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The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

The Voice Volume : 16 Number : 9 Month : September 2016

The first day of September is celebrated as the Ecclesiastical or

Church New Year by Orthodox Christians. It is also a day marked by

prayers for the environment, reminding us to be good stewards of

the world around us.

So This is the New Year?

The old Roman term for this day is Indictio, meaning “definition” or “order.” This was a day established as the beginning of a fifteen year cycle, marking the redefinition of tax obligations for Roman citizens (especially since Roman soldiers served fifteen-year terms), likely from the time of Caesar Augustus.

One of the Emperor St. Justinian’s novellas (AD 537) decreed that all official documents of the Empire should include the indiction reference. When attempting to date manuscripts from this era, it can be helpful to know the year of the indiction (1–15), as exact dates or years are less commonly found. And when a date is found, it usually corresponds to Anno Mundi or “the year of the world” since the date of Creation.

Anno Mundi (AM) served as the beginning point for calendars until the modern era in many parts of the world, and is still a liturgical point of reference for both modern Judaism and Christians. (Jews also mark the New Year in September, but on a floating date.)

The date of the creation of the world—as discerned by a literal reading of the Patriarchal histories of the Greek Septuagint—was determined to be around 5500 BC on our modern calendar, with variations here and there. On the Julian calendar, the date of creation was said to be September 1, 5509 (BC), with the birth of Jesus Christ taking place in 5509 AM–that is, 5,509 years from the foundation of the world.

In 1597, Patriarch Theophanes I Karykes of Constantinople first utilized a date based on theChristian Era. Instead of marking dates based on the foundation of the world, the Incarnation of Jesus Christ became the crux of human history—and thus the distinction between BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini or “in the year of our Lord”).

This became official in Constantinople in 1728 and in Russia (by Peter the Great) in 1700, with the Julian calendar still serving as the underlying reckoning of days and months.

While the Anno Mundi calendar is no longer mainstream (or part of the civil calendars of predominately Orthodox nations), it still serves as the basis of our liturgical calendar.

Why Orthodox Christians Celebrate

The New Year On The First Of September

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THE VOICETHE VOICE September 2016September 2016

Harvest, Thanksgiving, and Sowing

By marking the start of a new year in September, the Empire—and later, the Orthodox Church—was associating the new year with harvesting crops. As preparations for winter were being made, so too were preparations for the upcoming year. For Christians, it was a time of thanksgiving, remembering the good weather and abundant rain the Lord provided for that year’s harvest—something we pray for at every Divine Liturgy.

This draws close parallels with the Feast of Trumpets for the pre-Incarnation people of God (Lev. 23:23–25):

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘The seventh month, on the first of the month, rest will be yours, a memorial of trumpets; it will be a holy assembly to you. You will not perform any servile

work, and you will bring a whole burnt offering to the Lord.’”

As the Synaxarion notes, this was also the day Christ entered a synagogue and read from the scroll of Isaiah (cf. Luke 4:16–30).

By marking the New Year at harvest time, we remind ourselves annually of our dependence on both hard work and the bless-ings of God. Going beyond material blessings and healthy crops, this applied (as do many of our hymns) to Imperial concerns, including prayers for protection from our enemies:

Creator of the universe, setting times and seasons by Your sole authority, bless the cycle of the year of Your grace, O Lord, guarding our rulers and Your nation in peace, at the intercession of the Theotokos, and save us.

Apolytikion (Second Tone)

You who created all things in Your infinite wisdom, and set the times by Your own authority, grant Your Christian people victories. Blessing our comings and goings throughout this year, guide our works according to Your divine will.

—Kontakion (Fourth Tone)

And if one considers the increasing natural disasters, droughts, floods, wildfires (especially here in the Pacific Northwest), hur-ricanes, and famines, we should be all the more mindful in this modern era of technology and abundance to pray for such things—not less so.

We have not engineered our way out of dependence on God. If anything, the more our abilities increase, the more we have shown need for God’s favor and mercy.

Ecological Stewardship

And that leads to my final point: the Ecclesiastical New Year is now a day marked by prayers for the care of the environment.

Patriarch Demetrios of Constantinople issued an encyclical on the environment in 1989, calling all Orthodox Christians to both pray for and protect the world around us. His encyclical also established September 1—the beginning of the new Church year—as “a day of prayer for the protection of the environment” for the Ecumenical Patriarchate, something adopted soon after by the rest of the canonical Orthodox churches. (The Vatican has recently followed suit.)

Since his elevation to Ecumenical Patriarch, an encyclical has been issued each year on September 1 by Patriarch Bartholo-mew on the environment. Bartholomew is affectionately known as “the Green Patriarch,” and he often speaks on an interna-tional stage regarding the protection of Creation.

And this all makes perfect sense.

The beginning of the New Year was for centuries a commemoration of the foundation of the world (Anno Mundi). It is a day for giving thanks to God for plentiful harvest. It is a day that recognizes God’s protection over and providence for the world, along with our responsibility and stewardship towards the same.

This all goes back naturally to the story of Creation itself, and a story where mankind—represented by Adam and Eve—is given the awesome responsibility of caring for every living creature. A restoration of peace between mankind and the created

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THE VOICETHE VOICE September 2016September 2016

Inside this Issue:

The Ecclesiastical New Year ............. 1

Capital Campaign.............................. 3

Building Renovation Donors............. 4

Transitions........................................ 5

AHEPA/DOP Mixer............................ 5

Fr. Bill’s Retirement Dinner.............. 6

President’s Message......................... 7

Memorial Service Arrangements...... 7

Church Organizations ...................... 8

HC/HC Reception ............................. 9

Youth Ministries............................... 9

Stewardship Report.......................... 10

Stewardship Message....................... 10

Stewardship List .............................. 11

Parish Calendar ............................... 14

Parish Announcement ..................... 14

Church Information ......................... 15

Church Community Picnic................. 16

Building Renovation Capital Campaign

Fundraising Goal – $644,000

Amount Pledged – $216,008 – 34% of Goal

Pledged Families & Businesses – 151

If you have not yet made a commitment, please consider doing so.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

order lies at the heart of redemption and deification, and that is ultimately what the Ecclesiastical New Year is all about.


