heads at a party. Fortunately, you look fantastic and won’t have any trouble attracting romantic attention. Be sensitive to your lover’s feelings. Being involved with someone sexy can be challenging. Reassure your amour with passionate kisses, affectionate squeezes, and whispered words of devotion. It’s never too late to rekindle a courtship. Are you single? You won’t be for long.

You cut through chores like a hot knife through butter. This is a perfect opportunity to launch a big housecleaning project. After you’ve finished getting rid of all the clutter and tidying up the remains, add a few beautifying touches. A bouquet of fresh flowers, a bowl heaped with fruit, a strategically positioned painting all of these things will afford you great pleasure. Your domestic environment has a tremendous impact on your emotional landscape.

Your creativity is operating at full force. This is a lovely time to launch an artistic effort with a team of fellow artists. You’ll probably be given the leadership spot, since you’re always thinking about the practical aspects of any given job. While you have a deep appreciation for visionaries, you’re always asking how to bring their ideas out of the dream state and into the real world. Don’t let any martyrs slow your progress. People who are easily discouraged have no place in your organisation.

This is a fabulous time to go on a long distance trip. Wherever you go, you will be sure to be a big favourite with the locals. They have an affinity for your special brand of charm. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll have to fight the advances of at least one ardent admirer. If you’re single, you’ll feel attracted to creative, unworldly types. On the surface, the two of you are complete opposites. Deep down you share many spiritual values.

You’re bursting with energy, and yearn for a challenging creative project. Fortunately, your boss will give you just such an assignment. This is your chance to establish yourself as a leading expert in your field. You’re able to create products and services that are both practical and pleasurable. People are willing to pay lots of money for the things you develop. If you’re smart, you’ll offer a reduced priced option to maximise its consumer base.

Helping people from behind the scenes gives you a great deal of satisfaction. You’re great at connecting vulnerable people with valuable resources. Working for a charitable organisation would be a great avenue to explore. Alternatively, you might just want to volunteer for an animal shelter, environmental agency, or housing institution. That way, you can work as much or little you desire. Having a flexible schedule takes the pressure off the proceedings. A gracious manager will go out of their way to thank you.

Your sexual side demands expression. If you’re single, treat yourself to some gorgeous clothes that accentuate your most attractive features. When you look good, you exude an air of sensuality that is incredibly inviting. You won’t have any trouble attracting admiring glances when you’re wearing flattering colours and cuts. You don’t need a reason to dress up. By taking extra care with your appearance each day, you’ll find an outlet for your physical desires.

Kindness and generosity characterise everything you do. By helping a relative finance tuition costs, a long distance trip, or artistic endeavour, you’ll win their everlasting loyalty. It gives you great pleasure to be a force for good. It’s so easy to get discouraged by all the bad news bombarding us each day. Championing the underdog is your way of adjusting the balance of power. This is also a great time to buy a beautiful property by the water.

Make time in your schedule for your nearest and dearest. Relationships are incredibly important to you. Unfortunately, you have a tendency to put work before pleasure. When this happens, life becomes incredibly depressing. Connecting with people who make you laugh puts everything back in its proper perspective. If you have a friend who is about to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or graduation, throw them a big party.

Teaming up with an unapologetic sensualist opens new doors for you. At times, you are afraid to ask for what you really want. Once you have this partner at your side, it will be easier to ask for the best table, the choicest food, and the most luxurious accommodations. You’ll also reconnect with your romantic side. Past disappointments can make you cynical. You need an optimist to rekindle your heartfelt wish for passion, adventure, and tenderness. Fairy tales really do come true.

Flattery will get you everywhere. You know just what to say to get powerful people to grant you favours. There’s no need to apologise for your behaviour. At least your motives are good. By getting the money and resources you need, you’ll create wonderful works of beauty for the public to enjoy. Your artistic efforts are destined to get lots of favourable publicity. Don’t be surprised if you’re asked to teach a class or write a column.

