Download - THIS ISSUE Our Brand Identity: Going from Strength to · 3,500 health and safety images for site managers to create their

Page 1: THIS ISSUE Our Brand Identity: Going from Strength to · 3,500 health and safety images for site managers to create their

1 Our Brand Identity: Going from Strength to Strength

1 First Lady of Ras Laffan

1 Up-Skilling in Saudi

2 Three New Interns in Doha

2 Newsflash: Company Name Change

2 Better Late Than Never

2 Raffle Fun in Ras Laffan

3 Ready, Steady, Roll!

3 Advanced Entry AdultApprenticeship

3 Team Building in South Africa

4 Kentz Seasonal CelebrationsAround the World



experience our perspectiveIssue 7 – February 2009

SEND IN YOUR NEWS ...Please send in your reports to appearin INSIDE KENTZ. Contact the Group News Co-ordinator Catriona Nugent on +353 52 6122811 or email [email protected] to ensure your items are included.

Kentz runs a number of summer programmes every year toprovide practical experience to undergraduates. AvrilMcCarthy, a 2nd year Mechanical Engineering studentstudying in University College Dublin, became the first everfemale on site in the Ras Laffan Refinery complex in July,which included site visits on the 24th and 29th.

Avril was introduced to a lot on site including cableterminations, pressure testing, fire control, and CCTV andHVAC systems. A Management Electrical & Instrumentation(E&I) Specialist ably assisted with the site walk, explaining thedifferent equipment Kentz uses on site in the E&I areas.

Avril sums up her experience, “Both trips were thoroughlyenjoyable and informative. I found it of great benefit being ableto compare the right and wrong ways jobs can be done in veryclose proximity. The Kentz crew were extremely helpful inanswering all of my questions in detail and trying to let mesee as much as possible in a very short time. Back in theoffice now a lot of the electrical processes I am working on aremuch clearer and I have a much broader knowledge of site practices.”

Avril has returned to University College Dublin to resume her3rd year Mechanical Engineering Degree and we wish her allthe best and hope to see her on site again in the near future.

A series of Skills Enhancement Courses (SECs) weredelivered for employees in the Kentz offices in Saudi Arabiafrom 22nd-30th November 2008. These brought people withdifferent roles and levels of experience together to work andlearn in small groups.

The SECs delivered were:

• Influence & Assertiveness, Al-Jubail, 22nd & 23rd November, 2008;

• Essential Skills of Management, Al-Jubail, 24th & 25th November, 2008;

• Influence & Assertiveness, Al-Khobar, 26th & 27th November, 2008; and

• Essential Skills of Management, Al-Khobar, 29th & 30th November, 2008.

The courses are part of an extensive process of skillsdevelopment being delivered within Kentz. All courses focuson the needs of the individual, drawing upon experiences,team discussions and requisite theory to facilitate personaldevelopment. The development of ideas, strategies andtactics to improve performance at work is a central focus.

First Lady of Ras Laffan

L-R: Magesh Adaikkappan Karmegam (Mechanical Supervisor), Avril McCarthy andManoj Thikkal Rayaroth (Electrical Supervisor)

Above: Al-Jubail Influence & Assertiveness course attendeesStanding (L-R): Alan Palbacal, Ramon Yicho, Noel Zuleta, Syed Aruj Alam, Mark O’Brien, Aslam Ameer, David O’Brien, Vivencio Aldipollo, Eric Sandelands,Jefferson Boncaros and Syed Etesham. Seated (L-R): Imitiaz Karim, Jek Villapando and Amando Decio

Left: Al-Khobar Essential Skills of Management course attendeesL-R: Robbie Gaule, John Howard, Arum Subbrayan, Wahed Ali Arafat, Ericson Santos,Eric Sandelands (facilitator), Hermi Conti, Akash Pachisia, Devdas Vaakkedath

Up-Skilling in Saudi

Our Brand Identity: Going from Strength to StrengthThe latest version of the Kentz Group Visual Identity Policy (GVIP) DVDwas issued in November 2008 to all Branding & Communications Co-ordinators and Country Managers throughout the Group.

There have been a number of additions and changes to the GVIP, all ofwhich add value to our global brand identity. The branding committeeand co-ordinators have been working hard to ensure we have onestrong global identity, giving us strong presence throughout the world.

POWERPOINT THEMES & PRESENTATIONSA new PowerPoint template has been developed giving a fresh anddynamic feel to our presentations. The PowerPoint file includes atemplate for the cover page, section page, blank page and projectprofile page. These templates are set up to specify the background,size, colour and font of the headings, sub-headings and text in eachslide.

A new Group standard presentation has also been developed. It is a veryuseful business development and marketing tool for presenting toclients. It covers all the areas of the business including overview, safety,revenue, market positioning, HR, key differentiators, projectexperience, key clients, etc. The presentation includes notes whichguide you on the key messages for each slide.

Both files can be found under the Presentation section of the GVIP.

