Download - The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ · The Wright-Patterson Officers ... magazine of The Wright-Patterson


The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club

November 2017

VOL. 55 ISSUE #4

Table of Contents

Board of Governors....... pg 2

President’s Pen ............. pg 3

2nd V.P. Pen ................. pg 3

BoG Application.............. pg 4

Note from Treasurer… 5

Get Involved ................. pg 5

Pics from Oct Event ...... pg 6

Welcome ....................... pg 6

November Birthdays ..... pg 6

Museum Guides ............ pg 7

Thrift Shop ..................... pg 7

ISG ................................ pg 8

ROWW .......................... pg 8

Antiques Societè ........... pg 9

Book Club...................... pg 9

Bridge (Contract) ........... pg 9

Bridge (Duplicate) ......... pg 9

Brush & Palette ............. pg 9

Bunco ............................ pg 10

Chicks4Flicks ................ pg 10

Golf ................................ pg 10

Coffee ............................ pg 10

Happy Hour Crafting ..... pg 10

Lunch Bunch ................. pg 10

Mah Jongg .................... pg 10

Photography Club ......... pg 10

Playgroup ...................... pg 10

Skylarks ......................... pg 10

Spouses Night Out ........ pg 10

Calendar ........................ pg 11


-”Make a reservation” tab

-Fill out the needed information

-Choose payment option

-Await reservation confirmation



-Leave- Your name, telephone number,

email, event name, WP Club member;

yes or no, any guests, menu selection


-Cash or Check must be in full and re-

ceived before event.

-Credit cards only online

-No-shows still will be billed

-No walk-ins


Executive Committee

President ··················· Jen Bray ················· 937-779-9544 [email protected]

1st Vice President ······· Sally Lee ················· 757-647-6303 [email protected]

2nd Vice President ······ Corey Pierce············ 937-759-0596 [email protected]

Secretary ·················· Kris Mangold ··········· 937-886-5234 [email protected]

Admin Treasurer ········ Genia Gaisford ········· 937-912-0330 [email protected]

Welfare Treasurer ······· Brittany Albert ·········· 703-505-7694 [email protected]

Parliamentarian ·········· Cheryl Lloyd ············ 757-323-4288

[email protected]

Position to be available soon

Standing Committees

Activities ···················· Jenni Leggiero ········· 703-980-4899

Child Care Coordinator···Gabriela Greiner ····· 850-357-4691

Historian··························Position Available

Hospitality ·················· Position Available

Mah Jongg Book Sales. ···· Amy Jo Jones ·········· 937-426-1567

Co-Chair ················· Marsha Hudson ······· 937-426-0628

Membership ·············· Jen Adams ········

[email protected]

