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“I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if

another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”


“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but

because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out

of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”


“Woe unto you that are full! When all men shall speak well of

you! For so did their fathers to the false prophets.”

Brethren listen to and receive the Word of God. This Word is

pointed directly at you, because unto this day a great many

people continue to wonder why the world does not like a

truthful person. But when a liar comes they will welcome

him and rejoice with him and shower him with abundance of

blessing. And this is the situation that is going to be

revealed to you today. He says I have come in my Father’s

Name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his

name, him ye will receive.

The latter refers to the liars and deceivers who come to you.

When they come to you, they will claim that the Father has


sent them and you will give them houses and cars. You call

them very wonderful names. You can now see why someone

is a deceiver and a liar is received and honored by the world,

but you who really do the work of God are referred to as

Beelzebub and juju men.

Whomever God sends is never welcomed nor rejoiced with

by the people of the world. The world does not love them.

Even if their crumbs of bread fall to the ground they will not

want a man of God to pick it. They would rather have him die

of hunger. But when the deceivers go to them, they will build

houses for them. Buy them cars and call others to worship

the true God. All of them will pack their riches to him.

No person is responsible for this state of affairs. It is what

had already been written. Till eternity the world will not like

the children of God because they do not love God. The world

does not love the truth; they love falsehood. The world does

not love peace. They love war. The world hates life and love

death. They are not looking for any good thing. They only

look for evil.

You will realize that even here in Brotherhood of the Cross

and Star if you are truthful person you will never be

welcomed at any place. No matter where you go to, you will

remain there hungry and homeless and no person pays

attention to you.

When you are doing the work of God, somebody will drive his

car along and will not stop to carry you even if you wave at


him. No person cares for you, no person remembers you. But

when the deceivers approach them, they will proclaim that

somebody has come.

One person will donate a bed. Others will bring out money

and they will shower him with wealth. This is not done by

anyone; it is what God had written before time. No person

wants to help the man of God. Even if he asks for a pound,

no person will give it to him. But when the deceivers come,

they will be given two thousand pounds when they ask for

two hundred.

Many people who go on ministries and are fully received will

say that they are very fortunate. They will fornicate; seduce

another person’s wife or husband. They will quarrel and fight

and tell lies but the people will continue to hail them as a

very good person. They will acclaim his sermons. And every

person will be encouraging the other to give him something.

They do this because he is one of them. This situation has

made some people sit back and ask why things are like that.

It is what has now been shown to you; the reason is that he

is one of them. They are deceivers and this preacher is also

a deceiver and they are in harmony, with each other.

When he is preaching he will always emphasize the point

that man is saved by grace and not by works. The people

will intone, “Exactly, that is true. This is the real Word of



But when the other person preaches against fornication and

theft and falsehood, they will ask what sort of sermon he is


If you are a preacher and you are not a fornicator, all the

women around will allege that you have asked each of them

for sex. That you are a deceiver, a juju person and a very

wicked man. They will argue that you are not a true man of

God. You can recall the incident between Joseph and the

wife of his master, Potipher. Why did the wife of Potipher

hate Joseph? It was because Joseph was of the Father.

When she asked Joseph to lie with her, Joseph refused. And

for this reason she had animosity against him and reported

to her husband: and he had brought a Hebrew slave to laugh

at her. Joseph was thrown into the prison. I want to ask you

if Joseph had complied with her desire, would the world

have heard anything about the affair? Would she have told

her husband that Joseph had made advances to her?

No, rather Joseph would have had the best of everything

including food. She would have recommended Joseph as a

very faithful servant. Why did she hate him? Because Joseph

was not of the world. He was not her kind. And so do not

doubt when the world hates you because you are not of


If you are a thief, since they are all thieves, they will love

you. If you are a fornicator, since they are fornicators, they

will exalt you as a very good person. If you are accused of

fornicating, they will all rise in concert to defend you. They


will say that since you come you have never looked any

woman in the face. Even if you steal, they will say that you

are not a thief but that you are a very good person.

Even when you sit in the church and prepare charms and

concoctions, people will come and buy these preparations

from you and go back to argue that are worshipping the real

God. They will see nothing wrong in your activities.