E-MAIL SIGNATUREAnyone who has an e-mail address must adhere to the e-mail signatureguidelines. The guidelines are clearly set out and can be found underthe Stationery and Templates section of the GVIP.

LETTERHEADSMany subsidiary office letterheads have changed. You can download thesuite of stationery for your office under the Stationery and Templatessection of the GVIP. Your branding co-ordinator will have the relevantpassword.

SCREENSAVER & WALLPAPERA new screensaver has been developed taking into account feedbackreceived from laptop users. The new screensaver is a smaller and moreefficient file and runs effectively on laptops and desktops alike.

In addition, a new wallpaper has been developed to take into accountthe task pane which Windows Vista has pre-set on the right-hand sideof the screen.

Please ensure you have both of these applications loaded onto yourlaptop or desktop. Your local IT manager and branding co-ordinator canassist you.

SIGNAGEThe site signage guidelines have received a comprehensive reviewincluding guidelines on embossing hard hats, how to brand highvisibility jackets and vests, new site boundary fencing guidelines, and3,500 health and safety images for site managers to create their ownsafety signs.

TENDERS & PREQUALSThe spine templates are now available in horizontal and vertical format.Also, the template spine for the 30mm folder has been reduced to28mm for ease of insertion into the binder.

The GVIP is a valuable tool in ensuring we keep our strong brandidentity. Our brand helps us differentiate ourselves in the market placein addition to symbolising who we are to our clients. It representseverything we do. Please ensure you adhere to the branding andsignage guidelines. You are your brand, be a branding champion!

Standing (L-R): Fergus Burke, Ehthishamuddin Shareef, Martin Walsh, Donna Gray,Ronan O'Brien, Johnny McFadden, Pat Cass, Maloji Bhosale, Catríona Nugent,

Brenda Leavy, Tom Cullen, Pat O’Shea, Darrell Breaux, Keith Barry. Seated (L-R): Viktoria Rodichkina, Jenny Lyn Alicante, Bev Aba, Kelly O’Shea, Valentia

Royal, Regina Byrne, Zavier B. Mohammed, Anna Brett, Philip Larkin. Missing from photo is Irina Nikolaeva.

Page 2: THIS ISSUE Our Brand Identity: Going from Strength to · 3,500 health and safety images for site managers to create their

2Inside Kentz Issue 7 – February 2009

Qatar Kentz has been running, during the past 5summers, an internship programme under thecare of Donal Dempsey, Manager of Engineeringand Services for the Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE.2008 has been no different as Avril McCarthy andEoin McCarthy, who are in their 2nd year inMechanical Engineering, and Tomas Burke, whois in his 4th year in Mechanical andManufacturing Engineering, have spent 3months of the sun-filled summer in Qatar,gaining invaluable experience in Kentz.

They have been exposed to all the differentengineering processes that take place in theoffice, as well as being taken to site by PatrickGeaney, Commissioning Manager in Qatar,allowing them to put into practice what they havelearnt in the office.

Here they share with us what is has been like togive up their summer holidays to go to a foreigncountry and work for Qatar Kentz:

Eoin McCarthyCork Institute of Technology

2nd Year Mechanical Engineering Student

Eoin recalled his experience over the pastnumber of months in the Doha office, “Workingin Qatar for Kentz has been a very pleasant andenjoyable experience. I have found it very easy toadjust to the Qatari way of life! I feel there is asuperb atmosphere in the company. All mentorsin each department, from engineering tobusiness to sites, are very friendly andapproachable. If I have any questions orproblems regarding work or outside of work theyare all more than helpful. This makes workingaway from Ireland an enjoyable experience. Ihave been taught valuable new engineering skillsand time management skills in a professionalworking environment.”

“On Saturday 5th July to Thursday 19th July Iwas taken out for my first time to site by PatrickGeaney, who is Kentz Waste Water Treatmentspecialist. I was taken to the Shell Pearl Gas toLiquid (GTL) Industrial City in Ras Laffan, aKentz-made Waste Water Treatment Plant(WWTP) 7 km from Shell Pearl and a Kentz-madeWWTP in Mesaieed.”

“Our first stop was the Kentz campsite inside theShell Pearl GTL facility. I was amazed at therecreational facilities provided for the workersthere. There were football pitches, an outdoorcinema, an outdoor cafeteria and many otherhigh-quality facilities. It was luxury! Patrick thenshowed me around the best part of the complex,the Primary Lift Station (PLS). This is where allthe waste water was transferred from thecampsite to the WWTP 7 km away by two 18-inchpipes.”

“Throughout the week Patrick showed mearound both the liquid and solid phase of theWWTP in Ras Laffan. He went into detail in eachaspect of the process, from the Equalisation Tanktaking in the waste water to the Centrifugesdealing with solid waste. The week was notwithout its events at the plant. I got to see day-to-day problems arise with the operation of theplant. Patrick had to deal with a leakingchlorination tank and several overheating controlpanels. I learnt from him how to approach such

problems and what steps should be taken torectify them.”

