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(A Study of the Third Semester of Islamic Tourism Department of

IAIN Batusangkar Registered in 2018/2019)


Submitted to English Teaching Department Faculty of Tarbiyah

as a Requirement to Obtain Bachelor Degree

in Teaching English


Reg. No. 14 104 006






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Alhamdulillahhirabbil’alamin. First of all, the researcher would like to

express her deepest thanks to Allah SWT, Who has given health and opportunity

for the researcher to finish her thesis entitled “STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN


Semester of Islamic Tourism Department of IAIN Batusangkar Registered in

2018/2019)”. She also addresses her greeting and salutation to the greatest prophet

Muhammad SAW who has brought mankind to the bright world.

The writer realizes that there have been many people who gave

contribution on accomplishing this thesis. So, firstly, she would like to send her

greatest gratitude to Zulhermindra, M.Pd as her first advisor and Rini Anita,

M,Pd. as her second advisor who guid her, help her and give her advice on doing

and finishing this thesis. Next, she would like to give grateful to the examiners

Irwan, M.Pd and Yulnetri, SS, M.Pd who had given critism, correction, and

suggestion on finishing this thesis. Thirdly, she would like to thank to all of the

respondents in this thesis who have participated in her research to be sample of

this research.

Then, she also thanks to Yulnetri, SS, M.Pd as the Head of English

Department for facilitating her on conducting this research. She also appreciates

Dr. Suswati Hendriani, M.Pd as her academic advisor, who has motivated and

supported her well along her study until she finished her thesis. Then, special

wishes to Anggi Rahmatika, S.Pd.I as English Department’s staff for helping in

administration process for completing her thesis. The researcher also delivered her

gratitude to LP2M of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Batusnagkar,

Yusrizal Efendi, S.Ag, M.Ag who has given her permission to conduct the

research. Then, she would like to express her salutation to Dr. Sirajul Munir,

M.Pd, as Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty who has helped her

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ANINDA, NIM 14 104 006. Judul Skripsi “KESULITAN


KEPARIWISATAAN (A Study of the Third Semester of Islamic Tourism

Department of IAIN Batusangkar in 2018/2019)”, Jurusan Tadris Bahasa

Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri

(IAIN) Batusangkar.

Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya

kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa Pariwisata Syari’ah di IAIN Batusangkar

dalam proses belajar mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Keparwisata yang bertujuan

untuk mengetahui apa saja kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa selama belajar

mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Kepaariwisataan.

Rancangan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Informan berjumlah 4

orang yang dipilih dengan menggunakan pengambilan sampel purposive. Teknik

pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan wawancara yang

dilakukan kepada Mahasiswa Jurusan Pariwisata Syari’ah Fakultas Ekonomi dan

Bisnis Islam IAIN Batusangkar. Peneliti berperan sebagai instrumen kunci.

Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu pedoman

wawancara. Selanjutnya, untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan teori

Miles and Huberman (1994) yaitu dengan cara mereduksi data, menyajikan

data, serta memverifikasi data dan menarik kesimpulan.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tujuh kesulitan mahasiswa

dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris Kepariwisataan. Kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut

diantaranya: 1) Mahasiswa memiliki konten terbatas yang berhubungan dengan

tata bahasa, kosa kata dan struktur informasi, 2) Kelas ESP ditunda atau

dibatalkan tanpa alasan yang jelas, 3) Mahasiswa kurang persiapan/tidak siap

untuk kelas ESP, 4) Mahasiswa masih takut salah dan malu berbicara bahasa

Inggris, 5) Penggunaan bahasa ibu. Mahasiswa memiliki lingkungan yang tidak

menggunakan bahasa Inggris, 6) Metode pengajaran ESP masih pasif dan 7)

Mahasiswa tidak memahami pelajaran.

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COVER ................................................................................................................... i

AUTHORITY STATEMENT LETTER ............................................................. ii

THESIS ADVISORS’ APPROVAL ................................................................... iii

THESIS EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL ............................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... v

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem .................................................... 1

B. Focus of the Research ......................................................... 7

C. Research Question ............................................................... 7

D. Purpose of the Research ...................................................... 7

E. Significance of the Research ............................................... 8

F. Definition of the Key Terms ............................................... 8


A. Review of Related Theories ................................................ 9

1. Learning English ........................................................... 9

2. English Specific Purpose for Tourism ......................... 14

3. Students’ Difficulties in Learning ESP ........................ 16

B. Review of Relevant Studies .............................................. 26


A. Research Design ................................................................ 30

B. Research Informants .......................................................... 30

C. Research Instrument ........................................................... 31

D. Research Procedures .......................................................... 31

E. Technique of Data Collection ............................................ 32

F. Checking the Data Trustworthiness .................................. 33

G. Technique of Data Analysis .............................................. 33

1. Data Reduction ............................................................. 34

2. Data Display ................................................................. 34

3. Conclusion and Verification of the data....................... 35


A. Research Finding ............................................................... 36

B. Discussion .......................................................................... 50

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A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 55

B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 55

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 57

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 59

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Appendix 1 : Syllabus .......................................................................................... 59

Appendix 2 : Interview Guide ............................................................................. 61

Appendix 3 : Transcript of Interview .................................................................. 62

Appendix 4 : Data Reduction .............................................................................. 86

Appendix 5 : Data Display .................................................................................. 95

Appendix 6 : Conclusion and Verification Data ................................................. 96

Appendix 7 : Attendance of Informants .............................................................. 97

Appendix 8 : Research Permit Letter ................................................................... 98

Appendix 9 : Pictures .......................................................................................... 99

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A. Background of the Problem

Indonesia is called as the largest archipelago country in the world

and is supported by many natural resources and cultural diversity. Natural

resources are all materials that can be found by humans in nature and can

be used for their survival. For humans, natural resources are basically the

most important things in the form of living things (biological) or inanimate

objects (non-living). Both types of natural resources are used to meet the

needs of human life. Actually, humans are also a resource for a country

because humans can provide tremendous benefits to their country by

becoming labor, advancing science, even technology so that they can

improve the country's economy. And Indonesia is also a country that has a

diversity of cultures and arts, with a diversity of cultures that Indonesia is

also able to attract and be known by the international community. With

this abundant cultural potential, Indonesia is expected to be able to

maintain, preserve, and develop the noble values of this culture as a

characteristic of a nation.

So the government makes tourism as the main source of income for

the country. In other case, tourism activities in Indonesia have increased.

Zulhemindra and Asrida (2018:1) said that the number of tourists visiting

Indonesia experienced a significant increase from year to year, including

tourists visiting West Sumatra. But this is not supported by the quality of

tour guides in Indonesia. Maisol Hadi, the Chairman of the Branch

Leadership Board, the Association of Indonesian tour guides of Padang in

an express interview (as written by khairani Hafis) stated that in recent

years tourism stretches, especially West Sumatra, continued to experience

increased visits, both domestic and foreign tourists. Meanwhile, Walker

and Harding (2007:5) said that visitors come from many countries. And

Indonesia is the most country that visitors like to visit. According to the


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data, there are top three of country that most visit by tourist. They are

Indonesia (17%), Japan (13%) and Australia (6%). They usually stay for

short visit, oven stopovers en route to other Asian countries or Australia or

New Zealand, or for sightseeing and shopping. The data shows that

Indonesia is the most country that visit by visitor from other country.

The increasing number of tourists who are not balanced with the

skill quality of tour guides will experience problems/difficulties in meeting

the needs of the tourists themselves. Chairman of Indonesian tour group

(HPI) West Sumatra in Zulhermindra and Asrida (2018:2) add that it was

obtained an illustration that of the 416 local tourist guides, but only 15

percent had good foreign language skills. It shows that the needs of

tourists who come to Indonesia are not met. And this requires efforts to

improve the quality of existing tour guides.

This improvement effort should be more focused on students in

education in the field of tourism. In addition, Ulfa (2015:69) said that the

qualities of students in learning English develop slowly. More and over,

only few of education centers that provides good performance of English

when they introduce the language to their students. It means that tourism

needs with the quality of tour guide ability in Indonesia are not balanced.

It causes difficulties for tourist workers in fulfilling their duties properly.

Talking about tourism in West Sumatra, it can be related to

Islamic sharia. Since the 19th century before the Pancasila nation's

philosophy was formulated, there was already a consensus that put the

essence and substance to practice the Islamic Shari'ah. The language does

not become an "Islamic State" and "practices the Shari'ah of Islam", but in

fact socio-cultural and historical, Minang people have already had a

language that is quite entrenched and philosophically based on the Minang

people's thinking, namely “adat basandi syara’, syara’ basandi

Kitabullah”. It means that their values are based on the Qur'an and Hadits.

Islamic tourism can be defined as the act of Muslims visiting places

outside their homes (to Muslim or non-Muslim countries) for the purpose

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of business, recreation or other activities with the demands of Allah’s

order (Musa, Ali, and Moghavvemi, 2017:4). Islamic tourism activities are

related to the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadits. A Muslim who conducts

tourism activities must hold fast to the teachings of the prophet

Muhammad SAW and the commands of Allah SWT. Abu Daud, 2486

narrated in Syahriza (2014:141) “Actually the tour of my people is jihad in

the way of Allah". So, Islamic tourism is the activity of visiting or working

in the field of tourism by holding the teachings of Islamic Sharia (Alqur’an

and Hadits).

So, Islamic tourism is a journey by visiting certain places and still

paying attention to faith, worship, attitude and morals, because as a

Muslim we have to keep paying attention to our faith, worship,

mu’amalah, attitude and morals, then of course this type of tourism gives

limits to Muslim tourists to be comfortable in following the teachings of

Islam. In fact, if seen in terms of tourism intended for recreation which is

synonymous with activities for fun, Islamic tourism can be said to be

irrelevant. As a tourist, of course they will travel without any boundaries

that are binding on him. However, it turns out that there is a group of

people who always try to pay attention to the Shari'a, including traveling.

