

GOSSIP OF GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTSIList of changes of station end dutlea

of commissioned and noncommissionedoffleari nC the Public Health and Mar-ine H H t I Service for the seven daysended October

C P Tlertanbaker surgeon extensionof leave of absence for sven days fromSeptember X granted Burgeon Wertenhak r amended o as to read for fourday only September 39 13ft-

II W pfcss d assistantDirected to proceed to Stapieton

X Y and report to the medical officerin command tot duty And assignment toquartera upon being relieved from dutyat 4y Island Quarantine SWatkm byPaswl Awistnt Surgeon W A KomSeptember 58 190ft

C H Lavtader ra d assistant sur-geon Directed to proceed to Wilming-ton X C and assume coniwaml ofservice upon the arrival at StapletonN Y of AasfeUnt Surgeon HW WIcMa September 2S tt

W C pulled assistant sur-geon Granted leave of abaeRca for tendays frosts October 1 J9N September27 MM

H A StansAeid paraed assistant sur-geon Relieved from duty at BaltimoreMd and directed to proceed to Ha-vana Cuba reporting to Pajstd As-

sistant KuVyeon R II von Esdorf forduty September 2 W

T W Salmon assistant nargeonGranted leave of absence for a ven daysfrom September 21 MM under para-graph 191 of the regulations

F H McKron astfstant surgeonGrant leave cf absence for one dayOctober 3 MM

J N acting assistantGranted leave of absence for

day September IS 1W8 Septcmhvr 2S-


B W Qotdsborough actmr assIstantsurgeon Granted leave f fortwo days from September 29 19W5

ftrber 27 190SW R Hlrks acting assistant surgeon






sur-geon one













L e ptve Boyd of the Fifth precinctformerly of the Central otBce is one of

the veterans of the department notriuwever In years but in point of ser-

vice having been on the force since 1885

Boyd U also one of the most muscularrrcn In the detective corps and at

war said to be the strongest po-

Iroenwn In th DistrictHis favorite stunt is to sit on a

chair extend both legs and allow twomen to stand on them while extendedU takes a strong chair to stand thestrain and usually two pretty strong-men to keep the chair from iroseitinsBefore he became a detective Boyd was

aallor in Uncle Sams navy and to theufelnmg h received then he attributeshis strength

When 1 was a sailor he said theyhad wooden ships and iron men Nowthey hav Iron nd wooden menI dont mean any reflection on the JackTars of today by that he continuedbut In the oM days things were differ-

ent It was necessary to shinny up

masts and Jo other things thatto make a man strong that the

rlggiwr and equipment of modern ves-

sels have abolished

She Tore Up His Cletnec

A colored man wandered into PoliceHeadquarters the other day and said hewanted to have his wife arrested for de-

stroying personal property belonging to

him and because she refused to get his

What did she destroy he was

It was this way replied the son

of Ham I purchased a new suit theother day and last night was the firsttime I wore it I went out to call on

friends show them my new clothesand had a good time visitingaround that I didnt get home tillbreakfast time I called my wife andasked her te me some breakfastShe wanted to know where I had been

and I told her spending the night withfriends

She was like a thundercloud andwhen she got out or bed pitched intome with her fists and the first thing Iknew my new suit was torn oft She

drove me out of the house and told me

I hadnt any business coming aroundand asking her to get breakfast

Shes my wife Just the same and Ithink any man has a right to have hiswife arrested when she tears up hisclothes and refuse to get breakfast

Want Boy to Claim Pennies-

J A Kemp chief clerk of the Po-

lice Department was walking down Fstreet the other day when he saw anold tobacco bs ft pavement In

front of the Bbbltt HouseHe kicked the pouch one side and

nid so several pennies rolled outMr Kemp picked the bag up andfound that it contained cents un-

doubtedly the capital of some littlenewsboy Several boys were sellingpapers on the corner and Mr Kempasked them if they had lost anythingbut all of them replied in the negativeTh bag of coins was brought down toMr Xeps office where is hopingthe owner will come and claim the copptra

U belonged to some little fellow altright said Mr Kemp and I wouldgive hint an extra quarter if he would