“I also got to take a trip to Mesaieed to theWWTP there. It is striking how much smaller thisplant is compared to the larger WWTP in RasLaffan. Again I was shown every aspect of thisprocess in detail. I was present for the planthandover to Keppel Seghers, which was a goodexperience for me.”

“The week I spent on site was a very beneficialexperience for me. I was able to apply thetheoretical side of engineering I had learnt in theoffice to the practical element of engineering onsite. I had an interesting week and I thoroughlyenjoyed every aspect of it. Patrick is an excellentmentor and any problems I had understandingany part of the WWTP process he was only toohappy to help me.”

“I have been made very welcome here in Qatarand I would like to thank Kentz and its employeesfor the wonderful time I have had here so far.”

Tomas BurkeTrinity College Dublin4th Year Mechanical and ManufacturingEngineering Degree BAI/BEng

“Most of my three-month internship with QatarKentz has been spent in the office,” Tomasstated. “I have worked for and learnt from thevarious departments in engineering and it is avery fulfilling and informative experience. Mytime here is also peppered with a few otherevents, the idea of which is to give me a well-rounded curriculum. So in that spirit I set aboutmy week at the Shell Pearl WWTP in RasLaffan.”

“On day one I jumped into Patrick Geaney’s car.Between meetings with the clients, P&ID walks,lab reports and standing inside one very bigtreated effluent tank, I was treated to a verymixed bag indeed.”

“The ability to physically see, touch, hear andeven smell what is being explained to you is afantastic aid. It helps you to understand thingsmore clearly. Suddenly it becomes a lot moreobvious why a pump needs to be screw type orwhere a field-mounted level indicator isnecessary. Things like that are very difficult to getfrom technical drawings or even photographs. Inshort, the office has taught me how things workwhereas the site has taught me why they workthat way.”

“During my week on site with Pat I learned ahuge amount. I experienced things in the weekthat I wouldn’t have been exposed to in a year inthe office. In shadowing Pat, I learned aboutwaste water treatment, problem solving, projectmanagement, the importance of doingsomething properly and so much more. For thosereasons I think it has been a great boost to me inmy quest to become an engineer.”

Avril McCarthy University College Dublin2nd Year Mechanical Engineering

“I have been working in the Doha office for thepast two months and in this time I have gainedsome excellent experience. I had imagined thatthis summer’s work here would be the next step

in bettering my mechanical degree; however,what I found was that this company is far moreconcerned with turning the student into anengineer. In order to do your job well you musthave a good understanding of how everyoneelse’s job relates to yours. So in order to gainsome of this understanding we, theundergraduates, have been on a rotation aroundthe different disciplines in the office as well as afew site visits. Since coming here I have worked in the process department, procurement,instrumentation, site and electrical. Everyone Ihave worked with has been very pleasant andmore than helpful. The highlight of my trip so faris without a doubt the week I spent with Pat onthe WWTPs.”

“On Saturday 28th June I went to the WWTP inMesaieed with Pat for my first week of siteexperience. When we arrived he showed me theProcess & Instrument Design of the entire placeand then we went through it section by section.He showed it to me on the drawing and then tookme out and showed it to me in the plant andexplained everything in detail. I then went backand compared it with the drawing. I wasfascinated by the whole process.”

“At the time there was a problem with theTreated Sewage Effluent (TSE) the plant wasturning out. The trains had only been running fora short time and the chemical balance was still abit off, so Pat decided we should take a trip to thecamp where all the labourers live to find out whatwas causing the problem. We met Mark fromKeppel Seghers and he accompanied us to thecamp. First we went to the sewage pit whichfeeds directly to the pumps and on to the plant fortreatment. There was a dense, warm suffocatingkind of smell. We went around the laundry andthe kitchens to check if there was anything therethat could be contaminating the sewage. Itturned out the sewage was being left to sit ineach pipe for a week and going sour – two weeksand it would have been septic!”

“At the time there was a problem with theTreated Sewage Effluent (TSE) the plant wasturning out. The trains had only been running fora short time and the chemical balance was still abit off, so Pat decided we should take a trip to thecamp where all the labourers live to find out whatwas causing the problem. We met Mark fromKeppel Seghers and he accompanied us to thecamp. First we went to the sewage pit whichfeeds directly to the pumps and on to the plant fortreatment. There was a dense, warm suffocatingkind of smell. We went around the laundry andthe kitchens to check if there was anything therethat could be contaminating the sewage. Itturned out the sewage was being left to sit ineach pipe for a week and going sour – two weeksand it would have been septic!”

“Once this had been rectified the TSE beingproduced in the plant was of such a high standardthat not only could it be used as the requiredirrigation water but it was also suitable for foodcrops. The week continued as Pat and I wentbetween Mesaieed and Ras Laffan every day andI was trying hard to keep up with all the newinformation I was getting from him. It justseemed to flow out of him; he had an answer and

full explanation for everything. I took advantageof this as best I could and ended up having abrilliant week, from which I gained invaluableunderstanding of site work and waste watertreatment. Visiting the sites brings everythingfrom the office and studies together. Now I amjust looking forward to my next site trip.”