Therefore, Islamic tourism is presented to facilitate those who still want to

pay attention to Shari'a in travel, including consuming Halal and also not

violating Islamic rule, and not leaving worship when traveling.

In fulfilling these needs, Indonesia provides Islamic tourism

Department. One of them in IAIN Batusangkar, West Sumatra which has

provided Islamic Tourism Department as one of its majors. This

department has only been established for one and a half year. So also for

Islamic Tourism Department in IAIN Batusangkar that has its own goals,

vision and mission. Its goal is realization of scholars in the field of Islamic

Tourism who are noble, professional, creative and competitive in the work

world based on research, and technology. Its vision is superior in Islamic

Tourism development based on research, technology, and local wisdom

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nationally in 2025. Meanwhile the mission is realizing scholars in the field

of Islamic Tourism who are noble, professional, creative and competitive

in the work world, organizing education / teaching Islamic Tourism and

carry out Islamic Tourism development that is responsive on the needs of

the tourism industry.

Based on goals, vision and mission of this department, it can be

seen that tourism department really need speaking English skill to achieve

them well. Students are required to be able to connect with the community

based on technology. As we know technology is identical with English

language. And relationship with society, the student not only should speak

their own language but also should master foreign language, English

language. Therefore, in realizing the goal of tourism education, a person

must be able to master English language because the field of tourism is

very synonymous with communication especially with foreign

communities. So that’s why Islamic Tourism Department must master

English language to achieve the goals.

In Islamic tourism Department in IAIN Batusangkar, the students

are provided English subject for their course. Based on syllabus, the

researcher found that students get two semesters in learning English

subject. In Islamic Tourism Department in IAIN Batusangkar, students

take two credits for English subject in the first Semester and three credits

in second Semester. In the first semester they learned general and Basic

English lesson, while in the second semester they study English for

Specific Purpose (ESP) for tourism. Their main English lessons are in the

second semester. They studied the ESP for tourism that relates to their

own major. In ESP for tourism subjects, they learned English in the field

of tourism. There are some materials in this lesson such as about holiday,

destination, hotel facilities, tour operation, eating out, sport recreation,

career in tourism and many more materials. This lesson learns all about

tourism. And by learning this subject, students are expected to be able to

use English in the form of using tourism terms in English, as well as the

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use of English that is good at communicating verbally and in the tourism

context. So, the students of Islamic Tourism Department should master

English skill especially for tourism.

Based on researcher’s explanation so far, students of Islamic

Tourism Department really need English language skill. The reason is

because they have more chance to meet tourist from many other country.

According to Maican (2014:1) state that English has a dominant position

in most fields of activity, including business, in general. English language

proficiency is a requirement in a number of important standards of work

especially in the field of tourism. Meanwhile Simion (2012:153) state that

students of tourism should be aware of the enormous importance of

English in their education because it is an essential tool in any field of

their future activity: management, tourist information, promotion of tourist

destinations, intermediary companies, hospitality and transportation, etc.

In this statement, we can see that tourist department students will more

need ability of English. There are more jobs that they will hold and need

English language ability to make their job more helped. So, English ability

is extremely important for students of Islamic Tourism department.

In mastering English, there are four skills that should be learned by

the students. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening

and reading are classified as receptive skills because they focus on

producing understanding whereas speaking and writing are classified as

productive skills because they focus on producing information. In

mastering English, students must go through the process of learning about

the language itself, especially English for specific purpose. English used in

certain fields is different from English which is communicated daily in

general. Meeting the needs of tourism students in Indonesia should be

balanced with English language education for tourism. English for tourism

is also referred to as ESP for tourism. Therefore, tourism students are

required to learn the ESP for tourism subject. ESP is defined to meet

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specific needs of the learners (Andriani, 2014:32). So, ESP for tourism

subject learns English language communication for tourism needs.

ESP is generally used in teaching foreign languages for certain

uses in certain fields of science and professions. This goal is generally

understood as a benefit in the English language role as a communication

tool both oral and written. Therefore, ESP should be seen as an approach,

concept and method that are indeed different from General English.

According to Ulfa (2015:69) the students of tourism should have specific

English of tourism in education, so they can apply their skill especially in

English for Tourism at work. It means that ESP for tourism subjects is

very important to be studied by tourism students.

According to Andriani (2014:35) divide some points concerning

the problem of students’ difficulties in learning English for Specific

purposes. First, the students did not know about the goals they would

achieve and the materials they should prepare for exam. Second, the

students felt dissatisfied with the translation method used by the teacher

because they think they did not learn anything practical out of the

textbook. Third, memorizing a large numbers of terminologies is also

shortcoming in the method. Fourth, there were not enough ties in

vocabulary learning and the last is, after having exam, the learners usually

soon forgets the vocabulary they learn.

In the primary research, the researcher found that there are still

many students of Islamic Tourism Department of the third semester

difficult in learning English. The problem was found by the researcher by

doing interview with the lecturer. The lecturer said that almost all of the

students of Islamic Tourism Department have low English language skill.

Based on the syllabus, speaking activities are more often done in the class.

But many students experience difficulties in learning. The lecturer added

that almost all students were still having difficulty speaking in class.

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Therefore, if the students keep their difficulties, they will not be

able to become professionals in their fields, because they are required to

have the ability of good English language.

Based on the phenomena, the researcher is interested in conducting

research about students’ difficulties in learning English for Tourism

subject. This research was proposed under title “Students’ Difficulties in

Learning English for Tourism Subject by the Third Semester Students of

Islamic Tourism Department”.

B. Focus of the Research

This research focuses on students’ difficulties in learning English

for Tourism subject by third semester students of Islamic Tourism

Department of IAIN Batusangkar in 2018/2019 academic year.

C. Research Question

Based on the research focus, the researcher stated the research


1. What are the difficulties faced by students in learning English for

tourism subject?

D. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research is to find students’ difficulties in

learning English for Tourism subject by the third semester students of

Islamic tourism Department at IAIN Batusangkar in 2018/2019 academic


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E. Significance of the Research

The result of this research is hoped to give contributions for:

1. Students

Hopefully, this research can give information to the third semester

of Islamic Tourism Department students at IAIN Batusangkar to

overcome the difficulties in learning English for Tourism subject.

2. Lecturer

This research is also hoped well-informed to the lecturers that

teach English lesson in Islamic Tourism Department at IAIN

Batusangkar of the students’ difficulties in learning English for

Tourism subject.

3. Researcher

The researcher also hopes that this research can give benefit to her

in order to develop her knowledge in English skill. Besides, it uses for

getting undergraduate degree (S1) in English department at IAIN


F. Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding of this research, the researcher defines the

key terms as follows:

1. Difficulties in learning English means any problems faced by students

of Islamic Tourism Department of IAIN Batusangkar since learning

English for Tourism subject in second semester.

2. English for Tourism subject is one of courses of Islamic Tourism

Department students’ lesson in second semester.

3. Islamic Tourism Department is one of departments in IAIN

Batusangkar. This department is a new department is IAIN

Batusangkar and it has existed about two years.

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A. Review of Related Theories

1. Learning English

a. Definition of Learning English

Language is a very important means of communication. It's

very difficult to think of a community without language. It

sharpens people's thoughts and guides and controls their activities.

The most important language that should be mastered by every

people is English language. As a second language, English is very

important for everyone to be mastered. The English language is

normally considered as a foreign language for the native learners.

Every people are being required to master English

language. So, they should learn to increase their language English

skill. Adding knowledge can be obtained from learning. By

learning someone can increase knowledge, even improve the

abilities he already has. Learning is a business process that is

carried out by a person to obtain a change in new behavior as a

whole; as a result of his own experience in interaction with his


Every human in this world needs to learn. English as a

second language or a foreign language is often used for non-native

English speakers and learning English in countries where English

is not commonly used. According to Bose in Raja and Selvi

(2011:40) state that learning a second language requires effort to

learn it. It means that in mastering English, people should take

learning process. According Bose in Raja and Selvi (2011:40) state

that learning a second language requires conscious efforts to learn

it and the exposure to the second language in most cases is limited.

In mastering the language students are required to learn the

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language itself, because by learning, students’ language needs will

be fulfilled. Saljo in Hidayati (2016:24) described several factors

as learning theory such as: 1) learning as quantitative increase in

knowledge, 2) learning as memorizing or storing information can

be reproduced, 3) learning as acquiring facts, skills and method

that can be retained and used, 4) learning as making sense or

abstracting meaning, 5) learning as interpreting and understanding

in different way. So, people can know everything about knowledge

by learning.

In conclusion, the English foreign language learners are

usually asking for everything related to the English language,

which needs to raise their success. In learning English, learners

should try to increase their knowledge and ability to achieve

maximum results in mastering the language. So, learning English is

the process of increasing quantitative knowledge and achieving

success in acquiring English language skills as the most important

language to master.

b. The Purpose of Learning English

The purpose of teaching English in Indonesia has been

stated in the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No.

096/1967 on 12 December 1967 in Roza (2013:144), it is

developing students' communicative English skills which include

listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. At the college level,

students are expected to have grammatical knowledge of English

and can then apply that knowledge in communicating and

interacting in life.

c. Importance of Learning English

English as a second language is a language that is very

important to be mastered by everyone in the world. if someone

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comes to a place that has a different language than their mother

tongue, they are required to use English in order to communicate

with foreign language users. English has become a global language

that makes language itself very important. According to

Wierzbicka (2006:3) English is the world’s most important

language. It means that every people in the world should master

English language.

According to Estliden (2017:5) said that English has

become a big part of education especially at universities. The

importance of English language education is filled with the

provision of English language education in every educational

institution. English subjects become compulsory subjects,

including at universities and colleges. In every department English

language education is provided. This shows the importance of

English education in the world especially in the field of education.

Maican (2014:1) add that English has a dominant position in most

fields of activity, including business, in general. It means that

wherever one goes, whatever will be done, English language skills

are really needed.