Piads Receipt fer SlaveWhen Lieut Charles T Peek in

charge of the detective office at nightwas visiting his aged mother at Roan-oke Ve a short time ago he found anold receipt for 40 paid by his grandfather in 188 Lieutenant Pecksmother 1 a daughter of the lateNathan Eakin of the wellknown Vir-ginia family of that and once alarge of slaves The receiptwa lot money paid for a womanslave

Houdini Left RioHocdtnl of prisonbreaking fame left

his trademark at Pollee Headquartersin such a manner when be was here ayear age that It will be a long time be-fore the men of the Central Office forgethim

During the Chicago Worlds Fair oneof the det Mtives of the local force wasassigned to duty there and was pre-sented with an exceptionally strong and



8r ratasked








and get the






come 1C cents












Granted leave of Absence for tn dayfrom September 1WW SeptemberMM

McDonald Watkins acting assistantsurgeon Granted leave of abanc forom day October X Mttt

G C Allen pharmacist Leave ofateence granted Pharmacist Allen fortwentythree days front August 4 IMC

amended to red twentythree dayfrom August 5 Steptemfctr MW

Appointments Announced

or Priench Simpson of T xas romntlarioned recess as assistant surgeonPublic Health find Marine Hospital Ser-vice October 1

Dr Robert A Herrng of Misuittripnicommissioned recess s fcasivtant sur-geon Public Health and Marine Hos-pital fiervlre October 1 JWJ

Boards ConvenedBoards of medical afrtcers were con-

vened to meet October i S forti purpose of making physical examnations of appli nts for cadatthip inthe Revenue Cutter Service at th trtlowing natnod places Washington DC Assistant Surgeon General J W-

Kcrr chairman Assistant Surgeon J-

AY Trask recorder Botrt n MassSurgeon R M chairmanPassed Assistant Surgeon A B Warrenrecorder New York N Y AauKnntSurgeon J S Boggess chaiirwii Acting Assistant Surgeon R Ivnowles rectrder Philadelphia Pa Surgeon JM Gassaway chairman Aasistart Sur-geon IL McG Robertson recorder Bal-timore Md Surgeon L L illlains-chalrn sn Acting slant Surgeonrecorder Chicago Ill Surgeon O BYoung chairman Aainta t Surgeon KT OI Mi i Hsor ier Detroit Mfeh Sur

Fairfax Irwm chalrnvin Assis-tant Surjfe n R A C Wolfnl crKt recorder


tiN 25


un 11

Pool ward













lfmoDf thtfoticcmeuc-o

handsome pair of handcuffs by on othe largest manufacturers in the countryWhen

Houdini visited Police Head-quarters these cuffs were put on himAfter working for ten minutes he man-aged to free himself the cuffs fallingfrom his wrists unlocked while the de-tective marveled at the performance

The next time detective had oc-

casion to use them was at springmeeting at track He was Inthe paddocks showing the to anumber of Jockeys and trainers whenone of them exclaimed I wouldnt letyou put those things on me

You wouldnt replied the detectiveand slipped them on the Jockeys wrist

When he tried to unlock them thecatch refused to work and the jockthad to be taken o Police Headquarterswith his wrists fastened together andthere they were tiled oft Fortunatelythe Jockey took th whole matter as aJoke

In getting the cuffs off Houdini haddone something to the lock that madethem absolutely worthless for practicaluse He admitted however tec t theywere one of the hardest pair lie hadever tackled

SHORT PARAGRAPHS OF INTERESTBeaumont and Fletcher were the tint

to collaborate plays in English literature

Germany has 283517 persons employedin its postal eeryice a larger numberthen any other country has

On reason why colonization by Latinraces has been so successful ia thatthey intermarry with the natives

The Colorado fox runs faster thanany other living animal and the chee-tah or hunting leopard holds secondplaceForbidden

a familiar wordabroad In Italy it Is vietato inGermany verboten or more politelyuntersagt and In France defenduThe Swiss ar hotel keepers of

Europe Various Swiss syndicates arerunning civilized hotels in all the placeswhere the multitude go

Probably the owner of the largestnumber of dogs in the world is a Rus-sian cattle king who has 35000 shepherd

to look after 1GMOMFerdinand who wiil succeed

the Austrian Emperor is credited withthe assertion that Hungary needs to bereconquered at least once in every cen-tury