Qatar Kentz would like to thank everyone who isinvolved in this programme, particularly DonalDempsey and Pat Geaney for their effort inensuring that the time spent here was anenriching time for the interns. Special thanksmust also go to Eoin, Avril and Tomas. It wasgreat having their fresh young faces in the officeand they will definitely be missed! Everyone inthe Doha office hopes to see them again nextyear!

Three New Interns in Doha

Eoin McCarthy, Avril McCarthy and Tomas Burke with Pat Geaney

On 11th December 2008 a Christmas/holiday season raffle was held for all the Kentzemployees working in Ras Laffan Industrial City in Qatar. The raffle was held at the Pearl GTLCamp Mess Hall and was conducted by Rajan Pillai, Administration Manager for the KentzCamp in the Pearl Village in Ras Laffan.

The names of all Kentz site-based employees were put in a box and then drawn byrepresentatives from each site in Ras Laffan where Kentz are featured. A total of 84 prizes,including televisions, mobile phones, digital cameras and other electronic gadgets were givenout.

Congratulations to all the winners from all in Kentz in Qatar – we hope you enjoy your prizes!

Rajan Pillai handing out raffle prizes

Noong ika-11 ng Disyembre 2008, isang Pamaskong raffle ang isinagawa para sa lahat ngmga empleyado ng Kentz na nagta-trabaho sa Ras Laffan Industrial City sa Qatar. Ang raffleay isinagawa sa Mess Hall ng Pearl GTL Camp at inihatid ni Rajan Pillai, PunongTagapangasiwa ng Kentz Camp sa Pearl Village sa Ras Laffan.

Lahat ng mga pangalan ng mga empleyado ng Kentz na naka-base sa iba’t-ibang lokasyon ayinilagay sa isang kahon at ibinunot ng mga kinatawan ng bawat lokasyon sa Ras Laffan nakung saan inihahandog ang Kentz. Sa kabuuan, 84 na premyo, kabilang ang mga telebisyon,cell phone, digital camera, at iba pang mga electronic na kagamitan ang ipinamigay.

Masigabong pagbati sa lahat ng mga nanalo mula sa lahat sa Kentz sa Qatar! Nawa’ymaligayahan kayo sa inyong mga regalo!

Si Rajan Pillai habang namimigay ng mga pa-premyo

Raffle Fun in Ras Laffan

Raffle ng Kasiyahan sa Ras Laffan

Michael Brennan, Senior Electrical Supervisorfor Kentz Ireland belatedly received hisExecutive Diploma in Leadership andManagement (EDipLM) Certificate recently inthe Clonmel office. Michael is currently workingin Waterford Regional Hospital. He was unableto attend the recent graduation ceremony inDubai in May due to the birth of his son. We wishhim all the best in both careers – as a father andwith Kentz!

Better LateThan Never

Michael receivinghis certificate from

Donal O’Neill,Group TalentDevelopment


. . . . NEWSFLASH: UTS Kent Co. Ltd., one of Kentz’s country offices based in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates has changed it’s company name to UTS Kent LLC. . . . .

Page 3: THIS ISSUE Our Brand Identity: Going from Strength to · 3,500 health and safety images for site managers to create their

3Inside Kentz Issue 7 – February 2009

The Annual Round Table BedRace in Midrand has become amajor date in the Corporatecalendar in the Gautengprovince, South Africa, and in2008 the staff from the KentzSouthern Africa Regional HeadOffice in Midrand decided totake up the challenge fromUhde to participate in theevent. They in turn challenged the employees of Kentz Integrated Solutions in Vanderbijlpark.

The race comprises of companies paying an entrance fee of R2,800 that entitles them to a hospital bed supplied by RoundTable. The beds must be decorated and raced around the Zwartkops motor racing circuit by a 5-member team consistingof four “runners” and a “patient”. The race is controlled under the expert supervision of the Zwartkops Marshals.

The Midrand office team started 23rd out of 200 competitors. The team consisted of Marinella Vigouroux, RegionalFinancial Accountant (the patient); Kubin Govindsamy, IT Administrator; Gavin de Vos, Project Planner; and DennisImmelman of Kentz Integrated Solutions (the runners). The theme was “punk motorcyclists” and thank-you to Kubin andGavin for decorating the bed, complete with handlebars and Kentz personalised number plates. In addition a sincerethank-you must go to Kubin for sourcing the punk headgear and to Francois van Zyl, former Kentz employee, fororganising the drinks and the barbecue afterwards. The punk team finished in the top 30 and received a bronze medal.