Taurus Gemini Cancer

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio



Sagittarius AquariusCapricorn

January 21st - February 19th

E-mail: [email protected] • Web site: www.timspain.com42

TIM Magazine™

Page 43: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

43E-mail: [email protected] • Web site:

Costa Blanca

Ref 02487 NEWCañada del Trigo - Murcia

6 months’ construction time. All licences paid & habitation certificate issued on completion. 3 beds, 3 baths (one exterior), fitted kitchen with pantry, lounge/diner. Pre install for A/C. Salt water pool. Barbeque. Enclosed gardens with auto entry. Build: 160 m


Plot: 6,326 m2 € 187,995


Detached country house with pool in enclosed gardens with irrigation. 4 beds, 2 baths, lounge/diner, fitted kitchen. Internal courtyard with BBQ, kitchen, oven, storage & toilet. 3 car garage Build: 140 m


Plot: 3,555 m2 € 149,995


5 months’ completion time. New, high quality, detached villa with 10 yr guarantee. 3 beds, 2 baths, fiited kitchen, lounge/diner with fireplace. Large terrace. 2,000 m

2 of

the plot enclosed. Build: 135 m


Plot: 10,000 m2 € 147,000


Detached country house on an enclosed plot with pool. 3 beds, 2 baths, lounge/diner with fireplace, fitted kitchen with utility room. Terrace, garage. Lovely location with stunning views. 2 mins drive from the town. Build: 150 m


Plot: 215 m2 € 134,995


Ref: 01700 – Cañada del Trigo – REDUCED – FINANCE AVAILABLE – 133,995 €

New villa with 10 year guarantee

• 3 bedrooms – master with en suite and dressing room

• Lounge/dining room with fireplace

• Fitted kitchen

• Family bathroom

• Solarium

• Optional pool (7 x 4 m) – 8,500 €

• Enclosed plot


Hostel/bar & restaurant located in a popular area of outstanding natural beauty with established cliente. Fully equipped. 11 en suite bedrooms. Living accommodation. Terraces. Build: 327 m


Plot: 1,000 m2 € 249,995

Ref 01114 BARGAIN Cañada del Trigo - Murcia

Large traditional country house. 5 beds, 2 baths, kitchen, lounge/diner with fireplace. Patio. Terrace. Barbeque. Water/electricity are connected. 10 mins from amenities in Pinoso. Build: 150 m


Plot: 1,000 m2

€ 97,995


Impressive detached house with pool. Main house – 2 beds, 2 baths, spacious lounge/diner. Enclosed porch. Separate apartment with 2 beds and bath. Lovely views. Outdoor kitchen. Build: 280 m


Plot: 2,900 m2 € 235,000


Ideal for B & B. Detached country house with views to the mountains. 5 beds, bath, lounge with fireplace, dining room, fitted kitchen. Storage, garage. Next to National a Park. Build: 217 m


Plot: 500 m2 € 119,900

We need more properties to sell! Contact us to arrange

an appointment

0034 679 951 140 (Español) 0034 699 457 387 (English) 0034 606 619 288 (Dutch) 0034 966 779 788 (Office/fax)

c/ San Rafael, 11, 03318 La Murada, Alicante

[email protected]


Page 44: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

E-mail: [email protected]• Web site: www.timspain.com44

In the first 17 days of the year we homed 11 dogs and are dedicated to helping as many as possible. We start fund raising with a Curry Night at Bar Social Canada del Trigo, 26th February at 7.30 tickets on sale now. March it’s Bingo, April, Sponsored Walk, May a Dance, June we will be holding a Treasure Hunt, July a Quiz, September a traditional Fete. In October we are having a Halloween party, November is Race Night and then it will be our Christmas Party. Further details of our events will be published. Watch out for details, your support is vital to our work. Thank you. Email;[email protected]

Dog rescue

Registered association no. CV-01-045701-A Phone;659274573

TIM Magazine™

Paul Cunningham Nurses try to be there at the latter stages, free of charge, for any terminally ill patients. Already they have supported many patients and their families. This service needs a constant stream of funds and is supported by many fund raising events.

