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Page 1: The Uses Of Beehive Products - Malvesia

The Uses Of Beehive Products

Page 2: The Uses Of Beehive Products - Malvesia

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the autor, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use wich may be made of the information contained thereine.

Page 3: The Uses Of Beehive Products - Malvesia



40 ml Schlagobers

50 g Butter

70 g Kristallzucker

20 g Honig

80 g Mandelblättchen

20 g Arazini

150g Kuvertüre


1. Rohr auf 160°C vorheizen. Backblech mit Backpapier belegen.

2. Obers, Butter, Zucker und Honig verrühren, aufkochen und 5 Minuten köcheln. Mandeln und Aranzini zugeben und kurz mitgaren. Vom Herd nehmen und abkühlen lassen.

3. Masse auf das Blech gießen, glatt (36 x 24 cm) verstreichen und im Rohr (mittlere Schiene) 11 Minuten goldbraun backen.

4. Masse aus dem Rohr nehmen, mit dem Papier vom Blech ziehen und auskühlen lassen.

5. Gebäck wenden, Papier abziehen. Kuvertüre auf die Unterseite gießen, verstreichen und ca. 4 Sunden fest werden lassen. Florentiner mit einem Sägemesser in 3 x 3 cm große Stücke schneiden.


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40 ml sweet cream

50 g butter

70 g sugar

20 g honey

80 g flaked almonds

20 g candied orange peel

150 g chocolate coating


1. Preheat oven to 160°C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.

2. Mix sweet cream, butter, sugar and honey, bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Add the flaked almonds and the candied orange peel, stir and let it simmer shortly. Remove the pot from the stove and let the mixture cool down.

3. Pour the mixture on the parchment paper, spread it evenly (surfaceshould be approximately 36 x 24 cm) and bake it in the oven (middle rack) for about 11 minutes until golden brown.

4. Remove the baking tray and pull the parchment paper off the tray and let it cool on a flat surface.

5. Turn the pastry upside down, carefully pull off the parchment paper, and pour the fluid chocolate coating over it. Spread it evenlyand let it harden for about 4 hours. Cut the pastry into pieces of approx. 3 x 3 cm with a serrated knife and enjoy!

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(honey wine)


For 60l of ’’Gvirc’’ it is necessary:

45 l water

15 kg chestnut honey (never use acacias honey)

Raisins for aroma

’’Vrelko’’ yeasts for better fermentation (if necessary)


Put 1kg of honeycomb into 3l of water. If possible, for a better quality of Gvirc, use the comb full of pollen. Let it boils for 2 hours. Remove all the wax before it liquid cools down.

Leave the liquid to settle down for three days; now pour the liquid into another pot, taking care that all residue reminds in the first pot. Leave it in an open pot, covered with a cloth, to ferment at the ambient temperature above 150C. If it doesn’t start fermenting, add “Vrelko” or any other yeast. Check the amount of sugar in your Gvirc- it should contain at least 18-20%of sugar. After the fermentation is over, in 20 days, Gvirc should have 10-12% of alcohol - and that is the”real” Gvric. You can keep it in a barrel up to one year.

Picture : honey wine

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Domaći gvirc


Za 60l gvirca potrebno je:

45l vode

15 kg kestenovog meda (nikako bagremovog)

Grožđice za aromu

‘’Vrelko’’ kvasac za pospješivanje vrenja (po potrebi)


U 3l vode stavlja se kilogram meda u saću. Dobro je da saće bude s puno

peludi. To se kuha u kotlu (posudi za kuhanje) dva sata. Prije nego se

ohladi obere se vosak. Nakon 3 dana talog se staloži na dno, a gvirc se

odlije i stavi na toplo da zavri. Ako ne vrije, stalja se ‘’vrelko’’. Prije vrenja

u gvircu mora biti 18-20% šečera. Kada završi vrenje, poslije dvadesetak

dana, bude 10-12% alkohola, onda je to ‘’pravi gvirc’’. U bačvi može

stajati i godinu dana.