If you are a person who neither fornicate nor drink nor tell

lies nor steal but since they are of this flock they will

condemn you as a wicked person. They will allege that you

have bewitched them, you have asked them for sex; you

have stolen all their money. They will all connive against


And so if you are a person who indulges in all manners of

sin, since the world is filled with sinners, you will have very

many supporters. A person will volunteer to fight for, and on

your behalf if any person accuses you of any sin. He will say

that you are a very quiet and unassuming person. Since you

are one of them, they will give you the highest


If you are a person who does not indulge in the preparations

of concoction and diabology, if you do not steal and tell lies,

all of them who indulge in these vices will condemn you as a

wicked man. They will accuse you of every evil deed under

the sun and that since you came to their town everything


was bad. They will all demand your death and no person will

ask what has he done?

Do you not remember what happened to our Lord Jesus

Christ? Pilate’s wife sent a message to him saying, have

nothing to do with that righteous man’s death because my

soul has suffered many things in the dream because of him.

But Pilate asked them which of these two men should I

release to you, Barnabas or Jesus who is called the Christ?

Mind you Barnabas was a murder. Everybody knew that he

murdered someone and that was why he was in prison. He

was a thief, a fornicator, and necromancer and in everything


But he was one of them, a man of the world. But our Lord

Jesus Christ gave his life to people. He came from God and

loved them all. But they said release Barnabas unto us and

crucify Him. Pilate further asked them what has He done?

But they all replied, “Crucify Him.” No person said no. Why?

“Crucify Him.” The reason is that He was not one of them. It

was not because our Lord Jesus Christ sinned against them

but it was because He was not one of them. For that reason

they hated Him.

As He says in our second lesson: “If ye were of the world,

the world would have loved its own.” This goes to confirm

what He has said in the first lesson I am come in My Father’s

Name and the world does not receive Me, but when another

comes in his own name, him will they rejoice.


You can see what is happening in the church denominations

today. People stay in the church to commercialize in human

beings. They indulge in every kind of concoction and kill,

steal, quarrel, fornicate and tell lies. But people will throw in

millions and exclaim that the person is very powerful and

that they worship the real God.

That is why many people are tired of the world. You will hear

of a church, which is acclaimed to have much power, but

when you go there, you will see carved images and idols,

you observe that there is fornication, drinks, stealing and

you will not see anything of God. But you will see lawyers,

magistrates, and millionaires going there in great numbers.

Do not doubt. They are birds of the same feathers.

That is why our Lord told Pilate: My Kingdom is not of this

world. If my kingdom were of this world then would my

servants fight that I may not be delivered unto you? But

since His kingdom was not of this world, did any person

raise his hands to ask: “What has He done?”

That testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ is true. My Kingdom

is not of this world. If it were here my servants would have

fought that I may not be delivered into your hands. Have you

ever seen any person who does not commit sin but every

person including those he had healed shouts out that He

should be crucified. What has He done? They said He should

be crucified because He was not one of them.


You find a church leader being given houses, lands, cars and

many other things by the members. This is so because he is

one of them. He prepares them talisman, amulets and all

forms of charms. He is fornicating and stealing and drinking

and these are what the members are doing and so they are

well pleased with him because he approves of what they do.

Are you not flabbergasted with the case of John the Baptist?

He neither ate nor drank anything and the whole Israel

referred to him as a demon. Our Lord Jesus Christ came and

ate and drank they said he was not only a Beelzebub the

prince of demons but also a gluttonous fellow and wine

bibber. Throughout the whole of Israel no other person was

a Beelzebub or had a demon except our Lord Jesus Christ.

Because he was not one of them. Upon all the necromancers

and sorcerers and witch doctors and thieves and swindlers

in Israel, none of them was accused of being a Beelzebub

except our Lord Jesus Christ.

And so when you hear any gospel, think over it because

heaven and earth shall pass away but that word will not

pass away. Today you have heard our lesson: “I am come in

my father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall

come in his own name, him ye will receive.”