To help further raise the ongoing monies needed, there are now three Paul Cunningham Nurses charity shops Our team of nurses, carers and fundraisers are dedicated to working tirelessly. Many in the community have taken the Charity into their hearts and give generously, and not just money, as often just a little time can help a lot. Please help us continue helping more people spend their final days with dignity. If you would like to find out what you could do to help or find out more about the fund raising we do, please email: [email protected] or call 639 318 526. Give a little - help a lot!

The Royal British LegionPinoso Branch

The Pinoso branch of the Royal British Legion in Spain

would like to thank all of those who have supported it

during 2011 in terms of cash donations, event sponsorship,

and volunteering their time.

A full calendar of social events is planned for 2012 so if

you are not already a member then please come along

to one of our branch meetings which are held on the last

Tuesday of every month at La Blanca Paloma restaurant

just outside Pinoso.

For more details, please contact: Ann Booth, Branch

Secretary. Email: [email protected];

Tel: (0034) 686 696 365.

Page 45: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

45E-mail: [email protected] • Web site:

Costa Blanca

Bargain Flats, Fincas, Villas, Plots & New builds

NEW PROPERTIES NEEDEDNEW PROPERTIES NEEDEDDue to our successful advertising campaign we need more properties to sell. We have clients out everyday looking for properties in this area, Only Pinoso Villas will advertise your property across every European country and now Russia. Using Kyero, ThinksSpain,, 1Casa, Property net Spain, The Move Channel, In Spain TV and many more including our latest portal, Channel 4 - A

place in the Sun…no other agent will give you more coverage Even if we have your property contact us so we can register you

Call Gary on 645 746 176"We believe in HIT - Honesty Integrity Transparency"

WWW.PINOSOVILLAS.COM Email : [email protected]

y p p y g ywith all the above portals

Fixed fee with nothing to pay until we sell your property

Pretty finca with poolClose to town3 beds 1 bath

Significantly reduced.

Only 159,995 euros.

Sax - Ref: ff0378Large village house

5 beds, 2 bathsRenovated to very high standard

Courtyard and roof terrace

Reduced Only 119,995 euros.

Raspay - Ref: ff0629

Finca in great location2 beds, 2 baths

Casita, outbuildings & stablesSwimming pool

Bargain 129,995 euros

Sax - Ref: ff0635

Finca close to village3 beds, 1 bathPool & garageConservatory

Priced to sell 111,995 euros.

Las Virtudes - Ref: ff0624

Bargain villa in good location4 beds, 1 bath

Huge fitted kitchen/dinerSwimming pool & outbuildings

Incredible price Only 109,995 euros.

Sax - Ref: ff0637

Villa close to town4 D beds, 2 baths

Hot & cold air con throughoutVery well presented

Only 165,995 euros.

Sax - Ref: ff0638

Huge cortijo - business opportunity 26 rooms over 3 floors. Some renovation

already done. Ideal B&B or hotel

Only 149,000 euros.

Onil - Ref: ff0592 • [email protected]: 965 474 314 • Mob: 675 218 436

FAB properties • FAB prices • FAB service

Sax - Ref: ff0504

Well presented villa.Walk to town, 3 beds 2 baths

Swimming pool & conservatory

Reduced now 149,995 euros.

Page 46: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

TIM Magazine™

On a lovely day at Alenda Graham Palmer demonstrated his

pedigree and announced his arrival as Vice Captain with a New

Year Gold Section win and 34 Stableford points. Albert Baggaley

and David Fellows won Silver and Bronze Sections with more

modest scores but they played well enough to secure the prizes.

A small but select band of twenty members turned out for the first

Golf Day of 2012 under the stewardship of Geoff Rabey the new

Captain. They were rewarded for their determination and loyalty

when they found they could take advantage of Alenda’s excellent

green fee reduction offer available on the day. The Captain was

shell-shocked and a little jet-lagged having only flown into Spain the

previous day. With help from Graham Palmer and John Wilkinson,

who had both remained in Spain over the festive season, he was

able to get things rolling for his first time as Captain by deciding to

have prizes for the Runners Up in each section together with prizes

for 3 Nearest the Pins and a Longest Drive.

In the clubhouse after the Competition was complete Geoff Rabey

spoke to the members on the expansive outside terrace at Alenda

and thanked them for their support so early in the New Year.