Slika : medeno vino

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Recette Pain d'épiceIngrédients :Ingrédients : 250 g de miel250 g de farine100 g de sucre en poudre1 sachet de levure chimique1 sachet de sucre vanillé1 cuillère à café d'anis vert1 cuillère à café de muscade râpée1 cuillère à café de cannelle en poudre1 cuillère à café de gingembre en poudre1 cuillère à café de quatre-épices2 oeufs10 cl de lait

Préparation :Préparation : - Faites chauffer 250 g de miel à la casserole ou au micro-ondes.- Mélangez la farine avec la levure chimique, les deux sucres et les épices.- Ajoutez le miel chaud (en remuant idéalement avec une cuillère en bois).- Incorporez petit à petit 2 oeufs, puis un peu de lait juste tiède pour amalgamer le tout.- Préchauffez le four à 160°C (thermostat 5-6).- Versez la préparation dans un moule à cake bien beurré et fariné.- Enfournez et laissez cuire pendant 1h à 1h15.- Démoulez le pain d'épices lorsqu'il a totalement refroidi. Attendez 24 heures au minimum avant de le déguster.- Il se garde une semaine, enveloppé dans du papier d'aluminium.

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Ginger bread recipeIngredients : Ingredients : 250 g of honey250 g of flour100 g of sugar1 sachet of yeast1 sachet of vanilla sugar1 coffee spoon of anise1 coffee spoon of grated nutmed1 coffee spoon of cinnamon in powder1 coffe spoon of ginger in powder1 coffee spoon of allspices2 eggs10 cl of milk

Preparation : Preparation : - Heat up 250 g of honey in a pan or in the microwave - Mix the flour with the yeast, both sugars and the spices- Add hot honey (while stirring with a wooden spoon).- Incorporate 2 eggs bit by bit, then a little bit of just tepid milk in order to mix it all up.- Preheat the oven at 160°C (thermostat 5-6).- Put the preparation in a well buttered and floured cake tin.- Put it in the oven and bake for 1h to 1h15.- Turn the ginger bread out when it is cold. Wait at least 24 hours before eating it.- It can be kept for a week, wrapped in foil.

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Honig Printen

Zutaten: 300g Zucker250g brauner Kandiszucker 500g Mehl1 Ei (+zusätzliches Eigelb)1 TL ZimtGeriebene Zitronenschale125g Honig1 EL Rum oder Milch1TL Pottasche6 EL Wasser

Zubereitung: Zucker in einer Pfanne karamellisieren, mit dem Wasserglattrühren. Nach dem Erkalten mit den Eiern schaumigrühren. Pottasche in Rum oder Milch auflösen, mit demflüssige Honig zur Zuckermasse geben und alle anderenZutaten gründlich unterrühren. In einem mit einem Tuchabgedeckten Steintopf 8 Tage an einem kühlen Ort ruhenlassen. Danach nochmals kneten und ca. 2-3cm dick ausrollen. In10x2cm Stücke schneiden und bei milder Hitze backen bis sieknusprig sind (ca. 15min).

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„Honey Printen“

Ingredients:300g Sugar250g Brown Sugar500g Flour 1 egg (+ 1 egg yolk) 1 Tsp Cinnamon Grated Lemon zest125g Honey 1 Tbsp Rum or Milk1 Tsp “Pottasche” (Potassium Carbonate) 6 Tbsp Water

Directions: Caramelise the sugar in a pan and add water. Stir and let cool.Add the eggs and stir until it reaches a foamy consistency.Dissolve “Pottasche” or rum within the milk and combine itwith the honey and sugar. Add the other ingredients andcombine them well. Keep the dough cool in a stone pancovered with a cloth for 8 days. Knead the dough again spread it out (2-3cm thick). Cut it into10x2cm slices and bake them in medium heat until they arecrispy (approximately 15min).

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250 gr. di Latte

2 uova

3 cucchiai di olio

20 gr. di bicarbonato

4 cucchiai di zucchero

Farina q.b.