Programs ·················· Dena Emery ············ 803-200-4794

Co-Chair ·················· Position Available

Reservations Line - Answering Machine ········ 937-315-1550

Reservations Chair ····· Rebecca Quiñones ···· 850-374-2943

ROWW ····················· Barbara Coombs ······ 407-923-3369

Scholarships ·············· Stacey Imhoff··········· 937-350-5009

Co-Chair ·················· Jennifer Arnold ········· 719-339-0907

Thrift Shop ················· Judy Kirkland ··········· 937-318-8611

Co-Chair····················Peggy Snodgrass

Volunteer Coordinator · Position Available

Web Coordinator ········ Christi Brendlinger ···· 210-882-0166

Co-Chair···················Kristi Hamrick

Welfare ····················· Leslie Impastato ······· 910-853-4024

The Wright Word ········ Amanda Amirault ····· 321-360-9155

Special Events

Airmen’s Cookie Drive····Tina Ojala ·············· 937-874-5622

Holiday Decorations ······ ISG ······················· 937-325-0371

Special Volunteer Groups

A.F. Museum Guides ···· Sue Craven ··········· 937-233-3538

Co-Chair ·················· Sara Lowe ············· 937-878-3558

Special Interest Groups

Int’l Spouses’ Group ······ Inma Kusnierek ······ 937-325-0371

Co-Chair/Treasurer ··· Liesbeth Potman ···· 937-630-1024

Co-Chair/Activities ···· Michelle Hopko ·········· 937-705-9993


Antiques Societé ·········· Elizabeth Clark ······· 937-429-2410

Co-Chair ·················· Kathy Cohrs··········· 937-427-3609

Book Club ··················· Rita Stupak ············ 937-318-4295

Co-Chair ·················· Kristine Mangold ····· 937-886-5234

Bridge (Contract) ·········· Mary Rodin ············ 937-878-0032

Co-Chair ·················· Sue Fecke ············· 937-256-6122

Bridge (Duplicate) ········· LaVerne Will ·········· 937-256-9833

Co-Chair ·················· Sandy Ferrell ········· 937-431-1751

Brush & Palette ············ Leigh Whitehead ···· 937-233-5843

Co-Chair ·················· Patty Sprouse ········ 937-291-2007

Bunco ························ Paula Cardenas ····· 937-384-0092

Chicks4Flicks ·············· Emily Knowles ······· 940-642-2641

Coffee Group ··············· Denise Howard·······502-550-0707

Golf ···························· Emily Knowles ······· 940-642-2641

Happy Hour Crafting ····· Monica Lewis ········· 571-364-2629

Co-Chair···················Megan Congemi·····813-545-8510

Handbell Choir··············Rena Leatherman····937-878-6995

Lunch Bunch ··············· Kim White ············· 937-522-1297

Co-Chair ·················· Cathy Long ············ 937-751-4890

Mah Jongg ·················· Position Available

Play Group ·················· Melissa Garnt ········· 817-705-0354

Photography Club ········ Jennifer Larkin ········ 402-972-6854

Rubber Stamp Club ······ Michele Giefer ········ 937-902-6389

Skylarks ······················ Sally Lee ··············· 757-647-6303

Spouses’ Night Out······· Ashley Kirsch ········· 937-269-1204

Honorary Executive Committee


Krista McDonald ………….Spouse of 88th ABW Commander

Honorary Advisors

De McMurry……………….Spouse of AFLCMC Commander

Janet Cooley………………Spouse of AFRL Commander

Want to become a member of the Wright-Patt Officers’ Spouses’ Club?

Complete membership form from and mail to: WPOSC Membership, P.O. Box 67, Fairborn, OH 45324

Need to make changes? Contact [email protected] to change address, telephone number, email, rank,

organization, or resignation.

The 2017-2018 WPOSC Board of Governors


Dear WPOSC members,

Happy November! The temperature is finally go-

ing down and it is time to get crafty! Our November

General Membership meeting will be on Thursday,

November 9 this event will include various craft

demonstrations and a delicious lunch-we hope to see

you all there!

Our activities are all up and running- it is never too

late to join any of these fun groups, just contact one

of the group leaders or our Activities Chair, Jenni

Leggiero. We are excited to announce a new activity

group this year- Golf! If you are interested in joining

the fun, please contact Emily Knowles. You can find

more information about all of our activities in TWW

or on our website:

The holiday season is just around the corner. The

ISG is leading the charge this year to decorate the

Wright-Patt Club for the holidays. Decorating will

be taking place on November 27 in preparation for

the tree lighting on December 6. If you are interested

in helping, please see the ad on page 5.

We’ve had some exciting developments on the

board over the past month. We are thrilled to wel-

come two new members to the Board of Governors:

Jennifer Arnold as our Scholarship Co-Chair and

Gabriela Greiner as our Childcare Coordinator. The

Board of Governors still has some open positions and

we welcome WPOSC members to join us in our gov-

ernance. A list of open positions can be found on

page 2. The Governing Documents Committee has

been working diligently updating the Policies and

Procedures. The P&P have been reorganized into a

document that is easier to read and reference. We

thank the members of this committee for their dedi-

cation and perseverance.

Our fall membership drive has ended. We would

like to welcome our new WPOSC members and

thank those that have renewed their membership this

year. The WPOSC membership directory will be

arriving soon.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I hope that each of

you find the happiness of good friends, the joy of

family and the fortune of good health.