KANSAS GIRLSMost of the girls of the young dancing

set will not go to dances with a townboy because they say he has no particular choice but takes the phone bookbegins at A and goes down the list tillhe gets a girl By comparing notethey decided he does this and areespecially sure because he always comesto the dances with girls whose lastnames begin vrh a V or a W

When a goodlooking woman who is astranger goes into a furniture store thetown boys who are following at a safedistance up in despair Women areinterested In furniture at only one stagsin the game

Bmporia are getting awfully independent A boy with a new fraternitypin has been here two months and no

irl has pursued him openly Emporia


editor of this dinky paper wishessometimes he were rich No we onlywish we were rich for about a week

Just long enough to teach some rich peo-

ple we know how to act toward lessfortunate fortunate In thematter of worldly possessions we meanAs a matter of fact Inordinately richpeoplethe majority of themhave no

some man who has struck It rich orwoman who has married to a bunch ofmoney It us Infinite pain to wit-ness the nauseating airs of these toadswith the dollarmark sticking all overthem Gee whiz it makes us riled tohave some pureoproud monkey without brams enough to carry breakfast toa sick bear put on airsaround us Kansan


An artrt named M Costa known asThe Man with Revolving Head

examined at a meeting of theGerman Medical Society at Prague Heturned his head around naturally asfar as the shoulder anti then twisted itfarther with his hands until he lookeddirectly backward with his chin abovethe line of the spine









at This is true of

thbaS been

















Supt W A McFarland of the District Water Department has evolvedwhet is regarded as the most remarkable curd index system In InGovernment departments FederalDistrict It took that energetic superInteudent and his force six yearswork It out and It cost 8000 To soythen that he guards it with a jealouseye expresses but mildly the warmth olhis affection for official dopsheet to the parlance ofgambler

This cud index system laa method of accurately recordingfoot of pipe la the District water sarvice some 4M mites In all While ittrue that nearly all of tho workmen con-

nected with Superintendent McFarlends department carry In their mindseye the location of these various pipe

yet in the event of a green handbeing sent out to make repairs andnot knowing exactly where to go thtatracing system ie simply invaluableWhenever a break or a leak In the sys-tem Is reported no matter how Insig-nificant the workman sent to repair Ithas only to refer to this Index to findhis exact destination without untiHe-esary delay The card Index Is so ar-

ranged that the city is divided into dis-

tricts each district having a certainnumber of cards to record the story ofIta pipe lines and water mains Kachsection of pipe has a number to correspond with one in the index togetherwith a description of the pipe the vol-

ume of water It carries end its exactlocation It may be plainly seen thenthat in ease of a break anywhere alongthe line it but a few minutes tohave a gang of workmen on the sconethe street torn up and the section ofpipe repaired in a Jiffy The wholescheme is right In line with whet Super-intendent McFsrland thinks is ataB-jluteiy essential In straightening out theIntricacies of a busy department sys-

tematized laborOne of Superintendent McFarlands

friends the other day facetiously sug-gested that the Standard Oil managersshould know about this card systemThen It was pointed out Mr R wouldknow Just where to boost the price ofoil at any time of the day or nightby simply pressing a button

Captain Kellys Work in FriscoCaptain William Kelly who has re-

cently been appointed to succeed CaptChester A Harding as Engineer Com-

missioner Biddies assistant Is perhapsthe youngest army oflkxr to have occu-pied title important post lie wilt betwentynine years old coming

Graduating from West Point in18M second in a large class his recordhas since been one of rapid nHe was assigned to the Engineer CorpsIn the Philippine Islands and underCol John Blddle who was at that timeqhief engineer officer did much Roodwork in building the roads over whichthe American troops were transportedin suppressing the Insurrection Return-Ing to San Francisco two years later itfell to bin lot to one of the trot tncome to Mayor Schmidtxs aid Jn bring-ing order out of chaos at the fireriddenGolden Gate City

Captain Kelly was on dity at FortMason on the morning of the earth-quake Seeing tires breaking out in altsections of the city he Q ilckly calledhis company together and at once communicated with General Funston As ithappened he did this when others w

alert to the danger and thereforewas in command of the first companyto dj patrol duty in the fire aone Itwas that he showed himself to bea cool courageous and resourceful offi-

cer winning warm words of commenda-tion from his chief and from MayorSchmidts

Captain Kelly is disposed to considerlightly importance of his service onthat occasion but he confesses that hewould rather have been on a Philippinefiringline than holding back thosepanicstricken San Franciscans on themorning of the great tire