Olio per friggere

1 vasetto di miele

Cannella a piacere

Mettere in una terrina le uova, con lo zucchero e sbatterle per 10 mn. circa, aggiungere al composto il latte, l’olio e il bicarbonato e mescolare per qualche minuto. Aggiungere a poco a poco la farina fino ad ottenere un impasto morbido. Lasciare riposare per 20 mn. Stendere l’impasto su di un tagliere infarinato, fare dei lunghi filoni e dividerli come per fare degli

gnocchi, con l’unica differenza che nella pignolata dovranno essere tagliati di sbieco.

Friggere questi piccoli pezzi di pasta in abbondante olio di semi già scaldato in precedenza. Non

appena saranno dorati toglierli dall’olio e farli sgocciolare sulla carta assorbente. In una padella

versare il miele con un po’ d’acqua e farlo sciogliere, a fuoco dolce.

Versare, quindi, la pignolata a piccole quantità, farla glassare e versarla in un piatto di portata.

Spolverare con cannella e zucchero.

La pignolata si conserva ben coperta anche per 3,4 giorni.

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Italian Fried Honey Balls “pignolata”


250 gr. milk

2 eggs

3 spoons olive oil

20 gr. baking soda

4 spoons of sugar

Flour just enough

Oil to fry

1 jar of honey



Put the eggs and the sugar into a bowl and beat them for about 10 minutes, add the milk, the oil, the baking soda and mix all together for some minutes. Add the flour little by little until to make a medium-soft, easily molded dough. Let rest the dough for 20 minutes. Divide the dough into pieces and roll one piece at a time into a long rope about 1 cm thick. Cut into 1 cm pieces. Place onto a baking sheet covered in parchment paper. Continue with the remaining dough.

Pour about 1 inch of oil in a shallow wide frying pan and heat on medium-high heat. Test to verify if

the oil is hot enough by dropping 1 piece of pignolata into the oil. It must be bubbling vigourously.

Use a slotted spoon or spider to carefully drop pieces of pignolata into the hot oil in one even layer.

Do not overcrowd the pan. Cook about 2 minutes until golden brown. Transfer to a paper towel

covered baking sheet. Repeat with remaining pignolata pieces.

In a small sauce pan, gently heat the honey until liquefied. Transfer the pignolata to a large bowl

and pour in the warmed honey. Stir until all pieces are coated with honey. Place the pignolata on a

serving platter in a mound and top with sugar and cinnamon the pignolata can be kept well covered

for 3,4 days.

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Membrillo de manzana caramelizado con jalea real 


Tiempo de preparación: 45 minutos + 4h de reposo 

Ingredientes para: 4 personas 

250 Kilo calorias 


Ingredientes ● 600 g. de manzanas lavadas, sin pelar y 

cortadas en cuartos 

● 25 g. de zumo de limón 

● 375 g. de miel 

● 10 g. de jalea real 

Preparación  1. Ponemos las manzanas, el zumo de limón, 

la miel y la jalea real en el vaso de la Thermomix. Trituramos durante 30 segundos, a velocidad progresiva 5-7-10. 

2. Con la espátula, bajamos los ingredientes hacia el fondo del vaso y programamos 30 minutos, temperatura 100º y velocidad 5.  

3. Con la espátula, bajamos el dulce hacia el fondo del vaso, tapamos, quitamos el cubilete y en su lugar ponemos el cestillo. Programamos 15 minutos, temperatura 100º y velocidad 5. 

4. Vertemos el dulce en un recipiente o tupper y dejamos enfriar. Guardamos en el frigorífico. 


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Caramelized apple quince with royal jelly 


Preparation time: 45 minutes + 4 hours of repose 

Ingredients for: 4 people 

250 Kilo calories 


Ingredients ● 600 g. apples washed, unpeeled and 

cut into quarters ● 25 g. of lemon juice ● 375 g. of honey ● 10 g of royal honey 

Preparation 1. Put the apples, lemon juice, honey 

and the royal jelly in the glass of the Thermomix. Grind for 30 seconds, at progressive speed 5-7-10. 

2. With the spatula, we lower the ingredients to the bottom of the glass and program 30 minutes, temperature 100º and speed 5. 