He mentioned a special rate for the next HVGS meeting on 7th

February at Font Del Llop before he presented the prizes to the

deserving winners. All in all, it was an excellent day’s golf played

in good company and rounded off, yet again, by a section winner

drawing the winning number for the greenfee refund.

Graham PALMER Gold Winner 12 34 Brandy Dave BRATLEY Gold Runner Up 12 33 Wine Albert BAGGALEY Silver Winner 21 26 Brandy John AINSCOUGH Silver Runner Up 16 23 Wine David FELLOWS Bronze Winner 28 30 Brandy Steve INGERSEN Bronze Runner Up 28 30 Wine Trevor BATCHELOR Nearest the Pin 5th Wine

VOID Nearest the Pin 13th Wine

Graham PALMER Nearest the Pin 16th Wine Dave TOMLINSON Longest Drive 12th Wine David FELLOWS Green Fee Refund €35.00 Cash Jim LYNCH Football Scratchcard Arsenal €20.00 Cash

Winners HVGS Stableford – Alenda Golf – Tuesday 10th January 2012

For information on how to join HVGS contact the Secretary, Jim Lynch, on 666 208 416 or email [email protected] . To reserve your place on the list for the Society Golf Days contact the Captain, Geoff Rabey, on 966 191 763 and 619 577 169 or e-mail him at [email protected]

46 E-mail:[email protected] • Web site:



Hondon Valley Golf SocietyForthcoming HVGS Golf Days and Other Events

Tuesday 7th February - Font Del LlopMeet 09.15 am in ClubhouseTuesday 13th March - El PlantioMeet 09.15 am in ClubhouseTuesday 10th April - AlicanteMeet 09.15 am in Clubhousei Tuesday 8th May - Alenda

Meet 09.15 am in Clubhouse Tuesday 12th June - Font Del Llop Meet 09.15 am in Clubhouse

Page 47: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

47E-mail: [email protected] • Web site:

Costa Blanca

As the year came to a close, the Christmas meeting of the Campo GS was held at Alicante Golf on a beautiful December day. The format was an enjoyable Texas Scramble with the team of Mr & Mrs Van Beek and Mr & Mrs Tenwolde winning with a score of 53 points. The team comprising Dave Bratley, Barry Gannaway, Martin Taylor and Mr Wilkinson came in second with 48 points.

Following an excellent 5-course meal, which was subsidised for members, presentations to the winners took place. The 2011 AJ Cup was awarded to Barry Gannaway with his 6 best scores over the year totalling 176 points. Koos van Beek was second with 172 pts and Martin Taylor 3rd with 171 points.

The committee would like to wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year and extend a welcome to anyone wishing to join us for some enjoyable golf in 2012.











CONTACT BRIAN ON 966677852/ 618834774 OR BARRY

965480716/686374717 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES




Page 48: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION


TIM Magazine™

E-mail: [email protected] • Web site:

[email protected] Sax, AlicanteSTEVE: 966 967 439 or 650 354 629

Web Site DesignUK TV on InternetPrinter Ink - 50%

20 € (+iva)per hour

Websites designed from 200 € (incl. iva) Quality Hosting from 80 € (incl. iva)

Computers Repaired and Upgraded; Sales; Training

Qualified computer repairs Websites, Training & Advice

Covering Pinoso, Fortuna, Hondons, La Romana and all surrounding areas FREE computer clinics: Tue in “T” de Tapas, Pinoso (10am - 2pm) Thrs in The Casle Bar, Baños de Fortuna (1pm - 4pm) Web: email: [email protected]

Velocity Racing Spain are looking for volunteers, marshals, officials,fire marshals and medical staff,to help with their new Oval racing track in Cartagena the affordable way of racing,we will be holding meetings every Wednesday 7.30pm at the Meroil Garage off the AP7 Junction 733 towards Callosa de Segura only 10 minutes from Almoradi.

