Download - THOUGHT MODULE. Thought Module Is it possible that changing the way we think changes the way we feel? Think of this example: You are fired from your job.



Thought Module

Is it possible that changing the way we think changes the way we feel?

Think of this example:

You are fired from your job. You will have no stable income for a while. You will feel depressed right? Now think of it this way: This is an opportunity for you to find something better. A chance for you to grow as a professional. Thinking about this situation in a positive way would make you feel hopeful.

The goals of this module are to:

1) Begin improving your self esteem

2) Identify negative thoughts that happen when we interpret events and begin correcting them

3) Look at common problem areas like interpersonal relationships, body image and…

Let’s start with some of examples of thought distortion; these are typical mistakes that happen in our cognition and thoughts.

Thought Definition Example

Mind reading You assume that you know what people think He thinks I am a loser

without having sufficient evidence of their thoughts

Should You interpret events in term of how things should be I should do well . If not, I’m a failure

rather than simply focusing on what is

Blaming You focus on another person as the source of your My parents caused my all problems

negative feeling and you refuse to take a responsibility

Personalization You hold yourself responsible for events out of your control My teen in an alcoholic because I’m a bad


Labeling You attach negative traits to yourself and others I am undesirable.

He is a rotten person


All or none Everything is perceived to be either full on or full off Because I only got a C in my last exam I

am so stupid

Overgeneralization A single event is seen as a pattern Jerry was rejected by a girl. Now he thinks

he will always be rejected

Catastrophizing You believe that what’s happened so awful that you won’t I misspelled my name on a government form.

be able to stand it They’ll put me in jail.

Magnification or Making small things much larger or smaller than they "So I got into honors, it was nothing really,

Minimization are in reality. anyone could have done it."

Exercise 1: In the following statements, identify the type of thought

distortion that underlies each. Some may have more than one thought distortion.

Thought distortion Possible type of distortion

Emotional reasoning

Nobody likes me Magnification

Mental filter

Should statement

Jumping to conclusion

Exercise 1: Continued


All or none thinking

I am a stupid person



Mental filter

Exercise 1: Continued



It is always my fault Blaming



Mental Filter

Exercise 1: Continued


I got a good All or none thinking

score on the exam.

Anybody could do it




For the next exercise think how some of your thoughts may have been negatively distorted.

Exercise 2:

Categorize your thought distortion


Automatic Thought Distortion


This time, think of the specific events as well.

Exercise 3: Identifying the thought distortion that you had in your

own example

The last time you were very sad



Type of thought distortion:

Exercise 3: Continued

The last time you were very angry



Type of thought distortion:

Exercise 3: Continued

The last time you were very anxious



Type of thought distortion:

In this module we have introduced you to about 10 thoughts that may cause you emotionally upset. Now you can identify them and recognize which one applies to you. Remember, changing thoughts can change your emotions and behavior.

Is there any way that we can change these kinds of thoughts? Changing these negative thoughts will lead us to feel more positive. Our thoughts, like everything, have certain advantages and disadvantages.

For example: If someone does not like to go to the party because she thinks that she will get rejected, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of thinking?

Advantages DisadvantagesI won’t be surprised I am anxious

I avoid rejection Low self-esteem

  I avoid people

  Less assertive

Feeling of inferiority

Will meet less people

In this example disadvantages outweigh the advantages, will it cost as much if she changes the way she thinks? Let’s examine an alternative thought or assumption

For example: She thinks “It’ll be fun to meet new people”.

Advantages DisadvantagesLess anxious in parties I might meet someone

More assertive who doesn’t like me

My self- esteem would fluctuate less

I would meet new people

I’d feel less hopeful

It could help me at work


This shows how much impact the negative thoughts have on us. Our thoughts change our behaviors which affect our potential. Positive thoughts give us more possibility.

For the next exercise, we will be working with some thoughts that might be holding you back. Thinks of three.

Exercise 4: Please identify several thoughts that are problematic to you, list

them and write the cost and benefits of them and see are they helpful or not?

Thought 1:

Advantages Disadvantages

Exercise 4: Continued Please identify several thoughts that are problematic to you, list

them and write the cost and benefits of them and see are they helpful or not?

Thought 2:

Advantages Disadvantages

Exercise 4: Continued Please identify several thoughts that are problematic to you, list

them and write the cost and benefits of them and see are they helpful or not?

Thought 3:

Advantages Disadvantages

Because of these costs and benefits, it is better for us to change our negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ways of thinking.

Let’s start replacing the thoughts:

Negative Thought Replacement Thought