3. With the spatula, we lower the sweet to the bottom of the glass, cover, remove the cup and put the basket instead. We’re programming 15 minutes, temperature 100 degrees and speed 5. 

4. Pour the candy into a bowl or tupper and let cool. Store in the fridge. 

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Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees produce by mixing saliva andbeewax with exudate gathered from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanicalsources. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive. Propolis isused for small gaps, while larger spaces are usually filled with beewax. Its colorvaries depending on its botanical source, with dark brown as the most common.Propolis is sticky at and above 20 C, while at lower temperatures, it becomeshard and brittle.


Antioxidant effect: Propolis is said to counteract oxidative stress.Prenylated flavonoids with antioxidant effects are held responsible forthis.

Antimicrobial and virostatic effect: The antibiotic effects of aqueous andalcoholic propolis extracts as well as individual propolis ingredients wereproven against germs in the agar dilution test and agar diffusion test.

Wound healing promoting effect: Propolis is said to promote woundhealing. Apigenin and luteolin are said to be responsible for the promotionof granulation.

Contact allergen: Due to various caffeic acid derivatives contained inpropolis, it acts as a contact allergen.


Common Cold and Score Throat

Genital Herpes

Yeast Infection


Cold Scores

Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Propolis ist eine harzige Mischung, die Honigbienen durch Mischen von Speichelund Bienenwachs mit Exsudat aus Baumknospen, Saftflüssen oderanderen botanischen Quellen herstellen. Es wird als Dichtungsmittel fürunerwünschte offene Räume im Bienenstock verwendet. Propolis wird fürkleine Lücken verwendet, während größere Räume normalerweise mitBienenwachs gefüllt werden. Seine Farbe variiert je nach botanischerQuelle, wobei dunkelbraun die häufigste Farbe ist. Propolis ist bei und über20 °C klebrig, während sie bei niedrigeren Temperaturen hart und brüchigwird.


Antioxidative Wirkung: Propolis soll oxidativem Stress entgegenwirken.Hierfür werden antioxidativ wirksame prenylierte Flavonoideverantwortlich gemacht.

Antimikrobielle und virostatische Wirkung: Die antibiotischen Wirkungenvon wässrigen und alkoholischen Propolis-Extrakten sowie einzelnerPropolis-Inhaltsstoffe wurden im Agardilutionstest und Agardiffusionstestgegenüber Keimen nachgewiesen.

Wundheilung fördernde Wirkung: Propolis soll die Wundheilung fördern.Für die Granulationsförderung werden Apigenin und Luteolinverantwortlich gemacht.

Kontaktallergen: Durch verschiedene in Propolis enthaltene Kaffeesäure-Derivate wirkt es als Kontaktallergen.


Häufige Erkältung

Genitaler Herpes





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Bee venom

Bee venom is secretion of stingersystem of bee; it is located in theback of the abdomen. Mainfunction of bee venom is toprotect bee and whole community.Bees produce their venom duringthe first eighteen days of their life;on the quantity of 0.3-0.5mg. Thisis very thick liquid ofcharacteristic taste and smell.

The venom is 30% stronger than the snake venom, however due to small quantity itdoesn’t cause as strong effect as snake venom.

It consists of mixed proteins which cause local inflammation that can be deactivated withalcohol. About 1% of population suffers severs forms of venom allergy.

Melittin amount makes up more than half of the peptideof the poison; it is a strong anti-inflammatory agent and,as such, is a major determinant of the quality of beevenom. As many as 300-400 consecutive bee stings cause death(the intake dose responds the dose after being bit bysnake. It was been believed that consecutive bee stings cancontribute to development of the immunity to venom,although recent studies have proved that the allergicreaction can always occur.

Bee venom is mostly used in cosmetic industry as skin creams ingredient, than for healingsport injuries and vascular and rheumatic diseases.

Bee venom is mostly collected at themain entrance into beehive, but mostquality poison is collected when it istaken inside of beehive where the beesare calmer. Poison is taken in periodfrom 15th April to 15th September, earlyin the morning, during period of 20 to 25minutes per beehive.