Kentz Integrated Solutions team, who did not have a specific theme for their bed, consisted of Dawed Engelbrecht,Computer Aided Design (CAD) Operator; Machiel du Toit, Apprentice Technician; Thinus Sevenster, CAD Operator;Cherochie Benade, Accounts Clerk (the runners); and Madia van der Linde, Human Resources Assistant (the patient).Unfortunately they did not feature in the medals but hopefully they will be back again next year to contest them.

The 2008 race was a great success with 120 beds being donated to a very worthwhile cause. The recipient charities wereJohannesburg Association for the Aged and various hospices. A bed was also donated to the Nkone Maruping PrimarySchool for their sick room.

All in attendance, including supporters from both offices, enjoyed the day and are already looking forward to returningin 2009 to do it all over again.


Midrand office team preparing for the start of the race


Oryx na hÉireann Impress in 2008Malaysian GamesThe Kentz-sponsored Qatar GAA team (Oryx na hÉireann) participated in their first ever AsianGaelic Games in Penang, Malaysia. The games were hosted by Penang Medical College whosePresident is none other than Dr. Brendan Lyons, a member of the Kentz Board of Directors.Brendan’s wife Josie organised the event and it was a great weekend held on 11th and 12thOctober 2008.

On 11th October Qatar had an impressive debut in this 9-a-side tournament and definitely madean impression on some of the seasoned participants. Oryx defeated Japan, Dubai Celts,Shanghai, and Seoul in their first four games, guaranteeing them a place in the semi-finals of thegroup stages. They played the favourites Hong Kong in their final group game of the day. HongKong had the impressive MJ Tierney (Ireland’s Young Player of the Year 2007) in their ranks. Oryxthrew everything they had at their competitors but were narrowly defeated.

The following day saw Oryx play Singapore in the final group match. Both teams knew they wouldface each other later in the semi-final but Singapore won the group game by 1 point andunfortunately Qatar suffered the same fate in the semi-final. Overall the Qatar team could holdtheir heads up high after a very impressive debut. Two Kentz players who deserve specialmention are Andy Daykin, a Scottish native, and Tom Byrne who were part of the tightest backlinein the competition.

Bahrain GamesOryx na hÉireann intended to make up for their disappointment at the Asian Games in Penangand for their defeat at the semi-final stage of the Bahrain Games in 2007 and so they werecrowned Bahrain Champions for the second time in their short history on Friday, 21st November2008.

The Bahrain tournament differs to the Asian Games as the teams are 11-a-side as opposed to 9-a-side. The Bahrain rules are closer to the game played in Ireland, where teams are made upof 15 players. Qatar beat their old adversary Dubai Celts in their first game of the day by a 1-point margin. This victory was followed up with two more against Saudi B and Abu Dhabi.

The Kentz-sponsored Qatar team played the Kentz-sponsored Saudi A team in the semi-final. A brilliant goal by Kentz’s Mick Regan separated the teams and Qatar went through to the final,where the Dubai Celts awaited them. The Qatar team was to gain revenge on Dubai Celts whobeat them in last year’s semi-final by a point. Colm Coyle, who was named the John O‘LearyPlayer of the Tournament, was outstanding as he led the Qatar team to a 1-point victory.

Off the field Kentz is the main sponsor of Oryx na hÉireann but on the field the team simply wouldnot exist without the efforts of certain Kentz employees. Andy Daykin, Trainee Engineer; TomByrne, Trainee Quantity Surveyor (QS); Shane Kelly, Trainee Engineer; and Anthony McFadden,Site Project Engineer in defence. In midfield are Colm Coyle, Business Development (BD)Executive, and Tom Kennedy, Trainee QS. The forwards who work for Kentz include KillianColeman, Project Engineer; Keith Fortune, Electrical Supervisor; Alan McFadden, BD Manager;Mick Regan, Instrumentation Supervisor; and Mick Cremin, Instrumentation Supervisor. DaveAmos, Junior Project Engineer, and Philip Larkin, BD Executive, joined the panel for the BahrainGames.

A big mention needs to go to Noel Kelly, Advisor to Kentz, who generously gave up two All-IrelandFootball Championship Final tickets to the club to raffle as a fundraiser for the trip to Penang.Noel is now honorary President of the club. Martin Walsh, Qatar Country Manager, deserves a bigthank-you for pledging the company’s support to the club for the next two years. Finally, KillianColeman deserves special mention as he was as outstanding off the field as he was on it. Hemade sure all the players were ready physically and mentally.

All in all a great year was had by the Oryx team and hopefully they will have as much success in 2009!

Oryx na nÉireann

Team Building in South Africa At the race track

Brian Everson, East Coast Apprenticeships, with Daniel Booth and Paul Shorten

Brian Everson with David Walsh, Lance Veitch, Keith Johnson and Abdull Omar

A Thiess Kentz operation in Australia has been at the forefront of a new two-stage pathway for electrical fittermechanics. The programme, developed for Thiess Kentz by East Coast Apprenticeships, has seen qualificationsand licences achieved by the first ten graduates inside two years.