Anyone wishing to get involved then why not come along and see what it is all about, we would also like to announce our open day at the track on 13thMay 2012 we need you help to get the track ready for racing. The first race day will be Sunday 3rd June and every other Sunday after that, anyone wishing to help, drive or in need of a car to race please contact us on 674 256 147 or [email protected]

Page 49: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

49E-mail: [email protected] • Web site:

Costa Blanca


Win a Pleasure Flight Courtesy of Sol Aero

Simply answer the question below, fill in your details, cut out the coupon and send to

T.I.M. Apartado de Correos 285 • 03630 SAX (Alicante)

Question: how long was the takeoff roll?HINT: Read Sol Aero article (inside back page)



Email Address.........................................................................



Your Contact Tel number..........................................................

Closing Date for entries is the 19th February 2012TIM’s decision is final

Weight and height restrictions apply.

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50 E-mail:[email protected] • Web site:

Advertise here in colour from 36 euros for three


Call 606 891 644 Now!

Page 51: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

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Costa Blanca

Advertise on our website.

Over 50,000 page views per month!

House Clearancewhole and part houses and garages cleared moving house? having a clearout!We will buy all unwanted items from furniture to single items including vehicles Removals large van and driver for hire on hourly rates,prompt professional service guaranteed

for further information please call 661 145128




TEL 659401945 or 677804691

Amigos de La Romana Community Car Boot Sale Central market la Romana On Sunday 19th February

Sellers .7.30 am Buyers 9am

Pitches will be on a first come first served,unless pre booked

No new goods will be allowed for sale with exception of hand

crafted products

For further information Call English 661 145128 Spanish

618 331 523Pere ducompo

Ambiente Hair & Beauty

in Pinoso“Winter Warmer Special Offers”

• Mini Facial 10€• Mini Pedi 10€• Mini Mani 10€

• Eye Treatment 10€• Deluxe Facial 20€

• Hopi ear Candling 20€• Back Massage 15€

966 118 971 OR 620 241

Page 52: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION


TIM Magazine™

E-mail: [email protected] • Web site:


Hydrolic Automatic Suction Astral Pool Cleaner, model: Bolero (Good working condition) 55 euros.

Full Size Folding Table Tennis Table (Indor and Outdoor, Folds Up and Wheels away) Excellent Condition. 100 euros.Salado Alto, near Abanilla 966 196 609.

Single divan bed larger than average at 3’ 6” in good condition with space underneath+ headboard, also bolster pillow+El Corte Ingles duvet, all clean and hardly used Castalla / Onil area £65 Phone 965529758

King size duvet cover and pillowcases. 230x210cms actual size. Brand new still in packaging. Reversible. Shades of pink. Cost £59 sell for 25 euros 676295742 Albatera

For sale Ranch Mink Jacket size 12, colour is Black/Brown in excellent condition, 500euros Dolores. Please respond by email at [email protected]

Nintendo Wii loads of extras and 10 games/wheels etc etc 250 euros, all genuine wii, approx 500 plus euros worth Tel 965 698 052 Bonalba Alta Busot.

Two 3ft single beds for sale, never been used. Bargain 100 euros for the two. Tel 663564364 (Castalla)

1.9m Satellite Dish with stand. Twin L.N.B & Sky Digibox, 300 euros. Can deliver, TEL; 628847836 (La Romana area)

Iron Door,(Reja) Frame Size 200 X 80.Buyer collects.Callosa De Segura.50 euros.965976934-627055312.

Washing machine - Balay 3TS750XT - silver colour, €200. Max spin 1000 rpm, 6kg capacity, class A+A. Only 2 years of use (2 people) - cost over €400 when purchased. Jumilla 666 102 127

Indesit fridge/freezer for sale, top third freezer, bottom two thirds fridge, excellent condition, full working order 80 euros Albatera area Tel 687 076 838

Pine display unit, for sitting room/kitchen area, very good clean condition, 50 euros. Tel 671 839 685 Murcia area.

Surround sound/cinema sound speakers, new unused surround system with slim tower speakers, center speaker and amp woofer and remote control 50 euros Tel 966 844 068 or 625248171 Torremendo Orihuela

Can’t wait to place your stuff in Tim classifieds? You can now place your unwanted items FREE of charge including photo’s, no price limits, from a house to a car or a rental property, place your unwanted stuff to sell! FREE of charge at classifieds, sell it fast sell it today. Now includes Free Personal listings.