So, learning English is extremely important for every

people especially for education learners. The role of English is the

most important requirement for everyone in communicating.

English is a major requirement in communicating, doing business

or having a career in all fields.

d. Type of Learning English

1) English General Purposes

General language learning covers the learning of the

fundamentals of grammar, of expression as well as of phonetics

and provides a stronger or weaker basis for possible later

language studies (Kitkauskiene, 2006:89). English General

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provides basic knowledge and skills of English language at a

school level where the occupational/professional and higher

educational orientations of the students are not defined


Meanwhile Alexandra and Valeria (2010:51-52) state

English in General course is mostly focused on grammar,

language structure and general vocabulary. English in general

course is responsible to the general language acquisition and,

for the vast majority of learners, they are extremely useful.

English in general is a lesson about language itself. English has

four important components; they are speaking, reading,

listening and writing. Learning English in general, learners will

learn about the language such as how to compose sentences

based on grammar, memorize vocabulary or how to pronounce

English words correctly. In mastering vocabulary, they are not

required to learn certain vocabulary. Their linguistic knowledge

is widespread and is not intended for specific purposes other

than to communicate using the language itself.

Alexandra and Valeria (2010:51) divide the most important

EGP features, they are: 1) the focus is often on education; 2) as

the learners’ future needs are impossible to predict, the course

content is more difficult to select; 3) due to the above point it is

important for the content in the syllabus to have a high

surrender value. Learning English in general, students cannot

predict language needs in their future careers. They are only

looking for ways to communicate everyday they will find with

the English language user.

Based on some theory above, it can be concluded that

English in general is learning English language is mostly focus

on the language itself. The learners try to add their linguistic

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knowledge such as sentence structure, pronunciation or general


2) English Specific Purposes

English specific purposes focuses on the acquisition of

professional expertise, which integrates disciplinary knowledge

and professional practice in a complex and dynamic

manipulation of different social situations within which most

forms of specialized communication take place (Musikhin,

2016:29). Meanwhile Kitkauskiene (2006:89) define English

for specific purposes (ESP) as specialized programs which are

designed to develop the communicative use of English in a

specialized field of science, work or technology.

English specific purpose needed by students in certain

fields. For example if they learn English in the business field,

then they certainly have to learn English that will be found in

the business world. Or they learn English for their needs to be

tour guided, so students will learn vocabulary about tourism or

how to communicate in terms of promoting food, of course

they learn whatever English vocabulary about food.

Alexandra and Valeria (2010:51) divide the most relevant

ESP features are: 1) the focus is on training; 2) as English is

intended to be used in specific vocational contexts, the

selection of the appropriate content is easier; 3) it is important

for the content in the syllabus to have a high surrender value,

most relevant to the vocational context; 4) the aim may be to

create a restricted English competence. In other word, ESP is

an approach to learning and the use of English for specific

fields and studies that are in accordance with the needs of the

field of science and the profession of English language users.

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ESP courses are mainly designed to meet students’ needs

based on their field of study. The goal is to strengthen students’

proficiency and help them to get ready to cope with everyday

situations and deal with professionals in many fields such as:

engineering, medicine, education, IT, etc (Xhafery, 2011:435).

ESP courses for example such as: a) English for law. They

must understand English related to aw field; b) English for

medicine; they must understand and learn about English for

medicine c) English for Tourism. Then they must understand

English for tourism. And many more ESP courses.

Thus, the teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

has different approaches and assumptions than General English

(EGP). The aim of ESP is for students to be able to master

English in the fields they study. For example tourism students,

they must understand English for tourism, or if they are

engineering students, they must know English for engineering,

or if they work in hospitality, then they must master hospitality

English, if they are maritime students, then they must master

maritime English.

2. English Specific Purpose for Tourism

a. Definition

According to International Teacher Training Organization

in Burdova (2007:7) state that English for specific purposes is a

term that refers to teaching or studying English for a particular

career (like tour guide) or for business in general. So, ESP for

tourism is an English language learning that aims to help students

in all things related to tourism. As explained earlier that tourism

students really need English skills. So learning from ESP for

tourism is very important role in helping their careers in the future.

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According to Tsao in Lin, Wu and Huang (2013:1) ESP

courses are offered to students for meeting their specific needs,

responding to the significant demand for English in academic and

vocational contexts. This statement shows that ESP is an English

language lesson by specializing in certain fields by getting to know

everything related to a particular field.

b. ESP for Tourism Subject

The characteristic of ESP program is one of basic processes

in designing materials that is called as needs analysis.‟ Needs

analysis has to be established to find out learners‟ purposes in

learning the language (Ulfa, 2015:70). As the researcher explained

before that ESP is meeting students' needs for certain skills, so ESP

for tourism is a lesson about tourism-related communication. For

example, for students who communicate with a tourist as a tour

guide, they should know how to explain tourism objects well to

them. If they promote food, of course they have to know English

vocabulary about the food they are promoting.

Course content is related to the subjects students are

learning in their native language in preparation for working in

certain fields and in communicative competencies needed in a

second language (English) to complete their instruction. Tourism

Department are required to become tour guides in the future,

therefore they should learn the ESP for tourism to prepare

themselves to face English language users. So, they can

communicate well according to their needs to become tour guides.

As in the tourism department in IAIN Batusangkar that students

learn about English tourism in the second semester.

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c. The important of ESP for Tourism Subject for Students of Islamic

Tourism Department

The students of tourism should have specific English of

tourism in education, so they can apply their skill especially in

English for Tourism at work (Ulfa, 2015:69). This statement

describes that how importance of ESP for tourism lessons for

students especially they are in the tourism department itself. As

discussed earlier that tourism students really need English speaking

skills for their careers and future. Good ability will support a good

career too.

Xhaferi (2011:434) said that since these ESP students have

already chosen these specific fields for their future professions,

learning English will only complement their choice and they can

apply these language learning strategies to learning English

vocabulary necessary for their field of study. By learning the ESP

for tourism, students have the time and opportunity to train and add

to their vocabulary related to their fields. For example, the student

becomes a chef in the future. So he certainly must know a lot of

vocabulary about food and cooking ingredients.

3. Students’ Difficulties in Learning ESP

According to Dubicka and O’Keeffe (2003:1) they said that we

have to have provided lots of tips and guidance to help students

develop the essential skills to work in tourism and listening and

speaking are of the utmost important skills. Based on this statement, it

can be concluded that all the skills in English, speaking and listening

are the most important skills to improve in the world of tourism. So, if

students have low speaking and listening skills, of course they will find

it difficult to work in the tourism world. As mentioned earlier in the

theory that these two skills are very important for students.

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So, to find out what difficulties students have in learning tourism

English, we must know what difficulties are experienced in their

speaking and listening skills.

First, according to Ur in Hosni (2014:23) state that there are four

problems that can cause students difficult to speak:

1) Inhibition. Students who are still afraid of being wrong and

ashamed to speak English.

Students are worried about making mistakes, fearful of

criticism, or simply shy. Students who experience this certainly

have difficulty speaking English in the classroom or outside the

classroom. Students who are doubtful about their skill will be

afraid to practice it, because they are afraid of being blamed and

criticized for their abilities. Even more for a student who feels

ashamed to speak English. For students who do not get used to

using English in their daily lives, tend to feel embarrassed in using

it. This is certainly proof that students with these problems have

difficulty speaking English.

2) Nothing to say. Students who cannot express what they think/give

their personal opinions.

Students have no motive to express themselves. If a student

cannot express what s/he feels, it can show that they are students

who have difficulty in speaking English. Students who do not show

their speaking skill will cause their skill to be weaken. Students

who often express and practice their skill will be more fluent in

speaking. Therefore, for the language skills of a student to run

smoothly, the skill should often be practiced in the classroom and

outside the classroom. Students have nothing to say can make

themselves difficult to improve their skill.

3) Low or uneven participation. Students who are less active and low

levels of participation in the class.

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Only one participant can talk at a time because of large

classes and the tendency of some learners to dominate, while others

speak very little or not at all. Low participation will make it

difficult for a student to speak in class. This means there is a lot of

possibility of making a student difficult to speak. Participation in

class will certainly increase a student's confidence and motivation.

Students who have confidence and motivation will try to

participate in the class well.

4) Mother-tongue use. Students who still use Indonesia language

when speaking in class.

Learners who share the same mother tongue tend to use it

because it is easier and because learners feel less exposed if they

are speaking their mother tongue. Students who still use mother

tongue or Indonesia language in class will reduce their effort in

practicing speaking English. It shows that students still have

difficulty applying their abilities.

So, it can be concluded that there are some factor that can cause

students difficult to speak English in the class. They are inhibition,

nothing to say, low or uneven participation and still use their mother

tongue. So, researchers assume that students who experience this in the

learning process are students who are still in trouble speaking English.

Second, according Brown and Yule (1983:24) there are four major

factors that can affect the listening process relates to material or

linguistic aspect. They are:

1) The speed and the accent of speakers can determine or the listeners

understand the topic of discussion.

The listener need time to process the information from the

speaker. If the speaker speaks faster, the listener has the less time

to think. For students of English beginners is certainly very

difficult in their listening skill. Especially if the person they are

talking to is too fast in speaking, then beginner students will have a

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hard time understanding what the other person is talking about. For

example if students talk with tourists, the tourists will speak

quickly because they are native speakers of English language. It

can be a problem for students in their listening skill.

2) The listeners’ interest and response will affect the difficulties of


It may affect the students to have the lack of motivation

because they have low interest and response. If students have an

interlocutor who is not too responsive and ordinary, then the

conversation between the speaker and listeners will be passive and

students will have difficulty listening to or understanding what

they are talking about. Students who are passionate about

interacting will certainly carefully listen to their interlocutors.

Students who focus on communication will more easily understand

what the speakers are talking about

3) The content that relates with grammar, vocabulary and information


Listening process will obstruct if the listeners have bad

grammar, poor of vocabulary and bad information structure.