Darneilles Mexican BonanzaSince lila return from Mexico with

Commissioner West AssessorDarnellle has beenquests to sell Mexican

bonanza mine but the ground llooris likely to be overcrowded In otherwords hidden wealth of theas Assessor Darneille refers to ithe wishes his audience to grow tearfully regretful that they were not allowed-to get in will remain the meal ticketof a select coterie which refuses toloosen up

When not referring to miningMexiean in particularnellie waxes eloquent in the cause ofthe much abused American consulGen W W Canada who Holds dwnthe American consular at VeraCrux he says is a model representa-tive whose courtesy to the traveler inMexican parts is unfailing and suchas to have won him the affection andrespect of the Americans and Mexicanstouching at that port During theirrecent brief stay at Vera Cruz MrDarneille says the members of hispartyconststing of Commissioner WestCol William S Odcll Joseph Moyrr and himself were given the gladhand of welcome by General Canadawh went tar out of his ordinary rontine to lighten the burdens of the trav-elers He made them all feel Mr Darnellie says as though the ofbrotherhood after allthe world

As mementos of the trip AssessorDarneille brought back some specimensof gold quartz which look like thesimon pure stuff It has sug-gested that he have the gold intotwo to be used as scarf pinson x and the other for hischief and fellowtravelor Commission-er Went and this will probably belone

PersonalFred C Le for some time connected

with the Electrical Department hasbeen promoted to be assistant to DanielB Garges Engineer Commissioner Bid

secretary Mr Lee succeeds DrH Littlepage who recently resigned

to enter the practice of medicine As-sistant Secretary Lees new duties willbe the preparation of official papers andcorrespondence with the En-gineer Departmen-

tj W Peed of Auditor Garrisons staffwas recently tendered the position ofassistant clerk of the District SupremeCourt but has decided to remain in hispresent Berth Mr Peed la regarded asone of the most expert bookkeepers inthe auditors office

Capt Jay J Morrow assistant to EnCommissioner Diddle returned

yesterday from Lake Placid N Twhere spent a pleasant vacation withhis brother Captain Morrow looksbrown and ruddy as result of frequent hillclimbing expeditions throughthe Adirondacks

Use theor


use the







the Jan-uary


















Thsid 1diivI-I


































many interesting adventures of Donde Mosnutta governor or

Spanish settlement In SouthAmericathe picturesque sixteenth century MrDe Angells as the governor returns

more to the oldtime style of comicopera character which made himprime favorite among t eatergoentwenty years ago Mr De Angellsnot seam to believe In wasting energyin what IH known as trial perform-ances but brings the new piece to the

first nlgntersIn the support of the star are such

wellknown stage people ax MISS KntelhWentworth who has responsiblefor more one Broadway successMiss Maude Lakley Mlse LillianRhoade Richie Ling and H VogelIs said that Mr De Angelis personallyselected every member of thechorus and that will meanthey are vocally equipped for their workas well a being up to the requirementsIn the matter of personal grace andbeauty There is a company of overseventyfive people and twentyfive bigwang hits are promised

During the engagement of The Girland the Governor at the New Na-

tional there matinees both Wednesday and Saturday

Belasco Mrs Temples TelegramMrs Temples Telegram a drama

tlaed laugh in three acts whichsuch a decided hit at Madison SquareTheater New York and Powers

Chicago will be the attractionthe Belaaeo Theater week commencingMonday October S Wednesday and Sat-urday matinees

This noted comedy is said to be theone survival of Charleys AuntJane and The Private Secretary-

It a rollicking as a Hot farce andby the way includes in the caatof play-ers an old Hoyt Interpreter HarryConor It tilled with clean wholesome fun generally supplied with acause for hearty Laughter end yet notwanting that cleverness which appealsto the intelligence and f theaudience The story of Mrs TemplesTelegram Is that of a marriedwho having been caught high in air laa Ferris wheel the machinery of whichwas broken Is kept there all nightReturning hom In the morning he en-

deavors to tell his wife the truth aboutth matter but she does not believehim so he resorts to a lie instead Itis the apparently innocent subterfugethat Involves husband wife and friends-in all sorts of complications which keepsthe audience In one continual rear oflaughter from the time the curtain risesto the final scene Among the moreprominent members of cast may bmentioned Harry Conor and Miss Sadie

who has been starred in suchwellknown New York sueceaeefi asTIff Pall Pouf Last Marriage