After collecting poison on glass, it isnecessary to take good care of it throughseveral steps; use of the high quality nasal protective mask is necessary. Storage of beespoison requires dark vials with an airtight stopper in a cool and dark place.

Picture : accommodation stinger apparatus

Picture : device for taking bee venom

Picture : device for taking bee venom

Page 18: The Uses Of Beehive Products - Malvesia

Pčelinji otrov

Pčelinji otrov je izlučevinažalčanog sustava pčele koji jesmješten u stražnjem dijelu trbuha.Glavna funkcija pčelinjeg otrova jezaštita pčele I očuvanje pčelinjezajednice. Pčele proizvode svojotrov tokom prvih 18 dana života,a proizvede ga se 0,3-0,5mg.Pčelinji otrov je gusta tekućinakarakterističnog okusa I mirisa.

Slika 3: uređaj za skidanje pčelinjeg otrovaPoznato je da je pčelinji otrov do 30% aktivnijiod zmijskog otrova, međutim mala količina ne izaziva tako snažan učinak kao zmijskiotrov.

Sastoji se od mješavine proteina koji izazivaju lokalnu upalu na mjestu uboda, a može sedeaktivirati alkoholom. Oko 1% ljudske populacije alergično je na apitoksin.

Melitinin – čini više od polovice peptide otrova, jak je Idjeluje kao protuupalno sredstvoi predstavlja glavnutvar kvalitete pčelinjeg otrova.

Smatra se da 300 – 400 uzastopnih uboda pčelauzrokuje smrt (ta doza unosa otrova odgovara dozinakon što ugrize zmija).

Vjerovalo se da uzastopni ubodi pčela mogu doprinjetirazvoju imuniteta na otrov, iako su nedavna istraživanjadokazala da se reakcijska reakcija uvijek pojavljuje.

Pčelinji otrov uglavnom se koristi ukozmetičkoj industriji kao krema zakožu, ali I za lječenje sportskih ozljeda,te krvožilnih I reumatskih bolesti.

Pčelinji otrov uglavnom se skuplja naulazu u košnicu, ali većina kvalitetnogotrova skuplja se u košnici gdje sepčele nalaze. Otrov se skuplja urazdoblju od 15. travnja do 15 rujna,najbolje ujutro u razdoblju 20 – 25minuta po košnici. Nakon prikupljanja otrova na stalku potrebno je paziti kroz nekolikokoraka, a upotreba visokokvalitetne zaštitne maske za nos je neophodna. Pčelinji otrov seskladišti u tamne bočice, I čuva se na hladnom I tamnom mjestu.

Slika : uređaj za skidanje pčelinjeg otrova

Slika : uređaj za skidanje pčelinjeg otrova

Slika : smještaj žalčanog aparata

Page 19: The Uses Of Beehive Products - Malvesia

Le Pollen et ses bienfaits pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques

● Pour les produits Cosmétiques

Crème hydratante antioxydant

Prépare la peau au soleil

Le pollen est utilisé comme anti inflammatoire, hydratant et anti rides. Il peut être produit sous plusieurs formes (gelée, huile et crème)

Soigne les allergies au pollen

Soigne l’eczéma Facilite la digestion

Soigne les troubles addictifs

Le pollen s'utilise uniquement en homéopathie. Il contient beaucoup de vitamines, glucides et protéines c'est pour cela qu'il est très énergisant, qu'il renforce le système cardio vasculaire et qu'il réduit les carences de l'organisme.

● Pour les bienfaits pharmaceutiques

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Pollen and its pharmaceutical and cosmetic benefits

● For the pharmaceutical benefits

Pollen is only used in homeopathy. It contains a lot of vitamins, carbohydratess and proteins that's why it is very energetic, it reinforces the cardiovascular system and it reduces the deficiencies of the organism.

Treat pollen allergies Treat eczema

Ease the digestion Treat the addictive troubles

● For the cosmetic products

Pollen is used as anti inflammatory, hydrating and anti wrinkles. It can be produced in several forms (jelly, oil and cream)

Prepare the skin for the sun

Hydrating and antioxidant skin care

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Diese außergewöhnliche Therapiesoll besonders Menschen mitAtemwegserkrankungen, wie zumBeispiel Asthma, Bronchitis odereinfache Allergien, helfen und sogarMigränepatienten nachhaltigLinderung verschaffen.