Mastery of vocabulary in English language skills is an important

part of teaching English as a foreign language.

Vocabulary is an important part in all languages where

learners or students must continually learn words when the learner

or student also learns grammar (structure) and also pronunciation

(pronunciation). Without a broad vocabulary, learners or students

will not be able to use grammar (structure) and language functions

(function functions) that they have learned for extensive

communication. It is means that vocabulary mastery is an

important part of learning a second language or a foreign language.

Vocabulary mastery is an element that supports grammar

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(structure) and language function in addition to four language skills

which include listening, reading, writing and speaking.

In listening, if students do not have enough vocabulary,

they will not be able to understand, even though they can hear but

will not be able to understand the meaning of what the speakers

say. So, the information conveyed by the speakers is not acceptable

to the listeners. It shows that grammar, vocabulary and information

structure are important to be mastered by students.

4) Supporting items in listening can also influence the accuracy of

listeners understanding, such as diagram, picture, etc.

In listening activities, there are several techniques that

might be a reminder and make it easier for students to understand

what the speakers are talking about such as taking notes, making

diagrams, pictures and others, but if a student is not able to listen

properly, they will find it difficult to take notes to be a reminder for


Supporting items are used in listening activities can be like

notes, recorders, stationery and others. If student support is not

adequate, then they will be difficult to understand or note what the

speaker is talking about to them.

In addition, according to Suzini in Hoa and Mai (2016:155) the

students’ difficulties in learning for ESP is not met adequately, as


1) Students are not ready for ESP courses

Readiness in learning is very important in achieving

learning goals, especially learning languages in certain fields.

Before learning students should prepare themselves in many

possibilities such as searching for a lot of vocabulary about the

specific English they need. For example they learn ESP for

tourism. They were asked to promote the food of their respective

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regions in front of the class. Therefore before entering class they

should prepare possibilities such as finding a lot of vocabulary

about regional food. Students will find it difficult to learn ESP if

they do not prepare well. And the learning process will not achieve

individual learning goals.

2) ESP classes are often too large

Learning in large classes and the number of students will

prevent students from participating in class. If they don't

understand the lesson, a student has a small chance to ask questions

because there are a lot of peers in the class. In this case, it will

hamper student learning in achieving learning goals. One of the

ways to gain understanding is to ask the teacher. If a large number

of students will prevent a student from gaining his own


3) Sometimes ESP classes are delayed or canceled for no obvious


This problem is directed at the lecturer or education

institution itself. If the lecturer who teaches ESP is often late or

postpones the class, the lesson will lag behind. And this results in

students not being able to learn effectively and maximally so that

their understanding and ability to ESP they need itself cannot be


So, time to study also greatly influences student learning. If

they have little time to learn, of course their understanding is

difficult to improve. Students need enough time to acquire the

abilities they want to gain.

4) In some universities, the learners’ motivation decreases because

ESP courses are usually taken place in the summer.

Students in Indonesia will not experience summer barriers

or even winter due to tropical weather in Indonesia. But this can

also be a barrier for students in Indonesia if they only learn ESP at

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school or at university. If they do not increase their knowledge

through the course they will have difficulty preparing themselves

well. This results in a high level of student misunderstanding with

the lesson itself.

Talking about weather certainly can also be an obstacle for

students to learn. If a student is asked to look for tourists in a

tourism destination to have a conversation, but is blocked by rain,

then this will make it difficult for them to do the activity. But this

case is rarely to happen for learner in Indonesia.

5) Students find that ESP is too different from general English.

ESP specializes in communication in certain fields. The

vocabulary they find in ESP is not the same as English in general.

If students learn about ESP for chemistry, they have to find a lot of

vocabulary related to chemistry. Whereas English in general they

do not use the term or vocabulary. So they need to memorize more

vocabulary and terms in their fields than students who learn

English in general.

In other case, they learn ESP for tourism which makes them

look for English about culture for example. For example the

student is studying at a university in Minang, so they must know

the cultural vocabulary that is difficult to translate into English. It

can hamper the learning process of students in mastering ESP they

are learning.

6) ESP teaching methods are still passive.

This obstacle also comes from lecturer who is still not

active in explaining the lesson. If a teacher does not explain the

lesson well, students will also find it difficult to understand the

lesson explained to them. The passive classroom atmosphere will

tend to influence student learning motivation. If they are not

passionate about learning, they tend not to try to understand and

improve their abilities.

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Basically the teaching carried out by educational

institutions provides qualified personnel in their fields, with the

aim of educated students to be better at everything. With this

expectation, apart from the willingness to learn from the students,

this goal must also be supported by teachers/lecturers who are

skilled in everything. In learning activities, conversations will

dominate both the teacher and students, or students and students.

The process of delivering material from the teacher to

students is very important to do in order to obtain students'

understanding of the arguments, the law and everything that has

been explained by the teacher. For this reason, basic skills need to

be mastered by a teacher in teaching. But if a teacher/lecturer

cannot fulfill a good teaching method, it will become an obstacle

for students in mastering the lesson.

7) ESP teachers’ qualification is inadequate. Besides, most students

are used to the traditional teaching and learning methods.

Teachers/lecturers in teaching in a particular field should

meet the qualifications for what they will teach. If a

teacher/lecturer ESP only learns English in general, then they will

also be difficult in explaining learning. For example if they teach

ESP for chemistry, they also must have followed ESP for

chemistry. It shows the professionalism of a teacher/lecturer in


Even more, students who are still used to the traditional

teaching and learning methods in understanding learning really

need teacher’s good explanation. Therefore, a good

teacher/lecturer can determine the success of a child in learning.

And on the contrary, teachers who do not have qualifications in the

field ESP are difficult in providing good teaching, so students do

not understand and increase understanding of the lesson.

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This results in the fact that students are timid and passive when

they take ESP courses; and do not find ESP important for their future

job. This situation has a significant impact on learning motivation of

individual students in particular and learning environment of class in

general. So there are some challenges students find difficult to learn

English for specific purposes:

Expert Difficulties Conclusion

Ur in Hosni


1) Inhibition. Students who

are still afraid of being

wrong and ashamed to

speak English.

1) inhibition

2) Nothing to say. Students

who cannot express what

they think/give their

personal opinions.

2) Nothing to say

3) Low or uneven

participation. Students

who are less active and

low levels of

participation in the class.

3) Low or uneven


4) Mother-tongue use.

Students who still use

Indonesia language

when speaking in class

4) Mother-tongue use.

Students who still use

Indonesia language

when speaking in


Brown and

Yule (1983:24)

5) The speed and the accent

of speakers can determine

or the listeners

understand the topic of


5) The speed and the

accent of speakers can

determine or the

listeners understand the

topic of discussion.

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6) The listeners’ interest and

response will affect the

difficulties of listening.

6) The listeners’ interest

and response will

affect the difficulties

of listening.

7) The content that relates

with grammar,

vocabulary and

information structure.

7) The content that relates

with grammar,

vocabulary and

information structure.

8) Supporting items in

listening can also

influence the accuracy of

listeners understanding,

such as diagram, picture,


8) Supporting items in

listening can also

influence the accuracy

of listeners

understanding, such as

diagram, picture, etc.

Hoa and Mai


9) students are not ready for

ESP courses;

9) students are not ready

for ESP courses;

10) ESP classes are often too


10) ESP classes are often

too large;

11) sometimes ESP classes

are delayed or canceled

for no obvious reason;

11) ESP classes are

delayed or canceled for no

obvious reason;

12) in some universities, the

learners’ motivation

decreases because ESP

courses are usually taken

place in the summer;

12) in some universities,

the learners’

motivation decreases

because ESP courses

are usually taken place

in the summer;

13) students find that ESP is

too different from general


13) students find that ESP

is too different from

general English;

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14) ESP teaching methods

are still passive;

14) ESP teaching methods

are still passive;

15) ESP teachers’

qualification is

inadequate. Besides, most

students are used to the

traditional teaching and

learning methods.

15) ESP teachers’

qualification is

inadequate. Besides,

most students are used

to the traditional

teaching and learning


B. Review of Relevant Studies

Related to this research, the researcher also finds other researcher

which is relevant to this research. All of the previous research talks about

learning strategy and speaking skill.

First, a research was conducted by Hoa and Mai (2016). This study

was quantitative research that aimed to find out Difficulties in Teaching

English for Specific Purposes: Empirical Study at Vietnam Universities.

Questionnaire was used in this study as instrumentation. The result of this

study was Difficulties in Teaching English for Specific Purposes. This

study involves the factor groups of students; teachers; and environmental

factors and others having an impact on teaching and learning English for

specific purposes. They conducted a survey of 362 teachers and students in

11 Hanoi ESP training universities. The survey results show that teaching

and learning English for specific purposes in Vietnam still face many

difficulties. To compare are this study the similarity is discuss about

difficulties in ESP, but the difference is this study did not focus on

difficulties in students’ learning.

Second, a research was conducted by Wold (2006). It was

qualitative research that describes the experience of one Taiwanese-

Chinese woman immigrant to the United States in order to uncover and

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understand the reason or reasons for her limited progress in English

language ability. Interview observation used in this study to collect the

data. The result of this study was: 1) There were several compounding

reasons that the learner failed to make expected progress in English; 2)

The learner’s first language learning experience, due to its foundational

inadequacies and in its ambiguity, negatively affected her adult language

learning experience; 3) Her early education experience was weak and did

not provide her the tools necessary to continue effective lifelong learning;

4) The learner, whose first literacy was in a logographic language, had

never been taught the sound-letter, phonological-orthographic rule system

of English; and 6) It has not been determined whether this learner had

language learning disability or whether it would have been beneficial to

test or diagnose. This research has softened the difficulties of students in

learning English. The English language used is English in general. The

similarity with this study is both of them discuss about difficulties in

learning English language, but it did not focus on ESP subject of English


The third, a research was conducted by Ulfa (2015). This study

aimed to find Designing ESP Materials for Tourism Students of Medan

Tourism Academy. Document was used to collect the data. The result of

this study was After analyzing the data, the existing material were used is

good and related to the students need, but the materials should be up

dating and the subject matter should be discussed about the tourism in

Indonesia, it can be helped the students to understand more about tourism

work in their country. So, the English lecturer of Manajemen Usaha

Perjalanan (MUP) study program should provide the English materials

which are match with the needs of the students on job training program.