If you ask somebody to recommend any church or place

where you can go and obtain salvation, he will mention a

number of church denominations up to the last spiritual

house. He will recommend the Resocrusian Order, Amorac,

Eckankar and every other cult including the new ones. He


will refer you to a mermaid priest in Ikom or Oron. If you ask

him about Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, he will warn

you that the moment you step in there he is done with you.

That Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is Beelzebub.

Of all the mermaid priests, the juju priests, the witch

doctors, the sorcerers, the necromancers inundating this

world Brotherhood of the Cross and Star alone is the acme

of satanic activities. As far as they are concerned there is

no good thing in it. That is why it is said that the majority

carries the vote and the whites add that the minority must

be reconsidered.

Even now people continue to reason: if Brotherhood of the

Cross and Star was a good place why is it hated by all the

inhabitants of the world? Now if a house is filled with

people, and you introduce Brotherhood of the Cross and star

to them, every person will want to push you down. No

person wants to hear anything about Brotherhood of the

Cross and Star because the people are of the world.

If you go there to speak against sorcery, they will tell you

not to speak any evil about it because it is what preserves

their lives. To them sorcery is a very good thing. If you talk

about concoctions they will argue that it is very good for the

very reason that they all indulge in it. If you continue to

condemn stealing, people will come and ask you what is the

matter with you stealing? They will also ask if there is any

person who does not steal? Or whether the person is the

only thief? That you should leave him alone. And so every


person will rise up against you asking you why you are an

innocent man. This is because all of them are thieves.

If you murder somebody the people will congratulate you

and hide you from being caught by the law, but when you

mention Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, they would want

to kill you without allowing a drop of blood to fall on the

ground. It will begin from your mother, father, son, brother,

and friends. They would rather have you dead than be a

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star member. When the Jews

conspired and lied against Stephen, and when they

summoned him before the people, he lifted up his face to

heaven and proclaimed. “Behold I see the heavens open and

the Son of God standing on the right hand of God.”

They all rent their clothes and exclaimed what further

witness do we need? They stoned him to death. And so the

children of God are not persecuted for any other reason

other than not being of the world. If you are not of the world,

the world will hate you. If your father is of the world and

your mother is of the world and if your children are of the

world, forget about them because they are not yours. There

is nothing you can do to please them. They always think that

every evil thing in the world is committed by you and it is for

the very reason that you are not one of them.

No matter what you do for your town they will not

appreciate it because you are not one of them. Even if you

distribute money and food to them, since you are not of the


world, it is a waste of time. No matter what you do in this

world, as long as you are not of the world, all your efforts

are like pouring water at the back of a duck. If it is a

question of electing a good person, it is a member of their

own clique that they will elect. He is the person, whom they


As for you no person understands you. You will ask them,

with amazement, what you have done. They will tell you to

shut up because no person wants you.

Our Lord Jesus Christ understood the situation and that was

why He said it is expedient that I should go away. If I do not

go the Comforter will not come. But if I go the Comforter will

come and lead you to the accurate wisdom of the truth. It is

said that he who is of God hears the Word of God. Any

person who is not of God does not listen to the Word of God.

And so the person who is of God knows God. And that is why

Our Lord Jesus Christ said I have come in my Father’s Name

but you do not rejoice with me. As many as receive Him, He

gave power to become the children of God.

Apart from those who are born not through flesh and blood

who else can rejoice with the children of God? There is

none. Whatever God does to you, if you are not His child, you

will not see, you will not know nor will you appreciate. And

that is why they went to our Lord Jesus Christ and asked

Him how long will you make us to doubt? If you are the

Christ, tell us openly. Our Lord replied and said to them, “I

have already told you but, you do not believe me because


you are not of my sheep. My sheep know me and I know

them and they follow me.

All that we are telling you is not from man. They are what

had already existed. They are from God. Never you hope that

any worldly person will help you or do any good thing for

you. Do you not remember what God said to Adam? Eat of

every fruit of the trees in the Garden except the one in the

middle of the Garden because it is the tree of the knowledge

of good and evil. And so Adam begets children. The first pair

was a male and a female. Eve further put to birth a male and

a female. Cain was of the world and Abel was a man of God.