As I’ve mentioned in other articles, our Church Year begins and ends with the life of Mary. The Nativity of Mary is the first Great Feast of the year, while her Dormition or “falling asleep” is the last.

In this cycle we see the Incarnation of the God-Man Jesus Christ at the heart of our story as God’s people. And in between those two reference points we have this feast that could, at first glance, seem a peculiar or even irrelevant holdover from the Ro-man Empire. Rather, the Ecclesiastical New Year serves as the crux for our entire litur-gical life each and every year.

We say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. We give thanks for what the Lord has done, and petition his loving-kindness and protection for the days yet to come. We take a moment to consider our impact on the world around us, and whether our actions proceed from hearts of selfishness or hearts of compassion.

This is a feast day that points to the very core of Christ’s message of true, Christian spirituality: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Prayers for blessings seen and unseen, fasting for the sake of the world and our own mortification, and almsgiving for the care of others. Self-sacrifice and promise, beauty and self-restraint.

So pop open a bottle of champagne and bring your petitions to the Lord. It’s the start of a new year.

(From the Internet Blog “On Behalf of All”)

Name _______________________________________ My Sponsorship Level

Address______________________________________ ___ $500 ___ $1,000 ___ $2,500 ___ $5,000

Phone No. ____________________________________ ___ $10,000 ___ $25,000 ___ $50,000 ___ $100,000

I will fulfill my pledge: ___ Other ___________

___ Pay entire pledge in 2016. ___ Pay quarterly over 2 years. ___ Pay annually over 3 years. ___ Pay annually over 5 years.

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THE VOICETHE VOICE September 2016September 2016

Aamodt, Peter & Karen Agios Demetrios Association Andrews, Evan & Terry Anonymous Donors Antoniades, Tracey L. Apostolides, Vasso A. Arvanetes, Gregory & Sandra Assaley, Lewis & Patricia Barnhart, Thomas & Sylvia Bates, Justin Beish, Andrew Beish, Karen Beltsos, Melissa Beltsos, Paul & Jeanna Beltsos, Sam & Esmine Beltsos, Steven & Kanda Betas, Dimitrios Betas, Maria Bikas, George M. & Anna Brown, William & George-Ann Burton, Matthew D. & Kathy Caneris, Anthony & Antoinette Caneris, Dr. Onassis A. Carumpalos, Constantine Cassis, Eli & Christine Cassis, Fr. William R. & Presvytera Anastasia Christman, Carl & Becky Christoforidis, Alexander & Jennifer Chryssovergis, Chris & Cara Claffie, Sean & Angela Colak, Tony & Joan Colyer, Jeff & Laura Condorodis, Anestis J. & Janeen D. Edgington, Paul & Mary Lou Elias, Nicholas Fekkos, Haralambos & Loella Ann Fielden, Brad & Tricia Francis, Dean & Kathy Furkas, Lisa Gaier, Jeffrey & Chris Anne Gaskins, Mark & Kristin Gelis, James & Kathy Geromes, Alexander Greene, David & Maria Gregory, Matula Gregory, Thomas & Pamela Gregory, Victoria Haralamos, George & Eleni Haralamos, Mike G. & Akrivi Hodson, Thomas Iatrides, Steve & Christina Kutsubu

Johnson, John & Antigone Jonson, Alexander & Ann Jonson, George N. & Sophia Kahle, John & Nickie Kalemanis, Gary & Maria Kaniaris, John & Idalia Karampas, George & Diane Karas, Bill J. & Lynn Karras, Giorgio & Erene Kasprzycki, Peter & Edyta Kehayes, Peggy Kehayes, William & Melissa Kellaris, Dr. James & Janice Kevin, Patrick & Diane Kladakis, John & Teddi Kladakis, William Kontopos, Pete & Katerina Kontopos, Vagelis & Amanda Kranias, George & Litsa Lambrinides, Helen Lambrinides, Ted & Kimberly Landers, Lauren Lazares, Gus J. Leon, Gus A. & Kathryn Liston, Robert & Eleni Loukoumidis, George & Stacey Lysko, Bob & Stacy Makrozahopoulos, Dimitrios & Joanna Maris, George & Tricia Masella, Ron & Christine Mavridoglou, George & Penny Mavridoglou, Nicholas & Jessica Menkhaus, David & Natalie Merianos, Ted Meyer, Andy & Maria Misali, A. J. "Ike" Morgan, Paul & Mary Morris, John & Christine Morris, Stanley Mortensen, Danny Moulas, Dean & Catherine Mt. Kofinas Olive Oil - (The Semertzides Family, Owners) Neuendorf, Matthew Neuendorf, David & Patricia Nicholas, Eugene & Cindy Nicholas, Nick & Helen Nichols, Ron & Philanthy Orphanos, Peter & Angela Panagis, Nick & Maria Pandilidis, Peter & Elsie

Pantel, Nicholas J. Papaioannou, Thomas & Mary Papakirk, James & Maria Papasavvas, Nektarios & Sally Parsenios, Lewis G. Pascal, Betsy Pascal Jr., James Pavlakis, George & Suzanne Perdikakis, Gus G. & Jo Ann Perdikakis, Maria Peters, Claire Petrou, James & Carrie Pilipovich, George & Cynthia Prasinos, Jim & Nicki Priest, Daniel & Christina Raptis, James & Maria Riber, Sam & Filio Richardson, Josh & Nicole Rodish, Peter M. & Suzanne Sajkich, Steven Sakelos, John & Kathleen Sansalone, Anthony & Angeleke Sarakatsannis, Nicholas J. & Vicki Sarakatsannis, Nicholas L. & Carla Sarakatsannis, Spiros N. Sarros, George H. Schooley, Barbara Schulte, Neal Sebastian's Greek Restaurant - (The Alex Vassiliou Family, Owners) Seremetis, Afrodite K. Sias, Georgios N. & Kathy Sideris, Danny & Amy Sideris, Mina Singleton, Steven & Sandra Snider, Luke & Dacia Snyder, Milan & Elaine Spanorigas, Nicholas & Becky Stefanopoulos, Andrew & Carol Stergiopulos, Anna Stevenson, Steve & Sarah Stiegelmeyer, Michael & Tasia Storch, Mark & Angela Stringas, Emanuel Stroplos, Gus Trester, Ron & Maria Tsiominas, John & Anna Varnell, Charles & Krista Vessey, Lenie Zaferes, Eleni Zaferes, Patricia J.