Da die Temperatur in einem Bienenstock ca. 35 Grad Celsiusbeträgt könnten sich dort Krankheiten besonders schnellverbreiten und das Bienenvolk gefährden. Daher streichen dieBienen ihren Stock mit dem natürlichen Harz „Propolis“ aus.Dies ist ein antibakterieller Wirkstoff, der das Eindringen vonunerwünschten Bakterien und Pilzen verhindert.

Für den Menschen, der die Bienenstockluft durch eineAtemmaske aufnimmt, soll sie entzündungshemmend,desensibilisierend, entspannend wirken und zusätzlich dasImmunsystem stärken. Dafür sorgen die enthaltenenätherischen Öle, Vitamine und Spurenelemente sowie dieFlavonoide. Diese Stoffe findet man auch in Pflanzen, die siezur Abwehr von Viren und Bakterien produzieren.

Die Therapie ist weder für die Biene noch für den Menschgefährlich. Die Luft wird sehr schonend entnommen sodassdie Tiere nichts davon mitbekommen. Der Patient sitztaußerdem von dem Bienenvolk getrennt.

Nur Allergiker auf Bienenprodukte wie Harz können mit derLuft Probleme bekommen, weswegen ein entsprechenderAllergietest im Vornerein durchgeführt wird.

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This special form of therapy ismeant to help people withrespiratory diseases like asthma,bronchitis or allergies. Even peoplewho suffer from migraines shouldexperience a long-termimprovement.

The temperature in a beehive is kept at 35 degrees Celsiusand therefore, viruses could spread quickly, endangering thebee population. Thus, the bees spread a natural resin called“Propolis” which has an antibacterial effect and stops anyunwanted fungi or bacteria.

The air, which is breathed in through a mask, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the lungs, desensitizes andstrengthens the immune system and relaxes the patient. Thein the air contained volatile oils, vitamins, trace elements andflavanoids are responsible for the healing. These ingredientsare naturally found in plants which use them for protectionagainst bacteria and viruses.

The therapy is not dangerous for men nor the bees. The air isgently sucked out of the hive, so the animals do not noticeanything and then inhaled through a breathing mask.Moreover, the patient is separated from the bees.

Only people with allergies against the bee products like resinsmight face troubles when inhaling the air which is why anallergy test is mandatory beforehand.

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Il miele viene da sempre aggiunto ai cosmetici per ritardare o combattere gli effetti dell’invecchiamento

cutaneo e per il trattamento quotidiano della pelle del viso, delle mani e del corpo.

Il miele, infatti, ha tantissime proprietà:

In quali modi possiamo usare il miele per la cura del nostro corpo?

Applicazione diretta sulla pelle, a mo’ di maschera di bellezza, o abbinato a olio di mandorle dolci o

yogurt bianco

Preparazione di scrub e gommage per viso e corpo, anche aggiungendo dello zucchero di canna e

andando a frizionare le zone di interesse

Pulizia delicata della pelle con l’aggiunta di un cucchiaio di limone

Il miele e il limone purificano la pelle e le fanno ritrovare luminosità


I suoi usi, tuttavia, non finiscono qui.

Il miele è anche ottimo per la cura dei capelli e del cuoio capelluto.

Conserva i capelli forti e lucidi. Contrasta la forfora e il prurito a essa associato.

È idratante ed emolliente

È ricco di antiossidanti

idratante ed emolliente

Ha proprietà antibatteriche e antinfiammatorie

È utile contro la disidratazione

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Since long time honey has been added to cosmetics to hold over or tackle the effects of skin, face, body


Honey has many characteristics

How can we use honey to take care of our body?

Direct application on the skin as a beauty mask, or it can be used together with sweet almond oil or

white yogurt

As scrub for body and face, with brown sugar

To clean the skin with lemon: in fact, honey and lemon

To purify and make the skin bright


Honey has other uses for example:

It is an excellent therapy for the hair and the scalp, in fact it keeps the hair strong and shiny and

combats itch and dandruff.