Best wishes,

Jen Bray

With recent natural disasters

playing out before our eyes, a friend

and I were discussing how helpless

we felt in being able to assist with

such an immeasurable need. Sure,

we could donate water or other sup-

plies, but it felt like putting a cartoon

character Band-Aid on a life threat-

ening wound. As the day pro-

gressed, I could not get the subject

off my mind. Later in the evening,

my daughter called overwhelmed by

studying for an important college

exam. Her dad resorted to his stan-

dard advice, “confront the issue one

bite at a time.“ It dawned on me that

all problems should be confronted,

“a bite at a time.”

Volunteerism is a way to impact

your community by helping, “a bite

at a time.” What may seem like only

a case of water for hurricane victims,

a bag of clothing donated to our

WPOSC Thrift Shop, or reading a

book to a local elementary class-

room, has ripple effects on your

community. One small “bite” to you

may mean something different to the

person on the receiving end of your time.

In a recent study by The Independent

Sector, the estimated value of a volunteer

hour for 2016 was $24.14. I read this

shortly after our board submitted volun-

teer hours for the WPOSC and the

WPOSC Thrift shop. The value of those

“bites” of time volunteered by our gener-

ous supporters would total a whopping

$121,590.52 if our volunteers were being

paid. Those small “bites” of time in a

three month period added up to an unbe-

lievably large contribution of house to

our local community. That is not just a

ripple effect, it is waves of kindness and

impact we have had on our surrounding

community. This translates into scholar-

ships, grants for national and local chari-

ties, aid to local airmen and their fami-

lies, and the list goes on. In fact, you will

be able to see how your volunteer hours

effect our local community at the De-

cember 14 WPOSC event, as we make a

donation to a local charity benefitting


We have many opportunities coming up

in the next three months where a volun-

teered hour here or there could make an

impact. These opportunities include

decorating the Wright Patt Club for the

holidays, baking cookies for the Wright

Patterson AFB Cookie Drive, or volun-

teering at the WPOSC Thrift Shop. We

can all contribute to helping our commu-

nity and we can accomplish this, “a bite

at a time.”

Corey Pierce

The Wright Word Editor: Amanda Amirault

Board of Governors members serve as proofreaders

The Wright Word is an unofficial

magazine of The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club, P.O. Box 67, Fairborn, OH 45324. Standard bulk US post-age paid at Xenia, Ohio. Subscription to members is included in annual dues. The opinions expressed herein no way represent those of the United State Air Force or

the WPOSC and are solely the opinions of the individual writers. Products or services advertised do not constitute endorsement by the Air Force or the WPOSC. Reprints by permission. Printed by DOMICONE PRINTING INC. Logos and images were ob-

tained from the corresponding websites of the article and/or from clipart. This is a private organization. It is not part of the Department of Defense or any of its’ compo-

nents and it has no governmental status. Editor email address:



Fellow Spouses,

We have had several questions this year about

the liability statement which must be acknowl-edged on our WPOSC membership application.

This statement reads as follows:

Members of this organization can become financially liable for the obligations and debts of the WPOSC if its

assets fail to meet such obligations and debts.

Because we are an authorized “Private Organization” (PO) operating on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,

we must adhere to the policies laid out in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 34-223. This is the document which

governs the operation of PO’s operating on every Air Force installation in the world. Alongside many other

stipulations, we must comply with guidance which explicitly states, “PO members must be made aware that they are jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the PO, and their understanding of the liability must

be documented.”

If a prospective member refuses to accept this liability, then unfortunately we are unable to accept their

application to join the WPOSC.