The parishioners, organizations and businesses listed here have made a commitment and/or

contribution towards 2016 Building Renovation Capital Campaign. The project is expected to

be completed in late September. The Parish Council encourages everyone to please consider

contributing to this renovation, which will benefit our community for many years to come.

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AHEPA/Daughters of Penelope Mixer

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 13 for our annual cook-out to kick off the new year of activities. All

members of AHEPA & DOP are invited as well as any prospective members. If you are interested in learning more

about our fraternal organizations, or have an interest in joining, please make every effort to attend.

Place: Holy Trinity St. Nicholas

Greek Orthodox Church

Time: 6:30 PM social hour

7:00 PM dinner

Chapter meetings will follow (for members only).

Contact Nick Sarakatsannis for more information phone: 859-835-5549



The New Christian: Matthew Parents: Sergiy and Svetlanta (Sheremet) Papyshev Sponsors: Sergey Korchagin and Elena Johnstone

Date: July 30, 2016

The New Christians: Jonah David and Noah Kirk Parents: William and Chrysanthy (Menkhaus) Zowtiak

Sponsors: Melissa and Rodney Scarvelli and Ben and Jennifer Berling Date: July 31, 2016


Jacob Towner was welcomed into the Orthodox Faith by the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation on July 3, 2016. His Sponsor is Paul Kostoff.


The Newlyweds: Kara Stephan and Jeremy Love Sponsors: Nicholas Stephan and Melinda Stephan

Date: July 23, 2016


George Comminos, age 93, on July 22, 2016, at Middletown, Ohio. Paraskevi Krondilou, age 84, on July 27, 2016.

The New Christian: Tanner (Thomas) Parents: Michael and Jamie (Lacey) Schmitz

Sponsors: Catherine Decker and Thomas Schmitz Date: July 30, 2016

The New Christian: Emilia Parents: Ronald and Christine (Kehayes) Masella

Sponsors: Dean and Kathy Francis Date: July 30, 2016

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Join us on Saturday, November 5th as our community honors and thanks

Fr. Bill and Presvytera Anastasia

Special Honored Guest: His Eminence Metropolitan NICHOLAS

Cocktail Hour: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Dinner: 7:00 pm Dinner Catered by Montgomery Inn

Entertainment provided by George Karras Cost per person $25

(Children’s meal $10)

All seating will be by reservation.

Pre-paid reservations must be received by

Sunday, October 23, 2016 Contact the Church Office at 513-591-0030 or reserve

online at

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THE VOICETHE VOICE September 2016September 2016

Parish Council President's Message by Nick L. Sarakatsannis

Hope everyone is well. This is an exciting time of year with so many terrific new things happening in our Com-munity. In July, I had the honor of attending the Clergy Laity Congress in Nashville. This year’s theme for the 43rd Clergy Laity Congress presented by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America, was “You Are the Voice of Christ in a Changing World”. His Eminence addressed us all with reflections on this theme. It made

me really think about being an Orthodox Christian and how I can improve on being the voice of Christ in our changing world. I at-tended several sessions, one of which was “Congregational Singing-What? How?”

The session on congregational singing was particularly interesting to me, because in addition to being the Parish Council President, I am also a member of our Choir. Music runs in the Sarakatsannis family. My father, Dr. Leonides Sarakatsannis, was a Professor of Music and past choir director of our beloved Church (May his memory be eternal); and my sister, Melanie, is a professional opera singer. My cousins, Nick J. Sarakatsannis and Melanie Sarakatsannis McNulty, are also life long choir members.

Fall is fast approaching, and, with it, a new Ecclesiastical Year. It is time to look toward the upcoming year, and think about what we can do to make it even better. I’d like to use my space this month to discuss a need within our Parish – Choir Members! You may have noticed that our choir is getting a bit smaller and grayer than in years past. We have lost many of our lifelong members in re-cent years. We have lost them to retirement, relocation, illness, old age, and death. These cherished members can never be re-placed. Their memory is alive in the choir loft.

Those of us who sing in the choir do so for many reasons. It is a way of giving to our church community. Music is an integral part of the Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy. While some of us are called to teach Sunday Church School, teach Greek School, work in the Parish Book Store or the Church Office, lead our youth and adult organizations, run our food pantry, and volunteer in many other capacities, there are those of us who choose to lend our voices to the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. For us, it is not just singing. It is our way of worshipping the Lord. It brings us joy to fully participate with our voices.

We would like to invite you to join us. We need you! If you have interest in joining the choir, why not let the time be now? We ask that you can match pitch (sing in tune), and reading music is a plus. Please do not let any language barrier keep you from joining us. When we sing in Greek, most of us are following an English transliteration, meaning the Greek words are spelled out in English sylla-bles. It is really quite easy to pick up.

There are many of you in the congregation who have musical experience. We encourage you to give the choir a try. We would wel-come high school students as well. Currently, we rehearse Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm until 8:15 pm. We arrive on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am to warm up for the morning and make sure we have our music in order.

Please let this be the year you decide to join the choir and help be the “Voice of Christ in a Changing World”. You will be welcomed and appreciated.

Construction is well underway on our New Community Center. Many of you were generous in your pledges to fund this project. We are in need for those pledges to start coming in so that we can avoid taking out a large mortgage. Please help where you can.

Arrangements for Memorial Services

A Memorial Service is typically offered for a departed Orthodox Christian on the 40th day, 6 months, 1 year and 3 years after the repose of a loved one. The Church also conducts 4 Saturdays of the Souls (Psychosavvata) through the year to remember all our departed loved ones.