A rigorous selection programme identified candidates with significant prior industrial experience and they werethen deployed onto Thiess Kentz projects for their on-the-job trade training. In addition a unique college self-pacedtraining programme was created exclusively to accommodate the selected candidates.

Operationally, the scheme has provided Thiess Kentz with highly productive, skilled and experienced apprenticeson its projects, many with other trade or tertiary qualifications. The apprentices get access to an accelerated tradequalification programme based on skills and competence and not just time – as is the case with a traditionalapprenticeship.

Sunny Phillips, Thiess Kentz HR Manager, said, “The programme has had its challenges with work continuity andcollege training, but the fact that we have now assisted ten employees gain their trade qualifications in less thantwo years makes it all worthwhile.” Most of these tradespeople will be engaged on future projects.

The Australian and the Queensland State Governments have been closely monitoring the development and successof this training scheme.

The Kentz Maintenance and Shutdown Division, South Africa,recently gathered together for a memorable weekend of team-building. Friday evening was spent at Malonjeni, a game farm inHeidelberg, South of Johannesburg. Freezing conditions did notdeter the team from enjoying an evening of traditional SouthAfrican ‘braaing’ (barbeque) and bonding.

Saturday morning began with a hearty breakfast at the BlueberryGrill in Kyalami, whilst watching the Springbok rugby team battlethe All Blacks in a thrilling Tri-nations game. Then on to theKyalami Race Track, where the guys went head to head in a two-hour endurance go-kart race. Ten teams of four were formed torace against each other. Congratulations go to the victoriousfoursome of Wayne Niz, Siyabonga Vezi, Seán Page and SiyabongaMkhanya.

With everyone in high spirits, it was back to Malonjeni for morebraaing, bonding and rugby. The Natal Sharks took on the BlueBulls, and as the majority of attendees are Sharks supporters,they would prefer not to divulge the score of this match! A specialmention has to be made of the brave souls that slept in the safaritent in sub-zero temperatures.

Despite the freezing cold weather and the rugby match losses, agreat time was had by all. The team is revived, refreshed and readyto tackle any challenges that come their way! Thank you to allinvolved in the organising of a great weekend.

Winding down at the braai

Page 4: THIS ISSUE Our Brand Identity: Going from Strength to · 3,500 health and safety images for site managers to create their

The Kentz staff in Secunda held a year-end barbecue (braai) for site staffon Wednesday, 10th December 2008. The event was held in one of theKentz houses in Secunda.Joseph Keogh, Construction Business Unit Manager, South Africa,presented a 25-year long service award to Jacob Mogano. Jacob is fondlyknown as "Malume Jakes", which when translated into Zulu means "UncleJacob". This is a mark of respect in his culture.There was a great turnout by the Maintenance & Shutdown Division, andSite Manager Jason English handed out achievement awards to his staff.The Employee of the Year Award, voted for by his colleagues, went toMlekeleli Thungo, who was also the recipient of the Exceptional GrowthAward. Mark Klaasens received an award for Exceptional Support andadditional awards went to Bevin Ullbricht, Richard Appenah and BradLovedale for delivering Exceptional Safety Toolbox Talks.Entertainment was provided byone of the attendees whobrought his sound system andsome CDs. Jason alsoentertained the crowd with hismagnificent singing abilities onthe karaoke machine.A great time was had by all andthank you to the organisers.Hopefully next year will be justas good!


1. Standing (L-R): Pat Leahy, Bríd and Pat O’Shea. Seated (L-R): Eileen Leahy, Elaine and Nigel Ball

2. Bob and Liz Greaney, Clodagh and Peter Flynn

Durban, South AfricaJohn Gregory, Eoghan Collins, Eoin O’Dwyer, Tom Shange,

Andy Marula and Ragashan Gilbert

Secunda, South Africa

Perth, Australia

Some of the attendees enjoying the evening

On 4th December 2008 the management and staff of Kentz Canada, along with anumber of guests, celebrated Christmas with a party in the Delta Bow Valley Hotel,Calgary. There were in excess of 50 people in attendance and Steve O’Callaghan, ProjectManager, kicked off the evening welcoming everyone to the event. Paul Knowles,Country Manager, followed with a brief speech thanking everyone for their hardwork during 2008.The 3-course meal was fantastic and was followed by a band that got everyone upon their feet. A member of the hotel staff dressed up as Santa Claus and wentaround and wished everyone a happy holiday season. The raffle ensued andexcited guests won hampers and the grand prize was a 32” LCD television.In true Kentz style it was a great night and all in attendance thoroughly enjoyed theevent.