While we must follow the guidance provided in the AFI, the WPOSC has several ways of safeguarding the

financial health of our organization so that we do not put our members at risk. First, our Board of Gover-

nors carefully manages our finances. Officers, elected by our membership, review our statements and budg-

ets continuously and have the fiduciary responsibility to take action to limit expenses should any budgetary shortfall be projected. We also open up our books to financial review each year by a certified public ac-

countant. Importantly, we also are not in the habit of incurring obligations. We carry no debt and we are

not party to any contracts, leases, or other binding financial agreements that would need to be honored,

should our club someday face financial straits. Finally, our club carries Property & Liability insurance, un-

derwritten by the Cincinnati Insurance Company, which is there to protect us should we incur an unex-

pected loss of property or should someone be injured at a WPOSC activity or event.

In summary, we cannot waive the mandated requirement that our members acknowledge that they are liable for the obligations of the WPOSC. I hope, however, that we can provide you with the confidence that

the financial risk you incur when you join the WPOSC is exceedingly low. Please contact me with any con-

tinued questions or concerns about this issue.

Genia Gaisford

WPOSC Admin Treasurer


Dena Emery, Beth Newberry, Jim Emery, Sally Lee, Chip Lee, Jen Bray, Cole Bray?

Tarot Card Reading

Debbie Minnich

Felicia Anzaldua

Jennifer Arnold

Kelly Boehm

Valerie Boyle

Sarah Chanrasmi

Mary Cohen

Megan Congemi

Janet Cooley

Danielle Cruz

Christina Dohm

Haley Doxey

Adriana Eden

Holly Edge

Jennifer Feranec

Michele Freedman

Dawn Gazell

Cindy Gibson

Megan Goldin

Gabriela Greiner

Danielle Hagen

Chi Hale

Susan Hanley

Lisa Hansen

Briony Harmer

Alison Heacock

Meghan Izumi

Kristine Kauffmann

Lindsay Laubach

Jennifer Leggiero

Rachelle Leslie

Gina Lloyd

Maxine Marable

Sarah McWhirter

Jocelyn Miller

Natcha Nussbaum

Sarah Peccia

Cathy Randolph

Vicki Resch

Janet Robinson

Rachelle Rose

Morgan Ruppert Guinn

Mitzi Scott

Allie Shaw

Valerie Slover

Samantha Smith

Miriam Stark

Rachel Steipp

Joanna Storms

Kiriko Tamai

Mary Torres

Deborah Walker

Barbara Wall

Amber Wilbur

Morgan Wilson

Felicia A

Kelly B

Anita B

Sandy F

Jean F

Meagan G

Rena L

Debbie M

DeAnna M

Joanne M

Jocelyn M

Hiromi M

Janet R

Rachel S

Kiriko T

Susan V

Chi Hale, Danielle Hagen, Rachelle Rose, Janet Cooley,

& Kayleigh our Tarot card Reader.



Thrift Shop Chair ................... …..Judy Kirkland

Thrift Shop Co-Chair………..Peggy Snodgrass Thrift Shop Manager ............. .Paula Cardenas

Location Area A, building 95 on Wright Avenue,

sharing the building with Outdoor Recreation and

the Officers’ Spouses’ Club Activities Room.

Contact Information Office Phone ............................ (937) 879-5630 24-Hr Info Line ......................... (937) 285-0306

Hours of Operation T, W, & F……………..…….9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. November 4…………...….10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p,m.

Hours of Consignment T, W, & F…………………...9:30 am - 11:30 am

To volunteer at the Thrift Shop, call

Judy Kirkland or email her at

[email protected].

The Holidays are coming. It is the time to deco-rate, celebrate and to partake. You can set a table with a dramatic look or update your holiday decor without straining your wallet by first shopping at the Thrift Shop. We usually have an extensive inventory of holiday items artfully displayed. You can find centerpieces, door wreaths, serving dishes and table-cloths. Why pay top dollar at a retail store when you can get one just as nice at a better price?

November is also a time to be thankful – thankful for the service of our veterans who have kept us safe and to be thankful for our many blessings. During this season, remember to pass on your thanks to a veteran and share some of your abundances with someone less fortunate.

The Thrift Shop is thankful for our consignors, customers and volunteers who have made us a suc-cess. Because of you, we have an abundance of items on our floor and our sales are high. We have volunteers that make the shop a fun place to work. We have a staff (Paula, Beth, and Lori) that keep the place running smoothly. Thanks to all.

