Download - The venom apparatus of California rockfishes (Family Scorpaenidae): Roche, E. T. and Halstead, B. W. (World Life Research Institute, 23000 Grand Terrace Road, Colton, California 92324,

Page 1: The venom apparatus of California rockfishes (Family Scorpaenidae): Roche, E. T. and Halstead, B. W. (World Life Research Institute, 23000 Grand Terrace Road, Colton, California 92324,

Toxlcon, 1974 . Vol . 12, pp . 433-437. Peraemon Prag . Printed in Grcat Britain


Roct~, E. T. and Iietarl:~n, B. W. (World Life Research Institute, 23000 Grand TerraceRoad, Colton, California 92324, U.SA.). The venom apparatus of California rockfishes(Family Scorpaenidae). Fish i?ull. Caljf 156, 1972 .

Trna wox= is the Brat published description of We venom apparatus of any American Seüastu (Seliastodar)a genus of the family Scorpaenidae, many genera of which (e .g. Synancela, PteroLr, Sonrpaena, and others)are known to be venomous . Fourteen species of Sebastes were examined, and a deta>7od study of Sebasiesauriculatus (brown rockfish) was carried out. Five other species were examined in some detail,others less critically .

All specks possessed venom glands ofvarying degree of development . The venom glands are smaller thanthose of many of the well-known venomous species of Scorpaenidae, and venom tissue is often lacking inone or more spines . A number of descriptions of wounds in humans from Sebastes are given, and thesymptoms, although leas intense than from wounds by many other species of Scorpaenidae, are of a similarnature (pain, swelling, redness, occasional nausea, fever).

P.R.S .

K~>sat, E. (od.) 7Yer- undPJlanzcugj%tclAninmlandP/ant Toxins. Wilhelm Goldmann, Munich,1973, 224 pp., ß0 illustrations, DM 28.

T»s PAPERSAIaC VOhtme COIIalata of a collection of papers presented at the Third International Symposiumon Animal Toxins at the General Meeting ofthe International Society on Toxinology, Darmstadt (Germany),September 11-13,1972 . Most ofthe papers are abort communications ofafew pages each, grouped into thegeneaal areas of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Clinical Aspects, and Immunology, with ataxonomic index at theend. Space does not permit discussion here of the individual papers, but the titles andauthors aregiven below. This is an excellent reference work .

The identification of Andromedotoxin

E. G.C. Clarke, D. J. Humphreya andT. KingPurification and some properties of a toxic protein

I. Ferlan andD. Lebezfrom ActLda equip

Further investigations of the venom of the East-African

H. A. Berret and T. A. Fnyvogelorthognath spider, Pterirrochllus sp . (Preliminaryreport)

Proteins in scorpion venom specifically toxic to

E. Zlotkin, H. Rochst, C. Kopeyan,arthropods

F. Miranda, and S. LiasitzkySome chemical and pharmacological properties of the

D. C. Buffkin and F. E. Russellvenom of the imported fire ant Solenopsls samirsimarichterl

Studies on sea snake toxins : the structure of Erabutoxin

N. Tamiyac and the contents of Erabutoxins a, b and c is thevenom ofLaticawda semjjasciata

Chemical study of sea snake venom toxins from three

A. T. Tu, B. Hong, P. M. Toom andspecies in Southeast Asia

D. TsetnoglouIsolation ofsnon-heme iron containing glycopeptide

G. D. Dimitrovfrom the venom of Vipero ruaselli

Biochemistry of bungatotoxins

D. Meba, K. Narita, S. Iwanaga,Y. Samejinia and C. Y. Lee

Interactions of Prymnesiumpamum toxin with

G.M. Padilla andD. F. Martinaytltrocyte membrane

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