Do you see where the trouble lies? Abel did not wrong him in


Simply because Abel was from heaven while Cain was of

this world that was the source of their trouble. If Abel were

of the world like him, Cain would not have killed him; he

would not have had any problem with him. Cain killed Abel

because he (Cain) was of this world while Abel was from

God. Right from that time until now that is what obtains in

the world. Our first lesson will now be read again.


“I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if

another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”


You have been reading that verse before now but did you

understand its meaning. And that is why when Phillip asked

the Ethiopian eunuch, “Do you understand what you are

reading?” He answered: how can I, when there is no one to

explain it to me. And so, whatever thing you do not learn,

you cannot know. That was why our Lord Jesus Christ said

the Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will

send in my name. He will teach you all things, and He will

bring to your remembrance all what I have said to you.

Now can you not realize this? I have come in my Father’s

Name but you do not rejoice with me nor receive me. But

when another person comes in his name, him will you


That is why one portion of the Scripture says since they

received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved,

for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they

should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who

believed not the truth, but had pleasure not in the truth, but

had pleasure in unrighteousness. Now in Brotherhood of the

Cross and Star people prefer to go to the prayer house and

healing homes, places where charms are extracted from

their bodies, and where they will be given visions. But this

hall is always empty. You will see a person recommending a

Bethel for ministry work. This Bethel has power and the

visioner can see very well. And you will begin to find your

way down there. But here is the fountain no person wants it.


They do not know why this thing is like that. Since they have

refused to receive the wisdom of truth, so God sends them

deception to work in their hearts so that they may believe a

lie. They believe in apparition, witchcraft, mermaid and the

fact that the other person wants to kill them, and that their

house has been sold to witchcraft. They prefer to give

anything demanded from them. They will be washed at

midnight. They will collect all your money up to the last

penny because you have refused instruction which says

believe and have faith in God; forsake fornication, stealing,

lying, anger, practice the Word of God: you refuse those and

look for visions, you want charms to be extracted from your


There are very many people who belong to Brotherhood of

the Cross and Star but they have never come before the

Father in 34, Ambo. When they see you coming here they

would want to know why you are always coming to 34, Ambo

Street when the Father is everywhere. They will tell you that

the Father is using them there to do many mighty works.

There are other members too who live in Lagos or London or

America but they make their Bethel at 34, Ambo Street.

They do not go to any other place. What the Father says is

what they practice.

They live their life without any thoughts about whether

charms are extracted from people or not: because they have

seen the truth. All those who are of the world and not of

God, give all their food and tithes and wealth to the people


of the world like themselves. But as for God they will not pay

even their tithes. They do not remember God in any of their

dealings. God is not in their thoughts. You then go to the

necromancers and see the amount of money people pump to

them in millions: especially during the last civil elections in

this country. But when you go to God, you will go with empty

hands and profess that God wants the heart and not money.

You once heard of a man called Akpan Ekwong. The

governments and communities loved him and paid him huge

sums of money. He used to buy thirty cars in one day. They

exclaimed with one accord that they have seen God face to

face. You also heard of our brother Ewerre who testified that

there is a place in Umuahia where millionaires, doctors,

lawyers and all the prominent men in the society go and

receive their charms.

When you get there a talisman will fall from heaven and drop

into your hand. A voice will call out your name and ask you

what you desire. When you hear the voice you will think you

have seen God face to face. And people will pack their

money in thousands and give to them. You have also heard

that there is another place also in Umuahia, where you have

to thousands of pounds for a single ring.

Even here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star there is one

sister Florence who said that somebody took her to river

bank where he promised to invoke Olumba to give her


money out of the water. You can see that these are the

things, which the worldly people run after and spend lots of

money for. You will see the cars lining from here to Lagos,

people waiting to meet and consult the oracle because he is

a person of the world like you. You saw how a whole lot of

churches came together and contributed a lot of money to

invite the whites to come and help them destroy, “the work

of Satan in Calabar.” They said that Olumba Olumba Obu

was causing a lot of trouble.

The white man came here and returned home with shame.