Don’t forget that the Thrift Shop has a limited sup-

ply of the 2017 White House ornaments for $22.00

It honors the administration of Franklin D. Roose-

velt, who served as the thirty-second president of the

United States from 1933-1945 and his remarkable

journey to restore the faith of the American people.

Who are we?

We are a very unique volunteer group to be found

nowhere else in the Air Force. Hours are flexible and

vary according to your schedule. On average, we work

2 ½ hours in the morning during the school year. Dur-

ing this time, you are walking and talking and even ex-

ercising without realizing it.

Training is painless and fun! You can train with a

group or on an individual basis. Either way, you soon

become a part of a great group of guides. You do not

need to know the entire museum, only the areas you

feel comfortable in.

The best part? The friendships we form while doing

something we love. We meet on the fourth Thursday

morning of every month during the school year for edu-

cation and training. Come join us!

Sue Craven - (937) 233-3538 - [email protected]

Sara Lowe --- (937) 878-3558 --- [email protected]


Retired Officers’ Wives & Widows

Chair: Inma Kusnierek (Spain) .......................................................... [email protected] (937) 325-0371 Co-Chair/Treasurer: Liesbeth Potman (The Netherlands) ................ [email protected] (937) 630-1024 Co-Chair/Activities Coordinator: Michelle Hopko (Canada) ................ [email protected] (937) 705-9993

Meets every month at Chapel 3 in the Prairies Housing: 6568 Chapel Lane, Riverside, OH 45433-6003. Directions from Area B: Take Colonel Glenn Highway toward Airway Road; turn left at the “Speedway” traffic lights onto Spinning Road; turn right onto Chapel Lane and drive to the end.

Barbara Coombs…………….(407) 923-3369 [email protected]

Our members represent countries from every continent on the globe. They provide us with exciting, new and lasting friendships while allowing us to experience the uniqueness, diversity and similarities of all our cultures. Throughout the year there will be pres-entations from many of our members explaining the culture of their own country. Please feel free to come along (children, family members, and spouses are welcome) and enjoy some time with our International family based at Wright-Patterson AFB. We provide coffee and door prizes at our meetings. We just ask that you bring a dish along to share.

Our November Coffee Our Thanksgiv-ing Luncheon Coffee on November 3


at 11am. We will be eating turkey and many other great dishes. Your spouse is welcome to attend. Please join us this year in celebrating all we are thankful for.

November 27th Christmas decorating at

the Wright Patt club 9am

December 1st : Christmas & Holiday

Traditions around the world, and a cookie exchange

We will be decorating the Officers Club this year for Christmas on November 27

th at 9 am. Please come out.

Please contact us if interested.

We will be talking about all these up-coming events at our Coffee as well as on our Facebook page and sending out an email to all our members. If you have and questions please feel free to email us at [email protected] , or call any of the board members listed.

The Retired Officers’ Wives and Widows (ROWW) will have its Holiday Luncheon on Thursday, November 30 at

The Woods’ Neighborhood Clubhouse (2161 Hidden Woods Boulevard in Beavercreek). Social Hour (yes! Jane will

be serving our champagne punch) will start at 10:30 a.m. City BBQ will be providing lunch! Cost is $15 cash; Yyetta will be back in business! Bring friends, the more the merrier! Details forthcoming via E-vite.

At the November 30 luncheon, we will be receiving donations for those of you who would like to contribute to

the Airmen’s Cookie Drive and/or Care Packages for the Deployed Airmen and Women. If you would like to partici-

pate in a $5 Christmas Gift Exchange, please bring a wrapped gift, as well. There will be a few surprises (I heard

Santa may be visiting) and a wonderful time to catch up and get in the Holi-

day mood- so put all those Thanksgiving leftovers away and put your Holiday

Sweaters on!