Turtle Diplomacy and DrBill

C l mWa MTbe Clansman

Tomas Dixon jrs widely discussedDuty The Clansman will be the at-traction at the Columbia Theater forthe week beginning Monday October 8with matinees Thursday and Saturday

Mr Dlxons play is anything but con-

ventional it strikes out on now linesfront beginning to end the interest ofthe audtenve la sustained at the highestpitch and the climaxes are Intenselythrilling

One of the most Interesting featuresof this play is the large number of

characters portrayed It has beenclaimed that the play is a bitter attackon the negro race A careful observa-tion will point out that such Is not thecase The play shows live distinct typesof the negro One the captain t t theguard lo of course a negro brute andbeast SMlrs Lynch lieutenant gov-ernor of South Carolina Is an educatedmulatto a man of ability and one whoshould have done something toward the

of his own race but misledby the false protestations of Northernfanatics he falls late ruin and disgracesimply because he has deserted his owncolor Mock the old sheriff Is also fora time misguided but as soon as hecome in contact with the mysteriousKu Klux Klan he repents of his misdeeds and from that time Is a good reliable and respected negro Nelse andEve th old family servants true andfaithful to their old master are types ofthe best development of the coloredrace They are liked by everybody andtheir mate sense o humor makes theirappearance on the stage doubly delight-

ful It will thus be seen that no playhas ever before so completely shown on

stage the various phases of thenegro character

Majestf Anna Day in When Knightheed Was in Flewer

It la not surprising that Anna Daywho appears at the Majestic Theatrethe week commencing Monday October-S with the usual matinees on MondayWednesday and SaturdayS should nowbe announced as Princess Mary

the winsome heroine f CharlesMajors beautiful novel When Knighthood Was in Flower Her triumphantcareer Is absolute proof that wom-

an known to tho drama Is within thescope of her wonderful dramatic abU

ity and finely studied art In thecharm of her own personality in herbeauty and In the glory of her greateyes one might also imagine CharlesMajors willful and lovable heroine tohave stepped from the pages of romancenn the actuality of the stage Like thefascinating creature she Impersonates-she Is gifted with the power to movewith her tears and to cheer with hermerry pranks Beauty of face andfigure a most fascinating presence eyesthat beam with gentleness or flashwith the fires of great emotion a beau-

tiful voice that soothes with Its softnessor thrills with passionate utteranceswinsomeness and the demeanor of agentlewoman and you have Anna Daythe Mary Tudor of Romance

The Interest dues not center whollyabout the actress Miss Day but Is divided partly with her play dramatizedfrom Charles Majors beautiful novelby Paul Kester The entire story as it

Is In the book te told In the play andyet while Mr Kester has preserved allthe charm and atmosphere of the novelhe has successfully avoided making hisdrama too discursive

In choosing the supporting castErnest Shlpinan has spared neithertime pains nor expense AlfredSwenson who is seen as the heroiclover Charles Brandon is one of theyoungest recognized leading men In thecountry At one time In Ute support ofthe late Joseph Haworth in Corlantaso successful was his he af-

terward playing the title roleOgden Stevens who is seen as bluffKing Hal has been associated with





tide that

will beI













Vork that































the leading of v the past t oadeBnMMB Lori Palmer proves herselfa rjosi capable and pleasing artist

Famous Orpheum ShewThe fstmeus Show

noted as the finest traveling polite vaudvilla organisation in existencemake lie periodical appearanceChases this week It 1s stated bymanagement that tho olferiuc thisson Is the roost varied and brilliant everKatltere the company Theattraction is the enigmatic and sensetonal creation called Menetekcl itescribed a tire mystic bell or mysteryof mysteries It ia hosed uponhistoric Scriptural scene of the Bac-chanalian banquet at BetohaaaarChaHmm ICing at which appeared thmiraculous writing of the Hebrewsis presented by Prtf and MadamBerotkonorah who are eminent Ii

occult circles It fcpp erBIH nothing nore than a hug tablet opaper suspended above the theaterstage Upon this a small black ball I

dared and adhering without the Intervent km of any human agency the ballwrites upon the tablet whatever it Ibidden by the audience How thistall entirely detached frcm the tabletran obey whispered commends frontdistant audience jfasaes comprehensionThat it is actually done In Menetekelcannot be disputed in view f the sonfration the mystic ball bias stirredEurope and also in this com try as