Upon all the money the whole country contributed to him, he

went away with shame. He had rings on every finger off his

hand, but in the end something spectacular happened. After

that failure, just of recent, a whole multitude of churches

gathered again and invited another white man to come and

destroy “the activities of Satan.” Finally when he arrived

here what happened? They alleged that the Father sent

thunder to kill him. The people were exasperated. Here was

a man who has come to heal the people free of charge. What

is actually wrong with this wicked Olumba Olumba Obu? Can

a human being be so wicked? When he came, he kept a drum

at one corner and people continued pouring in money. They

were so encouraged to put the money in because it was for

God and so they filled the drum with money. This is so

because he is their man.

When this white man failed he went away, the same people

hired a Bendelite who claimed he was going to cut Olumba


Olumba Obu into pieces. He also came with a drum and

continued telling the people to put in their money and tithe,

and people pumped in their money. But no sickness was

healed. Do you now realize this saying: I have come in my

Father’s Name but people do not receive me but when

others come in their own name, everybody will rejoice with

them and call them to see that a wonderful man has arrived.

If you go to preach that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is

the real God you will be stoned to death. But if you come to

yourself and ask what folly you are committing. If the people

ask you about Brotherhood of the Cross and Star you will

reply that Brotherhood is Beelzebub. They will accept you;

tell you they have a car for you, if you confess that in the

open. You then accept to calumniate against Brotherhood of

the Cross and Star in the public. You will tell them you have

seen the pot of Beelzebub. They will place you on a chariot.

You continue to tell them that Brotherhood of the Cross and

Star drinks blood and kills people. That you were the person

who holds the key to the murder pot.

The whole world will shake, every person calling on the

other to come and hear the wonders. You will be very

prosperous and they will never allow your feet to touch the

ground. That is the situation that makes people wonder why

is the world like this?

The point is that the world loves its own and God loves His

own. If you are of the world, God has no business with you. If


you are of God the world has no business with you. That is

how they are arranged.

The Head of the Roman Catholic Church came to Nigeria and

the people turned out in unison that their Pope has arrived.

If you were to throw sand into the crowd the particles would

not find their way to the ground of the mammoth crowd. The

head of the Rosicrucian Order Amorc came. The Archbishop

of Canterbury came. All the different societies have come.

And now they have what they call Eckankar which has

gathered witches, sorcerers and whoever can concoct evil

so that they can come together so as to attain supremacy.

You find all the lawyers, doctors and prominent members of

the society going there. Since they are of the world, they do

not look for God.

You heard the testimony given by a brother from America.

He was suffering from a particular disease for four years and

had spent a hundred and fifty dollars without a cure. But

when he came here, God healed him free and he did not give

a dollar as a mark of gratitude to God. When they come here,

they say that God does not require anything but only their

heart and when they get home they call Him Beelzebub.

When you ask him why he does not come to Brotherhood of

the Cross and star any longer, he will tell you that he is a

staunch Catholic. His position there is very high.


The suffering of the children of God at the hands of the

people of the world can only be imagined than told. It is said

that it is not necessary to tell rain stories to the fire. When

Paul was a Pharisee, he had no problem. When he went to

Damascus to capture all those who were preaching Christ,

either to imprison them or kill them. But when he repented

and started preaching about Christ even in that same

Damascus, the people conspired to kill him. He became a

wanted person. And this indicates that you should not be

disturbed when the people of the world persecute the

children of God.

Right from the foundation of the world, this had been the

order of things. The children of this world do not like a man

of God because he is not one of them. No child of God has

any business with the world because he is not one of it. The

second lesson will now be read again.


“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but

because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out

of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”

We have reasons to rejoice with the Holy Spirit who has

come in person. It is for this reason that our Lord Jesus

Christ said, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient

for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter

will not come unto you.” What particular sin do you think


Peter, James, John and the other disciples whose heads

were chopped off committed that the people of the world did

not commit? Paul was personally given thirty-nine lashes on

five different occasions.

Imagine Paul, a well-qualified lawyer, laid on a plank and

inflicted with corporal punishment. What sin did he commit?

The reason was that Paul was elected out of the world. He

was not one of theirs.