Calgary, Canada

Vincent Scurria and some guests

4Inside Kentz Issue 7 – February 2009

Midrand, South AfricaKentz South Africa’s Midrand office held their annual year-end function on Saturday, 1st

November 2008. The event was held at the Misty Hills Hotel in Muldersdrift, approximately45 km away from Midrand. Hayley Barker, Regional Human Resources Manager, and Pat Cass, RegionalMarketing/Public Relations Officer, chose a Moroccan theme for the event. A number of staff members joinedin the fun and dressed in Moroccan or Arabic attire. The prize for the best dressed couple went to PaulCheshire and his partner Marion Goodchild.Pat made a short welcome speech and Eoin Hurley, Regional Manager, gave a comprehensivepresentation on Kentz that included details of our major projects. He thanked all present for theircontribution and commitment during the year.On the night Long Service Awards were handed out to:• Paul Rebelo – 15 years • Tony Lopes – 15 years • Carlo Marengo – 10 years • Pat Cass – 10 yearsThe Safety Award for the year was awarded to the Madagascar QMM Project Team for their outstandingachievement of 2.5 million continuous Lost Time Injury free hours. The award was accepted on behalf ofthe project by Bouke Kooiker, Metals and Mining Operations Manager, who is currently heading up theproject.There was a draw with fabulous prizes including a 5-day cruise for two off the South Africancoast, a weekend away for two, a TV, camcorder and many more. The entertainment was laterprovided by belly dancers and a fantastic fire dancing performance.A great night was had by all and they are already looking forward to next year’s function!

Wolfscastle Hotel inPembrokeshire was the venuefor the Christmas party for theKentz employees based on the South Hook LNG Project in South Wales.The event was held on 11th December 2008 and comprised of a 3-course meal followed by a disco, where the attendees were able to showoff their dance moves. There were no losers on the night as, instead ofa raffle, everyone received a small gift to take away with them.A great night was had by all and the employees are looking forward toshowing off their dancing skills again in the near future!


1. Standing (L-R): Johan de Villiers, John Fourie, Braam Botes, Jurie Lombard, Hennie Engela and Andre BlenkersSeated (L-R): Hannetjie de Villiers, Marie Fourie, Tossie Botes, Erika Swanepoel, Magriet Engela and Tilla Blenkers

2. Noel and Noleen Kelly, Linda and Reform Mathe, Pat Cass, Catherine Hurley, Mick Cass and Eoin Hurley

Thiess Kentz’s Perth office celebrated theChristmas holiday season on Friday, 19th December2008. Everyone finished work early and had drinks in theoffice, which was followed by a scrumptious 3-course meal at the OldSwan Brewery restaurant. The weather was fantastic so the meal washeld outside.Harry Sonnenberg, General Manager, Thiess Kentz, entertained thecrowd by dressing up as Santa Claus and handing out “secret Santa” giftswhich were purchased by thestaff in the office for each other.It was a glorious sunny day andall in attendance thoroughlyenjoyed it. A big thank you to BevAba, Public Relations andBranding Co-ordinator for ThiessKentz, who organised the event.

On Friday, 19th December 2008 the staff fromKentz in Clonmel, Ireland, headed off to LyrathHouse Hotel & Spa for their annual Christmasparty. The event was attended by over 130guests, including many from the Kentz offices inthe Middle East.The event kicked off with pre-dinner drinks and asumptuous 5-course meal. Kelly O’Shea, CorporateServices Administrator, welcomed everyone to theevent and between courses did the raffle, with the aidof Catríona Nugent, Investor/Public Relations Officer.There was a lot of excitement around the draw as therewere excellent prizes including LCD televisions, iPods,hampers and lots more. Apart from there being a lot ofprize-winners, nobody went home empty-handed aseach employee received a twin pack of wine whenleaving the hall.Following the meal, entertainment was then provided by a local DJ who played "golden oldies",disco and chart music until the early hours of the morning. For all the aspiring Michael Flatleysout there this was a great opportunity to show off their dancing abilities.In true Irish style the night finished up with a sing-song and there were some fantasticperformers on the night as people sang and played instruments to entertain the slimmingcrowd. The management of Kentz in Clonmel would like to thank everyone for a very special night andfor all the hard work during 2008. Hopefully 2009 will be as good!

Brisbane,AustraliaThe Thiess Kentz staff in the Brisbaneoffice finished early on Friday, 19thDecember 2008 for celebratory drinksand a luncheon at the Chalk Hotel inWooloongabba to mark the festiveseason.As was done in the Perth office, therewas a "secret Santa" operation and

all employees in attendance received a gift from an unknowncolleague. The gifts were handed out by Fiona Midwinter,Finance Officer.A great evening was had by all in attendance and a specialthank-you must go to Fiona Midwinter for organising theevent.

Al-Khor, QatarThursday, 18th December 2008 marked the third annual Christmasparty held by Eddie de Puis, Commissioning Manager, and PaudieHogan, Construction Manager, at their villa in al-Khor. A handful ofKentz staff, along with Stephen Phillips from Chiyoda Technip JointVenture, got together and had a meal, cooked by Eddie and Dave

O’Shea, CommissioningManager. In true Kentz style thefestivities carried on into the night. All inattendance enjoyed theevening and they wouldlike to thank Eddie and Paudie for theirhospitality.