REQUIRED: Kolyva (Boiled Wheat) is required for all Memorials. This is to remind us of the words of our Lord: “Verily, I say unto you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain”. The image of the grain of wheat dying in order to bear fruit signifies that Christ’s death will give life to the world. This affirms God’s promise that those who have died in Christ will rise again to life. If you cannot prepare kolyva yourself, the Office Staff can assist you in ordering it for the day of the Memorial.

OPTIONAL ITEMS: Altar flowers may be ordered in memory of your loved ones through the Church Office. Donation for flowers is $30. Sponsorship of the Fellowship Coffee Hour can also be arranged through the Church Office for a donation of $50.

All Memorial Service arrangements are to be made through the Church Office with the approval of Father Bill.

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We hope everyone is having a great summer, even though the weather has been extremely hot! We had 26 at our luncheon at Buca di Beppo in July. All enjoyed a great lunch. Especially, the delicious cake and ice cream brought by Mina Sideris and Pat J. Zaferes. Thank you! We welcomed Athena Rogozinski at Buca di Beppo, who will join the Club in August. Welcome! Our sympathy to Craig Sansone and family on the loss of his father.


If you are a parent of a 14 to 23 year old daughter who may be interested in our Junior Order, the Maids of Athena, please come and bring her along. We are interested in re-activating our Junior Order. There are many advantages for the girls who join.

The Ohio River provided us with a relaxing getaway last month. Several of the sisters and their spouses went on a luncheon cruise on BB Riverboats. It was a fitting end to summer. Our first meeting of the year is September 6. We are again planning an outstanding Wine Tasting experi-ence on October 8. Our wine will be provided by Ludlow Wines. Appetizers and dessert will match the wine selec-tions. Good food, good wine, good company; a perfect event. Call Irene Zigoris for reservations at 513-505-5655 so you don't miss out on this exceptional event. Beginning in September, we will start taking orders for our pan baklava. You may place an order by calling Tina Kasi-donis at 513-451-8855. You may also contact Vera Manolakas or stop by the Daughters table after Church from mid September through mid November. Our prices will remain the same as in previous years. Delivery for Thanksgiving will be November 20 and Christmas December 18. Cut off for orders is November 13. This year we will be teaming up with our brother AHEPANS on Tuesday September 13 for a family dinner. We are invit-ing all women and men who are interested in learning more about our Orders to come and have dinner with us. The dinner will begin at 6:30 in the Church Hall. If you are inter-ested in the Daughters, please contact Vera Manolakas. The only requirements are that you are Christian, a citizen of the United States, and over age seventeen. Come and learn more about our sisterhood.

The first meeting of Philoptochos will take place following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, September 11, 2016. For this first meeting, the Board will be providing lunch for the members. We also invite those of you interested in finding out more about Philoptochos and our mission to join us for lunch and conversation. The Calendar of Philoptochos Events will be discussed. On Sunday, September 25, the Ladies of Philoptochos will be passing a tray to benefit Holy Cross and the Hellenic Col-lege. After the Divine Liturgy , there will be a Reception for Fr. Christopher Metropulos , President of Holy Cross Hel-lenic College, and Philoptochos will be providing refresh-ments. The Walk to End Alzheimer's will take place Saturday, Octo-ber 1. The Walk begins at 10 am at Sawyer Point. Begin-ning Sunday, September 4, through Sunday September 25, Melanie McNulty will be signing up walkers for the Greek Team, handing out information on Alzheimer's, as well as taking donations. Please see Melanie McNulty’s article on the Walk here in the Voice for registration and participation details. You can also go online to the Alzheimer's Walk in-formation website for Cincinnati and sign up to participate. It is always great fun and raises funds for the research and cure of this devastating disease. December 2016 will see the return of the Sweet Treats for the Greeks, the sale will be held December 9th – 11th. The Ladies of Philoptochos will begin baking on Mondays during the months of October and November. Please see Mina Sideris for times and dates. We will be taking advance or-ders for the pastry sale. We have an enjoyable year ahead of us and hope you all will join us and participate.


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Youth Ministries By: Father William Redmon

To the beloved Ministry Team Volunteers, parents, and youth members of the Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Youth Ministries: Greetings in Christ!

Welcome back to another Ecclesiastical Year in the service of our Lord! Our first GOYA meeting of this year will be held on Sunday, September 11th, following Divine Liturgy. We will have a fellowship picnic and officer introductions, as we did last year. Our first HOPE/JOY meeting will take place on Thursday, September 1st, at 6:30 PM.

This summer was an eventful and successful one, and I would like to thank each of the parents and youth volunteers who made it so, as well as our Proistamenos, Fr. Bill, and the office staff, for their support. Our participation in our Parish Vaca-tion Church School and the Metropolis of Detroit St. Nicholas Summer Camp saw large increases this year. This is a direct result of the parents and youth of our Parish taking a real sense of ownership in the future of the Church. When we work together in the vineyard of the Lord, and under His guidance, we will always see a bountiful harvest from which to gather future seeds. It is important that we remember to plant those seeds in the coming year. I feel truly blessed to be serving with you all in that mission.

If you have questions about any of our youth ministries, or would like to volunteer, please contact Fr. William.

-Fr. William

Happy new Church and school year! The start of Sunday Church School will begin on September 11th. As usual all students should report to Sunday Church School after re-ceiving Holy Communion. Please remember that all classes will continue to collect canned goods for The Good Shep-herd Food Pantry throughout the school year. This is a great way for your children to give back to the community! The offering of canned goods will be the same as last year. If your child brings canned goods, please leave them in the food pantry and report the amount donated to their SCS teacher.

SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL…Peggy Kehayes Also, we ask that each student bring one or two snack/drink items to class to have for the school year. Lastly, our 8th grade class will need an assistant teacher. We do need sub-stitute teachers for all grades during the year as well! This is a wonderful way to provide your time and talent! If you are interested in offering your helping hands with 8th grade or being a substitute teacher; please email RET at [email protected]. God Bless and happy new school year!!

Hellenic College-Holy Cross School Presentation & Reception

On Sunday, September 25th, we will welcome the newly elected President of HC/HC School of Theology, the Reverend Christopher Metropulos. He was elected the 21st President of Hellenic College and seminary, which educates the future clergy and Greek Orthodox leaders of our Archdiocese.