Bargain Offer, Edil Kamin Wood burner insert fire, with two speed fan 54mm 40mm 66mm 180 euro ovno (Pinoso Area) Tel mobile 667399271 or Land Line 965 978 774 Kevin or June.

Fan assisted paraffin heater 3kw thermostat control, Vgc 80 euros Tel 637948602 Murcia area near valle del sol

For sale Ikea wooden folding wing table (Leksvik) retails in store @ 99 euros and 4 wooden dining chairs (Kaustby) retail in store @ 39.99 euro each. for sale 100 euros buyer collects. Banos de Fortuna area Tel 679 587 970

Stand up vibrating massager, good for circulation, as new will accept offer over 75 euros, new price 200 euros Tel 667 757843 Sax

Satellite dish, 2.4 metres, with wall fixing, 200€ Tel Jumilla 666 102127

White vanity unit, with ROCA sink, mixer tap, waste pipe and water hose connectors,set in grey granite, good condition, 83wx59dx83h. €50.00. White ROCA Bidet, never used complete with tap and water connectors €30.00 ,.Wooden Kitchen Table 118cm x 74 cm with 4 wooden matching chairs. €45 Ring 657 443 099 - ALBATERA

Response wire free S100 Alarm Kit. New in box, consisting of Solar powered external siren and strobe,remote control with panic button, 2 pir movement sensors, and wall mounted control box complete with instructions for easy fitting 75euros complete. Telephone 646703908 Hondon area.

Electric golf trolley (Power House) complete with carry case, battery, scorecard holder, battery charger. Good Condition. 80euros. Golf Club Travel Bag (Go Classic) with attached wheels. Excellent Condition. 25 euros. Frailes 966195233

Travel cot (spanish style) padded sides + extra mattress (used twice ) 50 euros /high chair travel size fits in suitcase 15 euros tele 679274771 or 60 euros the lot

Panasonic RF-D1 DAB radio with UK plug. Excellent

[email protected]

Sell it Fast Sell it For FREE! You can place your unwanted items in our Classifieds section FREE of charge up to the value of 500 euros. Simply text your unwanted items too 680 976823 or email them to [email protected] remember, no more than 25 words per item and no more than 3 items per household, and please always include what area you live in, we do not take FREE classifieds over the phone. Last day for Free ads is the 18th of the month

When sending through your items by email, please only send in normal size text.

If you have an item for sale over 500 euros or if you have a commercial advert and would like them listed in the Classifieds section of the magazine, then call 606 891644.

Advertise Your Classifieds For FREE No Value

Restrictions. Sell anything fast at

classifieds, its totally FREE. Sell you House/car/boat

or what have you at

Send your small ads for print to [email protected]

Page 53: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

E-mail: [email protected] • Web site: 53

Costa Blanca

condition 20€, Netgear 54 MBPS Wireless ADSL2+ Modem router with 4-port 10/100 Mbps switch, model DG834G. Brand new 40€. Also have a used one, but with UK plug 20€, Indesit condensing tumble dryer ISL70C 7kg. Only one year old, but circuit board damaged by power surge, so suitable for repair or for spares 50€. Tel Pinoso 666102127

Digital Camera Panasonic Lumix GF1. This camera is fully auto / manual or anywhere between. Takes movies up to HDMI quality, with sound ,LCD display for viewing or playback.Supplied with batterybattery charger 20 mm pancake lens,full instruction booklet,all leads and photo editing software. Extras include14-42 mm zoom lens. UV filters for both lenses. Optical viewfinder.4 gb memory card,carry case All for only €175 exceptional condition Castalla tel:- 659 099 573

Solid beech framed futon, beige from The Bath Futon Shop UK as new, was £450 100 euros also, Solid pine bedroom furniture including bed + headboard, 2 bedside cabinets, 5 drawers chest good condition 100 euros the lot ono Hondon tel: 681 387 524

TRAVEL COT complete with two fitted sheets, blanket & mosquito net. Immaculate condition. 25euros Frailes 966 195 233