It has o en seen The second extraordinary offering wilt be dainty Neva

and The RainDears thethat was the biggest hit of the Justtone York roofgarden seasonOther attractive features for nextare Walter f Kelly in a new dovkof court cases for his hilarous specialtyThe Virginia Judge Ute four Night

one Olympian poseurs Jessiewonder monkey Claude andTuher in their slang classic urd Workand Ower in European etcentriqutacrobatics

Academy Barney GlJnwe ia A RackRod te DabliH

Daniel L Harts latest comedy dramaA Rocky Road to Dublin will be the

offering at the Academy all this weekThe name of the might mttg tmtslapsticks and rough and tumble com-edy but there Is nothing of the kindin A Rocky Road to Dublin Insteadthere la a coherent interesting story

well written dialogue and ablydrawn character studies to please theintelligent Irish There isnt a evictioninformer cruel English lanllord or English soldier in the entire play There isan Englishman however a cunninggambler who for a succeeds ingetting the hero and the brother or hisblondhaired sweetheart into a series ofsomewhat equivocal positions Of coursethe villain gets confounded in the lastact the characters of the wrongfullysuspected young men are reestablishedand three sets of lovers prepare toJourney to church to get married

Barney Gilmore as the hero Robertflaky has a very congenial role Hesings capitally plays the harp artisti-cally acts with a nice appreciation ofready Irish wit and looks every inchthe young Irish gentleman Frank I avarnle as the American Williamtenon Lets th part a if he thoroughlyenjoyed doing so Ctoorg Hatsell asthe scheming Englishman Is nicelysuited John D OriSon a fine old actoris fitted Hke a glove in the role of PhillipODonnell the old Jarvie Others inthe cast are Will Long Isis MaynaraMien SMrley Leslie LaaeurGreen Mollie Morose Virginia MurrayMajor Laird and Patrick Touey Areal Irish Jaunting ear a genuine harpand Irirh bagpipes and a realistic Irishpicnic are some of the attractive fea-tures in A Rocky Road to Dublin

Lyceum The Fay Foster CwapanyThe New Lyceum Theater will pre-

sent to its patrons during the comingweek commencing tomorrow matineethe Fay Poster Company under themanagement of Joe Oppenheimercompany during past seasons hasmet with moat flattering success in thelending burlesque houses throughoutthe country but this season It is betterthan ever It Mme with new artistsnew Ideas and new so thatspice of novelty is added to the cornpanys established reputation A fes-tival of rIm beauty and scenic splen-dor is promised Doall or ia MerryOld England in the UM of the open-ing part and The Seaside Hotelbrings the performance to a close

Columbia Teaight The British HussarBand

The management of the ColumbiaTheater announces that tonight LieutH G Amen and his British HussarBend of Northumberland England willgive a grand concert This is a musicalorganization which stands high in EnglAnd Lieutenant Amers is a young oflic ir of the Northumberland Hussarsoften referred to aa the swagger regiment of that country He is only twentysix years old but has for a numberof years been the headmaster of theregiment succeeding to this positionupon the death of his father who heldthe position for many years

In England the younger Asters holdsmuch the same position that Sousa doesin this country Unlike any other for-eign organisation the British HussarBand has been able to tour throughoutthe Important cities of the ContinentFor two successive seasons they havemade regular concert tours throughGermanY France Scotland and WalesThe band forty players andseveral soloists For the engagementtonight at the Columbia Miss edithSerpell who Is said to poss g a reallybeautiful soprano voice will be the spaeial soloist Miss Serpell has long beenassociated with the worldrenowned StJames Hall and Queens Hall concertsLondon