Let us be particularly grateful to the Holy Spirit who has

come in person. Since He has overcome, you all have

equally overcome. There is nothing in existence besides the

Father coming in person that would have afforded you the

opportunity to have a say, enjoy freedom and call upon this

name. His coming has shaken the world and has liberated

the children of God. That is why our Lord Jesus Christ says;

flesh and blood cannot do this work. It is a truism; no flesh

and blood can accomplish such a feat. Even if you

possessed guns, aeroplanes and ammunitions, they would

be incomparable with the number they have and you would

definitely be exterminated.

With what did Moses release the children of Israel from the

hands of Pharaoh in Egypt? Pharaoh had soldiers, money,

oracle priests and many other things. What had Moses to

have been able to release even a single Israelite from the

hands of Pharaoh? Imagine that Pharaoh only learnt from his


sorcerers that a prophet would be born who would

overpower him, and he was told when this would come to

pass. It was because of that he ordered that all infants from

one hour to three months old should be killed. This was if

haply the child would also be killed.

This was the standard of the wickedness prevalent in the

world. The world is full of wickedness. They have chosen

their lot. What evil did the infant child do to him, an innocent

child who knew and did nothing? What did Moses do? Also,

in like manner, when the three wise men emerged from the

east to Jerusalem saying, “Where is he that is born king of

the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are

come to worship him.” Herod on hearing this demanded of

them where it should have been. They told him that it was in

Bethlehem of Judea and Herod privately called the wise

men, and charged them to go and search diligently for the

young child that after finding him, he too may go and

worship Him also.

And being warned by God in a dream that they should not

return to Herod, they departed into their own country

through another way. When Herod saw that he was mocked

of the wise men, he was exceeding wrath, and sent forth,

and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all

the coasts thereof, from two years old and under. The

reason behind killing from two years and under was so that,

according to the information gathered from the wise men, he


should not miss killing the Christ supposed to be about two

years old as at that time.

These reveal to you that if you are theirs, they will love you,

besides which you will be hated. You are hated because you

have been chosen out of the world. Whoever is not of the

world will not be loved by the world. Your father or mother

or child, or husband who are of the world will not love you,

and none of them will be happy to hear your voice. There will

be no case whatever. There will be no court to judge.

If you like surrender all the things you have to them,

including your money, or prostrate on the ground and accept

to be accused falsely. These will avail you nothing. There is

a demarcation, which exists even unto the end of the world.

Have you not heard when our Lord Jesus Christ called you

the “little flock” when he said “fear not, little flock; for it is

your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom?” This

implies that even if you are the only one sent by the Father,

the Father is with you. One thing remains certain, and that

is, the world will not love you because the Father has

chosen you. It is often said; “Man know thyself.” As I am

speaking to you now, I want you to know yourself. If you are

a chosen one of the Father and for fear of hatred you decide

to turn back to certain things in the world, it is too late for

you. The world is no good place for you, and will not love



If you indulge in diabology, it will not work well for you.

Stealing will not suit you. Killing or whatever you commit

will only attract people’s hatred to you. Going forward, you

will be faced with the fear of death and turning back brings

you face to face with death. It were better you stood firm

with the One who calls you because since He had

conquered, you have also conquered.

Learn from the last elections in this country. Of the

Brotherhood of the Cross and star members who sought

gubernatorial nomination in their parties, was any of them

nominated? Were they not fit for the post? Upon the amount

of money spent by Pastor Ekanem and Ibuaka with the hope

of being nominated, were they nominated in their states?

Money that would have been invested in the service of God

is given to Satan. Satan knows you.

That is why you are instructed in clear terms that if you

were of the world, the world would love its own but because

you have been chosen, the world will not love you. Even if

you go to them, you will neither be accepted nor loved,

because the sign is upon your forehead. That being the case,

do you not consider it too late to retrace your steps? You

are not of the world. It is said that the one who comes from

the earth speaks of earthly things but he who come from

heaven is greater. He speaks of what he sees and what he

hears. Those who believe his testimony know that he glories

in truth.