Sky Pace Digibox & 80 cm dish for sale. 35 Euros o.n.o. Hondon. Tel. 669155935

Ultimate pampering pack (4 IN 1 set). unused,still in box:mirror;facial sauna; foot massage; manicure set. Make excellent gift. Price 45€. Tel: 699 307 503, 965 488 288 Albatera

Cast iron multi fuel stove, 7kw, brand new 370 euros Tel 655 212868 Pinoso

Full set gents golf clubs, Mizuno steel irons (regular) King Cobra woods plus bag VGC €95 ono proceeds to Poppy Appeal 2012 ,Full set

ladies golf clubs Lynx graphite irons Calloway Big Bertha woods plus bag VGC €95 ono proceeds to Poppy Appeal 2012 Steve 689 213 838

Casa, Clearout, Metronic satalite system complete with 80cm dish &extra twin LNB”s 100 euro,80lt Ariston elec boiler(overhauled)50euro 50lt Ariston elec boiler (reg new filter)30euro Dell 720 printer 10 euros , 2.4 (6panal) sat dish with stand 100 euro/offers tel mobile 679 274 771 (PINOSO)

Computer desk 123x55 cms 25 euros, also office swivel chair in black 15 euros, both items perfect condition. Call 965 482 048 Frailes

21double glazed window with shutters, most 110x57, no frames 35 euros each. Tel 696 241807 Pinoso

FOR SALE - 4 TYRES -205/17/R14’s - €100 - only used for a few miles. Contact Brian on 966 67 7852 / 618 834 774


Crystal Clear Window Cleaning Service Telephone to arrange a free quotation!! Ed or Graham 618 200 657 or email [email protected]

Samantha Hampshire,Translator, Medical, Legal, Tax, Driving Licence, Town Hall, School, Residency, Complete Discretion assured Tel 697 925 947

Joiner/Carpenter Fully qualified joiner. 35 years experience (12 in Spain), anything from a shelf to a new roof. All general repairs. Decking a speciality. Tel 966 182 839/662 048 869 or text 680 755 943


Avon representatives required. Be your own boss, earn good commission and have fun! Call Jacqueline 679 548 451

Large van leaving Spain to the UK and UK to Spain every month. space available both ways, very reliable Tel or 690 818 090,

UK mob: 07504 927034 email:

[email protected]

Very nice man with a big white van, Removals, deliveries, pick up service, all jobs considered. Call now on 669 547 068

B. J. TOOL HIREMacisvenda

You need it? We’ve got it!From Acrows to Wacker Plates

Collection/Delivery availableRepairs & Servicing to most

types of tools.Chain Saws re-sharpened.

650 763 177 or 636 286 841

[email protected]


35 yrs unique skill baseall work licensed and

guarenteed specialising in

* plastering internal/ external wall covering

*stone masonry /brick & block work

*plumbing, painting& decorating

Free estimates help & adviseTel :966180636 or

620543155e mail: craftsmendesign@

Hablamos tu lengua –

We speak your language.

Translation/interpretation service. 10€ per hour.

Need a translator/interpreter? Are you a translator/interpreter

looking for more work?Please call 679548451

Qualified carer offering Home Care, Respite Ge-riatric and Special Needs. Learning difficulties (severe and profound), moving and handling - POVA. Call Chris for information: Mobile 750 648 2218 or 965 482 114.

Page 54: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

TIM Magazine™

54 E-mail: [email protected] • Web site:


Driving to the UK? English B and B in France, close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Ring for details 0033 562 331 962 or visit our web site at


2nd hand cars bought and sold Tel 691 260 502

Citeron Picasso Xsara 2 ltr diesel, 2003, 2 year Itv, Ac, Cd, electric tow bar, serviced, excellent condition, Spanish reg, owner returning to Uk, euro 4,000 or sterling Tel 681 275 082 Caudete


We move next month to Pinoso.I ‘m looking for an all round handy person who can help out around the house and with the horses.