The concert this evening will beginpromptly at

Majestic Concert

The Majestic Theater tonight willrive one of the best concerts of the

Besides Mlle Brothers latestAmerican European moving pit

Mr Mayer has arranged a wryattractive vaudeville bill The prices

the entire baloony and onehalf oflower floor will be 25 cents

seats 60 cents

Academy Tonight Shepards Moving

PicturesArchie L Shepards wellknown mov

picture exhibition will be offered atthe Academy tonight and every Sundayevening hereafter throughout the

This is well known to be an exeptionally clever entertainment and

ChasesTheO pheum long










Aymar act







face the





forthe Or-



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the attraction has met with greatUi Washington for UM PMt tyroA complete change ofoffered each Sunday eveningprices will prevail

Coming Attractions

national Francis Wilson in The

Mountain Climber-

Francis Wilson one of the besj knownAmerican comedians will presentlatest success The Mountain Climberat the New National Theater next weekThis is an interesting and amusing comedv that affords Mr WHson all the op-

portunity possible for his wellknowquaint methods This piece was aecorded a splendid reception duringpresentation at Criterion TheaterNew Tor last spring and was

one of best comedyof the entire Season Chari-

Frohman provided a magnlftceastage setting and an exceptIonallYstrong company among which are suchwellknown players aa Mis May RobaonMUM Ellen Mortimer Joseph Brennenand Sidney Rice

Columbia First PerformanceMadam Butterfly

Next Monday night October IiW Savage will present at the ColumbTheater for the first time on any stageIn English the new Japanese opera

Madam Butterfly which is thework of Puccini the composer

Tosca and La Bonome and found-ed on the works of John Luther IAnand David Belasco During thesight performances of the opera willgiven and this tAd coupled withexacting nature of the score neceks-itates complete sets of prima donnasand conductors Mr Savage willto Washington for the opera an orchest ra of sixty musicians The sale otickets will open next Thursday Octoher 11 and reservations accompaniedby chocks or money order are now betea ISleS st the box office in the orderin which they are received

BeUaca Lip mas and in

Clara Lipman who has been beforethe public for years as a comedienneand who lint attracted attention athe laughing girt and has since beenidentified with some of the biggestmusical and dramatic successes Is nov-

a fullHedged authoress Her maideneffort at playwrltinn was Julie

the comedy in which Miss Lipmanand Louis Mann her husband achieveso signal a triumph last season Duringthe summer months Miss Lipmanenjoyed her vacation writingcomedy which has been accepted by

Shubert under whose directionMiss Llpman and Mr Mann are star-ring and it will be produced this sea-son Miss Lipman and Mr Mannbe seen In this city next week atBelasco

Chases The Lady and the CabbyClayton White and the Merle

Company win present for the firstthis city next week at Chases their

oneact album oi New York snapentitled The Lady and the CabbyJohn Hyams and Leila Mcintyre tV

Broadway favorites late ofsad the Beast wilt give their deleetabiy dainty Two Hundred Wives

Brun Grand Opera Trio will be anappreciated offering In the grand scenefrom Trovatore Other strong attrac-tions round out a fret class bill

Majastie A Square Deal

The attraction at the Majestic Theaterfor the week commencing with a carna-tion matinee Monday October 15 willbe A Square Deal with Otis BThayer and a strong cast The authorEdward B Rose has written a playaround President Roosevelts utterance-of

Acadeay Gutters Last FightThe coming of the great scenic a

historical sensation CustersFight which will be seen at the Acedemy week of October 15 should arousethe greatest interest among theater-goers and the public at large NoIn the history of the United Statesbeen discussed as fully as thisstruggle with the redskins and no sol-

dier ever showed the courage and loy-

alty that the famous general showedwhen with his little band of heroeshe tried to overcome oddsagainst him and carry out the com-

mands of his superiors

Celxmbia Dust an Farmim IR TheVirginias

Most of us are familiar with the man-ner in which tragedians and emotionalactors can bring forth tears at will butfew actors possess that particular abil-ity One who Is fortunate enough to beable to portray realistically a man intears is Dustin Farmim who will beseen at the Columbia Theater the weekof October 22 In the great third act ofThe Virginian Mr Farnum has an

lntenly affecting scene where he partswith Steve His old partner has bencaught with the cattle thieves and iaabout to met his fate The Virginianis face to face with the vivid reality ofit all and there is no woman in tears toadd to the intensity of the scene MrFarnums grief is real and manly andthe manner In which he ends the