The similarity of both these study is discuss about ESP, but this study only

focus on designing material of ESP. it did not discuss about students’


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Next, the research was conducted by Afisa (2015). This research

aimed to find out to know what the students’ difficulties in speaking

English and what factors contribute to the difficulties in speaking English

for the students. The subject of the research was the tenth grade students

and the English teacher. Observation and recording interview were used as

the instrument to collect the data in this study. The researcher successfully

found that the speaking difficulties of the students are caused by four

factors. Firstly, the students’ low vocabulary mastery resulted from their

limited knowledge of meaning vocabulary had led them difficulties in

understanding conversation. The students also had difficulties in

pronouncing certain words because English words are different between

pronunciation and writing. The students were still confused in arranging

words. Then, there were still some mistake in grammar. The students were

often afraid of speaking English because they were worried of making

mistakes. They were unconfident and nervous when the teacher was asking

them. Second, factors that were contributed to the difficulties in speaking

English are: the quantity of the students in learning speaking English and

students’ psychological factors. The curriculum that was used in the

school also contributes in speaking difficulties. Usually the curriculum of

the English subject was too concerned in reading and writing skill rather

than speaking. The similarity of this study is discuss about students’

difficulties in learning English, but the difference is this study focus on

speaking ability only and did not talk about ESP course.

The last, the research was conducted by Suardana, Nitiasih and

Putra (2013). This study aimed to find out about The Communication

Skills of Tour Guides in Handling Customers. The result of this study

which have been described in the following; (1) Generally that verbal

communication skills in handling customers fall into the “good category

by 40 %. Results for verbal communication consisting of the components

in the category of “good accuracy” equal 35. 0%, and in the fluency

component a category of “good” was reached, equal to 40.0%.

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Comprehension components in the “good” category equal 35. 0%; (2)

Generally non-verbal communication skills in handling customers were in

the good category by 60%. The criteria nonverbal communication

consisting of body language components were in the “very good category”

and equal 35. 0%, facial expression components fell into the “very good”

category equal to 50. 0%, eye contact rated “very good” and equaled 60. 0

%, walking gesture components were in the category of “very good” by

55. 0%, and hand shaking components were in “good” category at 55. 0%.

The similarity of these study is they discuss about tourism, but it focus on

communication skill to handle the customer. It did not discuss about

students’ difficulties in learning process.

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A. Research Design

This research was a descriptive research which is conduct through

qualitative approach. According to Gay (2000:275) a descriptive study

determines and describes the way thing are. Gay also states (2000:16)

qualitative research is used to seek probe deeply into the research setting

in order to obtain understanding about the way things are, why they are

that way, and how the participants in the context perceive them.

In addition, Moleong (2006:6) states that qualitative research is the

study intending to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by

the subject of the research. Such as behavior, perception, motivation,

action, etc, holistically, and descriptively in language and words forms, in

natural context and using natural methods.

Qualitative research aims to explain the phenomenon as deeply as

possible through the deep collection of data. Qualitative research

emphasizes the depth of data obtained by researchers. In general,

qualitative research is carried out by interview and observation methods.

Through this method, the researcher analyzed the data obtained from the

field in detail. Dealing with the theory, this research concerned with

describes students’ difficulties in learning English for Tourism Subject by

the Third semester students of IAIN Batusangkar in 2018/2019 academic


B. Research Informants

The informants was referred in this study were students of Islamic

Tourism Department of Third Semester. Based on the title of this study,

the students’ difficulties in learning English for tourism subject, the

researchers choose them as informants to find the result of study. Gay

(2000:139) informant is chosen based on who have information,

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perspective, and experience related to the topic of the research. Informant

of the research should have the criteria. According to Moleong (2000:90),

there are five criteria in choosing informant: (1) honest, (2) reliable, (3)

speaking up, (4) subject is not involved at certain group, and (5) subject

has views about certain case that happening.

Therefore, the researcher will use purposive sampling in choosing

informant. According to Gay (2000:138), purposive sampling is judgment

sampling, when the researcher selects a sample based on her experience or

knowledge of the group to be sampling. Purposive sampling is used by

researchers if indeed a study requires special criteria so that samples taken

later in accordance with the objectives of the study can solve research

problems and can provide more representative values. The informants of

this research are four students. So, the techniques taken can fulfill the

actual purpose of the research. Based on the theory, this research will be

conducted the students of Islamic Tourism Department in IAIN

Batusangkar. And find their difficulties in learning English for Tourism


C. Research Instrument

The key instrument of this research was the researcher herself.

According to Sugiyono (2013:222), in qualitative research the main

instrument is the researcher her/his self. Gay (2000:19) stated that the

researcher rely herself as the instrument of the data collection. It means

that the researcher should enter the setting to get the data, do her

observations, do interview and study the document, she interpret the data

by herself. In this research, data was collected by conducting interviews

and documentation. In this research, researchers used interview guides as

instrument of interview and camera and recorders as interview

documentation tools. This research focuses on students who had taken

English for Tourism Subjects.

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D. Research Procedures

This research was conduct by applying several steps. They are pre-

operation, whilst operation and post-operation:

1. Pre-Research

a. Found research problem

b. Found the theories that related to the research problem

c. Prepared proposal of the research

d. Decided technique of data collecting

e. Consulted with advisors

f. Had seminar

g. Revised proposal

2. Whilst Research

a. Did the interview

b. Recorded the interview

c. Analyzed the data of interview

3. Post-Research

a. Checked the data trustworthiness

b. Made the transcription of interview result

c. Analyzed all of the data of interview result

d. Wrote conclusion

e. Wrote the research report

f. Had a research examination

g. Revised the research report

E. Technique of Data Collection

In this research, the data collected by applying technique, namely

interview. According to Gay (2000: 219), an interview is a Purposeful

interaction, usually between two people, one person focused on trying to

get information from the other person. Cohen et al in Alshenqeeti

(2014:39) add that interviewing is “a valuable method for exploring the

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construction and negotiation of meanings in a natural setting”. This

technique was used to get direct information from the informants who had

difficulties in learning English for Tourism subject. It meant the researcher

interviewed the informants to get more data about students’ difficulties

and then the researcher recorded and documentation of the interview


In this research, researchers used Minang language in conducting

interviews with informants. Minang language was used to made the

informants were more relaxed and not nervous when interviewed by

researchers. Interviews were conducted from 30th

January to 1st February


F. Checking the Data Trustworthiness

In qualitative design, the researcher needs to check the data

trustworthiness. It is a purpose to confirm about there is no difference

between the report and the reality that happen in the field. Checking the

data trustworthiness was used to ensure the trustworthiness of the data

collection. Thus, triangulation applied. According to Moleong (2006:330),

triangulation is a technique which is used to see the validity of the data by

using another way in collecting the data.

In this research, the researcher collected the information from

informant by doing interview. As the first way, the researcher did

interview to take the data from the informant. Then, in order to check the

credibility of the data, the researcher did another interview on Juni 2019.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

Miles and Huberman in Andriani (2013:41) states that descriptive

qualitative research is analyzed by three steps. They were data reduction,

data display and drew conclusion/verification of the data. The researcher

analyzed the data of this research by applying the following steps. The

following steps as follows:

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1. Data Reduction

The reduction of the data is interpreted as the process of choice,

interest focus, simplification, abstraction, and data transformation that

exist from written notes in the field. The reduction of the data was

occurring during the interview happen. It means that when the data

was collected, the phase of continuing of reduction was occurring,

such as made conclusion, codification, investigation of theme,

grouping, and wrote memorandum.

In reduction the data, the researcher did some steps. First was

making transcription of interview result. Second, the researcher code

the transcription for each item related to the strategy of the students to

overcome their difficulties in speaking English. The researcher bold

and gave code for each strategies of Islamic Tourism Department

students. The researcher code the data as follow: R means researcher,

I-1 means the first informant, I-2 means second informant and so on.

The bold word with code D(1) is the first difficulties, D(2) is the

second difficulties and so on. It is students’ difficulties in learning

English for Tourism subject.

2. Data Display

Generally, a display is an organized, compressed assembly of

information that permits conclusion drawing and action. In the case of

qualitative analysis, the display includes many types of matrices,

graphs, charts and networks. All are designed to assemble organized

information into an immediately accessible, compact form so that it

can be seen what is happening and either draw justified conclusion or

move on to the next of analysis.

Related to this case, researcher displayed the data in form of table.

In order to found out students’ difficulties in learning English for

Tourism subject by students of Islamic Tourism Department,

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researcher displayed the data. In this research, the researcher displayed

the data in the table which consist of informant and difficulties they

faced in learning English for Tourism subject.

3. Conclusion and Verification of the data

After reduced and displayed the data, the final step is conclusion

and verification of the data. In this step, the researcher concluded what

are students’ difficulties in learning English for Tourism subject.

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A. Research Finding

This chapter discusses the finding of the research on students’

difficulties in learning English for tourism subject by the Third semester

students of Islamic Tourism Department. After collecting all of the

data, the researcher analyzed them by reducing the data of the interview

for the first related to students’ difficulties in learning English for tourism


Based on the data analysis, the researcher found several problems

from the informants in to students’ difficulties in learning English for

tourism subject. They are divided into some difficulties faced by the

students; they are 1) Students had limited content relates grammar,

vocabulary and information structure, 2) ESP classes are delayed or

canceled for no obvious reason, 3) Students have lack of preparation/are

not ready for ESP courses, 4) Students are still afraid of being wrong and

ashamed to speak English, 5) Mother-tongue use. Students have an

environment that does not use English, 6) ESP teaching methods are still

passive. 7) Students had no enough time to learn.