Brethren, it is a very pathetic situation because the first

thing you are expected to know is whether you are of the

world or of God. If you are of God, for you to receive from

another person means poverty for you. You are impoverished

when you receive just a pound from a person. You stand to

lose all, even if you had one hundred pounds at home. At the

end of the sermons of our Lord Jesus Christ, He usually said

those who have ears to hear, let them hear. Those who hear

are the children of God? When it is said that it is better to

give than to receive, it is directed to the children of God. It

is the responsibility of the children of God to give out.

If, as a child of God you give out the last one pound you had,

you will have thousands. If you give twenty pounds, you will

have millions in return. As you give out, so do you receive?

You’re giving out means that you are receiving.

As you serve others, so do you enjoy bountiful grace? The

moment you stop rendering services to man, you are a

finished man. That promise He made when He said; I will not

forsake you, I come unto you, is not meant for the world but

for the children of God. For this reason, the children of God

receive all their knowledge and wealth direct from the

Almighty God. They have a direct link with God; their

communication is also direct. All their wealth and glory are

received directly. Their work is to use these acquisitions to

help the people of the world.


If you are a child of God, ask nothing from man, be it a piece

of advice or money or assistance because you will not be

given. Even when help is given to you, it will still lead you to

poverty. It is not given for you to receive. All your help

comes from God. Charm, juju, apparition, wizard, human

beings and whatever there may be have no power over you.

That is why any name is given when reference is made to a

man of God, sometimes they say that he should be left out

because he is not known.

A child of God knows not when he is rich or when he is poor.

Whatever happens and whenever it comes up, he always

spring surprises to the world. For this reason they will often

refer to him as a wizard, or charm. They run away from you

because the way of God beats their understanding. Why

many children of God suffer, is that they lax in their

endeavours because, according to them, they are always

rewarded with evil whenever they do well to people. For this

reason, they decide not to do good any longer.

When you stop doing well, trouble sets in. If you dare stop

doing good, you are engaging yourself in a duel and the sort

of trouble that will face you, will render you a confused

person, to the extent that you will want to consult an oracle.

What kind of oracle will you consult? How dare you go to an

oracle, or inject black powder into your body, or believe in

any man, or receive money from somebody to help

accomplish certain plans. If you receive even five pounds

from someone, you have set yourself on fire. Have you not


heard God saying: “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten:

be zealous therefore and repent.” Brethren, it does not

bother God whether or not a worldly man indulges in the

preparation of concoction or steals, but when an elect of

God, a chosen vessel, fathered and protected by God steals,

be it one penny, he is at his wits end.

Have you not heard the Scriptures tell us that we should

“despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you

are rebuked of him: for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth,

and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” His wrath is

not on the people of the world but rather on His children.

Why do you, as His children, watch the world burning: Go

forth and assist them. Do not be like unto them because it is

given for you to care for them and not otherwise. What does

the world have to provide for you?

It is the height of shame for a child of God to go a begging

for what to eat. You have, by such an act, disgraced God and

you are worthy of punishment and death. That is the

greatest form of disgrace form of disgrace you can mete out

to God. Dare not do it! That is why you are asked to know

yourself. And when you know yourself, do not stand before

any man asking for even one penny. What are you going to

do with it when your Father owns heaven and earth? Is it not

expected that you should supply the needs of others?

He says, I will neither fail nor forsake you. The Father does

not forsake His children even for one second. When God

loves you the world does not love you. Whomever God loves,


it is sufficient to enjoy the love of God? I want the love of

God because it is sufficient unto me. I do not seek for the

love of men. You seek to be loved by man. Let our golden

text be read. Listen attentively to the text of this day.


“Woe unto you that are full! When all men shall speak well of

you! For so did their fathers to the false prophets.”

Have you heard that? You have always been reading through

that passage but do you understand its meaning? The

reward of those who go about receiving money from people,

and are carried shoulder high is. Woe unto them! They are

the children of perdition and have completely perished. They

have no more room in the Kingdom of God.