Philoptochos will host a reception in honor of Father Chris following the Divine Liturgy.

Sewing & Alterations

If you are in need of any sewing or alterations, please contact Evgenia Pastroumas at 513-481-6699.

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Stewardship Report

Through our stewardship we support and expand our Parish ministries. Our goal for almost a decade has been to cover our operational expenses through parishioner stewardship. Last year, the General Assembly took a bold step in this direction by eliminating the Car Raffle and raising our stewardship goal to $482,000. This goal is $60,000 higher than our best year ever. In order to reach this goal we are asking our Parishioners to consider an increase in their annual commitment to our Parish. Currently, stewardship received is more than $34,000 ahead of the same time last year. This is wonderful news and we hope that your generosity will carry through the end of the year. It is the belief of the Clergy and Parish Council that our Parish can become self-supporting and that some day soon all proceeds for the Panegyri will be used to expand our ministries.

Stewardship Goal - $482,000

Stewardship Pledged - $373,163 (78% of goal)

Number of Households Pledged - 370 (42% of parishioners)

Stewardship Received - $306,080 (64% of goal)

Year-To-Date Operational Expenses* - $515,676

Note: Operational expenses do not include fundraising expenses such as the Panegyri.

Stewardship Message

Christian Stewardship is about becoming good caretakers of all that God has given us. God has given each of us special and unique gifts. And through Holy Scripture He teaches us all that we have is a loan. He lends everything to us, and reminds us that one day He will ask us to give a detailed accounting of what we have done with the gifts He has given us. Archbishop Anastasios of Albania has noted that “we find ourselves by offering ourselves.” Have we learned the blessedness of generously giving to others of all we have? Everything we have is temporal. We don’t know for how long we have it. The fundamental question, though, is how will we use all that we have for the glory of God? One day, a person complained to his priest that the Church and Christianity is one continual “give, give, give.” To which the priest replied, “Thank you very much for the finest definition of Christianity I have ever heard. You’re right, Christianity is all about a constant “give, give, give.” God giving His only Son to the world to show His unconditional love. His Son Jesus giving His life on the cross to forgive our sins and destroy death. Then our Lord’s disciples giving all they had to make sure God’s Good News of love was preached to all people every-where. They not only gave away their homes and businesses, but even gave up their lives as martyrs in gratitude to God! It is by offering our blessings back to God that He will be able to continue His forgiving, heal-ing, liberating, empowering, transfiguring, loving ministry through the Church. For God, Infi-nite though He be, has chosen to work through us, through our gifts, to continue His saving work in the world today.

Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris

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Caneris, Anthony & Antoinette Caneris, Dr. Onassis A. Caneris, Thomas & Joanna Cantrell, Daniel & Katerina Cardullias, Dr. Peter & Elaine Carey, Lee & Tula Carras, Evan & Betsy Carumpalos, Constantine Cassis, Eli & Christine Cassis, Fr. William & Presvytera Anastasia Chachoff, David & Angie Chachoff, Nada Chantilas, James & Dr. Lydia Chapas, Lefty Charnas, Terry & Koula Christman, Carl & Becky Christoforidis, Alexander & Jennifer Christoforou, Mario & Venetia Christon, Angelos & Deanna Christopoulos, Vassiliki Christos, Mary J. Christos, Mary M. Chryssovergis, Chris & Cara Cimarosti, Helen Claffie, Sean & Angela Colak, Tony & Joan Colyer, Jeff & Laura Colyer, Keith & Diane Condorodis, Anestis J. & Janeen D. Condorodis, Dr. Constandinos J. & Carolyn Cook, Barbara Cook, Karen Cranley, John & Dena Crawford, Jonathan & Sharon Dargis, Melody & David Decker, John & Katie Demakes, Mina Demas, George P. & Annette Denas, George & Eugenia Denas, Haralambos & Athoniseea Diaz, Chris & Stephanie Economacos, Demetrios & Christine Economacos, Eleni Economakis, Tina Economou, Frank & Angela Edgington, Paul & Mary Lou Elias, Tom & Tina Eliopoulos-Rosenbloom, Connie Ernst, James H. & Sue Favatella, Nathan & Allison Fawcett, Tracy & Jessica Fekkos, Haralambos & Loella Ann Fielden, Brad & Tricia Fillios, Alexandra Fillios, Elias & Mary Fillios, Nicholas & Amy Fillios, Philip & Sherry

Aamodt, Peter & Karen Adinamis, George & Robyn Allgeier, Brian & Ellen Anastasiou, Demetra Andreadis, Paul Andreadis, Sophie S. Andrews, Evan & Terry Antoniades, Anthony† & Tracey Apalodimas, Maria Apostol, Katherine† Apostolides, Vasso A. Argeros, Aristea Arvanetes, Gregory & Sandra Assaley, Anna Assaley, Lewis & Patricia Austin, Athena Bakiri, Keti & Andrew Murray Barnhart, Thomas & Sylvia Bates, Justin Batsakes, George P. Batsakis, Chris & Lydia Beish, Andrew Beish, Karen Belitsos, George P. & Peter Q. Wolfe Beltsos, Melissa Beltsos, Paul & Jeanna Beltsos, Sam & Esmine Beltsos, Steven & Kanda Bender, Christina E. Bender, Robert & Kathy Berling, Ben & Jennifer Bertok, Christina Betas, Dimitrios Betas, Jim K. & Stephanie Betas, Maria Bikas, George M. & Anna Bikas, Michael & Anna Binzer, Brian & Chrisanthi Black, Lenora Borcoman, Tate & Nicole Borod, Gregory & Gloria Bottomley, Stephen & Stephanie Boumis, Peter & Kimberly Bouras, Anna Bridges, Herstle & Mena Brown, Bryan & Nickie Brown, Mary Brown, William & George-Ann Bugitzedes, Marian Bujnoch, Digger & Lindsay Burton, Matthew D. & Kathy Butler, Lisa & Steve Caddell, Chris & Eleni Callos, Thomas & Patricia Callos, Triffon & Stacey Caneris, Adonis & Ana Maria Caneris, Alexandra