The finding of this research can be seen as below:

1. Students had limitation of content relates grammar, vocabulary

and information structure

According to Brown and Yule (1983:24) there are four major

factors that can affect the listening process relates to material or

linguistic aspect. One of them students had limitation of content relates

grammar, vocabulary and information structure.

Vocabulary is an important part in all languages where learners or

students must continually learn words when the learner or student also

learns grammar (structure) and also pronunciation (pronunciation).

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Without a broad vocabulary, learners or students will not be able to use

grammar (structure) and language functions (function functions) that

they have learned for extensive communication. It is means that

vocabulary mastery is an important part of learning a second language

or a foreign language. Vocabulary mastery is an element that supports

grammar (structure) and language function in addition to four language

skills which include listening, reading, writing and speaking.

There are three students proposed that they had difficulties because

they had limited vocabulary and grammar. They said that vocabulary is

most important element that they should master, but they had

difficulties in mastering many vocabularies in tourism field.

The informants are: I.1, I.2 an I.3. They faced the same difficulty in

learning English in tourism subject. In mastering English, most

students are still difficult, especially in English for specific purposes.

The language used by students is generally different from their needs

in the field of tourism. Everyday English has been learned from

elementary school by students, but for ESP, they just started on the

lecture bench, where their English skills are specified in their future


The interviewed was done on .1 on January 30th

2019 by phone at

at 19.04 pm, the interview result was:

I.1 Mungkin dari segi vocab nya kurang.

terus kalau.. kan.. apa ya kak.. lebih banyak bahasanya tu

banyak yang gak kita ucapkan sehari-hari. Jadi tu sulit gitu

kak. Sulit diingat [maybe I haa limited in vocabulary. I mean.. many of the

vocabulary did not use in daily communication/general English.

So, it is difficult, difficult to remember]

From I.1, she said that she difficult to find the vocabulary, because

the vocabulary about tourism is different with vocabulary in general.

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From her statement, I.1 had difficulties in finding tourism vocabulary

because it is more difficult.

I the second interview July 1st

2019 by phone at at 20.08 pm, when

the researcher deeper the interview, she said that:

I.1 Vocab nya ya kak? Kayak fasilitas-fasilitas hotel gitu lah kak.

Jadi kan kayak banyak barang yang asing gitu kan. Jadi gak

ngerti bahasa Inggris nya itu apa gitu kak. Kayak misalnya tu

kasur, bantal, trus apa ya kak.. [for example like facilities in hotel. So it is still strange for me

the vocabulary such as bed, pillow, etc]

From the second interview, it can be seen that I.1 had limited

vocabulary in Hotel facilities for example. She difficult to say becau

the vocabulary is still new for her.

In addition, the researcher also found that I.2 faced this difficulty.

The interview was done on Thursday, January 31st

in Ombilin,

Beringin at 09.00 am. The result of interview was:

I.2 Aaa yang pertamo tu ndak kak, aa kosakata nyo tu masih sulit

kak, soalnya itu kosa kata kepariwisataan jadi wak harus

mencari kosa kata yang baru untuk wisata, gitu ah. [first of all, the vocabulary is still difficult, because it is tourism

vocabulary. So we have to find many new vocabulary]

From the second interview, it can be seen that I.2 had limited

vocabulary because it is English for tourism so she have to add her

vocabulary. She difficult to say because the vocabulary is still new for


In the second interview on Sunday, June 30 2019 in Ombilin,

Beringin at 10.30 am, she added that:

I.2 Contohnyo awak memandu orang-orang oo memandu

wisatawan apalagi yang wisatawan asing. Katiko tu kan pasti

membutuhkan oo wisatawan tu kan pasti mananyoan arah

jalan, tu nyo minta penjelasan tentang sejarah dalam

destinasi tu. Aa disitu latak I.2 yang sulit. [for example we guide tourist. At that time they must ask us

about direction, history of a destination, so it is my difficulty]

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From the second interview, I.2 added that they direction and telling

a history is difficult, and the vocabulary relates with that is difficult for


Last, I.3 also said that. The interview was on Thursday, January


in Ombilin, Tanjung Indah at 09.53 am, the interview result was:

I.3 Kesulitan nyo kayak grammar wak kurang, kosa kata.

trus oo.. kalau ndak tau wak baa caro dialog nyo.. susah sih


[the difficulty is limited of vocabulary. And then I did not know

how to communicate it]

And then in the second interview on Sunday, June 30 2019


Ombilin, Tanjung Indah 09.30 am, she added that:

I.3 Kesulitan nyo kak lai dalam kosa kata nyo kurang, tu dalam.

Yo pokok dalam kosa kata tu lah kak. kosa kata yang di hotel.

Kayak di destinatsi, kayak di hotel tu kan secara besar nyo

wak tau tapi yang secara kecil nyo wak kan alum tau. Kayak

apo se nan dibutuhan kayak peralatan yang kecil tu ndak tau

kosa kata nyo kak. [The difficulty in vocabulary for example about Hotel,

destination. In the hotel it just in general not specific and detail

like what is tourist need in the Hotel]

From the second interview, she added that facilities of hotel and

destination is difficult for her. Based on the interview, vocabulary is

very the first difficulty for the students. They said that they will

difficult to communicate with interlocutor if they do not know

vocabulary they need to communicate with tourist. The most difficult

vocabulary faced by students are about vocabulary of Hotel facilities

and destination.

2. ESP classes are delayed or canceled for no obvious reason

According to Suzini in Hoa and Mai (2016:155) the students’

difficulties in learning for ESP is not met adequately is because ESP

classes are delayed or canceled for no reason. This problem is directed

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at the lecturer or education institution itself. If the lecturer who teaches

ESP is often late or postpones the class, the lesson will lag behind.

And this results in students not being able to learn effectively and

maximally so that their understanding and ability to ESP they need

itself cannot be obtained. So, time to study also greatly influences

student learning. If they have little time to learn, of course their

understanding is difficult to improve. Students need enough time to

acquire the abilities they want to gain.

There were two students proposed that the lecturer often absent

come to the class, so the material and lesson did not explain

completely. The informants were: I.1 and I.3. This problem is directed

at the lecturer or education institution itself. If the lecturer who teaches

ESP is often late or postpones the class, the lesson will lag behind.

And this results in students not being able to learn effectively and

maximally so that their understanding and ability to ESP they need

itself cannot be obtained.

The first interview with I.1, she said that:

I.1 Terus dosen nya juga kadang gak masuk.

[the lecturer often absent come to the meeting]

And then the researcher deeper the statement from the students by

doing second interview. The student added that:

I.1 Kesulitan banget sih kak, gimana gak kesulitan gitu kan

soalnya dosen nya jarang masuk, jadi kan materi yang

seharusnya disampaikan ditambahkan dosen nya tu gak

tersampaikan sama kami. Jadi pemahaman kami juga kurang

gitu jadinya kak.

[it is so difficult, the lecturer is rarely come to the class, so the

lesson that should be explain was did not explain by the

lecturer, so we did not understand the lesson]

From I.1 statement, she said that the meeting and material is

unbalance, so she did not understand the lesson and the lecturer gave

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no enough lessons. The material that should be explain was did not

explain yet because of this problem.

I addition, I.3 also said the same problem. She said that:

I.3 InsyaAllah lai kak, soalnyo caro ngajar miss tu ancak kak.

Lasuah lah gitu aa agiah ka kami. Ndak terlalu tegang. Caro

miss tu maaja kami lasuah lah.. tapi yo tu miss tu kurang

masuak jadi grammar tadi, kosa kata tadi kurang diagiah ka

kami. Jadi trik-trik nyo kurang lo gitu a.

[insyaAllah because the way of the lecturer teach is good, not

too nervous, but the lecturer often did not come to the class, so

the grammar, vocabulary is less gave to us]

Based on the interview above, time to study also greatly influences

student learning process and result. If they have little time to learn, of

course their understanding is difficult to improve. Students need

enough time to acquire the abilities they want to gain. The lecturer

often absent for the meeting, so the learning process are not effective

and totality.

In addition, there were other difficulties that students faced in

learning ESP for tourism subject. It has been said before that the

lecturer is often absent, and it causes students did not understand the

lesson. There are two students said that they did not understand the

lesson when learning English for tourism subject. The researcher found

the difficulty from students in second interview. They are I.1 and I.3.

I.1 proposed that she did not understand the lesson. the interview

result was:

I.1 Mmm.. banyak sih kak, sebagian besar kami gak paham deh

kak. Soalnya kan jarang masuk kak, trus kayak gak sesuai

silabus gitu belajar nya kak. [mm.. so many sister, most of material we did not understand

because the lecturer often absent and it did not match with

syllabus she gave]

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Based on I.1, she said that most of material of the lesson can not be

understood by them, because the lecturer often did not come to class.

So, it did not suitable with syllabus

And then the researcher also found that I.3 said the same thing. She

said that:

I.3 Maagih materi nyo kak. kayak di silabus iko, yo kayak ibuk tu

letih lo mungkin. Yang diajaan nyo itu-itu se nyo. Tu kami,

kalau kami yang urang baru-baru kami ndak menangkap itu tu.

Trus kurang mangarati lo kami tentang aa yang diaajan nyo

tu . [the lecturer give less material and she always teach the same

material. so we as a new learners we did not understand the

lesson. we do not know what the lecturer teach about]

From I.3, it can be concluded that she did not understand the lesson

because the lecturer give less material to them. And the lecturer always

give the same material. So, it was not match with syllabus.

Based on the interview, the students did not understand the lesson

because the lecturer often absent and teach the same material every

meeting. So, based on syllabus, they did not understand most of

material in syllabus because it was not match with learning process.