We speak Englisch, French, German and Dutch.We work on the Spanisch language.NEU: FreePhone - 0ct/min Handyspartarif mit Geld-zurück-Garantie! Jetzt informieren: h t t p : / / w w w. g m x . n e t / d e / g o /freephone

Wanted Garden Shed in good condition Tel 6501 72213Hondon de los Frailes

Wanted bed base 6 x4 Tel 966 682185

I buy fridges / washing machines / furniture /electricals / tools/ bikes, ! Anything! Get cash call Sue on 636 456 139


Auction every 2nd and last Wednesday at bar central in Barbaroja starts 2pm, good food/ great atmosphere Call for info 636 456 139


ZUMBA & ZUMBA TONING, the worlds fastest growing fitness programme inspired by both Latin & International dance. Classes in Sax & La Romana. Call Tina (Dip.PT,RSA,IAF) 659 422 501.

Car Boot Sale in Salinas nr Sax every Sunday/ fully legal, see for more details on how to get there.


Instructor In Pinoso, La Romana, Fortuna, The Hondons, La Zarza for details contact Donna 966 195 876 / 699 408



Claire Crofts - Mobile Dog Grooming - Tel 649 280 204


La Romana. long term unfurnished end townhouse in

village. 3 double bedrooms. kitchen/diner. utility.lounge/diner. 3 bathrooms. massive underbuild. garaging. terrace. tel 659 658 760/ 965 978 907


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Page 55: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

Flying instructors have to have a bi-annual revalidation flight test, yesterday was my turn! So, at a bloody freezing airstrip in north Yorkshire I took the controls of an Icarus C42, a popular aircraft in the U.K, but the first time I have ever flown one.

The Icarus is tubular aluminium construction with a carbon fibre fuselage cover. The wings and tail areas are covered with sailcloth. Landing gear comprises of gas struts, and looks sturdy. Powerplant is the fantastic Rotax 912.

The cockpit is wide and comfortable, and visibility is amazing. I am not over impressed by the control layout though. I don’t like centre sticks in training aircraft as covering the controls with a student means holding hands! Throttle is also unconventional via a lever between your legs.

So picture the scene….. Holding hands with a bearded, testosterone loaded rugby player, my free hand between my legs! Not good!…. worse if he enjoys it!!

Flaps operate with a lever above your head. Rudder obviously the normal foot pedals, and brakes are a motorcycle type lever on the stick.

After a 100m takeoff roll, the Icarus leapt off the runway at 42kts and settled into 60kts with a climb rate of 850fpm…impressive!

Straight and level flight with 75% power gave a cruise of 75kt which was easy to maintain with the electric trim.

Ailerons are light and responsive, and elevator gives brisk pitch control without being too twitchy. Stacks of rudder authority will likely allow greater crosswind limits than the 17kt specified.

Although unusual, I really liked the throttle arrangement, you don’t have to reach forward, which makes the whole aircraft very relaxing and easy to fly. Steep angle turns

are a doddle, even at 60 degrees you have plenty of power to maintain airspeed, and the excellent visibility makes it easy to hold attitude.

The clean stall is so benign you hardly feel it, and it’s not much worse using full flap, with no tendency to drop a wing. If you stall it in a turn the wings simply roll level! Cool!!

Hate the flaps though, you have to reach across and above your body to operate the lever. This is hard work, awkward, and leaves you far away from the throttle. I would prefer be on the gas and forget the flaps on approach, which defeats the object really.

The superb rudder makes landing a breeze, and the brakes are brilliant! The nosewheel is linked to the rudder pedals allowing excellent ground maneuverability.

The Icarus is a joy to fly, and a great trainer. Would I buy one though? No, I still prefer more conventional controls (although I did like the throttle), and the flaps were bloody awful!

55000€ is a lot for what is basically a ‘rag and tube’ aeroplane. My Moragon M1, all carbon fibre and 12,000€ less still gets my vote. Wish it had a Rotax engine though!

Costa BlancaCosta Blanca

For more information see our main advert or call 609 685 132 / 966 195 508 (Chris/Jan)

Winging it!A View from the pilot’s seat

By Chris Pickles. (Sol-aero Flyers)

Until next time, Chocks away!

Icarus C42

Spacious cockpit, but centre stick

E-mail: [email protected] • Web site:

Page 56: TIM  FEB 2012 EDITION

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