Doha, Qatar

1. Laarni Pascua, Antonio Perez, Pat Geaney, Ursula Abella, Ella Leoncio and Barbie Pascula

2. Muhamed Nishad, Mike Delahunty,Thulaseedharan Chevery, Chris O’Connor, ShanojKannan and Haridasan Pillai

Standing (L-R): Jonaton Warlow, Dave O’Shea, Eddie de Puis and Maurice Meaney.

Seated (L-R): Mick O’Connell, Joe Golden, Michael Neville and Stephen Phillips. Missing from the photo is Paudie Hogan.




On Thursday, 5th December 2008, Qatar Kentz held itsannual Christmas party at the beach of theIntercontinental Hotel in Doha. Over 250 employees and their families werein attendance ranging in age from 1 to 65 and there was something foreveryone to enjoy: face and henna painting, a bouncing castle, volleyballand cricket. There were also games for the children and on an earlier visitFather Christmas had left gifts for each and every one of them. For those who weren’t feeling so energetic, two boats were on hand toprovide a sea view of Doha. This also allowed the adults to enjoy a glass ofchampagne and watch the sun going down behind Doha’s ever-expandingcity.Dinner was served in the early evening and with that came a band whichprovided great music and entertainment for all. Once everyone was wellfed it was time to get down to business – the big prize draw. Nigel Paul,Support Services Manager, presented the prizes to the lucky winners, andlucky winners they were with TVs, home entertainment systems, mobilephones and cameras being given out.A special thank-you goes to Nigel Paul who was a superb MC and to SatishKumar, Buyer, for the incredible effort he put into getting all the prizes.

Vanderbijlpark,South Africa

The management and staff from the Kentz office in Vanderbijlpark had a specialChristmas night out on Saturday, 22nd November 2008. Kentz Integrated Solutionsheld its event at La Vie Royale Wedding and Conference Venue and the theme theydecided to go with was “Hollywood Classics”.Guests arrived in style, dressed for the red carpet and created a great atmosphere.Some of the "stars" won prizes for best dressed classic or best dressed couple, etc.Included among the winners were Bonnie and Clyde, Shrek, Marilyn Monroe, OliviaNewton John, John Travolta, Dracula, Cleopatra, Austin Powers, Hugh Heffner andone of his playmates, and too many more to mention. Prizes for the winners wereHollywood-themed including: watches, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and muchmore. The prize draw was done by Pamela Anderson.The performers put on a great show, dancing to various songs from classic to modernHollywood songs and movie soundtracks. A lot of planning went into this big event andit all added up as the night was a big success. Thank you to everyone who participatedand made this a night to remember… the night of “the stars”!Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the eveningtremendously!

Employees enjoying the secret Santa




Trinidad, West IndiesOn Saturday, 6th December 2008, the management and staff ofKentz-OJ’s E&I Services JV celebrated the Christmas season at thecompany’s annual Christmas Party at the Point Fortin Civic Centre, Mahaica, Point Fortin, Trinidad.Food and drinks were in no short supply as theParang music group rendered song after song.The highlight of the night was the South SideTassa Group, who are employees of Kentz-OJ’s.Their energetic performance enlivened the partyas partygoers danced to their mesmerising beat.Everyone in attendance thoroughly enjoyed theevening and is looking forward to next year’sevent with great anticipation!



The South Side Tassa Group during one of theirexhilarating performances

1. Magriet and Hennie Engela.

2. L-R: Quintus Swart (himself), Wendy Bridges(Eva Longoria), Reno Jonker (himself),Marlize Swart (Cleopatra), Niel Oosthuizen(John Travolta), Lindi Engela (Olivia NewtonJohn), Aldert Nieuwoudt (James Dean), Tanja Nieuwoudt (Marilyn Monroe), Yolanda Nortje (Julianne Moore) and Jaco Nortje (Colin Firth).

Kentz SeasonalCelebrations

Around the World


Employees enjoying the evening in the Wolfscastle Hotel

Everyone enjoying the outdoor meal

Kentz Maintenance & Shutdowns Division’s year-end function took place on 29thNovember 2008 at the Riverside Hotel in Durban North. There were 120 guests inattendance, most of whom travelled from sites such as Natref, Sasolburg Sasol, andSecunda, as well as delegates from the local sites of Engen and Hosaf. Several guestsfrom our regional head office in Midrand attended the function this year, including theRegional Manager Eoin Hurley and his wife, Catherine. The theme chosen for the event was “The Seashore” and some of the guests reallywent the extra mile with very ingenious outfits. The outfits included sailors, a shark-bitten surfer and regular beach-goers!It was a special occasion for Wayne Niz, Proposals and Commercial Manager, whocelebrated his 10-year anniversary with Kentz and was awarded a certificate by EoinHurley to honour the milestone. He was appropriately dressed as a “Shark” for theoccasion, although he looked more like a player from the local Super 14 rugby teamrather than a sea creature!The draw was met with great enthusiasm as cash prizes were given out to the luckywinners. The crowd was entertained with music and everyone danced the night away.