Firman, Nancy & Jerry Francis, Dean & Kathy Frankenstein, George & Christine Franklin, Gari Frantzis, Kosta & Tammy Freeman, Maria Freudenberg, Grey & Eleni Fritz, Christine Gaier, Dean Gaier, Jeffrey & Chris Anne Galanes, George Gaskins, Mark & Kristin Gaz, Georgianne Gelis, James & Kathy Gelis, Maria Georges, Peter & Anna Georgeton, Chris P. & Barbara Georgeton, Bill & Mary Jane Georgeton, John C. & Ann Georgeton, John P. & Kimberly Georgeton, Peter C. Georgeton, Peter T. & Nancy Georgiou, Dean Georgiou, George & Maria Georgiton, Nick & Kristy Georgopoulos, Tasos & Eileen Georgostathis, Gus & Connie Georgostathis, Gus & Eleni Georgostathis, James & Lillian Georgostathis, Maria Georgoulakis, Athanasios & Sofia Geromes, Alexander Gerros, Mary Ghiz, Leslie Glaser, Brian & Stella Goetz, Greg & Effie Grammas, George & Pam Greene, David & Maria Gregory, Dean & Hedy Gregory, Matula Gregory, Thomas & Pamela Gregory, Victoria Haddad, Saba & Elise Haralamos, George & Eleni Haralamos, Mike G. & Akrivi Hayden, Jason & Rebecca Herrmann, Stacy & Dennis Hill, Ann “Tasha” Himonidis, Chris & Ruth Hodges, Nick & Millie Hodson, Thomas Humbert, DeDe & Randy Humbert, Stephen Iatrides, Steve & Christina Kutsubu Iatrides, Panawiota & Nathan Harris Johnson, John & Antigone Jones, Carolyn

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THE VOICETHE VOICE September 2016September 2016

Jones, Demus J. & Betty Jones, James A. & Jo Ann Jonson, Alexander & Ann Jonson, Chris C. & Loy Jonson, George N. & Sophia Jonson, James G. & Thelma Jonson, Luke & Lauren Jonson, Patricia J. Johnstone, Scott & Elena Kahle, John & Nickie Kalemanis, Gary & Maria Kalemanis, George & Nikki Kalomeres, George C. Kambelos, John P. & Erato Kambelos, Dr. Peter J. Kambelos, Stratos J. & Hope Kanaris, Christos Kanaris, Kostantinos & Katy Kanelos, Dino & Julie Kaniaris, John & Idalia Kappas, James P. Karageorge, Dimitri & Athena Karakatsani, Marianthi Karampas, George & Diane Karas, Bill J. & Lynn Karas, Lauren & George Murray Karas, Ted & Dixie Karras, Giorgio & Erene Katsanis, Claire C. Katsanis, James & Diane Kasidonis, John & Tina Kasprzycki, Peter & Edyta Kassis, Maher Kavouras, George & Fran Kehayes, Peggy Kehayes, William & Melissa Kellaris, Dr. James & Janice Kelley, Michael & Pauline Kereiakes, James & Helen Kessis, Nick Kessis, Paul Kevin, Patrick & Diane Kindle, Jeffrey & Belinda King, Adrian & Tina Kissopoulos, Nick & Effy Kladakis, John & Teddi Kontopos, Pete & Katerina Kontsis, George & Melissa Korchagin, Sergey & Tatiana Koros, Kostas & Dina Korvessis, Anthony & Georgia Lydia Koskinaris, Athanasios & Helen Kostopoulos, Dina Kostopoulos, Christos & Erin Kostopoulos, Nikolaos & Dana Kougios, Michael & Alice

Koutsogiannis, Gus & Cathy Koyfis, Kostas & Ashley Williams Kranias, George & Litsa Kranias, Stratos & Amanda Kritikos, Christos & Karolyn Kunkemoeller, Thomas & Janice Kurlas, Gus Kurlas, Peter & Lori Kyrios, Irini Kyrios, Tassos & Maria Lagos, Tom & Matina Lambrinides, Nicholas & Diane Lambrinides, Ted & Kimberly Lambrinides, Thomas J. & Mary Ann Landando, James & Yvonne Landers, Lauren Larew, Karl & Jordan Knouff Lazares, Gus J. Lazares, John K. & Patricia Leon, Gus A. & Kathryn LesChander, Scott & Alexandra Leslie, Wayne & Peggy Levenderis, Bill & Jill Liston, Robert & Eleni Loukoumidis, George & Stacey Lysko, Bob & Stacy Makris, Thomas & Ellen Maleas, Pete C. & Pearl Mamaligas, Mike & Joann Manolakas, Alexander & Vera Marinakis, Bill D. & Evonne Marinakis, Panagiota Marinakis, Ted D. & Katie Maris, George & Tricia Markos, James & Kristen Mathes, Robert & Dena Masella, Ron & Christine Mavridoglou, Anthony & Janette Mavridoglou, George & Penny Mavridoglou, Konstantinos Mavridoglou, Michael & Laura Mavridoglou, Nicholas & Jessica McCotter, Greg & Sofia McCullough, Ryan & Kathryn McKay, Betty Jo McKay, Phil & Christine McKay, Jr., Ted McNulty, Robin & Melanie Megois, Lee S. & Stephanie Menkhaus, David & Natalie Merianos, Andy Merianos, Ashley Merianos, Ted Meyer, Andy & Maria Mirkopoulos, Nicholas Mirkos, John & Tina