It is moisturizing and emollient


It is rich of antioxidants

idratante ed emolliente

It is Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

It is useful against the dehydration

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La jalea real es una auténtica bomba de proteínas, carbohidratos, aminoácidos y grasas saludables; además contiene todas las vitaminas conocidas y por conocer. Esta composición hace que la jalea real, fresca y liofilizada suponga importantes beneficios para nuestra salud, por ejemplo:

● Estimula las glándulas sexuales y aumenta el nivel de testosterona, es decir: mejora la salud sexual de hombres y mujeres.

● Estimula las glándulas suprarrenales y, así, es eficaz para tratar los síntomas de enfermedades reumatológicas como la artritis, la artrosis, la fibromialgia o el Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica.

● La jalea real tiene propiedades antibióticas por lo que es el complemento natural perfecto de los medicamentos para la gripe y el resfriado.

● La jalea real contiene un colágeno que está directamente implicado en los procesos de envejecimiento. Así, consumir jalea real fresca o liofilizada no solo nos ayudará a vivir más años, sino a vivir esos años mucho mejor.

● En el sistema nervioso funciona como un estimulante positivo, además ayuda a su oxigenación, favorece a la generación de impulsos nerviosos pues estimula el neurotransmisor Acetilcolina.

● Actúa fuertemente a nivel sanguíneo, como un refuerzo del sistema inmunológico, aumentando los glóbulos rojos y leucocitos, regula la presión sanguínea y es vasodilatadora ideal en muchas funciones.

● Es ideal en el tratamiento del sistema digestivo, pues estimula a un buen funcionamientode este, aumentando el apetito, mejorando úlceras, acidez y problemas en cualquiera de los órganos participantes.

● En la industria cosmética, es uno de los productos usados por sus altos beneficios para la piel, a nivel general como en el cuero cabelludo, por eso es un componente en los distintos productos cosméticos y de cuidado personal.

También podemos utilizar este producto de forma natural, bien sea agregándolo a las comidas quese preparen o sustituyendo el azúcar por jalea. Además, también se puede hacer un uso externo, preparando mascarillas, o simplemente aplicándolas puras sobre la piel y cuero cabelludo para así poder absorber completamente todas sus propiedades únicas.

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Royal jelly is a real pump of protein, carbohydrates, amino acids and healthy fats; It also contains all sorts of known and unknown vitamins. This composition makes royal jelly to be fresh and lyophilized and it gives important benefits for our health, forexample:

● It stimulates the sexual glands and increases the level oftestosterone, that is: it improves the sexual health ofmen and women.

● It stimulates the adrenal glands and, thus, it is effectivein treating the symptoms of rheumatic diseases such asarthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia or Chronic FatigueSyndrome.

● Royal jelly has antibiotic properties making it the perfect natural complement to cold andflu medications.

● Royal jelly contains a collagen that is directly involved in the aging processes. Thus, consuming fresh or freeze-dried royal jelly will not only help us live longer, but live those years much better.

● In the nervous system it works as a positive stimulant, it also helps its oxygenation, favors the generation of nerve impulses because it stimulates the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine.

● It acts strongly at the blood level, as a boost of the immune system, increasing red blood cells and leukocytes, regulates blood pressure and it is an ideal vasodilator in many functions.

● It is ideal in the treatment of the digestive system, as it stimulates a good functioning of this, increasing appetite, improving ulcers, acidity and problems in any of the participating organs.

● In the cosmetic industry, it is one of the products used for its high benefits for the skin, ingeneral as in the scalp, so it is a component in the different cosmetic and personal care products.

Therefore, its consumption or access is something feasible, as it is present in different presentations in the market, which makes it very accessible.

We can also use this product naturally, either adding it tofood that is prepared or replacing sugar by jelly. In addition,an external use would be, preparing masks, or simply applyingthem purely on the skin and scalp in order to fully absorb allits unique properties.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the autor, and the Commission cannot be held

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