If you have not already done so, please be sure to renew your OSC member-ship, and follow the OSC’s RSVP protocol as indicate on their invitations for

their events. If you would like to be included in our direct communication for

our ROWW events (both spontaneous and planned), please contact Barbara. January 25, 2018;

March 29, 2018

May 31, 2018


One OSC goal is to promote morale, goodwill, and fellowship among our membership through socials and special activities sure to appeal to a wide range of interests. However, we are always looking for new and fresh ideas; so if you have a hobby or skill that others might like to try as well, make a suggestion to the Activities Chair (from list on page 2).

Where: Wright-Patterson Club

When: Friday, November 17

Menu: Cottage Cheese and Peaches,

Homemade Beef Stew and Buttermilk

Biscuits, Dessert and Drinks

Cost: $16 WP-Club Member; $18 Non-


Time:11:00 am Social & 11:30 am Seating

Our guest speaker will be Mr. Jim Tho-

mas. Mr. Thomas and his wife have been

collecting Antique Christmas items for

over 20 years. They are involved in the

Christmas Glow group. The program will

be the history of Santa, origins of Christ-

mas ornaments from many European coun-

tries-mainly Germany. We will also learn

about the history of feather trees and their

collection of Christmas Buttons! Feel free

to bring your Christmas antiques to ask


Early reminder about our highly antici-

pated program “Decorating for Christmas

with Antiques”. The luncheon and compe-

tition will be Wednesday 12/13 in the Club

dining room. As in the past, there will be 7

categories for displays: Foyer/Living

room, Dining Room, Family Room,

Kitchen, Boudoir/Powder Room, Nurs-

ery/Child’s room and First Time Entry

(which can be any room). You will be

given a 3’X3’ space to prepare your dis-

play (on a table or the floor). There must

be at least one antique in your vignette and

you must be an OSC member to enter.

Also, ONLY fresh greens and flowers can

be used. The displays will be judged and

beautiful antique prizes and handmade

ribbons awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place

in each category. Our door prizes are al-

ways antiques too! This is always a popu-

lar event so plan now to attend (and enter)!

A-L. . . . . . Betty Gray. . . 937-237-8192

M-Z. . . . . .Janet Lee. . . . .937-767-5541

Reservations for the November

Antiques Societẻ Event are due

by Friday, November 10 at 6 p.m.


•◦• BRIDGE (DUPLICATE) •◦• LaVerne Will………..(

Meets: Every 4th Wednesday

Playtime: 9:30 am to mid-afternoon

Location: Rocker Lounge - WP Club

We play 7 progressions of 35 minutes

each, with an hour break for lunch. Play-

ers with all skills are welcome.


◦•◦•◦•◦ BRIDGE SCORES ◦•◦•◦ Contract: September 6 1st: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer 2nd: Joan Chapin & Sandy Ferrell 3rd: Mae Porter & Marilyn Christmann Grand Slam: Porter & Christmann Small Slam: Chapin & Ferrell

Contract: September 20 1st: Joan Chapin & Sandy Ferrell 2nd: Sue Fecke & LaVerne Will 3rd: Marlene Frey & Leah Halfpap Small Slam: Chapin & Ferrell

Contract: October 4 1st: Joan Chapin & Sandy Ferrell 2nd: Marcia Eggleston & Doris Kovacs 3rd: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer

Duplicate: September 27 1st: Joanne Miller & Sue VerStreate 2nd: Mary Rodin & Ruth Weatherhead 3rd: Sandy Ferrell & Joan Chapin


◦•◦•◦•◦ BRUSH & PALETTE ◦•◦•◦

Leigh Whitehead............... ...(937) 233-5843 [email protected]

Patty Sprouse ................... ...(937) 291-2007

Meets: Every Wednesday

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Tap into your creativity in a supportive and welcoming atmosphere, you can bring your own projects and supplies, or follow one of our video lessons and, for a nominal contribution, use supplies be-longing to Brush & Palette. Learn how to paint a particular image, or learn tech-niques that you can use to develop your own compositions- it’s completely up to you. Stay all day, or just come for an hour. Come discover your inner artist!