Mirkos, Marilyn Mirkos, Steve & Edyta Misali, A. J. "Ike" Misali, John P. & Deborah Misali, Mary Jean Misali, Paul J. & Christina Moeves, Eric & Stacey Mohler, David & Angel Mokas, Mary Monroe, Angeliki Morgan, Paul & Mary Morris, John & Christine Mortensen, Danny Moulas, Dean & Catherine Moyer, Gabe & Maria Muennich, Sam & Melissa Murray-Nikias, Stella P. Naser, Jacoub & Dina Neuendorf, David & Patricia Neuendorf, Matthew Nicholas, Eugene & Cindy Nicholas, George & Eugenia Nicholas, Nick & Helen Nicholas, Zachary & Nikolia Nichols, Ron & Philanthy Niehoff, Barbara Nikias, Charles P. & Vicki Nikias, Vasilia Nitsis, Dimitrius & Leisa Nyktas, George W. O'Neill, Brian & Stephanie Orphanos, Peter & Angela Pagdadis, Sotiris & Stephanie Palassis, Nick & Maria Paliobagis, Vasiliki Palioyras, George Panagis, Nick & Maria Panos, Aphrodite Pantel, Nicholas J. Papaioannou, Thomas & Mary Papakirk, James & Maria Papakirk, Steve & Toula Paparodis, Bess Papasavvas, Nektarios & Sally Papathanas, Harry & Joyce Papathanas, Katherine Papathanas, Mary Kay Papyshev, Sergiy & Svetlana Pappas, Martha H. Pappas, Steven & Jolene Parsenios, Lewis G. Parthenakis, Dr. Nicholas & Angie Pascal, Betsy Pascal, James Paskal, Pete

The parishioners listed here have made a commitment and/or contribution towards 2016 Stewardship. If you have not made

your Stewardship Pledge for 2016, we encourage you to do so today. Pledge Cards are available through the Church Office

or can be obtained by contacting any member of the Parish Council or the Clergy.

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THE VOICETHE VOICE September 2016September 2016

Pastrimas, Emanuel & Lisa Pastroumas, Evgenia Pavlakis, George & Suzanne Payiatis, Paul & Patricia Perdikakis, Constance Perdikakis, Gus G. & Jo Ann Perdikakis, Lynn Perdikakis, Maria Perentesis, John & Stella Peters, Claire Petkos, Joannis & Christina Petrou, Evey Petrou, James & Carrie Phillips, Joshua & Katherine Pilipovich, George & Cynthia Polen, Stephanie & Joe Politis, Michael & Carmen Polychroniou, Constantine & Christina Poneris, Constantino & Tara Poneris, Kosta & Christine Poneris, Nikitas & Rena Ponticos, George D. Ponticos, Greg & Pamela Prasinos, Jim & Nicki Prasinos, Zoe Priest, Daniel & Christina Proffitt, Steve & Laurie Psaros, Gus & Eleni Psihountakis, Manouso & Anastasia Psihountas, Mary Quill, Kevin & Mary Ramstetter, Robert & Lisa Raptis, James & Maria Raptis, Olga & James Redmon, Fr. William & Presvytera Elizabeth Reich, Joseph & Stacy Riber, Sam & Filio Richardson, Josh & Nicole Riemann, Christopher & Blanca Riggs, Adam & Athena Rodish, Peter & Suzanne Rombes, Tom & Angie Rombis, Petros & Sofia Romero, Evangelia & Eric Peck Rose, Marvin & Chrysoula Saba, Youhana Sajkich, Steven Sakellariou, Maria B. Sakelos, Irene Sakelos, Timothy & Nicole Sampson, Alexandra Sampson, Michael G. & Roxanne Sampson, Tony & Mary Ann Sansalone, Anthony & Angeleke Sansone, Craig & Susanna Sarakatsannis, George & Marie Sarakatsannis, Nicholas J. & Vicki Sarakatsannis, Nicholas L. & Carla Sarakatsannis, Panny Sarros, George H. Sarros, Harry J. Sarros, John H. Savas, Dionysia & Martin Wilz

Scarvelli, Rodney & Melissa Schmalz, Mary Ann Schmitz, Thomas Schmitz, Thomas & Cathy Schneider, Elizabeth R. Schooley, Barbara Schuler, Bill & Julie Schulte, Neal Schulte, Nick & Ianthe Schultz, James & Sarah Schutter, Michael & Lynne Semertzides, Dr. John & Evie Semertzides, Manos & Elizabeth Seremetis, Afrodite K. Seremetis, Gregory G. Seremetis, Stratin & Marjory Sias, Georgios N. & Kathy Sideris, Danny & Amy Sideris, Nick & Jane Sideris, Mina Siegel, August C. Simmer, Stephen & Kristen Snider, Luke & Dacia Snyder, Milan & Elaine Spalazzi, Ryan & Emily Spanorigas, Nicholas & Becky Spanos, Van & Litsa Sparks, Ryan & Sophia Sperelakis, Dolores Sperelakis, Sophia Spirtoff, John & Vicki Stacey, Christine Stamatakos, Gus & Vivi Stamatakos, Stratis Stamatakos, Tom & Becky Stanifer, Randy & Eleni Stathis, Angelos & Aspasia Stathis, Lee & Evie Stavropoulos, George & Dimitra Stavros, Cathy Stefanopoulos, Andrew & Carol Stenger, Doug & Lauren Stephan, Charles M. Stephan, George Stephan, Kara Stephan, Melinda Stephan, Michael Stephan, Nicholas & Alyssa Steppe, Greg & Ellene Stergiopoulos, Janis Stergiopulos, Anna Stevenson, Hillary & Daniel Stiegelmeyer, Michael & Tasia Storch, Mark & Angela Storgion, James & Terry Strain, Richard & Katherine Strike, Louis Stringas, Emanuel Stroplos, Gus Suhar, Sylvia Tassopoulos, Michael & Ritsa Thomakos, Artemis Thomas, Bill