3. Students have lack of preparation/are not ready for ESP courses

Suzini in Hoa and Mai (2016:155) the students’ difficulties in

learning for ESP is not met adequately one of them is students have

lack of lack preparation/not ready for ESP courses. Readiness in

learning is very important in achieving learning goals, especially

learning languages in certain fields. Before learning students should

prepare themselves in many possibilities such as searching for a lot of

vocabulary about the specific English they need. For example they

learn ESP for tourism. They were asked to promote the food of their

respective regions in front of the class. Therefore before entering class

they should prepare possibilities such as finding a lot of vocabulary

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about regional food. Students will find it difficult to learn ESP if they

do not prepare well. And the learning process will not achieve

individual learning goals.

There was one informant proposed that she had lack of preparation

and she was not ready for the class. She was I.2. She said that:

I.2 It itu pas belajar tu kak a. eh baa tu maksud nyo o pas belajar

tu pas masuak kelas tu wak masih kurang persiapan kak,

soalnyo kan mm.. untuak mancari vocab tu pas persiapan,

jadi kan kalau ado dosen nanyo kan wak masih bapikia kan,

karno ndak ado persiapan gitu ah.

[when I learn in the class, I still lack of preparation, because

mm find out the vocabulary when prepare the class. so when the

lecturer ask me, I still think to talk because I did not have

preparation for it]

From I.2, she said that she had limited preparation in vocabulary.

So when she was asked by the lecturer, she did not know what to say

and still think before talking.

And then I the second interview, she also said that:

I.2 Fenomenamyo nak katiko wak belajar kan pasti ado interaksi

bahasa Inggris tu. Jadi kan pas dosen tu mananyo, pastilah

wak tu baa namonyo tu kak.. ndak ado respon balik nyo gitu

a.. aniang sajo di local.

[the phenomena when I learn it must be interaction by English

language. so when the lecturer asking, I did not give response

and silent in the class]

Based on the interview, it can be concluded that she had difficulty

in speaking because she did not have preparation like vocabulary. So,

when she asked by the lecturer, she have to think first and tend to be

silent in the class.

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4. Students are still afraid of being wrong and ashamed to speak


Ur in Hosni (2014:23) state that there are four problems that can

cause students difficult to speak, one of them is Students are still afraid

of being wrong and ashamed to speak English. Students are worried

about making mistakes, fearful of criticism, or simply shy. Students

who experience this certainly have difficulty speaking English in the

classroom or outside the classroom. Students who are doubtful about

their skill will be afraid to practice it, because they are afraid of being

blamed and criticized for their abilities. Even more for a student who

feels ashamed to speak English. For students who do not get used to

using English in their daily lives, tend to feel embarrassed in using it.

This is certainly proof that students with these problems have difficulty

speaking English.

There were two students also faced this difficulty. They proposed

that they still make mistake in communicate in English with tourist or

English language user. They were I.2 and I.4.

First interview with I.2, she said that:

I.2 Komunikasi bahasa inggris, komunikasi tu sulit dek kak,

komunikasi bahasa inggris. Tu cek lae, kawan untuk

mangecek dilua kak, komunikasi dilua kelas, ndak ado lo do

kak, gitu ah. Jarang mamakai gitu a, jadi kan a untuak

untuak speaking masih pasif gitu ah, baa tu, ragu-ragu.

[English communication, the communication is difficult. And

then there is no one to practice the language outside the class. I

rarely use the English. So I am still passive in English and

doubt to talk]

In the second interview, the researcher did deeper interview about

the statement about this difficulty. And I.2 said that:

I.2 Tu contohnyo kalau disuruh berdialog kedepan, kamuko, oo..

baa tu masih terbata-bata gitu kak mungkin masih kurang

basic nyo ka bahasa Inggris gitu.

[for example when I am asked to do dialogue in front of class,

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and I am still stammered maybe I have lack of basic]

From I.2, it can be conclude that she still make a mistake in

communicate English language. for example in doing dialogue in class

or talk with tourist directly.

The researcher also found the same difficulty from I.4. ans she said


I.4 Mangecek samo turis tu nak kak, terbata-bata karano dek

jarang basobok samo turis tu. Yang kaduo latihan tu kurang

lo kak, jadi di dalam kelas ndak lancar do.

[I am still stammered when talking with tourist because may be

I rarely meet them. And then I had lack of practicing so I am

not fluent in class]

In second interview, the researcher doing deeper question about the

difficulty and she added that:

I.4 Yo kak, soalnyo dek acok salah ko ngecek samo turist tu kak

a jadi ndak pernah disuruah, waktu tu pernah disuruah

dek dosen wawancara langsuang dek turis tu nak, tapi pas

mangecek samo turis tu acok salah. Mungkin dek ndak

pernah sobok samo turis tu iyo lo kak. [ya, I often make mistake when talking with tourist, we ever

been asked to do interview with tourist but when I talk with

them I made a mistake. May be I never meet them in daily life]

Based on I.4 statement, it can be seen that she difficult to talk with

tourist and often made a mistake because she never meet them yet

before. When she talked with tourist of doing dialogue in front the

class, she was stammered when speaking English.

In conclusion, students still faced difficulty in speaking English

like stammered and made mistake and wrong when talking with tourist

because they did not meet them in daily life.

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5. Mother-tongue use. Students have an environment that does not

use English.

Ur in Hosni (2014:23) state that mother-tongue use can cause

students difficult to speak. Learners who share the same mother tongue

tend to use it because it is easier and because learners feel less exposed

if they are speaking their mother tongue. Students who still use mother

tongue or Indonesia language in class will reduce their effort in

practicing speaking English. It shows that students still have difficulty

applying their abilities.

There two students proposed that they still use Indonesian and

Minang language outside the class. And it can cause difficult to speak

because they did not practice it outside the class. They are I.2and I.4.

In first interview, the researcher found that I.4 said faced thi


I.4 Yo latihan di luar kelas ndak lo ado do.

[I had lack of practicing]

But this statement just too short and not clear yet. So the researcher

ask her more in the second interview. She added that:

I.4 Soalnyo pas kalua kelas tu jarang ngecek bahasa Inggris

kawan ndak lo ado do, di rumah nak ndak lo ado ngecek

bahasa Inggris tu do kak. [because when I go out from class I rarely speak in English

because I did not have friend to speak. And in home I also did

not speak in English]

From I.4, she said that she did not speak English outside the class.

she did not have friend or family member to speak English to practice

her skill.

And then in second interview, the researcher found I.2 said this

difficulty in learning English for tourism subject. She said that:

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I.2 Komunikasi tu kan interaksi wak jo lawan bahasa Inggris, jo

kawan atau jo yang lain. Kalau dikampus tu dek kak nak,

ndak ado lo. Malahan jarang mamakai itu kan. Jadi bisa jo

disabuik indak pernah gitu a. lah kalua dari kampus,

langsuang oo.. eh baa tu kalau dikampus tu ndak ado

berbahasa Inggris tu dek kak. Jan bahasa Inggris, bahasa

Indonesia se indak do, berbahasa Minang. Lah pulang dari

kampus I.2 ndak lo anak kos dek kak, tu jo sia lawan bicara.

Langsuang pulang se apolagi dirumah ndak ka mungkin

bahasa Inggris dek kak do.. jadi pas wak berbahasa Inggris tu

payah wak dek nyo kak. Terbata-bata gitu.

[communication is interaction between us and interlocutor.

There is no one to practice in campus, and I rarely use English

in speaking, I never use it. When I go out from class and

campus, I did not use English language in speaking. I just use

Minang langage with friend and family. I did not have

interlocutor in speaking English. so when I speak in English I

tend to be stammered]

From I.2 statement, she did not use English in daily

communication because she had no one interlocutor outside class to

practice English language. so it is difficult when speak English.

In conclusion, the students just use English language in class and

meet tourist. But the students rarely meet them and no one to be their

interlocutor to speak English to practice English. As we know, we can

fluent in speaking English if we practice it more. So, they said it is

difficult to speak.

6. ESP teaching methods are still passive.

Suzini in Hoa and Mai (2016:155) the students’ difficulties in

learning for ESP is ESP teaching methods are still passive. This

obstacle also comes from lecturer who is still not active in explaining

the lesson. If a teacher does not explain the lesson well, students will

also find it difficult to understand the lesson explained to them. The

passive classroom atmosphere will tend to influence student learning

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motivation. If they are not passionate about learning, they tend not to

try to understand and improve their abilities.

There was one student proposed that the lecturer still passive in

teaching. It can be show that the lecturer just explain material in

general. And the material was the same every meeting. so the student

did not get a new lesson from lecturer.

The researcher found that I.3 faced this difficulty in second

interview. She said that:

I.3 Yo kurang penyampaian nyo tu kak. kayak kecek I.3 tadi, hal

kecil harus kita pelajari. Tu ciek lai misalnyo silabus nyo tu

kayak hotel tu itu se nan diajaan dek ibuk tu. Yang salabiah

kayak ado sport rekcreation tu kurang diajaan dek ibuk tu.

Sport rekreasi tu kan pergi ke tempat-tempat yang menantang

berpengaruh dengan jiwa, kayak olah raga. Kalau di destinasi

mungkin kayak outbond. Jadi kurang diajaan. [explanation is still less. We should know about specific

material and the lecturer just explain the material in general.

And there is material did not teach to us like sport recreation,

destination. And it is less of explanation]

It can be concluded that the lecturer did not give enough material

and still passive, so the result of learning process was not effective and

totality. It make students stuck in the same material every meeting.

Basically the teaching carried out by educational institutions provides

qualified personnel in their fields, with the aim of educated students to

be better at everything. With this expectation, apart from the

willingness to learn from the students, this goal must also be supported

by teachers/lecturers who are skilled in everything. In learning

activities, conversations will dominate both the teacher and students,

or students and students.

7. Students had no enough time to learn

In the study, researchers found difficulties from students that they

had insufficient time to study. They only study one semester and there

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are no additions in the next semester. And it becomes difficult for them

to master English for tourism. English for tourism is extremely

important for their major. So, if they not enough time to learn, it can be

a big cause to make them difficult to learn and mater the language.