November 15: Meet at the Wright-Patt Club to change wall hangings

No B&P on November 22


•◦•◦•◦•◦ BOOK CLUB ◦•◦•◦•◦•◦ Rita Stupak………….…….(937) 318-4295

[email protected]

Kris Mangold…………..(937) 886-5234 [email protected]

Meets: Thurs., 11/16, 10 am-11 am

Location: Packy’s Sports Bar & Grill in

the Hope Hotel

Come join us at The Hope Hotel

where Sue Craven will review the book

The Yanks are Coming!: A Military

History of the United States in World

War 1 by H.W. Crocker III.

Readers will learn: -How George S.

Patton, Douglas MacArthur, George C.

Marshal (of the Marshall Plan), “Wild

Bill” Donovan (future founder of the

OSS, the World War II precursor to the

CIA), Harry S. Truman, and many other

American heroes earned their military

spurs in “The Great War”.

-Why, despite the efforts of the almost

absurdly paci-

fistic admini-

stration of

Woodrow Wil-

son, American

involvement in

the war was


-How the First

World War was

“the War that

Made the Mod-

ern World:--

weeping away

most of the crowned heads of Europe,

redrawing the map of the Middle East,

setting the stage for the rise of commu-

nism and fascism.

We hope to see you on November 16!


•◦ BRIDGE (CONTRACT)◦•◦• Mary Rodin

Meets: Every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Time: 9:30 am to mid-afternoon

Location: Rocker Lounge - WP Club

We play 7 progressions of 35 minutes

each, with an hour break for lunch.

____________________ ◦•◦•ANTIQUES SOCIETÉ ◦•◦◦•

Elizabeth Clark.................. ….(937) 429-2410 [email protected]

Kathy Cohrs ...................... ….(937) 427-3609

[email protected]


group for the latest information:

WPOSC-Happy Hour Crafting

_____________________ _____________________________________________

•◦•◦•◦ LUNCH BUNCH ◦•◦•◦•◦

Kim White .................. ..(937) 522-1297 [email protected]

Cathy Long ................... ...(937) 751-4890

[email protected]

Meets: Mudlick’s Tap House

135 E 2nd Street

Dayton, OH 45402

When: Thursday, 11/16 at 11:30 a.m.

Please RSVP to Kim or Cathy so table

space can be reserved for you.


•◦•◦•◦•◦ MAH JONGG ◦•◦•◦•◦

Amy Jo Jones……...………..(937) 426-1567 [email protected]

Meets: Every Tuesday

Time: 9:30 am- 12:30 (or until 2:30ish) In need of a new chair

Congrats to Mary Rodin on getting a

“Hand from Heaven”!!



Jennifer Larkin …..…...(402) 972-6831 [email protected]

Meets: November 1 at 10:30 a.m.

Where: Jennifer Larkin’s house contact her

for address. This month we will delve into portraiture.

First, we will watch a short documentary,

“The Art of Design” on Platon, then we will

take a few portraits of each other. Hope you

can join us! All levels of photographers are

always welcome! Here are a few shots from

last months outings at Carriage Hill and Ka-

tie’s Pumpkin Barn.


•◦•◦•◦•◦ PLAY GROUP •◦•◦•◦•◦

Melissa Garn .............. ..(817) 705-0354 [email protected]

Meets: Run Around Fun Town

4401 Lyons Rd

Miamisburg, OH 45342

When: Wednesday, 11/8 , 10-12 p.m.

Children 3 and up are $10 each, 2 and

under are $5 each, and crawlers are free

with a paid sibling. Adults are always free,

and everyone must wear socks in all areas.

You must also fill out a waiver to play,

available online or in store. Visit our Face-

book page at WPOSC Playgroup

_____________________ •◦•◦•◦•◦•◦ SKYLARKS •◦•◦•◦•◦•◦

Sally Lee……………...(937) 874-5123 [email protected]

Meets: Every Tuesday morning Where: Choir Room, Kittyhawk Chapel Time: 9:30 am to 11:00 am

One Cold and Blessed Winter

‘Neath gloomy skies, and grey,

Seven little Skylarks

Went out to sing one day

Do You Hear What I Hear?