Thomas, John Tipis, Constantine & Lisa Towner, Jake & Eleni Trennepohl, Mike & Tina Trester, Ron & Maria Triantafillou, Nicholas & Melissa Triantafillou, Tilemahos Triantafilou, Alex & Jennifer Triantafilou, George & Eleni Triantafilou, Nicholas P. & Lenna Triantafilou, Rita Trivett, Michael & Matina Tsacalis, William & Marie Tsolometes, James & Maria Turner, Kent & Carolyn Valcarcel, John & JoAnne Vardaka, Marianna Varnell, Charles & Krista Vasilakis, Theologos & Mary Vasiliou, Demetrios & Gloria Vassiliou, Alex & Soula Vassiliou, Helen Veres, Helen Vessey, Lenie Vidas, Chris & Kim Vidas, Cynthia Vidas, Ethel Vidas, Evangelia P. Vidas, Michael T. Vidas, Sofia A.† Vidas, Ted & Zoe Vidas, Victor & Alexandra Vlachos, Christopher Vlahakis, Tom & Carol Vollhardt III, Arthur & AnnaMarie Walls, Jason & Chryssoula Watson, Douglas & Akrivi Wehner, Gregory & Eleni Weis, Daniel & Anastasia Weisenborn, Cary & Maria Weitfle, Christopher & Maria Williams, Jay Wilson, Beth & Marty Wilson, Wallace & Michelle Witt, Alan J. & Bessie Xanthakos, Stavra & Helmut Roehrig Zaferes, Eleni Zaferes, Katherine (Tina) Zaferes, Patricia J. Zaferes, Patricia P. Zaferes, Peter T. Zaferes, Toula Zagorianos, Emanuel & Eleni Zagorianos, Kristos & Kathy Zaharopoulos, Dimitra Zeilman, John & Anna Zigoris, Mark & Irene Zolotas, Pete & Papy Zowtiak, William & Chrisanthy

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September 2016 For the most updated Calendar, visit

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Ecclesiastical New Year

9:30 a.m. Blessing of the Waters

6:30 p.m. JOY/HOPE Mtg.




8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Greek School Registration

2:00 pm - 9:00 pm Church Picnic


6:30 p.m. Orthodox Reading Group


6:00 p.m. DOP Mtg.


7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal





8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

SCS & Greek School Begin

Philoptochos Mtg. GOYA Mtg.


6:30 p.m. Orthodox Reading Group


6:30 p.m. AHEPA/DOP Mixer


Exaltation of the Holy Cross 8:30 a.m. Matins and Divine Liturgy

7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal


6:00 p.m. Parish Council Dinner & Mtg.



12:00 p.m. Over Fifty Lunch


8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy


6:30 p.m. Orthodox Reading Group



6:30 p.m. Parish Bible Study

7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal





8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Hellenic College-Holy Cross Presentation &



6:30 p.m. Orthodox Reading Group



6:30 p.m. Parish Bible Study

7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal




Parish Announcement

Evelyn Petrou’s daughter, Fotini Petrou Miller, developed a very aggressive incurable cancer and passed away on March 11, 2016. She was only 59 years old. The good news was that her granddaughter, Eurydice Anna, born in Cincinnati, was married in St. Cath-erine’s Greek Orthodox Church in Falls, Virginia in May 2016. Evelyn stayed in the states during this time, but has returned to Greece where she lives.

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THE VOICETHE VOICE September 2016September 2016

Clergy Presiding Priest: Very Rev. Father William Cassis

Assistant Priest: Rev. Father William Redmon

Staff Parish Administrator: Eugene Nicholas

Building Maintenance Technician: Craig Sansone

Parish Council Members

Organizations and Ministries

Philoptochos Society: Georgianne Gaz, President

Parish Choir: Janice Kellaris, Director

Cantors: Louis Kapourales, Tasos Ioannides, James Raptis, Philanthy Nichols

Altar Boys: Gus Siegel, Father William Cassis, Father William Redmon

Sunday Church School: Religious Education Team, Peter Aamodt, Chairman

Greek School: Alexandros Laftsidis, Director

GOYA: Father William Redmon, GOYA Ministry Team

HOPE and JOY Groups: Father William Redmon, Ministry Team

Mothers Club: Catherine Stavros, President

AHEPA: Nicholas L. Sarakatsannis, President

Daughters of Penelope: Vera Manolakas, President

Over 50s Club: Ann Jonson, President

Parish Bible Study and Orthodoxy 101: Father William Cassis

Orthodox Reading Group: Father William Redmon

Outreach/Samaritan Fund: Father William Cassis,

Father William Redmon, Eugene Nicholas

The Good Shepherd Food Pantry: Stephanie Diaz, Maria Freeman,

Mary Morgan, Elaine Snyder, Matina Trivett Agios Demetrios Society: Jim Grammas, Maria Panagis

PANEGYRI: Eugene Nicholas, Chris Chryssovergis

Parish Bookstore: Christina Polychroniou

Office Hours: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Worship Schedule: Matins, 8:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 a.m.

Other Services as scheduled.

Our Mission

THE VOICE is the official monthly

newsletter of Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas

Greek Orthodox Church in Cincinnati,

Ohio. Our Parish was founded in 1907

and serves Orthodox Christians

throughout the tri-state area. Our mis-

sion is to reach out to all members of

the Community by providing relevant

information on the religious, spiritual

and cultural life of the Parish; news on

the accomplishments of Parish mem-

bers and organizations, and editorial

points of view.

The next deadline for submitting

news to the "Voice" is

September 4, 2016

Submissions can be dropped off or

mailed to the Church Office or

e-mailed to

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Our Church website can be found



Officers Members

Nicholas L. Sarakatsannis, President Karen Aamodt

Chris Chryssovergis, Vice-President James Gelis

Justin Bates, Treasurer David Greene

Jessica Mavridoglou, Asst. Treasurer George Haralamos

Christine Masella, Secretary Stacey Loukoumidis

Matthew Neuendorf, Asst. Secretary Nektarios Papasavvas

Peter Rodish

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Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 7000 Winton Road Cincinnati, OH 45224 Tel: (513) 591-0030 Fax: (513) 591-0043 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED




The Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

Annual Church Community Picnic

Sunday, September 4, 2016 - 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

At Stricker’s Grove

Bring Your Picnic Baskets, Family and Friends for a Day of Fun,

Food and Fellowship. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be served FREE!

All amusement rides are FREE!

(Note: Alcohol/Liquor is not permitted to be carried into the Park. Beer will be available for purchase.)

DIRECTIONS: From I-275, go North on US 27 (Exit 33) to the Ross/Hamilton Exit (Route 128), go

South toward Ross, Ohio (approximately 3 miles on left) From I-74, go North on Route 128 to Exit 7

(approximately 6 miles on right)