If you come across any man received by the world, they do

so because the person is a deceiver like them. He has

perished and they who receive him have also perished. They

are children of perdition. Do you not know that whoever is

loved by the world is of the world? Do you not remember

Judas Iscariot in whose hands the treasury was? You will

take it to be a matter of good luck that he was given such

responsibility. Does it not portray the “ Woe.” When all

monies kept in the control of one person, people will say he

is very, lucky to be in possession of so much money. Note

that such a person is a man of the world, and so the woe is

upon him.


And it is ordained that to whom the world loves, to them be

woe. You will be exalted, provided with cars, ocean

steamers, and land property. They will acclaim you to be the

Christ and bestow all glories names to you. They will tell you

that whatever you utter is the voice of God. Because you are

theirs, they all accept you. Perdition is their lot. A murderer

is set free in court and awarded cost. Somebody who

prepares charm is spoken well of my men. What do you think

of such a person? Will you not put yourself and your hero in

prayers? All those who are of the world love the people of

the world because they had been prejudged and have no

defense. They have completely perished. I do not say that

they will perish but they have already perished. There is no

salvation for them.

Can you realize how the way of God surpasses human

understanding? It is, said; “Woe unto you, when all men shall

speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false

prophets.” You are theirs that is why they love you. If it were

not so, they would not have loved you. Why do you think that

they love you when you are stealing, drinking, fornicating,

initiating into secret societies, and no truth is found in you?

Can you not realize that you all are children of perdition?

On the other hand, God loves the man of God. The world

does not want to set their eyes on that sort of person. They

will always agitate that he be eliminated.


In time past, you had been saying that in your next

incarnation God should cause everybody to love and love

whatever you do. After this will you think it wise to offer

such prayers again? Will you not beg God to take prayers

aside that you no longer want it the way you formerly did. Do

you remember King Herod who, after he had arrayed himself

in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration

unto them? The people gave a shout, saying; “ It is the voice

of a god, and not of a man.” And immediately the angel of

the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and

he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. That is what

happens to many of us because we are deceivers. You seek

for the praises of men rather than that of God.

You are recommended when you steal. When you fornicate,

or steal, or tell lies, or calumniate, you are held in high

esteem, and you are a president or king to them. But to have

a share in this kingdom of God is to you an illusion. You are

adjudged and proved to be a perished man. When an evil

man rules over a city, the city mourns and is impoverished,

but when a good man rules, there is progress and joy in the

city. The people of the world are fully aware that if a man of

God is at the helm of affairs, that they are finished. What will

a thief eat? What about a prostitute, or murderer or

abominable persons? They will look at the man of God as a

thorn in their flesh and for this reason, they will not

welcome him. But if they chose their brother who is a thief

and murderer, will always vote their person to power.


Brethren, can you not realize that all those whom the world

receive, love, attend to, cloth and feed are the people of the

same stock with them, dressed in the same robe? And the

Holy God has neither part nor lot with such men. It is always

woe unto them. What is said of those whom the world hates?

It is said; “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and

persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you

falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for

great is your reward in heaven.” Now that you are in heaven,

your brother or sister does not love you; your friend and

relations do not love you. The moment you inform them that

you have left Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, they will be

very happy and without asking you, will supply you with

clothings, money and promise to secure employment for you.

Even if you do no other thing, every person around you, will

rejoice at that move. Is that not a sign of perdition? You

have perished with them. They have so behaved because

they have found their brother.

Do you not realize that you cannot satisfy all groups of

people? If you do right, you will please God, and offend the

world. If you please the world, you have annoyed God. Such

being the case, you have to make a choice. When you were a

drunkard, all drunkards were your friends. When you were a

thief, you befriended thieves. When you fornicated, you

associated with fornicators. When you indulged in ideology,


and smoked, and told lies, you had many customers coming

and going.

But right from the time you decided against all those things,

all of them became your enemies. It is not the man who

praises himself that is worthy before God but he whom God

praises is accounted worthy before him. Do not seek the

praise of man.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified as an evildoer. But God

is not an evildoer. But God declares Him as His; “beloved

child.” Who rules today? Is it not our Lord Jesus Christ?

Brethren, it is said a stroke of the cane is sufficient unto the

wise. I do not intend to be tedious unto you. He, who has

ears, let him hear. May God Bless His Holy Words. Amen.