A Carol of the Drum!

A Cheerful Sound arises

To thaw the cold and numb

The sing The Infant Jesus

A joyful cry of Peace,

Peace is the joyful answer

Bright sprits to release

So come out for a Sleigh Ride,

And join us, proud and true.

‘Cause Here We Come A-Wassailing

We’d love to sing with you!


•◦ SPOUSES’ NIGHT OUT ◦• Ashley Kirsch ........... (937) 269-1204

[email protected]

Meets: Lock 27 Brewing

1035 S Main St Dayton, OH 45458

When: Wednesday, November 15 at

6:30 p.m.

Let’s check out this new hot spot! Hope

you all can join us. Any questions text



◦•◦•◦•◦•◦•◦ BUNCO ◦•◦•◦•◦•◦•◦•◦

Paula Cardenas. ............. (937) 384-0092 [email protected]

Meets: Home of Kim White

When: November 6 at 6:30 p.m. (begin roll-ing at 7)

More information will come with Evite. Look for yours in your inbox.



Emily Knowles ............... .(940) 642-2641 [email protected]

Please contact Emily if you would like to get more information about Chicks4Flicks and or Golf, both are TBD.


◦•◦•◦•◦•◦•◦ Coffee Club ◦•◦•◦•◦•

Denise Howard..……….(502) 550-0707 [email protected]

Meets: November 17 Time: 9:30 a.m. Where: Panera at The Greene 49 Chestnut Street Beavercreek, OH 45440

Coffee is a laid back, come as you are, and stay while you can group. Kids are welcome, We will be trying different coffee and break-fast places through the area on the third Fri-day of the month. Information will be posted on the WPOSC Facebook page. __________________________________


Monica Lewis……...….(571) 364-2629 [email protected]

Megan Congemi……….…….(813) 545-8510 [email protected]

Meets: Monday, 11/27 at 6 pm Fee: TBD month to month

**Due to the holidays, December craft

night will be postponed and will re-

sume in January.**

Join us in November for a holiday in-spired craft. This is a great opportunity to

meet up with friends to laugh, craft, glue,

paint, sew, and glitter. All craft levels

welcomed. A small fee will be requested

to cover materials. Join our Facebook



1 2 3 4

Bridge (Contract) WP-Club Rockers, 9:30 a.m.

Brush & Palette Bldg 95, 9:30 a.m.

Photography Club Jennifer’s house, 10 a.m.

BOG Meeting Rockers Lounge, 9:30 a.m.

Fall Harvest and Crafts RSVP due

ISG Meeting Chapel 3, 9:30 a.m.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

BUNCO Kim White’s House, 6:30 p.m.

Skylarks Kittyhawk Chapel, 9:30 am

Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30 a.m.

Brush & Palette WP Club, 9:30 a.m.

Playgroup Run Around Fun Town, 10 a.m.

Fall Harvest and Crafts November Event, 10:30 a.m. Social

Veterans Day

Antiques RSVPs Due

Thrift Shop Closed

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Skylarks Kittyhawk Chapel, 9:30 am

Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30 am

Bridge (Contract) WP-Club Rockers, 9:30 a.m.

Brush & Palette Bldg 95, 9:30 a.m.

SNO Lock 27 Brewing, 6:30 p.m.

Stamp Club RSVPs Due

Book Club Packy’s, Hope Hotel, 10 a.m.

Lunch Bunch Mudlick’s Tap House, 11:30 a.m.

Antiques Societé WP-Club, 11 a.m. Social

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Thrift Shop Closed Thrift Shop Closed Skylarks Kittyhawk Chapel, 9:30 a.m.

Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30 a.m.

Thrift Shop Closed

Thrift Shop Closed Thrift Shop Closed

26 27 28 29 30

Happy Hour Craft Bldg 95, 6 p.m.

Holiday Decorating WP-Club, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Skylarks Kittyhawk Chapel, 9:30 a.m.

Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30 a.m.

Brush & Palette Bldg 95, 9:30 a.m.

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