of the most vivid pieces f actingever seen on the American stage

The Washington College of Music Con-

cert SeriesThe public sale for the Washington

College of Music concert series opens tomorrow morning and the subscriptionlist for this series has been very largeas was anticipated at the time the con-

certs were inaugurated These concertswill be given consecutively In the Na-

tional and Columbia Theaters exceptingthe organ recital Mr Priest on Octo-ber K which will be given in St PaulsChurch Nordlca Mm SchumannHelnV Rosenthal and Gertrude Peppercorn wflt appear at the National Thea-ter the other nine concerts wilt be givenin the Columbia Theater Anybody buylug a season ticket for the fourteen

can secure the same reserved seatfor th nine concerts in the ColumbiaTheater and the same roservcxl seat forthe four concerts in the National Theater

Among the many musical attractionsoffered this season in Washington tnereare none that appeal to the public asthis particular series does There are noartists that are bettor known than Nordice SchumannHeink Rosenthal andPeppercorn and the local artists whowill take part In the series stand at thehead of in their chosen linesThe possibility of hearing such a series




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of concerts for le eeajs an afternoon Istut entirely new venture in this city and

renvUne to be seen whether it hasben the prices 4n the that have

to fill the theaters when thesegreet artists have been brought here orwh Washington not suflkiently-musics to appreciate u h artists

offering such a series of concerts atsuch prices demonstrates thfcrepeated statement made by MrWrightson under whose direction thisseries of concerts will be given that heintended to make it possible for otherstudents who csc to city whetherconnected with his institution or not tobear the greatest artists in the worldat prices within their reach Civic prideshould prompt every true lover of musicto take an active interest in this ven-ture and it Is a foregone conclusionthat should be a success thisyear a UD greater effort on thpart of the manager wIll b mad irxtseason

The public sale open tomorrow at TArthur Smiths in Sanders staymans 1S27 F street northwest

Leoneavalle at the NationalLeoncavallo who has Just

arrived la this country to conduct abrief tour with the orchestra of LaScala under the direction of CortKronberg is a man big with potentialityAlthough still a young man he haswritten five operas The best knownof these as Pagttaeei the opera whosephenomenal success overshadowed thepopularity of the wellknown Cavalleria-Rusticana Zasa and La Bohemefollow closely in the public favor andnow there is the Roland von Berlin-a work written at the suggestion of theKaiser and dedicated to him

The most ambitious work of Leonca-vallos and perhaps the least known inAmerica te II Medici which is thefirst part of a trilogy dealing with theItalian Renaissance

When it is remembered that Leoncavallo is a countryman of Verdis andthat he too may develop a range asgreat as that master an idea of thepossibilities that lie before the youngcomposer can be easily conceived

Leoncavallo will appear In this cit y atthe New National Theater on the after-noon of November 30 at which limethe Washington Choral Society will singone of his choruses This going tobe one of the biggest musical eventsof the season

Subscription for seats can be fliedwith T Arthur Smith in SandersStaymanH 13S F street northwest

THE HOT BLOOD OF YOUTHwere 1 couple of old 4era

down in Tombstone A

tourist the other day who wer greafriends One of them was eighty yenrsold and the other eightyon Th y wrtaking their morning toddy one day rlfelt into a disagreement over theof some pioneer occurrence Eaih WH

Insistent upon his recollection rrit and finally they got Into a regiuquarrel Backing away from the LTthey drew their guns and blazed aat each other but their sight was s dimand their hands so unsteady U

the bullets wont wide When their gurwere emptied the barkeep emerged frombeneath the counter and th mshake hands and make up Thepaper the Epitaph in describing ihoccurrence treated It in an indulgentvein and closed by saying Well boyswilt be boys Duluth NewsTribune


e the other day said Mrs Newliwed severely

What was the matter withii tTwT the grocer

It tough My husband almplrwouldnt eat the biscuits I made withit Philadeiphi aLedger

5he KNABEThe PIANOthat appeals teartists andamateursa UM perfection

C pianoforteeoaeinctlotiXe-A s iU8 iaperfect combinationof pianoand Beltplayingmechanism

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CONGRESSIONAL COFFEEThe Weal quality for the home

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Main Store Cor 7th and E nxBranches In alt parts of the cty

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