There were two informants proposed that they had no enough time

to learn English for tourism subject. It was just one semester and no

more in next semester. They said that students of Tourism Department

are very need English for tourism skill, but the time and needs are


In first interview, I.2 said she faced this difficulty. the interview

result was:

I.2 Pas baraja kelas cuman satu semester ndak dan ndak ado lo

tambahan ka semester lain kak, tapi lum tau tuak selanjutnyo

do gitu ah, aa tu ndak do lo mengambil les bahasa inggris do

kak gitu ah.

[we learned the subject only for one semester and no more in

next semester, but I do not know whether next semester will be

given to us or not. In addition I did not take a additional English

learning outside the class]

And then in the second interview, I.2 added that:

I.2 waktu belajar tu kurang dek kak. Jadi kok dapek kan tambah

lah gitu jadwal mato kuliah nyo gitu a.

[the time of learning was no enough for us. So I wish it would

be added subject in other semester

Based on the interview with I.2, she said that English for tourism

subject only for one semester and it is no enough with their department

as Tourism students.

In addition, I.4 also said the same difficulty. she said that:

I.4 Kalo di kelas lai, cuman dek ciek semester lo nyo kak, jadi

ndak terlalu bana baraja nyo do gitu a.

[we learn it only one semester, so it did not too enough]

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And then in second interview, the researcher deeper the statement

of the student about this difficulty. and she added that:

I.4 Iyo kak, kalau ciek semester kan ndak terlalu bana.. aa

kesulitan memahami nyo, ciek lai nyo Cuma ciek semester nyo.

Jadi kurang waktu untuak baraja kak. Yo soalnyo kan di

jurusan pariwisata tu kami butuh waktu lo untuk pelajran

bahasa Inggris ko.

[ya, if only one semester we must do not understand the lesson.

so, time to learn is no enough. Because our Department really

need enough time to learn this subject]

From I.4, it can be concluded that she had difficulty in understand

and did not have enough time to learn because it was only one

semester. And she hopes that the subject will be added in other

semester because the Department of tourism really need this skill.

Based on interview, it can be seen that the students of Tourisn

Department only lean English Tourism subject only one semester. And

it can be their difficulty in mastering English in tourism field.

B. Discussion

Based on investigating “students’ difficulties in learning English

for tourism subject”, the researcher got several difficulties from the

informants. The researcher divided the difficulties into eight kinds; those

are 1) Students had limited content relates grammar, vocabulary and

information structure, 2) ESP classes are delayed or canceled for no

obvious reason, 3) Students have lack of preparation/are not ready for ESP

courses, 4) Students are still afraid of being wrong and ashamed to speak

English, 5) Mother-tongue use. Students have an environment that does

not use English, 6) ESP teaching methods are still passive. 7) Students had

no enough time to learn.

In learning English for tourist subject, several students said that

they had difficulties in learning.

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First, Students had limited content relates grammar, vocabulary

and information structure. Vocabulary is an important element of a

language. Moreover it is a specific language used by a student for his

needs. It is supported by Azizah (2016:7), vocabulary is an important

capital in speaking English. If a student does not have enough vocabulary

to speak, s/he will have difficulty expressing his/her opinions and what

s/he feels. Some students said that they had difficulty learning English for

tourism subject because they did not have enough vocabulary, especially

vocabulary about tourism. In learning English for tourism, students had

difficulty in vocabulary because they found many foreign vocabulary

words they had heard. They have to memorize a lot of vocabulary to be

able to communicate as a tour guide. Limitation of vocabulary makes it

difficult for them to convey something, whether it answers lecturer

questions, conversations when learning in class or communicating

directly with tourists. Some students state that English for tourism is more

difficult that English in general, because they are different. Some students

said that they had difficulty while studying English for tourism subject

because English for tourism was different from English in general.

General language learning covers the learning of the fundamentals of

grammar, of expression as well as of phonetics and provides a stronger or

weaker basis for possible later language studies (Kitkauskiene, 2006:89).

Meanwhile Kitkauskiene (2006:89) define English for specific purposes

(ESP) as specialized programs which are designed to develop the

communicative use of English in a specialized field of science, work or

technology. It is supported by Suzini in Hoa and Mai (2016:155) the

students’ difficulties in learning for ESP, if students learn about ESP for

chemistry; they have to find a lot of vocabulary related to chemistry.

Whereas English in general they do not use the term or vocabulary. So

they need to memorize more vocabulary and terms in their fields than

students who learn English in general. Students said that English has

generally been studied since elementary school, while the language of

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English they just learned in tourism in the second semester. So, they

experience difficulties because they are new to the ESP for tourism.

Second, ESP classes are delayed or canceled for no obvious

reason. This problem is directed at the lecturer or education institution

itself. If the lecturer who teaches ESP is often late or postpones the class,

the lesson will lag behind. And this results in students not being able to

learn effectively and maximally so that their understanding and ability to

ESP they need itself cannot be obtained. Based on the interview, the

lecturer often absent come to the class. So, time to study also greatly

influences student learning. If they have little time to learn, of course their

understanding is difficult to improve. Students need enough time to

acquire the abilities they want to gain. And the, students did not

understand the lesson. Some students found difficult to learn English for

tourism in second semester because they did not really understand the

lesson. The reason was because the lecturer rarely entered the class.

Student had no one to be asked about the material, because the lecturer

rarely entered the class. If she asked her friends, she said that they have

the same abilities with her; they also do not know the lesson. So, she

difficult to find the answer of material she does not know. So, the role of

the lecturer is important for students in learning process. If they have no

place to ask, they will keep their difficulty in learning English. So that in

learning activity, students need lecturer/teacher to teach them about the

lesson. When the students do not understand about something, they can

ask the lecturer/teacher about that.

Third, students have lack of preparation/are not ready for ESP

courses. . It is supported by Suzini in Hoa and Mai (2016:155), the

students’ difficulties in learning for ESP is students are not ready for ESP

courses. According to the interview, the students still difficult to learn

English for tourism because they were not ready for ESP subject class.

The students had no preparation, so they difficult in learning, moreover

communicate with tourists directly. Preparation in learning is very

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important, so that the students do not confuse in learning activity.

Fourth, students are still afraid of being wrong and ashamed to

speak English. One of the main causes that make students feel

unconfident or do not even want to speak English is because the students

may not have enough insight into the topic to be discussed. They students

have their own opinions, but he is worried about what other students will

say later, or the student feels very worried if other students criticize them.

Some students said that they had difficulty in learning English for tourism

subject because they were unconfident. This problem is caused because

they do not have enough vocabulary and immediately talk to native

speakers. They are used to talking to their friends using English, while

talking to tourists is unusual for them. Tourists are native speakers of the

language, so they feel that they are not confident because they are afraid

that the tourists do not understand what they are saying or laughed at by

the tourists.

Fifth, mother-tongue use. Students who still use Indonesia

language when speaking in class. Learners who share the same mother

tongue tend to use it because it is easier and because learners feel less

exposed if they are speaking their mother tongue. Students who still use

mother tongue or Indonesia language in class will reduce their effort in

practicing speaking English. It shows that students still have difficulty

applying their abilities.

Sixth, ESP teaching methods are still passive. This obstacle also

comes from lecturer who is still not active in explaining the lesson. If a

teacher does not explain the lesson well, students will also find it difficult

to understand the lesson explained to them. The passive classroom

atmosphere will tend to influence student learning motivation. If they are

not passionate about learning, they tend not to try to understand and

improve their abilities. Basically the teaching carried out by educational

institutions provides qualified personnel in their fields, with the aim of

educated students to be better at everything. With this expectation, apart

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from the willingness to learn from the students, this goal must also be

supported by teachers/lecturers who are skilled in everything. In learning

activities, conversations will dominate both the teacher and students, or

students and students.

Seventh, students had no enough time to learn. Students of Islamic

Tourism Department only get English for tourism subject for one

semester in second semester. And it became a difficulty for some students

to learn English for tourism. Increasing knowledge in a lesson is very

much needed for students, because mastery of subject matter and a

language is obtained from the learning process. Whether it from practice

or learning activities.

In conclusion, there are four students had their own difficulties.

There are eight difficulties that are supported by some expert. So, almost

of students of Islamic Tourism Department of the third semester faced

some difficulties while learning English for tourism subject in second


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A. Conclusion

In this research, it can be concluded that there are several

difficulties from the third semester students of English Islamic Tourism

Department of IAIN Batusangkar in 2018/2019 academic year in learning

English for tourism subject in their second semester. The difficulties are

1) Students had limited content relates grammar, vocabulary and

information structure, 2) ESP classes are delayed or canceled for no

obvious reason, 3) Students have lack of preparation/are not ready for ESP

courses, 4) Students had no enough time to learn, 5) Students are still

afraid of being wrong and ashamed to speak English, 6) Mother-tongue

use. Students who still use Indonesia language when speaking in class, 7)

Students did not understand the lesson and 8) ESP teaching methods are

still passive.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of this research, the researcher would like to

give some suggestions for:

1. Students

In leaning English for tourism, it hoped for the students every

meeting it is expected that students will memorize many vocabulary

related to tourism. and not only learning in class, students also should

practice a lot outside the classroom. for example exercise with friends

is one of the most fun ways because you can share and be more

relaxed. so when students are asked to become tour guides, they can do

it well. and when studying in class they can understand easily because

of sufficient vocabulary and good self preparation.

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2. English Lecturer

It is suggested to lecturers to overcome the difficulties of students

in learning English for tourism subjects by providing sufficient

material and good learning methods. It is also suggested to require

students to memorize a lot of vocabulary as a task, so that they have

sufficient provision to communicate in tourism English.

3. Other Researcher

Based on the result of the research, the researcher suggests to the

other researcher to consider this research to do the other research about

students’ difficulties in learning English for tourism. It is also expected

to be a basic reason for the other researcher to do the research related

students’ difficulties in learning English for tourism, because English

specific subject is not only about tour but there are many more type of

ESP subject.

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